The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, February 23, 1899, Image 2

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PuMlahol Morula? ami Thimriar
. I). Kl MATrORII .
....... Kdllor.
alcrlptlon Rates.
Ono Vcar M 0
al Monthi 'I
Thros Month! M
FKItltl'AKY 23. ISO'.t.
WANTK1: A first-class for. man ami
jo'i printer cii timl employment in this
olllee. Will either pay aces or arrant
that lie take an interest in the business.
A icexxl position (or ilia ruht kiiul of
luaa. Heller write liufor you coins
Add res , KniroH l'i..iMK.i.Ktt, Kosc
liarir, Orrgon.
If the Filipinos coul.l be brongM in
raniw of Bryan's imnit.'i, tlio wliole
(rouble might be setth'J 111 short i-i-Jor.
.WuinaMo Is but 30 years of .1:1'. lie
oiikIiI to know mom wlicu lie gels clJer,
with (wo such teachers as I'jwoy and
Ttie Klondike twjmers me tryuu hard
to get their old place in the middle oi
the stage, now that the famish war is
The new bicycle law which imputes a
lecil lax 011 bicycles, (or the puriM6e
o( buildni bicycle paths, ilxs apply to
PjuUs county.
A woman is bound to have trouble c(
some kind. Kit isu't the hired girl or
the measles, ebe turns the family out
doors while she cleaus house.
and a'n'ra
pote thr talk Ibe matter up. The
rLAiNDEALKR will gladly assist in every
way possible In the movement if it
should he undertaken.
Since the .publication ot the editorial
in the last issue of this paper in rcjjarJ
to the fact that a number of democrats
are yet holdicg appointive otTicce in
lHxiglas county under the state and na
tional administration, a number of per
sons have asked us who is responsible
for the fact that a democrat is retained
U chief clerk of the Kost-buirf land ottlce,
and for fear that some ono not acquainted
with the fads should be inclined to
criticise Kegisttr Bridges and Receiver
Booth for the fact, we desire to state that
Messrs. Bridges and Booth have no
control of the matter.
The facts are wLcu Mr. Clcvelaud be
came president, he promptly "fire!"
every one connected with the olUoe fto.u
the register and receiver to the lowest
clerk, und having til Us I these pU.-cs with
democrats, made an or Vr placing this
clerkships under civil service in order that
his appointees might luve a life lieu on
theottkva. But ihirg will not always
be thusly, and we hope that, suggest
ed by the Review, all these places will
sxui be filled by persons in accord with
the administration.
Wonder what duesbiiug liappiucs-.
We are told that wealth does uot bring
happiness and we know from our own
experience that poverty does not.
Au Eastern paper explains the biii
haul charge of I ho Kansas troops at
laloocau, bv alluding to the fact that
there wu.1 bnwery in (rout of .them.
The new bill placing the district a!
torneys ot the state on a salary, gives toe
district attorney iu this district flOOO
Out requires him to pay his ow n deputies.
Kaueas people are having a hard time
of it again. Now that the farmers have
burned all their mortgage?, they have
been having the coldest nioter in the
recollection ot the oldest inhabitant.
Notwithstanding the adverse criticisms
of the "fault finders," the new t. 1'.
passenger depot will be when completed,
the best exclusively passenger depot be
tween Portland, Oregon and Redding,
The declaration of au eminent Ger
man pbysiciaa that even distilled water
im f"intttrinng tn tumt', iX nu
worry among the people of Alaska.
They never experiment with such fluids
iu that country.
Governor Stanley, of Kansas, recently
received this nots: "Iareir: I un
derstand you said you was going to take
a week off to tear up the big pile of
letters asking you fjr jj'js. If every
thing else is gone, I would like the job
of tearing np letters.7'
The late Oregon legislature made cpite
a radical change in criminal procee dure
when they provided that the district at
lorney migui proceed against parties
charged with crime, by information in
stead of by inditement, thusjpracticaily
doing away with the expensive and cum
berous grand jury system. In this Ore
gon has simply fallowed the lead Of most
states who have adopted this reform in
criminal procedure.
The people of JOugias county, en I es
pecially of the northern portioa cf tie
county, are to be caugratulated on the
fact that sl state educational institution.
the Central Oregon Normal School, has
been permanently located at Drain.
