j 1 I: I i V. t f: ! ! i t i V fc Administrator's Notice. TSJOTICK I" HKRKBV OlVKN THAT TIIK und.-n.lirm'd a administrator ol lhc I'tiate ( laabella Mi hnla, rifivaacHl, ha Med lil linal aoenulll with llm Cotintjr Clerk nf mu a Comity , Ormnn, and llif Hon, Connljr Judge liaa (llr.IMon.Ur llm Kill dry of March, IW". ate i rba a. til. an I lie llmr lor horin nl.Jprtlnii loan Id account mul lor (he m'ttlcnirtil id Hie RiHH'lnirK, Oregon, January in, iwi. I. II Nichnla. Jr. Ail in i 11 ml r t it. Administrator's Notice. Nollro In hrri hv ul rn lhal the titidrrsicnt'd ti ii t In' .in ilny of January, lw, ilnly mitmliiliil mliniiiU tutor of Iho rstalo nl JmncR k'. Mlli'h 'II. A' reaatvl. All peraom having i talins :nlnl aald oatalc apr- hereby required to preaenl " ' pninTl vcrilicd, to llic alu administrator nt the lin nflice of A. M Cra lord, In ItiHK'litirir, i.iiRta County, Oiv gnu, within ait months Imni ilu ilmo hcrcnl. Dalrd thin Ultrt ilny id Fenruarr, 1 JOHN IIAMI.IN, Administrator nl Ilia I .(aloof K. Much- til, IHtcaaed. Notice. i'mii I Ut III AM) Ol 111 a". Itovtiiirg, On gou, Kol lv, is Ntill.v In licndiy given llml Ihr appro, cd plan ol survey of Iho lulloniug Inn nliiw liavc hreii nvl ed Iroin the Mir.ejor i. in ral lor Oregon, t-wlt: Ton nshlp 2 .'. S., Kangc T W rt. Township s , Kanse ! W est. Tom nshlp .C K , Band' Vest. Ami on Wiilnrilay. March IV lv. at 9 .h'I.k L i. m. uilil vlalawill ! tiled in Ihia office, and the I a ml ctul. raised Unrein v.illbv optu to entry on and after thai dab . J. l. !Kiih;ks, J. II, BOOTH, K.gister. Rcvciv rr. Weekly Excursion to the Last. A tourist eieeping car will leave Tort land every Tuesday at ! p. ni. via the O. H. A N. without change to Boston, and under the supervision of experienced conductors. No change of cars to the cities of Omaha, Chicago, Buflalo or Boston. The ideal trip to the east is now before you. Keuieuiber this service when going East, and consult O. K. it X. agents, or address, V. H. llnu.iii bt, General rassenger Agent, t:i. Pcrtland, Or. We urge our pitroii!, who ate in ar-1 rears f )r th-s Pi. mnie.li:k to send us nil or part of the a:couut cf your subscript- ions. It is a siunl amount to each of you, but to us it wo.ili agre;a:e an amount we very much need in cur busi ness. For Over Flflv Yeais. am Old and Well-Tried Kemeuy. Mri Winalow Soothing Syiup has bocn used for over fifty years by millions of mothers t .ir their children while teething, with perfect succcsa. It aooLhea the child, aoftenft the ffiimi.. allavs all palo, cures wind colic, and is the best remedy ' lor Diarrhoea. Is pieasaut to the tatc. Sold ty druKCiU I u every part of the world. Twenty Ave cenla a bottle. Its value is Incalculable, Be lure and ask for Mrs. Window's Soothing Byrup, and talc no other kind. Ttie CUurcliest. MtTHOUlsT ClIC Kill eorntr of Mu;ti aud Lane street. Sunday Service: I'reachiug, 11 a. m aud 7:30 p.m.; Sabbath school, 10 a. m.; I.. A. Walker, Superintendent; Class Heeling at cloae ol the morning scrTicc; Epworth League 6:J0p. ni. T. II. Cliurchill, Fretidiut. 