1 (Continued from si Tage.) LIVE p LET LIVE! K.B. 114 t7 Dufur o( Wawo, to amend the law relative to proceedings In juatic t j e aorta. J". B. BJ l)jr flair of Mullnoinalt, to encourage I lit dm of ilf lit wafrotia. A. B. 72 ly Mark-ay o( Multnomah, to amon.l tit ait iucorpxrating the iVit ol To" I ami. B. (W5 bjr Kn aeii.lall i I l.nr, to change (lie ! o( hoMl-ig court in Hit tec on. I judicial district. K. H. 60 l y hrotth ol Raker, lo cure Certain defect In deeds. 8. B. Iu5 by (smith ( Bktr, to crn)it aurrty companies tt qualify a inrtl it on H. II 13 ny I. !) y of Marion, to te convict! fur innrov-ment of crtmn roa.W. IT m . I I Trrr hi i wuum ii Iw OS I' inter I he alxova morn t will tllll conllniie. In survey tor all parties il. slrli my aa (stance. an fiiihui'i or anrxexor. My cliaiaca will I.. tvs.oiial.lc Inn. t my wink aunratitcc.1. Amalsii J. F. BARKER & GO. Notary INiMlc. A.l.livin mi. at Olevo'aiiO, IS'imU .., (r. 1 t W'll.l. I. lllvYltON. Want Your O.R&J1C0. tf 9 'i t t 6 11 II 'HO by It kali of Malhmir, to change tbe time at hu!.!!ii$ tOuit in liie n.nili j ..li. tt.1 ! rii-t. II. B, .'7 It j IWih of Multnomah, lo prevent t' c adulteration of ctnly II. Ii. 12) I y Marr-h of Wmliin,toi, to provide lor bcardtt'K ilio (iiitourrs ol Cletaon, Waeliingioii n.l Clackaniaa couotie ly contract. II. B. S47 liv Kmiler of I'inatill, to provlle for tlio recon vevanot of land to J. E. Baling. It. B. 217 by Ivis ol lYitcoln, lo ux WiO salaries ol Ilia elieriti and clerk in I.in euln ruiinly. H. B 153 l.y Donnelly nf tr;til, to create the lounty of Wheeler, II. li. 2t8 ly Stanley ol Cnion, to r.uiulate ti e practice of dentielry, II. 11. 222 by Butt of Yamhill, to regulate roulunl insurance couipauica. If. B. 108 hy Williamson of Crook, to provide for a rcalp bounty fut.d. II. B. 310 by lUviaol Lincoln, to amend the law rvlatiuir to the duiica of the tale land nei.t. II. B. 188 by H of Marion, lo reoigauizo the Stale Agricultural Sjcirt v. ' II. I. "si by Beach ol Jlulu.omaii, 10 cons ituto W illamcttu and lrt!ati.l Un 1. varda Muitnotimli comity roads). II. B. H3 by Mari-li ct Wash in git d, to game, and the appoititmi a of wardens. in ECONOHY fl ARK 1ST L. KOHUIAOCN, Proprietor, ravLta . Fresh and Salted Meat5, CKSO.V ST KOSKBI RU OR. Summon s. provile for the i rotecti.iu of forests atd Weekly Excursions to the East. A tonrint riccping car will leave Tort land every Tuesday at 0 p. in. via the O. R. A N. without ctmiiir" to Boston, and under the 8UX'rvicioti of experienced conductor. No change of cars to the cities of Omaha, Chicago, Buflalo or Boston. The ideal trip to the east is now before ou. Ueniemter this servii-e when going East, and consult O. K. A K. agents, or address, V. II. UCRLBl'BT, General Tassenger Agent, V:i. Tortland. Or. Weurgo our pitron?, who are in r rerh f r Iht Pi.imeali:: to eend us all or part of the amount cf yonr enbtcript ioi a. It i a amail amount lo each of you, L-ut to ua it woull aggregate an amount we very much nerd in our For Over Flftv Yeaia. Am Old and Wsu-Tiuio Ksjiioy. Mn A'inalow'a Soothing Sytup has been ustJ for OTerfilty jean bj millions ot mot.'iera tr their children while teething, with perfect aucceaa. tt aoothea the child, aottcnt the gnnik, allayi all rats, esres vrini colic, aiiJ l lue best rcmedr for Diarrhoea. It pleaant to the lute. Sold