AYcCclaWc iVcpara.ionfor As similating ihcFoodandHctf ula liiig I he Stomachs afllLVwcis of Iff 53 IVomolra Dicslion.Chccrrul iKSsandltest.Contfllns ncllhtr Opium.MorpWnc nor JJincral. 'OT N.UtCOTlC. JmmJi SaJ AxSrnrf WsWa Smlu - fmvrmmt - A perfect Remedy for Constipa tion. Sour Stomach.Diarrhoca Worms .Convulsions .Fcverish ncss and Loss of Sleep. lac Simile Signature of NTW S'ORK. For fiue tone and high grade piano (jet a Needhaui. They sneak for thcrn selver. It does not take a cracker jack at a hii cilary or a pii I muioia-i to sel them. All we ask is to lock at the in strument, trv t tie tone yourself, and you will le oj;.v:.iii J that Nerdhams are the lwst piancs on the market, except Chicketiug or Meinway. For referecce see O. F. (iodtrey. A. C. Marks, or I 1'.. Kiddle, who has just received at his homo a beautiful oue in tUured nialiog auy case. The prices of these pianos are the most reasonable for the tiua'.iiy of goods ever offered in thte city. I can also give you insi Je prices on any mate of piano, (.'all an I ;ee T. K. Hu IIAKD.OS, Koseburg, Or. N. 15. We also have iu stock some new anil eeooud-hai.d piauoc second hand G0 to l7o. New to :JjO. All our coo J s are new and ol the kteet styles. No shopworn goods on hand at the Doss Store. Weekly Excursions to the East. A tourist sleeping car will leave Port land every Tuesday at 9 p. m. via the O. R. &. X. without change to IJoston, and nnder the supervision of experienced couductsre. No chance of cars to the cities of Omaha, Chicago, Euflalo or Boston. Tlie ideal trip to the east is now before you. Kememter this service when going East, and consult R. A N. agents, or address, VV. H. Hiiii.uiKT, tienerai I'afsenger Agent, tJi. Portland, Or. We urge our patrons, who are in ar rears for the Pj.Ai.MJKALti: to send us all or part of the amount of your subfeript ions. It is a small amount to each of you, but to us it woull aggregate an amount we very much need in cur bnci ness. For Over Fifty Vcan. an Old ano Well-Tbiko Kenedy. Mrs Window's bootblug fcyrup bag been uiteil tor over fitly yean by millions of luotlicm l jr tbeir clilldreu wbl'.e teelblug, with perfect lucceu. It ootbct the chilil, soltcm the gums, iillayi all puiu, cure wlnil colic, au'l is the best remedy lor Diarrhea. It plensaut to the taste. Sold by ilruggintii iu every jart of the world. Twenty five eeuU a bottle. Its value in incalculable, Be lure and .k fur Mrs. W lUhlow'i boolhitg Hjrup, lud take no other klud. Strayed. 1 have taken up, us a stray, cne bay stallion, about 5 or 0 years old, weighs about 000 ouudB, branded "K", Own er will please call and prove property, pay charges and take his property. II. 15. 1'IXO.N. Viavi, Viavi. Mrs. ). 11. .Shupe is local representa tive fot the popular Viavi remedies. Any onu ilcb'.riug any of these remedies will please cull on her at her hou.e or a 1 dretaherat ltoEcuuig, Oregon. The W. C. T. U. will hold its regular mooting on the second and frht.u Monday ofevory mouth at 7:30 p. ora iu the Epworth League rcum of the M. church. EXACT COPYCF WRAPP W.