mmmmmmmmwmmmmmmmmm IKMUVAL CARO Ktlllulln ' A1I persons Indebted lo t ho undersign ed are hereby untitled and rrtiioBtod lo coino forward and muku prompt Battle UiunL All note and accounts nut paid Immediately will ho placed In tho handa ol Hit attorney for collection. Thli meaua like ll renin. We are going out ul bualnetia, mii J uiuet liavo a jcttlotnoiit. C.wio 3 .loo, t THIS PLAINDEALI-R. WAIUH t'londale ! to liavo a now church. For a boo' I 6-cent cigar t all on Mm. N. Bqvd. ituga-io In n nitu variety ul Alexander it Hrung's. :Ky Went, luiHirti'd inn! tloincntiu cigars at the itoaelttaf. V lluely bred Jersey in.ilu call for sale. Atldr-aa P. O. Uox, lib Mm Maralurs U Ilia i,uw projii icton.m of .the ln.lul, at Yuiicilla. IV, l(. Mi-dli'y, ul Oakland, is iir.uis'.ing HirniT rvephens dining court. The flml display ut la-npso! every Jercripiioii at Chun hill A Woolley'. The Hoes More lit sidling out at sacri ffltt n iC prices, fall mid lo convinced. Ihj you suioku'.' II ao, gel tli Attlu clgnrat Kruae A Hl.amtrooks, solo agents No miataku will bo nnvlo by having your iIimiIiiI work donu by Dr. Mrange. J. 1). Mann nulls tho U-xt Ikur In loan iltlpricen are nil light, ijtiality cousid tied. T. I.. 'raven ia our agunt ut Oakland, authorised to solicit, collrcl and receipt lor aoy Lille dun (he I'.usiu. u.i:n. It DuGaa. M. I)., tuemher Hoard ol Pension Kxamiiu-ia. Ollico. Marstcrs building maiding corner Main and Cass street. Ilefore the ditcovcry ol One Miiiuto Cough Cure, iniolHtvra were greatly dis turbed by coughing cutigrcgailona. No excuse lor it now. A. V. MAItsTKltK A CO. hewing machines, sewing machines, sewing tntchluui at Alexander A Strong, nd tho bent ol them at that, ranging in price from ll'J to 137.50. ilesuro to ace I hem before you buy. Elmer V. Hoover, physician and sur geon, Oillco next to ily hall on Main street, Uoeeburg, Or. Special attention given to diseases ol the none und throat, falls promptly answered. 'Phone lili. See Klre & Hire, 1 1 o u -o Furnishers, (or every tiling In the (urnlturo line, largest Block und lowont pricon, jiiut re ceived rt cur load of V. ulern mi I a uinitiiro. Sue uvJnr baruuinn. Monii' l'uultry Cure. Tliin inlalllble lOinccly diiilUMitfi-fl tho world, lo produce ita ripinl at an i-uk proilnccr. I'reveiit ivo und niro bjr .ill ilifi'im'S of fowls (iinritiitiM'd ami lor aaln by II.M. Mnr tin, Konobniy, Or. JidifB prii-c'H aic much tho r.imu one daie or another. There in a bi ilillcr euce in graden und cidorinH ol pl'i'io. You'll find them lower Ihiui lh lnnrHl bore. N' flikn o'ir rrputut lull on our wauh kooiIh line. Call nuJ ut them ut the No velly Mure. When you ere nerve iih und hleeplei1, take llood'a hurHupurillH. it uiukeH the riervae bl ruiik! and iven lelicbhinu bleep. Suits ol elothee, all wool, heavy weight, ; reuulur piieo :. Hojb clothea from 0 tc 13 youra for I.0 und Hals ull btylen und colors for ; "u regular prii'o Jl. Ml. All llieso kikhIh lire only to be (omul at the lloaa Store. New Spring Goods. AT 'Tlicrc can be no inis-umlersUuuling when prices are named in Mack and White. Ladies Wrappers. 150 new dresses to se lect f 10111, fine line of pat terns rll well made, full skirt, n s k i 111 p o l material you will not hesi tate taking one; at the prices quoted. Call and see them. Ji Roseluirtf Novelty Casli Store, W.C. IIILDI'IJIMNI), Jr., successor to W. C. IIILDKBRANI) Sr. BROS. BOSS Closing Out i At Prices f lo:id, the watchmaker, drrs eugray ln. Mftcuroni in ono pound cartooua at . Ier'e WiKoty. .NiiwdI.x'4 u( elegant iuiin ielat Ch.irdi II A Wool ley 'a. 