We are glad to note the increased inter
est wrjieu is being manifested by the
people of the state, iu educational mat
ters. The epiiit of hostility which has
been heretofore manileeted iu Oregon,
or at least in certain portions of tha
state, against the appropriation of pub
lic money for the suppart of the higher
class 01 educatnnal intt.tutions, has
been a poor advertisement f jr the state.
There is no surer index to the intelli
gence ana prosperity of the p?op'e cf
any community, than the liberality
shown its educational institutions, and
we are glad that the people of Oregon
are determined that hereafter Oregjn is
to take her place in the front rank of
tboBe states where a higher education is
to be placed in the reach of every child
in the state.
The Review today gives a complete
list of the bills passed at the recent legis
lative session, the appropriation bill, and
list of clerks and officials, with amounts
paid them. The legitlanire oulv ad
journed Saturday evening, and the Re
view, as usual, is tirsl iu the lield with
the real news of the sesion. Roselmrg
Review, Monday, Feb.
The Review forgets to say that the
list of bills aud the list ot clerks were
"swiped" from the Statesman columns
no credit appears. Thanks. Silem
If some of the recent gold finds in
ojuiueru uregon were ix-ated iu some
out of the way corner of Alaska or the
British Northwest, there would be such
a rush into the new district as was never
known. While in Alaska some weeks
ago we became acquainted with a prom
inent mining expert w ho is thoroughly
familiar wi;h every mining district in
North America, and he stated to ns that
Southern Oragon presented greater in
ducements not only to capitalists, hut to
the poor prospector than can be found
in any part of Alaska or tut British
Northwest. lie gave it as bis
opinion that the Southern Oregon nam
ing distiict has never beeu thoroughly
prospected, and that even iu those local
ities w here mining has been carriad on
tor years and which were supposed to
nave been worked out, deeper mining
would develop vastly richer deposits of
precious metals, tban any yet f jund.
T !. 1 . t
iu o.uer wjruo, luai prospecting in
Southern Oreeon has only been a anna
ncial examination o! the surface.
Private Id in W. Hampton. Com
pany II, Second Oregon fell.
Private Hampton Was a IVrtl.nuler
Well-know n and highly
Re.pccted Here.
Wamiinutm.n, Feb.';.. Otis ha? called
the war department as f illo:
Manila, Feb 53. The (.liming
casualties in the cntreiicliiu.'iiis were
caused yesterday ly the iiu'ti rNp.xiug
tboxselves to the menu's tire :
First California SetgAut I-rank N.
Turton, wounded slight, Private James
T. Cuaidy, kiiled.
Thi fol'owing ner. killed during a ic
connoissance thi moruiug in the vicin
ity ol Sau Fedr j Maccai !i :
First Washington Wounded tlightly
enmpauy K, Frivates Joseph II. C Isling
ton, Chria'.ian E. Horn, II l. It.uird,
Wounded seriously Company 1 1, Cor
poral W. B. Tucker.
Killed Private KJwiu W. iittiuptcn,
company II, Second Oregon.
The following casualties occuried in a
skirmish near the water works this
morning :
First Nebrask i Wo;in led, Fiivate
John F. Alley, severe: A'xone l'.ke,
slight ; Charles 1 iovrick, sligh.
(Kdward W. Hampton, the tiift Ore
gon soldict to be killed in uclioii at the
Philippines, wat a sou vi .Kh: ll.i'iip'on
a furniture mover, wh live a? iNr S.m
Rafael street.
The deceased was VO yiara dd last
October, and had lived in Portland
since he wa i ears i f He. His father
moved here Iro:u Nebraska 10 years ai
and hai rai-e t his family in K n: Port
land, wherv tin dei I solder w is well
known and very pjp iur.
The firs'. intina:i j:i of iln deilh of l is
son tha'. Mr. Ilimp'on had was whe:i 11
TeUgram reporter called a" his house t
2 o'clock, this nf'.ern o:i.
The blow wm a sa 1 one to the father
and bis five childr n. They had a letter
from the too last Saturday, in which he
said he was well and as we 1 contented
as one could be in M.inil 1.
