AYcgcbblc Preparation rorAs slmUatiiig ihcrocklandKcula liiig Ihic Stoauichs andltowcls of Promotes Dicslion-Chrcrful-ncss nnd Rcst.Contalns neither Oimim.Morphine rwr Mineral. ISotNahcotic. It (mttnmtSmU IHrm Snd - fitvAW.k- A perfect Ilrmrdy forConslirxv lioii. Sour Stonwch.Diarrhoca, Worms .CcnN-ulsions ,FcTrish ncss and LOSS OF SLEEP. Tac Single Signnlurc cf NDr vonic. For Infants nnd Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of tXACT COPVOF WRAPPER. Aa (VAtf The Kind You Have Always Bought. tmc cmnun COWN1T, MCW o cit-v. Drain News. (Ktoai iho Watchman I.ons spent the first of the For fine ton ami higti graile piano get a Need'haui They peftk for tliem-, selves. It does not take a t racker jack 1 t a big s.iUry or a pi t miHici.ri to el : Jir!s tbein. Ail we at-k is to lock al (lie in- week itli his ianulv liere. Btrament". trv thP tone yourself, an.l yon ; Mrs. S 11. Strawn, ei.t to Yonca'la, will be eonviiict-J that NeeUiiams are yr jneSl3y. for a lirief visi meiwi luncn mo Irc J. T MoM.han. olC.nistock. Cliickerinir or Hciuwav. For reference see O. F. tio.lfrev. A. C. Marks, or I. 1'.. nude cir t it r a brief visit, Saturday. (! I'r. H. 1'. Brorkliart mado Collate noma a beautiful one m loured main.." anycase. The price? if tl.efe pianos Th? Mis ei Bel!, of Elkton, were pas are the most reasonable for Uie q-jdlity senger t? Koeetur, on Sunday's kral. of gooda ever offered in this tiiy. I can j Miss Nellie Mu'.key eiient Sataiday anl S:inJay with frien !. at Cottage Grove. l I., beckley, t!i Kikton tnerchaut, ia a'.;eiidiu the teachers' instil'ite ?; at make Weekly Excursions to the East. also give yon i-isile price? on any of piano. Oil at I -ee T. K. I:k'iiahi.-on, Koseburg, Or. r. 1$. We aiso have :n stock some ; i;39ebur. new and sex-ond-ha.:d pianoE-second- clia, Gardineri au0-.uer o Df irj.a band m tall".. New .-0to 30O. young ,netli Wt Mondjy ,0 join ,he AVeber Dramatic Co. All our goods are new and of the latest ' Mrs. Oscar Appelgate and two child styles. Xo 6hopworn goods on hand at rec, visited ovtr Sunday with relatiyee the Boss Store. ' and friends at Ycncalla. i Chas. Meinzer and A. 1'. Apnelgato, of i VoncalU were Cottage Grove visitors A tourist sleeping car will leave Tort- ( rit ' t,;e week, land every Tuesday at 9 p. in. via the O ; Miss Laella lloisinstou, of Elkton, left It. ik N. without change to Cof ton, and j on Wednesday's local lor Cottage Grove under the supervision of experienced to remain indefinitely, conductors. So change of cars to the j Miss Jean Hefty siijt a few days at cities of Omaha, Chicago, BuQalo or J her home in this city the first of the Boston. The ideal trip to the east is j week, and returned to Coin nock, Wed now before you. Kememter this service : nesday. 1 ! . . . 1 . wuen going rui, anu consult n. Mi ,ur . is home from c j stock for a few weeks vacation before I commencing her school at that place. ,' M'S3 Lola Gardiner I ft a few days ago for western Washington, where she has been engaged to teach school. Mrs. C. B. Karl ai 1 children returned hT piirohMfd the CUV Meat Mvk.l of K. F. Khodep. Mesars. Kliinh Kviit hare also puiohacd a tine ban I of Coo courtly ra!th, and are row picpaied to jle" the public In their liim We be ipeak tor thrni a liberal