'i'liile ol iMiiuiuk" I et tlour on the uiiitkii. Try a talk. Hud line ol nea ciafliei and tuble linen at the Novelty Store. IlijthoKt k I" Uamblert, (10. A. 0 Mumu m A Co., KonebiirK, Or. Hon. S. II. Mult returned from lioar i burg, TileMluv. Anhland Tiding. ('opNr ntrainem, double and I!ord euui noxKlea at flnirchlll & Woolley'a Hiiud, the watchmaker Bella ectaclca ut luet prieta uud can (It them cor rectly. T.j trade : A bicycle lor hone or oDy. Kinjiiiru ol II. li. Hounholder, oppoiite depot. A, I''. Hunt li.fl yegtAnlay, on a bui nem trip to I'otiglra county. Aabland Tidinyn. Huuriburu, coated tougue, bad breath, conf tlplimi. Hndyaa curen. A II drug gintn, oO cunts, Caro Kroa. inlorm tlieir patrons that they are in receipt again ol Clark's Spool Cotton. Same old price. Standard of the world, the Columbia bicycles, get the b.t at the price o( Ihe cheapest. See Churchill V Woolley. It is raid that the eo'.dlrr who bad taken Hood's Sareaparill stood the long march? a in Cuba much bettor than the othern. There'll bo a bot time io the old tiwo when uuyone bringa out a belter brand of Hour than the New Kia's "I'ride of Douglas." "(live mo a liver regulator sod I caa ifgulato the world." said a geniua. The drugtcift hnndivl him a bottle o( DeWitl'a Little Karly Hianra, the famous little pills. A. C. MAKSTKKH & CO. ('. i:. Haiuiou, not wauling (o uilsi any i( the good thing?, went lo Roae hurg Lib! werk and wai initiated into the order ol the Klka. Crania Tasa Mining Journal. II you liavo a cough, throat irritation, weHk lung, pain in Ihe cheat, dillicult breathing, cioup or hoarseueaa, let ua ut:gCBt Ono Minute Cough Cure. Al ways reliable and nafo. a. c. mai:.sti;h.s aco. lor a high grade piano, don't over look tho Hainee Xros, fodoraed by all leading imiaiclana In Kosebutg, They ie lined and indorsed by Ir. Kbnie, Mrr. pH'lliuir end otheifl. Mine. Tatli han ii I lainea upright in her boudoir in lit r beuutifut home at Craig) coa CiiBtle, Wulen, und iioed tho Hainea piano dur ng her htrit lour ol the I'nited States. II wnkn liuon., New York, N. Y. Cliurlo liurgert, who runs a tiauafer wng.m in this citv, waa arrested Tburs Jay on llio complaiut ol 1'. 1. Viite, churning liiui with embevzeling s num ber ol ho;a. A preliminary examination was hell before .1 ustico Miller who bound him over to the praotit term ol court, hia beiug llxed at (100, which wai giyeu und defendant wai re- lOUBcd. Lowest Cash Prices. Men's Clothing, Wc give quality first consideration. Then Ham mer down the prices. Call and see what wc can da for you in Mens Suits. All late Styles. iSALli STORE a Sacrifice i Regardless ! Of Cost I X Uo to the Uoaeleal (or Ihe beat cigars Caro Hron. are Ibe ln iiificliant. Jin roll creamery butler si Mrs. N. lloyds. II i ll for Larg-inn mi l your watch re piir:i.. , Ak your K'":r lor Ihe 'Tride o( Doujas" (lour. For timi-clao ilentintry go to 1i I.itth. ol Oakland. Facts not lakes is what our sdver lining columns represent. The Uoss Store. lUbys "Cry lor Castoria" I ut their papas cry (or Oliver l'lowa they moat bavo them. rmone 1110 ".wile, ihe Uet &c cigar of the year. Krone A Shauibrook, ole agonts. Wanted: Agents (or Monarch lijok Company. N. A. Kicharuh. Dillard, Ore. Sick healuche, lullnera in stomach, pain