He recently sent fouie Spmieh tlags
and several curios home to his father,
which are highly priz d by the Hamp
ton houeelold ) Ttlegrf.m.
Planned to Exterminate Americans.
It has been suggested that it would r-e
the proper thiog for the loyal people of
Douglas county to provide for the erec
tion on the court houso square in Rose
burg of a suitable monument to the
memory of tho honored sons of Douglas
couuty who gave up their lives iu de
fense of thetr country during tho Soan-
isu-Anierioan war. Sujb u move would
be eminently fitting and proper. Ore-
gon e orave sons were the first iu tho
Held and from preeeut indications will be
the last to leave if, and with hut few no
tible exceptions, the citiz 113 of Douglas
county have by every means in their
power, sought to honor and reward her
oldier hoys. If it is thought proper to
inaugurate such a movement, it should
be left to the patiiotio organisation ol
ltoaobur, who hve done sj much 1 1 n
eotirage itod atsis1 not tnlythe D.uigUs
Oiintf Invs, but o'liei con lilies
I'noaalitifd criticism of the legislature
by the prers or the state has become a
stereotyped fad, a biennial attack of the
journalist ii rabies, much of which is
foonded upoa real grievances on the part
of the taxpayer, and more of which is
mere ncdiecriminatiru denunciation
without loundaiion n justice, morals
and facts.
The Journal helic es it is c'early en
titled to call it.elf an independent paper,
that fights jobbery as a regular industry
and indulges in criticism of all that ap
pears to it to be wrong in the public
services a regular recreation. It eon
tends furthermore, with some euccsss, if
flattery for a good cause is permissable.
But it must pretest at the sweeping, un
reasonable denunciation of this legisla
webe.ieve care.'ul examination will
ditclosj .thai this legis'ature passed a
great many cool lawt x registration
law, a good-roads law, a textbook law, a
school land law, an election of road su
pervisors law, and a score or more of
wise reform measures for the good cf all
the people. Capital Journal . populist;.
Pacification In The Philippines.
M imla, Fjd. L'l'. '.2:15 P. M. While
the guoa on ihs city wall an I those on
hoard the ships of Dewey'a fleet in the
bay fired a salute ia honor cf Washing-
ton'a birth Jay, four commissioners from
the islar-d of Negros had an interview
with O.ii, and iufonuel him that the
American rlig had alieady been raised
over that islat. 1. and that its inhabitants
were ready, anxious and willing to ac
cept any proposition the Americans
might offer. Tue insurgents have been
driven from the island entirely.
Although the lb I!o rebels have given
the people of Negros much trouble, es
pecially in the matter of financial assess
ments made by the rebel leaders, the in
habitants of Negioa have persistently
held aloof, and now through the com
missioners they announce that thev
want the advice and help of Otis.
the latter assured them that the
Americana would provide an acceptable
government, and in the meantime be in
structed them not to pay the rebels any
thing. Tiie Negros commissioners were
delighted with tho reception.
The United Stales cruiser Charleston
is coaling here, preparatory to starting
on a cruHc.
The United States guuboat Ilenuing
ton arrived heiu today from the island of
The United States transport Ht. Paul
has arrivol from Ilo Ho, hut did not
hi iiiU any iiq-ah of importance.
Wamuni.ion, Feb. 21. The following
dispatch was received Ibis f erucoa
from General Otis:
"Manila, Feb 21. Adjutant-General,
Washington. Following iaiuod by an
important r oflWr o' insurgent
government at Maloloe, February 15,
19?., for execution during that evening
aud night iu this city.
"First You will eo dispose that at 8
o.clock at night, the individuals of the
territoriol militia at your order will bo
found united in all of the streets of San
Pedro, armed with their balos and re
volvers, or guns and ammunitian, if con
'Second Philippine families ouly v. ill
be respected. They tbould not be mo
lested, but all individuals, of whatever
race they may be, will be externiiiiatid
without any compassion, after the exter
mination of the army of occupation.
Third The defenders of tho Philip
pines in your command will attack the
guard at Bi'ibid and liberate the prison
era and 'prediJiarios,' and, having ac
complished this, they will be armed say
ing to them: "tirothere, we must
ayenge ourselves on the Americans and
exterminate them that we mny take our
revenge for the infamy aud treachery
which they have committed upon us;
have no compassion upon them ; attack
with vigor. All Filipinos en inasee will
second you. Lin live Filij ino independence."
