The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, February 27, 1899, Image 2

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is '
- -
rubUahfd Noodar aid ThnrwUr
Br Tn H.alMF.AI ER ri BIIsniNtt CO.
r. T. BENJAMIN,...
. Manatrrr.
horn where w tirl mora than '.X)
jn prior lo coining to Orf ton:
Ku'Haxii XartosAt Bamk.
KlIormh, Kan., Mt 2. JkV
ThNarrof thi, Jiiitna K. 1 Strat
ford, of Ibi ciiT, xivta to loval In tht
county of IKMiglaa, ami state cl Orson.
and it affords m plfautir to commend
him to th hankm and other ritiinol
that comity.
I have known Mr. Stratford, for ever
taenty year, ihi tip the lt titteeu of
which he has don t iinnrM in this bank.
1 have personally had business transact
ions with him involving thousands of
dollars, which have ! teen tran
sacted in a satisfactory numi tr, and I
have thus had an opportunity lo N
iviim thoroughly conversant with his
htisinee ideas and the motive controll
in hi actions am), without hesitancy, I
stats tliat thev are those of an honorable , ;
bacrlpllon Hats
Oss Vear- ..... -
tit Uonthi
Tints Monlha .....
.' . .
1 $;'.'.
WANTi:i: A first-class foreman and
jo'i printer can liud employment in this
.iltlce. Will cither pay wanes or arrange
that hs take ait inteii 'l in the business.
A good position f.r ihs rigM kind of a
wan. Uetter write before you come.
Address. Editor l'uiM'S u m, le
linrf, Oregon.
The Filipinos were routed UUi si Ma
nila and at Washington.
II there was any thin in oonutvtico
with the management of the late war
war that tiis lvie aj-piov-rd o!. the
pages of that paper have li t disiloseJ
live Hundred Killed and Wounded
Rebels Routed Troin Their Intrench
mcnts Itehlnd the Ameri
can Lines.
Agoucillo, tho representative of the
Filipinos in America, complains tbsl he
can get no tews Manila,
more news he hears from
worse he w ill feel.
A member of the Washington legisla
ture has introduced a b l! piohibiting
the placing of semi-nude pieces on the
la t boards. He must be entirely void
of modesty.
conscientious and practical business
Very lespevtfu'ly vcuis,
A. I.. Kkpp.n,
Kansvs Coi nt ok AriK.ts.
To Whom It M sy Concern :
This is to certify mat 1 have known
Hon. V.. It. Stratford for the na.l tiftren
.. a r a ;M ..,,UI1.. .wt!.. lif an. I I
... LVItl I HViil Mil.. '(..,. . .1.-
1 have always foend him to be compe
tent, reliable and trutorthv.
As an attorney at law , probate judge,
member of the legislature, justice of the
peace and chaitiusnot ttie repnolican
countT central coiiimiilee, he has show n
marked ability and integrity. ;
1 cheerfuliv ccmuiend him to I lie ecu-
Weil, the! Kndenca of anv cue with whom he mv i
there the come in contact.
I Trniv.
A. W. Pkvm.n.
Jcdiie Kausas court of appeals.
... . . . .
v AMiiM.rv.x, rei. :o,-u ij ias ca
b!l the war department a follows:
Manila, teb. 14. S -and; rrivd lat
night. Vn the nights of the L'lsl and "J-.'d
and yrs'erday the inurgent troope
gaiud ;i-ess to ti e outskiits of tho city
N'hind our lines. About UXV on
trenihed the lun'lvei. They were rotu
pletely routed yisterday web a ioss in
kiiied and wound;?! of aboat tO;).i;d W.
pr.sjnrs. O.tT I'VKi w.s very si igltt.
I'tie city is ,u;ef. Contilorce has
been restored, and busiiicsj is piogrees
ing. Ou.
MKVlNI . OM im i.
! M v.x,i i, heb. i4.-10.oJ A. M -Ow
ing to w holes!e arre.ts cf all inspected
Kibpinos yesterday and the clcmance of
the ttreets at 7 P. M., tho ihrea'cred
There are many ways of f'ghttng a j rdieaal of the scenes cf the puviius
skunk, nous of which ar very satisfact- j night did not occur,
ory. This one has leen publicly! Wp.h the exception of a fe shots
thrashe-.l on the streets of Koset'iug un- j tued a tin ueighbirh vxl of iii? h i t;n
til he had to carry his head in a s'ing for j t'. le vdy wa as piit a possible,
a month, but it did no ifixvl. You can't i lu'.ide of Manila the le'.Vs wrre very
punch brains iat. a bead which is as ! active. NeAr Ciicc-ia the brigade coui
soft and empty as a fool bail. "As a trje manded by It. .;. Otis stv-
fills so shall it he.' and a nun bora era; uve.y t K..ruiisties wi:n u'oeis,
Py au error cf ihe coa-positor we were
made to say in Tuurs.lay's issue that the
new law taxing bicycifs docs apply to
IViuglas county, whereas we intenJJ to anJ ,M of will i but at da light t!. t-nemy driven
It? a baboon unt;l he dies. back with severe 1js..