in bjwela. Hodyju curea. A) uruggisii", w cents. lue tax roll lor the year I8'J8, Lit been com plot od an J turned over to the sheriff for collection. The "I'ride of Douglas" is a new brand of Uour made by the new lira Mills Kvery rack ia warranted. Try it. So much dependa upon Ibe purity ol the blood that by taking Hood's Sarsaps rilla many different diseaaea are cured. I have s bouse and lot iu Moscow, Idaho, lo trade for Itoeeburg property. J. A. UltllANAN. Columbia A Hartford bicjclos ars fit ted with automatic bub brskt this year without any eitra charge. II s girl loves it is her business. If a man loves it Is hia business. If tbey get married tbey should use "Pride of Doug las" Hour. The ladies of tbs Uaptiat cburcb gave a very enjoyable social, at the residence ol Mrs. it. W. Strong, last Thursday evening. H A. (irahaiu arrived in Sao Fran- Cisco today from New Yoik, having com pleted arrangements lor the operation of his coil mine, lie is expected ou the bay next week. Marahtield Sun. For a quick remedy aud one that ia perfectly safe lor children let as recom mend One Minute Cougb Cure. It is excellent lor croup, boirtenesn, tickling In Hie turoat ana coughs. A. O. MAKSTKR.S A CO. Make a trial subscription to Keview o' Reviews, 5 months, (1. II. (i. Houa- bolder, Ksaeuurg, Or., special agent. Opposite depot. (ioo. Kohlbagen hua gone to Harney county to lake charge ol a herd of cattle, which lie owni there, und which have been winterod by Ferd Tiptou. Magazines for the doctors, lawyers, business men, teachers, students, and the general reader, at II. O. Houshold er'e, Itoeeburg, Or., opposite depot. Miaa Winnifoid A Co., will have Ibeir opening of Spring tnilliuery March 24th aud 1'ith. All up to date good, Euro pean llowera and pattern bats. A mail- con prices. Call early and get first boice. Alouaso Kdwarde, who killed his uiin- Jug partner, C. I. Evans, at their mine near A'bland, baa been bound over to tbe graud jury, wilbout bail, on a charge of murder in tbe Bret degree. J. Sheer, Sedalla, Mo., conductor on electric street car line, writes that bie little daughter was very low with crouu. aud her lifo saved alter all Pbvaiciana bad failed, only by usioz One Mlnnte Cougo Cure. . A.U. MAKpjTERS i CO. Geo. Koblbagen brougbt out twenty Lead ot cattle, from Cooa county, for bit brother, L. Kohlbagen. He reports tbe old Coos Bay wagon road in yery good condition for th's season of tbe year, O. M. I tenderer, tbs liveryman, baa purchased tbe Dr. Snapp residence on Wall street, for tbe consideration of $1 , 000. This la a tine property and shows that Mr. Henderer is not afraid of bis venturo In our city. Cottage Groye Leader. Horticultural ComuiUbiouer J, ll. C.Boy Las examined tbe orchards about Ashland, Med ford and Central I'oint and baa found that souiothing has ou curied In tho mysterious workiugs of nature wLereby great loss of lifo baa been brought to Ui San Jose acalo peat. Tho dead aoale is seen ineuoimous quan titlea aud the situation i general. Mr. Casey believes that if (be orcharding would all get in and clean up this spring thut this pent, could be wiped nut entirely. A.C. KI M to attend to Mr, snd Mrs rs, I, li. Il nd of liokii Glass are la tbe city lo lny, Wm, It. Maigulr ol U.n-Iurg Imi baeii granted a pnnnkm l per month A maniagti license lias inmn I n lo 1'aul Victor Cuvilller and JiwpMr.c Lirrlsoti. A. I', Hunt left V liini Uv on 11 I uoi Uess