pitroimge. Friday morning a email bind slide ue cured on Taw cixck, near Iho depot, which materially interfered wi blbeS. P Co "a lido track. Tne foundation, for Several frit in length, mule aliofr the liver leaving the lies and railing al most tupM)ded in mid xii . A (nil fmcr of men have been buny the nm wok titling in ibe vncancy with nnk , d will Boon bavo goo.1 solid funndalixn. Frank Jordan, tho lxul Telegraph line repairer, was iiiunodili Ir Miuiiuoned, as one or two, f their poles went down with the slide, Oakland Item, iKrvmi the Unklaml tiHM-tle.) Ben Shambrook spent SiiilIa)- In Oak land. W,Turoertf 1'oillai.d ep ut uiid.y with Oakland friends. Johnny kvektey of Koelii'g was in Oakland Monday. I'ncle.lep Hunt in "courting" at luto burg this week. Cap?. G. W. Peters left for Port laud on Monday morning's local. Mr, 1. W. Stuart, who has spent the winter in PoitUnd, has returned to tie Parr. County Treasurer's Notice. Notice it hereby given to all patties holding 1 ngla; county warrants ,lo doiood prior to Fob. 1, to present the same at the treasurer's olllce In the iVngiAs .Comity bank lor pay ment, as interest will cense thereon after the date of this notice. Hated IhKtho IMh day of Feb. ISW, at tho City of Ivoeoburg, tregou. Gko. W, Pimmu'k. County Treasurer, IViugla County, Or County Treasurer's Notlcj. Notice is hereby given to all parties holidng )oiiglan eoniily warrants in domed prior to July 11, tt07. lo present the same at toe treasurer's t like In the Douglas County bank for payment, ns inter. et will ceaio thereon after the date of this notice. Dated Ibis tho '.'III div of M arvh ISilD at tho City of Koeebuig, Oregon, Gko. W, Dimmu k. Cou: ty Treasurer, l)ugls County, t'r. Notice For Publication. agents, or sddresB, . 11. IICKLUl'HT, Generai Passenger Agent fl'4. Port'acd, Or I'MIKU M A 1 K I AM 1I HCi, Uivilmr!. Otvu.iu, Mr. II, tR. I Ni'luv !. tirret.y sh-eu tlml lu emupllauee ill.- ro Isloiin kIIIio h li'l I'niiarv-M il I Juno .:. 1n., i-iitiiUst "An net lor Ilia le o( ttmi-t-r Imi'lii In lln? Mlc of l tillloriliK. cirvm-n, Ncalrt uiul W A-hliKtuii Tt-rrflorv," I OK II. II KI ANI O! rtk'ntil. Iuiil i-f iHiitgliu, S I A I o nf IMt Kot. linn t'lin il HU il In till utile Inn mu.ru HnW hi. nl. No. i"T fur tin pun lmo of tin- lot of t-t-lloll No. -V. ill towimmi No. 2.V A. rMtivi, Mies Miy CJurch:II uf Finich Settle-1 Nl ' w-"- "' wl11 '''' I'r""' niu'w thnt iho merit is visiting Mt thd borne l John ; mono Uihii for atricuitnrel .iirK'. mnl lo Plinn-I.ill 1 i-iWnti Ills cliiim lo l.t Imi.l K-(..n tin- K,-. VUUrVUlll. Il.l..rn.l li.-.... 111,1. I- K..... inh nt hnainxaa .-i.Ih.I l).,,i!v V 1 Onvoii, on Krl.lny. tlio l.'lh day of Mr, Is-i. A lusn oi uusinees iaileu tvpaiv . lu, ., iino.- Dwliln lind .l K. MedUy into active service in li e Rk I1"1' ' ,,,',r,n" w"1'"'- sb' rift's otliee this w-ek. : k.it l K.-i-i.urj, i'. ... ., , . . ,, ' Any niul i i..roti t-lniuiiiiR alvrr.-ly tin- .Aups tirhce beekley reiulied tak!atul alo- .I.M riiH.i Uii.u ar r..ii.-u-l to till- th.-ir Minday morning. tJrace ii liking 1 """"' '" '"'"' spiendid after her long trip in Mu-ecuii, J- T. HKtiH.h.