'Fifth The o:der which Will be fal
lowed in the attick will bo as lollows:
The Bharpshcoters of Toudo and Santa
Ana will begin the attack from without
and these shots will be the signal for the
militia of Troao, liinondo, tuiato and
Sarapaloe to go cut into the street and
do their du'y ; those of IVco, Fru.ita and
Malate, Santa Cruz anl Sai Mi;i:el will
not start out until 12 o'clock, un'es 1 they
see that lb ir companions ue:d teiist-ancs.
'Sixth The milifa d Tor do will
start out at 3 o'clock in t'10 moru'ng;if
all do their duty our revengs w il be
complete. Brothers, Europe contem
plates, we know how to die as men shed
ding our blood in defense of the liberty
of our country. Death t j the tyrants!
War without quarter to the false Ameri
cans who have deceived us! Hither in
dependence or death 1' "
The portion of Genera'. Olio' dispatch
indicated by dashes the o.'tic! ;1h were
unable to deciper tonight. There is no
"fourth" paragraph of t-io insugmt
8tat"ient ai furnished to the pres.
w.'i k, l'.ij l .in R V laid rrpoit, dated
May Uit, combined Ihs tallowing elate
llleiil :
"I deem It vi Ihn greatest Importance
(or the development of the country that
re. la should bo opened w ai to enable
the people to enter the country, not on
ly (rem the Yukon (10m the open sea In
our own country, which is of the great
est Importance, but to enable miner
and prospectors to gel into the Interior
with their supplies.
"Under existing eondi bins wona
can enter tho c inn'ry only bv the one
great liuhwnx the Yukon ilvsi and
thev canimt hope to be I in.led at any
point I elore July I.
"The gold N'aiing .l;Miiet are ftom
bi to K'n) ni'lon hack Irom the -nrtin
etream. There aie not any
tra'ls. exe-'pi loot (tails, and provisions
and mi dug I. o!a can only I transport
ed on the t ack ol men.
"1 ib i.ot find anything either In
Alaskt or NcrthweMt territory to jutlfy
the groat rush of people to the country,
or the o.iornijua investment now being
made i.i tranfportution, triidingand mill
lug c mpaniei". Iu Northwest territory
no discoveries of extraordinaiy richness
have been made since that of the KI01.
diKe, mi I tiu claims are almost entirely
conthit d to l! uirtim, F.ldorado. lXjinii:
ion, II iik i arid . I'phur, with a few-
claims on Bear creek. In thi district
all rich cla im are well known aud hel l
at v.'iy hig:i prices, and while the whole
country has been staked, it has bren
done lor speeu utlve pirpoes, ana no
work it beiug done except such as is
nooo-baiy to hold a tit lo uulil they can
be sold to 1I1 u.iwary neeomer or dif
poo I uf in the states for corporation
se'ieuies. t'aitim Coiiitanline, of tho
rana 1 no 'Nortliwe-tern police, is my
authontv f ir douotiiK'lng the iiiovemeut
ai a fun I.
"Iu t.10 absence cd any other industry
except c.r.ting wood for t tie river boats,
1 da not see any thing in tho future (or
over t'O per cout o( t! e people now llcck
invtoUiat ec:uitiy but disappvliit :ient
aud P'tfl'.'i ing. liven these who obtain
empl lym.'i.t at f t .' per hour tind liiat
after tie hieing tlio cost of LkkI, pa. king,
caudles, etc., t'.iev di not net to excetd
i2 per day, and they tell me it is barely
enough to lido them over the idle sea
" U p to dale no paviiiir mineral lead
j( ei'ht-r g !d or filver have been d'l
coverr.i 1.1 .or:n .inxa, so tar as
kiiovwi. 1 tun new f illy sstified that iu
the near lutiire Alat-ka will be the source
ofieut wealth, but the development
will tic.-e?Miri!r ie slow, owing to the
elimatu- cotnl it iotif. 1 recommend the
eaily in;dnrt;ou cl burses, mules and
cattle, ui..l extia in-iuceiuenta should be
Ih-M fi r the l-'pu ci.t cf agriculture
iu u.e v.illey il tho lower Yukon, ea-
peiiahy. Wild hay can be obtained
ther- 111 iire-it abundance, and -at, bar
'ey and M-ii.ig lr.'d can bo successfully
caltiva'ed, ad woM as potaloej, turnips
and ai. li e u.oro hardy garden vege-
tabl-s, ail of which n jvld be required for
many years to met the local deman
aud by reducing the cost of trausporta
lion and food, render il possible profit
atiy to w')Tt -a largo, per cent ol tho
mines now lyiug iilr.