trip to D'ltlglii cicin' ; . Anlilund Town Talk. The H. I'. pay cardlstri ml id th- u ihI amount of caati among thu ruilroAd l-' n last Friday. D. Jackson, the guriHiiiiili who I.h been ill (or somu days, is, wt ure gl.,. to say again abl f ti at hi li i'- Mma Mari irr Jl rkl..r' wit ) ln-n visKlrnr In l;.iibnrv f-r fVirtl t-tin returned lo heir l..,n.e n Jy-!. n n, H'.ii dir. Kiy Tor. I wentloWolI Cu-ck Imeliy to clrk In 11:0 Sulfur i'in e.or- in ol W. W. llennon. who In ri k. (iiants I'aen Courier. Iiraluu, I.ano county item Mir . D, l. rnliu returned borne Irom KoS'?lurg last Mundsy, Her daughter, Mis C lura cmi.e home with her I'. J. Hood in for inn us that l.Mwi.'e and dainrliier, li lnvo been 1 1 i . ill at Ia (iramle. h iv h'ih- s' i-r.tirt I . re Coy ned Iheir iimihI herfiih. There ban been Si.uio cattle buicia ,1 frm Klktou, Dniglaa co'iui'y, buj iiiu up eat 1 1 Thev met with fair fiucrvf, sr:d biieiid drivir g their sloe ver to I .ng Ian via iion l4ke,Mrrhlleld San M Sarn W leli-n tu HIil.OII'iC.: to ti e i' n o( ll't. t ii-k und liciniiy Hut hie wi!l liAve In r i- nii.t ' ( tin ii a r ry ou Friday and S.mnlij, Mmcli :JlM und Affil lot. All are invi'i-.l. luppy is me niari or wom.iri wio .iii eisgxd hearlv meul wlihont tuff ma It von cannot lo it t.ike Koixii. Dvni'ki'BiA Ci uk It ilie i-if lmt you ea, and cures all foriiin ol lhri11 sia and Indiesti n. A. C. M AltsTEKS ft CO. Air. J. U. rutiH, Ot Koselir.rj;, lifts 1 ten in the city making urrui gernciitn to opeu a milliueiy nloia lure eoon. For tli purpose Mr. and Mrs. F'urik lHve rented the rooms in the Cuf-ick 1 bx:k formerly occupied by Dr. A liin.h. Al bany Ikiiiiccrat. Mr. and Mrs. S. 1. n u rone panied by Cob Itraden, rt.i ttti n I" rdc- buck lo Itoeeburg this minium at which p are Vr. and Mrs. Il-'rma'in will Ute the train for An F'.'aucieco, where tbey will combine lnifii ci with pleas ure in a ten dajfc' visit. A great Jeul ol pluck was manifctitcd, cH cia!ly by Mr. Hermann, to undertake atiip over the Middle Folk road at this eeueon ol the year. Myrtle 1'otnl Luterprise. F"or froel bites, Imrnn, indolent rorue, eczema, ekin ilincaw, und ei,eciaMy Piles, Pe Witt's W itch Hazel S.l ve Maude first aud hpet. I.ixk out (r ilii-hoi eet people who try imitate and counUrtit it. It's their eudorremeut ol a good nrtie'e. Wortbls goods nre not inu'ati'.l. (let DeWitl'a Witch lla.el Salve. A. C. MAtiSTLKfsACO. Constable McF'arland, ol Cottuge ti rove, arrested a- man giving bid name as C. Stewart, on a chutgu o( obtainirg money by false relencts, at Cottage Grove. The uun was engaged io taking I orders for photograph button. Ho col lected all or part of the price of tbe button, promising to deliver tho goods before.he left town, but after collecting what niouey be could, he left Ioaii. He waa working the same game at Drain, when arrested. Hi wai taken loLV. tsge (irove lor trial. Aa the aeasou ol the year w lieu pneu monia, la grippo, eort lb rout, count a colds, catarrh, broncbilie and lung, troublos are to bo gutrdod Hainft. noth irg "is a line substitute," will "answer the purpose," or i "juet us gixl," as One Minute Cough Cute. That ia the one infallible remedy (or all lung, thront or bronchiul troubles. Intit-t Yuoroiielv upon having it if "eomuthing else" is offered vou. A. C. MAltSTl'.HS A CO. Abraham Lincoln Circle N). 