-: - f . -mw t ClftUUR CQWNIIf, WtWTel eTT The Home Bakery j 701 Oak Street, Opposite! Central Hotel. Fresh Baked Bread Every Day ; , "Boston Naked lieans," j a specialty. j MRS. B. COMTOCK, Proprietress. For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature The Kind You Have Always Bought. School Report. Pepoit of the U'peburg public schools for the month endinu March 3, IS;1'.". Fiiisr iK.vof. Numler id days at- ttndarce, average number belong ;iog, ol; average daily attendance, ill; number cf times tardy I ; er cent ol attendance SO. Mies Klizabeth I'arrott. Teacher. mionuGkaiii:. Numbered dajs at ; tencTauce. 30! : average number belong ' irg, L'3 : average daily attendance, "I ; iiuml er of times lurdy, ; per cent of a'ter.dmce, S. Mrs. Fl!a lirown, Teacher. TuiKii iK.vin:. Number of daxs at-tendai:c-, 'AM, average nuuilier belong in, 51 ; average daily attendance 40; nimbir cf times tardy, 1; per cent of ' attendance, 73. Miss Eva M. Lane. Teacher. Fucktii Okaiik. Number of days at I tendance, G'J-; average number beloug ! iug, 4S ; average daily attendance, '30; number of times tardy, 0; percent of at '. tendance 73. I Miss Cora inell, Teacher. I Fifth Gkadk. Number of daya at ; ten.lai.ee, S03: average number belong ' ing 47; average daily attendance, 43; . number cf times tardy, 2; per cent of attendance, S3. Miss Madge N. Stark, Teacher. i in Gkauk. Number of days attend . ance 3S0; average number belonging, 34 ; average daily attendance, 31 ; number of J times tardy 0; per cent of attendance, MH. Miss lua W illis, Teacher. MivtMu Gralik. Number cf day: at , tendance, 303 ; average number belong ; ing, 27; average daily attendance, 20; ! number of times tir.iy, 0; per cent of j attendance, U4. Mrs. Emma E. Kichards, Teacher. j EioiiTii .i.u Ninth Gbali:i. Number j of days attendance, 0S2; average num i ber belonging, 40: average daily attend I ance 37 ; number of times tardy, 0:rer ' ceut of attendance, 03. j L. K. Tit.vvtK, Teacher. i mjiauv. Number of days attend- auce, 5.102; whole Dumber on register, 30:J: average number belonging, 302; j average daily attendance, 200: number of times tardy, 0: per cent of attendance ! b-j. Deth of Aaron Rose. ' L'nc!e" Aaron Rose, the founder and pioneer of Koseburg, died at hia Uoiue in that place Wednesday, of paralysis, aued 80 years. Mr. Rose has lived in that city ever since his ariivl in 1451, and was well known to u!i old settlers and no man was more highly respected. Honest and true to his friend?, liberal to a fault, made in him characteristfes which fol lowed a friendship through life. He was a man who harbored no malice against .his fulbw man, and his town wail Lis piiJc and ambition. In early days he took considerable interest in our politics and exerted much influence. He was a good citizen iu every resect, and deserved the high eulogy delivered by Judge J. C. Fullerton, on the occasion ! of the fuDt-rdl last .Sunday, which waa largely at'en led by persons from all parts of the county. The people of Douglas county have lost one jf their first and most enthusi astic builders and the Blute an honest and reflected pioneer. Portland Dis patch, County Treasurer's Notice. Notice iu hereby given to ull parties holding Douglas county warrants in dorsed prior to April 2, 181(7, to piesent thosameut the tame ut the treasurer's olliio in the Djuglas County hank for P'lyo ciil, us interest ttillcenso thereon after the date i f Ibis notice. Dated this IIih 2nd day of March, ls!!t, ut the City of Rosehtug, Oregon. Gko. W. Dimmk k, CoiiiifyjTn -jiPiucr, Douglas Cotinly, lr. i:ikin Siuiflhino ami rdiowcra. WiM Straw Uni uri'tn Mus-n .'