Tho KIimI Ytm llnve Alwnys lloiiffht, nml Mhlch litis beeu li hso for ocr :10 yenrs, ltns lorno tho slffunture of - mul lin Won iniulo umlcr his icr (jr j&fjpf-j' Rotinl Miporvlslon sinco Its Infancy. fuMyy, CctcAtte Allow no one t o deceive you In this. All Counterfoil, Imitations ond Substitutes nre but Ex portmonts that trtlle with nnd endanger the health of .Infants and Children Kxpcricnco against Experiment. What is CASTORIA Cantor in I a substitute for Castor Oil, Irejrorle, Drops and Sootliinjr Syrups. It is Harmless nnd IMoasnnt. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic Mihstnnee. Its njre Is Its puarantee. It destroys Worms and allays lVverishnoss. It cures Diarrhoea nnd Wind Colic. It relieves Teethlnjr Troubles, cures Coustipatlon ond I"latulency. It assimilate tho Food, regulates tho Stomach nnd Dowels, giving healthy nnd natural sleep. The Children's Panacea Tho Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of J The Kind You Have Always Bought Use For. Over 30 Years. In thi ernTiua co.h,, it .i-uMf min. ncw va city. For tine tone and high grade piano get a Need ham. Thsy pe..k for them selves. It do8 not tits. a i-ravker jack at bi j oalary or a pii I m'Hici.ii to eel then). All we ask ia to look at the in tromenl, try tlm tone yourself, and you will bo cj"'ii.( J that Nel!ianiii are the best pianos on the market, except Chickeriug or Meinway. For reference tee O. F. G jdirey. A. 0. Mark;, or I. 1'.. Kiddie, who has just received at l.ia home a beautiful one iu tiured nulioc any oaim. Tha prices of ll.efe pianos are the most reasonable for t lie ijuaiiiy of goods ever offered in this city. I can also give you insi le prices on any mase of piano. OU -i I see X. K. KlCll UUM)N, Kosehurg, Or. 2. 15. We also have in stock some new aud second-hand piauoE second hand 'iJ t j $I?o. New '00 to foJO. AH our goods are new and of the latest styles. No shopworn goods ou hand at the Does Store. Our Washington Letter. From onr regular eorre.oii.leul. Weekly Excursions to the bast. A tourist eieeping car will leave Fort' land every Tuesday at 'J p. in. via the O. K. &, N without change to Boston, and under the supervision of experienced conductors. No change of cars to the cities of Omaha, Chicago, Cullalo or Boston. The ideal trip to the east is now before vou. Iieniemt-er this service when going East, and consult O. K. & X agents, or address, W. II. IICKLUIET, General Passenger Agent, flM. Tortland, Or. We urge our patron?, who are in ar rears for the F.aixdealei! to eend us ail or part of the amount of your subecript ions. It is a small amount to cacb of you, but t us it woull aggregate an mount we very much need in our bnsi new. For Over Fifty Ycaia. A. Old and Well-Tbiko Kkmidt. Mri Winslow'a Soothing Kyrup bu been used lur over flfty years bj million! ot mother! tot their children while teething, with perfect success. It lootbci the child, softeus the gums, allays ail pain, curd wind colic, aud is the best remedy for Diarrhuta. It piewAUt to the taslv. Sold bj druggist in every part of the world. Twenty, fire ceuti a bottle. Its value li incalculable. Bo sure and ask tor Mn. Winilow'i Soothing 8yrup, and take no other kiud. Tnc ChurctieM. MtTiiowsT Cmii'il eoiuer ol Main uud Lane street. Bunday Service: Preaching, 11 a. m and 7:30 p. in.; Babbatn school, 10 a. m.; I.. A. Walker, Superintendent; Class Meeting at lioae of the morning service; Kpworth League 8:U0u. m. F. 11. Churchill, President. Prayer Meeting, Wednesday, at .M p. in. (i. li. Ar.SuU), l'ustor, Parsonage, corner Halu aud Lane I'MTID Biiktukkn ciil'Kcii-ou Fowler street. Mill. lay aervlce, at 11 a. in. ami 7: W ). ui. Pray cr meeting, iliurs'Iiiy evening. Mrs. i.UCV M. li rtir, Pa-lor. tit. UKoUuk Clil'Bi ll. Corner Ca-u uud Maiu streets, berviccs ou second and louilh tiiiiiduy morning of each mouth aud ecry Sun day evening. )ceial H'rvicei anuouueed from time tJ time. Kev. Juii.v Ijawxo.s', Miaiiionary. M. li. CHttttu, boUTU.