"But few people now entering the
northern part of the territory will ever
become a .'act ir iu its permanent c'evel-
opxent. Thty must pass away before
the time the wealth of the country
will be.ome known and developed. To
promote this I recommend that several
We'.l-e.iUippod parties bo put in the field,
an 1 a tlurojgh geographical an I geolog
icu! exploration of the c juntry be made,
6 j i.ii a cj ordinary means will be
able to tn-ue iu ti.e work ol prospecting
aud mining. At present it requires con
S.derabio cipital to firbt explore the
coon'ry for a practicable route to trans'
port supplies before anv work cau be
done in prospecting.
"The ru'ing rat j of inte eet at law6on
13 from 10 to 12 per cent per month,
which is the be;t exemplication 1 can
give of tho s, eculating conditions of the
finances uf cjuntry."
Joint High Commission Adjourns
tntll August
Difficulty Was the Alaska Itoundary.
Canadians W anted a Pott-Con
dlllons of Arbitration.
W'AKiiiMirox, Feb. 2t. Tlio Aineiicau
Canadian jiiiut high i oiiuiiirtiiiii, niter
etKion today, adjourned t i tin i t ut
(Jueboo AugUft 2, utile tin' clmiriiien
of tho lospoolivo eoiniiiiiwiloiis agree up
on nuother date. There iie seyt'!
reasons which prompted the net Ion Ink
cn today. From a sinteinent made pub
lie with tho saiutiou of Ibe two com mi
(ious, it appears there were serious dif
ferences of opinion N't eon them re
garding the important matter cf the de
limitation ol the A lark nn boumlarv, the
Canadians in this connection being anx
ious lo obtain a fcport on l.witi c.unl,
so that tts shippers would not be sub
jected to lliM petty annoyances which
they an'crted thev had experienced ut
the hands ol the United Slates ollii lals
Then tho time for tho meeting if the
Canadian parliament, at which the mem
hers of the coiuiniiMioii (rout llmt coun
try is desired, lii overdue, and tho latter
are auxiom lo return as soon uit possi
ble. It also bee line appareut that there
was little bklilioxl o( tho renponiihllity
ol the ratification by the United Mates
at its present session of congress of any
treaty which migbt bo framed, which
also probably figure in tho decieiou to
A doxeu important qoenlions were re
(eired to tlio commission for its cousid
eration, and tho comuiissioners nirt
that sulmtaiitial progress in the stttle
ment and rdjiHtinelit of many i f the
questions has teen made.
Probably those which have given the
most serious trouble, and proved a (tum bling
bl.x-k to a final agreement on all
have been the two relating to lumber
and the Ah'sk-tu boundary j qoevtion,
on both of which the Canadians have do
mand.d c mcessions which tho Ameri
cans felt it would he to tho
best interest cf tho United Mates to
It was fell alto fiat an adjournment
for a few months might result in a
better pro ipect (or harmony and a dis
position ou the port of the Canadians to
agree to propositions nude to them by
the commissioners on this side of the
boundary line.
l- i I
Face, Hands nd Arms
Scrofulous Humors -
Was Effected
" When tlve ye:iri nt.l my li't
scrofula en tii:i (ac. , hvu'i p-n
a v iirs! on hi i-'nn, It !.-..,, ii 1 ii ri
011 lii!i cli'TkH in:. I l:iiTni I,.:,' .ry 1..1 !
