THE PLAINDEALERiREBELS Fablttict! Monday and ThnrwHT. Dr Tnil N-AlNDRALItR rCBl.tHHISCI CO. C. D. fTBAlKORP. C. T. BRXJAWI,.... Krtllor. ..Maonrrr. nbacrlplloa Kntea. Oho Y - - l ' Bll Month. TS Three Monthi - MAKCII 27. Wl. FOR SALE. On e.oniit ol I lie drntli of the lute C. Yt Henjatain who was the oanrr of half Interest in tlm l'i aimikaiki!, hit half interret in li e plant nud pnhlica lion is foraale. If a al ran not ba aatlfctorilv made cf tho half ii.terrst, then tlie whole cf tha plant aud public, lion will t e for Pile. li e I'laindema oocui-iei one of the lxsl newspaper fields in Oregon. Call on or addreaa, K. 1 Stratford, ltoeeburg, Oregon. Tha Filipinos a ill probably agree with Hen. Olii that war it not a picnic. The only tnmt that would bonetit the ueweir editor?, would he the rc'nrn of tho slate trust. Anurxition talk is increasing in Cuba, and tint island will probably vote itself into the grt American union. Why don't the aiiti-iinptiaiita who want the war slopied, adifirss some ol their etilions to AgmUldj as well as to t'ucle Saw? Tlie democrat party appears to have divided again. This time the split is in regard to the proper price per plate, at a Jeflersouian banquet. Why don't the Canadians steal the town of Wrangell? They appear to be anxious to steal a slice ol American ter ritory, ami the people ot ttiat town are reported to be anxious to be annexed to Canada. About the llrst refoim tint is under taken iu the Philippines after A uical do's little rebellion is snutll e J out, ought to be that of gifioj; the towns and rirers, cames that ran be fpelied and pronounced. The populist county central couiiLiitee of Coos county, at a meeting held March 17tb, among other things resolved "tLat tbey were unanimously in favor of ex pansion and woman's suffrage." They further declared that tbey are opposed to fusion with any party or parties. If there ia any efficacy in a sw ift and sure punishment for crime, tbe experi ence which the criminal clam ia bating with Judge Hamilton and Prosecuting Attorney Brown, ougbt to result in a burriod emigration of that class out of tbe bounds of this judicial district. Tbe recent congress authorized the construction of three first-class battle' snips, tnree armored cruisers and MX protected cruisers, the target addition to tbe navy in a single year. No battle ships in the world are larger or more powerful than those provided for by tbe last congresr. Harry Holgate, writing to bis relatives atCorvallis, relates tbe following incl dent: "When our troops were driving the insurgents from one ot tbe suburban towns and .burning the houses some of tbe 14th men heard tbe strains of 'Dixie' proceeding from one of the huts. Tbey surrounded it and entering cautiously found a Tennessee lad pounding tbe keys oblivious of tbe bullets that occas ionally dropped through tbe frail roof. 'What in the devil are you doing here?' tbey cried. 'Ob,' be answered 'I captured this mnsic box and want to see how it worts. I'm going to take it when we go back. You'ens don't want to burn this bouse.' And be made the tbatcb trem ble with 'Maryland, My Maryland ' " Judge Galloway, in a lecture on state and public lands, at the state agricultur al college at Cor vail is a few days ago, paid Hon. Uinger Hermann a very high compliment. Preliminary to the lect ure, be explained the discrepancy iu tbe government maps heretofore issued, wherein tbe Oregon territory has baen included in tbe Louisiana purchase; but thanks to Commissioner Hermann, whom President McKinley has wicely placed at tbe head of the land depart ment, this error has been corrected, and all maps now issued place the acquisi tion of the Oregon territor in its proper light. While Mr. Galloway differed from tbe honorable commissioner polit ically, be honored hi m for bis