. ..'sr mux a MP i v Vol. XXX. ROSUIiURC OKHGON, MONDAY, I KHKUARY 13, 1899. NO. 12. Narlalf meetings It. P.O. KI.KN, KONKIIIlHit i,li)(K, Ml, W, hnlif tltMlr rt'iililar fnlil mil Ii h'M I l.in. hi IIi.i . u. l, r. Hall nil urn, Hid mn (mirth liii,iiiiy l Mih iiiiihiIi, All ni-milmra r'iiiliul In nl tnrnl rt'Biilarly, ami nil vlalllng Imitlicm mr 4tMl1y Invited in t tn n I . IIIIAH, I., II tbl.KY, IC. K HA. D RIIHll.K, Hwrmar. V AlllilM lWMll A If .A. A If I1VI1III A r. 11 tAfirniv, 1 , ri n n n imiii;itAn milti(i ilia Jit ml 41I1 Wdiiuada-a In ninniUi KUKK JUllNnON, W. U N.T, JaWITr, Wwf. T)ll II.KTA HI A N uimiK. no, . I. . o. r ninola HalunU" iivnulnl of each wiwk l mtmu rtalunlar thadr hall In (Mil Fellow 1inido l Howlim Matntwraol he oritur In ihmI ninintlnii aielnvlt va hi aiumn. j, w. mhamiK, n. u. N. T. Jcwart, Hcu'r. nOHKIIDKd I.OIMiK. NO 10, A. ). I'. W lam ia tha aeeimtl and luiirlli Mondays nl Jarll ninulli al7 JO p. in. nl Odd rullowa Iiitli linaliara til tha urdor III snort atatulliif aro III T 1111 IU tlUltlll, I) H. Winl, V. W Hoard, riiimiilir Id i iitili r t UNO I'OHT. NO, 79, (I, A. It MKK'IK Till Ural and third Hiiirtdan i earn I tji. m. UHMIIIl i;t)MKN'H HKl.lKC COUP NO. HI, MKKIH flnil and llilnl Kielajra III each Ullllllll T)OHKHUK(J fllAII Kit, NO, H. O. K. H..& x Ilia Dial and tlilid Thuiadaya ol MltKIV t'lK'b tnanih. MOI.I.IK HIIAUUUOOK, W UKtilNA KAnl, rK'V . M. RIIMKIH'KH DfVIMION NO 4)., H. OK UK urn u vTjf MUuml mul lnur.li Hunilajr. A 1.I IIA MHHIK. NO. 47 K. OK I' . M Kit Itl voir MrOiM-wInf vvciilna l 0l Kvllnw. Hall. VUIII114 knlKliW In Kixxl taiMHi t'ur dlallf liltlfcol Ul alUMKl. I'rulrHHlwiiMl C'Mrtla. iBuaua a. aaowN. raau. rAuatiaTiH JJROWN TUBTIN, Attorucys-iit-L.iw , KiMiintT ami A WIImiu UIik i. T KOnKIII'UO, OK n. willis, ttxjrney ami Couumjlorat Law, Will rwaaiiM la all lb miuiW uf lb. HUla. IH irm In MaraUn llallilliiii, tu(lw eniiolf , Or. M. HAMBY, ' DENTIST. Hw lliillillnn, Trlrplimio Ni. 4 KOHK.IU ItU, OHKUON. RA U. HIDDLE, Attorney ut Law, HiMini n, I.jlor wiUnii ink. ROMKIirHU. uHKliON. F. W. BENSON, Attorncy-at-Law. UiMiinii I ami J HclCM HllllilUii! liOsK.HI'Hii, OIlKiii'.N M. OflAWTOKD, Attorney at Law, Room. I .V i, Mar.li ti HKlx , Ito.-Ellt) UU, UU n-Huliiru Iwfiir Ilia V. H. Oltlrc aiul miiiTii c apwlaltir. I.ato Rwlvrr U. H. luJ Orrli'O. Northern Pacific RallroaJ Company. Aie HolluiK tirkola l nil puintH KHt at lialf llio rrK'ilur rale". H. S. K. IIi kk, I-wul Aucut .No. MursttirH lmilliii. YHA BROWN, M. D. OKMOK, M Jarkaun Kind, at a. I.lencr (il Mm. J. llircr. KOriKUl lUl, OIL ' A. lU'CIIANAN, Nodwy l'ublic, Attorney-at-Law. Collections a Specialty. Hui'lH ! MamUia llulMlnii. HOI:Bl lit!, UK A llnr Willi ii M" "Louie tUv. Hill. Kv (1 -tlrll.'. i In nvn M i i miistju'lic!" TliiM i'Xil!iimtinii frinii ni:chtrrrt pun in In uncitluT iittiiii'lril tln ut I it it it i it rciKirtiT unci a l'ow 1'rii inis with him who with rmivi'VMiiK nil tin1 riiriHT. LiMikiiiK in tlio ilirri'linii nf thi Ixiyx, ho dihi'iiviTiMl thnt I.t'tlrr CiirriiT ThunuiH Jlmwii hud ilrivi ti up liii littln whk" to colht't tho until from thn lox. At taoliril to it wiw rt Hinall xi.od hoitoI lioi'Mo, whioh lml, (iiiro i'IuuikIi, an 'lo Kuut niiistacho uliout 3 iiu-lu Ioiik ami rnrli'il in a manner which would oxoito thn envy of any iludc. From Mr. llrowii ill wus h'arnt'il that tho horso wan ubout (I yearn ohl, ami that he purchased him i from a negro. The ileum raised hint