The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, February 13, 1899, Image 3

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    m wmwmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
Settle llfi.
All pillSOIIH Indebted III lilt UUdttrsigll-
cd nru hereby iiolllli'd uhd rciuenlud to
coino forward and muku prompt settle
luunt. All notes uud uccountn not paid
immediately will tiu placed in lliu liMtnIa
il nn attorney fiit collection. 'Ibis
iniiiii.ii like It rcu'ln, Wo urn guli'g uti t
ol "liiiiilni-iH, und moid li;ivi a '"Illi iiiClit,
I'iuri '! iui.
Till: lLAINI)l:ALI:K.
I Klilil' AUY U. W.
Fur ft ki xl 6-cciiI rltfiir call on Mm N.
Hoy. i.
Rug iu iuliiiitn variety at V l-1 .1 U r
A SirutigV.
See H.iV nmi'n line n( u.ihlie ami
jni Iciy.
Milrtirulil In mm iuiilnl . jrto.nii ul
. gler's grocery.
Zephyr F cent t I r I M.eiu package
Hi tint Novelty Mull'.
Kny West, liiiinli' I mnl il'iiiii Kiic
l'li4l Kt tllll RilSI'lllllf.
A ll.n lv bred Jiney main rail fir mile.
Addieec I'. (I ux,
I In- llni'i t display nl l.t M'" i I every
deser il'liuli lit Chun lull A WttillryV.
The Hons Mote i ai'liing out ul sacii
filing twites. Cull mil) liu convinced.
I o you smoke'.' II hi, j;t tin' A 1 1 in
cigar nl Krusc A Shiimbriuks, stents
No mistake Mill lii ni'i'li' I v IntMiig
your dental oik done by Mr. Strange.
J. I. Mann veils llio lu-iil tic ur in town
ami prices are all light, ipiality coiiidd-
I' led.
Ladies lubbers ut 'Jo (iiitH iiml Hint
mialily t M cenis per pair. Nv-Jty
Plack brocade ill. 'i t rkirir, ul. icli
formerly aold t fl.jH In :l.."iU, no I r
11.15 to 2.7r nl lliu Novelty S'.om.
Cash paid for grain, ii in I .ill kind nl
farm product, Ml Abraham' wiirtdiou .'.e
' , K. A. l...ii..
K. Mmias. M. I., un-ml'-r r.o.ud ul
Pciiaioii lliaiiiiiii rn. OUice, Mai. iter a
building residing corner Main nml ('hhs
licouoiny twll piompt y on tn liny
children 'a i lothing of iim. MiiU hum
4 tO 1 I Ml U -r Ullil U','Uld ill plitO,
many nun km! below nml. Noulty
Suwiug in ji liiiii H. sewing luachiucH,
rcwing machines ut Alexander A Mrnnk',
ml lliu best nl tin in ul that, ranging in
price Ironi -' I to t 'li'. .'ii. IVhtne to m
tliom Ix-foro you buy.
lilmiT V, lloovti, I'liyt'iiiaii mid I'U i -tfi'on.
Olliri' in-x t to i lly tml 1 on Mnin
iitrc-fl, ltuMflturjj. r. S(.('i iii iitti'iitimi
Ijivi'ii to iliHi'iidi'i o( II. f nono and
t'IU irom;itiy .ii.m aiti-.I.
Simi Kii'a A Kii'i', Monro I'liinii In id,
lot uvory tiling in tin) luuiiturn lint',
I nrucnt ntnrk und lowrnt inii i-M, jiml io
L'i'ivuJ u '.f llol I : lilrni n'l I i' )
luinituro. .ru iih lor burii.iiii!'.
Iti'iiii'iiilaT lluit I'r. Mranito iii 't
iii.uii iil ri'siili-iit ol KoHidini', mnl iu not
Iuto toniioruiily, tluit lio liilly warifliitn
II liia oik mid in hero t nil I i nu n to
lunko good liia guarnnti'CB ol nil iUmi t io
Mori in' I'onltry Cure. Tlitu inlnllil'lo
loniudy tliiillt'liut'H llio world to tirodmo
its eiMinl us mi vm rodiiicr. 1'roviMit
ive and inro lor .ill ilii-cuni'd offould.
tiunrantuud and lor eulo bv M. M. Mur
tiu, KoBebiirK', Or.
Suits of clotlitH, ul 1 uiol, liunvy
wuiKlitB, til.50; ri'uuhir price $'). Uoya
clothea from 0 tc KI yenra for if 1.50 i nd
2, Mala nil btylva und colors for M.)
rtttuUr pru'o tl.50. All Hiuho giioda uru
only to be found ut tho Hoaa Store.
Up to dnte dontUliy by Mr. Hhwko
which means the beat and luteal kiuda
of work skilfully carefully mid properly
naertod with no utter trouble, but per
fect aatlifuction. Try l'r. HtriiiiBo'a
aeamloaa crowna, the beat, latest find
most perfect made.
