The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, March 23, 1899, Image 2

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    THE plaindealisri'news fROM MANILA.
rnb lihiil Monitor ami Thinwlaj.
K. l. KTRA1 roRI) .
... KillL.r,
Halacrlpllon Mate.
Ou year.
HI Month
1 lircc Month
MA KCIt 23. I Still.
Oil kC.vutit ol the death of llio late C
Y. lien jam in who waa tlif oivt ol
ball interval in tin- l'i ainhku.kk, Lit
bait inlerot in tt.o Unt am) imhhc
lion In lor sale. II mU van not I c
satisfactorily mailt of tlic half ir.ttrrM
tln'ti the .hole of the ilnt ml luihlioa
linu tcfursMlr. Tup I'i umh:mu
ocrUifg one of I lie hrnt ne w;aier lieltle
in Orcfc'on. Call on or adtttrro. K. IV
SUaiford, Ittwchtug, Oregon.
I lie populist party is still ttrorg
vuouuli in I he I 'niiCKl Stales fenate to
nik motion, lull not to tet n seouiid
Tlio ultlett inhabitant never hoard of a
doc being affceted with hydrophobia in
Wettern Oregon, and perhaps not in the
The oen tcaton for negtos lia begun
iu the Southern uta'cs, and already sev
eral rtiea ol giitiiiirs have mado heavy
Some of the Koeeliurg loya at .Manila
ran aay from their iiarters iu the
city, in order to get into the lighting at
the front.
There itu'l a lightning rod or a ry
clone liole in Douglas count?. A native
Oivgonian would not know one if he
hould ree it.
Oregou will receive a heavy euiigia
tion during Uieomirnf summer from the
NorthesFfrn elates What is Djugias
county going to do to get Ler abate?
Cattle are scarce on the Tadtio coast,
arid thoso who have any, prefer to hold
them as money invested in tattle is
more saMy and profitably invested than
:t canld te iu almost any other bjeiuess.
The most lowdowu.diurtputable,
contemptible and despicable being on
(he face of the earth ie the man, who,
from a deprived and malicious motie,
habitually slander and defames t'.e
charecter of other iucd.
No man can now te found who would
have the cheek to claim that tens of
thousands of workmen all over the coun
try, Lave not had their wanes increased,
and that as a result time are letter and
money more j lentiful than for a lorg
lime past.
Oregon Hoys In the Thick ot the
riKht and Unjoy it.
The Orrqon And Minnesota
Troops Assigned.
Onr Troops arc Well intrenched
American iManifcfto Lvsucd
to I'ilipplnos.
MtMi.t, Mi ivh im Wil li' npp.irer I'
ly inactive aim-, it-nli) llio t
potie ha Kvn the with the Ann r
ican Luces. Kj-oigtt'.Mttioii ci.lniiing
nianr changea havs livu in progress
smco the iihrtiiihu im-tit i ( n lb lug
Whcaton's ai d ll.tic'e hrigadt a have
not been ays'gned, tut the ihegou,
Minnerota r.r.d Teiitt-S'c md regiment
has ht'cti concentrated at catnp on the
f. iiiett at the wa r front, in readir.ecs for
imtviedia'e transp ir ii'iun, he; t
p'ans of the mi i-arv h adt r. have teen
formulated. O :'.r troops nio ec.trcnched
and :ho pitua'i.iti ia p-actica!ly un
The iiipuri:. nts havo refrained from
makirg any at ack recently, and it ap
pears the tel-rU arc '.ivm: their aiumu-
nition fur a deci.-ive m-'auii.
According to a pM-o;ier capnre l ly
our trcor?, Avtiu.allo has uuujiiiiciM
lliat ho will i-ersonaily iKiidiiit there
serves at MoM e, a:i.I V, march en to within te:ilv d.v nalfjj the
Vuitrcans withdra in the ueaii-
1 tie cjncentration ot icbtl I rccs in
the vicinity of Mal.tSm gives Cv)hr to the
statement of ths prisoner. A Ivuvs from
Cebu, by accosting steamer say every
thing is. iiuiet there.
I he I'niled Sta'cs Shoriuan,
from New York February 3 has ariived.