1'rayir Meetinq, Wednesday, at 7: JO p. rn. 0. K. Aun.jLIi, l'aitor, Farsonagc, corner Main and Lane. CHTaD BtiETur.E.N CiiciiCH-ou Fowler street, j Sunday lervlec, at lla. m. nud 7 si p. m. l'ray. rmectinp, Thuri-day evening. Mrs. Ucy M. Ci ri.it', Fa-tor. ' Kosct urg. Oregon, Jan. J7 . IsT.i. s?r. (jE.m .i s Cnir.i 11. Cormr Ca and Notice is hereby tiien that the folloniUK Main streels. Services on sicoud and fourlh I s"' wtUet has filed notice of hja iutcutioii , , , , ; I inae hnal proof in cupport of hisclaim, and fcunday morning of eaiU month and every sun- that said proof w ill be wade before the Reirin. day evening. S--eial fi rvices HtiiMuuicd from ! ter and itiiivcr, Cniteil Slates Land Office at lime lo time. Rev. Joun Da son. j Roieburg. 0lKie0slv1''' V": Missionary. on II. E. No. vr;, f.irVhe . W. "'- N. W. 1. sec. s. M. t'. CHi r.lH, SolTH moining and evening. -Services every S.inday I , 1 Ktv. J. T. CSTios, l'a.-tor BAPtisr CilLEiH corner of l ane and Kosc HrecL". Sunday service: l'nach:u at 11 a. m. f.ud 7:30 p. in. Sabbath School at 10 a. in., O. P. Cohoiv, superintendent. Frayer mcitiui at :30 W cdneaday evening. S. A. UoloL is, Fa.-tor. Kikst CimiMUN Cut R. 11 -Corner of Fine auj Woodward s'.nel". Sunday services: Freaching both mornim? aud evenin,', Sunday school at 10 a. 111. V. 1". S. C. E. at 0:J p. in Prayer meeting each Wednesday evening al ;30. A cordlil welcome and greeting atvaitf all. W. A. Wood, l'astor. AN OPEN LETTER To MOTHERS. WE ARE ASSERTING IN THE THE EXCLUSIVE USE OF THE "HTCHER'S CASTORIA,' AS DR. SAMUEL PITCHER, was the originator of "CASTORIA " the. sama that has borne and does now bear the fac- simile signature of This is the original "CASTORIA" which has been used in the homes of the Mothers of America for over thirty years. LOOK CAREFULLY at the wrapper and see that it is the kind you have always bought - on the and has the signature of wrap per. No one has authority from me to use my name except The caur Company, of which Chas. H. Fletcher is President. Do Not Be Deceived. Do not endanger the life of your child by accepting a cheap substitute which (b jecause. no makes a few more pennies on Jt". ,rr. '1w..vIl. ,xf irTs?1. . -... a .v.va.v.,. Ul nim.li tTtrit nc ii The Kind You Have Always Bought" BEARS THE SIGNATURE OF ' s ar Insist on Having The Kind That Never Failed You. tl.t tHlllK COMMNV,' T MUMHAV iailT, Him fOM Cll . Nolle ! hereby given to th public by the nmleminned that I do not allow ripft'l animala to be burled on my prvm Imhi, at Rofleburg, Oregon, or garbage dumped thereon or sand or gravel taken therefrom, unlem the party taking mnd or gravel Aral contract with me tor the right to do ao. Treaepafieers will be proeecuted ac cording to law. Aaron Ko, Koseburg, Oregon, March 17th, 1885. Caro Uron. in'orm tuir . Irons that they are iu receipt again ol tlark'u yov Cotton. Same old price. Vlavl, Viavl. Mrs. J. li. Shiie is local representa tive for the popular Yiavi re i.edies. Any one desiring any of these remedies will please call on her at her home or ad dress her at Uoseburg, Orrgon. Now is the tiuio to save money by buying your goods at the Rosebnig Novelty Cash More. In buying three pairs of shoes you can save enough to buy anoth er pair. On clothing we can save you from J to $4 on a suit. Fall millinery, cloaks aud capes, all sold at closing out prices. Absolutely closing out. Call and be convinced. Balm of Figs. Any one wishing to purchase "Balm of Figs'' ran do so bv calling on or ad dressing Mkm. Anmk Bkyki ky, 602 Cass St., Koseburg, Or To the Public. On and after this date, I wish it under stood that my terms for all undertaker's goods are cash with the order. 