til. XXX. ROSKliURG OREGON, MONDAY, KKliRUARY 27, 1899. No. 16. Nniletr Miell ,, , KI.Kit, ItliMKIIt'iKI I.HIMlK, NO, KM, ll. fid lliulr regular rniiiiniiiilralloii al lbs 1 it ! K. hull oil around mul (uiirlli 1 1 1 11 1 -1 n a inoniii. n ini'iiiiMir" n'ii."v, ii.iiesmarly. aim an Vlaiting Itrrlllium tmr. diJHittKlto.ir.l. , lllllllv H B. IIIIHII.K, m.ori-lnrjr.' r'VNKIi Minna, A, r, a . si., n"un aMinaolliiga tli 'M and 4t.lt Weduosdaya " .J month. niKKJOIINH)N. W.U. At. jwTt, wwf. JlTlJCTAUI A N IJI.KIK. NO. M. I. U. O. F. tnaaLa Haltinlav nvnihia of vatih woek al Jolt lull III O.I. I Follow 'I'vuiple at lloaubura:, feutlM-rsol ii oritur In good standing arwltivll al In attaint. J. W. HI HAM., N. it. N. T. Jaw art. hVo'y. ( rjOHKIHIR'l IXHMIK, NO. is, A. p. It, w. V iiuvM the ais-ond mil fourth Mondays ol tvih inoiilh 17 JU . m. al Uilil Fulliiwa hall. Inmlwrs ol Ilia ordor In good standing ro In Vltml to alUiud. I) k Weal, K, W. Kimoli, , Ktiiaueli r. Itecordcr. I IJEKOrOKT, NO.VO, U. A. It., MKT Till Oral kin) till rd Thiiradara ol each in'iitlb, t t o. 111. WOMEN'S KKI.IKF CORPS NO. I, flnl ami third Kildays M Kit 1H moil lb. ruivnttini ,111 1-1 nil Ml . (1. K. H. .Mitriv AX ,ha lint aud Hill. I Thursdays tl Oauh BASUlll MOl.MK KlIAUrKOOK, W. M. HKUIN A ItAnT, heo y. iiKirlitllti, lilVIHION NO 4?i, II. OK I If. x- niwiUi ovary M'uouit mul lourlb Htiuday. ALPHA l-OPHK, NO. 47, K. OF P., very Wednesday evening at O.lil Fellows Hall. VlalUng KWKbla In good slsnding stally liivtuxi to aiumJ. lrotcMMlil Cnrl. 100 H. BBOWM. Mill. rAUl TCSTI. IJROWN A TU8TIN, Attorncys-at-Liivv, K'MIHU 7 and T 4s Wilson Hlork. ROnKHI'KO. OH. H. W1LLI3. Attorney and Oounnolor at Law, Will fWMtlo In all lbs M.urla of ths HUU. tC loa la XUraWn, HmUlliiK, Di.ua Ua euuuly. Or. J A. Itt CHAN AN, Nutaiy 'iUU , Attorncy-at-Law, Collections a Specialty. MiHiin a nlrri IIiiIMIhk h(l-Kllt liil, OK C M. HAMUY, w ' DENTIST, Mrvlrw lliilMIni;, liltpUouo No. 4. UOnKIU'UU, OUKUON. RA B. RIDDLE, Attorney at Law, ItlHllll . Taylor A WIImiii lllk. HO-iKbt KO. OKKUON. F. W. BENSON, Attorncy-at-Law. Itoom I aii't Hi'tlaw II 11 1 Ml nil. UOMCHl'H'., OKKiiiiN M. CRAWFOED, Attorney at Imw, HiKllu. 1.V1. MuniU ti HIilK., KOriKHU IUI, OU. nayBiiiiluit U lori' llio V. t. Uiul Olllcc ami mluluf oaaea a nH'clalty. Lato Roooivrr V. M. IjiuI OrBnv Northern Pacific Railroad Company. Ate aniline lii'kolN (o nil jioinlu KhbI tit hall tlia rrgulor rule". I. K. K. lit U K, Locul Aiifiit No. 'J, MniiUT8 LiuiMiiitf. M YRA BROWN, M. D. OKKIUR, : Jurkmm Htrcvl, at ri' liloucv ot Mm. ). Ulrcr. ROrKBl Hti, Oil. D u. v. v.. vaii:, Physician ami Surc-oii, Uimiiii 4 Mavlvn lltillitlnr:. Ilinlili in c. Moltvr rt. O.RAttCO. DFTAKT Kor Faiit Mail 8 .m. TIMI! sciir.oi i.rs K10111 I'urilHiiil Mjll l.akti, lii'iivi'r, Kl. Worlli. DniHlia. Kail mill l'it. HI. 1'iilK, t IiIl'iiko uinl Kust. Vnllaulla.KiiikHiii'. M I lim a oll I'hu I IMilntlt, Mllwiuikn', ( IiU kkii uinl html. AHIilVK l'toiil Kant Mail 7 :.M a. 111. Knoll ano Klyur t i.m. Kinkniio I'lyt-r lull a. in. p in. Ocean Ateamahlpa 1 All allllti! tlitli'ii mib Ji'i t to 'liaiiK. For Hail Krain imo Hi.il Die. I, K, 1,1, is, 1, 4 p. m. 7 p.m. To Alak Hull rJi'ptK r p. ut. 4 p, m. Kx Miinlay 8 p.m. Kx.niiinlay Halunlay Columbia Klver Htramcra. To AMnnii hihI Wny LaitilliiKa. lu p.m. Wlllaniett klver. A a.m. Orcloii City, Nuwlirru, Ex.Huuday I Hali'iu 4 Uuy-i.au! K 4 !U l, 111. Kx-Humlay 7 a.m. Tufa.Tlltir. auil Hat. i Wlllametlaand Vum hill Klver. Ort'Kon Cliy, I'ltytou, I auU Way-l.auiliiiiia II JO ). m. Moil., WihI. ami Krl. 6 a.m. Yuva.Tliur. and Hal. Wlllumetta Klver. rortlaml to I'm vlll aud Vay-l.aiiuluga 4:SU n. Ul. Tuoa. I'liur. uinl hat. I.v.Hlparla Dally, Kxoi'jit Faruruay. 