devotion, under all circumstances, to the educa tional and material interests ot Oregon. ABOUT THE BROKER LICENSE. Collector David M. Djone, of Poit laud, gives the following opinion in re gard to the 50 yearly liceEBj recently imposed on dealers in countv, schcol and city warrsots: The occasional purchase of county or city warrants does not necessarily make one a broker. It is only those who en gage in the purchase or sale of euch pa pet as a business, who become liable to broker special tax. How many transac tions it would take to constitute a busi ness cannot beveiy well defined, but there must be enough lo indicate that the person intends ti make promiscuous purchases, so far as his means will per mit, and opportunity offer, A man might buy a of warrants or bonJs amounting to f lO.OO'.i, nil at one time, till he would not he a broker. If, on tbe other band, he thould make 15 or 20 purchases during the year aggregating less than f 1000, he would probably In foiKiMfred a li"ker, Fl ANKFD ,,uu,,, hr!"'o, i Lanni.uii(9atllo(ll)(llt(f fn Americans Push far Incmy's Coantry. Into f ILRCt f IGIITING AIL DAY. The Filipino Dead Number Two Hun drtd-Cattle Will Bo Resumed Today. Wamiinutxin, March 1'5. The war de partment late ton'gbt mad public the following dispatch Irom General Otis. "Manila, March 25. Adjnlaut-Geuer-al: The perfected northern movement is not yet completed. Otis' and Hale's brigades, with uiouuled troope ol the Fourth cavalry, tbe turning column, met with heavy resistance ovrr ditbVult country, and are camped tonight six miles east of Tolo and six miles north ot the line from which the advance was taken up. Weeaton'e brigade, at Calo can, drove the enemy one and a hall miles north aero, the river. Hall, on the extreme right, encountered con sideaable force and routed it. The fighting was heavy near Calovan. The movement continues) iu the morniug Our casualties were about 100, ol which 25 were killed. Tbeenemy ict ia killed alone 200. Otis PARTICULARS OF TUB BATTLE American Loss Is o Dead and 150 Woinded. Manila, March 20, 8:15 a. m Twenty -six dead aod 150 woouded in a hospital ia the latest statement ot the American loesea in the engagement with the Filipiuos. Today's fighticg fur- nihed a specimen ot the difficulties with which the Americans have to con (end. The Filipinos never except at Malabon permitted their opponents to get within several hundred yards of them. They would fire a few volleys from their cover and then scuttle back to another cover repea'iug these tactics for mile?. Many of the trenches hsd gullies and connect ing paths throush tbe cane and brush enabling tbeni to retreat unseen. The problem tbe Americans have to face is to drive rr lure the insurgents to fight iu force. Tbe trenches seem thinly uiaoued, ex cept iu tLe vicinity of Malabon. Tbe Americans, fighting a hidden foe, Buffered greater loss in proportion than did the enemy. Tbe loss of the Filipinos had formerly been estimated from the nnmber of bodies tound scattered in tbe swamp and through tbe brush. A larger percentsge ot the enemy's wounded died than of the Americans, many of tbem perishing from neglect, the Americans naturally attending their own men first The wounded, after treatment in tbe field hospitals, were brought to tbe DOS' pital by train. Several trips were made from Calocan to the city. The first load to start lor tbe city was composed largely of bandiged soldiers, who shouted "Give tbem hell, boys." Tbe gunboat Helena and two army boita command Ma labon, but tbe authorities desire to avoid smashing tbe town, where there is much valuable property belonging to foreigners, and where are located warehouses ot most of tbe Manila firms. The report of Ue surrender of the town of Polo is erroneous. Preparations For the Advance. Ma.nila, March 23, 