1', ladies of the Orand Army ol the Kopu'ilic, on last Thursday evening give another of their dulighlfnl social, aud to ray that it was thoroughly enjoyed expresses it very mildly. Some very happy and telling remaika weie lomlo by Hon. J. W. Wright. KecitationH wero rendered by Miseea Maude Woodruff, Jest-i und Ellon Fluoke, t'oeso tlirej did their iiti well indeed. A select Yeudiug by Miss Bessie Kidder deserves e.'pecial mention bolh aa regards the elegant way it waa given and the aitiolo itsjir, then followed a recitation entitled, "In the trenches before Mulute,'" by Miss Ciara McCoy. This was well roudered and carried ua in thought to our own brave boy a who are serving Uncle Sam in tho Philippine. Supper waa then an nounced and the ladies served oysters, cake and coffee. While supper was in progress, a quartette c( young ladieB led by Miss Oru Terry, gve us gome fine selections, with a greut duul of grace and ease. Miri. Aba Smith, with violiu and Mrs. Grace Y'oung at the organ, dis coursed exipusito music. Auother im portant feature of the evening was tho cuke walk, we believe the cake went to Comrade J. W. Wright. Many t batiks to tbe ladies (or their kind aud courteous treatment . Harried. KESCHKE-TirrON.-Ii. Mantbtield, Maicb 15, ISO!), ut the renidenco of C. M. baker, Oust Kctchko and Nancy E Tipton, Judge llydo ofticuting Mursblleld Sun. OLD ALASKAN BOUNDARY. Klondike District May Belong to United States. tho SEArrLi:, WVh., Manh IS. News ban reached bore that tlve Fiulunders claim to bave discovered evidences ol the orig inal Uussian boundary lino liibi rlbed on a terlea of old mounds, w hich, if ibtali litbad, will place the Klondike country within the United .Slates. It is etutetl that United States Consul McCook, ut Daw a on, will comiiiunicato with the Waahlugton uiitlioriliea regarding the matter, g ; jd', I Squirrel Ti - T SURI! IJRATII Squirrel and Gopher Poison ri'n ti.r. i Win n i 1 Ii" h.'i no, I rtlifniicut kinly - j K',wttetci tor in? (imtrur of th-w iirchtM ii'l rneli nin. A. C. MARSTERS & CO., Druggists, ROSEBURC, OREGON. rv: A N N.N N N V N V A A X A Jl A A!AA A' JL,A - LAN - v AusozAraTrvbcnE Makes the food more delicious and wholesome Scottaburg. Wm Kouiul wm in town not long aince mi his way to Kistern Oregon, w here he expects to engage in teachi' g. Mr. Riant, formerly a resident of thia i turn, but late of 1 -r. 1, U Pa?, waa in- prvirtii:g bin old friends recently. 1 no r.'-icfSi'y buildings lor tlie new xging camp are now beiug erected acre Eg the river from town. Charley Fkb!tnu came up from ttardi- i.( r in the eaily part of lat week, eu r.jiri t. j Portland. He tbinkn some of : :"iiii; 10 tea. it.e tbow (jl TueA'Uy evening was well ende. I, ulihough llio rain came down Bt.-.i.hly und finally turned to enow Every boily ami the bat ies were iu at- tei'daine. M jet ci tbe audieocejMemed we. I pleased with the evening's amuse ment. A few tlaucea were indulged in1 as mi end of the program. A. Kent brought some cattle up tbe river this .week. J. Beck ley alio came up from .SchoQeld with eigh'y bead. Mrs. II. Weatherly went to GardiLerJ for a few davs visit. l'. Audrud has a severo burn, tho re sult i f an accident. l'lie ( this vicinity are anx ious for.fair weather. No grain ban as yet been Bown. Mr. Col well arid (ac.ily aro iu town. They will he employed in tho camp of Mr. Hacker Ibis coming eeaoou. C. Becklcy, tbe Eikton merchant, waa i 1 town tho first of lat week. Mrs. V. Weathtlly has gons to liardi uer (or u few