-i, and her many friends are glad to see her home oi.ee more. i " ' """" Ethel Anna, datikihlt r i t Mr. and Mis. Mooney if Eng!i-h Settlement, birn March 1, paij-h-I away Match !". The patents are v ry luucti grieved ovtr the loss of their h" b bud. Miss Mae Stvari.s ni.d Ms I. ura Pinkston, ttaehers in the Pribj let an Sab'iatn eeiiiHi!, irciivt-d th.ir respective classes at the n-Mdetuv ot G-'crgo J. lOArns Wednesday. 1'. C. Stunt ot the Cbeiiowetli Park orchard, is displani'-it -each trees will, prunes anl apples. About COO of t'. e latter will be plan'cd. Mrs. Angevene ai;d Mre. W. Uo k left for Seat'le last Thursday uilit. wlicie Mrs. Angevene will j in her hnnhand. After a short stop a Seatile, Mrs, Wool folk wiil proceed to tier ho ne in i:th' Dakota. i A tittle eon of Mi . and Mrs. .lohn El- ' liott of K'.-llot'g. was laitifu'ly tcalded ' one day last week, lie was vlawt'k' near a boiler of hct water and while tiv- : ing to put the lid on the boiler fill in,i burning his bands and arms, lb was: immediately attended to, and his burrs: will not prove to be very eer cub. ' l tie iiar-Jiner .villi ixmipany is pre paring to start their logging camp near cottsburg, on the Umpqna, as scon as the weather will perrri'. Th;s camp is located about a mile trim tih-water. and from ther the Ings will be hauled: by teams and dumped into the river and ' floated lo the mills. The camp will Lei managed the coming fea;oa by Chris! Hacker, w ho is an old band at (tie buei- j nese, nd who expects t) make things; rattle this maimer. j Tt.e overturning of a can ot turpi ntir.e ! at the Collins Hotel last Tu.siay r.oon,! LIVE fl D LET LIVE! I' o.l. r tin- nl.oe tn.-lto I 111 mill con I nine l. Mirwv for '.! .iirtio di siriiu uiv an lslniu r u nn i Hi iioir or snnoyor. My r)ian(i-a will Ih r. .w.iiatV siii-t liiy work itmiralitccij. Am a I. to Notr Public. A-l.lr."- tt ill I!. M-tauil, 1'oUKlas To.. Dr. vi i i. i-. iii:yio ORdflCO. J. F. BARKER & GO. Want Your EGGS And BUTTER. 4 1 or Kan: Mall a 1' in. i .i ..m. IIMi: SCHKDl'LES 1- r.'iu 1'orUaint -j l I nke, lnvi-r, Kt. ' i.rtM. limnlia.Kull. vii I'.ty, M. I.tii!., I ttu'.'Ko a:i. I Enti. W h!!i Vt nilii, Siikatif, ' Minu-'ali.-t I 'all i Pulntli, Milwaiiki't-, j i lilca;. au.l Knt. : I'.tn. Ocean Stcamahlps All -aliiiiK .tl. sut i ji-ct to ihaiieo. For t-an Francisco . Si.il JJtc :i. S, 1J, 1, !, ! ARKIVK From Fam Mail i' I . . in. "Mkani- Flyer k 'M a. m. I p. ui. H, C. STANTON Ha J-ut rtMlTxl a anil tataaalt altH-k DRY:GOOI)S xNbtt)TiNii or Udios' Ureas tlor.ls, Ribbons, Trimmings Ucn, KU'., Kte. -AUIO A riNl HTlH'K OT- HOOTS AIU IIOI Of tk boat quality and Sntalt. GROCERIES Wood, Willow and tilaaa Ware, Crockery, Cordage, Etc. Alas hai.'l Id largt quanttllra an.t at p.-r. I. aalt lb Mmca. Alau a Ui murk ot Custom-Made Clothing For Choice TEA Call at Stanton's for "I,. 1. M" p.m, F.t.mi inlay .-atur.Iay l'J ..iii. NOTICil FOR PUBLICATION. Kocliiiiv. On-Roii. Feb. '.'. lvjy. Nolli't- llit r by kIh ii ttiat In i-oinpliaiH'C Milhllu- i.ro i!loim of the art of t'.'tiure of June:. l.sS. i-nlttli.l "An ait for tho xali- ol tlmU-r lamia Initio MhIi-i l t alifoima, drt" g.iii, Nevada ami Valilni:toii Irrrllorr. l.KUKUK W. KU'l'I.K 'of Ki'ldV, . louiity of Dounlaa, Slalt- ..f On j ifon, lias ttna day lili-d In tin .tftli'e hl"o'U I maieiii.