. .1 M Stark rrtiwtti'il Ihmih ir.mi I'i on Monday, t. M. Uiliiumti wit .'3-ini: (iriip. erly lit l'jtrailiKo the" lit t-1 il llu" work. Kiil Uilcy cairiril I Ik 1i rsi luck mini to Drain Monday laid. Mr. I'lul I'liikiiton, wlio In visiting rt l t i. i in lino viciii y ( r i i o tim, inH'iiili tn'tii'iiu g, to In" It-tun in Wellington soon. I'VIh' hv'I'Io K kl"ii nr. ivttlallv l- ViU'd to a'lcntl till' vllit. K 'l i ll K'Vi'll (lie 't-nli I .(Mil ue Sitnrd.-y niji , M.ri'h -V An aiowi tivi fclnrc til tin proitrani ill )e mile to ly il.o baml. Hut howevor i:mv,I tlie ent itaiitnii'iil (te nr that every one will le ivnK for the dainty r-Mi.o-t prci-aml l y tl c lailirs in honor ol tlie cccasion. Kev. liorilon, ol Prain, preached" at Klktou last SiitnUy t a vvoli-l:l!cd house. Ilia eermous wore im;1i ih.-iI, especially tlie one in the evening, on the subject of "Missions." Mix liclla lloi'ingtoii ititciuU leav ing here for Co; la ?o rvo Uiis week, here elie expects to make tin extended visit. He liiiMu.a liore risrt htrdo failure verv much. It isn't rtrauKe Unit a crtitii td.oitlti get lotd oil a tlaik nig.lit in ijol;on. 15 u I when it conn s to a young mini losing his girl lnlt acting a her errott anl cx hatiMtiiic his entire gtot-k of ui-itcl ct trying to (in J her and tlnu having to call out in ihuuhr tone, "1 ete is ! C'.iumniy ?" it s too ruiuh. Tl'MMT. Ulendale. Tho home of Mrs. Mary Juivs at Hamilton Heights was the scene of ve y solemn anil interesting ceremonies o i Monday, March 20, ls,i. Rev. Father J. A. Levesque of the Catholic Chinch oi Rosebur: received into the church I y baptism Mis. J. . I. Ktliel.er and infant sou. Mrs. Kelleber was bapti.ed at 1 :3d, and .1 ju ph .lohn LaFaytt'c, the son oi Mr. and Mrs. .'. J. Kelieher, js baptize ! a: 1 :3J p. 111. xUs;i Rcsh Wil son Icitijitiod mother ol the child, and Jo.-eph Keilelici iod-fv her. The ceie monies e:e soIciiki and iu'pr,s-ivo, bt ing the wry same that hiv. bi-en ustd in the Holy Catholic Chu ch since A. l. 33. An elegaut diauer w.s tcivod an I the occasion much enjoyed by ail wl.o were -resent. Tiio invite J cm'i-U were: Father Leveripie, Mr. and Mrs. I.. I.. Hard, Mr. and Mrs. M. T. Chafe, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Rediield, Mr. hii J M'e. J. L. Dewey, Mr. and Mr.. A. ti. Ham iltn, Mr. and Mrs. A. Marshal', Mr. and Mrs. W. R. iienten, Mr. and Mrs. A. Miller, Mis. F. 1. Lady, Mis. Lucy Edwards, Mrs. P. E. Dewey, Mrs. Mel vioa Ellitr, Mr. aud Mis. G. O. Eliitr Mrs. Corder, Mr. and Mrs. K. A. .lones, W. D. fc'niitu, .dieses Ro-e Wilson, Jen nie Robeits, Edith Dewey, Cora, Eva and Edith Jones, Clara and Emma Red field, Alice, Lucy and Uae Hamiltuu, M. wacon, Gitr, tioodson aud Walter Hamilton and Oecrge Bryan Dewev. Rev. Father LeveEipie rrtumed to Rose burg Monday night. F. A. Meyer, a prominent uiton.vy oi Pelalurna, Cal., fpt-nt Muuday at i!en dale.' Mrs. A. Sccum le!t iu Saturdny fji Jacksonville, r-be will be ab?er.t sotte time. F. T. Lady, G. G. Elliff and Rufus Welsh went to Mt Reuben Sunday, Arthur Albro was called by teleiam to Canyonville to attend the funeral of his brother Norman, w