1 find it impossible to do business on a credit basis, and belive that I can do better by my patron nd myself by selling strictly forcasii. P. Bkskdick, l"nde.taker. Roseburg, Ore., April 12. 1S05. ! All our goods are new and of tho latest I styles. No shopworn goods on baud at ; the Boss Store. For tine tone and high grade piano get a Need haui. They speak, for them selves. It does not take a trackec jack at a big salary or a paid musician to sel them. All we ask is to look at the in struments, try the tone yourself, and you will be convinced that Needbauis are tue be' pi-ncs On the market, except ChickeriDK or Steinway. Kor reference see O. F. ..oJfrey. A. C. Marks, or I. It. KiJJIe. who has just ; received at his home a beautiful one in figured nialicK ariy case. The prices of these pianos are the most reasonable for the quality of goods ever oiTered it1 this city. I can also give you inside prices on any t make irf piaDo. Call an i iea T. K. I!iinKii.o.v,V Uoseburg, Or. N. 1'.. NVe also have in stock some new aud second-hand pianos second hand J00 to $175. New $:M0 to tOOO. Entire For iVllC; rui Publication. I'.MTED Statls LandOffhe, Tp. 27 e., It. 4 W. He 11811111 the followiug wit ' nesM.'B to i.rove ihis cominuoin. reaidenee unon and cultn ntinn of .aid laud. . i: i'errf liunean, of Rose burj, Orv-'on. John Barker, of oak Creek, "moil. A. V. Barker, of oak Cteek, Oregon. John tradij, of Oak Cre- k On-iron. J. r. BF.1DGKS, jt. Register. Administrator's Notice. VOTH.E IS HEK1 v un.lrsiLn.-.l a. IY 1.1VKN 1 HAT THE admini-lratorx of the . -state of I. B. Nichols, deceased, have filed then final account . 1..1 the County Clerk of lKui:ln County, 1 in -uoii, and the Hon. County Judne has fixed Monday t.ie nth day of March, ls'JO. al y o'clock u. in, as the tii.ie for hearing objection to fai l account and f- rtue settlement of the tame. Rusebur, Ore., Jan. -j), lew. C. S. Nichols. I. B. Nteholf, Jr. Admiuiatraiorn. COURTS OUR EIGHT TO WORD "CASTORIA." AND OUR TRADEMARK. of Hyannis, Massachusetts, on event wravner. the in- i a cioes not Know. ECONOHY HARK 1:1 L. KOMLHAOi-N, Pwprlctor, rKALKM IX Fresh and Salted Meats, Summons. T N VHK llKll II I'ol K T OK Till; A o( Otviron, tor IKmglas tomilr. Susan Smith. IMalntut. ' I A I L A J ShipleT, W. N . Sliipli-v. I Margaret (.. UoIhtI". an. I .'. I. I Koin-rls Her inisi-aini. i'. n. I Mel amneii. toia ione. nun t -"i.i in i m o . 1.... 1...-I ) k n . ... l . .. ' Suit III I-.. In K'lV. a lori .j .-S r-HMi.-, nil ii.i-"aiii. inn Minlh. audi'. A mdIIIi. In r hiiMtttl'l. A.la Met auH'U U, JmniK Arthur M. i Mml'el.. William Mev'iinn'N'll. Koy i MiVumpN'H, iiti'l S. K Adiunn llie adnilniitrHior "i I he e- ' tale ol I'm id Mei ainplH-ll. i tlecvNMtl, IVieuilants. To O. ;. MeCanipW'U and .'iiuu" CaniplH'!! : In llie Name ol the Stule ol Or Ait hen'hv re-juirvd t appear a'l.l unMier Hie eom. j plalnl hleil iicainM )i-ii in l!ieiiiie niit.i i uit en or before the flrM da of the net resn lar lerra of IheaNive en tilled eonrl. low it On or Ivlor Mon.liiy, Mareli ., and il you fail lo appear or annuel plnintrt e. in plaint against .m. a. a!orvila uitliin "aid time, lor want thennf, l'latninl t'.l t pp.'y to Iheivurt tor the ieln I dei ian.l' .l In Iu nun plaint n folio . limit: Kor the (oreel. :) ol a eertain inoruai;e eeenie.l n tln;i.l.l fendann, A. J. Shipley and w . ln Illplev, ll o ;..;.. i fai or ot pl.'ilutirt". on t.ie Utila ol IV. to e. lire Hie pa mem of a e. rtuin p:o .1 !ory note for the ;i:u of i ; 1 1 inter. i ) Iherei'ii at the rate ol It) ver eent p.T u'liimn from said data. r.ui Ir.eh there is lion .1 :e the sum oi .r.:. with inten'-l trom Oetol-er M. a:.i mortgrti;e eonx e) lui; to Mi'lii::i ml lor thai pnr"e the lo'l.iuing desi-r.a'd real pivi'rty. low 1 1 l."t o Iu ' I. in shutrum.s ad.liliou t 'oUlll.!:l, in I'.mkU I'ounty. State oi OreRou. AU. loi a ."i.kuieiit forthe'sumol ?l ''. v hull platnutt l.a- Kom ciiiiim11isI to pnv tor tiiv asseed n.nut 'in 1 mortiiagisl pr''.iiii s for sueh iittori.. f. e iv Ihecouit siirt'.l a.l. mice rertMiuiihN' h-r plain litVs ei)ts an I 'i:s!'i;isci:u nis lu'is in .in. I lot sueh other :e'.! I as is jr;i . . i..ii:i viu,i tv;it plaint and a t'.e eouit uia .lju li;e r.i. et .-iii.l i'.Utatie. I hi nutiii. ion- I'll'. '.'.du d ! or.h r ol llo:i .1. . Hamilton, inliie oi aid i on; t, l;n I. -n.1 opler is .latetl I'.v 1. I -".. I he tune presiri'- d lit -a . I ot.l. r for ;!.i suniinotls is onoe ;l n . W l..r s: mil' p.o...l iiu the iirst .la of sai'l term oi eoiut :.! the date of the f;rt puhlieaiioii . : il i m;iu;:;oi. i .lan. h'., 1-0. f. W !EN"X. h i? .Vtl 'iUii i.'f i'i;it:i l:;l. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Ko-ehnr-. O;eo;i. Feb. -'. 1 . Notice ; hen by gin llmt in onip' inl.i e with the pro. it"tis oi the aet of l'..ti:e-o: .'uneo. ls. ituitUd A:; mt for too 'ai'1 o! limber lands in 1 fie S-.i:t ot I a.ifoin.,t. l:i R'-n. Nevada mid Vta-hiiuioii lerritory l.KOKi.E W. KII'l'LE of Kidd.e, , County of UointUis. S'ate ! Ore" 'jon. ha this dav :.!e 1 in Cii- ofliee h---.1 . -i statement No. i.T I. for the purelia-e of the - W . ' S. N . 1 , of . ti.-u No, "Ji., in lownhip N. -1 S. Kaiue No. 7 V.. and m ill olU r proof to !i..v. that the laud -"UHl.t i iuo:e xnuiul io l.ir if timlir or t..ne than for a.'rL'.iliurivl !';;. s. . audio estnt.lish Lis . laim to 'aid lull. I bit.. li the iic'-'islcr and Keceiv. r 01 this ..!:. . m Kee burg. Oregon, on Su'.urdnv. the 1 Lh 1i.1v of April. 1 .'.!. lie name i. .11.0". s .to-';, pit A . !.or:..n. of Riddle, Or. II. Miuih. of li.lla.-d. Cr. Ken Fisher, of Kiddle, r. Fr d .-..udi ih.ii. .1 Kiddie, Or. Any and all persons il.ii.ii itig adverely lh.-n'sjve-.ii"eril.e.l IhihI' a:e lo ll nested to I'le their claim in this oilne on or before said l'dli dav ol April. 1 :. J. I. liRili.., ! -j.ltlu io.--u:. Sum moils. tn the 1 ui' ci r A of Orecon lor 1). O'CKT K 1I1K .-.111. W. W. Kent, rialuti;!', .t ;u T.-re- s. J. H. Trme. Harry Trine, Elie TTiiH', Cl.ur'-s I r ; 1 1 M.itiai;.-. and o. M. Baett, I'e:--n-l-anls. ; 'J.. S. J. It. Trin. , Harr;. Triii". I. Me 1 rit.e Charles Tr:ne. aii.. i e ini:n 1 I . :-. :.'ln!i In the n'.,e of tin- state ol 1 r- .'.in V. ; .1: hen-bv re-iulred to appi'ar nud an-"-. r .1 plaint lil. d a-ra:u--.j--u iu th-- ai--v - . !:"..:. i suit, on or before th- lirsl day of t.o.-ui.'.i :. 1 lar term ol llie aUj-. e .-niitl'-.l iiiurf, t-.-wi:, . i; or lefore Monduy, Marri. jo. !'. n;el 1; ; fail to ap ar or an- ., r .:.i:::'.:tl - . 11,:.' anain-t j-.u u afop -.1; ! . .1I1.11 -a.-i tii...-. . : want th. reof. plaintiT will apply i t:.. , . for Ihe r.-lief d'-iniiu-led in 11. t,.,ont . lows, to-iwt: For the for. .los-ir.- of u.-.-.i.i iiiortL'aire e.'i-ul.-d by m; I .1. : ti-litn!. J H. Trine and l.l;ab..-:h Trifie iu :'n'...r Thoiua KreH-un, .-n the !i 1 .y ..f .'la.-.:. lss, to s. eure the ..iyi;i.