from a colt, and in early lifo ho com menced upm'tintf liin nuistaehe. To ro liovo himself of tho bother of iiiihwit ion (luestions, tho colored man had k pt tho whiskeiH triinmed, but Mr. llrown, aiuco hebecanio poweKsedof the animal, had permitted them to grow. NatJi vlllo Americnn. I'lirvrr of tiniiKlnntliiii. A curioun case of "euro by nudges Hon" 1h rejioited from u large (lerumu boHpitul. A Kirl of IS wan under tho Impression that hIio had swallowed n frog, which wiw alivo in her stomach mid often jumped almost up into het throat. The doctor had vainly tried to euro her of thin illusion, and shown rapidly (lying, when it occurred to ono of tho medical men to put a tube into her mouth in which a small frog had been placed. The lively creature jumped almost immediately out of It t prison liouso onto tho table in front of tho girl, mid a youthful student put it into npiriU labi'lin:? thobotllo, "Kxl railed front a i toncu h. " Tho moment tho girl raw I la cnilino a hcniuiiigMiiihi spread over In r ' 1 1 lace, i he took food tit oncfl aiul i'in'ii; ;,'id In now coliiplotuly IU1 'I v JJllu:.tcV Lla.cttu af 1 New Store ! "ilci's' A I'lll.L Staple and Fancy GROCERIES Country Produce Bought and Sold TAYLOR A WILSON BLOCK Low Prices! Fall and Winter J list Received and More Coming Call and Examine our Mammoth stock. SOMETHING Xi;Y! NI:V STORK 1 The People's Store I. ABRAHAM, Prop'r. A complete Hue of Dry Goods, Clothing, Boots & Shoes, Furnishing Goods, Mats, Caps, Capes, Jackets, and a tine linc'ofJMillinery Goods. everything New, purchased manufacturers, especially for the Fall Trade. Call and exaimine Goods and Prices. Health is THEN Pure Fresh Drugs SOLD BY A. C. MARSTERS & CO. Prescriptions Tilled Accurately And With Dispatch. A Full Line of Patent fledicines and Toilet Preparations Spring Will soon l'C here and we have a fine line of NKY CARPKTS arriving, also i WALL In Latest Designs and all goods are as cheap as cousistant with good goods. No trouble to show Alexander & Strong New Goods! 0 x roeery t STUCK Of3 Free Delivery Goods WALLENBERG BROS. NKW GOODS! EVERYTHING NHWl for Cash direct from Kasttru Wealth ! 4 USE PAPER Colorings and the Price on goods. f Hill I Ifi A II Mil I. Bravery of the Kansas Troops in Repelling the Rebels. AGIINALDO'S I'OWIH CRISIILI). Several Sharp 5klrmlfihcsaWith the I illplno All tt Ouiet at Manila on J Cavitc. Mami.a, I Vb. H. S')vr. J, ut cvciiiiiu M lie I'lliploi ul (!i;:iri jtcru i.viduiit Ir iiiiiRfin for a iiuU :i.ia k up mi iie Aiiifricaiia Itftj. nifiK, lIjo Teuii:th Khih- infiilil'y wax iini'-ri: J t altn k ml driva tho i;hnr,if)iM.,iT.i (rum a baiiihiii) jnulu in ft jut of i!ni tii ini biic, where ihey bail t'.i i-td fiiui l.rrjb'.t atj. lioi uih.'u ill tlio a' t'Tiio in. Tho batialiuit c!i:irK' d lir il.i'antly, driving the eneiiiy like chair a I p:-ne-tralins to tlio v'f heart A Cjil'.can. Knot I.i-uteimiit . l". A Kurd, ui cablnl Uv. niiilii, jh k:.f wliife I -h1-hi his company. II i v.ii i h ,t in : lie foreiiejiil. hureAiit Jy S'iel I.jii, i:j'ii;. inv I, w, , stiriouflv wniiieled. I' iwiN s Djiiiil Jl-niii i IJuahlt i, Et nui In t John ii!,i.ui ii ii J two other ini'iiibcfM A ci'iii'atiy I! were alf.o 'i,!illy wi.iiiiiie.l Tiiiity dead Kiiipi'.')4 wcr-j i;.jiinteil i'l j inn iinli, auil l here were tiuny inure wuuiido I. The gunboats C ji.cji I in. I t'allau kej.t Up nil iiiet'saiit tiro f r n j tho li.iy, the Coiii'uol dropping maiiv i-'ifils into ll.e tJAli with tilling efli'ir. In or irr to avoid aci i ieniB fr.nn thin n-jiiriv, liijner al Olio wa couip'-liinl I lecill tli-j Kan- am Ija'Uii hi, ill' ! i' l .iin tie. out- iila i f the to ii. I jilii r the fie.