The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, February 20, 1899, Image 1

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    Vol. XXX.
No. 14.
Mat-Inly ,tlirlliig.
11 Ml. KI.KH, HOHKIIt'lid UUIUg. Nil, Ml,
hold llinlr rnnnlar iiiiiiiiiillili'afnuia III lha
I .(). Y. hall 1111 mil ami limrlli lliursilajr
t Ixacll timttlli, All iiKMitlii-ni ri" ii'-l-l In at-
nil mwiariy, ami an ti.iona nruiiicra mt'
llallr Invlleif III alli'lul
i:il . I lUI'I.KV, K. K
Ml M Hllilll.K, H.nlary,
intwlliiaa Ilia Jil ami till VtodiiiHulaya III
ward month
f II t K JOIINhOS, w, u.
H.T. Jawsrr, H'wy,
ItllltK T A H I AN UUMIk7nU. S, I. O. O. f.
lunula Malurday nvnuliiK ' rwh week al
Itwlr ball III Odd Fellow IniupUi al lliist'lmru;.
Mi'uilxiiaol hp order III hI ataudliia arnliivll
a.1 t.iaiuind J, IV. hlllASi.K, N.U.
N. T. JuKtti, rWy.
ROMKllUKU lIM. K. NO. Id. A. (. 0. W.
una Ut llm aniiinl aud I0111II1 Mondays dl
tvb luonili . m. l Odd Fellows Imll.
litnilivni 11I llm unliir III suod aiaudlng urn III
rllanl lo llnllil.
i h, Wvsl,
K. W.UiiimIi, Clnitiii K r.
Kecorder. ,
UKNOrOHT, Nil. A l. A. It., MKKIH Til
Dral mut Ihlnl 1 InimdaTa ul rack ui'-nlb,
at . III. ...
OMkN'M kr.l.lKC l-OKi'H NO. HI, MKKIH
nm ami iiiiKi rnira 111 ""
llm Hi. I ami llilut Thursdays i'l vault
amli. .. ... ..
Mill. I. IK HIIAMIIh,.k, VS. M.
MKIllNA UAnl', IVu ).
(khkuiiuo divihio.n no ;.,. ii. or i.. at..
ntnvUl'VViy M'Oniu ami muim r.,n, ......
A Srr Wednesday evciilna al OiM fellow
Mall. Vlalim knlaiila lu atatidlna rrn
llallyluvllvd m attend.
rofrnnloiiitl &' tarda).
suaul m jiaowif. raan. ru T,'T",
i New Store 1
New Goods! i
Staple and Fancy
Country Produce Bought and Sold
Low Prices! Free Delivery $
Judge us
Huiiinp 1 ami
A Wilami IIIim i.
llDrHIH'Kll, Oil.
n. wiLLia.
Attorney and CouiiHclor at Law,
Will Mulki ! all lha t.uiu of Iba MUU. Ot
laa la MaraUn Hall.llliK. liim.laa cuuntr. .
kTiw liiiltiltnit,
Talcihuiic Ni. 4.
KOKIll lul, OUKCiON.
Attorney at Law,
raylur AVUIi' t'l. HO.sKIII'lUI. ollhuoN.
RiHIMlB 1 "I -
IK lew Unit Hi. i;
Attorney ut Law,
Kwnnlai. MarU ri HMk , HOpEIU' K'l. OU.
nrUil'i'' Ix'I'i"' Ui l!-14 l-"11'1 Ollii-o ami
mluiiig caAvn a kHM'talty.
Late Uoci-lTvr II. H. Ijimt OlBro.
Northern Pacific KnilroaJ Cumpany.
Jiul'c us hy wliat we are tloino;, J iitljc us by the
continued increase of buyers. Judge us by the
DRY GOODS your friends have purchased of us.
Judge us by our l'rices Get your friends to tell
you how much they paid. That is al) wc ask.
New Spring Goods
Arriving: Daily.
The People's Store
I. ABRAHAM, Prop'r.
Am eiillluK lit aotn l " HiulH r.ant at
hull lbn roKiilnr ruli'H.
U. S. K. Hi a k,
fxnl Auul No. Miimli'iH ImiMiiiK-
Oi-'Kli'K. .VJ Ui I. n Hlrrvt, al r
1. 1, iii'ii ut Mm. J. lllrnT.
