THE PLA1NDEALER mtlltbel Montay mil Thiirnlaj-. V Tilt 1-I.AIKDKAl.KR rUBUMUSO CO. . It. HI RA1KOR1) . :. V. BENJAMIN Kdttiir. ,. ..Manager, ahncrlpllon On Var.. M( Month Tlirr Houi'u. Rules. tKKlUAKY 13. 18iU. R05l".llL'Rcr5 NEW DEPOT. Work on Ilie new depot huiMing U progreteing r 'ti y . Tlio i iTalina i" ' Urge, l'tit nfvi'iiholM, it i!l lx one of the iK-nt on Hie roa.l. A la w freight depot, much Inrcer tlinii ttio M ono, Will l built just wl of ilie lVKt hotel. Woik ha bfgun on the con tinc'i n of t!ie t e railroad fcalts, and vveral lie linos of Iraek and lew round house will le built, travel traiua aill 8-ion be mm i-ig tu fill in and level up tho grounds. We lirlieve that the company will do nil they aj.rte.1 to do and ureal deal more. On a c user- vatire estimate they will ;end more f linn fiO.OOO in improving 'ho depot nnJ grounds witbin Ibe next .two yeais, and (hut will metn a g eat deal to Uwclwr,!. PATRIOTS VS. COPPERHEADS. lurii.8 the rebellion there whs large clars ol people in the north w ho de dared the war to be a failure, who said the eoutn could never be conquered, who opposed the administration of Abraham Lioio'.n and tailed him ail the vile uatuea of which lying, 'ecitfui tongues are capable; who, in a word were south ern sympathizer?, an. i used all their in fluence to aid the kcuth. Patriotic peo ple called theru copperheads. Wd tbey fight the natiou's battle? No, indeed. Not one was found in the army, bat tbey stayed north and uinler the protec tion of the dig criticised the a luiiniet ra tion and gave aid aud couifort to the enemy. They were traiforp. Again our naticn is plunged in war. Again wo sec senators opposing, abusing and traducing the aJtuinistration and publ.u uitu Ixfi in and out of con gress, echoing the monthinga of Agon cillo, and repeating bis warning with the statement that it will take ten years to comrocr the Ki'.ipinoe, that we are op- pressing a brave people struggling for their liberty, bach ineu target that tbey re Americans, and prove that they are unscrupulous demcgog'tes .ho would sacrifice the beet interests of the'r coun try to gain a politic! point. The popocratic press has taken the cue and but few of tbem are supporting the measures that should be supported by the entire American people regardless of party. They denounce the ratifica tion ot the treaty of peace, audit was the sympathy the Filipinos got from Americans who are opposing the admin istration tbat caused the recent out break in Manila. Those pessimistic pa pers exclaim in holy horror at the idea of subduing a liberty-loving people kill ing a few thousand Filipinos and depriv ing those tritesof their wild liber'y. Tbey know nothing about, and tare nothing for the "White Man'a Burden," questions of right and wrong concern them no?, but tbey will sacrifice every principle of Americanism, and they will sacrifice our brave boys in Manila, if by any means they can embarrass the ad ministration, and hope to reap some political benefit for themselves. Tbey have placed themselves in the earue jo sition that the copperheads occupied and tbey have but tbemeelves to blame when they find their names classed with the copperheads o the war, and the "Hartford Convention tederaliel" of 1814. Tbey will go down in history with a greater reproach upon their Lames than that which Mill ciing to the federalists who opposed the war with England, or the Knights of the Golden Circle in war limes. But there are democrats and populists wbo have stood by the president in these trying times, pa'riois who placa princi pie above party. Among the n urn be we notice fieneralj litzbugh Le and Joe Wheeler, Senators Morgan and Gray and Henry Matterson, the greatest liy ing democrat. Tomorrow, February 11, Valentine day, is the fortieth anniversary of the abmission of tho state of Oregon into the Union. mi . . iue American army in Uuua wire