bj drugginta to every part of the world. Twenty- fire centa a bottle, ita value l iuclcull;e. Be aureand ak for Mra. Winalow'a Soothing Syrup, and take no other kind. Toe Cliurcbcs. Balm of Figs. -vny one wisiisrg to purchase "Balm of igs can do so by calling on cr ad dressing Mrs. Axms Blvklky. MK Cass St., Koeeburg, Or, To the Public. On aud after this date, I wish it under stood that ray terms for all undertaker's pwls are cash with the order. I find it impossible to do business on a credit basis, and belive that I can do better by my patron nd myself by selling strictly lorrasii. i Bknkpick, Undertaker, Roeeburg, re., April 12, 1895. ill our cxkls are new and of the latest styles. No shopworn goods on hand at tlie Boss Store. MtTuooifT Cmi bch corner ol Main aud Lane tlrceta. Sunday Service: rreaching, 11 a. m and 7:30 p.m.; Sabbath school, 10 a. m.; I.. A. Walker, Superintendent; Class Meeting at close of the morning service; Kpworth League 6:30 p.m. T. JJ. Churchill, rrctidcnU Prayer afeetiiig, Wednesday, at 7:30 p. m. O. K. A k.n old, i'ttvu.r, Parsonage, corner Main and Lane. CuiTtn Brethres Chcbch-ou Fo'.vkr street. Sunday service, at 11 a. m. and 7 V p m. I'ray ar meeting, Thursday evening. Mrs. Lcct M. Ct Tlir, Pa".or. ST. CEu;s s Ciicbcii. Corner Cas aud Maia streets. Services on second "d fourth Sunday morning of each month and every San alaytvaning. special services announced from tima te time, Rev. Jjus Iiawson, Mhslonarv. rur uoe loue ana iugn gra.lo piano gtt a NeedLaui. They eeak for them selves, it does not take ix cracker jack at a big salary or a paid musician lo sel them. All we ask is to look at tbe in' etrutaents, try the tone yourself, and yon will be convinced that Needbams are the beet pianos on the market, except Chiikeriog or Steinway. For reference see O. F. UoJfrev. A. C. Marks, or I. R KidJ'e. who has jus: received at bis home a beautiful one in figured mihog uj uw. iue prices oi tcese pianos are the most reasonable for the quality ol gooJs ever offered in this city. I can a:so give you insue prices on anv make of piano. Citl an I ;ee T. K. Rll'UAKDSO.N", Roeebnrg, Or. XT 1 ,1- , . ..1 . v. n e aiso uave in Btock some new and second-hand pianos second hand ttiO t j f 175. New 200 to $300. IS TIIK HKt'1 IT t'OVKTOK TIIK STATU ol Orecoti, tor lVmalas eounly. SiiMtu Smith. TUiutiit. 1 A. J. Shipley, W. V. sinpl. v, I Mantaret U KoU-rtv an.) J. I.. Kobort. her lui'.txn,!. t. o. I Mvt'ampN'II.VtolaMoiie, an. I i Suit in h.iit S. stone, her husluml. KIU . lo Koi eloe smith, amtC A smttn. her a Moiunce. hulwnl. A.la Mi-canifU ri, : Jaui. Altluir Mil nmp'tvii, . William MiVampN-U, Rov I McCampbell, hu.I S.K. A.lams 1 the ailniiuiMnitor of the e I tato of 1M s, MiVmHpbcll, decoawrl, lVfeiulaiita. , ' To O. ti. McCantDovU and James Arthur Me. Cauipbell? In the Name ot the State ol Oreson touare hereby rtNUiriM to aiHar and answer tne m- ttlitilil tiltNl Mnilt.t oll f vi 111, !o , tttill,v.l sutl on or beioro the flrst day ot the next regu lar term ol the above entltlel eonri, low it: On or before Mou.lny, Marvh J.'. I'.', aud I: you fail to appear or anei v'.aintiit's com plaint acainst yon. sa aiorviaM, within id time, tor want thereof. I'lslnuil ill pply to inewun ior ine reuei .leiunu.ie.i iur;ereoui plaint nstollows, ton it: tor the lorev..nrv otaivrtiun mortuaire viviite. bv theMii.t.le fcattants A. J. Shipley mi.tvt. n.Shlplev, i fax or of plaiutirt, on the tt day ol ivi.'