KOriKHflUi. OH.
J A. lU'C'IIANAN, Nolttiy l'lil'lir,
Collections a Specialty.
Knmii II
auicra iiuiitliuk.
jru. C. K. W Al'i:.
Physician and Surgeon,
liiHiiu 4.
l! ll ',
Ttrt Miwlii r i-t.
A complete line of
Dry Goods, Clothing. Boots & Shoes,
Furnishing Goods, Mats, Caps, Capes, Jackets,
and a tine line"ofMillinery Goods.
Everything New, purchased for Cash direct from Kastcru
manufacturers, especially for the I'all Trade.
Call and i-xiuniinc Goods and Prices.
Health is Wealth !
(I' rum Hie liialn W iiU liinaii.)
Iifll Wenthcrly ol ScuttBbiiin io
thin vicinity I'riilay.
Mrs. M. M. Bii:oii, nro Bony la
uote, iaill itli llm ! grippe.
J. T. Auili'Moii, dl Kolloiig, whs In
town the Unit ot tho novk.
MiHS Miiia WeaUmrly vlhitinu
(rionJ lu KcllJKtr. lt vii'i-k. .
School hoHclonoil in Hiia locality until
tpiiug, on account ol mennlcR.
Wiu. Kmlar, ol Kellok'H. l oi
Sundtiy, reviewliiK old Ji iemla.
MIbs Nuttio Andoraun, ol KvllogK,
went below on last Friday's otagi),
Tbeo Hiicr ii etlll ditnKrouHly ill,
however it is hoped ho will Improve
Mm. Klllo Klllolt was vluitiuu her
mother, Mr. O. W. llonudiet, ou Iow i
Hill lust week.
Mrs. W. II. H'.urk is ou the sick list
this wee, ller uuiny friends wUh her
ipeedy recoveiy.
l'eler Naah, Hr., wus bo unfoitunute
M to full on (ho lea during tho cold
weuther, hreaklni; n couplo ol his rils
IVtor Nash, Jr., Iiuh been tpiite Hick
with (ho iiieusluH, hut we lire .lad to
note tlmt he is lecovurinu.
Wood at lowest piicev. Prop a poslul
card in the post ollliv, Will receive
prompt attention.
II, (i, I I'll Hllul
Dioiie 1 1.
Pure Fresh Drugs
Filled Accurately
And With Dispatch.
A Full Line of Patent fledicines and
Toilet Preparations
Will soon be here and wc have a fiue line of NKV
CAUPlvTS arriving, also
In Latest Desigus and Colorings and the Price on
all goods are as cheap as consistaut with good
No trouble to show goods.
Alexander & Strong.
Progress of Legislation at Salem.
Approved by the (lovernor.
K. H. I f J'ufurol Whh-:T itln.ri.u lh tn b.Aotlplo borrow IVKiO lo
build Alt-r witik.
H. I!. 7 by JVi.ti'.iili.-l ol L'uiaiiila Tn ini:nrpurale tlio city ol 1'eDilleUm.
II. It. 'I'l i y l( .f 1'iiiiiii'n To Aiiinn l rharter ton el Adams.
II. I!. by Hill ol MiiliM'imliT.i, y iH(w oo Colambia'amOVVillani
:ie rivfr.
II. IJ. M by Myrt ol Multnomah To :riMtn odlre of state biologist, without iaN
H U. by Kci'il of Jj.jiikI.i6 To itdm a laria of Iooglaa county ofTlcr.
II. 11. 71 by Muauidl ol Tillamook Tn incorporate Nebalcm.
H I! 7'i by llaniKjn of Josnpliine -T provide that summaries only of couoly
aim Client rolls be tram-mlili-d to k( relary of alale.
h. UAH by I'atlorsyii ol WaibiiiK'oiiTu amend ihartrr ol Ilillaboro.
II H ir; i,y Wiiiimiy of Linn To amcml the charier ol Albany.
K IS. :w) by lly of l!i;nt jn To incorporala town of Tillamook.
K. 15. IHJ by Mjmw of Mornw Tj in: irporate the town ol Canyon City.
S. II. IS) ly.Fn:t iji-r-f tJi.its ip-Ti. nonslitute bjach of Clatsop couuty public
S. 15. I.'l'l by llHrm;u of .loi-phiiic To amend the charter of Grant' Pass.
H. Ii. Li- by L j.jney i f Marion To auih vie JcffeiBon institute to fell out to lb
Si b'Mjl (llntrirt.