The feel-t i! in this csy is :iu:c i im-
Wll I I It Hll I- HI VI INi ; proved to lay. ar.d bus:ne.v gen rally
sat that the law does net apply to IViig
las countT.
The Keview is the exponent of the
people o! IV'-iglis countv. because its
business has been but it np by them.
Guess the Uttr part of the above
statement is ivrrett at less?. If reports j
are oorrtel WiO creli'.ors of the late
Fiem Owers, who comprise a Urg por
tion of the people cf iMng'.as ejnnty,
not only bought that paper but funhhed
the money to build it np.
Fatal Accident to Waltfr Kaubian, i
of Park Place.
The Keview "a advocacy vf a UiuiiiiaicUt
to the UoUiiAS county l-ovs wl have
b.' leen n v:;ued. Kvctll.-f.l order is
uuicita ned ! t.iutr.U H;i;lus' pi he-.
Tb transp r; c.rid;a. t' e Twtti-
ti?th iulantrv has arri .! here fr.m
j San t";o.
Okk..on Cut. Feb. io. Walter Fau-! AUdri.s o-i impoi ta-.oi:s .! rrf--U
bian, son of Wi:li,Tn Fanbiaa. ct Park j irui:. veie'a-..i -s at.d r.uf, lnvf Iwn
Place, was accidentalty killed while b?ajpo-a-i:v suf pende.l.
huntins on the andv river, ves'.erdav. ' "rdets have t een issued i i t.force pro-
Faubin and Jim lt.'s!ui?r. of Pjver, i visional cus oun t..r,:f at I.o I! , and the j iu tcn Wedi
lo K ei I in g wek.
Mr. Drake, wn i ! stoppiag a Mr.
Paeon's In tiarden va'lsy, was in our
tnldft last wet k.
Karnest Crane has returned from a
tiip to Sjli-tn. tie rcpotls baring had a
good Mill
We are son) to hear that one of our
Oregon loys ha I veil killed in the
Philippine Mauds.
Mrs. Handy who has been sick for
8me lime, is still very low.
Mr. A. K. Martin started up the Coast
range ljt Smidav and got as laras d. II.
Pierce's and there speul the day. We
hope you had a pleasant time, Allen.
Mr. Oeo'go Paternaii paid Kosebnrg
a visit latt wtH-k.
MiscS Myrtlo :cele, l.uey and F.thel
I t Kaut and Conctnce Shelton and Mr.
Fred Shellon, of tirden N alley, were
visitcis here last SundAV,
Mr. Koben Sp.H.tner, a:id his sister
IMiih, if Ke'.logg, haw been visiting
their nter. Mis. '. IWey.
Pm ilruckuer, ct Mi lr.o was seen on
our stieet Sunday .
K.v K. M. Mir.-ttra is thinking of
si lling his far ni
Mrs. John 1. ng and her daughter
Koeo were ui nr midst last W ediiesdny.
Cll vr.1 AMI J kVs.
N Inchester.
.iiishiiie and ram.
Warm, clear nights.
Fiau'n lieevl, of K seburg, as doing
b .is iu ess in our burg yesterday. f
Mih. Ky f-.oell lias rroovereil from
her !a'e ti. lt (.ess ar?d is able to attend
household ilutiec.
Pearl MiKav aud Nettie I'.ivis, if
WilL'iir, rie viail ng Mirw Vrrnie Mc
Kay one day last week. Vhey report
uaauy cases f rii knots in and arotiud
Mrs. 1.. Pjuiblrtou is visiting fiitcde
netr Cleveland tins week. liiaiue, of Clcteiaud is ns;Mig
M rs Maud I'.r.hhV Ion at preceut.
Mrk Turpiu made a busincoa trip to
tho couu'y feat yett-'iday.