lio died lat Fri day. We have accepted the position of B e cial correspondent of the weather bureau tendered us by 15 H. Pague, forecast of ficial at Portland, and now our tr ends expect us to furnish rain or enca'jine to order. We were shown a very tine photograph of Clyde T. Hockett of Co. I), Oregon Volunteers, which was juet received from Manila. Mr. Hockett has had the unpleasant experience of ICS days iu the hospital, but is now in good health and enjoying the little f craps they are hav ing wi'h the Filipinos. Moi.i.ik, "To tell the truth my mother lias lived witli one foiit in the gra ,' writes Nfrs. Mueene Stant zc nbeiK. of No. 1004 Walker Ave., Houston, Texas, in a let ter to lir. V. V. Pierce, f.f Jiuf falo, N. Y. " With a mo'.t thankful heart I will tell you about the won derful cure effected in her case. She has been a per. feet wreck for seven lone years. No words can dencribe what she ha i suffered. She could not sleep on account of severe pains. She tried every doctor around here and spent hundreds of dollars without benefit. After bearing of your wonderful remedies I wrote to you. My mother ha 1 taken six bottles of the 'Golden Medical Discovery,' and six of the 'Favorite Pre. scription,' and is now perfectly cured. Please receive the heartiest thanks and hies hinirs from my father and seven children fo savinif the life of dear mother. May Cod bless you and your Institution, is the wi-.h of vour friend." ' -ns of thousands of women have found r itrileteand permanent relief from obsti ii.re and seemingly incurable disease by using the wonderful remedies referred to aiove. The "(.'.olden Medical JJiscovery " possesses the peculiar properly of nourish ing and viiuli.inK the blood with the life giving red corpuscles which build up healthy flesh and muscular hlr'iiKth. In the special weaknesses and dim a es of the feminine organs, the "l-uvoiite Pre. scription " is a perfect and positive pi-cific. It is tlieoiilyseienliCc medicine prepared for that purpose by an educated physician and specialist in that particular field of practic e. For weak and nervous women these two medicines taken conjointly coitstitute tin most marveloiisly successful course of treat ment known to the medicol profession. For nearly to years Dr. Tierce has been chief consulting physician to the In valid V Hotel and Surgical Institute, lluflulo, N'. V , at the head of a splendid htalf of associate rpreialists, graduates from Uie lending med ical universities 01 Aiueiica and Muiopc. L J County I rciMurjr' Notice. Notice Is hereby given to U 'tlle holding IVukIiik county trnt ,ln dorsed prior to Feb. I, l!". -0 prerent the sumo at the treasnrei'B ollhe in the iKuulas i.i ounty bank lor ay incut, a intoioat wilt cease thereon after tho date of this notice. Dated thislthe lt.t'i day of Feb, I !', at the City of liofcburg, Oregon. i.kiv W. Dim MtcK. Couuty Tieasunv. Douglin Comity. Or County Treasurer's Notlc Notice is hereby given to all parlies liolidng Douglas county warrauts in dorsed prior to July U, 1807, Iu present the same at ti e treasurer's ullice In the Douglas County bank for payment, as lutercBt will cease thereon after the oate of this notice. Dated 1 his the 0th diy e f March 100 at tho City ol Koseburg, Gregon. Gko. W. Dimmu k. County Treasurer, lug!as County, Or Notice l)r Publication. (Mini siaii t vm orru a, Ktt'tiini. Oregon, Mar. II, lM.'