3.45 p. mr. The American advance began at an early hour this morning. Elaborate prepara tions were made for the movement. Geneial Wbeaton'e brigade was placed in the rear, and those of Generals Harri son, Gray, Otis and Hall were massed behind that of General Hale. L'nder tbe cover ot darkness General Otis' and General Hale'd brigades left their trenches and advanced close up to tbe enemy's line without being detected, General Wbeaton's and General Hall's brigades occupying the vscated posi tions. At daylight General Otis' and General Hall's brigades advanced from La Loma church straight through the rebel lines, catting the enemy's force in two. Upon Ui'.s occatiu the rebels adopteJ tbe American tactics of holding tbeir fire nntil tbe attackers were about 1000 yards distant. Tbe rebeU also continued tbeir fire longer (ban usual. Tbe Americans fired volley a with terrific ell'ect, and then rushed forward cheeriog and earning everything before them. Once through, General MacArthur's division wi, swung through the line, driving the rebels awsy on all sides. flovements of Wheaton's Brigade, Geneial Wheaton's brigade, lo accord ance with instructions, remained in tbe trenches. Before joining in tbe move ment at noon, General Wheaton's troops developed a strong opposition between Malai on and the river Talighan. Tbe brigades commanded by General Harrison, Gray, Otis and General Hale advanced on Novalichee and Polo, strongly entrenched towns. In the meantime, General Hall's brigade swept tbe country clear to the waterworks and t'ie foothills of feing'on, capturing Han Francisco del Monte and Mariquina. 6:55 p. m. Lute iu the afternoon the Montana regiment and the Third artil ery hud crossed the Talighan river, go ing in a northwesterly direction (oward Polo, and General McArthnr, with ILs remain It r of Gum i ul Otis' and OMioro) r. in v a u a potiitou to attack either Novaliches, or Polo, being within two miles ot Novaliches, and Wye inilia from Polo. General Hall's hiigtdo moved to Balac, protecting General Hale's rl;l t meeting with strong opposition. The Oregon regiment and port ot the IMili battery held the extreme left Flht at a Blockhouse. The Montana regimcut, nr lUlanito, came upon a blockhouw ili'giilmnl as a leper hospital, across the river, after marching through the jungle. Four men were killsd and 17 wounded. Ocneral MacAithur's ariillery was hampered by the thickness i t the jungle. Geueral MacArthur's and tisiieul Hale's stall's were frequently undo- a nailing fire, and upon oue oirasioti rll ot the o Ul cers, excepting the gvncralp, diftunuiii ed, being oven-onie hy the heat. Thine were many ro.lratiot' during the day. ANNUAL INSTITUTU. The Three Days Institute of the Teachers ol Douglas County Well Attended. The annual teacher' inttituto con vened in this city Thurs.Uy Lr a three day's session. Ttm following named teachers were present: Miss Emma Agoe, Wilbur: t.' ira Alexander, Stephens; S. J. lUiley. Myrtle Cieek ; Miss Jeesie rll, P. C. Brown, Mrs.-O, C. Brown. Itosebnrg; Miss Elta Chapman, J. II. Cuchrau, Wilbur; Miss 1V1U Cole, Miss Dorothy Dixon, Miss Anna Djcley, Miss Magcie Dooley, Koeeburg; Miss Minnie F.llison, W ilbur; Miss Echo Gaddis, luwelmrg; Mies Lura M. Gardner. Drain ; Joe E Harvey, Koseburg; Miss Flaw Hrf y, Drain: CM. Hedgpetb, l.nrley; Mi Emma Herst'ne, Oaklmd; Miss Luell.t Kennedy, Koeehurg; Miss Mrtlo A uimn, ansa i.erttia lirab,.Mig4 Lt.t:y Mote, Wilbur; Peter Nash Jr., Flkton Mies Lizzu Parrctt, Miss Ka B t'arrotl, Kwt.urg; Sylv.sler K.ce, Ar thor Rice, Kae Hill; Miss ileraiia Shoemaker. Miss Ada L Smi l;, Mi.