nearly all regulars. In the Philippines they are nearly all volunteers, but they gti 'here just the same. J-Jitor fetratford, who has teen id Alaska during the wiDter, as a special agent of ths interior department re turned home last Friday. lis will probably return to Alaska about May lit. Miss Jones, eJitor of the Drain Watch man, came up to Corvallis with the ex cursionists, Wednesday. She is the only lady editor in Oregon, a position ehe tills with modesty and much ability. Oregon Union. Tula legislature is going down in his tory with the credit ot refusing to do a lot of foolish and injurious things it was asked to do. This will be the sweetest flower on its more orlesa honored grave. Salem Stateimau. Portland ministers are leading a crustde agiinst si lo entrances to aloooa. Th-y believe that if a man wants a drink ho should not be abharued to go iu at the Iront door, and if he U he bad better May out entirely. Tillman, of South Carolina, should not feel butt about being called "the I Senator from Aifiiinaldo." Thn nd li-J lion of a nold whlttil and gold-lipped I ran to hit H'cMotk w.hiM lirrnonlie exactly with hit recent prancing in the, senate. Globe democrat. A man has been pent to tho insane asylum from Tortl ind lor writing silly lots poetry. A new departure. If the precendent Is followed the avlum will have to b. otiUuod, I r it is (aid tbat every man a' coiha time in bis life rnakM a fool of liiuneU br w. I'in a love "pome." Kven Washington was guilty. The only poem be ever wro'e wa a love effusion - "Reproduce in 1.100 the ticket end Issues of 1S;K, with an anti expansion plank added and there will be. notbirg left It the mourner to do the event except to cl ue the op?n grave a-ul plant some II iwers above the re mains of the democratic paity, with the legend: "Gone to meet the federate and whig." Henry Wailereon in Ibe Courier-Journal. Don gl an county may wet I fl roiul of the work being accomplistied by Sena tor A. W. Reed in the bg dative halls at Salem. Caroful, painstaking and ever on the elert for tho best interest ot our county, be is giininjt an enviable repu tation as leing a tru representative of the people. Such conduct on bis part righifu'lp should, and docs merit tho highest esteam and respe't of the citi censofthis touuty. IVain Watchuiait, Appreciating the impossibility of oper ating a campaign from Washington, General Otis has been notified that the president leaves in bis hands the cou duct of the war, and he is instructed to act vigorously and bring the hostile na tives to subjection with all speed. This is right. General Otis is on the ground and knows just what will be required and he should not be hampered by or ders from Washington. Our interests in the Philippines tnav i e safely left in the hands of Otis and Dewey. The peo ple may be thankful that the conduct of the war is in their hands rather tban in tin hands of the eenaie. The silliest argument made against the increase of the recular army is that the army will be used to overawe and oppress the people. American so.diera are not built Itbat way. It will be re membered that wj diebinJed more than a million trained soldier J iu 10G, and sen', them to their homes peacefully, thougi European nations (ail it could not be done. No one th?n thought that a large army wat a menace to the liber ties of the people. Tbs American sol dier is the best soldier in the world, and bis arms bavd never bten u-seJ except in the cause of liberty. Some people have very little confidence in American insti tutions. The new words, grafts and grafter have come lo stay. In Kansas a bill has been introduced defining the words and prescribing a punishment for a per son found guilty of "grafting." Accord ing to it a "grafter" is defined to be any person who loafs around legislative balls seeking employment by persons or cor porations interested in measures