.lxv: l.v, toxvure the )ax meal f a eertani proiu imry note lorme um 01 .', wmi interim tlierexxn at the rule of i )or t ent )htkiiiuhu irom sai.t .iHte. upon wuicn mere is now one the sum ot 2. .:n with Interest from Ooiot-er :tl. IUS, said niortgase conxex lua to ssul iilMiii till for that purpose the follow Ins teM"ilx il real property, l.vwlt: Lot 10 in lt!.k 1. in shulnim.s addition lo iciut::, in (mul-Us County, Stale of Oregon. Also for a iii!K-uieul for the sum ot l A', xx tiich plaintiff tvlrn coi'.ifH'llot to pay for taxes a-sessc.1 iu:i:n! ssul mortgage! prenuses. ior suen aitoru. lees a. thecourl shah a.ljudce reasnnb!o for I'luiti tin's costs and lisburseiueiiia herein and lor tich other telle! as is prave-l f.'riu salt) com plaint and a the court max adjudge meet and euuitau.e. This summons i ptillihcd bx order of Hon J. W. Hamilton, judge of said i ourt, w liieh said oMer s.late1 Ie: .1. !. i'he time prescribed in m l order for tlds summons is onei a xxe. k lor : i xx.vk prx-ex-ed- inc tne tirst oax" ol shhi term ot court un.i ine date of the lirst publication "f llus suiumous is .'aa. :k ivj. r . W. HKN-ON . j It'-tT Attorney for TlaintUT. EGGS PKI'AUT Kor TIMI! SCIII Oi l I'S r'roui Toitland And BUTTER. H. C, STANTON Baa Juat neivxl a ai ui tataaalv stork Fast Mall Sill I ake, Uenxer. 1 1. Wortli, Oiualia Kail- : p.m. t'ltv, St. I.oula, t'htcngoaiid (nst. Walla Walla. Hpokane. j MliineaK.s,-l I'aul IXiiluih, Mllwnukxe, 1 t'liUngo nil. I K us I Spokane Iyer J m. K p.m. p.m. K l in. Kx.Sundav Salurxlay It) p.m. (Kean 5leamsh'pa All sailing ilnics sub. ex-l lo ehauue. Cor San Fiam lmii Si.ll Vwit, s, l.l, la, a. a a.m. Ki.Sutiday in. lea. Tluir. and sal. f. a in. Tin .l hur. and Sat. j t.v.iilparla ! liallr, i Kxivnt :xly. ' Notice For Publication. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Kosjl-unr, Orx'S"!!. Feb. .'. lVr'. otiee is nen'by cix. ti that in eomiiiijinee xxnoiDe proxisions oi trie a. t of toncre-soi JuueS. lsTs, cutitlcl Ar. ai l for the sale of timber lands in the s-tt's tt California. Orx gou, Ncxadaaud Washington 'Territory. UEOKxiE W. llllU'LE of Ridit.e, . County of Uougltis, .:te of Ore" iron, has this dar nled in tins office hi- sixo-n statement No. i)T4. fur the purchase of the S. W . 8. W. ' , of SHctiou No. in Township No. Ksnce No. T W'.. nud xx ill offer l.rcof to shoxv that the laud souglit is more xa'imhle tor its' timberor stone than for agricultural purT'oscs, audio establish his claim to -aid land U-fore the Register and Kecelvcr of this office at Kose burg, Oregou, ou Saturday, the 1 'th day ol April, !.. He names as witnesses' Josheidi A. W hortou. of Kiddle, Or. W . 11. Smith, of Uillar.l. Or. Ben Kisher. ol Kiddle, 'r. Kn-.l Sniidersou, of Kiddie, Or. Any and a.l persons claim ing adversely the nbore-dcscnU d lands are re- viuestisd to file their claims in this oihcc on or Deiorc said i tu .lav ol April, is.'.i. J. T. l;litb.iK- j'HU Ke.-istir. Cmteo States Lyu Orrti c, xwwsccurg. cregou, Jan. 