5naka Itlvtr. Hlparin to l-owltoii, 1,.IwIhIoU Daily Kxi'fpl Krliloy W. II. miUI.HVHT, (ieutntl I'uHBDitgcr Agunt. . It. tk N. Co., I'ortluutl, Orcuon. LIVE ip LET LIVE! HU.llTlltl' HllOVO IllllltO I Will Mill fOllllllllO to iirvi-v lor all imillra iliKlrlnu my n.i.Miiiii o im au tiiiglin'i-r or Niii vnyoi'. My clnirKra will lit) n-aivKiuliU' In ml my wmk yimutiiUiiJ. Amulao Notary rolilic. Ail'lu'an mn lit Uli'vi'liunl, DiiiikIhx Co., Or. V1I.I. I. lllCVIMkN i New Store 1 A PULL Staple and Fancy GROCERIES Country Produce TAYLOR ft WILSON BLOCK Low Prices! Judge us Judge us by vhat ve arc doing. Judge us by the continued increase of buyers. Judge us by the DRY GOODS your friends have purchased of us. Judge us by our Prices Get your friends to tell you how much they paid. That is al) we ask. New Spring- Goods SOMETHING NKW! XKW STORK! The People's Store 1. ABRAHAM, PropY. A complete line of Dry Goods, Clothing, Boots & Shoes, Furnishing Goods, Mats, Caps, Capes, Jackets, and a tine line"ofMillinery Goods. Kvciything Xew, purchased for Cash direct from Kasteru manufacturers, especially for the Fall Trade. Call and exaimine Goods and Prices. QF EpECJlJL tfiLUL ' A c troful st'Iection of Irug tnJ ( lietnicals villi a thorough I know Inltfo ol llioir llicraputio aiul rhemical properties enable" I tin to Kiuritutco to our patroiiH l'lirily, Standard Slrenulli, aud j Ai;rurai-y in ccmiiouiidinn iij niiirtDs' rreHoriptioos and fam- ily ircipm. Jin uililition to our I'Xi'cllout laboralory facilities, wo carry iu 8toc : Patent ncdlcliics, Dye Stuffs, a Superb Quality o1 Perfumes and Cosmetics, Toilet Soaps. Etc., a tiuarv antced quality of Pure Bristle Cloth and Hair Brushes none finer, and Staple Sundries Generally. (Mir Taint, Oil, Varuieli, and Window Glass department is coin j I'lote. j A. C. MARSTERS & CO., PrugiiiHta, i KONKHl' KU, OK EG ON.! Spring Will soon be here and CARPKTS arriving, WALL In Latest Designs and Colorings and the Price on -it i. .. -1. i ... . an gouus lire ah cueap as cousisiani Willi good goods. No trouble to show Alexander & Strong New Goods! roeery STOCK OP liought and Sold Free Delivery Arriving Daily. VVOLLENBERG BROS. NKW GOODS! KVKRYTHING NKW we have a fine line of NKW also PAPER goods. TO REGISTER VOTERS. lull Text of the New law Drawn by Harmon. WILL BL f IRS f IRIll) MX1 VLAR Llectora Are kulrdto ReUlcr Be tween January i and May ij County Clerk'0 I ces. Kalim, l'eb. -l.-,lie ividtHlion law pHRPt-b by the Itviilatitc and iij toved byiiorernor Herri Jfan.oii' ter.ate bill No. , ai amur.drd. J'.eKittl ration blank 15, which i rt firrod i.) in iho body pi the law, ia not art of lh net. Jt waa detuned lo ftiablu (Ik turn io ri nrel thfir rpii)tratioii after tboy hail moved nut i-f a precitii-', a-i they i onld remitter in tin new pu-Mic'. licii-lr.tin ig free, but the C'limty it ieijoireil ta pay the couuty cleik lOcinlnfir enh regie Ured voter who vo;ea. Section 1. It in here!.)' made the duty of iho counly clerk of ci; li county in thia tate, between