pend ing before the legislature, and any mem ber of the legislature who introduces bills of a prohibitory character for the purpose of extorting money, and who assists outside grafters in securing em ployment for intended victims. Any person convicted of being a grafter shall be fined f 10 to $500 aud be disqualified for holding aoy office. County Treasurer's Notice Notice is hereby iven to all parties holding Douglas county warrants in dorsed prior to November 15 1S9G, to present ttie same at the treasurer's otce at the Douglas County bank for pay ment, as interest will cease thereon after the date of Ibis cotice. Dated this the 'Jth day of February l'Jl, at tho City of Roseburf, Oregon. Geo. W. Dimuiik, County Treasurer, Douglas County, Or. The McClallen. Messra. Good & Post of Portland have leased for a term of years the McClalJen and Van Houten hotels. Both houses will be under one management. They are genial and affable gentlemen and will doubtless maintain tho reputation of this hostelry . We bespeak for tl.em a liberal patronage by the traveling and local public. Petition. To Hie Honorable Ciiitv Court of Lionel Trie unileriijmied leirft! ntl i-irty.-iiK .f -h;iilalc 1'reulnut, iioiiKlaa County, State ot Oreicon. ri-pectfullr lx tition your Honorable txjdy to Kraut to II. WootHoM, t hus. Aylue and W. G. berniiUjiii. firm inum. tt I. Vniir..r.i a Co.,u lK-i-UM.' t" U Mriluouii, nialtan'l vinom li'iuorn In lea iUumitim than oue gallon, iu aid Glundale 1'reuluvt, Iwuglan Couittv, Slnie ol Oruxoii, lor the t rru of mi moiiUm. Thutnaid Ititlomr will apply to your Honorable Courl Jo. nuid IkeiiKe ou II i c loth day ol Maruli. 1!W. balvd at Uleudalu l-Ti i-im-l. Ijiiuiliu I'nunii- i-tate of Oregon lliin J'nli day of January 1W. ', W, Atwoo-I, fcr. C. J. TolU-u, I " UllllliKf. .1. T. Woodward. V. I.Hdv. I'. K. IIoIk tIh Krank 1'Iotiii-r, (ico, A. Hoobx, B. Johnaoii. O W. (.order, (i. M. Htldhaiu, J. H. Adauni, J. L. fox, J. M. Kennedy, Lee Wood, i. ,llberuin, K. M. Welch. K. A. Wall, V. Wood. Milea Itainacy, eier L iaiu, '. A. Javouca. V. H. buauk. L. Axher, Jax. Bartruru, W. Kilgorc Cbaa. AuMiin, Ui o. W. holt, rhuH Cook, It. 11, I.UCUH, Krank Barveut, f. TotUiii. . H. fiorsline, .i'hillp, I.. iJc-H'fV. baa. it. Null, i rank i OKiei, J. F. 'Jerry, K. K. Holu, W. 1). W Ileo.v, S C. Warn, Jolm Saundera, A. (i. I 'larkv, Ilentley tin, K. I'urKCr, . t.iarke, Hloiuiii, M. Grant. I .on Aylili. LaiiKiiiiH-ia, A. Moon, , f. Tower. c. . Aiv-oi, .ir. Notice la hereby id veil Ibut tin- uudcrn'jrucd ill lioply t(i (ho iU-,,,.rMbtu CoiinLv r.'titirt of i;oiU!a bounty, btuta of "regon, ut the March term of Court, for a liceliku to hell Mdrilouw malt uil'l vluoua ll-j ui ia ill lefa ialititica than one HttlJcin, fur the tt-rin of aix months, In the lownol i.len.lale, in. aceordiiiiee wllh the Ion goiiii; petition. II. Wool, I oltu, i lia i. A VK II, IV, i,. llr.HNMi-.iv. DROIT REBELS BACK Sharp Skirmish With Mlipinos Near Camp Dcwcy. THt CAPItRL Ot C.U0CAN. Rebel Driven From Their Camps and Americans Advance I pon flaloloit. Mvmi.a, Feb. II KjiIv tivlav Ibe monitor MonadiKNk and the ruicr I havleften btgati itreppirg theHs into the rel-el camp between Calovvaii and Malabon. The eiemy'a sbnipehooierH in the j irgle on the American led bud bosa ptrticularly annoying eiuco d.v light.solh) Third artillery drove the rebels out of the pingle at no n. In the mean im? a lew more i( uur men were wounded. The loe of the eueiny is esti mated at fully 50 killed and wounded to ons American killed or wounded. 5 p. in. The heat today kmcktd out man more of our men than did the Filipiuos' bulWts, eopeeially iu the lands north of Malabon, where the Kansas regiment was stationed. Fully n score were taken to the hospital. Tho rail- roal is now 0en to Caloean, plies for the troops are being by ra'.l. and sup forwarded The 13a1 tie of Caloean. Manila, Feb.. 11. 