The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, February 06, 1899, Image 1

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Hi. m- ,
Vol. XXX.
Notlatv Weellli(M
Df.l. Rl.KM, HOHKIlDldt I.OIIIIR, Kit. KM,
nnl'1 I hair regular viiininuiili'ailiiiii at Hi
I. O. u, F, hall on aw awl ! fmrlli 'lliuractay
ll lh mnnlll, All lnilllnra rilunU Id at
land rMUlarlv, nt all vlaltlua; hruthom Cor
1Ulljr Invlixl UiaiU'ixl
It ft, HltMJMC, HeunUary.
fV)t)l!.AI C'U.K II., No, ;l It. 0. IT. A. M .
' oimi aary WtHliiuailay vtiiiliii at
'epMk III III I'l l N.Minlil Hull, Vl.lllli
minrtreirUKiif inviiuu titanium.
0. U. ( AKHllH,
W rr, Councilor.
. Jtaoonllni SvntBrr,
aiaailnxs lha Ju ami 4lli Wediiuwlar lu
aak month.
Jaasrr, H evjr.
mla SaturUnf t'vaiilns ol eai Ii ll
(hair ball 111 0PI Follow 'luiil at Huaaliura;.
Maaiborael h oritur III iihnI lamlliif arwluvlt
art. Mi auaiul. i. IV, l KA.MiK, H. ll.
K. T. Jawarr, hWy.
D0tBUR( LUIHiK, HO. I. A. O. V. W.
marU Ilia aoruuil ami fourth altnutaya of
Laah moulli ai7:4u p. m. at O'lii Fnlliiwa hall.
l.mUn of lha oritur lu lutx) latnllM ar In
t Had to alWinl.
Brat aud third Tiiiirwlays uf each ni'Milli,
at S i. hi.
W tni ami IM1 FilOaia
M Kit 1
III K4'tl
R0Hk.HI! Kl I IIAI'TKH, M. It. O. K. M, M gn
tlir nr. I anil Ihtnl lliur.U) ol toon
Uol.l.lR HIUJ1HK0K, W . M.
atgeilNA KAnl', ewe.
ouvullKIl IHVIHtON
no 4;i, 11. ok i K.
K mrataavary wmml aii.t loiirin miuilay.
A LI-MA UUHi. N. w 1
arcir lAaJuna-lay iilii at O.tJ
K. vr V.. M Kara
Nail. VUlUua kuiguta lu aiaiKiiui wi
A tail; liwl vu attwuU,
roleaaloiinl C'arda.
iaooa u. aaoam.
fllD. fAUl TlTI
Attorueys-at-Lau ,
kom7 auil
A Wltaun Ulnck.
Attorney ami Councilor at Law,
Will taila la all lha amirta of th BUU. Of
laa la Marattra BalUlluK. lmiUa euaatr. Or.
Harla ItutMlaK,
Talapbnna ho. 4
ROdBBl R'l. OhhoiiN.
Attorney at Law,
Rfvim ,
farler Wllann Dili.
R.'buIMIuR KOt-alll Rfi. ORKtiO
Attorney at Law,
InaiUI, llaratcra UUU., ROHRIIUKU, OR.
rm-Dualuaaa bolnra tha V. H. IjiikI OIBco and
mfnTn eaaea aMclaUr.
Uta Rocalmr U. B. Und OlSiv.
Northern Pacific Railroad Company.
Aie Belliim li ltHla lo all points Eflt at
all the rpgulur ratf.
D. S. K. Hi H it,
Local Agent No. 2, Maimers tmlklin.
orKICE, mw Jackaou Htrwit, at Irt
Idcncaul Mra. J. ISlnvr.
HOnfclil Ki, OR.
A. lil'CHAN AN, Nofaty rnl.lif,
Collections a Specialty.
Kwm a
Maraltri )lulllinft-
ROfhlil liH, tut
MRU. I). C. McCI.AI.l-EN, Prop.
Utf, Flno Sample Rooina.
Fraa'Bni to and From Trului.
lr i mat. t.ixiliit-lliiiia In Mlivrln.
'I'litTn I t Hi t nun li i :inIh or t (II a
tlnt tiou la ibtirm, utitl tlio tuw not inl
roles are lux Tuo ItiiNNiitu biburiitiib
ibIukIo fnrly with tlio uutivo triLcH,
and their ctiKtotus outl laiUitN liuvu, in
eonieqvionco, Ltun ouiiHitlurnbly moili
flod. I havo often noun Kroups of buys
pluylnR on tlio dtruot whurotho Kirhlvs
or Durlat boys wuro mlxod liitllutrim
Inotoly with tlio KuenluiiH. I'roiu t lu lr
dress or ImiKiinKO It wits inipoBiblo to
ilibtlnauiHh thorn, fur both ooatumo nutl
lamjuuHo wuro it ktntii.'o inixtiiru. (July
the pooiilittr fuuttatis of (ho uittivo or
the moro aloviinly ttjiimiiriiiiLO of tlio
Itussinit would liolruy (liu lihtoEt dif
ference! It In tut old anying tlutt you
"sonilcli tt ltiihNiun und llnd it Turtitr. "
It miuht bo inoro aiiiuopiiuloly titld
al)oust,o( tho Uiibuiita iuuHint tluit
yon nurniio tlio dirt ulY n Jitiuuinn und
find u oUiitn Turtitr, fur tlio Ittttor itvo
tlouldKilly tho moro t li'itnly,-fit. Nloh
IV f r" j a
j icv siore 1
Staple and Fancy
Country Produce Bought and Sold
Low Prices!
ran and
Winter Goods
alust Received
.-and More Coming
Call and Examine our Alammoth stock.