-bervicesevery Hunday mo'ulng and evening. Kev. J. T. Cotto.n, Pahtor Baitisi Ciiuacll comer of Lane aul Ruse troeta. tiuuday service: l'reachlui at 11 a. m. aud 7:li0 p. iu. eabbath School at 1U a. m., U. p. Coshow, superluteii'lent. Prayer meeting at : Vi Wednesday eveniuj,'. H. A. DoC'.I.Ah, Pntor. FlBT Ciiuihtuk t'Hl B ll-Coiuer of Pine anl Wuwtwanl ktreem. Sunday kenlcen: Preaching Ijoth moiiiiiiu and eenln, Kuuday sehoolatlOa.iu. V. P. b, c. K. atii:j p. i,i Prayer meeting each ediKt,day eveiiiinr at .au. A cordial wel' oinc uud greetiDH iiwaim 11. W. A. Win, ), i'A-lor Vikkt PaEbBvnauii Ciicitcii coiner oira uai Roto btreeU. buiiday seryiee: Public uvrsliip, 11 a. in., ai)1 7:U0 p. u.; h.ibbath school, IU a. m. V. P. B. C. K, at 7 . i.i. Prayer mcettii.-, Weduedy evening 7::in p. pi. J. A. Town; vi,, l' i i . Wasiusi.tux, I C, March ISrJ. This morning a fierce blizzard siruck us and the world U Greenland, with bowling winds and fierce Waste, and epow and ice and Marcli ai ita very worst. It is simply awful! All the win'er ha9 been a succetsion of blizzirds while Boreas has heeu at limes baud in han 1 aith Jupiter Flavin;, aud at other an I s indry times with old Arcturu. It h.HM been a winter to tell of in days to coaie. I'.ven as I mile the winds are howling fn-ieral dir es and playing "fan tastic tricks to make ths angels weep." For the year pjst Washington has not been the city we have rea l of, on the noruial average, but has set Natures rules at detiauce, playing tho very mis chief with its e-Miii-tropical reputation. We have heard iu the past uf the splendid work Dinger Hermann has dona when in cougres, securing rivar and harbor appropriations for Oregon. It is true that lfermaou deserves all tha credit that has ever been accorded him; that hen in coogreea he built himself up in the good will and respect of hi colleagues 83 as to be able to ac coinplifh great results. Our tight has us ial!y been mrde in the lioute, and very fortunately for Oregon, Hermann wai on the moat important committee an 1 well near the head of that, so that be hid eyery advantage for doing work. liut at tlie recent session wa bail no member on the river and harbor com m'tte, for Mr. Tonguo had nc served long enough to commnnd such position Despite all Ins Blreairj'w efforts ond pro tests, the river and harbor committee practically ignored lire joo, go hia able showing of valid fa'N produced no re saltf. All the bous: allowed was : Tillamook, f 7,000. Lower Willamette and Columbia 100,00 J. Bdlow Cocjuille City, JJS.OOO, Upper Ciaille, j,00j, making a total of $113,000. Worst of all, they wanted to repeal the acts by which work was to be con traded for Yaquina, to complete the harbor at cost of a million dollars, and a'so tint fo.- similiar action at The Dillec, for complstion of the boat rail way. this was like adding insult to the ioj'iry. Here was a pitiful outcome for out-of tue-way Oregon, lue only recouiee was to see what the &tuate could and wo'jlil do in our behalf. To most con- gressimal workers it would have Reciued fearf i! odds when the house was eo bent on ignoring Oregon, but, our state had a champion and we have proof of the ancient aphorism, 1 The hour always hai its man." Senator Oeorgo W. McUiide has iiuiet- ly wotked his way among his brother senator to acijuiro iull'ience an I make frieide. He has geniality and psuee es tact as well as b iaines? tjualities that, combine i, make a senator Strang by winn;n fr:'nds. They have discov ered that he is a modest man, while Crui in claiming what he considers right ; they a'eu respect his devotion to his state, all the more occaux, until of late, he has had no colleague to help him work for Oregon. When the sadly einatculated house bill found iti nay into the senate, Mr