1 :13 P. M.-lhe following additional particular nvxrd ing the capture cf Caloean have been ob tained: The insurgents had been con centrating for day at Calocui, and Otis the American commander, dttcimintd to attack them . Ho instructed bis com manders ace jrdiugly, and rcj UMte I tho assistance if the nival for.ei under the counuaud of IVwey. Maj.r-General Mac Arthur rep uted tbat all was ready, aud at 3 o'clock he received th-. (j'l)-v-iog uietsae : "Cominondir.g general or.ltrs ou to g) ahead with programme. Harry. " lhealta.k legin imruediatelv. 'I he monitor Monadootk an I the eruiser Charleston thelltd CaKxan and the country north o'. it for half au bcur. MacArthur's artillery also did etl'-jctive work from a Li 1 in the retr. At 6 o'clock "cease tiring" and "re call" were coundel. Trie trojps were then well through Cilocan ami to the north of it. The city is now quit ter aud bueine s is better than at any time eiuce the out break of hostilities. The American loss.-s yea'.erday were three men kdlel an I wouuJed, among the wounded being galljnt Lieutenant-Colonel Uruce Wallace, of the Montana regiment, and a lieutenant of tbej Second cavalry, who was shot through a lung while leading a charge across the open country. I'hotuemy'a toss was heavy. BILLS ALLOWED. Additional Claims Allowed by the County Court Jan., Term iSoo. Edgar Walker, drawing jury,. . . o 00 John McClallend, " " . .. -' 00 WW Walker " " .... J 00 C L Watson, Stale vs Cavite, 8 00 Harry Williams, " l 30 M M Whitlow, " 1' CO Tbos Shruui, " 1 !A) James A MctJinui?, " 3 00 Ira li Riddle, " o 00 E B Chapman, jury lis', 3 10 II L Ingles " i' L0 tleo Whitlow, " - 10 OIIBuell, " 3 00 T A Williams, " - 00 A ti Buell " 1' 00 Jno McCul'och, inueet Wilhaun 1 0 DrEVlIoovr, " 13 00 W K Mann, " 1 :'0 J S Ijidb, tetate vs Decker, 3 ij TAFinley " 1 o HOatman, " 3o J S Lane, fitanj vs Weaver, 33 Homer Uatruan " 'i 00 T A Finley " ' -10 C P Knell " 1 70 Clarence Lailey " 1 'M Tbos Owens " l 30 W P Lady, Mtate va Lei will, 3 43 8Fieorge, " 0 30 W Horn, " 0 50 Jno Anderson, " 0 30 Wm Acosta, " 0 30 TJIiuteher, " Si 80 T 11 Singleton, Htatu vs Durkhai t, '.) 13 Dr E V Hoover, " 4 50 A D Attenger, . " 7 70 DP Fisher, " 5 00 B F Nichols, drawing jury, 0 00 Geo It Kiddie, ' -1 00 ( i W Benedict, " 7 00 J 8 Lane, ' 3 CO, " l' 00 F M Gabbert " -'00 llli Gillette, State vs Burkhart, i 00 Jas Churchis, " 0 W W B VanZile, " 1 M L h Kamsey, " 'J 10 H Xegus, " 8 '0 Mis Harah Kcott, " 8 00 Keuben Maioters, " S 10 .' ert Clayton, " 'J -0 iMarsters, " 'J -0 i I Thompson, State vs Bloods worth 7-10 W II Joy, State vs Blooduwoi lb, 7 W Kube Smith, " 7 40 EAKoatb, " 7 40 Thos Howard, " 5 10 Preston Calwell, State vs Ohlte:j, 10 20 T W Billings, " 10 00 .lames Jackmu, State vs Wallace - 40 Paul Zigler, imjuest Williams, 1 'M S K Sykes, " 1 20 Wiley Pilkingtoii. " 1 20 K L Kidder. " 1 20 Chas Hamilton, " 1 20 Juo MeCnrdy, Iniptest WilliauiH, 1 70 Jxi Min:ird, " 1 7 r T o i " 1 70 WGa.l.Hf, " - 1 70 Win PioUmatt, " t 70 Albert Willis, t 70 Dr K Dutias, " It 70 C V r-iiell, Stale va Weaver U 40 Dr II B Hough, SUto va Scott 10 40 Lew la Marftera, - 12 40 J O W a muley, 13 40 Walter Cowan, " li 40 Mft,-g;e Lorg, 12 40 Wm Pivmnirr, G j uy !' 00 J P Matiln " 8 t0 .!. Clen.ei.t " 2t IH) Walter B ivlo, Stato va llakin. 8 80 llyman lltn.iley " 12 20 IMdi Ctmrvhili " 7 20 A It IVmw.1I ' A 20 W I. Nichols " t M I hoe I'l.urchlll " 7 :0 Ja.U Smilb " II 4) Jiioli.ckley " 2 1.0 lloury Yokum ' 0 80 Jja itoniiivan " 4 20 V. I Kenfio " 4 20 I'has GulcbuH " 18 t'O F It Wait " : 40 John So till " 80 Ftnma Smitli " 7 80 Maty Smith " 7 SO Julia Mi.lor " 8 00 F.dwiu Brady " Brandt 8 00 V S Ireland 8 00 GKTrovl " 2 20 F.lmer WvlH " 7 0 Wm Well " 7 M liny Price " Weaver o t'0 Thos Oaena " 7 20 Claiencj Bailey " 80 K A Findley 8 40 II W Miller, " VanZilf, 11 00 DPFUhor, " 2 20 V C Londou. " 5 SO II W Miller, Jury List 3 00 V C Lou Ion. " 2 00 K Mellroom. " 2 00 II M Oatuian. Jury vs Ohtheii 0 00 F. DuGas, w it State vs Bnnkbarl, 10 50 E DuGas, " 4 50 John Purdue, petit Jury, 10 00 J S Wi!r, " 13 00 E T Wtxdrt.