Il nppeure.l in tin- f.-rm if r. 1 .imi l."
which would fe.l' r, Ir.i:!. ; 1 ii-i-I r.i;
and then rcab over. Aft.r liis.-ippi .u 1 1 u
they would break oat h ; iiii. Th--y run .i
intense iti'hiii and tin- little 1 .n'f.-n r lino
to l-c watrluit i.inlii.uully ti Un him
from scratcliinir the r.-rci. Wc Urmne
greatly alarmed at hit condition. My
wife's mother had h;i.l srii f.ila mi tl.e
only niedlelnc which I. ml lnip.l her m
Hood'a Harprilln. Wc cl. i-i-h-d to give
It to our boy and vw- not til nn improve
nii-nt in his com; very mmui. Afler (jiving
him four l-ottlet of IIuimI's !-'iirapurilla
the humor had ull lain driven out of bin
blood aud it han never ninec returned."
William IUiuz, ill! South William Ht.,
Bouth Bend, Indiana.
You can buy flood's Surmipurilln of all
druggidtH. Be sure to get only llixid'ri.
I , llf4 r ill. : i.y 1.. l.ik.
tlOOU S PlIlS . ..j i..., ,-ra.-. .....,t..
Arthur llugli.s Under Arrest
deduction, I.taps From a Car
W indow of a Frisco train.
Secretary Alger Transmits a Report
in Regard to the Work.
WasinsuioN, Feb. LO. S.-crelary Al
ger baa transmitted to congress a com
plete report on the relief work of the
war department in tho Klondike coun
try, undertaken under act of congrcbN, iih
a result of reports that extreme dilrt-HH
amoug'.the miners followed tiie influx lo
the gold country during Jv.7-!is. Il
embraces the detailed repot Is of Captain
P. II. Kay aud Lieutenant U'. P. Pr.Vh
ardrtoii, Asidw fr.nii .li-tailu ot Ihe 1, il.-(
.-lieri.l .John F. Griffith of this couuty,
received word on Jan. 31st. that Arthur
Huhed, a your.g man who was indicted
in this couu'y, 1 t?t Atigiisf, for seduction,
and h-d left the btate, had beeu arrested
at K.seburg, Oi.-go:i, and left oti the 1st
inBt, f it ihat place after his prisoner
To prevent tro iblo in getting, his man, a
re'j'ii-rition p.i cr ".vaa isfutsd by (.'over
nor .Stephens ou tl.e governor ol Ore
gon lor youri Hughes, but tho young
man Hgniiicl hi-i w illingness to return
witho it caiising sny farther trouble, and
with t'.e sheriff of this county rtai ted
for I Ij I.i plat"-, arriving in ft. Louis last
Monday. At St. LouM Sheriff (iriflith
t :!egraphi:d to Hteelvill for a rig to meet
him ut Cuba Junction, but when the
train arrived there the sheriff did not
appear, rind the conductor informed the
awaiting partioi that the prisoner
jumped through tho car window whtn
the train was near (Jiand Avenue. St.
Shcriil ijitlith arrived home Tuesday
and informed a Mirror reporter that
whil-j Ihu train was running, young
Hughes, who wai sitting by his side, in
formed him tint he wished to go to the
toilet room, and while iu there leaped
through the car window. As axm as the
Hherill' discovered that his prisoner had
escape l hu had tho train stopped aud
got off, immediately informing tho police
authoiiiies of St. Louia, who commenced
a dil Lent search for the man, who la 'J2
yo in 0 d is described us bi-iiig five fuet
Administrator's Notice.
otk'k iu;hkkkhv i.IVKV IIUI iiik
un.len.iKiK .1 nn ii uf tin- mail'
I lf.alM.lla Ni. hnln, d.-t t-asi-d, Iih.-. Ill .1 In-. Iiiinl
n:couut with Ihu l Ink uf Imnu-ia
I'ouuty, Of.'K.'U, Bivl the Hon. tU niuly Ju-Iu.- Iium
ut-'l me mii irv .. Jlar. h. K't. at I, in. a Ihu lime I'.r lu ari i.d .l.j.rlioiiii
luiai-l ni. ouul aa-l .r llic ncltli-int ut of Hit
It.jwhiirj;, iireKou, Jiiinmry ), 1 v.".
I. II. Ni lii.l-, Jr.
Notice of Lstray .