S. I!. 15!) by l!ronel of CI To omen I charter of Or jii City.
II. I; l'j'J by Miiaacll of Tillamvik To incorporate Port ol Tillamook and pro
vi In for the improvement of lloipMrton plough.
S II. I'iH tiy Dul v ol L-iki To iucorp irate the town of Lakeview.
II. I! lo'J by Mi (noun of L-nn To incorporate ('jKae Grove.
II. J! 170 by Whitney ol Linn To amend (barter of town of Tangent.
S It. IU (rtublitnti lor S. It. (,) by j idiciary cjinmitlee To provide clerical aid
for j uices of the atipiume t iiirt.
II. It. HI by Wi'-on ol I jUKlap To im orporato Irain. h.j by OnitiM ol CI it sop To incorporate New AMoria, adjoining Fort
Htevr us.
N. It. ls: by Mi'.lk'y of Polk Ti niniMi 1 cliait-r of Monmouth.
II. It. P)"i by KUrk.ib) of Malheur l'o ii.e.orp jrale the city of (J.itirij.
II. U. UI 1 by Max and of TiiUm jok To inc irp jra'o the town ol Bay City.
I!. 'JI2 by Morrow ol Morrow I'o iru o porat) the city cl (leppner.
II. It. L'L'O by Voun ut Ca'-i ip T i inc rp jra'e the cityof Warrenton.
II. It. L'Sl by Fordi.ey ot W'.i lua a T j incorporate the city ol Wallowa.
II. It 'JW by Sherwuiuf J.i.'teon -Tj n m n I llm cbarU r of ijld Hill,
II. P.. 2j; by S!uriii o? Jj. k-oii To r ,;ii!a'o and fix the salary of the assessor
of J 41 k Bon con Ml p.
II. H. jI3 by Topping of Cojs To incoi p'.r ite th loan ol MarslifielJ.
Piled Without Governor's Signature.
S. l. I:l by A liiiti" of M irijn To amvnd charter ol Woodburr.
II. It. :.)'J by Williaiimtii ff Crook Tn it- littrict ihe elate for setators and rep
lillls Passed Both Houses.
S. Ii. :! by It iiui of Mu!tn jinah To ( reate the ofrbe of tax collect r in Multno
mail LiUuty.
S. It. 10ii by Daly of 15 ntoi. To uiuoud tlio charter ol Corvallis.
II. Ii. K'J by Maxacll ol Tillamook To prevent production and sale of unwhole-
aoiiio tout, mi J mo !ii im-a, ' lj.'Qity pari) fojl bill.)
t?. 15. 163 by Fu't in o! Cntn.', To Inco'porato the town of Seaside.
M B. It5;t liy .McC Jti't ol M mon Tj raim the salary of sheriff of Ma'ion county.
II. It. 173 b l.rig ol Wailiiuton To provide punishment for pviutiog fire
arms at a human t eiii.
II. Ii. 1SJ by Maxwe'd of Tillaiu To r.galate and to fix salaries of Tillamook
county cllicers.
S, 15. 1st iMiilisliiuto fur .s-. 15. 40) by Morrow of Morrow To fix salaries ol coun
ty otlicere in Clnckiunas, Morrow, Wasco an I Vaiubill counties.
S. It p. 3 by Kuykvn lail of Line To mtu-tid the charter of Eugene.
8. P.. I'M by Full n of I'latu jp To ampiul llie charter of Astoria.
II. U. L'M by Knight 1. 1 Clack To im or pirate the loan of Canby.
S. It. L'30 by LroA lu ll ol C!ac'auiaE Tj croato a separate commission for Iran
ea 'li )ii ol comity luicines in t' cjuuty. I
II. 15. 3i) by ILins-iii of tiilliam To amend tlm charter of Arlington.
S, It. by 1'rocbiU l of L'uiatilla ltn-o' pirating Weston.
iS. 1. by lbifur o! Waaco Incorporating Dalur.
II. 1?. by Forduey u( Wallowa Iocorporutiug Enterprise.
II. 15. by StilLiiii'i ol Cmatilla Withdrawing school lanJt from sa'e and
p'ai'ing iuleresl ou echo d fund loans ut ii per cent.