McBriJe had ono strong advantage, (or he was a member of the senate com mittee on commerce, that corresponds with the house committee on rivers and harbors. There, he ha J room to work, and did work with so much tact that the senate committee left no ningle feature of the house hill as the bouse committee hud framed it. The ontiro bill was changed, und, by the bye, it was play ing a treinendioiis Mull" on the house to demand that every fuat'ji o of their act ion mi to Oregiu, should he amended eo utterly; it took heroic proportions fr a Kindle man l attempt ho much. Thi eniire bill was changed. Ita re pealing clauses, as to Yaquina nnd Tho Dalles Imi.t railway, wero struck out nnd all tli-i Ikiuho figures wio In I vio ho lot !ld UltiuiticTul grovt o' r ilaooil, covering about a rectlon and It Air. The Irecs r nge from throa to right feet in dlamotor, a me ot them 300 foet ligh, and frciiujnt'y trool war found Id tolinul tvea aiitgh ulS ioet if di .m i t', ;i Hiik and thrifty and guixl biniiH r liei n. Il i colhtlwt spC moiia fi Mii ihin pt no mid sent them to Wshing'i,i, with itiH'rm'iLni that they sht td 1 Im lahctod "Oregon f'dwoiHl," ond I'.ili'i-r.iia redwmhl, as h) li. B;sifl o;i giving Oii'g in cit'dit (or what ll hns got. Mr. .KhtiKon hmnd a mini her of other ItiteivMing things lefciv leaching Ores ceut City. 1'iotii Oroecctil I'lly to Oranta over n fair road ho made only two Mops, to vsplorw the forests, and from there lie tamo on by rail, lie ia now planting an excursion through ths (oroMi ol Washington and Tillamook coun Irs. rrearal in rospccl to -vi" u tu1 on made. At amended by ttu cenatc, t'gon items Mxxl ih liii.OtHt ud'i.l lo what tlu boiiw ha I pavid. IMk was hjn lrt week, il c ir. t! ia iU(Wgrrenu'lt calUd (r a 'i (.mil o i ( confrrcno'. So well hid M-. Mi ltr dj tmpresaed the son.-.te n i I i s mnitteo OH coninifice, t!ia', then was very strong prfpostesiion in hi (ivor. And, ro well had he his c tli.t the simi ate conferrcea, ot whom ho unU ilu.h.tclv was not one, li.: in band separate briefs, prrpared by I urn, ilia! covrrt-d (ullyrvery disputed pint. s , m JhsI at thecc wore calljd up for a. t) u, some Senate confeneo would havtf read the Diet a to that rpecial item; and so well prepared wi-r they ll.ut th. v won their way with to rxevptions, w'niih were settled on very hounrahle co.npro inise. that we id in themsi lv Ut r ios. for they ntinulled tho honsj act! n in each case. The house had deter mined tu cut i dow n the MS.tXK) oi initially mwiided ; they meant it every time ; b i' l!u way the (ouato stoo l by our (ioore was beautiful to eo. ono oi them as was told tol i me. "MeHrido is a unseat man who never ir.ti'.i le ; we intend that She shall have it, and O.-i go i d 'seivcs it!" And, sur. tmigh, has it. It wan w.nde (ui pluck on tho part of Mcltride, to gr.itp g i wi do a tcov, ati- tajonize the im;vra'iv j h )tio nnd win so great a victory. In the matter ot tho Yaipiiim Hy, there was atl honorable compromise. It Was uot to bs eiKc;evi that the hou so would suriendtr all ; it eu.ted by pot rc pea'ing tho ac; ot IS'.Hi, inipowerim;, the contract (or the work a Yu i t: ri.i. ao the original ac'. (lau Ij. tlu ijl ill) appro ,r i ition oiuiitvl. l'rovivisi 'i i i nilde for action by a bjar.l of l'ii.t- l States engineer.', who will decide if tlrs work is oesir.Uili, or it tliov .