-:,t of t.v . .-iir.u proiui-viry not s for th-- unttnt.- sum of -."J 1 1 . wilh interest there.. n ut the rat.- ..1 t.-n i..-r . 10 per annum from M daP- u hi. h -.u-l not- a:. I fi'ortgage hale been et.-tors. .1 and u"i.':...d t. Plaiiitn!', and uhieh 1 inrtg.i.'- -n .-'yed ;. r purpose ol securinir suidindebed-.tn i,,..,. ing de-.rl bed real property, liii: Ji--e;:iuit.-at the N. W, corner of See. J in T. -. 1:. .'. U . -1 of WUlaiuclte Morsii.an, th nee . u-i al -n.' north line of said seition 1- io i-. t :..".. snutii bO rods, th.-nee west Is rod- to u. . !..,. ,,; said section 'J, thence alon,' -aid line l place "t begiimiiii.", cotitiiiuinn 'j iu-ii-s, i,:o'..-..r less, in Douglas: County. :ato of Or. .'..ii, und upon uhieh iiiortirau'e indeb'i'l:ics8 tie o- .- u . . due the Plaifitill the ui. 1 of Mll.mvw'h int. r eat from February .'. lsi, ut in.- rai- of .-:i p : cent per unnuiu. Also f.-r 11 . 'i l.-m- n: : .r l'laintiiri costs and ii,sbui':.i..als h-re.i. im-l for iuch olh. r reli.-f as is i.rai.-d t-.r in I'i.n--lira Complaint and as tl..- cuur: may n I; el.-me.-t aud t i u i tobl--. This sniiimous is publi-lii. 1 bv or-lir ..1 !.. J. W. Hamillofi, .lu.fj.'..' 01 (,,.r-. . . said order is dated February J, 1-v. J'he linn; prefcribcd in -ai-lj r-l: f summons is on.;.- a week ir six k 1 :... iui! the l.rst day of a.d t.-rm .f court mi, 1 t.i dale of tlie l.;-l publienliou of tii.- ' i.i.;.:.,;:, .. Feb, .', l'.'.l. I'. '.V. J;i ',-.,', FJ17 Attorn, v i.-r I'lai Petition. To the lloiiorii.ie Coiiii'y I'.enl ..j ii...,, 'ouute, i 'I'-gnll. J h- uiidersigned b-gai ioiei uu-l .ii..;i-. lilendule rreein. t, iJ..n;'laH l.o.iiit-.-. s'a'. Oregon. res:'cifui;y p.-iiti..n m.r J !:...; ,t . Ix.dy to trrant to 11. Woodford, i fin-. A ;. !-.- a . " lieriislein, linn iiumo, lo be " o-- I l . Co., a li.-i-iis.e to so'll spiriluou- il I a.-el n. , , liquors in le-s .(Uiintitii - ti.au one ,n, , said oielldale i'reeini l, fiolJi;ns I ouiit;. . .sl.. ., Oregon, (or t he Prni of siuionlii-. "i j 1 1 1 1 - j . . fictilloucra will apply lo your llnui.iaiiii: i .,ui o. .aid ll. cnse on llie loth day of.Mm.:!i. 1 i .. iiated at Uleiidiile I'r.-ein.-l, Iiou'lu. I umi 1 stale of r gou tins u.lh day olJunuurv I-.". (.', W. Atwood, T. I" I. "lo'ti ii. 1. YV. Hilling", -I.T. H'faidniinl. K. V. l ady, 1'. r. liola lis Frank f.olu. r, jCo, a. H00I,-. J II. Johnson, O W. 1 order, K. A. Wall, ' M. Klldha: J. W. Wood, I. H. Adai.,-, Mih-a Knuicy, . I.. ox, l' ..cr t'lam, M. Kennedy, , . Jac'iuc". Ixe Wood, If. nuanli, . iillbertoii, ..isher, u. .11. Hen 1, ja'. liartruiii, I has. Austin, W. Kilgoru i. o. W Holt, IV. P. Tolten, Inn 1,'ook, 0. K. liorsline, I!. M. I.ucii', I). jO.I'hilips, hiank Sam nl, .1. L. UeH.e. I rank 1 u-. 1, Uha. II. Nail, J, K. T-ny, K.W. Clarke, K. I'. Holt., A. Sloi uni, W. Ii. V lb 0 , i. M. (iriiul, - '. Warn. In AyU-h. Ioi. n -.inn 1. 1 . A. I.angeilbei ', A. Ii. 1 link.-, ". A. Moon, c..-o. Ii.-nil- v W. Towel, 1 liu-, J'.ii. e,-, (1. M . Atc.oo.l. .Ii-, S'oli.; is hereby gheu Ibnt lie- illi-ni i -i. .. M ill upply lo Ihe ilonoiai.le f.'oune, l.'o ji 1 .,1 lloiiglaa t i.uiity, statu of i.o-.oi, il Ho-Mao term ot Court, lor 11 license to ! ,ini .n niall and vinous Imuois In I.