May 1 aud December 15. IH'J'J, and hlcniilalif ihrealtr be tween (aid ilutei1, to procure a .jflii ii-rit aupply ol all tli books bin! I.Unka re (juiruil by the act an I to rittt-r ail the electors in the county, The board of co'i.iiiiaitioiicra of cjcIi (bunty thall order lo to pai l out el ihocouLty 'ri'.iMiry (he rcanjiiable Jit 1 neceto-ary ( xpetiHg to in- curroil liy ihe coniit) clrk. f-cv. .Sji I rri;i'rnli'iri b ck thall ! rul il ai l priti'ed upon lii-pjnml cap, Uxrliue whitD p.ipor, ha LSat each lonblc pa.; will bo 17 ini l.lr ide atid 14 iiuhi-a lot (. l in y -1im II lm ruled and piti ted nl.ke for ell co'iMn 8 i:, iLe elate. 1'ln re hi. ah l.e one or moro volumes iii li Imuiiil, wrh lejt;.ir b.ttk aid corr.- rr4 Hint cloth pars, fori hi h county, U'Ke uougli to contain Iho riuine!i of nil Iho eieclora in the counly, cat ltd the Kfiioml cciiuly tcicUr. Etuli general eon my reicl-r eba'l lute Lar blauk 1-uvt", entlrtbiy r.ibd, iu t!ie front to U ilttate uiakiiig an index to (l.o teveral l-ieciucla in liiu toutily, urul Iho pi;e aha. 1 it i.ututxri-d coi m cj:ivi ly iu the upper i intit-Liu.ii 1 cvrj.t r of eucii double page, Each couiilje';'li b'iuH before proceeding to reirl r" cctors , liu.tibly dividv his tmcral eoui.ti ngi6tr into as many pjria as thtroni" election pre cincts lu his couuly, aud iuJcx tho tev eral precincts in Iho front ol tho vol ume. There Tthiill bo one reuiitraiion book louud in tagboard, with cljth strips oa llio back, I ir each elcctiun pre eiuctiucuth couuty of thebtaio. called Iho precinct lighter .'or precinct, toiiutj ; mul its pages slisll be nl- phabelirally indticdoo the margin, go as to facilitate registering- t'tc elerlori in tbepretii.i l in alphaleti 'ul or-.lcr, ne- .cording to siirnaiins. These prtcii.ct registers thali lo bound in d:ffereut zet, so as to tvtii. li e tlilKrcnt r.'c-i nets. Siice 1 shall eouttiti i'it djut lu pane; size '2 shall coutain l(i doublopagps; fcizo 3 shall contain li'2 double paces: ze 4 shall contain 4$ double pu;e?. The paper, hia of p ;gus, ruling and printing shall be tho same as oiril for the general county registers, but the pages need i.ol bs numbered. S.tid ivg ifltration bocks shall bo ruled and tinted fubstaritially in iho following form ; Official JBgiiSter of Elector fo? I U I M i : S3 I F 1 Sec. 3. The following registrhtijn blanks, designated as registration blank A, aud registration blank 15, ehall nil be printed upon 10-pouud cap, ru peril ae paper, 8,lv inches wldo ami 14 italics in length, with a blunk utiirgin of one iuch on the left-hau l side of Iho blank, the back of which shall beguitiniod tlve- eights of an inch in wiJth. Ibey kIiuII be furuished in patls of 100 ach. OUKUON ItKlilSlltVIlON lll.ANK "A." 'I his blank serves for lltreo put potos. For registering with u notary public or justice if tho peace, as provided in Bee tiou ) of rcgiHlrulion art, i.i which catio two witiutSBts mo necessary j also, fur use it challenged under poctuui 14, whou six witiicFscs may ha tequired; also, un dor section 13, when tho elector is not registered in the princinct, when ho must subscribe to this blauk lltreo tiims and produce eis fieeholdetu us witnetea, who utti"t all sigu tho aecoiul aflidavit. Stitto ol Oni;on, County of , bb. I , tho iindoiHigim.l elector, do HoKititti ly swottr inr ulllrni) that my nam mid signature us signed htdow is my tine iiame mid uigiiiiture. 