(T " 10 00 F Won), " 10 50 TJGill.uu, " 1100 W II Olvant, " 10 00 li W Bei edict, " 10 40 E.ISaiy. " 15 20 J.lin Binhop, Sr, 11 40 DTI.-.II " ; f0 M M Bacon, " 10 40 B l ickfor.l. " ! 20 C W, " 2 20 li W Bslee, 8 20 David Hughes', " 13 20 I T Miller. " 11 20 ! E E Emmett, tirandJttry 13 20 ioilFlook, " 12 00 II II (iardner, " 10 50 U 11 Martindale, " 13 CO John J Loug, SihI vn cl', 12 80 Win Kichards, " 12 40 Joseph Huffman, " 12 00 J W Wise, " 11 03 ZLCox, " 12 (X) J T Burkhart, " 2 20 Jaa A Oo. " 10 00 James Pool, State vs Hanks, 10 00 Archie Lidy, " 11 CO Wm Perdue, 13 00 Sau; Perdue, " 13 00 AbeGilboe, " 13 00 E L Goodriilge, " 10 80 FW D.llanl, State vs Jacob', 0 20 EJ Huston, " ti 0 II W Miller, ' 0 20 Fied Shel'.on, Stale vd Burkhart 0 40 Dr E DuGa, " 2 20 Ella Burkhart, " 4 00 TE Singleton, " 10 00 Fred Baleman, ' 0 40 ( ieo Kn.nrr, " U 40 .las Beaslry, " 5 00 II W Mil'er, Mate vs Turpin, 4 HO V C LonJon, . 2 aO II W Miller, " Jno Doe 2 85 II W Miller, ' Arringtou 4 30 F W UillarJ, " " 2 20 li W Miller, " Ah May 7 00 F W DillaM, ' " 2 20 Wm VanBureu, " " 1 70 B J Bovingtuti, " Doe A Koe 2 70 WBMelley, " " 3 40 B J Bjvingtoti, "Tipton 3 25 W K Medley, 7 25 B J Bjvmgo:', " Scj'.t 7 25 Bo'oert Me Bey, " 7 5'.) J C WoiuiBiey, " ' S (W Lewis MaretcJ, ' " S tiO Fred Fisher, " VanZile 1 20 A .1 11 II jwh, ' ' 1 "J0 (i A Willie, " " 1 -M S J Thofton, " " 1 20 J B.-ckley, " " 1 2-1 K C Il Ucliiiie, " ' 1 'J0 Alva Dowell, , " " 1 70 Archie D iwell, " " 1 70 Waller Tulle.-), " " 1 70 S C Eartrum, " 1 70 J C Aiken, " " 1 70 il J Wilson, " " 1 70 li li IJauiian, " " 1 70 Notice. r. I tso Okh k, I'.o-ehiirg, Of gnu, Keh. 10, low, .p-ljy given t f i ut the a'.roed ol tin- lolloHliia tuMUKhloa hate l- i.HlH Ol l':i:u 1 1 i Oregon ilr . I en it'im tbc Mineyor Ueiieral lur t-. -mt: I o. 11 - ti i i'l Ilalige 7 IV cat. I owiixlili, Jti ri., Kaime 8 Went. To.-. n,lii, r, H., Kaugu 8 Went, in U. 'im-Miay, Mureh 15. IWJ, at Am! 'J rii Ollill.-, k a. bi. hiii iiata win w men mi inn mi l Ui' linn) eiiiliraued therein Hill be to ' ii try on nml all' r that ilat.'. J. i. ISKlbUKH, II. ll'i'il ll, Kigialvr, Keener. OJiCU The Home Bakery 701 Oak Street, Opposite Central Hotel. Fresh Uaked Bread Every Day Pits, Cakes, Huns and Cookies, Constantly on Hand. MRS. B. C0MST0CK, I' Admlnlstrntor'n Notice. Ntirti'K Is IIKHKHY tit VKN 'I'll A T IMK lliiderliiiii'it na aduillillratia ol Ho eatale t I. H. NlehoN, deoeaae.l, have tlh-d lliell thial aeeomil with IhiM ounly t'lera ot lunmtaa t'ountv, on-mui, ami the Hull, t'onnly .'.i.tue haa IUimI Moti.Uv the ol It ilny ot Match, Ivm, ui to'elnt k a. m, the Hut for hearliiHoliJ.'elloua lo 1I amoiiiil kikI tut the aellleineiit ot the Mine. Hoochura. "-. J. If'''-'- I'. K.". I l Nlehol. Jr. AilmltiliUinlxt". AJminl.4trator'!t Notice. X'Orit'K l! IIKKKItY I I VKN TIU I' I UK late i ' nn.teralKii.-it a lmlullraloi- ol the of tanU lla Ni. 'hula, il.vt'i.M'O, lim llh it hl mini neeoiint with the I'niii.U t'leia l t'.mnlv. Hi. noil, ami the Hon. I'minly Jmlje h lle,l Momtav Hie i II. .try ol Man-li. ivu ai v n ehn k a. in. as the lime lor hvaiuia ot)- lioiia loaal.l an-iiiiiil a-.1 lot the m-ukmiu hi i m" ame. Koaehlll)!. thCKoll, JiUiiiaiy :i lv I. ll M.-h. l. J'. A.t m in U 1 1 ii I.. . NOTICU FOR ltiltLIC.VII(N. lto-eiuiv. t!r.-aoii, Ki l. .'. hw. Nolli o l.lo ivi'V ultrli llial In eoinpllnio t- wlili Hi,' l.i-wv IkIoih ui Ihea.T ol l oimie-.oi June :l. Ivs. itilllUil "An art lor I he al.' ol llmher lamia in Hie Malta ol t'alll.i'iila, t'l Ron, NeiaUamt V aliliKtoii l errlioiy. I.KUIii.K W. lillil'I.K ot Ithhlle. . I'otiiilv ol lioiialu, Mm,- ol iiv L-.oi. una .! nun in iiu n so.n atatri.i.'lit No i,'.' I. lot-lhe itireliAM. of the H U i .. M v.'