One roau htec-r abojt five years old
with large bonis, mark, smooth crop eft
left ear and two splits in right.
Owners w ill pleat-e call for tame and
settle damage.
J. K. ILhoN,
Camas Valley, Or.
Administrator's Notice.
M.ili. c- In iK-rchy l(lvi'ii that the iiii.Ii iIiii. it
hh mi l ln inth ! ol rein unry, 1 '.'. 1 . . I
miiliit(-il ii'liiilnintrKl.jr uf the .nialu .l C 1
lli riliiinln. .leeeikM-.l, All n ruiiix liatluv
InliriM HKalimt ail enlHli- me hi-r. Iiy ri'inlr- 'l
lo iipnent tilts -aino iiroi.. rly vermeil, t.i the
mil a'lnilulitrutor at the I' ah r ullice, in
honchiirir, UoiiKlni I oiinty. OreKon. with In U
lnnntliH Iroin tl.e ihite h. r. (if.
Uat' d tliU aith uny ol K. hruury, A. I. IVJ.
W. r. llrL.NJAMIN.
Administrator's Notice.
Notice III b. ri liy Klvcu that tlio llll'li-rnleiM-il
was on the vith ilar'.l Juiiuary, "luly
iir.iolut-d admliilHlralor of the mlato ol Jaineii
k. MlU:helI, ilcnnit'l. All ii rnoiiH huvlnu
rlalinii Nxalimt nald i lHtii an: herehy rt-'iulrvu
to prenerit Ihe nuiiio properly verlllud, to Ihe
mid ailuiililMmlur at tlui law ollicu olA.M.
Cra.ioril, In liowhurir, Douglu onnty, Ore
gon, within alx iiiiiitli from the. flute hereof.
Uate-I thin n,to any ol reuriiHry, i
Adiiiliiintrator of tho hitatvof lanieii K. Mileh-
til, Iwaitcil.
bin inc'ics fall, woighing 105 pounds,
smooth faro, light iKtir, bin i eyes, ainall
cmved hear on left check nnd wearing a
back cutaway coat ami red bicycle
nwealc-r widi white hliipc-s around neck,
liht trou. u-.i, tan ahuus, no vest and a
wl.iiu Fedora hat. Slfulville ( Mo. ) Mir-i-.r.
Cniiko hi a i (ti I am ii urn i k,
llon-hurir, Un (juii, Jeh. 10, IWJ.
Notice is her.-hy fri ven Ihat the appro '.1
plain ol kiirvey ol Ihe follow Iiik ton iiII'K lime
Peeu ie i'Im-U limn the hurvetor (ieneral for
Ciiegon, to-wil:
I on n.iiip 2 i n., i(Hiie est.
Towiikhlp 'iti H., ItaiiKO h
Tmi uMiiii 'il H.. Khiiui- H Vi 'est.
All.) oil i .hi.'k'lav, Mnr.ii .ri. Ih'f i, al
.x o elm It . in. mlil plain Mill hllleil in Ihlw
olli ec, anil the luml eiuhiaeetl therein villi I. -op:-utt
eiitiy on it it t nfi.r that ilnle.
I. T. IHlllJi.KK,
I. II H'lV'ltl, C.llMvt.
Looking (Haas.
Mr. and Mrs, F. M. Olllvnut, -I T.n
Mile, were vlnl'b it lr. n.l nn.l n lntlvea
In tho vallry I m Hund y.
Mr.Chns, llie'lir an." up (run I'nrt
laud a ftiw dais ag , h. ( .1- n l- to "prn.l
a few wyck vlsitli g li ii'ii. l-i.
Mr. lien MiiikIi lina begun grubbing
agiiltl, ltd'inU t t ill irtp" hu rii"P
on litu.l l-i Dm miilnr.
Mre, V.Piigi'i.' f I'.irthin I, I vlr-l'lna
s.miiii .-I h i limn rn is filendi here this
Mr. I'. Arm I, who univel from
Minn, n -in, I. nit Iwti weeks ago, lias
purchan' I t'i." t'n tn Mien f.ti ui near
o ir bmg
Mrs. W. II Cue! r . n eaiun up from
Portland n few I - iuc-, aitl will
spend a le we, k 4 vis 1I114 fi lends and
leUiiven in the v.iMi y.