-. - .,unniiii. iioiu one gallon, for Ihu leriu of ri in. nub , in II. i- (7 J. F. BARKER & GO. Want Your EGGS Aud BUTTER. H, C. STANTON It pint received a nttr and aalrnalv aolt DRY : GOODS coNsisriNii or Udies Pi ess t.o.. ts, Kibbous, Trimnii us. Iacos, Ktc, Ktc. -ALSO A FIN STOCK OF- HOOTS AII JSIIOIvS Of the brat .lualitr anil BnUh. GROCERIES, Woo J, Willow and (..last Ware, Crockery, Cordage, Etc. Also on hail I in I trie quint l! tea an J at prh'M. to I'l'it the time. AK a ll.' stock of Custom-Made Clothing l;o- CllOUO TEA C.illatSLinti.;rsfor"l..P.M" NO II CI: 1 il-. r . I- r 11 ..;. 1 tin tl Hi.ar.l .-I 1. 1.. of ll.tf. lauds ntu- , hool I in;. n. ha ; ;. '.-I in I::- N ' , !l ha -.: i.a" th.- li te I a C. : nu ll o! tilt. -a l.sf of foilOHS' Tp tl s el. -I he a.iine. e p 1 1)1 U' for Iiim eiion .. n.tie sut .li'. ...i, it-. . .-ni. nt pin. .- iu l!im f all p. r-'tin liit-T.-st.-.l lays :. 11, .-.v in.' ft... . 01 .-nt. - ts n;:ii!it .--p. Hers to trail . e!ion or p-trt of l, oil tlo- Lfo-md t for lu!nif:al It. an m l l- r--. eii.-d 1 l-eti. rui land 1 Mh.i1 st. ii.o .1 : U a-hi:i4 llllll'i.F.S. Kentstrr. llsllil '. II. l!0 1 11!, Kii'e.) it. ti. st itks I.ivti (irr:. 1, K..s. hurir. Ur uoii, .'unioirv '.i 1 '.' 1 it i:;:.y ..-nvern is l.ere'.y g:ten t tint the Or'vofl ,v Co'.i- ' aor ad Company I. as tiled in this ort ee lauds M-iiati-d in llii' to.. iisIOt. .1... lo .. , and ha-ai-pli' d f..r n tat. n' ..r is: that the ;-..t in ..poll i th,. put, lie 1,,, 1 ui and a copy thereof by deseripih .. l-.ll-, ! .IS b. ell p..st, d In a iiIlleliU-llt ; tin- oih. for the inspection ol all . r- I m-s;.-.i aui ine pin. in- k-u. mill", lo w it f l-a-o fin,' ,,nd ..' Will. M.-r., ': ii'hif. Kani;.- I. ail of seetioris i, I", :,1 and r. and tti.-se. M',i.. -'."fH". U. N' . of N K 1 . , . i, Mil., an I lots l, !.:. I. ... i.. - F Nl 1 . II. 1J. 11,11. 1 i I . an I 17, of s.-e ..:, th. I.. t ly .lav s i..lo. iiiK' the dab-:ioti.-.-. prn:.-sii ..i . ..ntos!.. a-rth -t ttie - i tlo-i oi. I-any to any tr o t or nibdn i. t:.:tl iinv . a'.i. n or part of s.-elioii. tl,--I in ta.-l;-". .-u the nr..:.nd tl.at Iho same i.-iluaol. for iiimeial ihuii f..r arn u.I- . . 1 s. . i i : i.v r,- i-i v. t and n.-ted for i - i ::n i " iu nil Land i iifn e at Wa.hnivtnu. I T iii:ii... it.i: II. IU Ml 11-.. F, Notice F:or Publication. ! ' - 1 1 St . i k I. . Mi oi iii k, I ll .-"burg, I iregoii. i.-e. ls.s. N- . lo-u by k'iv. u that tl.- lollovi.ui; :.-i. . - r hiia lil.'d nolle.' of Mi Inf.-ution I ' " . . ' :oli J-foof 111 sUpjiort of li.s i la I 111 , and :- . ". - : p ...... i ,' l-n.a. d before tin-K.-cmier ! . .1 1. .-.r. I u. led Mal.-s Lull-1 luh.e ul j !; ' '' -'-'n. "ii Januarv :tl. 1-j:i, 1 1 I I '. M. Ii. I'liVVEl.t., !.:..- It i: No 7-l'if.T tin lots No, i., 7 and v, - . . i. I s.. U. 7 ust H" name. 11, e I ' - 1- ..iti'e.s. . to pr.ae hiaeouf iuiioui. res- ::-.-::- n and . ii.thation id mi.. I bind, i.; ' il. 1 i Miih.o.sl, iin-eon, i l.'. I'.iiv- : : M lw..n.l, ir.-i(..ii, H. F. i'.ad.T of Kfl--". ., ;--. -n (j. v. Ilimieiik. of i. ir.-bil rn, I. I. 1: Ii II j. . Ill-gist.- BOSWELL SPRINGS On the S. I. R. R. lJoiijias County, Oregon Hu'J'I'iL constant ly en for recep tion of quests. Wat r cures Khcu Hiutisni, Dyspepsia, Kidii'-y and Skin Di.-.ca.-,cs. i tiv Uiilortiinate. Dr, Gibbon Thla md reliable and Ihu in o I sueeessjiil S1.1 lallsi In ran ran . rlai o. allll eon tin lien to 1 iiiru all Keiual ami Seminal Disease." mieb I as Oonnorrhiia, (ileal VVS? 