Wai:o tii.liain. one cl our gtuial
jotuii tneu. u..ikes regular trips ta Kosv
I'ji I. ere 1 1 late. What's the attrac
ts i '
I. ui.e- I.iinl. letou was dv-iug business
wt re
hunting coyotes. Tcey UiJ ! W"0tris oJJivre uave oeen appotnuu to j W.Wright move I his Uo.iiy lo ur
CJ'.tJ'-ict the civil sL'aira a'. IIj II
routided one. Aud the d ! was tiilitiug
! it, when the txe s'arteil to run to where i" TueJore Stoat be. g. treasurer : Cspt-
a-.rn their liv. for their country durica the aniaials were eneieJ Tasv car-!1"-'- A- raus, iwul.'r ct lusloms;
c.;.k. ir .. .r ;. unnn t. n ried mm. an 1 while exc'tedlr le iit 2 I Fcsign L. H. Kveriiart, pr: cai tain :
IU9 . ' . , ' - , . . . . .
u l,. t.,.n in iKdp ' pwr 1 li. f n Kiinfers ai rt.i ini i v . itAtJtl, r-lg.l.6IllU
uun lunc uci i-o 11 i..i " . j
graves. That aosrecist journal has time. j
sbown its love for Pooilas county's Faubiao's g in was sc.-ideuu iv d.s- i
nin! ry, col
lector of revenue.
4:41 P. M. The enemy's sharps!. cot-
heroes by having inaugurated acd car- ( charged, the load striking him in the
ried into effect one of the most high-1 neck and fevering the jugular vein,
handed outrajes that was ever perps- j Th w.und was fatal, and he bled to
traied, by stealing from ose of those Lt" , death in a few minutes,
roes au office to whkh he Lad l-eeo j The decearJ was 21 vein of age.
elected by a grateful people. The Ke-!
view has already erected a monument to
itself whicU will exist as long as Ihe his
tory of Douglas county is know n, and as ; ft-M a.i i:na w.uuaaa )
long as there aro left eu aud woxeu. j Mrs. Mulvaaey cl Hads-jn is reported
wlio nate
Drain .News.
ingratitude, dishonor and j ia.;te
Mr. K. D. Kritford, of Kiseburg, Ore
gon and Mr. II. E. Ooldthwaite, cf Ma
rengo, Iowa, town ei'.e comaitssioce.-s
appoinU-l by the interior department at
Washington, have been lure for the past
few weeks to determine the ex'erbr
booaderirs of the proposed towcsi'.e oi
Wrangel and t? set apar; the military,
cbarca and school reservations, wLich
Mrs. Ida 1'av is visited her parents in
lltyhurst -aaday.
Mr. W. E. Colviu made a brief visit
to Cottage Orove this week.
Hon. J. T. Bridges cf KoebUi-g was a
I'rain businesi visitor Wedaasdav.
era have b-.-eu p.irti.-jln !v active abvut
I Cai. can a'l day. .-, attn'.iou was
j pai l t a thre.'-g ia battery uea' the
I rai'road, and the laaprovemeut ivf the
j rebel marksaiaasbip was very t:oti.-e-
able. Tue rebels tired volleys at the
i the battery, bullets fretpen'.ly ski ua
. ing the t.'ps of the sandbag.
I A lleutecaut of tiie Twentieth Kan-
i . ...
eas volunteers, aua ttirer) other men
were slightly wounded. A mati was
killed in the trenches today.
The rebel battery hai n-t been i;sc 1
sines the she 1 from Mona lco.k was es
plcded over it yesterday.
The enemy's Ere. was so hcl during tl.e
n;ght in the vicinity of Uugini house
that the head j-iarters were reaiovjl to
burg las; Suniay. lletais lie is tired
ii f coming fio:n K .-e'.urg over hereto
6c:.. I i very day.
K ley vt wiais a broad smilj this
eeii. iVoiidcr wt,.i'. ii tiie lau'e?
Tf i Hwart, if ( Flat, made a
(;iii; cs-i trip t? K jseburg last Friday.
J. O.ouowc'.h, of Wiltmr, was in
our n.i 1st . no day this week.
Mdii. T. r,jln was doing b' tineas in
Wilbur tv.iiay.
Mrs. Whiuly, of Washiugtou, has
ieen Vi.-itiog with Mrs. M. J. Peasin .'or
the pjst few days. Sbo does not like
tho iliuiatc tf Orejron
Ciay Smith, of Even's fetation is woik
ing i'T I.. Puinbletou at present.
Why i.ot tul-scrile for the Plain
i lillk, it is reliable, bright, newsy
a:i 1 up j date in every rospevt.
.1 TlMKK.
C. M. Hen-Jcrer wet t to Kcseburg i M 5r ' 0" ' f
Taesdiy to look af er business matters.
llpwoith League Lntcrtainment.
, Josts of Cottage urove is speed- i
A few sxatl tires have destrove 1 sev
eral native hous-.-s iu tiie oat ik'i'.i i.f the
few Jats
wi U his sister, the !