Tor le or exchange for lunda in Ore
gon 147 nc ica timber land in Santa
Crua county, California, uluut throe
uilloa from railroad alation, on couuty
road, part good Iruit laud uud probably
10,000 cords of wood on the place near a
good market, l'rico ifi.OUO. Addrcwa
T, O. bo 118 KoBoburtf, Oregou,
A few dozim of thoae Kentucky made
pants, aubatuutUl and well made, no
shoddy. AIho a few dozen wonieu'B,
men'a, boys and cl.ildrou'a ahoes, ri'BU
lar weuiera. Mats for aunahiue and
shade, underwear for hot and cold
weather, uud various other articles ut
K prices, at M, V, StuntouV.
For a IiIkIi grade piano, don't over
look tho llainua liroa. Indorsed ly all
loading inuBii'liiiiH iu KnHulmth'. They
nro iihuiI nml iuduiricd by Mr. M'.liiue,
Mrn. AppelliolV uud oliiei.i. .Mum. l'atli
liau rt llalni'ii upright in her liuuiluir in
her beautiful liomti ut. l'ruii:i M OhhIIh,
Wali'n, mid iihi'iI Ibe MiiIuih plaun dm
ini; l"'r 'ollr ,'HI ( nited l l.iti'.i.
Maimih 1'Uu.s., New Voik, N. V.
Closing Out
! At Prices
j 'miIiI p' liH in :ill d'-nltfin ut Hiil.uin'a.
linn I, tint vinli liiiiukiT, 'limn tlih'rV-
I'.iin lult i ir.iiii.-i v liiild r ul Mm. N.
! I ii'l y n r Hilvrr w.ri'aM'l ml ver novel-
lii'ii u' Sa'.iiianV.
! Si' fliirk i.l i'li'(-t.t i: iii in,; nda ut
! I liu.. 1..II A Wi nll. v
V,in.jii.i i! lrvi:i iii BuiwiMiii'r tpooiiH at
'; 11 l' I. S,' litem.
Il linfl ni.i'l.t li.imMrm, 4 1 1 . A. V.
Miirn'm i .v Ci'., Ilofliti ric. Or.
lleiiiy t'o'ii , ii h i iiU'imii you inn lie
lo, uiKiIti a pli H'ltnl i m'I )-Iiiu),iv. v
1 1 hi vi' y W'l.i i el of tlobeiis Ciei k vuih
iu lb city I'm' I ill 'i p.irl of I i-t week.
Tim mil i.:d rouipiiny will hudii put iu
u lido 1 1. ii k .a til'u ik I'm 0 del louir.
M Ml Uuby li 'I (.in, wli ) li:ll b I'll vi
iliiii; 'I I iiivi'1 it' Miliar.!, r turned In in
Suturd ly.
Mr. M Hi s in , h in i I tlm l ite A. A.
Moiimin of l. i kiux l t!:i:c, r;ii t at tliia
i.Mi' c .tl'inliiy.
I' Wiln.iii , in. li ( I tlm bile V. V.
WiIk ! i f Ki t lie, w.trt d.'iiiK bu nii'MH in
tilt' ei'v S.nt: r Jrt y.
J. .. 1 1 ii nf , i.f, was a plea;
nut I U"ii;t'fi i'ji!i r ut tlm I'i.aim):i.i n
ollit e lait I i .
. K. ,s) k"h, (..Ill.t'lly o tb in I it) but
113 nl K.ini b'ir wuri lieie i u a viiit
lust Tliured iy. Kmi'IiU Kt i;iiili r.
M fS lllen Siuit'i, n! 'i Ht, Ore
K'U'i oriivt' I iu l'tilure nulil to visit
Mint 1'aiilli.e Htlft l". Tul ire t'ul ., 1j;-i-ter.
Mu a ( ' i.i M.ell. oi.e of tin.' ti'.mlii'is uf
tlm piibli.' ii il, Hai in I'.nil tii.l a pint
of la.f week r!i b"r if r.t :itl in illiei , 'tli')
U Vef v hit k.
wiu nil t'lini and f.iu.i'y bo loive bi t II
V i hi 1 1 1 i; iu I.1II.111 I, Calif , fur III" pa I
tut. nib, let'lf lie I h um; nil tin oVtlbind
tills lliol lllll'.
t he Milk, bi t At'i'u M .rent e ai d
tjuitllier, w hich bad hemi inrried along
tlijo'tau beie'i tli" pi t ".) ytaiaby 11.
IT. lorrelt has be n juii tin iti-il.
.Mii-' I i U I'ei.iii l ! , n Ii i li i.i b 't n via
l.iui: l.ei mo', Mfit, A. I. lldwell,
about II. ire ui'Mitli", ri liirni'tl this uuu ii
inrf to Koveliurf! rt gtin. i'ouionia t"nl.
l'ini,"f .