'M, Stricture, Syph Ilia In .r''f..fc!v e, -Jail 11a Inrma, blkln 1)1. acute, INervoua Dclill. Iinuotency. Semi- nal Weaknesa and l.ui ..ViAk'.iiiX V ol nunliood, 1110 coiiao- I ol :,, if 1. 1, i.si: and elfean.-s pioducnig llio ; i'. 1.. in.' . e. 1. , in, . i.al,o-.v 1 ouulciiiiiice, ilnrk ; spot - .1 11. 1. .- n,i. i.jen, pant 111 Ine In ud. n lining in il,e ii... conlideiiee, illllldenf'C In ap- pf. ' e .'niiii'era, pal pi liitlon of tliu In-art, ... us '. oi 1 1 1,1 in anil back, los of memory I-i- I nil..; hieo, lanigliH, eoiisiiinplioii, i-tc, bit. 'illiliO.W hna practiced in San Kraneiacn .0 . 1 ll.11 ty ; . .11 and I Lose troubled should no I l-.il 1. 1 l oieull 1. 111 and receive Ihu benefit of I I .i- .1 i si. ill 11 ud experience. '1 ho doelor Purea I v. i. 1. 01 lei 1. ..I. 'Jiyhliu. C'urea giiaiiinlwu, I I'- ""i. s . .11.. I 1,1 home. Chaigei rtiaaiftaVa. 4 1 ft LIVE p LET LIVE I I'ndrrllio !o mul e I will mill eoi ilrna lo iirvoy lor all patlleil. liluK my a. Islauea a. an enalnner or curve. si chain nlll he nMmahle laud my noik (uaranteod Am a I an a isjotarv I'i.kiic. Addios. niv al rlii'nud, IVuiiWa I n., Or, vii.i. i. iii:yimn. O.RAfiCO ii-i'u r Vor f.ist Mall 1IMI: SCMI nu irs V loin t'oil'lllld Htll I like, li III. I. I I. ollli, I'lenlo. K mi in. I'il , M I on , t'hlea :i'i and I a.t alia W alln. spoVn:..-, Mllliiiapolls. I I'kiiI imluih, Mnuaukee, I'hleitifo and K.isi. IKean Xeam.hipi. Ml alilin; ilnt. s mil.. Jeel lo ehatlKe. Kor linn 1 1 am I1. .1 Si ll I'ee .!. I I, is, ; '.'.. To Alaska Sail M'pl IT. Columbia Klvcr 1 Slramrra. To Astoria an.: a lalnlliiK's. Mlamrlta KUrr. , (n Ion I'liv, Sen hern, Salem A W ay l aud WMIamrlle and Vain hill Iv'lvrr Oieuoli ( lie, i,h loll, aud ay 1 iiudiiiiia Wlllamrlte kl.cr. 'ortland lo rorialln and U ai l.ati.llim 1. 1! I V K I 1 .... I ist Mir I Spokane 1 Ivor J p in. Si" .k line Flier p.m. I ' ni p. in p. 111. P in, F vSiiinlav Saturday 10 p.m. p, in K s, in. lay 4 :m p. m. I) ..Sunday ft a in. K Sunday T a m Tuea I hur aud sal. 1 A) p in Mou.. Wed aud Fi I. I' a in. Tin s l hill and sal. l.v Kli.arla I'liily, Kksvpt arunlav :m j in. 1 tie. I hur nud Sat. ,nak Ftltrr. s 1 1 ai la li 1 1' 1. Ion. I. I .w 1st. ill lUil. I v.. pi Frtdov W. II. Ill 1(1. lit KT, (.rtieral I'aveniter Aseiil. . m. nt. ., r iinr 11 OHUKI N I UK I'IKF. T KOI' I K I I Montana, Utah, Colorado and all Eastern Points. Vtf .lio.iaof tuo Ituihi. lonl.., .la I N ION F.U Illr Fat Mail Una or UIO I.K.Wl'F sieenV I. In,,. tin. Iha I ix'k al tin- tn-ie d.iys to Salt Lake days days daws to Pcnvci to Chic.ij;o to New York I'rt'f ltt'. Iluliiu l liiilr (lira, I i liolstlcrtU Tourlal NUiiilug l arsi, I'ullinaii liiln.-c Hlrt-p iiik lara upvratt-d u 11 nil IraliiH. I .r f';i"h. (). Terry, W. I.. Coinan, 1 r iv. 1.1 . Ai;t I "I 1'h.fd SI , I'- : 1 : a. I. EAtJT AND SOUTH - VIA - THE SHASTA ROUTE , OF THE Suutliern Pacllic Co. I Elpra. traia. Irav. rortlani dally. "ss.Ulh " '" ' ' ', "Nolll i'. . l.v. "I'nrlland" " Ar. ! 'i ..u a. CI I". M. I l.v. - KoseluirK l.v. ilJ.Si'. s 1 1 a. m. Ar. San Frau.-isi-o l.v I h uir AIhivo tralna atop at ail prun ipid ra-t.ve.-n r.-rllaud atol .s-aleni, 'luri.-er, J.