Mr. and Mr;. T. S. PitcLford of Al-
Tue cri.v editor of (he amrc'jist Ke
view has two or three time) made the
statement in the columns of h e pap.-r
that the present editor of the Plaindlil
ab is financially irrepousi'oie, tie last
charge being that weon nothing and
owe everyone, of course, a man who
will willfully, falsely snl tnalicioutly
make such charges against any one, if
either a contemptible puppy cr a fool.
The editor of the Review is both. To
the people who know this assassin of
men's characters .t would nt be neces
sary to deny or explain any thin i he
might ear, but for tear that some cne
not acquainted with his repjtation aa a
lander monger, might be iot'iecced by
hia lies, we deeire to state that we do
not owe a single business uiau in Doug
las county one dollar. It is true that
when we bought of J. U. Eddy, his in.
tereet in the Fli.ndcllii we became
indebted to him for a part of the pur
chase price, but iu addition to that
amount a part cf which is not yet paid,
we do not owe in the whole state of Ore
yon to exceed o0. Toe Plainolal tu,
which the Keview says is bankrupt, does
not, with the exception of a small bal
ance on a paper till, which was not due
when Mr. Benjamin died, aud which
will be promptly paid when allowed by
kit administrator, owe so tar as has been
brought to our atteuliou, ono dollar to
any oue, auywhero on earth. There baa
never been a time since we have been
connected with tho, when
Ita euil yri wcie not juid promptly
very atorday uuht, and when all its
bills were not paid on prostitution
biroy are guest, of their eld frien is, Pr. cccwted . Februiry -, j3rlD
duty tbey have a'rtaJy practically per- j Watchman edit or.
formed with rare tact acd discretion, Mrs. W. F. Vcung ictl for Koeebur. avoided serious friction wliib MonJav. after a ver- .leasant visit with i
woald have greatly delayel progress. frienjj ia ,h;s c tv. ;
They are waiting now for a town plat
from Sitka when they wili be prepared
to wait 30 davs locgir, as the law pre
scribes, to hear tesiiaiony frox adverse
claimants, if there shoal J b; any, which
from the present outlook is unlikely.
We congratulate the gentlemen upon
the successful termination of theii work
acd assure them the many friends they
have cade here will wish them any
amount oi good fortune. Tne Stikeen
River Journal, Ft. Wraugel, Alaska.
TLe twentieth iufautry Is b-i :;g din -i-bi.rk?d
froai the transport Scan 1. a.
MOKt CAtfAtilt.-
W Au;.N,roN, Feb. -4. tj lay
cabled the war department. as follows:
Manila, Feb. 24. Ad Jitlonal casja.- j M
. i . i . i. i, I, . i . .
iUJ .HI?, il. L . Lji :J-J IV . . U I , 1 . , ; , , . . I , ; . If...
Mrs. J. T. LtiiJges and two children, j follows:
of Roeeburg, are specdidg the week with j jlrft Washington IKil.ed, coa-pany
Drain relatives acd friends. j i, prtVate Albert .1 . Kuppert.
Mrs. Jones an J daughter, Miss Moliie, The follow icg occurred in the engage
went to Yoncaila, Tcursday, the latter ; meat near Oalocan, February 22 and .J :
retarning the following moraiag. j Soath I'akota Killed, Priva'e 'scar
E. J. Patterson and C. M. HeuJerer L- Fe'.ker, Sergeant wnUaai D. t-mith.
left this morning f-.r Cottage Grove, lak- j WcaaJed, Privates Fred Tjbin, Mart n
ing with them a number oi horse. ' EiJe, Musician Charles Haltbrr.
liran.tma ,r .-. h.,.I ai TUtrJ At ti'.Ierv-WrjUcdf J, SvrgCil.t
cancer remniv 1 ia now jniit ntire!v i
r.t wia tt ,,f Kta; ! heeler, Sllgtf.
Hefty in this ci'y, Fr.i.iy.
M'B. L. M. Ferkius, who has lisn
quits id for so oe time tat', hs tu
cieatly recovered as to be able to visit
her mother, Mrs. Mulvacey, at Hudson,
Mod Jay,
Mrs. John S. M.:ej uf llepubiic,
Wah., who has ie-'u tis ticg her moth
er at Oakland, stopped otT at this place
a rc- ! w. A
Twentieth KiCcii KilieJ, Private
t.ieo. II. Monroe. Woui:dc 1, First I.lcJ.
tenant William Callahan, l'ri.ates J.i.n
M. V.'ebter, Jaxes E. Kiiey, Ccrj-orai t
Herbert Sands, scar Mallicoat, Private
William Woo'en, M T.1a::Jj J.a-
li c : oi;!i Lsague of the Methodist
ih lr.h gave a very enjoyable entertain
u e:.t a-tl.e home of the president, F
!!. C . ;rvh. ;, under the management of
M.:s Exu.a I'. Fisher auJ Mrs. Fiva
I-.,::. Ti:ere were about sixty pres
er: :. . they enjoyed themselves
w.n wry pU.-ily evidenced.