-tit Nn i',;4. for tin- imrelitfi of tin- s. w . ' H. . i , of s-t-llon No. .v.. In loilllii. No. i' I n. Kaiik'O No. 7 W., and "HI oltt r proof lo "li.ov I that Iho land nought N inoro vnlualilo lorll- luiilK-ror Mom- than lor agricultural ur...i . audio eatAbllih hln rlitlin lo a laud t-efoie tlie Ki-KlaU-r and Ui-ci-lv. r of thl-. oltii r at Kom luirff, tin-Kou, mi halurday, ttu- I -ill il.iy of Apr 11, II.- iiami'n a-, wiliu-oi.'f JoMu-pli A. V liorlou, of Kid. IU-, Or. . II. .Smith, ol Dillaid, Or lli-u Filu-r, ol Kiddle, I'r. KrHl Himdirtoii. of Kiddle, Or. Any and ail poraona claim iiir advuiHily the alioTe .U'M.-rlliel liuidn an-r. 'I n.-atc-.l lo fll ihelr claim In this office on m K-fore said l -tli day of April, j . I. iiniui.r.n. ItiKnur. Hf WEABY ii Spring pHl '--j Wi1t7 6fife. Ic, of ieu qooR A lo a line liuc of "PLANUT Jr.," Cadcn Seed Drills, IIoi.sc Hoes, (tardea Plows, Utc. Catalogues fiee. You get the best at Churchill & Woolley's. , ;r i: aV.V Of 43 -?. iVt) O t 000 CHE3 000 CM I his is the Place to Buy Groceries. A full and complete assortment of all goods usually kept in a first elass grocery. Kvcrything offered lor sale is fresh; and sold at very reasonable prices. Wc have a very choice stock of canned goods, including both fruits and vegetables, to which we invite your special attention. Our line of Olives, Gherkins, Pick els, Sauces, etc., is also complete. Wc carry the largest stock oi to baccos in Southern Oregon. Z j) C. W. PARKS & CO., Grocers. j t -Lt n- i -t -a 1 O K J XX AX-0 t OOOO 09 4 p. m. Ex runday 6 a. 111, Kx.Miuday 7 a.m. Tui?.i hur. and at. Columbia Hivcr btramcra. To Asioria and Way-Ijnidinica. WillametU Kivcr. j 4 30 p. in. Orefon t'lty, Newbt-rg, I Kx auuday aUm A v ay-Land m I :;.0 p. m. o a.m. I n-.. I l.ur. an i .-at. Lv Klpariii Danv, Kic j.t r a i up my. Wlll.mrtteand Yam. hill Klver. i JIoll., Wed. On i;oii t llv, l'aylou, , and Frl. aad Way-Landing wunmettc Klvcr. 4 w p. m. Tuva. 1 liur. nnd Sat. l'orllaii'l to I .tvhIIis and U ay-I-andiiiKK 5nakc River. Miliaria l. I.- h i'oii. I. lftwliton l)ily Fti-ept Fridoy We urga cur pa'.rons, who are in ar rears f jr tha Pf.AiMjk'ALti: to tend us all or part of the amount of your subscript ions. It H a gin ail amount to each of you, but to us il wuulJ aggregate an amount we very much need in cur bnai neus. For Over Fifty Veait, As Ou and Well-Tbikd Kkkkdy. Mr Winalow's fcootliiug byiup bu been uttd for over fifty years by million! of mothers lur tbeir children while teething, with perfect iucceaa. It aoothea the child, anftens the giim, f.llays all pain, cures wind colic, and lathe btit remedy for Inarrho-a. Is plcai-aut to the tt ste. so'A by drusgibU tu every part of the world. Twenty- five ccnta a bottle. Its value la Incalculable. Be lureand ask for Mrs. Window's Soothing Syrup, and take no other kind. Strayed. I have taken op, as a stray, one bay stallion, about 5 or tj years old, weighs about 000 pounds, branded "K". Own er will please call aud prove property, pay charges and take his property. It. B. I'!.o. Viavi, Y iavl. Mr. J. II. Khnpe is iocal repreEenta live for the popular Viavi remedies Any one desiring any of these remedies will pleaee call on her at her home or ad dress her at Koseburg, Oregon. The V. C. T. U. will hold its regular meetings on the second and fiht.u Monday of every month at 7:30 p. om in