-s Madfe Stark, liotrlmrg; L. A. tock ing, Canycnville: M. M. Strawn, Yon- calia; L. H. Tiaver, Miss Lua Willi Mrs. Mary Wilson, Misa Nellie Wilson Koseburg; Walter Winmfred, Oakland Miss Francis E. Wixoo, Broik-ay;J A. Thornton, Mies Masie WalHb, Miss Maudtt Dixon, Koeburg; Mis Carrie Mowery, Oaklsnd ; Wm. Porter, Drain; Lizzie D. Starr, Mis Lizzie Kerley uaaianu : .uies name wioyu, Misi 1,1. a Cooper, Hogh Camp, Mies Anna I.ou Koseburg; Btusie Powell, Kalie O' Mrs. Klel!e Cochran, Wilbur. . Prof. E. U. Anderson, Drain; Lizzie Blaiu, Cleveland ; Miss Byroo, Olaila; Mies Lucy Biyon, Myra Camp, Kosubuig; Miai K.ain non, Misa Mary Cannon, Luriey ; Tina Cooper, Roeebarg; MUs Mas an, Yoncslla; Mies Emma Fisher, .-lieu MUs Z.lia Miss I'ow Eliza Harvey, Ujseburg; Miss Dora Mc Callieter, Drain; Elmer Parker, E. O Parker. D. K. Parker, Oakland ; Mrs. K L. Richards, Koseburg; Miss Mary Westenhieer, Miss Maggie Wilon, Geo S. WiUon, Yoncalla; Winniord Wright, Koseburg; H.J. llobinett, Coles Valley M. M. Mrawn was chosen permanent secretary, and Miss Ada L. Smith re cording secretary. The subject of read iog was taken up, under the direction of Prof. W. A. Wetzell, of lVrtlhn.l, and occupied tho attention of the cljs until the noon hour. An evening session was held, at which Prof. Traver, principal of the Uignburg Ecboo's, delivered an address of welcome, which was responded to by Trot. E. II Anderson, president of the Drain Nor mal school. MAY COME TO OREGON. President HcKlnley Will Hake an Extended Trip This Summer. Wanuinotox. March 23. It is now believed that President McKinley will taae an extenoea vacatiou luia Euinmcr public business will permit, i.n-t spriog he wanted to make a trip through the "est, visiting Yeliowstono I'aik, and going as far as the Pacitic cms', acd be may see bis way clear to take that trip this summer. Resolutions of Sympathy. At a regular review of Uoeeunrg Hive No. II. L. O. T. M., held March 21, 18W, the following preamble and reeolu tiona were unanimously adopttd : WntHEAS, In view of the great loss we have sustained by tho death of our beloved sister Mrs. Florence M. Livings ton, and of tbe at ill deeper less of those who were nearest and dearest to her. Therefore be it Kct'iUtd, lliat it is hut a loving tri bute to the memory ol the sister ''gone belore," that in regretting her removal from our midst w e mourn (or one w ho as charter member ot our Hive, always did ber part to advance the interests of our cause. IletoUtd, That we shall miai her pleasant, helpful ways and that we do mourn for one who was in every way worthy of our respect and love. P,ulted, That we tenderly condole '1 the family of our deceased sister in . ir hour of trial and alllictioo. and that we share with them the hope of a reunion in that better world where there are no partings and bliss ineffable forbids a tear. RfUjhtd, That this heartfelt ti.'ntlu.o nial ol our sympathy ho spread upon the records ot our hive, copies of the lams be sent to the husband, fitter and mother of our deceased titter, and pub lished in the Koseburg papers. Mkh, C. JohU'iii.s'b Aumi i ai.i. , Miih. Doha Hamilton-, Mm. Bab a 11 Sthoi u, Mas. Doha ItEsnto, Mm. Fl va I.oiuiii, C'lininittflf, Our Washington letter. Kivirt our rvliilur cnrrovU'it WAMiisuroN, D C, March lJ. March ia wretched enough In all eatihV tones, but the Washington cli mate has the moat treacherous teattme ptwlhle and I nil ids such varieties ol weather is bard to bear. W havs had tor a day or so, a ten Iblo storm ol wind, tlort and rnin that people on the West cast cannot appreciate. Ilteis iccvived trom stale lhat tbe weather is 1a I, but that means 110 sock tormenting storms and tierce and deadly gales as have bore Won perpetrated by Dame Nature. A recent Oregoniaii has a letter from i! Washington corivspoiulrht that is consistent; with its malicious view, but is a betrayal "t confidence on the par' of (he autlur, as also an intentional nur-rci Tidetiialton t.f f.ifa. Ihn success of Senator in seeming liyrr