'JTi l-'Si. Summons. M. E. CHvatu, Soctu. Services every Sunday morning and evening. Kec. J. T. Cotton, iv-tor BarrisvCui-Bcn corner of I-ane and Kosc streets. Sunday service: Preaching at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Sabbath School at 10 a. m.. O. P. oiicc i s hereby gixen that the followins- uuuixs, sj w.ier nas n:eu notice of his intention to make final proof in eupporl of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the Regis- I .- r , Du..a: ..a. r -. . . i ..... .... ... ' "' - ..ii tunw Elates x-anii ' nice at uuxuuij, ..re-., on .xiann n, is, vu WILLIAM K. POLAND. ' e- - s - c names ine JO.lOXVlng Wlt- nes-scaio prove. his coniinuous reaidencc upan and culm ation of said Und :.rr. i,n-..n of Ko-t burg, Ort-.-on. John Barkcr.of Oak Creek i 1,1 u'"llc' . .lh'' stal'' ir.-i.-on. A Y. Barker, of 0. Cwl?OrfTOn b.T ."T'V"1"1 IO John ilrler, of Oak Cm k Oregon. UrfguD- P"""' "led again.; y,,u n Coshoiv, suirintendcnL : W W ednesday evening. Prayer meeting at S. A. Dot oLas, Pastor. Fiasr Cnusiu.x cuiam Corner of Pine and Woodward streets. Sunday K'rvices: Preaching both morning and eveuini;, Suuday school at 10 a m. Y. P. S. C. E. at 6:M p. m Prayer meeting eich Wednesday evening at .idO. A eordial welcome and greeting aixaits all. W. A. Wu- D, Pastor. 3 Mb J. f. BRIUGKS. Register. Administrator's Notice. ; VOl It E Is HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE I uu dersigucti as administratom .,f ih estate of 1. B. Nichols, deceased, have filed their Dual account with the County Clerk of Uouglas I vuuui), iimjon, anu me Hon. ounty Judge : urns iixeu .xiouoay tue titn .lav ol March, ibfJ, at o'clock a. m. as the lime for bearing objections to said account and for the settlement of the : same. Kosebury, Ore., Jan. M, 1.3. I U. S. Nichols, I. B. Nichols, Jr. Administrators. AN OPEN LETTER To MOTHERS. THE COURTS 'OUR EIGHT TO THE WORD "CASTORIA," AND AS OUR TRADE MARK. on every wrapper. WE ARE ASSERTING I.V THE EXCLUSIVE USE OF TITCHER'S CASTORIA," , DR. SAMUEL PITCHER, of Eyannis, Massachusetts, was the originator of "CASTORIA," the same that nas borne and does now bear Ac facsimile signature of Giasyffij&x mis is ine original "UASTORIA" which hn heon urpA in the homes of the Mothers of America for over thirty years. LOOK CAREFULLY at the wrapper and see that it is the kind you have always bought 0n the and nas me signature of C&9& wrap- rf' r me haS auihoritlJ frm to use my name except The Centaur Company, of which Chas. 11 Fletcher is President. March 24, 1898. J Do Not Be Deceived. endanger the life of your child by accepting substitute which somo druggist may offer you he makes a few more, pennies on it), the in of which even he docs not knovc The'End You Have' Always Bought" BEARS THE SIGNATURE OF TNTHEClKiTIT CofKT 'K HIE .-1AIK of Oregon for Dou-las coiin'x-. W. W. Kent, Plaintiff. 1 vs. I Suit in K.,ullv J. If. Triue. Harry Trine. It.. Korceln a Elsie Trine. Charles Trine i M..rUtr. and G. M. Ua-sselt, Ucfeml- I ants. J To S. J. If, Trine, Harry Trine. Llsie I rincand Charles Trine, aljove nam. si Deieu.lains In the mime of the stal.: of i 'i.-on : oil are and ausivv r the . in the above cut; suit, on or oeiore the tip-t .lav ot thencM r.-gu iar term of the alox e entitled court, to xm. or ijviorc .Monday, .Man.t; JO. 1 '..'