Two sailors and tw-i priv.ttts !iel on
voyage, and one man wa? drowned in
the Med.t riane.n.
NsA Yokk, March S Toe Journal's
Manila correspondent cahltM t) l.iv
the ad trees to natives cf the I'hilippice, drafted by the American com-
miss on in benait i l t tit L iiitea :ates
governuiecl, eniloilving tha views c( the
president Ljs been mili public af:er
being tratisla'.o 1 into all the native dia
lects, is to iw dissioiin I'cd through the
W.isiu.Nurus, March 21. The .v.Uce
hii reached Maoila.
A photographic history of the late
war la to be published by the war de
partment. It should include a? series
of illustrations showing Col. Uryan in
some of his .numtrous patriotic charges
oa the banquet board in the Southern
cities during his campaign.
Washington, March 22. Addi iocal
rfcinfurceiueiits reachel Mnnila liiis
morning as iudiejted t y a dispatch from
U;n. 0:i3 sayirg the transport .Sherman
arrived with troops in good coulition.
The Sheridan expected to r.'ach Mtuila
in about to week?.
The i?heruiin, Sheridan and (jrant
will ad 1 about 5,000 fresh regulars to the
military forces in the 1'hilippinee, and
are eiectid to aid materially in tLo
plans whic'j contemplates the complete
buhj jgation of the insurgents before the
opening of the rainy season about the
middle of April.
Hudyan is now sold
package by all diugif
:) cul ts per
i't Hu Ivac.
(From the Omaha li.-o ;
The evidence of prosperity is cn every
hand. It is seen in the larje and
growing exports oi manutactores, in
the activity cf the iron and steel in
dustry in the improved condition of
the cotton induBty, in tDe large railroad
earnings, in the demand for labor and
in the advance of wages. These things
familiar to everybody who reads the
newspapers, attest that the country is
prosperous and give assurance of con
tinued prosperity.
The farmers of the country rs a whole
are in better financial condition than
for many years. Many of them are fiee
of peht and many others are nearly to.
home have becoae loaners of money
instead of borrowers, the deposits of
the farming commnuity in banks being
undoubtedly larger than ever before
1 his is indicated by a statement of
New York banker that for the first time
in his experience of more than forty
years lue great west uas more money
than even the great needs of the weBt
can make use of aud has actually been
loaning mi. lions aud millions in that
financial center. To a considerable ex
tent this money comes from the agricul
tural producers. Never in our history
was there so much labor employed in
tue manoiactunog , industries as at
present, and while wages have been
higher yet the increase in the deposits
of saving.banka; shows fjthat the earn
logs of the laborer'are such as to en
able the thrifty working people of the
couutry lo save something. For a year
past the aggregalnearnings of the rail
roads, notwithstanding rate tatting,
have been unprecedented and the roads
generally are iu a better condition
financially than perhaps ever before.
Lojk where one will the proofs of
prosperity are clear and convincing, and
it is a gratifying fact that all the condi
lions are favorable to its continuance for
several years. There is every loaeon to
expect that we shall go on increasing
our export of manufactures, w hile the
world w ill still need the surplus products
of our farms. The cheapness and
abundance of capital inmire its Invest
ment In productive enterpriau that will
crsato an enlarged demand for lubor.
The vast amount of unemployed tapita)
la not likely In remain much longer out
of use and whon the puiod of invest-
Yesterday's Dispatch Announcing His
Demise on the Steamer Paris
Was Erroneous.
John .Sherman is not dead. Tue dis
patch received by the New York Even
ing Telegram yesterday and put on the
wires by the Associated 1'ivie, was er
Mr. Sherman is now rejiorted improv
ing, wi'h I air chaii' es for recDvery.
Wasiiixotux, March 22 Mr. McCal-
lum daughter of Sherman received a
telegram from Mr. Wiberg, who is ac
companying the funner etcretary of
state on his tour of the West Indies, an
nouncing Sherman's cjuiinued improvement.
The Chicago will prububly urriyc at
Santiago tonight, and if Sherman aud
his friends are still of the tuu.o mind
they will take him on Irjurd atid bring
him home.