and harVr legislation lor Oregon wai pri duo to bin being a member ol the senate committee on commerce, aud to l.i iutei.8 and unremitting elforla to the List moltii'iils of tho session. Ktcoud aiily to tho good will ol senators wtio s'ood by blin, irrespective ot party. Senators Fryo ot Maine, and Elkina ol Wist Virgin, were on the committee ot cotdete nee ami stood w ith McBridein the ni'itt fiiondlv u.i). At I have intiuisted, StMiator Mct'iidotiad 111 the bill several items that c-juld be coiicedoJ to secure a compromise. Senator White and Per kins c( California worked xoalousty lor Orcriuu. W hen the was livid F.lkins aud Fi vc had a uie'iiorandum ot several i.ems t'mt could be conceded, if ncc?Hs.iry, lo secure the remainder, but iher won out with npider.illv more to eur.'d than w as hopnt (01. S.'iialjr Simon was all tho time iu h.aity (.viupathy with Senator McBride, did a'l that was possibls aud warmly con-gial.-lited him on the uit'come. This Oreg juiau correspondent came and told them that the conference committe had "kncikedoat" both Ya(tiina nml tho bat railway at The Dalles. Supposing that he bad tild the truth, our senators determined to mxke a tight to hold the tlxirlotne close and defeat the entire bill f-ir r'.ver and harbor appropi iations by ''filibustering." Senator Elking, who had stool by Oie gon in the coiderelire, came lo Mr. .Mc liiit to eip'ain Dial flit house con fereva ba I comedo.! m iro tlmn was hopid for; ipnhin was knocked out ; Yi i'iiiu w as to to re-exmined bv another bo ,rd of encineer" : ami that the boat railA.iV project s'ood with nar Iv a cinditer of a n.illi in yet in hand with whi-'h to c mtiiMio work lhn- left over from lust year. I (alte to say either I a I Lien ' knocked out." This Is as the ruat'er wai represented and uu derstood al Hie li-jio. Senator McBride came uu! of tha' :iH Hr wiih coiumeuda- tiou an! cjiiratu'iiiioiia on all sides, tint ws well ileseived and was given without quili;'K-aUoi). The president Ins gjue south tor the rest th.4t lu so ta lly needed. It can be he has a very wearjing time. It W no triviel matter to ad U)'.ii:t; r the sluirs ol a great natou in time of peace, ami the two years of his administrator havo iududixl events ot tho creates! importance to the wide world us well us t ) the great American reput lie Taken in all its phasts, this administration liai made history tbst will Ih IninkJ down on the scrolls of tima in many rerpects second to no other epoch, save the civil war, since the revolution. Time may, happily, over look tin- mist ikes, complications and jea!ou"R-9 that plagii'j 11a at present, to only n mfiii'jer tiie gluiy i( the peiiod an I its ilf-ids on tha world at large. Trie lesser featuies ot pour human na ture will nit ! into nothingness when submitted to tl.u crucible ot Time. Politicians are scheming no with re gard to pjliiic.d events ot tbe future. JuBt at present Ihn scheming is trans ferred to .Ickyl island and Thomasville, now winter resorts in (Georgia. Jekyl is land ia otf the caat south of Savannah, opposite Llruuswiuk. Thomasville is in lbs sojthwcs'rru Georgia, near the Flor Ida line. a lie l' iiiim.H navo maniiuHttil a ca pacity fur war baeod on Aguiualdo'a ami bition tn J tl.e anrmrit of money he was ablo to extort frjm Spain years ao, aud tli e gun.H and muuitions ot war he baa received trom Ameiican leuders on his (alee promitce in the receut pat. As a racu :iiey are treacimrous ami cannot appreciate truo civili.atiou when offered ttiem. iiiey preier to ' raise licit" on their own account, which ia not profane, only a literal rendering of Filipino hu man nature. It wilt be a great work in tho redemption of humanity to reorgan- ii these oilenia's, make them compre hend commoit honeuty and understand Anglo-Saxon ,naturo and love for free dom. We