. v.iii-.. u l..ii,v ,mmi Hint tn eoimillKUcc wlm Hie io Won'' Hie acliit i'migrtfs ot Jim 1. lsrv emill.sl I'.Vu m" t frr Ilia ltf ol limber liin. In the m'o ol h! Kortun. Orccoli, Net mbi mid WahtnslMi Terrllort, lOKll DfKl.ANU Ol Ouktati.l I'miiilx ( lKml.. Male of 'n- gou, bus lhl dn II led In tlil ullice Ins orn sisieineiit. No. ."T lor Hie fun lyao l I he lot of MVtlon No. ... Ill t.wiiIHi Mi. muse Vv 1, west, mi.l m ill 1. rti r pni ti show llinl the IhihI sniiKlit l m.n- valuable lor H limlerr itxiio IbHll for ;rliHlltiinil iillrHW. ftnd lo inb!ih liU i-lmm ( lil lamt lifton' the K- ister and Rewiver mints - at K.i-eMin: l,s....,i ..11 l-p.l Ihrt t-lltl iIav of Msv. tsi. He imittes ' n ilneJMn: ilgtil Kii d of visk'ati.l. Or, ll.mlm Psvis hi mmiir. ir. Jumes Teiiiilin id Ko-ebunl, Or , I mil M Par Mil i,f K.i..litirj. ll- AiiviimlaM ,r:viK elsiiuliii: adversely Hie aboe ilet nls! Un.l ar.i rvmiolisl t. Hie tbeit calms in tins oil ice on or tun. re aii imiuhj ol Msv, lSli-.'. J. T. IIKtl'liK.-. Kciiister, LIVE tfi LET LIVE! I'u-lcr the sts.e m -tin I ill sr. II ciiuliiino lo 'it lor all I'lirr.' s 1I1 "irliK mv as-istance its an engineer t r rrvi nr. My ebsrites Mill I n-ii.iial'te nii-1 mv tn-ri. umitHiili t tl. Am also Noliirv I'nMic. Ad-lre-ss me ut l".i v. tmi.l, Poulss Co.. Or. Wl I.I. I. II KV IMS ORAflCO. liFI'A K I" lor TIMIJ SCHltDl l.tS t-t-'Ui I'ori.attil s:t I.nse. Iielivir, ft. Wur'.'i. liiiiahtt.Kiin- s.is ( "i ! , l . I mils. AHKlVt f rom Kast Mail i- 1 1 i. ni. Kitst Mnil Sj...i:ie t . r .' si I'.tQ. s l-.lll. I ll.- .o UU'l l- .-tsl. :ti: u alia, simkaue, 1 mkanu M:nii. .i;..ih.si,l'aul 1 Mjrer Iml ith, Milwaukee, s M a. iu t lilea,'-.' aul hasl. Ocean Mramshlpa All -Al.lIM itrtles sill- je, lo eliaiiire. F'-r !-a:i IraiiilMo .s..d U. c s, l.:, is, I p. in. s i.nt, K.Miiiluy .-aturiliiy b) ji.iii.' Columbia Klvcr Mumen. To Astoria niil W ay l.aii'lniKs. I P. I K suuday Willamette Kiver. j Orelun city, NertlH-rg, i-aleru 4. W ay-Land t 1 VAiilametteand Vam- ' hill kiver. Oreuon i ltv, l'a; ton, 1 and NVai -ban-lings Willamette River. I'oitlau I to I orvnllis and U ay-l.audiiigs 4 : p. m. I a. in, K.t. Sunday 7 a. in. 1 ue. I (nr. Ex-riuuday ti jo n m. !on., Wed : aii'll-rl i. a.m. lues. Tii :i. and .-a'. Lv. I:l arin tin; I.. . txci j-'. l-ariir'luy. a. w i. 1 uik I bur. and Sal. 5nake fliver. Kiparlii to l.ewistxn. I I. I.enisloli liailv ' Kxiepl Kriiloy W. II. Ht HI.Bl KV, (ielieral Fasselijer Agent. . R. tic M. Co., Iortluol. OrcgoU' Administrator's Notice. - -AI.K OK KEAL IKOfKllTV. N-Oli' K IS 1IEKKB Y lilVKS 'I MAT Til K iiiiliTsiiineil iilniiiiistralor of Hie etlale of Henry A. Admits, deceased, by virtue of de ep -of Hie County Court ina'le on I lie HH .lay uf Mareh, 1-.', vtillonuud alu r taturday, the sih'l.iy.ii April, '".keil at private sale the foiloMingile-i rilx-il n-al pr..K-riy iH-longuig to the estutii of ilenry A. AUaiCs, ileeensed, to it I he i . of the .- W 1 , of 'U. To .".. H It .1 W, i ..utmiiiiiK lo Hi res le- four in res sold to led- pendent Older ol 'Id Pel Ion . Also U.I 1, r'i e .., 1 p s II i W, eontaiiiiiiK ai res. AJ no lots .So and i, .ee 2, Tp JJ, K ! W. eon taiio!.