-ii M-f Ui ! A i.i r.e-Jii war- hipj.or t!io ii.itiVi'H i l.iMU'ji-! vod tiisd a liiiiiitir uf building a iihin ilm to u lim it. IVifJin ibly tbi 'van lb i r suit of the "liel'iiig. N" ) further itltcinpt to alt u k duriiij! the niglit ni.iilo by either ti Jo. The Soainnh p.iprlS g-iu rally coin- mt'iit in fav.rabiu t ruis on ibe mluiir- abiu tr.ltr m lirdaiiie 1 iu Mi..1:a. The eitua ion to.iav; V-pTai'tieai'y un- ch.iiigiV. Ti.e Amiriiaii linu tiaa Dot been appn-eiably frS'ei.Oo I, and the troopn inerally :tre tkln u icm-.h-needed rttt. Kei:oiiuui?uamf3 t:uow the I'llipinos are in fjrcj i'i the viil.iiioi of rati aiul i'aranaipii, pronalily 7lW) men at tho latter place, within strong foit.tic.it ons, All irttjuiet alu.ig the b;ij when thii i:i- patch in ti'eJ at nuo.'i. riauila is Quiet. 5:15 I'. M. The. provost guard id in absolute eoniiol of M tuila. All fears ol a native upii-iiii,' in tl:e city were dis pelled by the i'1-juiptitudo which ipivlled the outbreak Monday evening. Tho streets were deierte l last c veiling by 'J o'clock, and not a.lijjht was to be eeeu iu the native ouarter. Tho Filipino?, iicctiatome 1 to r-paniab melhcda aro conatuutlv irnpii. im; of tl.e American loldieis, when tho pr.. oners are to Le execute 1. 'liny aie ui.atle to retilizo thai otderj bavo not already beeu issued for the execution. Indeed, lieadtpiarterd is besieged by woiueu anxioin to plead for their re.'.a t.vcB ud friend. All is quiet ut I' a lie. Owing to the link i.f tupplie8 in the adjacent village i f au lUipie, Couunis stirv Millikon bus licen aulhoriz.'d to sell ueieesiules to those able to pay f.r tLem aud Iheie will bo, a diaUibuli jh,i f fiee rations to other; . Tha nbi lti.'it appears, had looplulcd a church tower in Cavite, tvulently w ith tho purp.ee of cciupyinj! it with sluirp shouterp. Mn'r Agiolnip, tho Filipino cx-com- uiiBJioner, ma :o a:i unollicial vull to (iineral Olia today. romortoiv is tlut l'ot day of tUe UhiucfO new year, and orders have been issue ! prohit'iting fire works. Wasuinoton, Feb. S. There was uu almost complete releafe today of the ten sion under which the rapid occurrence of eveuts in the l'hilippiuoi; has held the olliclals 01 the udiuinLstralion since the tlrst startling news from Manila on Sat urday niiiht. Tills was biought nbam through Ihe receipt cf a bulletin iioai ticneral OAs etiuiming up the I tint iceulia of Ibe tihlitig he bis had witii the natives'. Tho dicpati h follow i "Mtinila, Feb. S. Tho situation is rapidly improving. A rcconnoitisanre was made yesterday to tlio south, sever al uiiliH to l.ugnuii do l'ay, and to the southeast etijlit mill's, our troops driving the straggling insurgents before tlieui. The troops in various direct hum en countered no decided opposition. The native army ii disintegrated, aud the natives me returning ti the villages, displaying while Hags, ' Near Calycan, six miles north of here, the enemy made a staud buhiud iutreiichmentH, and were charged by '.ho UaiiHim troops led by Colonel I'niiFtaii, I 'i mi wia it l inn i rn:in'f,trr, re'iil'i" iri the rrii of ihe enemy will ln-y lo'r. ,h in to the Ktnd rcrfiinwit wax l.i-ii ermrit Alujrl ki.M -d, and tli lun wounded. On 1 4'M Auiria'do iemd a pr : buriatiori c'urj iii llm Amu Im-ia onl, h iving IbIihii tho intdalive and derl ril UT Hjiida be iUNiJ another calling n liin folio eir to rcit foreign invlon.J His iiilltiunce tljionghont ihU section iaj dentroycd. lie now appb.