S. I. by MicboM of Wasco Incorporating Dalles Ciiy.
S. 15. by Michellu! Wa;:o Incirp nitug Moro.
S. It. by Kelly of Linn Incorporating Brownsville.
S. 15. by Kelly if Linn Iucurporatiug Lebanon.
S. 15. by S.nith of Itakor Iocorporutiug Purus.
S. P., by IIowo of Yamhill Iucuipoialiug Carlton.
15. by Diily of Pentoi. To protect salmon iu Alsea bay and tributaries.
S. It. by Se' of Multnomah To create a trust fond in Multnomah county.
15. by P.i.vtall of To provide lor the election of road aupervic-
8. 15. by nates of Multnomah To create the office of clerk ot the justice court
iu cities of 5D.000 population or over.
U. by Hates ol Multnomah To uu.horue Mulluomali county to leace Ihe
upper deckel the steel luidgo.
P. U. by Fulton ol Clatsop To provide for the eale of tile lands.
S. B. by Fulton of Clatsop K ;i.-inij laws relating to negotiable iuslromeuU.
8. 15. by Moi row of Morrow Providing for tho extirpation of thistlee.
. 11. by Harmon ol Josephine Protecting salmon lu the ltogue river and
Curry county.
S. B. by lUinion of Josephine To reorganize the state board ot horticulture.
iS. 11. by Joeophi ol Multnomah Creating park couiuiiseion in cities of 3000
population or over.
S. 15. by Smith of Baker I'o amend section 5 of the mining laws.
S, B. by Toiler of Clackamas Amending the code relative to sheriff's deeds
S. 15. by IV): tor of Clackamas Requiring sheriffs to collect fees in certain civil
S. B. hy Dal v- of Luke Requiring couuty clerks to administer oaths without
charge, in pensiou matters.
II. 13. hy Curtis of Clutiop Appropriating 15,0J0 a year for bsh hatcheries.
II. U. by MoCull eh ol Marion To uiueud (lie charter ol Salem.
Ha j, by Moody ef Multnomah To icgulatu horse shoeing in Portland.
II, B, by Koberte lVoviding for normal schools at Aehlaud and Drain.
S. B. 01 by llaimon i f Joeephiue, to amend the law so as to give the governor
executive (unctions on the elate board of horticulture.
S, 15. 141 hy D'ly 'f Bi'iitou, to provide n commission for the selection of school
text books.
S, 15. ll'ui by Kelly of Linn, to nppropiiuto fjOOOfor ihe relief of Ivy Templeton
S, 15. 0 by Harmon of Josephine, to provide for the registration of voters.
S. B. li by Bates of Multnomah, to provide for a tax collector of Multnomah
S. B. '.'37 by I'att irson of Washington, to ameud the law to as to permit planking
and corduroying county roads.
8. It. JOi) by Iteed of Douglas, t j change the maimer of governing the Soldiers'
8. B. 12,1 by Daly o! 11 niton, t cj.lify tho l twi rel iive to state school land.
H, II. 3 by Daly of, partial cod-fuu'iun of the school laws.
(ConUnued on Mh Tajc.)
A Democrat on Democracy.
(Henry Wa Hereon In Ioisvitle Cornier
Journal.) "As I am under none ol the responsi
bilities or reatraints of leadership, and
may m what I think without any fear
of consequei.cnf, I am entirely free to
express the opinion that Cuba and Potto
Itico and the l'hilippines are witti us and
to stay. Nothing except some over
whelming wave of diseaae and death
sweeping there tropic regions and carry
ing oar soldiers off as by a dry rot can
save Ihe opponents of national ex pension
from defeat
"Their solabip? for P.KK) la natiocal
calamity. In 13'J4 ic was fancied, and
they lost. If it be real, but only so,
I hey may win io LiOO. The far-reaching
qoetion involved b( these untoward
events is not sentimental, hot commer
cial. "Europe is getting lo the Tacific by
the Asiatu route. With an actnal Pa
cific coast front of 2000 mile, Alaska
away op north, and Hawaii far out at
sea, we could not escape oar duty I
will not ray our destiny even if we
"We must build, we are going to
build tbe Nicaragua canal. We mast
hare, we are going to have the greatest
navy in the world.