the Epworth League room of the M. church. The Home Bakery 701 Oak Street, Opposite Central Hotel. Fresh Baked Bread Every Day "Boston Baked Beans," . a specialty. MRS. B. COMSTOCK, Proprietress. to Hihey Sunday a ter a pleasant visit with Mrs. Earl parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. .1. lljltcn. Miss Lillid l'attersou left Sunday for Roseburg, where, we understand, she will remain indefinitely, with a millin ery firm of that city. During the absence of Merchant lias ard to Koseburg, whe.e he was called as a juror, hit business here is being ably conducted by Mrs. Hasard, V. Cathcart, formerly of this city but now iu the Survey jr General's oilice at Portland, was a (.ueet of his sitter, Mis. C. F. Counts, in this citv laet week. The f allowing teachers from this vi cinity are attending the teachers' insti tute, ht Koeburg: Misses Laura Gard ner, Lisie Heity, Ella Gordon and I'eter Naeb, Jr. J. M. S-ark came over from Llkton, Sa'iiiday, for a bri-f buxiuess vitit. He walked the entire dietauce, which is do ing well tor a gentleman of his age. Jonas JJayip, of Castle lixk, Wash., ia visiting his bibler, Mrs, Mulvauey, at litidro'j. He fpui. Saturday at the hojie cf Mr. acd Mrp. L. M. Perkins, in this city. mm. v.. uiiuues, 01 ftaginaw, was a brief 1 hough pleasant visitor to our city Friday evening, returning home Satur day morning. She came down to attend the Mact abee dm e' ing. Mr, und Mrs. Chap. Morningitar went to Siginaw this morn'ng for a yisit with relatives and friends. Miua li jew Mulkuy will (each the spring term of m.hool at Kice Hill : Mips Abble Taylor at Ifayhurst; Mifcs Mae Cowan, at the Cuipqia Life Saving H!a- 'ion, und Mite I.ura Iltfly at Cornstal k. Comrniss'ontr M. I). Thompson, of Sciit'iburg, was in the ci'y Thursday, on his w;iy home from Koseburg, where Iih hod been attending the Marcli term of cinntv cunt. Jhisiilhie was f.iviied Willi a pleasant call. Kobert Hedden and wife came up from Tniinel 5. Glcndale. to attend lha Ptcicker-Uedford i.upiiulw. We learn that they will m.t return lo Glendale, an l expu.'t to Noon luL i ln.r-n ,,f 11, . boirdius hous, at I'eikins & niedsoe'a lodging camp. . N, IIho.li s find Al Kind, of Kikton created a fire which caused a Ijss cf about 1 130. Carjets, walls and ceilingB were damage), and the family wardrobe was an entire less. Prompt action cer tainly averted a Eerious fire. A strong wind was blowing and the subduing of the flames was simply miraculous. Had the fire gotten beyond control, nothing would have saved the town. Aie wo to have waterworks or a fire? J. Sheer, Sedalia. Mo., 'conductor on electric street car line, writes that his little dauchter was very low with croup, and her life saved after all phyaicians had failed, only by using One Minute Cougn Cure. A. C. MAKfKR.S A CO. ir Kin ai iaaf "To tell the truth my mother lias lived with one foot mi the grave, " writes Mrs. IvuRHie Stiint-zi-nberp. of No. 1 i t Walker Ave., Houston. Texas, in a ! t ter to lit. V.. V. Pierce, of l!uf- falo, N. V. " With a most thankful heart I - will tell you about the won derful cure effected in her case. She has been a per. feet wreck for seven lontf years, iso words can describe what Mie ha-i suffered. She could not sleep on account of severe pains. She