( .- g' i), which was prepared by
.e:u!. wjj thoroughly apprecia-
! c.).;s!.-teJ of the following:
l'r.ty-.-r, K- . W. A. Siuicx, ot Albany,
fnstrotii! ii .il eolo, by Miss Ethe Coll
ins, eLtli'vi "Silver Thistles," which
broug'.t I .j-ii'e au applause. Miss
Viviau Ji .w. reu lerid j'itte a pleasing
rei!.it;o3. 'i':i rtiitation by Miss Ama
tl ::..::. V; rv..s rpeciSi u.cUtlulo, US it
was de'.lw-.-! .n splendid m tuner.
l'ii Ilr:.'. ', as sung ly MifS Helle
Ca'.cl,:::.', w ( ijoyed by a. I.
i.iv. I'. I. sjxmerville, cf (nants
1 '-', t-e ; r s. ling eider of this district,
u Je a :':' u'mariiS, giiir g words of
ecco irajexctit to the members ot the
fill JS t
first Montaca Killed, c-ouituLy I.,
Seootd Lieuteuant Eugene s. French.
Woucded, company K, t-eecn l Lieuten-
Monday on her retain home, for a day's l sct Philip Greeaman, side, slight : F,
tiiit with Mr. an 1 Mrs. Kenton Mires. j Frtd D. Chatel, ellow, slight:
Mrs. Silan Lce of Cottage r. e, died j Mymun, leg, slight ; L, William A. Su-d-February
10, IS'.''.', agnl S) years, .-he ' man, thigh, eevere ; 1, William F. Kra
was oue of ths early etttlers, having mer, scalp, slight; I, William A. Hon
crossed the plan.- in the '40's. I'e-i ham, shoulder, flight ; C, i-lea W. Hor I.
ceasid was the mother if Mrs. W. F. ' foct, slight ; O, TueoJtro A. Manchester.
Colvin if this pla:e, who has the sym-! thigh and hand, severe, T, i,
patby of all in her sad bereave:neut. il'ann.head, Eerious ; C, John F. Dunn, I'ij
J. T. Miller of Hayhurst met with a . thigh and waist, slight ; A, Uto Nelson,
painful accident a few days ago, as a re-! houlder, slight ; A, John Shannon, t ut- -suit
ot being thrown Irom a wagon. He j t"rlii light.
ustained aninjrry uf one cf his legs,' Caiualties in TonJo district of Macia,
which has not been only painful hut of j F'ebruaiy 3, wer as followe :
a serious nature. His a any friends' T' "tecota Minnesota Wounded,
1' es Herman H. Hillman, l. ligics
I . r, Oscar Fryckman, ' i. Kakt i .
'laenty-lhird Infantry Killed, Pri
vates Edward Reaver. Wounded, Pri
vate John 1.. Parker. On-.
l.eaj i
SD t l--.'t:li:t:
a'.e !.
for : ,xc 1c:
fieri. ::.-.-:iti
' ; nj uroch benefitted by
.:u;a'al duet ly Rose Smith
I. ihr, was highly apireci
;j.-:graiij games were played
'U rf time, and light re-
Those Oreailful Sores
They Continued to Spread Id 6plto
of Troatment lut Nov. Thry itro
Honlort A WoiU.
'For many yean I ''-' b.t'u n Rreat
aufterer with vrleoe . ln ' M-noot iny
Itmha. My tool snd U i.. itri id
fully swollen. When I .mI tip I eoubt
ti-f-llhe bloiid rnwliiinj Un' t.ln i't
thlallnib. ttueil.' I aclilriilally hii iny
fiHl avalnnl mniii' object and a sor.' broke
out which continued to spread mid wa
exceedingly painful. I om liiitcd I
needed a blood pur I tier and I bean taking
HiHHt'a SnrMparlllu. In a short t lino
those drvwilfiil sorv lilch bad eauted
me so much aiinVrlnjr, U-;;n to hrat. I
kept on faithfully with HootPa Sarc
rllla, aad In a abort time my limb m
CiMnpletely healed and I lie sore gave me
no more ) va i ii. I cannot N' too ttinnkfnl
for the woniterful Work llood'a Sar a; a
rllla, has done for inc." Mhs. A. 11.