are learning something ot tbe j b Sjiaiu had on hand to rule these peo ;!e, utiil can uaderatand, by, in rlpan- lull nature, tlie only way lo ruia tueta wan by tcrrorihtu and Imperial aoveraixn. Tha ptoljleiii on liaud may ba coucid ered one ot the waya u! Ueatiuy to le- vive, liinrate and broaden trie oriental ctiarautir. When tbey shall be made freo and c-l.ica'eJ ti appre;ite freedom. tbe world will le Kittr. Henator Mclinde remaina Lere yet. Mr. KI1U and Lis family will return to Oregon ug soon aa tin y ahall be in good health. Jtitra is nothinK aerioua in thhir iiiae, but aotno of tbem have been ailinu fur noma time. Al. ivey has been Here lor tev- erui wcvka looatuK aitr Aiaaica auaira. He lias been sucueeaful aa collec or of customa lur lhat territory, to command the reepect of the authorities nere ana evervtthde. lie expecte to return to Oregon on hlg way to Alaska in a few davit more. I ho evidence ol annnit Iu anen in swell. inn IiihIh, arid eoon there will be the womieriiii vi'rd.uiro Ibst uaamnitton ban to thow for the HiiiiiiTier time. The itri-i-iM a lined with the rarest trees tttnl tiio inijiioiit imika uro eluded with irmnv viinctlna ril ll'jwoririK anruonery. This in the most beauiiiul city on the continont. It aeetna ii aince winter c.inn and robbed tne acenu of all its w on l, i fni vorduni.e. It aecrna to hare been Ihu moat ilif3artieablu toason I h ivo over known. S. A. Ci.aiikk. A DECISIVE BATTLE. r our Orrgon Boys Killed and 36 Wounded. NAHMS 1 oust muu. II. U. Adam, o Co. M MHd and William Armltagc, Wounded. KplH'tat to His l'lllllll IVuri.AKiN Or., Mar V". A hot and drvlsive ha'tle baa teen (ought lietwcen the Aim tic in and In surgent lout lu MniU In wl.l.b the Amviiean looses were verv seveie. Four Ortuoii bovs an amiM'i! killed and 3(1 among the wound.d. Among lbs killed is II. II. Adams of Co. H, amoi g the wounded is Wm. Armltag''. The killed and wounded ate as lol lows: KIlliM, Companv It, II. I' Adams; Company D, W .V.t cek; Cunpary I., Char. H.-rUrt, t'iuy MIMtrd. Woiiuded; C impwny A W. Ungerman ; Company H, W. Aim! tase, revere; C. Chamller, sevoe Soolgruss, moderale; E. tVawlord, moderate; K. Mount, slight; Company L Elmer ltiirte, severe ; tVnumny I', Headless. Limss, West, Search)' ; Com pany E, John Davis, Heorgs Snyder. Jacob, Smith, Hrse; Company F. Chas. Kueilfr; company i. tleorge S nicer. Albert Woodau, Cieorge Eicha maraud K lgr Sams n ; compsuy II, F. Thomoo; company I, Kudolph tiaut enbeeii: company K, Antrem, .laimsii Joucsand SchwarU: company L, ltailey Allen, C. Sanders, 15. Sander aud Ed Bunssps; company M, lhirneit, II ilhini Cooper, Hlosser and Cailitl. Summons. TN TIIK l till TIT t'Ol'UT full I'KlliLAH eotinly, Slatr ol Oreifiiii Jiilin I.. Arutr. I'.nlulid ) . 1 IhU'U J. Pieiii'li. Miwljr 1 Kiencb, WtllUr.1 I uin, Ik'li- IU 1 iuon, J, L French, Caleb Conlcr. . Minn Cunlrr. Belle 1 Krvneli. I'lynr Knemli, le N. Krrncli, bammu Krencli, Kate Kreneli. LouImi Kmnoh. Kllcu Fteiun, ud llnuuali ' hull In K'ltut 10 lureciw MorlWMrr. IlelvUiiauU. ) In William LaiiKin anil IHhli. l.mii bo o uu)rd ili'leuil.nii: in tue name of tne titlc ol ifrvmi: lug te hervbr nviairi'il lo appear aod ananer lliuenin plaint nleil itamil yku in Hie above rtilllle nit uu or belura tho tlr.1 ilay ol llio mil nun mr term nr me alone court, to wn ln or before Monday. Juuo i. ami II "U tail to app.'ar nr an.iver Malnlllt a complaliil axaiti.l roil an aiorv.aiu niiinii .am lime I'lalniilV will apply to the (own lor tlie re I lei demande! in lit. complaiul a. follow.. Kur Hie lunvliMure "I ertin inorrKane uci ul by Defetidant, Italxlla J. hrentb, ami hamanii Frvnrh (now deeraav.1) In faur ol l'ialiitlll. on llic iiuii day ol iK'lober, lsv, lo iwr'ire i lie par uienl of aierialu promlnaorr Dole for Hie .uni 01 H.iki Hllo