tried every doctor around here and spent hundreds of dollars without benefit. After hearing of your wonderful remedies I wrote to you. My mother ha-i taken six bottles of the 'Golden Medical Discovery,' and six of the 'l-'avorite Pre scription,' and is now perfectly cured. Please receive the heartiest thanks and hies aings from my father and seven children for savinif the life of dear mother. May God bless you and your Institution, is the wish of your friend." T .i of thousand of women have found C( ;lete and permanent relief from obsti 1:1 . and seemingly incurable disease by u-iiig the wonderful remedies referred to ab ive. The "Golden Medical Discovery" possebses the peculiar property of nourish ing and vitalising the blood with the life, (riving red corpuscles which build up healthy flesh and muscular strength. In the special weaknesses aud diseases of the feminine organs, the "l-'avorite Pre. scription " is a perfect and positive specific. Jtislheonlvsricntific medicine nrenared for that purpose by an educated physician nnd specialist in that particular field of practice. For weak and nervous women these two medicines taken conjointly constitute the most marveluusly suecehbfiil course of trent ment known to the medical profession. For nearly v years Dr. Pierce lias been chief consulting uhvsician to the Invalids' Hotel and Surgical Institute, liufTalo, N. V., at the head of a splendid fctaff of associate specialists, graduates from the leading med ical uuivtrsiliet of America and Europe. W. II. IIIKLIII HT, tivucral rawujer Agcul. O. H. tk f. Co., rortIaud. Oregon. jut Ui per- Administrator's Notice. f.KlX OF Kt AL l'ltOI'l.itl V. VOTIiK IS HEREBY lilVKX III AT 1 II K -' liniler-iuned u IiiiiUitrator of the citale oi Henry a. .viaina, Oe'ciiM d, by virtue of a dc cree of the County Court uiadu ..11 the elli .lay of March, ls'.r.t, mil on und ufler enlorduv, the silnlayoi April. !. se.l at privnUt rale Hie louowing oe-rii. '.i real property liulougiiiK to no: esoi.e Ol Jl".'ll--y . . AMUUl, (lUCCUjrd , lO' w 11 : 1 he N t of the - 1 . of -ee ir.' ' p M.BK . vt , i-oiitiilmnK In ai-tes u-s lout mtri.-a nold to mm peti'lem ur.l-rot i M Ki-.'loii. Ala.) Lot 1, tee .;. 1 p .", - K ; U , eonlainliig :t a. rea. A I so Iota No ami 1, .- -e j.-. 1 p ;s R ,', w. con taming '.i. acre-. A'm thu loini Adama liona Hon Laud i.Uilni Noll, being purlM of tirn-t -' - mi l i, i j . k .. , nevrioe-d aa follou., lortli: bi iii n iu in; ul a, point, I chains Fai-t, and J) chains and :;7 lints South Ironi the corner to -Hid fs-en zT. sud I ami running lla-nii: North i;ehaiii-, tin neo W chains tlieiiee S il ehii'iM und so links, ant thence K 71 elliCUH lo phiee ol beiiilining, ooiltailllllic ..i. -in iiun-n, i-xi-i-jiiing itoin i tie last iibovedi: m rihed iiuet of hum M ) neres sold tu H. Ilumil ton, n hieh -oi l .K, d is rei orded III Vol Jl ul pun-: .: Hu r. of. Al-o Ih.' I'. 1 of lie- liotiuiion Land Claim of iHiny a.auuiiis, 1.111,1; i aim No. -IJ anl helm par's of .-ii .: and In I p .", HkMV am 11100 i.ntiieiihirly il.-erihi-d m follow, tow 1 1 Jii '-liiiiiio.' at a point 10 ( loniH unit jli links N ir.-iin n eorner ol Mild Hi 1 und runnliiK t hence I: i.l chains, Ihetu e N So chains, trjence S el chains, and II. 1 lice s .',0 chains to place of n.'Kiiiiiiii, .