M;w i,.;iii,
I' llll t'l",
l '.Hiei KI miicl-,
I ii King, M.i4rH of nil kiii'ln at tin
NoVlil I V SI'OUK.
f. S. I'.roiiBion, of the Drain Watch"
man, wan in It im bur.', I ii lay aril Sat
in lay, mi l inii'lii I Ho 1 i.aimh: i ut u
plt'i a lut c i'-I. Mr. T'lonutou iji t'tt ully
fioui l nn is l i'y, and ii nn ex( eriem ed
ucAipt'ier man.
" A pair ol kinni cumj 1 !s of trnn'i'e
iu s.ituo.t." Kx. N i d u lt of it ; tl.ey
e.i i e a wliole lot of trmiblo iu all t tnui
Ir tx; ive hava kii.iwu tin's to ha the eis.t
iniinv liin 'A I ilit li.'iti i'i Dakl.iud, ts
pot'i illy vilieii liie ot'.er fellow hhovea in
his Kt.aU o i ipieens. i.i!ila:id (ta.t'llit.
Mr, lii'iiliaiu'a secret Mellmd of plate
work not only insures a petfect tit, but
hidca tlu aitilieially of lliu work.
I have u d'Uilist employed in the Lab
oratory iiint for llio next two weeks wll
do plate work ut greatly reduced piiccs.
We will lake you c imprest iuu und turn
out u plate the ruine day. AM work Mar
ranted. A. (i. Ail im, ami II. L. Huntley, of
M!0 creek, hcu'li of Kldtll m, were look
in; tii business mutters in the couuty
Bent l'rld iy. They repait that Horace
Smith, the a iw-inill man on Mce creek,
la in iking about 5,0.10 fi et ol lumber a
day. T lioy any i vory tiling is bojuilng
in that part nf Inn couuty, Tlia Ti.ain
ui.Ai.uii ackuowledjca a ple.isiut eill.
The Calupooia-Kohouiia (loll Mining
A Milling Co, was iucoiporatetl last week
with a capital ofi;H)i),00J. Tho incorpora
tors are: lioboil McMuipliey, It. Kdward
llawley, 1 Miuiou Wilkins, Ueluiui W
Thompson, Cliarlus A. I lardy uud
(ieurgu McMurpby. Kugtina la lie
principal pluiuol bu'iness. i irants I'usa
Miuini Journal.
Mlas Frnnt'im Mann, of tl.u city echotila
rocuiye.l inforinuli mi by telephone on
Monday of li e seilous illiiHMH ul lier pla
ter, Viola, ul Sale.n, (cmu blood ptiiHoii
iug, and bo.irdud the afteruo ni train for
thutci'y. 1 1 ir iiisU i' li.iu for Noinii time
been matron of tlm toldiera' hoino ut
UoMeburg, utiei inj! a pai t of lu'C train
lug ul tlm (I ml Saiiiiiritau imiipital,
I'orllaud, and lut t r iuii gratluated from
the S.ilem luiHpiliil, Mm in uboul 17
yeai'Nol'l. Ilur Ii i i huuilv expect
td. McMinuville Kcporler.
Of Cost
Fred llimler retiirno I Saturday
Clias. U illiumaof lxikiug (ilass was
iu town Saturday.
Kobcrt MiIiukIiIiu uf Koberls Crct k
wan in the city Saturdiy.
Hen. Cutter, of Ciiiyonville, was in
Hie city on biieinehB, Suturday,
Atmiliur bi s!il tiieul of dry goods ri reived nl tho Novelty Store
Ion. J. A . Traeey f Oakland was
I mking slier businuba in town today.
Mr. anil Mrp. W. A. I'eaicu of J)eer
ei k were visitor in town, Saturday.
I! ind, tiio watt binaker tells ap ctuclca
ut lowest prit'Di and can fit I hem cor
Fun Sai.k: A goo I top buggy, or will for fresh milch ow. Innuiieat
tlii ofliee.
'the maiiiiger of tho (iold IIuu mii.a
nor iileinbile, II. M. (iorliam, was in
town Friday.
Mrs. J. II. l!xilii ii y s tiiu her par-
enls, Mr. ami Mrs. Campbell. I i rants
I"Vs Mining .lournal.
Vifcj) Nedy Wilson, who bsa been
leseliiiig reboot at Sulphur Springs, re
turned Kiidav evening.
Til' H Colebourne left on tho local th!a
rnort lug for Asloru, where he goea to
look after business iuterrat".
President Chapman, cf (lie State
I'liiversity, has resigned his imsilinn to
tike effect Hie Or t of October.
The meetings in the Clnistian church
mo growing in in'orift. I-vaiigelist .
V. I'.nll. is a very eloquent speaker.
All fiii itia of acrofuli, sorcf, boils, pim
ples and eruptions, are i)uickly and per
manently cured by I lood'a'upanlla.
Farmers buy "iur Wheel'' overalls,
the bewt on earth for 00 rente, il they rip
wo g'e you u new pair.
Nov i:i. i v Sniiu;,
1'ihl I'tittakiii uppln trtei for sale.
They uie tine. Iari!t. red imi lcs ami irood
keepcrH. liiitiinre nl li. V. Kai'p.