llilrrvm lutroon al Hie rate nl pcrent per atiuum, Ukiu whieli ibtre I. mm no tlie.uin ol .l. ), aitlmortKtfc tunvr) Ing to ulil rialnllll lor that purpoie I he lelloiilni (leu rlbtd real pnitnTty to- II Tlio X of Ihe. r. " .4 Biiu ui nr r. oi rMX'lioii 1 lu Tp al, 8 K 1 XV, Will meridian, alto lor a Jii.1i; ilicui lor iqv iinuum nuc upon Mia lifouunMM uoto lor .iirli atloraey'i fc a. the timrt .lia ailjudKv reanal)le. lor h la In till a mid di.uuroemi'iii. iien'in and lor tin h other n il a. I. prnyeii lor In anlil coinplailil nml the lonn nuaii anjiinnc nice I aud dilutable. Thl. .iiiiiinniia la pulill.hed by order ol linn " llaiiillton, judga ot .aid CvUJI, wlili li orncr i. oaten Marvn, i, iti, ana the (line pic H-rilx-d In .aid order lor Ihufiiiblicalion ! Hit. uminon. la ollee a neck lor alt week. pier. ln the tlr.1 day of ald term of Court nud the nay oi sue nrai iiuDiKauoii ol tula .ntnmoiii Mareh 27 W.K T. W. BKNMiN. mi'Tlii Attorney lor rialiituf. NOTICE. I'N.TKb STATE.. I.AKD Ot IIU, ltottBlirtt, Oregon, feb., iv.i. To w limn It may eonieru: .Nom e i. berclir men thiil the I in i'mi A i .1 lorma Itallroail l u. ba. tiled In tin. olli. u a ll ol Imnl. aiiuated In the l..wn.n.. ilim riUil Ik'Iiiw , and ba. applied for a patent for ahl lana.. thai me liai i. open to the public lor in .lieillou aud a diuy Iheren! Iy ileriplne ul uni'ion., na. ueen poaiea in a i oim nli in place in Ihia oinee. tor the In.ix i Hon of nil wr ion! IntenHiled and the nubile, aenerallv rviiiiu oi uiw uue ami ne.i ol lllniniltc 1 p. :w, K. I. B ;t .r.' ,, mc. i, nw. see. II part ' and Piirt H', cc. ti; j and pari ol , rice. 27. Tp. ,, K. 1. N!iKW'..!x;C. 19. Tp. :i7, K. U. Tp. 3H. K. I hW'.BW';. Til A. li. HW'i, and N?i Hoc. I..NKN SW!4, bee. T . all Sec. l'J, all Sic. 9., pari I' i and part Vt hoc. Tp. K. J I'art W j and part K Hcc. I. part K', ami pari W'j.hec. 'J; pnrt ll1. nml part K'j, cu. It; part Kli ami pari W'i, btc. Mi lol S aud part HS h'a NK' Bee. Z; part of I p. :.7, M a. I'aitN' .aml part B'a', hvc. it. V.., H c. 11 NV1 and prl X' jtw U nrl t', ami part Tp. 'A. K. 1. Ixil. 1, i, i, 1 aud o, oVc. 1' Tp. a K. i. I'art ol b.1,', bfu. 17. Tp. :, K. I. I'art of E' c. I ; W ; ; bB! .-c. 'J, To. :i7. H. 4. I'art ot N' ; and part ol B'.;, Hec. 19, S1, ft',, ncc. Ji. Tp. U. 4. N!. aud partof l!ik.'c. 1J; H1 DW'i, Buc .TI. Tp. :u. U. 5. Uitn 1, 'J, :t, I, V and NK', hE,1., Bev. II Tp. :il, K. o. IiIh 1, 'i aud 3 of Hec. Z. Tp. :7. It. S. ; N KJ 4, bc.8. 17; NWJ hVJ ,', Bee. .'j; part N Hoc. v ; B W ! 4 H! 1, Boc. .'i, Tp. ao, K. 6. AllHcc 1 Tp. M, It. II I'art N'..'. Sec. .'. Houth ol hixno Hnu ii lid Kant ol Willauivltu lcr. Tp. M, It. 1. Part Hi and nnrtH!... tUx. I. Wllliln Hie next alxty Java folloivinir tlie date of tlila noUvv, prote.nU or content. MKulu.t '.li'j claim oi Ihe Company to any tract or Hubdlvla. Ion wlthio any avctlou or part of Kcctl'in, (lu acribod 111 Die Hat. on the around that tho nauii' la moro valuable for mineral than for ngrluuli. ural pariiOMii win do re oivixi aud noinii lor re- port to the Ocuural Laud Olllce at ahingto:i, v. v. J. T. UKIIJUKH, J. II. HOUTH, KuBlaler, Keculvor. MllQ Administrator's Notice. VTOTICK IB IIEKKBY GIVKN THAT TtlK uiidi'imlKiied. aa adiiilnlatrator of the nlHle of Hlnhlcy Frncinan, ilereaacd, baa filed hli final aiuiount wllh tho ('oiinty lurk of JjoiiKlaa i.oiiniy, niaio oi iireKou, ami uie n oil. i;otniiy JudKoliaa llxud Monday, the' lat day of May, 1WH, at o'clock, In the fon iioon, a. the tlim; for licarlnK objectlou to aald account ami for the acttlumcnt of tbe aame. UaU'd tbla Zlrd day of March, MiJ. JA.Mr.H4M. KKKK.M AN. Adnilnlatialor ol tho eatnto of lliKliley Free man, de ua.od, Administrator's Notice. Nollca la hcriiby ulvcu Hint tho iiinlrndiriied wan on the vnili day ol January, Isiw. duly