weeks. Mr. Shebunda, it in reported, will be united in marrisge to Mies Lauia Mc Afee on ihe 2jtl., and will entertain his fiirinb with u social dance. Cap!. Wall bad tho misfortune to take an impromptu dive from. his canoe, but uo serious damage was doue save a gen eral dampness. The Kpworth league was veiy pleas untly entertaiiK d ul the bomd of MifS Auati t-mith last 1'hursd.iy. the oc casion being uu lri;h social w hich was gotten up by tho League cabinet. A very enjoyable time waB had iu social au.uH iiienls ufier tho program. Luucb ' B.rved aud ull piesent spent a "cry pleasant eveuiug. Tbe program waa as oil jws : Song, "The Last Kose of Summer." Prayer Kev. Arnold lustriiineutal solo "Weal ing of tbe Green," Koas Smith Vocal eolo 'Just Behind tho Times' Miss Belle Catching Vocal solo "Come Back to Erin," Mrs. F. W. Woolley Recitation "Jimmie and the Owl," Miss Amata Smith Vocal aolo "Killarney," I'rol. L. 11. Traver Heading "Irish Selection," V. W. Woolley Reading "The Exiles ol Eriu," Miss Silvia Stenrna Ins'.rttT.eutai aolo "Hoiiotr.ipe," Boe Smith Readii.g ' 'Irish Brigade' at Foiiteuoy ,". . . . Miss Grace Catching Vocul eolo "Katbleeu Mavouineen," Mrs. L. At Walker Short talks II. V. S. Appointed ilatron Miss Cora iniih, senior uurso at Sulcui Hospital, was today uppulnlod by Governor Goer, to Ibe position ul matron at Ihe Or 'g 11 Sollier's Home, and leaves (or her now ptsitiou ou theelevon o'clock heal. Miss Smith is a daughter of Mr. and Mis. Abe Smith, of Liberty, und baa been lor over two years at the hospital uh nurse. She ia a native ol Kaneae, buying coiiio to Oregou about (inr yeara ngo, Salem Journal. IPi 1 ' r t si Gopher (PREPARED WHEAT) V V " -v .VA"VA'V N ' N " N N X V "A - 'jt " Jt-A. ' A A A-A-- A ' A "'-A 1 1 - 1 " A-A-A -A A" A- A-A"A" EC Letter List. Kcmaining uncalled for in the U-jse burg poatoflice : Allen, Chester M. 2 Hertford, Mrs. Chas Brown, George Ileriloid, Mra Lillie Caster, Van Martin, Allen E. Cleveland, 11. A. Porter, Euge:;e Hertford, C. Smith, Dr. R. E. Persona calling lor ilium letter- wi I please stat-! the date on which they were advertised, March l.'J. Tie letters will he charge I fr at Ihe r.e of one cent each. Wm A. F'KAIkK, P. M. The Bernhard Walther Company. AuiANY. Or., March 15, 1WJ. i'Kor. L. K. Tbavlk, K'aehurg, Oregon. DiAT i-ir : I consider it both a pleasure and au honor to apeak in worda ol highest pr.ire of the coucert presented by the Waltber Concrt Company in our chap I. Out audience represented' 'suine tho bet class ol people in Albany, tiotb musical ly and socially, and their hearty ap plause during the entertainment aud their unbouuded praise at its close, testi fied to the artietie and delightful cl arac. ter of tbe concert. Mr. Walther ami the ladies are ac compiisheit artists in their reepective lines, and iu additiou are very cultured and refined people. I am sure it will he an opportunity of moH thao ortiiuury vnlue to the people of Itoeeburg to hf ar thin company. I trust that Kiseburg will accord them a (ull hou-e,.ond I will venture to eay that the encores will tiring out some cf the ba eetest mu?io on H19 violin that anyouu could w ish to hear.- Yours Kc3pectfully, Wallack Howe Lkk, President Albany Collpiic. At the Opera House Tuesday evening. 