Manila, February a,
The Filipino war began last night at
S oVock and we woro cal'ed out a little
alter 10 oVloik. The battle was fierce
and strong until about 1 :;t0. At 2:lo
we turned In and at ;i:l5o e again
called to arms. Yelling and cheering
like mad we stalled (or our station.
Thi was a greater Salt'e than that ot
August loth. They are bringing In tho
kided and wounded, two or thrteotour
company hd pretty eloe call. Oue ot
our c mipany It men got a bullet ihroil
his Int. We cin ua hear the deep
b h:m of the cannou, tlx sharp ciack
the .Mausers and Krag-Joi's and the
duller sound ot the Springfield tegvther
with the shrill whitli ol t'ie bullets
Throe or lour tonus have bceu tnliiel
destroyed bv ilu ojmbrJment id i he
He go out again to the fraut tovlav
1 ouly had ont hour's sleep last utglit.
February 7.
I am still O K, bu. havu not had my
clothes otr lor tjnr da1 s and three nights
and do not if wo will got av rtst
tonight or not.
We are seeing the worst ie vtures
warfare. I siw lod of our American
soldiers wouiuUd and ;ii dead.
llio ttoruiau gunloat Irene was
seized today by our guuboals. Sho was
unloading guns and amunition (or the
insurgeuts aud we have her out iu the
bay w ith her guui all oiuted up iu a
very uuJiguiuevl manner, we may
have a little fun with Uermany yet over
I ta lo of our brav i bos on tho oi er
ating tables at oucJ aud many others ou
Stritcheij waiting their turn. Very few
of the iirive fellows eveu groaned, while
some of tuem laughed andjjked, some
cried because they ould uv. gjbickto
tijtit. Taere were so ue bo)8 sick in the
hospital, aud uhui they heard t tie liiiug
they broke a.iJ ran for ttieir c j iipinijj
au I before uurutug wre breught ba
in ambulances woauded.
loe boys f light like deuunj aud
eeaied to ei: ji.y it. There are burning
baildiugi in g;ghiail ttioliiuj. 1'uire
b&snjt le;a a;;y very luavy lighting
since tin tlrat ingtit ba: tk nuisues are
OCCartng all the i:ui .
February S.
I am villi ia the riug aud feeling line
luere wai very li.Uj lighting las: nigt
but st yen Americaas were brought into
one hospital wuuJcd, aud theie were
oth.-rs who went lo the regimental ho
pita s. 1: is ejlim ited lhAt oJOJ na'ives
were killed. Ths Spauiah are holding a j'Jbiled over it, ihey say the Axeri
cans are great luhteri.
Ujt s.Cii re(ort u the same live men
ojs serious. We are just called oat
February 11.
We are baik aaiu. The light only
lasttd three hours but 4M of our troops
were wounded aud three killed. We
have only four ou the tick report todav
they a'l got well as sjju as there was a
chance to tight.
lue u0-til ttiat ibe vjluuteers put up
has been a surprise to many, lieueral
Anderson aid, " When it comes to tight'
ing just give u e the American voluu
teera and Springfield rifles."
Lieu. Hamlin, Sera'te. fclcum and
Shambrook, Corps. Day, aud Leather
man, Drown, Wilcox, Wright, Ervin,
Armitae, Webb, UalJwin, lierks and
myself ari all fec'ing tin) tnd able to
hold our own in the Filipino wjr.
I think t'.ey intend to m)vu oi Mtlo
Ion eoon. ibat is north of u) and the
he a J charters of the lusurecto army.
hoe we can go,
F. S. UoliMiKY.
Olbrrman. lor T he Second
Sentenced to Death
ML IS 10 II WO APRIL 211th
Looking Glass.
How the flistake NVas M.idc.
Santi.m.j i,e Ci i;a, March 22. Invest
igation regarding the faln report eeut
out yeeterday saying that John Sherman
was dead reveals the facts in the caue.
The chief siguJ ch'i.-er here, Captaiu
Leigh, received the news from Ilia signal
oil ice at (iuantaoamc. The men cn
dulyatlhe latter office cot tho rtorv
from the French cable, and having no
reaton to doubt I he correctness of the
statement, nt once advised Captain
Leigh, How the French company made
the mistake is not stated.