. un.l II xou fall to aptsear or atlsxxer plaintiffs . ..mo ain araio-t T'.u as aforesaid nithin said time, f want thereof, p'.aiutiii will apply to the curt fur the rx-lief demanded In his complaint its fl- loxxs. to-xxit: Kor the foreclosure of aeerlaiu mortgage executed by said defendant. . H. Trine and Elizabeth Trine in favor of Thomas Krexvsou, on the day of Mar. h lss, to secure the pavuient of two certain proim-sory uou-s ior the aggregate sum of jjo. with interest thereon at the rale of ten per r. ler annum from (aid date which said notes an iportgag: have been endorsed and assigned to Plaintlll, and xx hicb mortgaL'e conxeycl for lh purpose 01 securint; sai'iinaebcJiness theloi.ou tug described real property, to-xvit: l;. g:n:ilri at the .N. W , corner ol ec. 'J in i . J-'. S. K. j We. of Willamette Sl.inclian, thence ea-t along tl. norm line of said section u, 1" r..l, tuence (ooto 0 rods, tii. iice wet Is ruI to xvest l.n said section 'J, tiience aioni; said line so rods to f.laee ol beginnuor, containing '.. ncn., more rw, in Douglas County, -late of Orejon. ho upon which mortgage indebtedness there i- no oue tne riHintiti tne sum ot i n.o wih nu. est from February J, ls.'J, at the ra'" of t.-n . cent per annum. Also for a judgment f Plaintiil'a cuts and disbursement herein an for aucb other relief M is prayed for in Plaint ill a complaint and as the court may a Ijud meet and eouitubie. This numinous is nuhli-liet d bv order of Hon J. W. Hamilton, Judge of srid Court, which ssi'i orjer is oatca rehruary J, The time prescribed in said; order for 11 summons is once a week ior six weeks proceed lug tue first oay oi sai.i term oi court ami lh dale of the tirst publication of this -unimtin 1 Ptb, 2, lsca. 1'. W. liKNSii.V. Fj,t7 Attorney fur PiuiutiiT. DRY : G00DS5 COMSIHTtMti OF La.lios' Ihcsd d'tfols, Kibbras, Triuiuilks, lct, 1U, Ktc. ALSO A FIN! STOCK OF- Of th twat qtulity and niah. GROCERIES, Wood, wniow and (ilasa War, Crockery, Cordage, Etc, AJ un hand Id lrgs qusntillra aad at prices suit the timra. Alto a Uig slock of Custom-Made Clothing For Choice - To Alaska Kail Kept 17. CntumMa klxer Minimis, To Astoria an. I Xax -Laiiillugs. WlllametU lxr. Orx lon City, Nawtserg, Isalem A W ay 1 aud ga Wlltamctu and am hill Ktser. On'gon City, l'ax loll, and Way l-amlim MTIIamrlt Rlvtr. Poitlatul to ( orx nllla aud W ay-ljindliiga AKItlVK r'ls.in Kast Mail T .M a. in hklie H.er ID i. in I p. in. a p. til, I p. m Kt c it n.lny 5nakt ftlvcr. Klparla t l.enlsion. 4 :ki p. m K tnitiday J;f m. Moil , West and Krl. i p. in Tues I hur. and Mat. W. l..l4XWson Haily Kxeej.! D'rldoy tl. lis Ml. lit KT, lleticral Paucngcr Agent. . K. tk N. Co., lortlitml, Ort'iion, TIIK IUKKCT KOl'TK T Montana, Utah, Colorado and all Eastern Points. tiixn cho.ee of iw.. laxorito rmiles. xia the IMON PAClKlf Past Mali l ine, cr the UIO v. K A X UK ."Verne Lines. Csill.it Stanton's for "L. P. M" NOIICL:. I'Mtr.n srircs I.xmi ihh. k. Kos.'tmrg Oregon, IHeemlKT ', l'ss. lo xx honi It :n:iy concern : Noli.c is hereby guen that the lloanl ol -v.iooi 1 and I . inmlssiom rs ol the Mate ol Ore- son. Ii. hle.l lii tins oii.ee a list e.f lands litu- a:.'.i in tue i,..v nsli.p as (ollinx s: Ml , ol X h 1 , ol S, c. ii, I i. SI s, , It. ; W i-st, ami nas app.i.'