"Isolation is impossible. The world's
fight in this nineteenth century wa lib
erty. Tbe coming century it will oe
markets; the politics of t'.ie future are
opon the details of the expansion, w hich
M already here.
"Meantime, how can ihe local leaders
of the localized democracy expect to win
national battles, or very long to exUt as
a national organization arrayed as so
many of them are arrayed against the
whole trend of modern ihonght and
"Their voice sounds, as I bear it, like
that voice which forty years ao preach
ed for divine origin of African ilavery
and tbe sovereign kingship of cotton on
ly to lore the eouth to its rain. From
that raia the couth is nor yet wholly re
'It is in expansion, in lha canal, in
tbe 'short cut' to tbe Pacitb: that the
southern states will find tbe 'pediest eo
lation of tbe industrial proldem with
which they have to deal, and I am sim
ply amazed that any southern leader,
who thinks himself a etatcsmin that
aoy southern newspaper calling iltelt a
public journal cannot see a iact so ob
vious. "Tbe present question of expansion
embody no greater perils of liberty than
were embodied by the Indian question
and the negro question, than were em
braced by the Louisiana purcbate and
the acquisition of Texas.
"We have colved the problem ; of the
century that is gone. Tney lay upon tne
Atlantic (seaboard. The problems of tbe
century that is upon us lie upon the
shores of the Pacific.
"The democratic party stands very
much in its present relation to the pub
lic service that was occupied by the I
whig party during a period within the
memory of man still living. During
thirty-two years, from 1S2S to 1S00, the
whigs tarried but two presidential elec
tions, those oi 1S40 and of IS 13. In
each instance they ran a popular mili
tary hero upon no platfarm. They lost
the fruits of both victories hy party di
visions and bad advisement.
'During lorty years, from 1800 lo
1900, the democrat have carried but tno
presidential elections those of 1331 and
and of ISO-'. Both were accidents. In
ISSi it took Burchard and Coukling,
greatly assisted by providence, to beat
Blaine and lo pall Cleveland through by
tbe hair of his bead, which was growing
dangerously ecaut. In lS'J- tho Home
stead riots revolutionized the vote of Ihe
labor unions and transferred it bodily to
the democrats from the republicans,
who were held responsible lor tne
bloody intrusion of Ihe Pinkertoos and
repressive mcasuiea of tbe government.
"All that the democrats got of Cleve
land wai tbe slaughter-house of tie suc
ceeding administration and the cpen
grave into which, in IslHi, W llham Jen
nings Bryan walked.
"If tbe folly becontinueJ into 1000
if it be sought to reproduce tbe ticket
and issues of 1396 with an auti cxpan
eion plank added there will be nothing
lor the mourners to do alter tbe event
except to close tbe open grave and to
plant some flowers above the last re
guet of Mrj. Ella Burt. Mr. and Mrs.
Von n g ex rent to move lo Roeebarg In
the near future.
Mra. II. A. McClara'i and ton, Italph,
left Kiinday night for a vMit in Portland
after whiidi they expect to spend some
time in Lantern states.
Miss N'ullie Wilson, who has been
teaching the Hulphnr Springs school on
Hmitli river, arrived here Friday, and
after a brief visit with Mr. and Mrs. Ira
Wimberly returned ti her home In Hoee
brj'g. Frank Kent had two valuable horses
killed by Saturday 'a a.utnbound over
land. As the accident occurred inaide
the city corporation, it is thought that
be will be unable to get anv pay what
ever from the S. P. Co.
W. M. Moor, who has been quite sick
for some time past, is now able to re
same bis position in Kent A Bridges
general merchandise store. During Lis
illneas John Woods look Mr. Moore's
place behind the counter.
Dr. C. E. Wade of Itoieburg was
callel by telegram to the bedside of D.
Iledden at Hudson last Thursday night.
Mr. Iledden was suffering from a relapte
of tbe measles, bat, we aro pleased lo
note is now convalesin?.
A. II. Low, one ol our prominent and
influential citizens, retnrned home from
Salem Wednesday, having been admit
ted by the supreme court to the practice
of law, a profession which be had bad
followed several years prior to his ad
vent among us. This will be g od news
to tbe people of Drain as Atly. Low ex
pects ti terrain here here to resume
his practice.