Sherman continues lo improve.
Earl Postoffice.
Wy are in receipt of a ltt r from
CorigresFiimii Tongue, Haying that the
postmanter ut Karl Ii ih resigned and
reioiiiincn'U that Iho oflico bu di-con-
linueil, Mr. longiU) riglnly suggn;dn
that it is much eaKier to iliccjiitinua a
postoffico than to have it re-established.
If the patrons of thi i ollicnwill recom-
uiend some one for the oflico, eveu if the
olllco Lva lo hu moved u mile or so either
way, 1 lie ullico will b) ciiiitiiiiii'd. Will
N lino Olio intercut llnililPi Uth in Ihu
u.snt begin, there will undoubtedly be I lliaUer ., t.otlt;B))(Jlld with us or with
a almost nnpreo?dentd material Mr T()I)i,lm ftt inm Ilt MjH.
li'iro, 'ii.
Spring began last
showers of rain, snow, sleet and
What will become of Oregon?
T. F. Churchill, of Ten Mile, passed
through our burg a few days nince, en-
route to Koseburg.
Ren Grout, tho saw mill man, of lies-
tou, was looking after business matters
here a few days ago. He is au enter
prising young man, and any one think
ing ol purchasing lumber should give
him a call.
Mr. and Mrs. U. S. Morgau were visit
ing friends aud relatives at Ten Mile last
Miss ilyrtlo Spaugh was the guest of
Miss Eva Howard, of Ten Mile, atur
day and Sunday.
"March shoaers,
IMooming flowers,
Ilees humming,
Summer's coming."
Mr and Mtj. Ken Groat, of Keston,
were visiting friends here tho first of the
hlijah Oilivant had the misfortune of
cutting his foot very Beverly fomo few
days ago, while cutting wood. We wish
him a speedy recovery.
Mrs. Terry Foster is dgogerously ill
Willi consumption.
o more dangerous conditions of life
could bo imagined than a life of idleness,
ol luxury, of self-indulgence, ofosfentO'
t tu, of flattery and falsehood the life
that is called "society." It is the very
woret training for solf-reliance, or for the
dc I pement of any of the better and
1 traits of human nature. It can
Ij ji tail to check aspiration and endeavor
and to weaken evary character. Its nat
ural influence is to impair the morals, as
well as the social perception.
There will he a great demand for wid
ows here in a short time, as some of our
widowers are nuking some very peculiar
movements. Hoys get your fin pans in
Mr. Win. Simmons, of Brock way, was
in our valley, Monday, on business.
Several ef our young mm attonded a
ball nt Ollala, on Friday.
( has. Sya'ia-h wad a trip to the Ollala
mines, n few d.iyn since.
The Prisoner appeared as Cool
Ur.coiKcrncd a if Only a
In the circuit court M today, Judge
llim lton re-sciite:ued J. M . nn.tti
to suffer the i vrenio penalty of t!i law
by being haiue.l in ib? jul yaid in lion-
burg. Olbernuii hrirg pie.-eul in court
ami rep resented l'Vl,t utioruey, ho was
Cjiuiii (IkU-I to (.land up. "Have you
any thing to say whv sentence shall not
be pHH.ied upon yoti?" iiupiirod the court
"No sir, I havo n t," answered the dii'
fondant. ,ladg 1 1 a n :i ton then com
tiuued: "Tue ? ntotiC' of the c nirt is
that on Friday, tho -'Mi dav of Apnl,
that y ii, J. M. OlVrann, be
taken from your pi ice ot c uiliiu'ineiil,
an I within t'ie in .'losnro ol tho j ill
where you a-e conlliiel, uud in the
presence of l m vivo tuna lidj olectots ot
Douglas county , rogo:i, to t o selected
by tue sheritVol t-.ii I comity, th u yon be
hanged by tue neck until ;u'i tiro deal.
May God have mercy on your s.juS "
Tho defdiid.iit pissd thro'igh the
trying ordeal w uh the ha, no etihtl in
ditlVrenco that lr h: nuuifetted duiiog
the period ot his trial ntid cjiiiineiiieut.