-ifi rui, Albany. Tumtcnt, hht-d.ia, llarrisinir,:, Jtinetlou city. Fm . row, Llruil:, nakiaud. a : I all s.a'l. Kos'l.uig lo Aahlan I IucIiimm-. slt'!. iS M ill. .11, 1 1 a ! s. - y , lolliue ii. from lluu'buri Tlnll-lliiil , n . .'a. 5 .'o r l.v. Ar. I'ortlaud Uoseburg 1.1 itiix; Aits omim.iii: urn n, Pullman Buffet Sleepers AND i. om. i. ash nm;i:i'im; .hi Attache! lo ail Through Train. West Side Division. llotwt'C'ii I'uriliind ami oriallla Mall train dally 'except Sunday). .'HI A. X I'olth.ll 1 Cor vabis Ar. l.v. I . .s-j r. I .'i r. m I Ar. At Aiiiany and Corvallla i-oiineet ith of Oregon Central .V Eastern r uiroud. Eipresa train daily u icpl rundayi. I ..X !. p. a-.ai I'. ronialid M.-Minvllle .-Ii p. ii. I. -ni o Ar. l.v, l.v : a. m ' a . at I.r. -I : Inr.-et i-ofin.-' lion at san l- raneisi-n .vlth Oi c'l"iit il and Oriental r.n I r.n ilie Mail steam hlilp Hues or JAPAN AMi CHINA, rulllng lairs 0:1 npplli-nl lop. K. KOEHI.KR, C. II. MAKKIl M, Manager. Ii. K. .V I'ilha. Ag. 1 t I'OHTI.AMi OKKOON. I'.iit.s and In kets to I: is, ru points nud 1-iu roi.i.. Also JAI'AN, CHINA, 1 1 1 INOI.I," I.C all Al .-I KAI.IA. Can bo obialni il Iroui I.. II MOO I IK, 1 11 ket Ag.-nt, ..r V. C I.uMion, liose urg. WOODWARD THE ROSEBURG DtKJH Up ALL COMPETITORS! We are alway In tho Lead, ami mean to Veep tbero. The Golden Harveot i upou ua, anil farm. en aro amiling Lecauuo Woodward louaa to their intercut. M1UUY IIAR.i:sAS full Tlimiiibd TEAM HARNESS TIicho aro all Leather and Warranted, SADDLES At Reduced Pricoi, our puiao and he nure and Voo.lwanl before buying. Coniult Imoiii A to, tlit most complete stock of hat il ware. If you aic intciostcil in H.tl Wire fencing buy the 'VaukcKXin.M Ik-st ami Cheapest iti the Mnr kct. Churchill & Woolley, is .tv.i.v -ti r - his is the to I3tiy Groceries. n v. v.iij Iiaccos iu C. W. PARKS j 3 ". e kRUSK & SHAMBROOK, 511E1 FliGifisi PROVISIONS FINE TEAS AND COFFEES A SPECIALTY. TOBACCO ..IS I. iHi:i; t - A Ml I 1 1 III.I.IVI II V, Real Estate Bought and Sold I:arms, larie and small, lo Rent, AM' IMMI I'IAIK PossrsslON (iiVKN. .Slock Uancs, Timber Lauds and Mining Properties, Prune and Hup Lands of best quality, in choice locations, in quantitic; to suit intendiu; purcliascrs, at reasonable prices aud easy terms. Inquire of D. S. KZ. BUICK, New o Tiiut'tics and Sounds, Spited Herring, Whole Codfish, Salmon Hellics and SAVWWAWVWVVVvVvVi .HueccHiior to (I. W. NOAH, I General Blacksmithing -Ji' aCJEIrrf. I'KOTTINd AND RUNNING PLATDS A SPECIALTY, Ki:i'.li:iN'l OK ALL KINUH I'KOMl'TLY CONE. lb Hlii on ( iirm r WiihIiIiik tun F. M. Beardcs 309 Jackson Street I fa: '1 J ea, ; added lo his slock of Hardware, a fine lint f Hakim: l'owdcr aud all kinds of wSniees. Cnra Coife :c uid Chocolate , Toljacco and ii - 5u - iixxt-oo-o-Os Place A full ami complete a5sortmcnt of all joods usually kept in a first class grocery. Kvorythiug offered for sale is fresh; aud sold at very reasonable prices. We have a very choice stock of canned joods, including both fruits and vegetables, to which nt invite your special attention. Our line of Olives, Oherkius, Tick els, Sauces, etc., is also complete, w.. ......... 1 . .......i. .,1 ... v tin 1 tl 1 ;v."i niuia i'i io a. Southern Oregon. & CO., Grocers. p . x scr 00 1 0-000 xLl m m mm: i.k 8c CIGARS, u.r I'oor South lift, Mil III Mt), IINKCON, Arrivals. l'ickled Salmou, I'icklcd lleuiii Smoked Herring, Mackcral, at oaonnono ....MRS. N. BOYD. mid liauie HtH., It un-lurR. Cigars; Sugar and Salt. Nw ',1 1 1 town Ol l.l.-II'lalc, 111 llceiiM.llli e 1. II h l .e o. 101 II" 1.1 liliou. II. V... .1 1. I 1. 10. A Vli II, . ll. iiHHS-ii;iN, iii;r'i-,l.',n:iON. cit Katuy 'MtBlAaa Cisco. Cm! Ooods. New iMicts.. 4 B I .'m a -.r ...sfiaA,