-.iiiuiiiiiiii; ni acri-s. i-xcepuni; 110:11 nisi uiMiif iievcrioeii Intel or laud 4 si in n mild t.i s llai-nllon. .lei .1 lor which la re eorded In Nol '.'lat pu-e M thereof, also Lot No 1 "c ip -'. s K vi , containing : acres. Aim Lot No of .see .-s, und Lot No 1, 2 and :i of Sic::iiu i p . 1, s H , w , coiMsmlng lVi.lli acrea. Al-o lot- 1, 2 i.ie I ., ol n. 1 .7.1 ,a K !, W, con taining id,' aeris. AUh lot No 1 of hit- :W In 'J p 2:1,- K : W, containing iieres all situate in Iloiurhis county, -tale of iiu i;.;ii. '1 emu of mid -.ale to he ca-h in baud. JJalC'l at K0.1 -bur, )n gon, March n, IKf.i. JOHN . WEAVhlt, A ltnhil-iru'.or ul the E-!ale of Henry A. Adams. Ill-feu-. .1 Umitsii ST.iraa Lt.so orrn 1. KisH-biirg, On Ron, March Zi, lsJ. To whom It may concern Notice ii heretiv given that the Oregon .V. Call fornla Railroad Company lias Bird lu this ollii a t.st of laiida Uluateil in tho tominhips de mc'IIhsI la lon , and has applied for a pab ut for aaJd lauds; that the list la open to the public for Inspection and a copy thereof by dex rlpthe siitKllvi.ioli, h becu lMiud lu a isiun nlelil plat e In this oftice for the inspecliou of all aona inlen-sUd and the public gen. rail) Oregon and California it K lauds. Tp -lo rt. It J E. KW ' es: II. Tp s. It W. All m.'.-s I aud .. jil I, J, .mu.l I, and iK ' 1 Sec '.'. All Pk-e 11 Wilhiu the next sixty Oays lollomng tin- iIhIc of thU notice, t.rotests or contests aalio.1 the claiui of the Company to ivny tract ortulsliu ion u ithln any section or part ol a.clioii, dc M rib.'d In thelist, 011 the ground that the name is more aluahle for miueraJ than for agi'leuii. ural pu Mioses, Mill tut rceelvi-d and noted for le jKM t to the lo ueial Loud 1 'rtite al Washiiis-tou, .1. T. HKIIiiiK.s, Register. J. II. lllMMII, iui;ili) Reeeinr. KRUSE & SHAMBROOK, DKAI.KRd IN ALL KINDS Of STAPLE Hi F1Y GROCERIES 1 PU1BNB FINE TEAS AMD COFFEES A SPECIALTY. A 11 1 A MIL LINK OP TOBACCO & OIGhAJRS. i.IVK t s a TBI A I.. Ono boor South of r. O. i ki:i; im:i.ivi:iiv. w ni'itu. oikuun, Real Estate Bought and Sold Farms, large and small, to Rent, AND IMMKDIATK P088KKHION OIVKN. Sttck Ranges, Timber Lands and Mining Properties, Prune aud Hop Lands of best quality, in choice locations, iu quantities to suit intending purchasers, at reasonable prices and easy terms. Inquire of D. S- KZ. BUIOK, aB aafc. DuuntXi as'SSlisana Administrator'a Notice. SAIL i.l-' REAL PROPERTY. V-ll'K K Is IIERI-JIY I.IVKN 'I'll AT THE uiuleilgni'd iidinliiistrutors of the 1 state ol V . I. ilson, ilcceased, will by virtue ofa ili-cree of the i on ii t y court of lioiiylua County, iii. g'.n on and after r-ulurdav. II... Mb day of April. I-. ii, n il at. private sale liuj lollowliig in 'hi-rihtd real properly belonging tu the cnuli! of W L il.,,11, dei Dased. towll: M'ts 2, a, I, and ii i of i i: ' of Sec. Ti, Lota 1, ,:i, r-.ee ::i, i'ing llom. steail I lalm of Lavlna Wot, N J of W. L. UiUoli llonallon I so, I Claim No II, Lots u, 7 and a, Wee 111, J,t 1 and 2. , ol rs vt ' ., the is W H, and W i, ol ol HE'.'