There ia no prj: ability tint the giver
nor will iuterfeio with ih i j i. lenient, at
the murder, whic'.i was admi'.U'd h) the
defpndant api e ce I t ho uillint uny
exteuuatliig ciic.i.inta u e. and " I ng
as the law pruvid s thai ih y tor
murder iu the lirst d gr.e, n:i.,ll be
death, this is on.' c( the hwh in h ch
the extreme penalty cf tho la should
be meted out. While nlbi-rm.tti is not
iurane, yet he is a man who is morally
deforuifd lo filch an extent he h is
no conception u( thu enormi'y of his
crimf. tlii) taking of i hiiiiian life is
to hiui no more tiiau t:.o kil.icg c! an
animal, lie is dcforinid moially just
as s 'iu oihtr p.-r-nns uto It-fermed
mentally v piivscal!. tlo wiii die,
wondering that h- shmil I I'C puni-itifd
for taking tho life of a mm whom he
did not I k. or h i .u in his way
One of tho tl'lv';;"o;n o;i wliic.'i I lie
World is divided, H t'." 'i l atlJ i as to
w be her such m: :i mi. ml I le put to
death or to it'u e I i: piifci. 1'. is ui o
of the quotum wi n h in it hi' ! ft toll 0
wis:om anil mercy I tlic 1 itlier cf us
all. "Mac God have mi icv on I is
HRADY l'OKr;5t'l!3 TKOUntJ!.
t the Canadians Attempt to Move
the I'oundary l.lne.
fHA i i t.;, Wash., March 21.-Governor
John G. Ittady, ol Alarka, arrived here
today from Washington, whrre hn lias
boon since January looking alter Alaska
legislation. Concerning the A lurk,
boundary, Governor Hrady said:
' The. Canadians .w ill lun-ly have a
light on their bauds It they try tu move
the boundaries ou the 1'orvnpliie, as
Ihey have ou the Stickseu and the . un
canal pasji-a. 1X yon think that 2tKH)
Americans, every one ( them well
aimed, who have gne lino a cjiiutry
and taken up claims on what lias always
bwii coiimiluied American loniini; , will
let a hiiliilfull ol Canadian policcnn n
mwti the t'ouudary Hnw at w ill'.'
' Tills luiindary ipu ssi ui in a i i kum
olio, aud no one tau tell bow il is going
to come out. livery iiietiihi'r of the
commission nhuul I como v t st nd
make Itio trip tu Alaska.
"They should at least come weatol the
Koikles, lor I uudeisiaiid that thwie
are iiiouibi-r of that commiwuou
whobaye not leu that far Went."
Kegaiding legialaliou secured for
Alaska, Governor Hrady said;
"We are ilunkful lor small favors
There U some saiirfuciioii In kuowing
that a man can now tx) legally tiled for
criius in Alack. We have now a hold
on the liquor tralll;. Freo whiskey
would b it e bveu better than the con
ditions ot tratlb under the laws now iu
'This will ii; a year ot great develop
ment tor Alaska. The military explora
tation parties, the coast survey and
agricultural i u vest iuai Ion commissions
will all do a great deal ol good. The
goveruiucut is going to fvllow ui the
reiuiieer pranteui, auu wo iioite to scj a
suixesifol istuo bolore the end ol the
Deputy Assessors.
has appuinleil thu
who have a.cepled
and nit red upcti
aud ScollB'
Other Proceedings.
lue following na ue l jii'ors we e ex
cused for the term :
Wni. Cobb. W. V. Heed, I:. T. Aah
worth, Free Johnson, J. II. H'.lei aud
E. Wins on. John Wihon and John
Price wre ah:e:,t from the county.
Tee f illowing iKinvJ jirjrs ansa ere d
eieat wbea their names aeie called
and wera accepted fur the t-rm :
L. M. i re, J. W. Wise, Ti.omas Han
cock, C. F. I lis tr J , Chas. Ivaitiee.
Mor.ii Weber, J. II. G.ubbe, Joel
Tracey, A. L. tijlf, J. S. Hunt, C. I.
iermonl, T. W. Wiumford, W. It
Moore, James Kart, C J jhn-un, I). J.
Noah, J. II. Kbolc-u, I. W. Gardner, l.