(IlltON, Ilartlniiil, Vermont.
IsllietH'M Ik l.i. I the IW fine HIoimI I'm .fti-r.
Hood'O Pills "i" .!llo. riil ..oi iili
Crescent Bevel Genr Chaiu
less, txu o.
55. Juveniles f2.
AU tilled ill:
DL'NLOP Detachable lire.
A. C. HAK5T1:RS & CO.,
re I, .
.1 li-1
Si e
were served. The I.eogue
give da Lt.tertainuieut once a month
an j :i: f.-el a? tlnngh their labels bsre
U-t :- ': : r nought if the entertain
'. are to f jllo are as success
r r. H. V.S.
I..', ur. 1 tine assortment of chi!
;:. -es just received at Parrott
(.'j 1 a'id tee them.
wish hiui a xpeciy recovery.
President 11. II. Audersou goes to
lardiner the latter part of this week to
deliver the address to the giaduatiog
class of the Oardiuer public si hool. Mits
Kose li. Parrott it principal of the ichool
at Gardiner auJ giaduutea a class of six
or eigh', from the common school
branch '.p.
i ft
A:. I
We have hal ei.oery the
last few days.
Mrs. L. l'a'ullclcti and etcp t.n of
j ii if
. i-lUIl Ot IU k,
1. b-.rg. Orif.n, Feb. J.t, lw.
: r.jr 'vn that tbe ari,ed
: '.he ii'Uowit.f to'.. uthip tie
i r m Ibe "lirMjur Oein ral fur
-v .'.
p '.' "., Karige 7 W ot.
: , hanae W eI.
. p r. i ., kanice Wl.
iucMlay, U It. Irtj, al
. r: .a!d piaKult! tfil.'din Hi t
'I'l i-iiil.i. i.l lliervlu MlilU
r. -v . an, I r that 'tali
j r. imif.r,
K r : er.
rim- I ixd in in
lii.'liur, lrei'li.
loMln'iu U rimy nun em
Nolhe j. here '-j g 1 1 en ttinl Uie 'n. L;nn As I !
(nruia K.lrvM 11 o li- i;ti-l m IIik o.'ti e a 1:I
t IauiU illualc.1 ill tbe tiwnb'.'i ilevr:Ui
Ik1iv, ainl liat ii';,il f. t a )'. nt Im tul
Uuili tbal the tll i- oh-h d itie pubtip inr In--l-eilou
auil a eiiiy th r,'( 1 y it, cn t-oe -ul
ilii-iuu.. ):h9 lcen rMul iu a muiriiiitii
lUctf Iu this iifllee, (i-r the ttlli tt.iu tif all er--vn
ioirnnird ai d tlx- ml le generally.
foutli ul !" tine aifl Hoi o( vi:timtle
Ip .K I.
HVI'.Nt1,, Si' t:r-W', rni' 11 'art 'a
an.l rrl . r: . tv an-l pari ,. I',.
inx-. r.
1 p. :th, K. J
N', SW't. -v. t?
Tp. :. K. J.
S . rt 1 vt . i.
V.. 3"R .'.
W , B ' Bi.
t.. ii.:;.
ftV .. aul V . .vf. 1 Srt'S . a. I
St, V': ;i i :' i-art I', an I ;art W',
MV. ii.
l v. A.. R t.
1'arl w ' . au l art K ' ,. ihv 1 i ar! K
part W ..rkw '.'. cart ' . ainl K'
11: iart E!. aut iart w see 1: 'ml
part ri' , jl . .-', St',, Si i. t
' r, -c. i . W ' . 't .. .'..
Part N. an t l :t S'.. . e. . t . s, e
Vt a:el part a' Sec. .'i. art t:. and part
v 1 . see. . .
lxt- l. .
. K. I
J'nrt uf -'
K. I.
Part ..( V
T. R I N
Tp. '. K. t.
S-. auJ pari o! f' ., Si
A I. .
I p. :y, ii "
N.f 1, -, ::, t. 0. Mil l St'' rE
Tp i. R. ..
Lull 1. J au l J nt sc. 'i.
Ip .T. R. ...
NE', St.',, s, n S't -rt'
N' j. si-C r. b', 1 MC a
rp. j, k.
Atl-.e. 1.
Tp. r, K
Part N', .. :..
s :ilU ul f.a- tine u:il l.a: ol tt ittai.iwite
M. r.
1 p J. K. I.
Part S' s aa i s' ., vee 1.