.i tor mi l se:.cie.l the ssine. thai the !i. t i ..h :i p. .lie puKlie for lii.i-iion ii'iii' l') hiitoii i,y .i".erl.:xe sillstlx I. tens, Ims Ik-s il post, d In a cm', eii .eut place in tills oniee p.r the inspection , all jn-r.m Interx'slexl aoo ne p nine g. neraiiv. W I'.hiu the net sitx din s follow inn the .Isfe ol il..tiot;ee. protests or contests against the 0:m ol the -aid t oinn:i-.ioners to any tract or lu-i x ision wiuitn anv section or i.art of sec. li..n, uc.eriix.1 in the list, on the ground that the same is morxi valuable for mlneial than for agricultural purposes, will be recelvel and noted for report to the i.eneral lnd oilier at is asuingtoii, u. c. . , , .. J. T. BKIIMiES, J. If. D00TU. KegisU-r. r.eceixer. dsth) I J A) I..Hk at the time - days to vSalt Lake days days days to Denver to Chicago to Xcw York rec KevllaliiK t liulr cir, Tp holsilrrrtl Tourlai HlrrpiiiK CurM, Iullitiaii aliire Hlr- in It Cara opi-raltfl ou nil Iraliisi. If Im-omi A loZ the most complete stock of hardware, you arc interested in Haiti Wire fencing buy the Uest and Cheapest in the iPifr- "WmikcKan. ket. Churchill & Woolley. rr-st3r v i ar ca; j o-cs v o-xtcw4i oomm iiii Iiis is the Place to Buy Groceries. i T J. C. O. Trav Pur fnrlli. r luioiiiia'l. r apply to P. (JIVANS, Agt., Koecburx;. Terry, W. 0. Coman, Pass. Agl. tieti. Ag t Thirl St., Portland, Or. 1J Petition. Do not a cheap . (because redients SI Insist on Having Tho Kind That Never Failed You. To the Honorable County Court f Jo igla i.ouuty, ...n'giiu. J he uudersiitued legal voters and . in olcndale 1 reel net, Uoiiglas Coniitv. hiat Oregon. restectfully iH iuion your Honorabl body lo grant to II. tVoodford, ;ha. Ay tee and XX , o. bernslein, linn lliu.ie, to l,j WoiMHord .V Co., a license to sell spirituous, mnl I and viuo II. mors in less iiuautit e. thsn one gallon, in said Olen.lale Precinct, JJoiiglas County, Ulutc of On-oii, for the P rm of fix months, i hut mid pelitioners will apply to your Honorable. Conn to. said license ou tne luth .lay of .March, Ttated al Oleudule Precinct, Liougliis Coiiniy HtaU: of Oregon this 'MiU day of January It'j-j. C, W. At woo. I, hr. (.'. J. 'Tot ten, I . W. liilllugs. J. T. Woialuar.l, P.P. Lady, P. F. liolxits, Prank Plotin r, 'ieo, A. IfoDbs, J. B. Johnson, O.W. Cooler, K. A. Wall. (i. M.Klldham, J. W. Wood, J. ft. Adams, Miles Ramsey, J. L. Cog, Peter L'lam, J. M. Kennedy, ) . JacUe, Leo Wood, V. if. swank, l. i.llberloii, .' . A. her, it. M. Welch. BarlruM, f'has. Auiin, W. Kllgore fi. o. W. Jloll, W. P. Totteu, bus Cook, o. K. Uorsline, It. M, Lucas, I). K.i'hillps, Frank Harvenl, J. L. Jjcw y. I rank I ii-Ici, Chas. 1!. Nail, J, F. 'J.'iry. F.W. Clarke, II. F. Holt, A. rilc.-uiii, W. I. Wilcox, H. if. Grant, st. C. Warn, LouAylch, John .-aiiii'li i-, A, ljiiigeul.iv, A. i. ITarke, C. A. Moon, Leo. Ilenlley W.n. lower, ha-, F. I',u,:cr, C. X . Alxxood, Jr. Notice Is li.-reby given Unit Hie u ml. r-l"m o will apply to Hie Ilonorublu Counlv C'ouil ol JJouglas County, Hiale ol ir gon,a! tlio 1Iki. Ii term of Court, for u license lo s- i si.iriious mult and vinous li'iuors in lets .(iianmleK iliau one gallon, for the term of six liiuhlli-, in Ihe town ol i.lendale. in uccor.laiiee v. il li Ihe lore going petition, II. Wo ,11, on., rbn-. A VT. ii, W.i.. Hi.it::- i j-.i-: . I'MTKO t-TXTtiS Ll.ND Orni I, lo-l burg. Orxiroti. Jimiurr 'I !s'i To whom it may concern: Noli'..' IS lieret'V SlX ell tliat II, An.,,1 .. 4..ll- lornia Kaiiroal i:oiiipany has Hied in this ollicc i.'ii'i hums siiiiated In t in tniiii nt, ,l... seiow-.i i-iovi , uu,, nas apt. le.l lor a oali-nt r,,s saio iiiii is; uiiu llie .1.