1(1 huvo rot per sonally signed it, it ia ht'causo ; arid il wa i-ined et my reoooat by tie attvMiutf niliiar. My age It 1 yer. mid oicupalinn ; tu.!7ity ; i .nt'iralixe.l or declared iir in- teiitiou in coort, io - atate, on , ih , aa appears by the na'tiralixaiiun papera exhibited hare- wit h. I'tert-nt rfsidr ce li in Mcti n , toKiiahin, range , counly, Orrgon ; tor if a town or city), at No. . St reel in Ilia cll of . I occupy room on lha floor; that 1 have reaided in this t.ttti during the six months immediate ly preceding litis elt-ction. In testimony whereof I sign my came three tin e. (N tc 1 unable to sign, isi me oincer write his name and to ifate). (3) ' Elector We, the undersigned witnesses, do swear that our names and signatures are gi-r,uirie; that we are each peraooally scpiainted with the elector and bis resi !t me, as itattd ; that v e I elieve all his o'her ttalements are tiue, and (hat we are each freeholders in Ms county. Signatures. Residences (Note If unable to sign, let the officer sign his name and so state.) Elector. We, the urdersigiied witnesses, do sit ear that our names and signatures are gi.'iiuii;e; that e are each personally ao pointed with the elector and bis resi dence as stitted ; Ihst we Iteliere all bis other statements are Irne, and (bat we are each freeholders in the connty. Signature. Residences. Subscribed and sworn to by the elector and the to witnesses, helot e m this day of , 18'J . Justice of the pence for district, i.otary ubl:c K r O.-f g:i (or other offl- C.T.) f Erase ono title io sui'.) Sec 4 In Multntrnah county.'and in all other counties in the state which have no county clerk, the ehrk ci the couiity courf thali perform all the duties required by this act to be done or rer formed I y the c.unty cleiks in other counties, and be shall be comreneaed in the sa mo manner. Sec. 5. It shall le the duty of eytry elector fn tbo state ot Oregon , between the first Monday in January, 1900, and 5 o'clock p. m., of thn 15th day of May, l'JOO, and between the same dates and hours biennially thereafter, to register with some notary public or justice of the peace, or with the county clerk of the couuty in which the elector resides, in accordance with this act. Sec. 0. It shall be the duty o' the county clerk io each county, between tbe lirtt Monday in January, l0, and 5 o'clock p. ru., ol the lo'.h day of May, 111(0, uud between ibe sarue dates and hours biennially thereafter, to enter upon the proper registers every jersoa who complies with the requirement of this act, aud claims to be an elector residing in the couuty. If the clerk refuses to enter the name of any qualified elector, such elector may proceed by mandamus to compel him ti do so. Jec. 7. Every elector may bu regis tered without charge I y personally sp earing in the office of said clerk, and, after being duly sworn, staling the fol I lowing facts, which the clerk or his dep I uty shall appropriately enter in black precinct, I o. 3 9 i r If s ink, at first iu the goueral county regis ter. The electors shall be numbered, consecutively, 1. 2, 3. etc., in each pre cinct, as they are registered in tbe gen eral county regis er, Tbe clerk shall in- qnlie of the elector, and enter tbe follow ing information in the geueral county r.'gititcr, in the division setoff for the pieeiuct iu which the elector resides, to wit: 1. Tito registration number of the elector. 