-uvt Some other as more iV-iral :. Mmii timiuowoi'h will oe don a Vagina "Hopa drferic-l nay mktf the I eart sick," but Y ii jina only defetrcd a our d-jleguioti will wo'k for it rltll. Salem people oo it, ij Mr. MelWi.le thit they are tohave a g jveiiwnenl build ing l.rre. The hi!) passed the h in h iu the afternoon, and was lo imuieilia't-l v g to the senate, as, to h eirictiv. it nnst piss before the unuiiy civil bill cjnre up. ! " At the very last in.nii-n', j.jst as the I,' "! ' ,w-u '"i,11' . , J M.i: ;:Ut t l . Ui'tHTl, BSl-t .1. I.. sundry k ivil bill wa about to le called,! i; ::. n. r this w:as hurried, and by general coi.fent j ' 1! U'tU'' .V-TIt;"V" Mil whiiii an nitiironrialiiin bill ;m nn.tin,. ! - r.rh, u:;.l I' A -nutn. li r it passed and wa then iuadj tffeciive by an item added to the tutiJry civil i ill, j making f jO.OOO appropriation for the . same. Tue house bill contained no ap- propri ttion. T:ie sttiate had an i i . t . i - cal I ill iutrodtiee i uy jnator Mcliiileif which slmpl.tied nia'ters. Taeu tho bill Was inoperative without uu appropriation which was accomplished by mi amend ment to the sundry civil bill tint Wis juit in baud. This emergency had been fors-.en by Senator McBriJo anl this ameudmeut had been included in the general amendments ptilihc build ings. This amendment would nut have re mained in the sundry civil bill but for the paseage of the ho-itu hi! tbrotigh the senate as the house co. Ic-rces tiirew oat all appropriations for publi.: buil I ings not authorized by bills I l;ih bouses. Within twenty minute alter the passage of the house bill ihrutu'i the senate, the sundry civil bill car.-, ing I'lO.OOO for the .Salem buii I;ul', also nnaaa.l tl,. !,.,,!.. Ti.-.t .,.a .. ..!. . . .- .11 1 w Hu ii:!l..n. judio of al. ( ourl, which all r . ... - - - - . v.. ,,r,, r j, .j.,. j i)ci. (or balem, but t'ae laat days of the- J 3 sion bee many such. Senator Mel'.ride was so used np by tho loss of t o nights sleep, that lie has hail to get cvci ly taking Beveral days res'. As to the f50,000 to be expend.-I u:i the boat railway at The 1 Miles, ti.t-i as the house con far res down easy lii.e.i" There is on hand $240,000 to prosecute that work, ao there is nothing to w..i ry about. Tho infinite tact of our senator most probably included tlnee i-ji.hs-sion 6 aod had them in view . S. A. L'l. M.M.. Adiiiini.itrator's Notice. AI K UK UKAL PKUI KKI Y. VOTIi K W ttKUKllY U1VKN HIAt' 111 K iin.l. ;nv.l adiiilnl"lilr ot the citato ot llenrv A. Adams. dve l. by Tirtue ol a de. orvM-ofilu- I'xiiuiv I ourl mailo i-n llio lh lUy ol March, lv, MlilonHiid alnr t-'atUrtUv, the Mil ilav oi Ai-til. lyi!i, a-!l at prints mio the (ollowlnn -li-v tii-.'.l n-t prly N-IoiikIiik lo Ihtf t.lU' ol lien jr A A lm, iIvovumhI, to wn: Tho N 1 , o( the WW ot my ;. Tp M, S K ft , i otittiimUK 10 aero U-- fiMir aen-s Mild to Idevn.liMii Or-I. rol odd Fellow a. Alo l.ol i, See .;:,'! K M , eontalnliig aenn. At- lots N.: ami t, v. I W, S K AW.iou tBUilni; l- iu'h . Aln tin- John Adaiua Dona tion l.a:ld I luUu Noll. Ih-iiir part- ot Sv .'7, i : ;.; .ni l si, l p S K ., .lv ritxsl an follow -, l.i i il Hi'jtiinitni; at point .' eliain Fnvl. an t .V .'lianii and ;'-7 link South Irviui Iho eorner to Ser mid UI and rumiliw tlien o Vottti 4i-liaiiio, llo'inv v v i hnlna them e S I." !:.i'tn and ni hnU.v hiiI kheiit oK 11 i hii tis to pl:u of iH-KinuinK. wmlainlnif ;;i: li. uen , owepiltiK Irom iho ial nUoie-le aeiilH-il t n. I oi Inn, I V n'm ol-l to t, Hamil ton, w l.U ll -aid deed U uvt-nii-d III Vol Jl at pile-- '! llu a-of. 1. tl'i- I ' l.-' I'otmtioii l and Claim ol lleurv . Adam, beiim I laiin No. I.' and l-elni; pani'.i .'an-1 .v! In I p .N, rt K . W and nvoie j'-i; lu ularly dOM-ril-ed a follow, lowll H.-irlntit' i: at aniit 10 chains and sal links N Irom t eoiner nf faid He.' t.;, and ruiiuinj; ! Ilu nr. V. i' I 1ik1ii, then. i N W elintun, Ihenev W i I v :ia:u. and Uu iu-e '1 eliain.i lo p. an- ol In'Kiumn I'i'iitainim; !' m a s. Kei'ltna lru:ii al aloo .le-M-rilH'd liaet of land 4 VI a.r.-'ll to s llaiuillon. deed lor tiU-h Is rv e Td.-l In N ol '.'I at pane ;i thereof, iitvi Lot No I s , .'. l p !;.' v . eoutalnliiK i. aere. Alo I t N.. ; ot Sv . and l ot No 1. and ;l ol !i e U ii li'-'.'