-a for a venrn Hon of hxttilitiuA mid a c ilrenco. have deuliueJ It answer. I urn lan u vim-exoei:l4iio:i ol a ria- itU in iln city on the nig'it of the 4tb wa urireali.ed. Toe provost mamha general, wiih the admira'.le dispoii'lon f.f Ids lrooin, defeated every attempt The city ia quiet. Business Las been ra- sii-ned. The natives ars trspectful and cheerful. The flrfbiioit qialiti-a of American troopi are rveUrion to all tiie inhabitant. Oris " The ulateiuetit that Aguinaldo'a iuflu i-ih.'o has been destroyed, ami that the Ft! ip ino leader wa e, king for a lessa lion of hostilities and for a conference was interpreted as an admi-ion that be had realized bis terrible minUke. It is entirely Improbable that he will be able to obtain anything like the tame teiius as were possible last week. No one here now knows j'J6t a hat General Oii-i intendn to imp ire in the way of ti'ririB. Secretary Alg.-r thi4 afternoon repaat- ed l.ij Mla'ement of yefcterday (hat he has tiv.-n tvie generals m iustroutions since the haillj and (aw no reason for giv'u g aiv. IJe icali.ed. he said, that General O.if, Ijiing on the grouml, and hiing proved bis Gfne.-e, was in brl'er pjaition to deal wilh the pilualion than any one in Waidiiogtcu. Should Itie general aek permission, therefore, todo any thing, be wjnl I be granted iK'rnii-'f-i in iioimdi- ' S.ioiild he ssk for intt;ui;lions on any p lii.t,'' raid Secretary Alger, "In will be told to cxtrcise bis own Uiscri? ion." In this view I ihe case, i' will be set-n that no ono hern can at present tell ha ieneral U;i9 is dealing t jward Aguinal lj's application. But tho opinion is ex pressed by men here who know General expLoier.ce with tho Indians that ho will make the laying dowu of arms the coudition ol dealing with the inburg. eats ut all, and that if that condition is met, ol course, it will moan a sixedt termination o( tbe rebellion. The follow iog cablegram was received at the navy department today from Ad miral Dewey : "Minila, Feb. 8. To the Secretary tl the Navy: The cominanJerin-chif of ficers and men thank tbe president and the r-ecrctary of the navy for Ibeir con cratulation?. Dbwkv." Secretary Algtr received the followii g from tieneial Otis: 'M anila, Feb. 8. Sincere thanks fcr congratulations All credit due to the heart v reepoi.se ot troops to orders of oil' cere. Ons SITUATION AT ILO ILO. Preparation by the Natives to Resist Miller's Tro ps. Washington, Feb. Probably with in -IS hours General Miller will have be gun an attempt to occupy llo Ilo, on the island of l'anay. No specific order on this score have beeu sent to him since tbe bailie of Satui'Jiy, and Sunday, mr luis he beeu heard from recently re spelling the matter, but it was his known intention to make this important movement as soon as be felt that condi tions warranted it, and statements con tained in the press reports from Manila convince otlicials here that Olis has at lai-t authorized a lauding. The beet judication of tbst determina tion was the dispatch this mirninj from Manila ol the First regiment Teuneseoe volunteer infantry, for I'o Ilo. Miller 1ms with him the Sixth and Figlitee ith Iufuntry, aud will be rein foiced in the coursi ol 24 hours by the First Tennessee regiment, making