- hi acre-. Also (lie John Adams IJoiiu- tioti I.iil. l IJIuilil No ll, being parts of Hees J7, 's, j . :.i and 81, 1 1 -"J, a II u , nes riijei a fo!....-, ioir beginning at a points ebaius K.ist. ml jo ebaiua and ,7 links hoiilli Irom Ibe corn, r in said (si-en i(7, Js,.a nud :l and running I ben North 4-i chains, thence W 71 chaiiia i In n. e si I ' eliiiiui and so links, nut thence K Ti i h.Cus lo ilaee ol lx-i;iiining, CXinlaininK -.17 1-. iieres, exefptlng (loin the laM alxiveile p. rib' d l r hi I oi laud 64 ncres sold to ti. Hamil ton, wi.lcli said deed I lucordett In Vol Jl. at paiju .;l thereof. A If, tlie f. i a of tin- lioiiatiou Land Claim of lb nr. A. Adams, beliitt i iaim No. IJ and Ijelng . ... '. i ... ... ... -...i .1 I.. 1 .. .mi a it K ve r.nie particularly descriled a follows, Ull: ISt-.'ihiiiiiK at a ixdiit 10 (liain and Mi 1 i n 1: a N from ri tV coiner of said Mee ;tl, aud running n.. ... . . i,l i haliis. tlii-n. e N.'il cbaiiis. ibence U I chains, and I hence ri '.') chains lo place of bcgiuiiini.', containing l' airrcn. I... ci.liliK fro-n lust above ilesi libed triu-l of bind 4 xu n. n s,,i to n llainlltoii. deed for which ia re cord, d iu S ol -' I at pane :il thereof, also Ujl No I - . ;J, Tp "' is K 5 W, containing lucres. Alto Ia,i No ; ut rice J, aud jt No 1, 1 and ; of si e : iu I p JJ, H II .". W, eonlainiug IVi.p.r acres, A:-i. lots 1, i Hilda of Bee -.'(.'I p K K ! W, eon tnlnlii id.sfl in res. Also lot No 1 of Mre :u lo 'I p st, s ( i W, coiitaliilug ill lu acre ull .lliiale in IjoiivIus c-oiiiity, Mate of Oregon. 'I rni of suld sale lo le ensli ill hand. Lia'.i.-d ut Itoscbiirg, Oregon, March S, Is'.f.i. JOHN . W I.AVLi:, Administrator of the Es'.ule of Henry A. Adanm, Jjeeeased. Administrator Notice. s.U.i; Ol ilKAL I'KOl'KKTV. VOITCK in IIKKKIIV l.lVtN IHAI lilt IN iiiiilcrslL'iicil ttdiiillilslraiors of the OITCK Irl HKHKItiT LIVEN THAT Il tue ola decreo of the County Court of llouglaa i oiiuly, (;rcgnii, on and afler i-alurdav, the s.'h day ol April. ls'J'.l. cell Hi private sale the followliig described real pio)erly bcloimlngto tin- e-liiie of W. L W ilson, deeugscd, tovvit : Lots .', I, and H ' .; of is I: ; , of See if7, lls 1, ' :i kee -d, being lloiiieslead Cliiliii of Lav inn VVi'st S j ni W. L. W ilson Donation Land Claim No II, IjIs li. 7 mid K, iv c ill, lil 1 and 2, s ' oi N W ',. the S W ,i, and V ' . of of si K iiicl s v i. Of N 111, of bee a 1 in'Ip.H Hi v . I lie N 1 , of K K ; 4 and h i-l of N W 1 . ol sic l lp.ll n. it li IV, Also all the right, lllh and inlcrcsl of the uld W L. W ilson. Iiei casi 1 in a iid lo ibe H ' -1 ol Donation Land Claim No II, I p M M. It. ii.'W'. Excepting from the above ,. hIh iI real properly, part Lot 2, rice a., Ii.-rii-loloic conveyed lo I'. A. Wllv.li, the d. ed o nhl.-li Isoi n-eoid Iu Vol 7 of Deeds, pni;c :n'j. Abo execptiiig '.'.'