.S K ' W. eontanuuK l pi aer. .;-o 1 M- I. . and .i ol See .'T. Tp M K ." W, eon tulli u ' l.v-v a, r. i. Ali lol No I of oc M iu 1 ; - K IV. eontaluliiii .il.loni-n- all llutc tu K- e '! ntv. -tale ot llieif in . IVn: 'I -aid a!e to W' eah in hand. Pale 1 at li Imu. Oroaoii, Man-It . Iv..i. JU11N t . I-; AVM1. .V!''.ni:.'t et the K-'attf of Henry A. A-lams, l-ee.-.-.l Summons. t S 1 ill. Hit 11 I t ol'KTt'K Till. 1 i: ': tor I'onula eounlv. in s..n:h. Plaintiit. J. F. BARKER & GO. Want Your EGGS Anil BUTTER. t A H. C. STANTON Haa put mwl twl a aoJ itnt' mu k DRY : GOODS OUNblKTINU UK Iiadie;' I'resa tio la, Kibbous. Tritiiiiii;-.:', Iaoos, Ktc. Mo. - A Lao A 1 1MB rTU'K ur- HOOTS AHJ SOI Ut 111' t-cat qntllT nJ Snll. GROCERIES W'Ortdi Willow ttlld tila:Ji VI Crockery, Cordage, Etc. Atm on hti 1 in Ufa's qtnntuiva and at nil-- juit (be timva. Alu a larv ato;-a uf I ah: M. i a t:.. a : it . : .1. . e. lo i I'ai l I 1 . li 1 , ; lilt ' lar t r :i i-i i Oi. :- I'.'l .1.1 Mi'1'ainl.tK'tl. A- 'iiir M i .impN.'ll, , M.' ar.i.t -l'.. K.- i p: :l. all.l .K A lai.ii. 1 i '.; i-f ta'. t . 1 1 t If e 1', id - M." ampheli. 1. l. '...'il l.i lit-. Mt.t iil l'..:illt lo loieelose a M.iili-iKe. I a1 11 ,.1 .1 Aitiuii Me p.aii.' 111... . l I he . plaii.t of a . ' ko.l fa. S i-iie . . I .-iii ei'l ti i;.oi oui:e , r. r.' t t.' a i-l'. ar a 'id I lie .1 .i,-!tiilt ."l in'0e rlititi.-d ii . i.'i. tli i.i-t la ..: the nel r-i;u a'..) . ntitu d i u'lrt. ton it: . Mot; lay, .Mauhjo,, and ll t.u.-.'liir rr nnei plainlittai t'.'in ;n:;t-t -il as af.-r. .aid, within oau'. '.liei 1, Platntnl u ill apply ( t lor tin- u le .1. laaud' d lulieri oni- lollo-A.., ;.oit: Kor the f-treei-mure iam Miortiiiu"' i e. utt-d lv lliealddc- IV. hlpley, iu l.t .lay ol (leliila r, ill-, A. J. Milpley aud W ot 1 ; ll 1 11 1 . ll . oil 111. t')-..cnre the pa; m.'tit of a trrtaiu proui- l.-v.r' u.ile I-i! llio .inn ot 'ja, Ullll lllteriM lliern.ii at I lie- rule ol 10 er veut per annum froin -ai l !a'..v wlneh there m uotv tine the ulu oi ;i. tvita mtereat from letoher :l. IV", -a: l inorlxae eouveviiiK o aid plain till lor that piirp..-e the lo.l.oiiuit deieiilnd re'rtl prop- tly, i-. it Lot 10 In Moek I. iu .-liiilriiiii.s addition lo Vulicalia, iu liouula-. County. Male oi tireguti. Also fur a juditmeut for tin' ut !i of I hieh plaintiir has ln-eii t'oiuif llr.l o p:iy lor taxes assessed uuaiut said muricae'l s. for sueh altoru. y n lees as the court shall ad.udi.-e reasonable for plain-litl'seo.i-i and 'l:-ftiirsoiiietits tiert-tu and lor siteli other iell' f us in prayed for In suid com plaint an 1 p-the I'.urtinay tidjudgo uieel nnd e'liiitaoi.'. i iu ma ems i- puniisneii ipy oru. r oi iioti I lie time s 1 l;i Uioii-T i in,' the tir-' int.- uf tli" Jail, lit, 1" ' tr pre-.'rii.H'd iu uud or.Ier for ll.i ou,-,' a i. . k for sit w.'eks prieti-rt la; oi mid terin oi eoiirt and Hie .; -1 ptihiicalliiu of this sunuuoiis is K U P.liN-iiN. A'.toru. y for l'l tti ii i i il'. Sum 1110115. IN OREQON FOKU5TS. A. J. Johnson Makes New Dbtov eries Redwood in Curry County. A. J. .luliusin, formerly eoun c'.. with the (oros'ry departuiunt, but i. j' employed in preparing a ;o:utn-u..i! un scientific report of the forest r..H lurce- o' Oregoni for tho geological survey, i in ForMaiid yesterday from a o'ii-imi" eta,;') aud hoiiebuck tri.i fl-; hit V.i- iua January 27, and iroi.'i:'.-ded down; the coast, croseini; cvtry river and stream between Va'juina and ('rese'cut City, tfj'wx inland on each of t'ltci ' streams, as far as iracticahle hy H'.carn-' hoat or skiff. .Some of the streari.H wore juite difficult to cross on liurn.