O. II. nisen, ho Iihs I con lying iu
the county jail for killing deer out of
season, has Inen lelcase) on -flOJ
Mo.ier A Maitin want fat cattle, hoga
a i l ebecp. l'artics having any f ir Bale
drop us a card, uud we will call and cce
i itotgn I'utcliing an I daughter i irace,
left Saturday morning morning for Ei-
gcuo and Saginaw. They expect to be
gone about a wick.
Mry Btova ir block wood
Oik, or pine, Leave oidtra at my
cilice opposite dt'pot or drop a postal
curd in tho post ollice. Will rcoeivo
prompt attention.
II. (t. Hoi sum ii:u
l". O. I.ox .iOti, lio.-ebuig, Oregon.
There will be u i ublic leelure delivered
by M. ii. W ilkins, deputy gratid master
on the bcnoilts of the A. O. U. W. He
member the place, Carter's Mall, Can
yonvil'e, Feb. IS, lS'J.i. livery one
cordially iuvitid to c me.
J . H. 1'llKtl 1',
M'si llt-lon V. Smith, ono of the
l'i.AiM)i:i.i:u's able compositors, who
has been on a visit with fi tends at Tu
lare, California, relumed Sunday morn
ing, having had a pleasant visit. Miea
Smith has resumed her plaea iti the
I'LAiNimALi.u with rooowed vigor and
alacrity after her brief recreation.
lirUge woik la the art of mueiting
teeth without plates. Mr. Bouham is au
expert at gold tilling, crown and bridge
work and warrants all bis work for 10
years. Ho returned from Chicago Post
tiradiiu'e Mental college but a few
months ago, uud does work by (ho
latest und iuobI approved methods.
First chiBB work done at rctidocuable
The chorus of the First rronbyterian
Church met at the homo of Miss lltliel
l'arrolt las. Friday evening for practice,
after which the rest ct the evening was
epeul In pleasant tonversu and giuiieB
and last but not least, an vlegant lunch
was disposed of, a luach that did credit
to Mica lHhel and exl.lbitnl the capacity
of those who partook. A progressive
game, the naming of uotoblo meu und
women, created u great deal of interest
and Miss Norn Jones having bcored the
most points received tho first pri.e
nicely hound hook. Theio was u sharp
coulest (or the booby prize between
Warren McWilliiiuiH and ('ail Kaciy who
lied. After raiding lulu it wuti found
that Mr. Sacry wan tho winner.
Obituary, I
Mist Vio'it dtt ait' d Ibla life In J
Hie Salom h i-. ti,l in ih' i.f e i.'i'Hi of i
the'lOth Inct., fr in icpllo fuvet, and u
laid to rial binide In t mother in the
flllinlr ui'.'ir d Oil II I) d li'iiitH
farm iioarZ na, k loun'y, li
wn born '11 venin uu l IL r innlrii-r
died when Vl'd i nl . vny hi
g... fttt'! li!;n r.r; ! l.t f lb'?-" alert hi
two brotlii rA who i ic older, were rutly
thrown laigely npou Hi. Mown rc (n.rci'
Alter dim bi-i'iii'ie oi l enniigli l t.mgU
acliool ami unplired n g''d '"dui .-.lion lit
tlm Wnluiiii'll'i Univ. rel'v, S.di in. Sl.o
spiiit ibii e yeaiu prepmieg liersi-.f fur
the diilii'it cf In r profeiKi.ji. one at li e
(i od Stiuiaritnii bicpitil lit 1'orllmid
and Ilic dlbi i iivu nl Silent. ''"' was
wra pfl up in her r jfvrion, b u g ui
edtl.ushiitt.c in f uiciiig ni.d cmg fur
lb ) I'ii: ai .inyomi ev ir wji hi ny call-
in. Ilir iii'i fi 1 1 mile I hi r fiilhusl-
n in Mil rlni-r ilifp im'ioii, paiieuce
nn. I ii pili eli" li'lideriiei"! Wi'S matern
al Shu ii nintai.iid a c'e. r mind i the
en I. und I. i f itt'i' I and f.-eMn f tlln T, two
b'olhi'irt iii.d tbri.e linti M wcro at her
i!!'l" .l .iin,: I, t r f itll fid: lie?". S! e
ile d, us 1 1," hid fir ii.any yean lived, a
C'hI-iiiiii, .in. I ni li l bo asHurance that a
h .hie f ! e n in, I row I'lid erfe-
i ii l '! ii aili il her. ever more
in atly I'llfilie'l t; miiM'i i of woman, us
le'Clli.C'l by Mciii'ilb II ii.e fulVrtilig
bins limn did Mi-- W l.t Minn:
"Too million i.f no ii'ii "ii earth! to
Vive hiitli
To the ineiry of In-aveii d -ifiidiu on
Tue inisciou of wi naii. periiiittnl to
I I I'lte
Tit j If.'jd i.f liie t'i'ip r.l, an I K'Ai-et y it
l'hroudi the (sorrow and tiu ( earth's
regi jt''red curse,
Tue ble irig w - li ifli iniiirej up, boi n
lo mi rrc
And lo soilli an I to iluti b"i aid
lo hen!