2. The ditto of registeringjthe elector. 3. Th6 full name of the elector. 4. Lvave a blank space in which the judges of election shall enter In the pre dict register the poll book uumber of each elector when he has voted. 5. The business or occupation of the elector. ti. The age of tho elector in years. 7. The country .nativity. 8 If nattiraligjd, the time, place aud court of naturalisation or declaration, as evidenced by tho legal proof theroof, ex hibited by tho elector. ti. Tho actual aud precise place of ' ivHhlwica of tho elector at t he lime of his registering, staling first Iho product, and, if In the country, the taction, town ship and range; and in diss and towna haying streets, by spfcifyinr the name of (he (own or city, the s'reet or other location of or dwelling place of the elec tor, wi b the nnmbrr of such dwelling, if the same has a number ; if not, then with such 1-i'Mlioii of lbs lire that it can readily be ssceitainrd and identi fied. If tbe elector he not the head or proprietor of the bonre, then it must show that ft, and npon what floor thereof, and w hat room anch elector oc cupies in such house. 10. The fact whether or not the elec tor desiring to be registered is able to write his name and mark his ballot, and if he cannot do both, then tbe n ttnre of such disability must l entered. 11. Tbe (lector thai! then, next fol lowing the afore administered oath, sign bis name io tbe pretence of the clerk, or tbe deputy acting, In the general regis ter open the same line where the preced ing information is written, and the reg istering officer shall then sign hie own name npon tbe said line, ami add any remark required by this set or oppropri a to thereto, for the information ol the judges of electioo. If the elector is reg istered by the clerk in person, be shall so sign bis own name in attestation thereof ; and if tbe elector ia registered by a depoty then in addition to the name of the clerk, the particular depoty actually registering the elector shall sign bis nam, at length, In attestation thereof. If tbe elector declares be is en able to mark bis ballot or sign his name, be sball state why and the clerk shall enter npon the register the reasor.r. If tbe elector's inability to sign is appar ent, in consequence of some phytic! in firmity, such as blindness or loss of limb incapacitating the electors from writing, be shall so state the fact ; bnt if the disability is stated to be the illiter acy of tbe elector, the clerk sball, io ad dition to stating that fact, enter as fall a description of tbe physical peculiarties of tbe elector as possible, giving bis height, apjroxima'e weight, complex ion, color of ej es and any visible marks or scars and tl eir location, ana stte.-t the same. Sec. 8 Tbe clerk sball then eLttr in tbe separate precinct register of the par ticular precinct in w bigb the elector re sides, everything entered ly bim in the general register. He shall a-rarge the names alphabetically, according to sur name, in tbe feparate brecinct regiatt r, but tbe same number given tbe elector in tbe genera! register shall be given bim in tbe separate precinct register. Tbe clerk or deputy shall then require the i lector to sign his name, and, as in the general register, he ehall attest the registration. The separate election pre