. I' acres oil of Iho estsid.iol lioiiatloii Laud Claim No 41 heretofore sold lo Andievv W'orlcy, deed lor which Is recorded In Vol 17 of Deeds at page :". , , , , Terms ol said sale lo bo either cash iu hand oi upon such terms as lo credit as may be lo tlie greatest ad v iiulaeo lo said estate. Dated at Itow biirg, Or., Ibis Iho sih lay of " "'' I', A. W ILSON, IIAVIIK II. WILSON, Adlilini'lialois of the K'taltiOl W, L. Wilson, Deceased, (wl. m J. F. BARKER & CO. Want Your EGGS And BUTTER. H. C, STANTON gu Jut rvetlvtd a i saUaalvs ti",a DRY : GOODS CON8I8T1NO or Ladies' lres (.eels, Kibboas, TrluiuiluKn, Uces, Ktc, KU'. -ALSO A riNi BTOCK or- HOOTN ,ll SHOLKN Of U Uat qoalllj an4 SaUh. GROCEEIES Wood, 'Atlluw and tilasa Hare, Crockery, Cordage, Etc. Alan on hanit la largs quaatlllra ami at prlix t ault lb Ilia, Alo a large lock of Custom-Made Clothing I'or Choice TEA Call At Stutiton's for l'.M" NOTICE IOK PL'IU.ICATION. Koselnin;, Ougon. Keb. .'. 1 -". Notiee Is hereby given tbal In emiipi lain e with I hv iirov imiiiis ol I lie act ol e'migresil Jiiie.l. Is.s. enllileil "An ait lor Hie -.e .1 tlinlier lands In I lie Males oil aitfntnia. t'n n, Nciaila ami VV aliluei..n lerruoi y. I.KHKI.E W. Ktld'I.K ol Kiddle, . utility nl Diiuglaa, Mate ol Hie 1-mii In. Urn iUt li e.l a lint i'Bi'i- Ills smi'ii siateiiii-ut No. li; I. for the nirebae of tlie . Vt . !. VV . 1 , of s,-.-ti,,u ji., in UlWIISlllll .o. Jl if. Kanite No 7 V ., and lil niter imad to sbmv Unit the land sought is more t auiable tor it. timlieror simie tl.au (or agricultural i-n rj . ami lo establish bis i lultn to -ntl lalnl lielon the KeKtster and Kei elver of Ibis nib. e al Ke.e burg, (Ireguii. on aturdiiy. the 1 tb day ol M'" lv'-'- . .. lie liamis ps Wlllllssvs j(i-uei ,s f'lii I Kbblle, Or. W . II. Smith, of lnitanl, Or Hen Kisher, ol Kiddle, nr. Ire.l -aiiili isi.u. ol Kiddle, Or. Am anl a. I per. ns e.iann ing idseielv the aliove ilesertli lamls ate te .inested lo Jlle tbelr claims in Ibis ollice on or before aul 1 -tli ilay of April, !-.. J T. HltllM.I s KijlsUr. Jiil ID I'Mign M vrgi 1. 1 sn orrn i, Kox-burg, Oregon, March Isy.'. To whom It may concern Notice in bereliy given that the Oregon ,v Cud ornla Hailroad Company lias II led in Ibis mil" l.st ol lands situaieu in uie lonu-nips in- ibcsl l-ou . ami bus ai.plleil lor a i-aiein i..r aid lands; that the list is ocn lo tin- public lor iiisnectlou and a copy Ihercid by diserlplivc iiibdlv isioiis, bai Ih-cu isisicil In a eouveuieiit nlaee in this o lice for Uie inspection ol ini pi r ions Interested and Ilia public g. ti. ml'.; On gon and en. norma it n nimis ri 40 H, K J K. iiV '4, f.f II. Tp :i s, 11 j . a;i im-ci i alio Uits 1, J, laud I, and sK mc '.'. All II ilblll Ihe ne.vt nvlv da) fnllovv ing the dale ol tills notice, protests or contents ali.-t Ibe claim of the Company to auy tract or nlllvls Ion vvllbln any section or pari ol section, de scribed tn the list, mi tlie gloiiud that lite same is more v alual.le for mineral than for auric. ct lira! puriaiscs, ill be received and noted for le port to the licucral lilld oillec al Washington, D. C. I. T. HKIIii.Ks, llegisti-r. I. II. HOD ill, iniiibl Keceiver. Notice For Publication. I'mtkh BTATgs Land t)i k k Ho-eburg, On gon, Mar. s, IW.i. Notice is hereby given that the lollotyuig ,-iaiiied sctilcr haa tiled notice of his Intention Oi make liual woof iu suppoit of his claim, and that said priMif will be uiiu-d lie I ore Hie Kcglaler anil Keceiver, i tute.i man-s inci i.iii.-e hi UoieblirK. Oregon, on April .'J. ls.iy, vl. JAMKMINMsN. on his II K No.'.'