The l i"k world It. a- leans on In". '
1 ifiic Well fipent,
Wlien y.ji iu el, rel H.e g nil ina;a-
.ii. u s n li as iii. loll iv. mi . h leiitilic
nn i b an, Harpei '.-, S. 1 1 . lie: '-, l.- dieB
1 1 ijts' ,- .bun mil, Sii'-e.'!- , S if (''il'ure,
Me (' ii'e'f, MiiiiHevV, Kceresli in,
WfsHrii Sports, I'aeitii: Furiii-r, Current
lliflory, Nhvi 1'iigl.iini M.i;ji i.i'. ui.l all
tlm l '.iibng pnp' ii piii ii-iii
The town pij.i.ft nil' lit I) nil i.t my
stand ot ) iu in tliey are iiutiliHlied.
Hoping to pIl'Bfe every one wilh the
kind o: i'.t-falur t'li'V l lirt al in V fti'Ild
eppnsi'it the depot.
11. It. Hoi m in.'! I K I : .
uud Mrp. J. A,
, ', Iyt' a ton.
Kit ke,
Tbtin d iv. I'eb
FlSIIKK-ln (bit t.t.- 1-b. Iti. 1VJ0,
I'.irbara llr. 1., .IjiiI t r id Mr. ulJ
Mrs. W. Fisbi'i. ".' I il jear utd
S iiioi.tlip, hf'i i' an buesi of teveral
I I e funeral w.n iieid nl laini'y le-
si lei.ea e-.terd.iv at - o'clock p. in., lu-
tcrment in the I .ld Fellows cemetery.
KM I'VI'ows and Kebt'kaha from the
lodges iu town attended in a b'dy.
HAKKllii Infant daugbter cf l S.
l'.aiker, of liii i ry, die 1
a'. o c.o
this IliotHltiC.
Mitermeilt at tiro 1 1 I I I e
.t i i vine-
lory at 10 oVIcck t jiiuii ruw.
Our eniciptiiug iradud uro embrac
ing the opportunity t.i trade on the peo
pled senliuiotiti. r.'i.-y bva reacy
made valentines icinceiiliiti every va
riety of taste. They have th.i c nuii:, the
setio-i'diiiic, tlm vili und lep'-ilsivo, us
well ai the beaut if ul, hearing wordi ut
Look iu ul the lUi.ip Mindiiwv, U'i you
pas', and beh. 'KI tbe of vai'Mitilup
In suit every Ki'ir.imeiit t r p.nssion.
I, A. t'lidoruo vl
i il.ia.i'l is iu the
:ity today.
Mie. John Maltbeac ' Ni'.ed to Yreka
Friday to attend at tlm bcdide of br
mother, who is yeiy iii.
J-". Fate, of Canyonviiie.brothi i of Mis.
H. L. Stephens, was m tin' city. Siitur-
Vr, S. Hamilton will be boms this
evening, tie mis luen vismin: roruauu
Astoria and J unctio i City, wbiUabteut
from the city.
Johnnie, tho eix-yeir ol I si u of F, L.
(ioiiline, ol lilundale, aeei hn'ally broke
his leg Saturday. His father brtught
him to KoFcbarg on the nv.'rland Sun
dav morning. Mr. Mutia.! lelueed the
fractuic, ami ut lust tuvJuutH, iho little
follow was rer-tli'g ea-y.
Tho remains of Win, 1'. Jordan, the
old soldier who left the Soldier's Home
on the evening cf January 0, lS.i.i, and
was supposed to have drowned bims "It
wore found yesterday moriiing nbout a
mile'bolow tho Hume. Coroner Hoover
was called and "niiinnoneJ a j-iij wtiich
returned u verdict that Jordan came to
his death bv "drowning hiniEolf wilh
suicidal intent" on tlm night of January
t, lS'.l'J. Meccased was 57 years old, and
had been a member of l h Hattery,
Light Maine Artillery.
Tho Wills F.irgn expivss box which
was stolen frpm Man Lnugi iil'org tho
evening of M.v. iiO, 1 rtiS , was found yes
terday bv John Freeman iu I'nele Asron
Hose's barn underneath Iho buy. Mr.
Freeman us fivtlng the ttoek when the
fork stiiick the hx in tlm buy, He
nolilled the tdieii:)', und it was
that a sida of the box had been broken
In, but nothing was missing. Tho thief
ha 1 found imthinu of vtilne und ull the
papers were replaced carefully in the
rrofx A n
I I V 111 1 A
Makes the food more delicious and wholesome
lutercatlng Letter from
5olem Correspondent.
Cai ual lit II.IIIMl ,Fei. i, 18!.
Mni ,t ( .irf..,.,ii.i)iic: of rialii'lttaler.)