. and , ol N I.' . of eve -i t. all in To M H It u Vt . I he N W ' ; of fj E 1 . and K '.: of N W I. of He 2, p. il s. mil, A .Il Ibe right, lllh. mid interest of thu 'aid W L. VMIson, iioceascd ill llll'l lo Hie K o Oolialliill Laud Claim No 41, 1 1. Ml ii. R. i,. vt . Exeepling from Urn above descnhnl h uI properly, ipatt lit 2, Heit hero loforueoiiteyeil to p. ,. Wilson, . deed of uhich Isot rieord In 'ol 57 of liecds, f,nua:M. Also exc. ptin-' , act, s oil of I he ttesl sido of Jiiwilii.ii Laud Claim No II heretofore sold lo Andreiv Worli-y. deed lor uhlcli Is reeorili'il In Vol IV of In i ds at pace j:i.,. Terms ol said sale to he either rush in lonol or upon such lernik as lo credit as may In- lo the grciili-st ad mi l! lo i-khJ cstuio. tiaicu ai iioset.iiig, or., Ibis Ihu sth da; of Man-h, ls'jti, I'. A WILSON. . . , . IIATTIE If. WILSON, Adlliiiilkliatois of the EMall'Of W, I.. Wilson, tioccased. i Notice For Publication. I'nitko Status Land Office Rosfhurg. Oregon, Mar. a, Js-jii. Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has riled notice of hit Intcutloii to make final i.roof in tupiairt of his claim, and that said proof trill be uiited before IIh- Register and Receiver, l ulted Mates Laud oilice al Rosi-biirv, Oregon, on April '.'J. ls'.rj, ii JAME.S INM .N. on bis If. L No. 'i.'l'.i for I he N V. ' ,' section i., Tp. :'s H., It. 7 ui-at. He names the follow ing witnesses to l.rovo bit coulliiuoiis io ideuco upou and cultivation of said laud, i !: A. A. Matthews, of Sugar l ine Mountain, .lohn Ellgeralil, fr,, John Ucaslcy, James lioodniau, of l louruoy Valley. J. T. 1IRI1JI.ES, M'Jlf Register. New Arrivals. BOSIVELL SPRINGS On the S. I. K. R. Douglas County, Oregon IIOTKL constant ly open for recep tion of guests. Water cures Rheu matism, Dyspepsia, Kidney aud Skin Diseases. 7ftd,oAitJ o m ? $1 Tongues and Sounds, Spiced Hcrriug, Whole Codfish, Salmon Ucllies and Pickled Salmon, Pickled Ilerrin Smoked Herring, Mackcral, at ononnono ....MRS. N. BOYD. To The Uiiloi-tuiiutc. Dr. Gibbon This old rellablo and the most suiressliil Upeelallst 111 Hall Pran. f-Isi'O. still conllniiea to euro all btiual and .Seminal Disease." such aa tlonnorrhnra, (llect tttrlcturt, Ayph Ilia lu till lis forma, blkln 1)1 etac, Nervous Debll- 1 v lmn..nf.v k.ml. "x naf Weakness and l.oa tVlul flanliood. tho c.onsu- uueiieu of self abuao and e.'tc'csses producing the lollowlug symptoms: sallow coiililelianee, UinK spots under tho eyes, pain In Iho head, ringing iu the ears, loss of coiilhlciica, dllhdeneo In ap proaching strain-era, palpitation of Iho heart, weakness of tho I hubs and back, b.ss of memory pimplea on thu facu. COlltrhl. coiiaiiinptloii, etc. UK. OIUBOM has Practiced In hail Kranelseo over thirty years and those troubled should not fail to eonsiitt him anil receive tlio bencllt of bis great skill nud exporteuce. '1 ho dm tor euros when others faij. 'J iyhlm, Cures Riiarauleep. Persona cured at homo. Charges reasonable. I all or write. 1)11. .1. r. f,il(loN, C (.Kearny M, ran Kian Cisco, Cal WYLIE P1LKINCTON, Hiiccetsor to U. W. NOAH.J General Blacksmithing: jm.imiMB isojisi x:s8 ls m jiiw rRorriNa and runnino plate3 a specialty, REPAIRING OF AlU KINDS PROMPTLY DONX. Shop on Corner WaaliliiKtou and Kane Sta.. Hoacbnrii. i AAAAAAAAAAAAAArAAAtAAA i Cass Street Market, Wholesale and Retail Dealens In Fresh and Cured Meats Fish and Game in Season, Nay, Grain and Flour. DOZIER & MARTIN, Props. Phone Main iK.