cinct registers shall contain all tho infor mation concerning the elector contained in the general or couuty register, includ ing the actual signature of the t lector, if able to sign, and the clerk's or bis dep uty's signature attesting such rcgistra tion. Sec. 9. Every elector may be regis tered by personally appearing at the clerk'd office and complving with tbe provisions of sections 7 and 3 of this act ; but, if said elector is unable for any reason to conveniently register as afore said, be may register without charge, before a notary public or a justice of the peace in tbe county in which he resides by asing one of the blanks designated t s blank "A," in tection 3 of this act, and filling out a in blabk in such a way as to afford ail tbe in'ormation which I e ought otherwise to give to the clerk un der section 7 of this act, and in addition thereto, signing tbe same three times in the presence of two witnesses, freehold dountij, Ores 3 5 s 3 3 3 s a 3 i; a - r 9 m i - it -a- c 12. ?-32a 5a era of ibe county, who eh til sign their camei upon the ea-ne blank, and by tbe elector and witnesses making oath there to as specified in said blank "A," which aball be duly certified by the notary pub'ic or justice of tbe peace ni forth with filed with the county cltrk of the county in which the elector resides Tbe county clerk shall supply each reg istration otlieers, upon request, witb a sufficient number of sid blanks "A aud "It" frte of charge. Each justice ol the pace or noUry public, who so regis ters electors shall at the time be regis tera them, enter the names ai ranged al phabetically, according to surname, und the date of registration and the precinct in a record book keit by bim for tbat purpose, lie shall not charge tho elect or anything, but he shall tie eutitled to roee vo from tho county tho sum or 10 ecu h for each elector so registered by him whose ufll lavit has been duly filed with tliue mnty eletk and w ho has voted iu tho pieeiuct where ho registered at Ibrt eiiBiiing elect inn After each goner al election the county count uii-ioners aha'tl audit mu'Ii Ii IIh und order payment iCuntililifd oil 4'li I'iqr.) Sl-asta Limited Is the nam of the only perfect train n tlii worl I, rot ronnLg avery night between St. Paul and Chicago, via the Chicago, Milwaukee A Kt. Fanl Railway the pioneer road of the west In adapt ing all improved facilities for tbe safety and enjoyment of passengers. An Illus trated pamphlet, showing views of besu tifnl scenery along the route of the Pio neer Limited, will be sent free to sny person npon receipt of two-cent pHtag stamp. Address Geo. If. Ileafford, Gen eral Passenger Agent, Chicago, III. EAST AND SOUTH - via THE SHASTA ROUTE OF TBI Southern Paelllc Co. Exprtaa trains taaTa PurtUnd dally. Sooth I North S:H0 a. 12M t. a. 8:00 r. a. S uup. m. t oo r u. 8 fit. at. Portland Ar. Row bum Man Kranrtaro Lr. Ar. - Above trains atop at all principal stations between Portland and rtalrra, Turner, Marlon, JeflVsraon, Albany, Tangent, Hbedda, Halaey, Harribiirr, Junction City. Kngene, Cottaa Urore, Irain, Oakland, aud all atatlona from Boaeburs to Asuiaoa inclusive. rtoaeborg; Hail Davily. 8:30a. M. 630 r. w. Lv. Ar. Portland Roacbnrg - Ar. L. !:; r. a 7:30 a. a. DiNia cabs ot oudk iioirrs Pullman Buffet Sleepers ANO SECOXDC'LAM SI.EKriPM. CAM Attached to all Through Traiu. West Side Division. Betweeat Portland an jorrHt Mall train daily (except Sunday). 