Witn the i-loring days of (he legisla
ture on bund, the iiir.inbers la both
houses nro si, owing disposition to get
S'juarely down to work.
Three uidr. ml icventy-fiye bills
in the ho ne and 'l) in H e senate have
beon i:itiilui.e(j, and there wl. I be but
fow inoio presented. Of Iho 1)00 odd
bills no in their va'ioui ttsges, hardly
tu re than ouo-f mrih, including 'cbait-
r biil', wid Income Us.
i 'leal interest center in Iho fate of
tb; M-ilv iibotl b'xik law, paese-1 the
U'rw by u bau'lootni! majirity, bat
B'.ilt bangs lire in the houie. Tho agtnts
of the American l!ok Company make
up an active lob'iy li re Tying to
defca? paagggo of the bill in the house.
What cdei:l this "inlluence" probably
disirinutsd will have reuaains lo be seen,
but it M a fact that tbie are surface in
dications that some oi the m am hers,
who wer'( hilarious in favor of the bill
biing paised a few days ago, now are
aullcrin' from "cold-feet" in an acute I
The probabilities are that the text
ljok bill wiil pass I tie house by a nar
mw margin, unlefs new developementB
remit in its being side tracked.
It h now a special order for Mondny.
Tim passage of Whitney's bill "to lax
mortgages wae a surprife. It seems
evident that it was used us a "trader" to
se.-u'ti voles lor oilier measorei. row
th it it bus paused i If It jiie, it will like
ly t o allowed lo tpiit lly daintier in the
hands ' f aoiue committee, choold it
10 : c'.i that f-tiig".
On Wednesday ibeMulk-y a-neesu ent
law, containing many good fealuies, was
badly be it en iu ihe fei u'e ninply le-
lu-c i". contained the mor'gage tax
fe.itnr e, all)iouj in far m'Tj rational
firm than die Whitiev hid. Onlv 10
votes wre cas'. iu iih favor, and Senator
Mulkey chinged his vole lo "no", in or-
d-r 1 1 have another chance to get his
bill before the sjna'e iu n more onob-
jec'.i imible form At his request the
Vile was rt considered wilh the onder
stan ling that the mortgHg.) tax featore
would be eliminated in bis bill as meed-
el. In euch form Ihe bill wi'l pas the
The pas-iugc of teuate bill No. 4 reduc
ing tbo vote uf interest to 0 per ceot on
miiipy 1' aued by the stale from the
8:bool laud fund is in accord with Out
e'uor Ueei'o special in estate to ihe leg
islature. Tue bill as first pawed made
it possible to charge 8 per cent for such
monies, and had this prevailed, people
seeking leans would have done bcsinesB
with other paitiej. Toe biil was ie
consitkreti auu amenaeu, to couiorm
with the views of the governor. Inline
with the recommendation of the gover-
r, Senator Mulkey baa introduced a
Inll diilboiii'.ing the board of school land
cotauu-sionera to reduce the inieresi
rate on outstanding liana from S to 0
per cent, without lefunding.
Farmer'' Heed, repieseniing Douglas
cj'icly in the senate, is one of the hard
wo.kers of that body. Everybody
knows "AI." and, while he is ready to
oblige his friends, he uever overlooks
the fact lun t he is the representative of
the taxpayers and votes accordingly.
AlHeedisau irrepressible joker, and
can ed more than one broad smile to ex
tend the faces cf the senators. The
other day Senator Mtiver consumed hve
minutes in explaining his voie, in some
measure ending by voting for the bill.
O.hers followed the example of the well
known theologian from Fugeoe, acd
when the name tf Senator Heed aaa
called, he quietly arose and said ;
'Mr, l'resident I waut to explain my
vote. 1 vote aye."
Every ono eaw the point, and tt erj ta
not so much tune wasted now in es
plaining votes.
senator Maly, of Lake, has mtrt-duced
an utneniliuoni o me cousin u ion,
changing the lime of holding eh e'.ioua to
November. Should it be adopled by the
present legislature, :t would have to
again run the gauntlet the next sission.
There are strong advocates fur Buch
e'range, they claiming that the holding
of full elections would save considerable
expense, us eveiy four years only one in
stead of two elections would bs held.
Senator Daly, of Lako, ii o:ie ol the
best liked meu in the senate. He baa
eaived four years in the eenate, and a
ttrior term in the house. Although a
demuerat, it is safe to say that be nutn
burs every republican senator, in the
legisla'.uie, u bis person! friend,
Oakland Items.
(Kr.'in lliu liRellc.)
Mr, liettrto Shambrook and Mies
Martha Sliambrook are sultering from
au attack ol meifles.
S. K. Hartsock speut days
visitiua, friends in Hosebnrg the forepart
of the week.
I'uclo Jim Hutchim -n, of Koseburg
ii iu the Oakland for afewdiys. His
tiguie Is u familiar one to the people of
Deninr itiee. of Hoseburg, shook
handH wilh Oakland frieu ls, Saturday
Miss Clara Uy returned from Hobc
buig Tuesday morning, after a few days
visit wilh her brother, Dr. Hay, of thai
Mow' This?