Higgiuljotham, l:ey lrxine, Frank
Fate, A. J. li jnard and I. K. i'akett
A graud j iry was t ie:i d-awii aud
charged, corieis'ing of thu (uTowing
lersons :
T. W. Winuiford, Thomas Hancock
Joel Tracey, C. L. Gjrinund, C. John
Bon, Otey Iloone and J. If. l'ickett. T.
W. Winniford wis apiuinted foreman
Judgo 1 1 a in i ton hid held au adj turn
ment of court ih- yievious week, and
had disfiosi d of a lirgo iiumlu r of de
fault cases and liad mai.'o up the plead
ings in thoso ca.ies to bo tried t-o that
hen the regular March term convened,
there was no delay in proceeding w ith
the trial of contested cases.
jury was ca'lol iu tho case of J. II.
A'ix'S vs. A. J. Chapman. A trial re
sulted in a ver.lki h.r the defendant
ine ca-e oi tiio i u. 1 lo'.k A. Uo. vs
f t II : . . . .
.ii ax vteiss was next euhmitlcU to a
jury, who returned a verdict hi favor of
the plaintiff for thu sum of f 15.20 aud
in xno caae oi u,e ,-iato ol Uregjn vs.
Johu Ilanki Jr., chatged with the
larceucy of a c jw, ihe jury brought in a
Verdict u' guilty. Charles Hauks
who is charge I wiih a fimiliar c fl'ence,
is Ixjing tried today.
Iu the casa of s, C. Miller v.i. C. J.
KurU, there was a trial by jury aud a
verdict for the plaintiff f..r fJOl, and
costs of the acti iii.
No 2.1 W A I el. ait vs. W Ii A tier
bury, to recover money ; J II Shupe and
J (J rullerton, Atiys. for riff., A M
Crawforn, Atty. f ,r Deft. Settled and
o i Albeit K Cluppell vs Aaron
Rose, to recover money ; J 0 Fullurton,
Atty (or J'iff. Judgment for plaintiff
for f loO, interest and attorney's fee.
No lo John I. Arzner vs Isahelle
Frtnch, et ul, iu mindly lo foreclose
mortgage; F W Iiunson, Atty fjr I'iH.
Continued rvlce.
No 21 School Fund Commissioners vs
Jamei W (,'miii, et ul, suit inequity to
foreclose moitgago; A M Crawford,
Atly for I'.ff. Decree of foreclosure.
No I.) II Wullunberir vs James W
Smiih, et ul, in njuity (o forcclone
moitgae; F W Uouson, Atty for I'lff.
Default, ami decree of foreclosure.
Assessor Gillette
following deputies
Ihe appointment
their duties:
liiy C. Urow u, deputy in ollii c
S. J. Shrum, Lk.
J. I. Critser, (iardintr.
J. M. Robinson, Flkt u
J. A. Davis, Pass Creek.
Wm. Thiel, Yoncalla.
A. 11. Churchill, Millwood.
Wm.Thnmpeou Jr.. Coles Yalley
Frank Gorrell, Calaiooia.
J. L. Thornton, Oakland.
tie.. K. Mathews, IxRikiug Glas.
J. W. Lander, West Koseburg.
J. M Ddlaid, Winston.
T.J. Williams, Ten Mile.
A. II. C. Whipple, Camas Vail, y,
W. II. Kcdlirld, Glendale.
J. L. lioylo Cauyouviho
I. A. !an, Kiddle,
.loo C. Kice, Myrtle Cro.'k.
I. . A. Martin, Wilbur.
II. J. Wilron, Deer Creek.
J. M. Koaley, Koseburg.
L. (i. Mathews, Mt. Scutt
J. O U milcr, Comstock.
and low
and Fast
I'.MTXU .STAT En 1.1NO Ollll I ,
Koaeburu, Orrsiili, Fi ll , .'.', vn.
To limn il may eolirern:
Nolii c n hi rrlir IiCD Ihitl tin- iin enu .V i l
luriiia llnilriwi'l I o. Iiaa IHcl in till", ullh u a 1 1 ol
ul lini'l" altualcil in the l..wnliii. ,lr( rOx-.