. l i-lloii No. in lownhl No. i a. Kanwe No 7 W . Kiel n Hi niter i.tool l. rhon thnl Hie laiol aoiiahl I" more t iml'l,' lor IU tlmU'r or "tone Hunt lor n-'rh iilitiinl oiitoi.ea mil,. ,.ll.llh ina i-lnltii to.nhl laiol l' I the liei:ller ami lic. elti r ol lhl olli. .' at loe Inn. tir,'on. oil rMiir.!ny, the I 'til .lay a. .,11 IVM lie ll a mi-. ltui" .lohi-'li A. Nlioiton, ot Kl.hlle. t)r. W. II. Cmilh, ol lullarl, in. Il,'ii Klither. ol lilihlle. Or. Ko-.l Si.iiiI. imhi, o Kl'hlle, Hi'- Anv Mll.l nil llitlin Ina ailtciM'W ihr aUire .h'M'rlli-.l tiiii.l a i e i- uiu-Heil lo llle th.'lr elalina in Hila tuhee on or tn'lore aai.l t lh day ot Afrtl, J. I. IHtilhil -i. Jtlllil liemater. Sum ntons. IN TIIK i' I 111 t IV tul'ltr IT TIIK MTATI I ol tlii'iimi for lloiiiilna roiimy. W. . Kent, riaiultir, 1 va. I Suit In i ' 1 1 1 1 1 S. J It- Trine. Harry Trine, Kll Trine, t:liarle Trine ami U, M. Haaaell, lal.-n.l aula. lo l-orvilo.e I Mortae. Tod J II. Trill.', Harry Trtne. I-Me I line ami t'harlea I rine, alnix e iiiiiii.kI iK'ieiiiUnl" In Hi.-mime ol the Stat.-ol r uoii ton ate hi-n-hv rtMUlnil to ai.pear nml anii'r the emu- i.lalnt III. . I ak'liit you in the i iitltlr.l nit. on or iH'Ion' the llrt itay ol t lie lie t ivkii lar term o( the alo e entitlM i ourl, town, on or In-fore Momlav. March '.v. l"'' ami II on tall to ai'lx'ar or anauer I'luhilUt , . ini- olnt ajralut toll na afon-iaol u ithtn aaoi lim.-, I- ani ih,rei(. i.liilnllil will afi'ly to I he e-mrt tor the n'liel il-' In hl i-oiniilnliit n lot- Iowa, lo-ttit: Kor the lorechamre ot a i .-rtnin morinatn. eH-iitr.l ly aai'l .l.'l.-ii'latit s. J ll. Trine ami Kllaheth I rlne III favor ol lhomaa hrewwii. oil I he ."Jth .liiv ol March 1V.. lo ,-cnre the iMivinellt ot two certain lirinlory nolo lor Ilie iu"i;r, Kiit'' 'iin "I I 'Jo ii with intcri".! thereon at Hie rate ol o n wr cent iar aiiiium troin fhM ilale u li le li - 1. 1 note aiel leoriiiaiic tiate Nt-D rielop..-,! ami tv. unci to Hlalntiil, ami hlch inortaiiv.-cnt eycl lor tin 1'urp.i' of ecnrini! altimU'lH'.llnea tticlolto.i mi; ilevrilieil real i.roianiy, louil: llcuiiiiilin; at Hie N. W, corner ot s,c. : In T. -.'J s. It. A et ol NMIIainette M.irvlian. thence cat al-'iuMlie north line of mini action ;i, l I, lln-nee soiitii w nl'. theiiee et 1 nl to west line ol until acetion '.i, thence alnix wil'l line m to nlaie of iH-iitnnini:. I'oiitr.lnlna aere. more leaa. In HoiiKlaa I'onnly. :ate of nnxmi, an. I upon uhii'h uioriKaire indel'tc'liiesa th. re t" mt tine the I -lainilll ine ainn ol atii.iuniiu liner il (rni February .'. IvJ. at the rale of ten p cent tier annum. Ali I t u nekuo nl I I'lnintnl eiaita ami .liahurviui nt lieroln ami (or tuch other relief aa ti toatol lor lu I'lnini ill' a coinplaiut and aa tin-court may ioIju'K'i1 meet ami fiuitnDic Thla aiiinuioiia is iitihliahr. .1 hy onler of 11 J. YV. Haimltott, .Imtm. ol arl.l fieirt, wttuli aiil orJcr la date.! Kel ruary .'. I-". The tluie !'rrcritetl lu al'l cr.lcr for tin miiiiiuioDi it otic.- a vuvk or alx iic ka iircccc'l init the lin.1 ilay of iail term "f curt ami (In itate of the hnl loitjllcaliou of Dili Mitiiiuoini Ik Keb, J. l-'.'.. V. W. HKV-OIN K.'tT Atlorncv ("r rialntill Notice Kor Publication. IMtm Si iii' I.iMiOrniK, KovburK. I'reKoii, Jan. '.T , lr.. Notiee is hi reliy Kix-ii that thn follow mi; naineil aeltl. r haa lllel notice of his luteiitloi to make final proof in aupport ot luai Unn, nml that aaiil rrool III 1h; nunle la foro the Krizln ter ami Receiver, Untte.l Matea l.sii.1 i nllcc at K' seburu. "re., mi March 11. ik'.i, II. 1.1 AM K. I'OI.ASII. on 11. E. No tut:, for tho . W. i4 N. W. i.see. s 1 p. 11 ti , K. 1 W. lie iininea the follow iuk wit ne-'fea lo .roe his i.