a force equal to the occupation of Ilo Ilo. Yancoi vi:it, B. C , Feb. 8. llopg Kong mail advices describe the situation at llo Ilo, when it was first expected that General Mibler'd irjops would be lauded as follows: For days armed natives bave been coming into town in a fteady stream, and fully -0C0 soldiers, armed with Remingtons and Mausers, have taken poesfseiou of tho fori, church and gov ernment buildings. Ollicers are ecurryliig about on ponies, ammunition is being brought iu from Jaro uud Malo and an apparently stout resiftance U being provided loranv land ing attempted tiy tbe Americuns. Stores and banks ure closed, and tho ex citement is intense. Outside of the i iiy are nearly 10,000 Montrtiics and mixed natives, armed w ith kuives and spears. They are anx ious to bo allowed iu the city. Iu Negros, a near-by ialaud, it is re ported that soino 20,000 men are in arms waitum lor a call. Several echoouerB loaded with men are daily entering the river. They r not being interrupted. iMy and night prepn'ntioi.a enntii.ne for lively teiistance. KTery hour ol di lay is made to count in throw iug np wrkf and barricading streets. 'It is thrr4tned that if the Filipinos hoii!d meet witf i!i feat Ihe town will t barred. llie traiitiiort rrancisco Ueyes ran u in on the 9 Ii with 550 Filipino soldiern, who were allowed to land without in ttrference. I Altogether l.HJU ftolditra have been landed i.i thii manner, br.t this is nil counting the hnndreds that have com from other Islands on schooners and malt boat. Fully 2500 mn with rifl -n re In the city . The ftpanish guiboat El Cano is nt.ll lying jiist oir tbe fort, ami it ii reported that tome 2000 stands of arma had bet n landed by Ler. Filipinos Burn San Roque. Maxila, Feb. 9. Tbe natives, learir g tne Americans were aboot to make an attack on or bombard the town of b'an Koqne, set fire to U today. It Is still burning as this dispatch is sent, and as it is composed in the main of bamboo buts, it will probably be totally dc stroyed. Telegraph operators are now worth tbeii weight in gold, and members of tbe signal corps are working night and day. Tbe Filipinos are lying low, except on tne extreme left and rub. I m y are evidently concentrating between Ca C can an. I Malabon. Judging Ironi appearancer. they a e being reinlor.ed by better drilled mm from tbe northern provinces. In front of Calocan they are as thick ai a swat in of beee. Tne American sol liera are impatient of restraint while in tbe sight tl tbe enemy. The Filipinos are still ir. trncbing themselves on the left if Caiocan. Confirmed by Dewey. Washington, Feb. 0. Tin t avy de partment today received the fo'lowing dispatch : "Manila, Feb. 9. After cou'iuued in terference and intimidation of our woik men, I ordered the armed iueurg-nlB to leave San It que by 9 this morning. Many of Ibem left during Ihe night. A few remained, aud they fired the village tbia morning. It is now occupied by our troops; all quiet." Dbwkv."' San Hcq'ie ia a village on the neck of land connecting Cavite and the main laud of Luzon. Soldiers and Helen (Jould. "You know Camp WaUorth is sup potted largely by Miss Helen Gould V generosity," said one ol tbe young wom en in tbe office, "and really Mies Gou'd would be delighted could she know bow grateful the soldiers are to her. One ol the rough riJers told me a little inci dent illustrating this Tuey were put ting down some boards very carefully so as to make them just fit