We offei One Hundred Dollars Hen ar:J
for any case of Catarrh that cannot be
enred by Hall's Catarrh Core.
F. J. CHENEY A CO., Tropa. Toledo. O.
We the undersigneJ have known F. J.
Cheney for tho last 15 tears, ami believe
him perfectly honorable in all business
transactions and financially able to car
ry out any obligations made by their
West A Trnax, Wholesale Druggists,
Toledo, O.
Waldlng, Kinnan A Marvin, Whole
sale Druggists, Toledo, Ohio.
Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken internal
ly, acting directly opon the blood and
mocoos surface of the system. Trice 75c
per bottle. Hold by all druggists. Test
monialj free.
Tin l oljgimotH son of-e-guo!
I hear regretfully say :
"I could ne'er be happy w:t-J one,
Were t'other two cbartmrj away!"
Chicago Tribune.
Weekly Excursions to the East.
A tourist sleeping car will leave Port
land every Tuesday at 0 p. rn. via the O.
H. A N. without change to Boston, and
under the supervision of experienced
conductors. No change of cars to the
cities of Omaha, Chicago, Buflalo or
Boston. The ideal trip to the east is
now before you. Hememter this service
when going East, and consult O. K. A X.
agents, or address,
W. II. llCBLGiaT,
General Passenger Agent,
t24. Portland, Or.
Sobecribe for the Twic-a-week" Plain
dealer. It ia the oldest, most reliable
and fail dealing paper in ihe county.
Republican iu politics it treats all per
sons of adverse opinions with courtesy,
never defending to scurrilous abuse for
the purpose of gaining political advant
age. It criticises, approves or condemns
measures, not meu, and is up t date in
ta neas department.
Every town has liar or two, a smait
aieck; some pretty girls; triors loafers
than it needs; an old fogy that the town
would be better without; a woman or
two that tattle ; men who stand on the
B'.reet corners snd make remarks, about
the women ; a in in who laugh an idi
otic laugh every lime be siys anything;
scores of meu wilh the caboose of
their trousers worn as s u o.h ai gliss;
men who can tell about iho weather
and how to run other people's business,
but baye made a dismal failure of their
own. Ex.
Saint Valentine's Day
B.dow wo give the defini'itn of this
day as recorded in Johnjou's New Uni
versal Cjc'opedia. Valentine's Day,
the 14th day of Febroary, cb'erved in
commemoration of St. Valentine, a bis
hop or presbyter who was dtcipiUted
in '270 A. D., during the C.and an perse
cution at Home.
The custom of sendiuj valentines
(sentimental or comic love-uiikiug, often
in rhyme, and adorned with ornamented
or grotesque devices; ii a v;r ancient
one. Some tell us that on this day the
Roman Supercalia tFeb. loth) when
similar practices were observed.
Traces of Ihe custom have beea detect
ed araoug the bbrervances of the North
ern pagans ol ancient Flurope. Heme
it is probable tradition that ascribes its
origin to a coiumemoratioa of the loving
and charitable disposition of St. Valen
tine is a comparatively late invention.
List of Letters,
Hemainiog uncalled for in the Kite
burg posloffica:
Col man, Miss Mori Haiues, Elisha
Craohl, L. F. Mc Nieie, JiO
Fouler, Mrs. J. F. Hobiion, L. T,
Hart, Miss Jennie Hose, Wal 6"
Yarber, W. II.
Packages. 1'orJy, Mre. M. W,
Persons calling for these lelte s will
pleas state the date ou which they were
advertised. February 13. Tue le tera
will be charged for at therVe of one
cent each.
Mies Stella Hamilton returned from
Astoria on the local Sa'urJay cY'ning,
after an absence of two or time wjeks
She reports a pleasant visit, but Bays
there is no place like home.
Attention Farmers.
Briug iu your poultiy to Donier and
Martin, while they are higli, wo want
100 dozen young rooster, 5J doz?n hens
and&Odoteii broilers right off, highest
cash price paid.
Specialists for Hen
The m iJi-ralt laui liv bca
trtvUl ilm.-uu nn.' IBM
1'urilan WeaM Utm sua ctn-
I hoy Um turn Urn t tiitit
iVwC -MUlMartl Uifalu'Al III-
ttilullclt, ami tlio Uiuft
Uuatv insn-lit- tu tun U
K9 l'a Till t'uratl.
3 lTirtuti4to men liu ran
J iftcail ilmtiltt nut.' (ir4-
itw.tiiitl .,rlv-lUUtk
TliuiisainlH enroll at tu tu.
ftii Mtrt.iindeuU4ii ttiftrtf fur i ootuiUtioii
731 WWiko t'v..i;uua.,i.
(Jolo the Hotcleaf for Ihe led thai,
t ro lirts. n e Ihe 1 1 a n n l anl.