Im ii, iim. I lias ati, fur i.n nt l.-r
Iniiiln: that Ihe IIM 1- open In the i.ii hi in lor in
"ivi iioii ami amtiy llicrenl in- iI. ,ti Ii i
Iivi'iihk. Inn been rxmlra In a tunvriiii ni
I'lai'e In thin oRIre, fur the ln(M ( Hon li n
inn iui'rii.ii'u nun uic miuiii Keiterniiv.
xmtliiil t-c lino ami not ol I nnutlr
I'ii. :f.i. It. I.
sw'. NK',, S.c. I: SW. . ll: i.iirt
ami imrl hee. SI; W1 .t anil pari ol K 1
sec. T,.
Ti. :;, K. J.
ShSK1., S.e. 15.
Tp. :I7, ll. J.
8' . hW 1. Sec. .1.
Tp. . K. t.
. b 'a. ecu. ...
Tp. It. .1.
' ,, ana foe. 1; M1 ; W' Hie. 7; all
Sou. I'J; all bee. 7; part tj ami part W
1 P. ;, R. :t
cnri ' a nun pari r. Bee. I . pari t- . iiml
iurl W'j.hee. l; pari IV, ami pari K1 ;, Mee.
ll : part t' , ami part ' J, Sec. I.;; lot i nml
mmjji. .-i; n-., nt'., o-u. -.,; pari
to'.,, see. a.i: W;tv.'.Net.-. ;i.
I ii. :n, ti .).
I'an , ami pari o'j, m c. r.' . . e. ll
' i ami pirt !', See. .'J: put K1, anU
i ' . hce. ii.
I'p. K. 4.
ixjm i, 2, i. i auu j, sec. 1 .
Tp. ;a K. I.
run in n'j, rx.c. i.
I'p. :l, K. I.
I'art nl K'.., bee. I; Hl,btl,,Mi'.'J.
I p. :i7, H i.
raiioi '.; ana pari ol b' ., e. r.i
Tp. :is. K. I.
j auu purioi B' j, Bee. 1J; b s',, bee
:i.l, K. .5.
IjiI 1. 2. I. ft. 6 ami NK'. SK' .'. See. II.
Tp. II, K. ...
iaiik i, aim i ul iwe. .
Tp. :n, K.
Pit'i Hh'v Sec. 17: NWJl hV' ,, Sec. ir. prt
f i. ree. ov fttt i. bee. a.i.
Tp. ail, ft. 6.
All See 1
Tp. -A, K. II
ran n' ., bco. ..
Snulh ol ha-e Hue uud Kant of WilluniuLte
Tp. K. 1.
fpi rt ' ami ...iv w?
Wltiilli the next nlxlv irv inllnulnir tin. iIhIi.
of lliln notice. nruteiitH or cnutentii Hifulimt Hie
eiann oi me coijipmiy lo any tract or hiiIhIIvIi
Ion wlllilii any iHctluu ur Dart ul hueti iii. ilu.
iM iibt'l iu the list, ou tho ground Hint thu Maine
ia iiinri; vaiiiaoic uir luiuerai ihiiu lor agncuil.
ural pnnou: will Ix: reeeivtd ami noteil lor ru
pori iu me ucucral l.auU Ollice at UahiuKto:i
J. II. IIOOTH. ilealater.
Keeelver. I7U0
Administrator's Notice.
1 ' nniii'iBiKni !, an alinlnilrittnr ol the etlale
of IllKhley Kruenian, ilto uail. ha till-' I hit dual
aeeount uiih tint County ( lurk of Douirliin
i;ouiitv. biaia in oreuon. ami ilia lion, ( ouniv
jtniKu iih nxvn januiiay, in lai uay or niay,
iku, ai v o uioeic, in lue loreuoon, an llio 1 1 m
lor iieannK oiijwU'Oni pi aaiu aevnuiil ami lor
llio wttleini'iit of the tame.
Dated llillpl iluy of March, lMitl.
Ailiiiluialrator of llic enlale of 1 1 larlile v Free-
mil ii, dcceaned.
J'ale, unacialed, thin, weai inon and
won on. Ilndynn i nren. All ilrn 'giiln, i
Administrator's Notice.