tbe space. What's the nee of taking so much pains with them boarJs?" another man asked. "There's plenty more where ihey came from ; they belong to the gov ernment." "That's whera you're 'way off," siid the man with tbe saw. "These boards belong to Helen Gould. She sent 'em down here, aud theie ain't going to be an inch of 'em. wasted. Cleveland Mof fett's Camp Stories in Leslie's Weekly. A Seargent's Farewell Shot. Iu tbe trencbo at Manila, When tbe bullets whistled round, Tbe famov.8 Astor Battery Stood and bravely held their ground. Shell and round shot rained aout them, "But they answered shell for shell ; And tbe ancient Spanish block-house, Proves they served their pieces wel'. The gun of Sergeant Crimmias Added to tbe eummote dire, Aud hi gunners wti j re'oading. To return a crashing tire. Then a volley smote upon them. Spanish guns served all too well, And iu the Aator Battery, Many gallant soldiers tell. And the noble Sergeant Crimuiins, Death bad given bis bouI releare, "Staggered to his gnu and tired it, And fell dead beside bis pieee." Nobly did the Astor Battery, Fight their guns that famous day ; And their deeds will be remembered, When the guns they served decay. And the lair sight seeing stranger Will be shown tbe very spot, Whe'e was fired that August morning, Sergeant Crimmins' farewell ehot. Ias Bl'uian. We urgo our ptroi)H, who aie in ar rears (or tin Pi.ms'deai.kk t send us all or pari of the amount of your subscript ions. It is a small amount to each ol you, but t J us it woull aggregate an amount we very much need in our busi ness Ladies muslin and cambric gowna, chemise and drawers beautifully em broidered and exceptional values, at tbe UOKKIUriiG NOVKLTY iSTOUK. Indian Name. Mh. Ilinrort; c'ipplug Iiom the Granls I'ns) OlitdVer, which in put. liidied in the I'laii dealer of ! . 2ud In rrgard to Indian mimes, occur ihU piuv M,'e. "Take our little Mut ion of l.tilaud and it call' to mil d ore I tha amldiat tragedioH ol early times. It took I'S name ami that ol Grave Creek, wl.erii it is 1 icated, (ruin an li d inn mat-acre of Ihe Crowley family, one ol whom, I.tlanil, wan a young Indv." I hope I ho balance of that article in more correct than this paesage, other wise the writer would better bave left U alone. Lelar.d Crowley who was a relative of tbe writer of this rkitcb, died at Gravo Creek after a long illuese, ol consump tion, when the emigration, of which her family was a member, were encamped at that place on tin ir way north. Tbe emigrants delayed their journey long enough to bury their ycotg com panion, and tbe simple matter ol that lonely grave and ihe rotrowful ibongbls connected with it gavo the. place the name of Grave Creek. The Indians, however, robbed the gravo for the rake cf (he wrappings of tjie body as was their cut torn. Four yeers la'er wl.cn Cot. Nestnith aiid bis company marched through that pail if the territory, they replaced tbe bones of tor Le'and in their grave. The only maeeacre I ever beard of was that of a little baud of friendly Indiana by white men ; they were enticed into a log but, for whiskey, the door ahnt and (hot to death through the crevices between the logs. Their bodies were thrown into tho pit where Ltland Crow ley bad orce been buried an I left un covered to tba mercy of the wolvcr. The conduct ol Christians (so called; towards ib heathen bos always been veiy much like this. UitrucA. Yolicalla, Oregon, Feb., 5, H'M. ht. J. W. Strange