W I ! biu the ueit ei1.) da) loi.o i nu the la:i
f liU lnt:e', j-rote-t ur li'Dtml K'alli.t 1 1 :
e ai in ol the i.uipiiiijr lo any trai t or m(li
i. a vri'.hia ai.y i. iti.iu ui ( ail !
eribel iu tbe list, on the grouii'l llmt the ine
! ruor' i atuahte fur iiiim lai ibun Im agrituip
ural punofH-s w i' tv n-teiMit au-l no'.ol lur t
ri to tin '.enera: ijiu I wsrue ai a..n;iigi':i
. I and '. S-'
, -ei . r.
:, rv. 1. ' ,
. a:id 1:'.
. IJ
J. It. lllMUll
J 1.
f.' !I0
Notice of listray.
One roan teer about tivu yt-ara old,
with large horns, mark, smooth crop iff
left ear aud two splits iu right.
trailers will i!i'4o call for tame and
settle damage.
J. It. WiLhOV,
Camas Valley, Or.
Administrator' Notice.
' UDilerwlirneil at aduilllltrutor (f the
r.ta'.e i 1 1. B Sn iiuts, di-ceawd. have 61.1 t!,. r
final aeeoiiiit with the County I terli of liouvla.
Cuuuiy, (r 1(011, and the Hon. l onDly JmUo
liaa hed Moinlay the mh ilay uf March. f al
etoia a. m. a. thetlinafor Learnu' o!iiee:ion
o aa'.d ncoouo'. and f -r tuc aettlemeiil ot tl.a
P-O'veijur,', ure , Jan. j), ls'.O.
L'. S. St. In.'t.
i. B Nk-liuis. Jr.
1 I
1 1I K lUHKt T HtH IK1
Montana, Ulali,
Colorado and all
.astern Points.
tilts' I tm't r tl IHMUit1 tiMllr. lit I I'f
IMON I'M IMr KuM Mull I tin L ir Um
HlOt.ilAM'K Min t' I. 'tit ,
I tuk l ilif dun'
1 1 j to Salt Lake
j'j tl.iys to Pen ver
1 j to Chieao
days to New York
l'r-r Itt'i-ltitltiat (liiilr tit a, t p.
Iiotntr rt-i! 'I'wiiilvl Nlt-rilii
Vara, lilluitii liOit c Hlrrp
u I'tttM pci iul 011 nil
rir liiillii r iiiioniii-'iei' uppl) 10
J. V, tllVAN5, g., li im'I ing
C. O. Terry, W. I!. Coiunn,
I tav I'aui Aul lien Aul.
I.'l t hitd M , I oiilaiid, ilr
l-'or ( I otulj V Ii olcaome,
IIU1CA1), tire in none
equal lo tli
Itoscbury Jnkcry.
We have alvVvs it nice
assortment ofrcsh
( )t naiiietititl Cnks to or
der, (live us
Notice Por Publlcnton.
I'Niian i 1 m l.iNn (lirn a.
Kii.el iiia i'r. ..ii. Jail. '7 . v'
Soiiie 1. hetilif linn dial Ilia lolliliia
named u llli 1 ia tiled Holler ol Itla lnlii'll
lo make llnal tiiool In uppurl id Ii la rUliiUml
lhal laid itliNif 111 Imi inailo ImiIoiv llli IVla-
1,1 ami liv elier. t'nilixl Hlalix Land om ai
li. m'Iiiiih, I'm-, mi M an li II. Ii, via
11 1 I AM H I UI AMI
111 II le No 1. Ilia H W '. ', N . tt . Be
In .', H . li. Ill lie iimm the lulliialiia
iies.ea to I'luv e til eiiiilllmuna lealilelte ttiil
ni t mini ahull ol aald litu.1. 1 1 IVtt iuni a.
il linn liinu, uieeon John naraer.oli'aa 1 l"V
H-k.,11 A t. Ilailii-r, o dak (tirek, Orta-oil,
lolni xiia ler, ol ( u I ie k Oieaon
Hill. Mrflatrr.
l'itted with heavy ('. ii J tires, ate
I'ltcL'rst KArtlU.llKS mid I DUALS c ir Ifuilt.
The Dest W heels crr Ituilt.
New )i) 1)
ular list
S40. $30. $25. $20.
PrcilT. Merrill Cvcle Co..
I 2 1 year 'iniieers. )
ii--i7-itH-i 1 1 Sixth St..
I'oitlaml, Oregon.
'"gr A. C. MARSTERS & CO. Agents
Seattle. Roscbur, - - - Oregon.