-.n i; uu , account of freshet?, and the traild a:,-l roada were very bad every w iioie, art 1 in places almost impassable from win Kails ! and mudholes. The trip as a ho'o huh no holiday summer excursion. Mr. Johnson says any one who vil.e, to see the ocean iu nil ita grauduur aud beauty should take a trip along the coast at this season. He made b;ii.e Vury interesting discoveries in repaid to the distribution of trees and plants, es pecially the ceepiug juuiper, Hhich i.4 al ya found on tlie hihedt peaks in the K. joaa and'Coast rauo, Koier,il;y in- lia-yiliug places just below intho enow le an J Klaciei a. O.i tbia trip, for tliu lirat time, he dUcoverud thin plain at I idu water ou Iho north nidu of thn moutii of the KotfiiH river. This is the only pi o.o le has ever seon wliero it l iiino d-ian in the beach, lie aitributcs ibis to K.yue river carryiiiK the hernia of the plant iwii lo llio ocean und their litiiiK thrown ni on the beach by thu breaK-. as this would Ixt the only pukhiI.Io wny (or it to (jet lo this Htraiuo local i;ii ilus trip was I'Hpecially intciu, tun: and val'iable, as Mr. Johnson luui n iw settled the dispute to the tuduonl lii-ii, lounil in Oregon. ll persornilly visded two places on tho (!hf loo iivri , m iro than 10 iiiiii-H north of thu California line, 11' (i;i;r K 1 il K .V1AIK ot (ireijon lor II. nulla, eoiuity. . Kent, l'iiiinllit, 1 . 151111 ill K.JUltV --. J If. Ti. no, Harry 'I'riii. -, )-to 1'oreelns.- a '1 fin.', I.'liari.-s 'irlue i MortaRe. and li. 1. Ila--ett, Defend- ants. J lori. J. H, I rln , Harry Trim-, l isle I rine and rliniles Iri no, al.ove lieieudaiils: In tli.' naioe . ( tne ."State of I .-i;on : Von aie r.'.U.i.d to apM'iir and ansuer the eoni plaint Iil. d ii,'aint you in the enlltl. d suit, on or li.'i-.i.-Ui.-lirst dav of itienexl reyu Mar P nit uf tli" Hoo , eutill.'d i nurl, to-wit, on . r l.i-lore M.ei.luy, Marel, .'0, ".r.i. uud if eon i fail lo uppi .11 or unsn.-r plaintill H l oinp alnl aealr'l J"U aior. snj.l nitlun said time, f,,r '.'..nit lli.r' o! pluiiitlil will to the Court : for Hi" I. li'-f .I' liniuded iu his i' as lol liov lor llio fore, lofture of a e.-rtaiti i'liirluinrn e.'ut.d hy suld ilefeiidaiiis s. J. ,11. 'line-- anl liiiiilaiih Trlno in favor of ' I li'inias K'reu-oii, on the .nth day of : March, !s-.s, to soeuri Hie payme-iit of two certain I roini-eiry pop s lor 111.' iursreKnte sum of IJ.ii.nti I int. rest llier.'oii at the rate of len per cut I r iiiiiiuin on i said date nl.icli said notes and oit'int.' hit ' I.eeu endorsed uud ussiirned lo I lain tin, and u In. li morlum,'.- eon eyed for the j.iirpos" ol s-.-i mini haidi udeliedtuess ihefnllou , ;rj ile-erlli'.-d real pmpeily, lo-ttll: lleitinulnx . '. the N. VV, corn, r of n. c. V in T. -il. r. li. .1 West i WJlluiiielte M.irs'iiau, liieuee east aloiiL' tin . .rlh liii" ol sal.l m i tioii li, Is rods, thene. uln ;vt rod-, Hi. ui e we-t la rods to west line of section ii, Hi. to u alonir said line ni ro'lit lo j.iaee of li.-;inuiii, eouiiiiutni; 'J acies, more or In Jjoiiuias i.oiiuty, lato ol Un-k'ou. am , ;;"in whi'-h niorij-'aiie imlehtcdniss tli.-r. i now . :.-the I'lainilll the mini ol 1111.11 wlih inter . ' Irom rehruary J, IvjJ, al Iho tat.- of ten p. ' ' :it per annum. Alio for n jiiii'mcnl fo I'. .. i u I i rl a iosih aud disliurs.-iiieuts iierclu Hnd no kin -h oile r relief u In prayea lor Iu Pla in 1: eompl.ilnt and us the court may adjudge . alio louitunie. 1 iiiri hiiiiiuiouh in puhlinlu'ed hy order of Hon 1 v. iiaiiuitou, -finiKu oi hriif Courl, winch or :er Is uaterj rc-nruiirr f j-.i. ie lime pui ril.ed iu hiilil order for this iiioijs I once a uec-k ior MX tei-ks nrertc-ed i ' the lirnt day of Mii.l term of court aud the I 'I..'" of the lirnt puhllcatiou of thin nuuiuiolls is 1 ', i, l-i'J. V. W. HKNHO.N. 1 tT Atlornc-v for 1'Ialnliir. Custom-Made Clotliini I'tir Choice TEA Call at Stanton's fur " I,. T. M" NOTICi: R)K PLHI.ICATIDN. Kosi'blllV, OreKoll, I'll.. .', Is. hi Nutlee hi-rchy r-. en ttutt In eompilau. t: Mithlhc pro isi.oiB uf the act of t'oiite-sot June .1, !;. eiuiU.d "An ai t lor Hie sal. ..I lauds In the Mates ol t allfoinia, Oi. Hon, Ne ada and Vi h"1i1iikIoii leiriloiv, I.KOIti.K W. UIPl'I.K of Kiddle, , I ounly of Doiiiilaa. Stale of Hie 'on, has tins dar tiled In tins ofTlee hissuo-n s'.Hteineiit No. to I. for the pun-ha-y ot the . H. . 