unpointed adinlliUtrnlor of tho etlaui of Jaiuea kf Mitchell, deceaaed. All peraoiia liavTiiK cliiluia iixiiluat aald ratate urn hereby rcuiilred to prewnt Iho auino properly verltlcd, lo the aid administrator at tbo law nlllco of A. M. i'rawfonl. lu lloaebnnr, UoukIhi County, Ore gon, within aix nionllia from the date hereof. Dated thl. liitli day of penmai y, UW. JOHN HAMI.IN', Adiiiiniatiator nf lle Kdiifeof .Inme. U, Mitch ell, Duocahcd. Til R PIKKI'T HOt'lK V I Montana, Utah, Colorado and all I astern Points. Htm 1 ol lw lavotliw ruiiles, ill Hi I MUN I'M I Hi' Kal Msll Line, rr His till' i. HA MiK sivnte I I lie. I .Hk l I lie lima ii.tys days tl.t s tla s to Salt Luke to Denver to Chicago to New York I'rrr HrtllnliiM I'liitlr l'r- hulntvrrtl Tourlal atlrrpliiat 1'Mrs), iIIiumii PaImcw lert mu earn irrd tn nil Iraitm. loi in 1 In t liiluiiiis'li'i' si'i'ly in J. I'. (IIVANS, Agt., Uosel uig C, O. Terry. W. C. Coman. Tiav. I'sm. AkI. dell. Al. I.'l Tlilrt II., I',. 11U n. I. Or Handsome Strong Speedy 1899 I'iltctl with special heavy tread G & J tires, are ThBcst RAHIUERS and IDEALS ever Built, The Best Wheel ever Built. New '99, pop ular list prices: 105-11J7-109-1 1 1 Branches: Spokane, Taconia, Seattle. NEARLY fifty-eiflht Years Old ! ! ! h'a long life, but doolion to tU troe InlartiU ami proaptrlty ol th. Am.r lean I'eople haa won for it oaw friaoda .a tba yrara rollad by aod th. original mam bar. ol ita lamlly paaaed lo tbalr raward, aod tbtaa adailrcra ara loyal and ataa4 faattodajr, with faith in t: Uachlon. and contldanrw ia tb. information wbich it hrknga totlmlr homct and ilrtaidtf. Aa a natural ronaciiuanc. it aojora ii lit old ai( all tbe vitality aod rigor el ita youth, atrengtheoed and ripaoad hr tha aiper ienc-ea of over half a cnturv. It ha. Ilveil on ita marlu, and on tba cordial aopport of prograeiiv. Anari vana. , It la "Tba New-York Weakly Tr. bona. ' at'knowlelgl th. country ovaru tbe laadiog National Family Newaper. Kecuguuiug ita valuo to luuie who deaire all tbenawaof tbe Btata and Nation tbe pnhliaher of Tiik ri.tNUBALin. (your own favorite home paper) haa entareYj Mil to an alliance lth "Tbe New-York Waekl. Tribun." .hi. t. ZlL-ll?!?1.! nisli both paimia at tha tritlling coat of 1.75 per year. lQ ,ar Kvary farmer und villager owea to himaelf. to bia family, and to tha oommanlt in winch he Uvea a cordial auDuort of hia local n nftriAP mm i Ma-aL. . a. .a' and untiriuKlv for Lia Intereata io every ""'"V """'"""''" pi;cta for different crop, tbe ur ea ia viaitor which ahoul.1 be fuuud in every wide awake, iWreeaivVfamiiV ' Jatt think of it! ! ! BOTH One Year for $1.75. Send all subscriptions to the THE PLAINDEALER, Roseburg, Ore. lit The Uniform quality of the work manship in our clothing is one of its strong points. Kach garment is as carefully cut aud tailored through ou , as though made t order. Sec our new Fall Suits. JOSEPHSON'S l'or CJooil, WhoJtsoim DRKAD, there i none equal to the Roseburg Oakery. Wc Iiavc always a nicf R.ssortmcnt of fresh PIKS, CAKHS, amlCOOKIKS. Oruatncntal Cakes to or tier. Give us a cull. HANI8CII k RHEU0E, Propi, Mrs. A. C. Kldd iHuit.iiir o Mr. Ka.lnn, Culls attention to her nice fresh hlock of STAILtJ OkOCCRIfJS. Kvcry thing staudanl and of the best quality. Rcucru her at the old Hasten stand. - J & IDEAL Bicycles . an A t $40. $30. $25. $20. Fred T. Merrill Cycle Co., 20 year pioneers.) Sixth St., Portland, Oregon. A. C. MARSTERS & CO. Agents Roseburg, - - Oregon. way, bringa to hia bom. alt lb. n.wij anj w ma irieiua, tba cond t on and woe- boms niarlat. .n.i 1. .-. 1. " MENS Shoes Vlti Hake Friends are the only kind we wish to sell. They are the only kind we do sell, and with each pair we sell we make a new friend. They are net only stylish but good 'clear through. See our Shoe line. 11. I