-ontliiiioiis real'leiice tinou ami eultitattou ol alit lain), I. Ivny Hum an, ol Ho-eliuri;, Or on. Joint llarker.ofuak I re. k, nnxon. a. l . iniraer, ol una tii't'k, i 'renoii John lin'ler, o t'nk I'rvek On-sim J. I. HKIlKil J Will Kl'Klali r. Summons. T N THE tllll I ll infUTi'K Till: A of Uri Koti, lor liouslus i ouiity. S ii -a ii iim It li. rialntill. ; - 1 A 1 I. A J. Shi). lev, W. W. fiii.l. y. Mariraret I. Kolierta, ami J. I I KolaTts, her liu.sbaml, o. t..i Mct'arDpl" II, Viola -tone, mi'l uit in K -, nil : Molie, In-r husbaml, t. IIh i to l'tMeeI,,e -mitli, umlt'. A. -mlUi, li. i ; aM";t liusbnU'l, A'la Met'aint'lH-lt, Jaim-a Arthur Met anileli, ' William Mi I aini.b.11, i(o . MeC'HTDliln-ll, nll'l S.K. A'lnlns the a-lniinisirnt'T ot the e- : tab- of Dm hi -. Me uiii.bei:. ; ileeense-.!, liefemlanta. , Ton. H. .McCainplell ami Jane a Aitlmr Me Ciiiupbcli : In the Name of the Slate ol (T'K' ii toil nre hereby n-'-iuireo to apin-ar nml uti'tter Ine coi.i plaint lllfl uxainsi you in thenloc i nlille. anil mi or lnfore the first ilay of the uet ri-K't lar term of tho alaive ntitleil court, until On or In;Ioi( Momlny, March Jo It", nml If t"U fall lohiit'carur aii.tcl i.lniiitlirs c, plaint against y-m, a. iil'-n n'l, ttilhiu .al'l tunc, for iraut thereof, I'laluiiil tt ill apply to the court lor tm-rein i ,iei,iiiul 'I in i..t emu plaint ns folio tt a, tottit: For Ilie fi, u;.;. .sure III 11 I'.-ltaill lllortliaKe t eellfci be tin; sni'l tie f. ntlants, A. J. Milph y nml W. vV. nhiph-y. in fatrif plnlntlir, on tin- 1-1 ilay of i it (!,' r, I-VjG, to set-in,., tin.-put iiietii of a eert.ilu prom. Isaury note ft ,r tho -u-i iill.., unit interest thereon at Hie rate of lu per cent p.-r milium from sahl ttate. upon tvlin h tin re is uotv ilue Ihesumtii with Interest fi.ou iei.,,i-r :il, is'.ia, .ai'l inoitKiiK'- eontt'tini It, .altlplmu till ftr that purpo'"' the lullou ilut .I-miiI'I real propt ity, tiewit J t In in lllm k I, in -litilrilin.s atl'lltiou lo Vom:i,i:i, lu littiiitlns County, itate of Oregon. Al-o lor a Juihriueiit for the sum of li.-.m, w hich plnlni III lias tM't-u (.-oititH lletl to pnv for luxes Hsbt-asetl iiKiuiist saul moi IK'igetl preuiisi-M, for siieh Hltornev m fees as tin-coin t stinll hiIjiuIko ri-nHonnble fur tlulii. titrs i otu ami tlinbnrsi!uii:iita lii-n-in uml ior miii-li other lelief na in prnyetl f , in sahl eoui- plHinl ami is the i-uurt may ioIJU'Ik" meet nli'l MUitaljIe. 1 hi" hii in ii ioiiM Is piiblislit'il In oi.lei of Hon. J. W, Hamilton, Jtl'lKe of sahl ourl, wiileh saltl outer Istlateil Him:. .11, lvja. he tluie preaerllMtl In anul oriler for liila iitiiimoiia is onee a week fur ! wireks preee.-il- liiK the hrst uay of aaiil term of court ami the lute or me nrst iiiioiicatioit ot una summons i Jan. hi, Is'j, f. . HE..iir, jl0t7 Atluruey lor IMulutiir, Oh, How Thankful Pain Waa Maddenlnc and Ho do Had Been Abandonod - Wondor fui Results of Wurifylng tho Blood. "A very nevere jtuln tumu in my left knee, which (jrtjw uml wniHe, and Anally a ior'j broke, out hIjmvo tho knee. It diHcliarKi-d a until deal mid tho iuin (rorn my thifh down wu maddening. Large, hard, imrjilo unota appeared oil my leg. I Buffered In thU wuy for ytara, and gavo up all hope of ever hting cured. My wife waa reading of n cuo liko mlno cured hy llood'ti KarHuiiariihi, and aha advlmd mo to try It. 1 hegiiu taking it and when I hud iihkI n few hoLtlea I found relief from my mifftrlng. Oh, bow thankful J am for Una relief I I am stronger thun I have ever heen in my lifo. I am In tho In-Ht of In nil li, imvo a goo l iji)icllto and am a new mini ultogelhtr. ' J. J'. Mooiih, Mahou FallH, Mulne. Hood's SS jM' hest - 111 fuel Hie Ouo Tl'uii 111. mil I'm il i'. lood's Pills '.urn nil liver 1 1 If. ;: ciiiH. they Are Humify; irnyrr ENGLISH ID GfRill EXPERT SPEOUKR Kite I'ht sn imif nihl Hiiiiteoiis, ll Ui.ulualcs fitini Hie tvs I Meillcal l ollines ill the Worhl. Iiumm nti ntvtl iimlcr tlio l.nwa of I'nlllurultt lar flijo notii