1 , of r ou No. .1., In lowinlnp No o m. Kauee No T .. and III oiler prool lo sin. m thai Ihe laud foliilht Is more Mi'uat.le lor Us timlK'ror siune than for agricultural purpo. s. and to cttitblish Inn claim to .aid laud helore the KeetsU-r and Ken in r ut this olln . at Ki so I. 'in;, Oreitou. on l-al'ml.iy. the 1 III dav of A pill, lsn. He names ss wiines-es Josh, ph A W liorloli, ol Kiddle, Or. W. II. Minlli, of lnlUid, m lieu I islier, ol Kiddle, r. In . I .-'iii.l-i-oir. of Kiddle, Ur. Any uud all person. 1 Uln, uiR adversely tin ataive deM-rihcd lands atop .potted lo illeilielr claims 111 Ilus olhie 1.11 ot before iti I 1 lh day of April, l-i'j. J. I. liiiiDill , j'.tM Ki-msur. jmjiui 71 1H) E AD Y r K.J) r r 11 MM Wi1f7 Mirc liryfc ot ryeu qootNS ALsoa fine lint' of "lLANI;T Jr.,M Gadcn Seed lrills, Hoisc llocft, (iattlcn Tlows, lite. Catalogues lice. You jct the best at Churchill & Wool ley's. his is the Place to Buy Groceries. A full and complete assortment of all goods usually kept iu a first class grocery. Cvcrything offered lor sale is fresh; aud sold at very reasonable prices. We have a very choice stock of canned goods, including both frufta aud vegetables, to which vc invite your special attention. Our line of Olives, Gherkins, Pick els, Sauces, etc., is also complete. We carry the largest stock ol to baccos in Southern Oregon. C. W. PARKS & CO., Grocers. 1 . ;Vr vr i a $ ;i x -cr lit -ji-.V if tU-ft 4 4 aV JHUNt4 CMCME t'Mi kii Siatks L v.s-u orrt. a, KoseburK, OreKoti, Jaun.ii) !i, Jsyi. lo ithoui it may loneein INollce i hereby Klven llmt the On r.on a Call (ortila Kailroad t'ouipatiy has tiled In tins nllu e a I. si of lauds situated In thu lo"n-lii. ile aerlbed ladow, and ha uppiied (or 11 patent for ald In lit tit ; Hint the list In open p. Hie public lor inspection aud a copy thereof by d. .eiiptl.e Mllidil isinn, ha been posle.l In a tou etilelit plai:u in thia oltice for the inspection of all pi r sous inteiesicd and the tiublle generally, lo u it riouth ol base line ami v ol Will M' r , rr lion: Ion nshlp ;r.', Kange 4. all ol sections .i, 11, 1.1, 1 ., 17, 21, .'I, J.i, 117, ."., II and 1. and the.-' of -),e . :i; NI-:1 , and s1 . of M'e. pi, N' . of Mi',, E1 , St1,, Nn1, NW'4, and lotn 1, I, ;., 1., ". a.'.'. 10. II, 1.', II, 11. IV p. and 17,. d ri,v .. ;. Within the in-xt sixty .lays folloulin; the dale of litis notice, protests or i-oittcsts suln-t the eluiui of Ihe Company Pi any trail 01 mbdhis ion w ithin any seeiioii or part of melton, .le scrilH-d In the H-t, on the moinnl that Die -nine is more aluable for uiilieiul than t . . r aiirlcnlt oral puraise, ill be received and noie.l l.,r ie iM.n to the iieiieinl I. and Mliee al Vtashiiitiimt, I). C. J. T lllilHiiK:-, l'.irl-b r. I. II. lioo 111, J'.HlU Kl-celM KRUSE & SHAMBROOK, DKAI KHd IS ALL KINDS OF 5 If IE AID FANCY QXm AND PROVISIONS FIME TEAS AMD COFFEES A SPECIALTY. AI.XO A H t.t LINK OK TOBACCO & CIQARS. I' 110 Door Bouthuf I'.O. H M II I' MO, ORKUON, t.l K t s A I HI A I. i nn: in i.ivi it v Real Estate Bought and Sold Parms, large and small, to Rent, AND IMMKDUTK 1'OSSKSfsfON U1VKN. Stock Ranges, Timber Lauds aud Mining Properties, Prune and Hop Lauds of best quality, in choice locations, in quantities to suit intending purchasers, at reasonable prices and easy terms. Inquire of 3D. S- IC. BUIOK, "" "fca. aa . java Uafaioss. Notice F-or Publication I'MTKIl STATKH La.siD OH'K B Kosuhiim, On iron, Mar . I'd, Notice is hereby ulveu tlial the lolluHrinu named tiler ha filed notice of his Inh utlou to make linal proof in support of his claim, an that mild prool will be uiacd ticfnre. the Kculste nnd He, eiver, l ulled Mates l.uiid lull. .. Hos. burK. Oregon, on April .'.'. ls.pj, i- jam K-i jnman. 