will be at Myitis Creek for four days, commencing with Tuesday, Feb. Htli, aud rnpiehU all who dee ire liret tlats deutietry to call ou him. Special attrition is called to his new a nd up-to-otte methou ol teelu without plates. ( rold crown aud bridge a specialty. Extraction rendered put i lea, and no poisonous or other a he dangerous lemediea used. Shasta Limited Is the luiiie of the i nly perfect train u t'je worl I, now running every i ight ibetween St. Paul ind Chicago, via tbe Chicago, Milwaukee & M. Paul Kailway the pioneer road of ihe went iu adopt ing all improved faculties for the Safety and en jo; men t of pusfengeis. An illus trated pamphlet, showing views of beau tiful scenery al mg the route of the Pio neer Licaite 1, wib hi sent fiee to any person upon receipt ui two-cent pro-taco stamp. AddreJSu".Jl. ileattiril, ben eral I'a-Keiuer Agent, Criicagu, III. Those Who tnduro The paii.8 of rheiimati-m shou'd be re minded th it a cuie lor litis disease may be found i i llni.i'n iS irsaparilla. The experience of those who bave taken liood's Sarsaparilla for rheumatism, and have been completely and permanently cured, prove the power of this medi cine to rout and c.mooer this diseare. Hocd'e Sarsapiiriila H the Ono Truo Blood Puritler aud it mutiali.es tho acid which causes the aches and pains of rheumatism. TuisUwhy it absolutely cures when liniirents and other out ward applica'ions fail to give permanent relief. B sure to get Ilond'. "The enemy i coming: To the fort for your lives!" When a wise man re. y ceives aplaiu wmnirift - ot aanger, ne aoc not wait to let H . vrtake reasonable tucaiia ui fiirlit it off. Disease would almost nev er get the best of the average man if he was prepared to recautlons dictated by common sense. i p Wli hen a man's stomach and liver get up- aet and fail to do their regular work, he can be certain that something worse is bound to follow, if he doesn't look out for himself. Headaches, indigestion, biliousness and constipation are simply Nature's warnings that the enemy of serious disease is coming to attack him. The sensible thiug to do is to immedi ately fortifv the system with Ilr. Tierce'; Golden Medical Discovery. It vitalizes and invigorates the entire constitution. It helps the liver to filter out all bilious Impurities. It gives the digestive and nutritive organs power to extract nourishment from the food and turn it inlo rich, red, healthy blood. It creates appetite, good digestion, and solid, muscular Ktrength. It is far superior to the mere temporary stimulus of malt-e vti acts. It is better than cod liver oil emulsions because it is aasimt lated by the weakest stomach. " About fifteen veara nin" writes Mr. John Me. Michael, olitor of the VhitUhing, (Mo.) I.eadcr, " I win iu very oor health, hint no appelile, waa nhiKliisti, anil so lil'rlcsa it areinrJ liiiiwuiiible lor me lodoaiivthiimthal rciiiireil rflTurt hverylall anil apriiiKlhin ill-health srciutii tonllHt inepur ticutarly. A (riincl advined me ue Ur. fierce a DoldfU Medicul liw.ovciy as.crtiug Ihnt il would restore me to nrrfwt health, and make a new man ' of me. Viiiiillv he Induced me to try the medicine. 1 weighed at llie time aliout lai lhj. I used several bottles, and upou i"tU"g welKhrd i-s Ilia.- Since that time my weight hat varied Ironi this to fji ouudii. A sine and permanent cure for con si i pa tion is Dr. Pierce's Pellets. One "Pellet" is a gentle laxative, two a mild cathartic. ra