Till- C.RKAT
Administrator's Notice.
uuderiitf 111.I aa ailriiiiii'.ralor ot the estate
i In, l.e. la N;i ho... di eaied. 1 a. r.P d bi. I nai
neoouut with the oui.ty tlra ol IDulai
1 oiiniy, Or eon, and tht Hon. ounty J jdge ha
1. ie.l Mundav the litii dry ol Man h. at j
o elnek a. iii. aa Ihe tune lor hearihf oh.'ivliuiii
to laid aeeount ac l tor trie etlleiiieiil il the
K.ehurs, iri Jon, January u, i'rj.
I. H. S'uho.i. Jf
At.'iilii iilrator.
mitt iiir iu tit , humy --t t,
BOTH One Year for $1.75.
I. .1.11.1 Arfti. iillimil I l.'liai tuii'U) ol the hick
1 'I 1 1. 1 ai: iui.orliiiii iiena ol the Nation
"'I U''H I e I'li lii iuiif and rrllaltlv mack.
et ie-. r i a!. . 1 l.i n.:. nit 11 t.n hoit ituin . .i 1' nlii.i an. I i,.,i hniili al Intonitallou, lllua
t:.t;i-l fai. lull ali.. h i::;a:-.:.s ' . I'l 1C-. Hill 11 I !ll Pu t c all ! i h lii tal u 1 I., iery Iriembfl
t e . , ry .'mn.'; .
I PLAINDEALER ;ES:-"-'''--:::::;
ou Iu
arm and D
Send all .subscriptions to the
Till: lLAINl)l;ALl:R,
Roscburx:, Ore.
A nrv en i ivu'.ilii t nit itaa luJ at 1 1 1 i
JUJ I Fdlowa- Hall Saturday uuU. " lut"e,,ter " lsl'"'rf rrUHes l.tre
If mr lia va a Ik ad 1 iltltlll iilll llll V H-.,irM I I " nl.ill t no l 111 inmiri I i, l III 1.1.1 u Ir a . i ttlia a Cta .
on earth, it must lo eithei l lJouoliurjr, j toiual vinit lo 1'Lil jiuiiiii IixI.m aud! Frank atul Will l.u, if Cuie , ,
Oreou, orat Illl'jraJj, Kaueaa, aa wa 'after that the Ketekalia rmveJ the w isel ihroiiili liere last uk in n.ur
liar lived at tln'se two iilai-ea tor uiuie ! with refie-liuu nia. Thou a sui'ial hour ! By tJ Kor.;burir.
than s ijnaitcr uf a n'ulurv, an-l .' I j I m ha I in niiiurjjilnii and mini . i Oeo W, AI h-rs-.u 1.1 1 l.i u ri.ii.j t,l.
Administrator's Notice.
. : -ii. '. riven lunt the iinder. .ku ,
- ' .1- . i !,...; ;h Ca oi Kehr'.im. d i'.v
't ' I .i 1 in -iralor ol ihe ittattfd f. .
ii.:.". ... ard. All p. rnii haiiiiii . i...:..t . ...j rafale aie r l.f ri.,n:rvd
' 1. !L. -.,. ie .ro- rlv terioi'd, to ihe
i la. ,ti emu, al Ihe I'laiU'li all r oihcr. in
' V- .a-. lounly, 're.oii ,
I t'e lau- hereof,
i ". I .i .i , ,'av ul V hrnare, A I' I -i
M K I'lMillil
t li.i.i.lilrl..r
Administrator's Notice.
Noiiie i beri ! tii eu that tl.e no lerM.-ui d
u.n uti the J'lii daf o( January, 1-'. ilul
.ll jJilllt. l a J'lMlll.Ul!' I ol the n'ale i I Jaint a
K. Miuhell, ilei'al. All i-rraoua hashu
i Uhui AMlml ,ll iill'.n are l.erel v re (Hiri',1
lo i.reM iit tbe aaine rou rljr verihed, to he
mi I a'or nl lh" lam ml'. I A M
i r i (, in Uiehnrv. 1'ouu at l uunti, i:e
Ku, wiir.iti ix i.iotithi fr.n.L the iU'.h hi ii of.
liau-l lh.a lilh day ol K. r.n:arf, I '
A IU..I, .lia'ol "I tl.a I "l-iie ll hi.e a l;il '.
I i, I" I !.L
The Uniform
quality of the work
manship iu on i
clothing is one of
its strong points.
Kach garment is as
carefully cut aud
tailored throughou
as though made t
order. See our new
Fall Suits.
i1 f ; oM
U . I
5hoes SS ,:
are the only kind
wish to sell. TIipv
the only kind vc do sell,
1 . t a
aim wiin eacli iair we
it .
sell we make a
fiieud. They are
only stylish hut
clear through. See
Shoe line.
A-- oan