l-:Nlnlllailirl Twrnt c Vratrat. A part of tho stall of the Knnlish and German lCxpcrt Specialists ami Dr. Meyers & Co., will make their regular monthly visit to ROSEBURC, lliursday, February 23rd, 1899. They will le at the McCUAM.KN IIOUSK. t'NMl I.T ATION A Nil AIIVI1 i: I'Mlii:. Aiuuiiit tin- Alliuiulat 1'nrctl ljr llic llinillali Mutl lrnnaM I'.apcrl Mpt-ilaliala are Ilie I'oIIowIuki liualils His, ax aii1 all ollii-s HIstaM-aot Hie K hliieya . IHs.asea ol Ilia llla.l.h r. t'rlnary tr Kniis, l.i ter, pUlll. hpine. Ilotiels, Heart, Stomach, Kye, har, fkln ami S.rtea Alan luipoli r Islie.l It'..'., t, lll.xsl I'olsoii ami K'ioluta. Catarrh, Tetiallllla Coiiauiuplhiu, llroiielilllt, Asthma, ami .-lie r llnoal nti.t I unit I roulil.a. Tuuion, Ivfotinltiea, Iiisoinnla, Melancholy, I'aialyata. Ku,ture. lit s. nt, 1 jr. l.p. p.!ii, Neuialula. Kle utnall-in, ntlfl ami -wollm Jolola, Kemalr Com plaints, lut-itnlina Htnilaii Trouhlea, I'llra, KUtula, Ola-ally. Hlng W orm ami tlolln. tipliini, l oi nine nu t I i.iior Hahll. llea-la, lie, Kryilfelaa, limit, la M orm, HllloiKtieaa, iroy, ".nil stone. Kivcuia. Kierklis, ll!a. kheatls, Cancer, ete , ami chronic IMsrasca Krn.-rall). I'K VIK KK-i . ru enre Ncrt oils lichlllly, L...I Manh.s-I ami all I'rlrate Hlarasea. Iticlinl UK e iiitoli'Us 1,!,km puisou, tUt kl) ami pcrmam till)-, ami at reasouahle ratea. I he Kmjl -li an I lieriiinii Kvpcrt specialists anil Ir. Meters A r... are not only cmprtt nl ami r linhle, hut nre rcpon-ll'lc, tn'ma tiackt.l hy ample lapllal ami ahty iiiauaaisl lis.ii'cs tth.ih hit e hiiille,! the skill ol olh.r I'll) sli laiis aiitl l ul.laitulv irlimd lo tleltl ( ooliMiiy ms .ln-in. , ineilioils ami ai'pliauces, are iiulckly nillu,.l ami leastetol l-y Hiea aue 1 tsiutle, :.ii,. ti.j ,a,c the larK. -t au.l U-si equipped iiir.llcul Institution in Amrrha. Call 011 Hit- lloiturn s,liru tlirjr coiuc. All aillnk- h ..pi, slu.ulil e- the tn Mi ami Herman n .-.pccUIIts A lnenlly talk, which i aUolutcly m. tiling, I. tmunil In result In a .real ! ul ol -.o.l. w In th. r trt ntuieiit la taken or lint. IIOMi; 1'II;h W lulc It s prelctahle In many tiisiatnra In -v a palleul, Hie t.ualiali ami llcriiuri l.xpcr! S., , lull.tji hate i urcl thuu.amU of hum Ihrv hair neicr arm. If you 1 aniiol s;-e tin-1I01 lots ttnlo the lionie office lor .jili atlmi list A irier lu rrtanl lo tour 11. Inn-!, t, h.H.k lor no n ami itoincii atl'l trt nils, on any ilia. a - All I'rer olreiKni em e nml olli. r 'It niiiia wllh pa Hen la or proapeellio pi Hen la i niiihtrnllal. Tcrniaiiiiil I'rlitN WMIilu Iti-ncli o( All. THE ENGLISH AND GERMAN EXPERT SPECIALISTS 7JI .Market St., 5an ( ranclaco. anil THE NEW YORK BOTH One Year for $1.75. Hi N Y mlR l In 111 NF i-''11"'1 e 'iVKton 1IL Mi I IILLIILI IIIIUUML ami orl.l, couipn-henilte ami rellahle mark 1 r. p .it .il l. 1 hi.. na:, int. m -'.mik -11.111 atones, t li iitliic m niecliaulcal Information. Ulna tnitcl f.i.l.ioii ariit'lea. I111111. lous pictures, niel il t . . ry Iniiiil) . The Uniform quality of the work manship in our clothing is one of its strong points. Ivach garment is as carefully cut and tailored throughout as though made to order. Sec our new 1-all Suits. 14m 'i J k JJ j) JOSEPHSON'S Coming! WEEKLY TRIBUNE TIIU CKliAT NATIONAL FAMILY NEWSPAPER Fi FARMERS i VILLAGERS. m )nur latorilf lioini' paj-r. tl iiitrm llto ami enti rtalnlna t,. i.... I PLfllNDEALER eitcs you nil the l.nal uetta, polillial ami sm-ial, kn .s you la 1 lose I. inch ttiih jour ni Ik-Ill),. is ami Irlemla, on Hit laruiaml u Hie tllliu;.'. Send all .subscriptions to the Till- PLAINDUALKR, Ro5cburt Ore. MENS r t v j' CTinao That aHUWO flake Friends are the only kind we wish to sell. They" are the only kind, we do sell, and with each pair we sell we make a new friend. They are not only stylish but good clear through. See our Shoe line. ,,,, 1, .a n 1 M.liv I I I