-T.i for Hie N V. , ' seel ion c. I n. lis H., K. 7 west, lie naiiies me niiiuar lug vvitiieswes to prove bit continuous res iiiannn iiuon Mint cultivation of said land, vi A. A. Matthews, of Huear 1'ilie Mountain, John Pllgeraid, Hr John Bcusley, James (loodiuan, oinouruoyv.l.cy. j. ,, 1JltIIn,Ks. M'JUi llcgistcr BOSVVELL SPRINGS On the S. P. R. K. Douglas County, Oregon IIOTKL constant ly open for reccj) tion of guests. Water cures Rheu matism, Dyspepsia, Kidney and Skin Diseases. To The Unfortunate. Dr, Gibbon This old reliable and thtt m Oil I successful tineelalist iu Kan Prau Cisco, still c.'jiillniiea to euro all H.xual aud Seminal DImcUM such as (lunnorrliira, eilcei Strlclura, Sypli III III all iu forma, blkln Dl aeasea, Nervous PcblU ily, Imputency. b.sml nal Weakness and Imwm .vVV!-ol Jtanhood. tho consu- oiicncc of si ll abiiko an. I cxccssi-s producing tho following symptoms: sallow oiinleniuicc, dink Sails under Iho eyes, pain III the head, ringing III Ibe ears, loss of coiiliih:iic, ilillidenco In ap proaching strangers, palpitation of Iho heart, weak iicas ol tlie limbs and buck, loss of memory Dil. lilliHON ban nracilciid In Han Francisco mines on ino lace. Co llins, consilium on. cut. over thirty years ami those Doubled should not tail in consult, him au'l reeeivo tlio la-hehl of his great skill nud experlfiuco. 'Tho doctor cures w hen others fail. Try hltu, (lures g.iaiaulcni. persons cured ut homo. Charges reasonable ( all or vvrlle. Dl(. .1. K. lilllllON. CttlKonruv HI. Hun I' inn Cisco, Cal Also a fine lhu- of "PLANUT Jr. Oadcu Seed Drills Ho.se Hoes, (Jardcn Plows, Ktc. CataloRtics fiee. Yoti get the best at Churchill & Woolle 's. ' sij v-stVdi .jitS-.si-D ttX his is the to Buy Groceries. I C. W. PARKS L r! t S t a A" a r 0j jj $- KRUSE & SHAMBROOK, UKAl.KKd IS ALL KINDS or STAPLE AUD FANCY GROCERIES AND PfillHS FINE TEAS AND COFFEES A SPECIALTY. Al.so A H i t LINK or TOBACCO & CIGARS. t.lYr. I r A IIUAL. I Kill, lllll.IVI.lt V. Real Estate Bought and Sold ( !. 'saai rarms, large and small, to Rent, AND IMMKDIATK I'OSKKSSION (IIVEN. Stock Ranges, Timber Lands and Mining Properties, I'runc and Hop Lauds of best quality, in choice locations, iu quantities to suit intending purchasers, at reasonable prices and easy terms. Inquire of 3D. Caj4s aai ar-fl . mm al New Tongues and Sounds, Spiced Herring, Whole Codfish, Salmon Uellies aud WYLIE PILKINGTON, ;nucccMor to o. W. NOAU, General Blacksmithing: i KorriNa and runnino plates a specialty, IlKi'AIKINU OP ALL K1NDH 1' ROM PIXY UONK. Hhup on Corner WaalilUKtou aud Kane Hoacburir. Cass Street Market Wholesale and Retail Dealeas in Fresh and Cured Meats Pish and Game in Season, Hay, Grain and Flour. 'Phone Main iKI. -top C V OCKHJ O OCHH Pluce A full aud complete assortment of all goods usually kept iu a first elass grocery. ICvcrythiug offered lor sale is fresh; aud sold at very rcasouable prices. We have a very choice stock of canned goods, including both fruits aud vegetables, to which ac iuvite your special attention. Our liuc of Olives, Gherkins, Pick, els, Sauces, etc., is also complete. We carry the largest stock ol to baccos in Southern Oregon. & CO., Grocers. t tu O OZXC Ct-td3 Oua lmtir South olf.O. KiMHIRU, OKKUON. gataiatsiw, S K. BXJIOK, 7 aaB44 Arrivals Pickled Salmon, Pickled Herri u Smoked Herring. Mackeral, at onoDDono ....MRS. N. BOYD. DOZIBR& MARTIN, Props.