50, oj aud 25 cents, Died LIVINGSTON. In PonUnd. Mar, h Hi, IS'J.t, Fiore-ice, wile ot A. U. Living stou, aged 24 yiars, 1 month ami 20 d.ya. Deceased was tho daughter ol Mr. and Mr j. II. E. Happergott, und had re sided iu U-j.ehurg for many years where she nad a hose cf biends who mouiu her un'imi ly death, and who ex'.ou I to thtt bereaved husbjul mil piruuU, their profound tympathy and consolation. The (uu-jral services weie h;M Satur day afu moon at the Baptist church, be ing conucted by Rev. S. A Douglas. Roaebuig Hive No. 11, L. O. T. M, cl which Mra. Livingston w t. a membr, and a host of Men Is dlloAod the re mains to the Od I Feliras cetnetory where Hn inteiment wai h id Dr. Lo ve th well kn iii uptician, is atill at tbe McClallen. If eyes trouble you, go see bim at once and have bim test you for ghses, aa be leaves aoon. Bicycle Economy The uioncy you pay for a uew wheel is sometimes only part of the price. The bicycle-mender gets the rest. Hut if you buy a . . . . Crescent A. to begin with you need have only a bow- S ing acquaintance with the Repair man. A. C. MARSTf MM f Poison . '14 A3 rou iiik Anil I ffectual ftlfHclion nf ".fcedy Df- Wffr SQUIRRELS. tl0l'lll:k5. 2 4 MIS. MICF. CROW.5, IIC MARCH, APRIL, MAY, Ihtsc are the Months in Which lo Purify Your Blootf. Tiii ia 1 be nn wl eit your LmI Ia l.jrded with i 11 1 ; ii r . t c, MCtuuinUted d-iinir: tho wintiV in. titlm from clorfl c iihueiiie.-if , rich foot', und uthur causes. Tnent) impurities most no driven from your ; s'tm or they may breed serious dinea-o and cause untold anfleripg. Hood's .Saraapi ilia ia the greatest and befcl . Ijod purifying medicine it ia pos sible to oMaiD. It is what the millions take in the spring. It will parity and enrich your blood, create an apetire, tone up your syttuui, and give you 8un.l, rolmt h altb. 10,000 men wanted ut tbe Boaa UlntK t j h I-jci great bargains before it ia loo late. How's This? We oflti One Hundred Dollars Reward for any case ol Catarrh thut cannot I e cured by flail's Catarrh Cure. F. J. CH ENEY A CO., Props. Toledo, O. We'.tho iindersUne I'have known F. J. Cheney for the las; 15 vears, aud believe bin. perfectly honorable in all business irmsai tivr.J and financially able to car r out any obligations made by tbeir rl 111. West c Truax, Wholea!o DruggisM, Toledo, O. Walding, Kiunuu & Maiyin, Whole sale Druggists, Toledo, Ohio. Hall's Catarrh Cure ia taken internal ly, acting directly upon tbe blood and mucous surface ol the tyetein. Price 75c per bottle. Sold by nil itnu'gisla. Ten noma! 1 f-e . CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of Dyspepsia Cure. Digests what you eat. Itartiflcially digests the food andalds Nature in strengthening and recon structing the exhausted digestive or gans. It is the latest discovered digest ant and tonic. No other preparation can approach it in efficiency. It In stantly relieves and permanently cares Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heartburn, Flatulence, Sour Stomach, Nausea, Sick Headache, Gast ralgi a, Cramps, and ftllother results of imperfect digestion. Prepared by E. C. OtWitt Co., Cblcaflo. . For ealo by A.C. Vartters tic Cc. Doctor MEYERS A CO. Specialists for Ken TIich ithTticiuw Iu1mmi ouniif wkaM umI un trsxtoJ ftilturuU Mik- Thy hm ( lrget raiii l-eat eiuira mshlictu In t:ttttoB, auU tli Btoot fx tciuiv Dnutic id Ut U. H, L ' ,W 1 w ... rt ItfrT . 1 vV s lrnfortiint n w(mi nn CSTABLISHCOir VCH. K . . ThuUMuua cured ftt Imm. 111 1 -turnfioufijti., o Cham fur 1'ouulUtloa 731 (lts. 1 IIS ii TO. Ants. W 1 W-Xs. ML WVVWW 1,