It Ml fi r Lnrgalnt and yior walch rs
For rl'slcl. rs ileiitlt-lry in lo Mr.
Little ofOekUnd.
10,00a) men wanted at Ihe I'.ns Sti re
to select great bargHina I elois It Is loo
Facts not fakee da what (mr dv
tising lolnmiis represent. He Hons
llabya "Cry for (Junior)" but their
papas try for Oiiver Plnwa thty moat
have their.
Smoke the "Artie," the best 6c
cigar of the year. Kiuso A Shambrook,
sole agents.
New ntock of ladies and misses' floe
shoes, nil the latest stylos, Just received
at Parrott Pros.
A largo and fine assortment of chil
dren's shoes just received at Tarrott
Pros. Call and seo them.
Money lo loan on city and conntry
property. 1). 8. K. Uvu k,
Marsters' Building, Hosebnrg, Or.
The W. C. T. U. will hold its regnlar
meetings on the second and fourth
Monday of every month at 7:30 p.m.
in tho Epwortb Leagne room of the M.
E. church.
County Treasurer' Notice.
Notice is hereby given to all parties
holding Douglas county warrants in
dorsed pricr to May I, l8'j(i, to present
the same at the same at Ihe treasurer's)
office in the Donglas County bank for
payment, as interest will cease thereon
after the date of (his notice.
Dated this the i!J:h dayof January,
13Dl, at the City of Hosebnrg, Oregon.
Gkj. W. Dim mick,
Coutily Treasurer, Douglas Couoly, O.'.
Physician and Surgeon,
Room 4,
Review Bullillng.
7U Muaber tit.
Drain News.
(From Tho Watchman.)
Mrs. E. C. Sacry and Miis Dema Rob
erts were bnsiness visitors at Yoncalla
Mr. G ?o. Hiei returned to ber borne
at Hueson Saturday after a visit with
relatives litre.
John Frypr, of Smitlnbnrg, limit the
county seat a businejs visit the latter
part of last week.
Mrs. P. P. Palmer, of Ssottsbur, was
in Drain Thursday on her nay home
from a visU wilh her danghltr, Mrs.
Cheshire at Eugene.
Dr. C. E. Wade, formerly of Ibis place
is now permanently located in Roseburg
and, at a nueccssfiil practitioner, will no
doubt receive a goodly share ol the prac
tice i a. that i icini'y.
C. C. Ward, of Seatila, who has been
with the U. S. Geologicd Survey in
8)cther;i Culifornia this past winter,
S oped cfl t this ptaee last eight for
visit w'uh his friend, J. (i. Hefty.
MrJ. Mary Jones, wiio has beeu rc
diving Irfa'mwnt in a i'ortlan I hospital
for the past four mimh., returned hon a
yeaterdar. She w.w aceompanicd by
her dang'iter, .M'Si Mollie, who has
spent the past four months, in Port
Mr. Wm Mo-re Sr.. of Kt li. gg, went
to Dodge Canyon the first of fait week to
attend ti e funeral of his tUngh'er, Mrs.
James Allison. Mis. Allison was for
merly a resident ul tlrs place; the leaves
husband and fevera! c' i'dren to
mourn her los
Nearly every community is infested
ith a class of ignorant, ill-bred gessips,
nd we are sorry to no e that Drain ia
not entirely exempt (r un a few of this
class. ThebotUr p'an. however, is to
give the ca'f plen'y ' f r pe, iu due
time he will get his jou rewards. We
ars sorry for Drain, and glad we live in
osuburg. There are noco of that class
here. Ed.
There was a surpriie wedding (to
some) Sunday c veiling a. Ihe Pretbyter
iaa church. Miss Clara Hehiwell ai d
Mr. Leonard Daughter- were the bride
and groom. Rev. Blair performed Ihe
ceremony and after tie congr it illations,
their fnen 's were entertains I at the
residence of J. F. Dauiierty, where re
freshments and miiti: occupied their
lime the rest ol the eveniu?.
Couoty Treasurer's Notice.
Notice is hereby given to all parties
holidng Douglas ccunty warrants in
dorsed prior to Ju'y ' 15, 18. 0, 'n present
the same at toe treasurer's ofliee in the
Douglas County bank for payment, as
interest will cease thereon uf'er the date
of this notice.
Dated this the 2Jlh d.y f Jan. 1809'
at the City of Hoseburg, Greou.
Geo. W. Dimmick.
County Treisurer, Douglas bounty, Or.
County Treasurer's Notice.
Notice is hereby given to all parties
holding Douglas county warrants in
dorsed prior to Dec, 1, 1805, to
present the same at the treasurers oflke
in the Douglas. County hai k for pay
meat, as interest will cease thereon
after the date of thia notice.
Dated this the 0 h day of Jan. IS1W,
at the City of Hoseburg, Oregon.
Ckd. W. Dimmick.
County Treasurer, Doug us County, Or
Dr. Wade was called to Drain on Fri
day lastly tie a'ckneis of one of hi
Drain patients.
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Boughs
Bears tho