-1 is i.ta'U to the public for in- sTiii'i. aiei n coi,,- ii.eriti ux ii,ii.ri.to... suUlix i.iotis. I.i.s ts en'isisted in a convenient piace in mis om. e jor tne inspection of all per sons interested and the public generally, to. wit: ootid of has.- line tiii.I W of W ill. M. r.. ur- gon: lounsni.. K.iiige 4. all of sections . . .. i. i i -, - i, ... ... ,, ,,i au.i ... an. i tlie 1 s.e. ::. NK' , and . of ,;. lj. s of .XE'., E1 , -XE', Nlxi, NW' and l.ts 1. J, :!, I ., i. . .'.". 10. 11, 1J. I ;, 1 1, 1 ., I., and IT, of ocx'. .il. Within the next si t days follow ing the date I this notice, pro'., .is or contests against the niiii oi in-. x ompaiiy to any true I or sulslixis- u x. itmn any .eeiioti or part of secltoii, le- i iu ine ii-:, on ine ground that the same i no. re x ii.iii p.r mineral than for ur i-u I. EAST AND SOUTII - VIA THE SHASTA ROUTE OF THIS Soullicrit Pacific Co. tipre Cm. Irani PortUnd dally. wuth I North 6 uur. . j Lv. - Portland - Ar. I : (U . M 110 P.M. I Lv. - K..buig Lv. IJ Vi r. M lis. M. Ar. Han Fran, luce Lv M ul r. it Abovo trams atop at nil l.rineinal stations between Portland and Halciu. Turner. Marlon. Jefferson, Albany, Taiigeul, hlndds, llalscy. llarrlsburg, Junction City. KiiRiue. Collage Grove, lirain, iiakiaud, and all '.aliens fro id Koseburg to Ashland inclusive. Hi... pur l.ot to tin U. C. , wn. he r. . eixe.l and tioti d f,,r ie. . iierul l.nh I . iiiu-e at Washington, Koacburv 7lall-Dalit . J. r . B RIDGES, Kpiiisi.-r. II. KOOTII, llec. ixcr. 8 .1)1. :J0 r Portland Koaebilrg niTij cut omo;ii:s 1101 I Lv. I Ar. Ar. Lv. I i r 7 .81 A. A full aud complete assortment of all goods usually kept in a first class grocery. Everything offered for sale is fresh; and sold at very reasonable prices. Wc have a very choice stock of canned goods, including both fruits and vegetables, to which we iflvlte your special attention. Our line of Olives, Gherkins, Pick els, Sauces, etc., is also complete. We carry the largest stock of to baccos in Southern Oregon. C. VV. PARKS & CO., Grocers. 4- t:.Vi:S? t xC f 3jK b t U! (C Ut 4" ii'.t CI tat fj O OOOt KRUSE & SHAMBR00K, DKAI.Kttri IN ALL KI.XDdOF STAPLE AND FANGY GROCERIES HD PROnflOB FIME TEAS AMD COFFEES A SPECIALTY. ALSO A M LI. I I. SB OF TOBACCO Sc CIGARS. Gi t; ( -J A UttAL. i hi;i; ii:i.ivi:it v. one lioor Mouth of P. O. KI'M IITHU, OHPtlON, II Notice For Publication. l'MTi:n bTatks Land Okfk k, Uo.vburg, i ir.gon, Ii.-c. JJ, l.s'Js, .Xor e hereby ec u that the following- nai.:. d .. u'.t has hi. d notice of his Intention to mae !:n, pro., i In support of his claim, and ll.iit . m:iI pro... i,e i.oi. .1 nefor I he R.clsipr I Pullman Buffet Sleepers ANU HKC'OMH !. , s,.: ; c tlisi Altaehed to all Through Trains. at and I. 1 i , r, luii. d ..'ates Ijind Olli. c bos. ij i.'-- ur. .'un, ..ii January ill. I'.'J, t. I -x IS., I.. P..WKI.L, on hi. ii i . Xo ,-r. (or u.c lots Xo. f,, 7 and , . -'.,i. .i s... 1!. 7 u.l. Hi; naiiics the e mo K.n,- v. ii ; .,..,,, prove bis continuous res- i 1 1 ti'.'i u j "i u h i; u i ' i . 1 1 x U t Ion of mid land, vl: J. K.i ..Una, ..; .X;:iu,), origon, G (!. I'oxv- en.oi xiiiiuoo.i, or. g..ii, II F. Itader of Kel- Oregon G. tt . lilmiuleU. of Koeburir. West Side Division. Iletwrcu I'ortlautl aim orallla Mall train daily (except Huuday). 7. 