Tti9 Pa.:ifl2 Milling and Mining Co.,
who on the Elkhead Cinoibar mines,
are prepirii.g to enlarge their plant.
The furnace which now has a capacity cf
10 ton daily will be doubled, and many
other improvements will be made.
This is an cl J well developed mine and
there is no question as to its being a val
uable property. J. M. Abrami of Eu
gene 'a manager of the company, and W-
C. La'.ban, superinteident.
Canadians Have Not Demanded the
City tf Skagway.
Caii ago, Feb. 14. John Charlton,
one of t'i Canadian members of ihe
joint high commission, who spoko be
fore the Marquette club last night, states
ii an interview thit the Canadian com
missioners had not made the repotted
demand lor the cession of Skagway in
determining the Alaskan boundary line.
"Tnat is merely a newspaper surmise,"
he said, "and without any loundation.
The Canadian commissioners have not
made a for the cesaio i of Skag-
wa. We hope to have tlm boundary
question Ee'.tled satisfactorily, but in
what way I am n it at liberty to state."
Ladies mu;lio and cambric gown,
ciiomite aud drawen beautifully em
broidered and exception! values, at the
Is tiie name of the only pt-rfect traiu
n the world, now ruuuiug every night
between St. Paul md Chicago, via the
Chicago, Milwaukee A St. Faul Railway
the pioneer road of the west in adopt
ing all improved facilities for the safety
aud enjoyment of passengers. An illus
trated pamphlet, showing views of beau
tiful scenery along the route of the Pio
neer Limited, will bo seut free to any
person upon receipt of two-cent postage
stamp. Address Geo. it. JleaUorJ, Uen
eral Passenger Agent, Chicago, 111.
Drain News.
(Kroni Tlio ttlohmau.)
Miss Addio Sacry returned to Rose
burg Wednesday after a brief visit bero
Miss Liliie Patterson went io Rose-
burg Wednesday for a .brief business
Carl Sacry cauio op from Roeeburg
Wednesday for a visit with his parents
at this place.
C. S. r.roiiBton, who has been iu the
employ of the Watchman for the past
three uiontht-, Mt Friday for California
Mies Minnie Wilsou of Youcalla was a
paSPngerou Wednesday's local (or i
visit at Salem, O.'egou City and Port
Mrs. Poill of Ktigeno arrived here
Saturday lor a viait with her son au
daughter who are attending the Norma
Mm. W. F. Young of Portland Is a
Shasri Limited
No matter
bow much of
a business wo
man a woman
may be, when
the little love
god make up
his mind to
shoot, there ia
no protection
against bis arrow. Yet many a young woman
whose affections are already engaged, hesi
tates to assume the obligations of wifehood
and motherhood, because she feels unfitted
for them by some physical weakneaa or
disease. ,
Tbe special ailments to which the femi
nine organism is liable, not only unfit a wo
man for happy wifehood and motherhood,
but incapacitate her for any sphere of action.
No woman can discharge tne daily duties of
any position with comfort or satisfaction
who is constantly weighed down by head
aches, backaches and dragging, weakeniug
Troublea of this nature are not by any
means a necessity of womanhood. Tbey
are positively and completely cured by Or.
Pierce's Favorite Prescription. It Imparts
genuine health and strength to the womanly
orgaus. It was devised for this one purpose
by an eminent specialist in this particular
field of practice.
" For several years I aurTered with prolapsus of
the uterus, " iiu-s Mm A. I.rc bcluuUr, or Boa
l, Rixlnrv. Jrllemou Co., Miss. "Oiir family
phyaiciau trealcil me for kidney trouble, auU
crythiiiK else but the right tlilujj. 1 grew worsj
ami wuisr. My bolv was emuciutnl, hands and
lect dummy ami cold, stomach weak, with ireal
uuluilulioii of Ihe heart. 1 dreaded for iiikUI
come fur I would sillier with nausea all uljlit and
solcoutluurd until some kiud uukuowu Inend
senl me youi book wilh a marLed page. I began
lukiiiuv-voiir 'i-uvoiite rieseripHou,' conlrary Jo
mv fumilv'ii wishea, und I beuim lo uuiimvc right
away. I have takeu llnee bullies aud now 1 au
very neuily well aud am vi happy, aud thauk
lul lo you."