7:30 A. at. I II .V a. at. Lv. Ar. Portland Corvallia Ar. Lv. f:W r. I'JOr. At Albany and Corrallla connect with train of Oregon Central 4k Kaatern railroad. Express train dally (except Sunday). 4:60 r. M. 7 :. . S-30 r. M, Lv. Ar. I.r. Portland Ar. Lv. Lv. : A. m. h:!3 a. 4 W a. a. McMlnville Indepenilence Direct connection at Ban Franclaro with Oc cidental and Oriental and Pacific Mall atmm abip llnea lor JAPAN AND CHINA. Bailing dates on application. K COIHLaa, C. 11. MARKHAm. Manager. U. F. A Pasa. Age: L PORTLAND OREGON. Kates and tickets to Eastern points and Ed mpe. Also JAPAN, CUINA, IIONOLCLU and At.'aTHALIA. Can ba obtained from lb, MOOKE, Ticket Agent, or V. C. LONDON', Kot nnr- WOODWARD THE EUSTLEB ROSEBUR6 Does Up ALL COMPETITORS: We are always in the Lead, and mean tw keep there. The Golden Harvest is npon us, and fam,. era are smiling because Woodward loos to their interest. IS UCrG V II AUK USaS Fall Trimmed TEAM HARNESS These are all Leather and Warranted. SADDLES At Reduced Prices. Consult your parse and be sure and sea Woodward before baying, - W. G. WOODWARD Life is a battle field. Every day brings its fierce, unceasing con- flict; every night leavea " its multitudes of dead and dyinir. The botrora of war are no greater than tbe horrors of disease. If all the nations of the earth were at war aprainat each other there would be no such carnage wrought witliin the year as that which is accomplished annually by one dread disease consumption. Ana yet this most lutai oi au aiseases is not without Us remedy. It ia no longer the Irresistible de3troyer that it was considered thirty years ago. An entirely new aspect is put upon me poBHiniuues ot mis urcautui malady by the astounding r medial actiou of l)r. Pierce's Golden Medical Piscove.y, which cures consumption by nourishing the lungs with an abundant supply of pare, highly -vitalized blood. This stops the formation of tuberculous matter, and builds up fresh tissue, muscular Besh and vital energy. It gives digestive power to the stomach which is too weak to assimilate oily emulsions. Misa I. my Klorfllt-r, of Armada, Mich., writes i " When I was altoiit rl(lt yrars of age I had ia flammntiou of the limits, and Ircmi that time up I was sick nearly all the time and had a doctor nearly all Hie time. 1 would tuke cold so easily it would no right to my lungs. At the age of nine teen I was very bad; tlic-re was pain in my lungs, tickling in ntv throat and my throat ws studded with ulcers; tttcie was hoarseness and partial sup pression of voice, and ilithculty of brcallilog. I diKtored with jue of our bct pliyaiciaus aud he snid he could not help me and Just precri!il cod liver oil anil told my mother I could uot livt Ungir than three mouth. I kept Kcltlug wakr every day, when at la-t a frlrud a-ked me why I did not Iry Dr. pierce' C.oUleii Medical Discovery. I tlioUKlit there was no use. uomore help lor meaa coiisiiiiiitiiiu v as in our family. My father and also in v sitcr died with it; hut after taking the first twlile I s med to feel belter. My apprtlta) was lH-tler ami I kept rifthl ou taking it. with bottle of the ' IVlltts' ouce in a while, until I felt real well. Before tnkiutf it. I weliihtd on huu Uie.l and ten pouuds. utter lakiug II, oue hundred aud Ihnty. I have not hud a cough this wtulr."