011 his If. 1. So. IClii for Ihe N K 1 , seetloii li Tp. .'s f., H. 7 west, lie iiaiues Ihu follow Hie. to prove his voiitiuuous res Meiie.c upon ami cultivation ol -mil bind. 1 1 A. A. Ma'.tlie, ol Hue'ar l ine Mountain, John rllai'taiil, sr., lolin Oi aslcy, Jaiin s iioodiiiiiu 01 I'loiiriioe aii.-v. J T. lll;II)t.i:s, M'.dii KeKictcr. Administrator's Notice. .SAI.I. 11K 11HAL l'llOl'KHTV. V';l U K IS 11KUKJ1V OIVES 'I ff AT 1111-; j n-li-r-ii-'ii' d administrators': ol thu 1 i 1. of W. I.. v ihoti, ilecuttsed, will by irlue oi l . 1 . i reij of Hi. 5 County ( ourl of iiounliis 1 'i'iiy, Oii'K'.'i. ou uud allur Halurdav, the ii 1,,'v of Anrll. lvju. M-ll ut nrivatu Rale the lu I'c.iiu,-ib scrilic'l leal properly heloiiKliiK to title 01 w . I. miimiiii, neceascu, totvit; I -.! - .', ;i, I, ami ' j of H 1 : 1 ; of See Z7, l.olx 1, ' i, -ee ill, beiiiK lloiuesleaii I laiin of I. in ilia W. ... s 1 ; of IV, I.. HilMin Jiouatlou Land Imiii .. II, Lots n, 7 und a, nee ;;l, I.ih I anil i, - ' .I S W 1 ,, the H W !;, ami W 1 , of of H K ).', s 'A ' , of N L1 ; of hee ;ii. all In Tp .'10 H It, (i 1 ln S W J , ol s- K 1 , and IC ., of N W J , of 1.-', li. 11 s. i:i;w. Alwi H Iho rjKht, lille mi l i iu nsl ol Mio said W I ilaoii, lieeeiiNed iu 1 1 1 1 1 1 to 1 1 1 0 S 't of Imnutioii f.aiid Claim No li, 1 1. i) rt. It. o.'W. Kxeeptliu,' from thu above de- Lin i n ul pioperly, part lit 'i, hoe :j "1, liero- 1 ,lil eS'. i, ', , Uilsoll, tllO llec-ll of li '11 i-ol 11 nnd In ol 27 of Heeda, jimhc a i'J. A 1 -',1 1 piiii;.' jj. 1 1 acn i oil of Hie esl snl.) o I" oii,i,,,i, Land (.'Iniiii No II heretofore, sold lo Am If.. Worley, deed for which la recorded 1 u S oi ,1 In , iK at pane k:i.'. J iin-ol mid sale lo be eillier (tush lu liiunl "t .i.iiu -ii. h term hn lo credit fi.i uiliy he to the 1:10.. ti ' 11. 1 van ta;e lo said en tutu. l.i'.l at Itosebiirif, or., this tho Klh day of Man T i .. a i d. r. a w ii.-ios. IIA'IIIK II. WII.SON, .1 Ihe KM 4 tool W, I.. VVlisoll, BOSWELL SPRINGS On the S. I. R. R. Oouglas County, Oregon HOTKL constant ly open for recep tion of guests. Water cures Rheu matism, Dyspepsia, Kidney and Skin Diseases. To Tlic Unfortunate. Dr, Gibbon This old rcllahlo and thU 111 O H I KIH'CCHnllll Hncolallsl Iu Hun Irait- r.lsiiu. still couilnues to euro all Sexual uud dcniinal Disease aueb I as tiiinnorrha-a, (Heel tblrliitur., 5ph Ills In .all ita forms, blkln 1)1. ilAMlel. Nervoui llnhll. 'R ' T''f KTt.Hy Impotency. 8enil xJtu-: Y nm' niainsii an. 1 i.uss Kuvvwf-i ol riaiihood, llio conse quence ol self alniku aud eieesseii produeiliK ihe folloultiK symptoms: sallow 1 oiiululinucc, dailc spots under tho eyes, pain ill the head, rimilui; Iu the curs, Iocs of eoulldeliiie, ilillideueu III up. proaehlng nlratiltets. palpitation of tint heiirl, weakness of the limbs and back, lo of memory pimples on thu lace, coughs, eoiisuinplion, ele, 1,1 It. (IIIHION has practiced In Hull Krinieleo over thirty ears nnd those doubled should I10I lull In consult hint 11 lid receive llio hi nellt ol his ureal skill and experience, 'llio doc lor cures wlien omnia lull. Iryiilin. l ures uuanintccp. persons cured a I Inline, I'liamcH T'asiiiuil,le. all nr wriie. lilt'.. I. K, , 1 1 1 1 ! O N . flJ'iiKeniuy ot. ,Siu I lull Cisco. Cal I New o Arrivals. Tongues and .Sounds, Spiced Herring, Whole Codfish, Salmon liellies aud Pickled Salmon, Pickled Ilcniu Smoked Herring, Mackeral, at ononnono ....MRS. N. BOYD. (VVWWWVWWVW WYLIE P1LKINGTON, ,'HiitiCussol to CI. W. NOAU.J General Blacksmithing1 m.lWU If atHKMItiKJIWii. rKOITINQ AND RUNNINQ PLATES A SPECIALTY, KKI'AIIUNU Otr ALL K1NU8 I'HOMfTLY DUNK. Hliuis uu Corner WumIiIiikIoii and Ku Hla., Koatcbarir. AAWVVVWSAAAAAAAAAAVNAi Cass Street Market Wholesale and Retail Den leas In Fresh and Cured Meats Fish and Game in Season. Hay, Grain and Flour. D0ZIER& MARTIN, Props. 'Phone Main iK. V avvrf VJr, t '. ;