N olli'i) 1m lic.ri-l uiM II 1 1 1 tit Ll u iimleinii.'111'd
in on tin' jilli dar of January, iwj'i. ilulv
iijipointeil adinlnUtrntor of the ealulu of Juimn
k. MlU:liell, deceaaod. AU pemoua liuvluu
i luliiiH uxiiinHl Kaid entutti are lierehy ruiiiilrud
to prew'iil I no name proyn riy verllled, lo the
mlil adiiiiuixtratiir Hi Uiu law olliro of A.M.
( rawliird, In llomtliiirir, UOUglat Coiinly, (lie-
If on, w 1 1 ii i ii in minium irniii un: iihih iiitcoi.
Daifii uiih ii. i ll uny oi. runrnarr, I iti.
AdiiiiiilKtrntor olllio K-bitcnf Jniiicn K. Milch-
1TIK I'lltKl r Kill TK I' I
Montana, Utah,
Colorado and all
I astern Points.
(ilie lio Ye ul lo lavinlin iinili't, tin Ihe
I'NIUN I'.MIIIi! rati Mull line, ir Hit'
littU UAMiK mmiIi I. Inn.
l.iHik ill Hie I line
tl.ty.s to Salt Lake
to Denver
tn Chicago
to New York
1 ''; llt'tllHliiH t linlr i'iun, t'i
holHlrrvtl Tuurlsi Hlr-lii(
CnrM, Mimmii I'at.ue Hin
mil t'Mrn ' ruU-tl mi nil
tor luillii i lnloin r"! i' ii . I y ,i
J. l- (IIVAN5. Ac'., Uoat'hiiiB
O. Terry, V. I-. Cumnit,
Trav. I'au. Al. (Icn. .,;
l.'l Ttilnl M., I niUiiiid, lit.
l'or (loud, Wliolcsoiii
HRl'wM), there is none
equal to the
lioscburg Bakery.
Wc have always u nice
assortiiicnt of fresh
Ornamental Cakes to or
der. (tive us a call.
Mrs. A. C. kldd
iiU'e..ol n Mr. Kn.lon.
Calls attention to her nice
fresh slock of
ICvery tiling standard and
of the best quality. Kciucui
ler at the old lustcn stand.
Fitted with special heavy tread (I ec J tires, are
Thelkst k'A.-UU.Lk'S and IDIIAl.S ever lluilt,
The Hest Wheels ccr lluilt.
99, op-list
105-1 07-109-1 1 1
$40. $30. $25. $20.
Fred T. Merrill Cycle Co.,
(jo year pioneers.)
'Sixt1' St., Portland, Oregon.
A. C. MARSTERS & CO. Agents
Roscburg, - - - Oregon.
mid your Im orilo linnif pnr.
mt mom
BOTH One Year for $1.75.
tl report, ublc udituriai., liitrri liiiK hlnnt slnrli-
iinii-.i iiuiiiiiii Bnicii'i, iiiiiiitniiiii pn iiuc, nml ii iiiirin llo and tinrr'nliilng in niri
ot every family.
Imp nil Agricultural Ucpsrlnifut ol llic hiri
fl mi ill. ai! luiorliil newa ol Ihe .Saiinii
aii l Worl.l, loiiiprelitiulvc ami reliable maik-
ii until, ami ntvlmuli al Inliiriintlmi. uiu.
i;he ymi nil llic Iih ul licit k, -.IUKI llnl ih litl, kerpi ton l(
tltin! tiiiicli ullh yimr iilIrIi lri ami Irlemlf, cn be lariuaua u
Ilu- villiiKc
Send all subscriptions to the
Roseburg, Ore.
h y) r"?5 FZr
quality of the work
manship in our
clothing is one of
its strong points.
Kach garment is as
carefully cut aud
tailored throughou
as though made t
order. Sec our new
Kail Suits.
i mens"
Hake Friends
are the only kiud wc
wish to sell. They arc
the only kind wc do sell,
and with each pair we
sell we make a new
Ifrieiid. They arc not
lnily stylish but good
ciear iiirougli. See
Shoo line.
00 cenlp.
ell, U't:rUHi,.