30 a. m. II A . M. Lv. Ar. Portland Corvallls Ar. Lv. : do t. I -.ii r. Ore.'oll dJ.".., J. T. IlltlDGK.-', Uegistcr, At Albany and Corvallla conne't with train. 01 Oregon Central & Lantern railroad. Kxprcu train dally (except Monday). t:W f. X. 7:JSP. tf . ') P. M. Lv. Ar. I.r. Tolllalnl McMinvllln lndeK'ii.eneii Ar. Lv. Lv. I "..) a. m b:!. A. U I -I'.'l A. tf BOSWELL SPRINGS On the 5. I R. K. Douglas County, Oregon Direct connection at hail l'ralielsen xvltb O. cbleiital and Oriental and Pacllic Mall steam hip lines for JAPAN AND CHINA, nailing uaies on application. tt. KUKHLfin, C. II. M A UK HAM. Manager. u. F. at Pass. AgeLt. PORTLAND OKK'iON. Kales and Mi kets to T'.sstern i.olntH and Ell roiio. Also JAPAN, CHINA, HONOLULU and Ai. viKALIA. I an bo obialne.l from L. II .MOOIlK, Ticket Ag. ut, or V. C. LONDON, Hose urg. IIOTKL constant ly open for recep tion of guests. Water cures Rheu matism, Dyspepsia, Kidney and Skin Diseases. To Tlie Unfortunate. WOODWARD THE ROSEBURG Does Up ALL COMPETITORS I Waare Always in t ha Lead, and mean to keop thoro. TV friMinn ITheOoldon Harvest is upon us, and farm 1 I era ara amillntr Lecauao Woodward This oid reliable and I . . . " . , , . looaa io inoir intoresi. tho most aiiu:ossfiil Hneciallst 111 Han Fran Cisco, still con II n lies to euro all Sexual and Seminal Disease." such aa (lonnorrhira, Gleet Stricture, 5yph Ilia III Ita forms, bikiii oi- scases, Nervous IJebil. Impulcncy. Beml. Weakness and Loss -Viiiiav;. s 0 rtanliood. III.) conso- iiueuc. ol self uhiiMj and excesses pr.sluclllK the loll.m mi: sympioms: suliow (ouutcnaiico, dark pols under Iheeyes, i.ain in the head, rlUKlng in ine eiiis, io-k oi itoiiu.ieiics. iiim.ieiif:o in as pr.iueliliii! ..Iraiu'. k, palpllatioii of tho heart, xveakmsKof the limbs and back, loss of memory piinpl. Hoii Ih.i bic, coiiiibs, con-umpllon, ele. lilt, GIIIIION has practiced ill Kan Francisco ovr thirty year.-and I hose troubled should not lail In consult him mid receive the Uuiellt of In. i .-ii I skill and experience. 'I he doctor cures ix In n others lail. 'Iiylilin. Cures mmmiO'eri.l I'ei'oiiH cured at liniuo. Charges TrsB'jaiayi.ic; lir. V '' 'i'"!,ION' fiKorny ht. Sail mi , i, 00 IHV A It ) Full Trimmed TEAM HARNE88 These are all Leitthor and Warranted, SADDLES At Beduoed Prlooi, Consult your purse and be sure and see Woodward before buying. Real Estate Bought and Sold Farms, large and small, to Rent, AM 1MMKDIATK I'0S8KSSI0N OIVKN. -ck Ranges, Timber Lauds and Mining Properties, and Hop Lands of best quality, iu choice locations. Ct!n.a ! A . A 1 ? 1 Stocl Prune in quanuues to suit lntcuding purchasers, at reasonable prices and easy terms. Inquire of r. S. K. BUIOK, . afil. aia.maiaBxaB ;. Ba. aa.4aa.ai. New o. Arrivals. Tongues and Sounds, Spiced Herring, Whole Codfish, Salmon Uellies and OQODQODO .MRS. N. BOYD. Piekled Salmon, Pickled Ifrpin Smoked Herring, Mackcral, at i vvvvw lAiYLIE PILKINCTON, IHucccssor to 0. W. N0AU,) General Blacksmithing TROTTINa AND RUNNING PLATES A SPECIALTY, HEPAIltINU OF ALL KINDS PROMPTLY DONE. J Hbop on Corner WaaliliiKtou aud Kau mtm., Hoacburir. F. Ma Bean 309 Jackson Street 1 Has added to his stock of Hardware, a fine line of Coffee, Tea, liakinjr Powder aud all kinds of Spices, eiba ana unocoiaie, 1 obacco ana Uigar.s; bugar and Salt. ive w , 1 (5ods. New Prices. ths cixtaua conraar. MII, Htm ions CIVf.