Most of niir I.. run r 1110 biihlly ei i:gi d
III (tit mi 11 g.
Mr, I.. V,.iW.. uf Portland, U vlr-hli'g
(ileiltM '.en" 1 1 it neek .
1I. V. .1 I'.iviiii is repi.rlrd ns saying
that dee silver In not ilea I. It wouldn't
do lor lit 111 to 1 1' a et'it ner, ho wouldn't
know w belt ho Imd a j il.
Why net siil.i'ei ibe for the 1'i.umikai,
1:11 ami got an up to iialo pupei so you
can rca I tho news. Kmkiiion.
S.nal"ir A. V, K-etl was glv-n a bail
ipii'l, by the cilUiiiM nl I'iaIii U' i-d his
day eveiting.
Ilor, Henry H oil, reeelvrr of the
UoHsburg Und office and un ary Ut
the H, T, I). A L. company, wai In thi
city last week to attend the stock hold
ers' ino ting. Ha relumed o Uossburg
Nattirday erenlng. UranH raa Courier.
A new iloylee I ir grinding rsapeit,
sickles and other Inula la 011 fihlbltlon
at Churchill WonUev'a baidasre store.
It appear! to br llu thb g long m. light.
uovii rou w.v. "canal"
Tacked Onto The Appropriation I or
Rivera anJ Harbors.
The soii.te committee on commerce
today, compb ted vol Ideratlnn ol the
rlyiranJ I arbor bill, Ihe last act ol Uit
bill I elng an addition of a provision for
the construction i l Hie Nlciiagiu canal.
Aside froia the Muarngua canal feat
ure the committee Increased the cash
appropriations to the 1 xlent uf about 3
000,00 ) over Ihe Iio imi cash appropria
tions, while Ihe amount continuing tie
contract 1 now In rair-lenoe la Increased
to tho ratent ol about flO.OOO.OOO.
Morgan ulTeiod Ihe following resolu
tion In the senate, which was adopted:
"Thst tha vlce presiileiit of the United
Slates, the president ol the senate, Is re
quested to expr. ss lo the government
and people of France, the eyruitliy ol
the aenaltt ol the I'nltod Stales In the
bereavement that has so suddenly fallen
iikiu Ihat republic in Ihe death of Presi
dent Fa u re.
A. I
l'itud with special heavy tread (1 cc J tires, ate
Thcl!t KAnilLt-KS and IDEALS ever Uullt,
The Best Wheels ever Uullt.
New HJ
ular list
a a
IO-IO'IlHl-l 1 1
,1 Seat tie.
$40. $30. $25. $20.
FrcdT. Merrill Cycle Co.
(20 year pioiiccrs.)
stl vSt., . Portland, Oregon.
RoscburK, - - - Oregon.
Till-: GRHAT
ami 1 1 u r lavonlc liomc -r,
BOTH One Year for $1.75.
lint all AkiI. ullural Ilt.tliiiul ol I he hliib
it Intnl. all lmKirlant urns ol Hi Nation
an. I Wuil.l, cumpreliriitiie ami reliable mark-
el i.'i urtn. nil!.-1 hlnria:., Inl. u -l.iiK h.irl lurlen, It nlllit: ami met liaulcal Information, lllu
lint. .1 fu-!iii,n Hiti'.lvi, li.iiiuiKiii" 1. it Itirc-t, Hii'l I InMnirtno au-l enti rtalnliif In ru-rv mvmbci
I c-" ry fituiil) .
uhei you nil the Iik hI lie a, pulilii al aiid ...elnl, ke Jon iu
t l.i-e t.iiic-li itli jour iielnhlNipi ainl Irieii.l., on Hit larmiutl n
llic- tlliiiti'.
Send ull subscriptions to the
Roseburjf. Ore.
The Uniform
quality of the work
manship in our
clothing is one of
its strong points.
Kach garment is as
carefully cut and
tailored throughout
as though made t
order. See our new
Fall Suits.
Shoes EX
Hake Friends
are the only kiud
wish to sell. Thev
the only kiud'we do sell.
and with each pair we
sell we make a new
friend. They are not
only stylish but good
clear through. See our
Shoe line,