The People's Store
I. ABRAHAM, Prop'r.
A complete line of
Dry Goods, Clothing:. Boots & Shoes,
Furnishing Quods, Mats, Caps, Capes, Jackets,
and a tine lineofJMillinery Goods.
Everything New, purchased for Cash direct from Eastern
manufacturers, especially for the Fall Trade.
Call and cxaiminc Goods and Prices.
Health is
Pure Fresh Drugs
Filled Accurately
And With Dispatch.
A Full Line of Patent Tledicines and
Toilet Preparations
Special Sale
d.Wss2?S Furniture
A Fine Ivine of Chairs, formerly $1.5, new $i.e.
Now is the time to get Big Vlus.
Call, examine and be conviiited.
Alexander & Stromg
av a a "
fNew uooasi
Free Delivery
Wealth !
,tcc rf,
for $35
2 6
rmmmmmmmr .
Legislative Committee Submits a
Report on Soldiers' Home.
DIstapprovcB of the Clovcrnmeiit of
That Institution by Board
if Trustees.
rMiiut tr lAly, of I. ike comity, iliair
mun ol llio joint logii-.litlivc ci.-nimtlsu
oaoied at the rii-ial reiion of llifl leg-
inlature to invettuate clmreei tli.U had
been preferred atfi'it tlB tuan.itinent
ol tlio Ort'KOii Hjldinrh' Home at I'.ose-
1'iirir, nil.iniiteil a ii-ioit from tho torn-
tiii'ti-c in :io senate Tuesday niornioir.
Tim j itit t'0!iiiuiM.-i tons'Kfed of Sen-
al.jfi luly aii'l Ke-il an l Iieire-enle
tivt-s Mdsm-ll Hiid Urf. Ti e report.
hieli la it Iriiiilhy (nt-, la futonblH to
W. II. ISyjM, who liotil recciitly,
the is iiiiielerit and in every av ii'iali-
(led coiiiiiiAnildUl of t lint ini-t (nti ,ii.
The coin inittee vimtid ll.e lii:ne on
to dillrri'iil (.(.vaHioii", fiiii j tjciUer
and UKin Our u I lie- pant unjiitli, an I
rcpuiti !i(iditi I liu .Im.l liti and
Kroomla wry i va'Iv kept, the hui-pital in
faiiM-ef t- niJi'.ion, airj t'ie irtnttes well
and roaifoitnhly 'ri''i'.l.
Toe cniiUiiltee. further repim ii
tlieiliure tljut tfie tnii'es are not
working in l arni iiiy in miUi. e.l ; that
the nuiu ai d li,e n-riom rel;on
within tho wulls ut the bit I !ii i was
aiifed tlm t'tt'teei placing ii, charge'
of ill i lio-piul u inair .ii, iht it-liy rc
BtnctiiigtlM) vernictf povrcr of t!.o coin
tnundant ; 'hst not n biffin word of cum-
unit hin heiii ri-ni-l' r d n iiii1!'. Jlr.
:!jra by ny oiih of tie o'd n-.M'ers; by tliH ellicim t o.utiatjfii.eut of the
iniiiiutio:i, Mr. Hyar.i tnt'Lvcdei i:t t-ay-i.i
a ii lie ion t cutu from the
tiou lor the support i f the li'iino, :o build
and eijuip a hofpital, und i;'ro a :hjpel ;
tout the tii.iiiaeiiient tf :he home I y a
boitrd f trugteett shotil I t o repealed, and
that the jpvrrnrr elionld 1 iv Je toe
Siipei ruou uf tho i;tT".ulr,i.
lu tlie luu lei of thp inaiiiii:iiijiiit of
the hotuo retaining tho siirplua a tiuunt
of peutioti money received ! y tho in
mates, over ami abiVo a n:i!ii ient kuiu
for their huaid, tin i-ii:iini:toe ricoui
tnetided that, wiili the excepti jn ol $1
per uionlh, ta hich u to g to the family
or relatives dependent upon l he vet. ran
receiving a pension ullownnce.
remaiuder of that sum shall bo place. 1 in
the general fund fur the n; aiutenano.i ol
the home. -
The commitlto recotumetide 1 that a
bill V.e enacted placing fio p atineiiient
of the home in the batidn uf the j,'jv
ernur. Senate bill Nj. 'JOJ, intrud .iced by
Senator Kerd, hj was u meaiber cf the
committee, embodies the ideas of the
committee, and will, doubtless, pass
both housed and become it law at. this
BLicion of the leislutnre.
The bill provides that the homo ehall
be lor all liotiutubly ditcharced ex-tol-diers,
tailors or marines wh i are unable
to provide (or tlieuitelve.0, uud who have
not adequate meiuj of tupport. The
governor ehall have etipet vision over uud
prescribe the ruled und regulations gov
eiuitiR the atne, aud bhall appoint a
coujiuaudaiit , utd Eiich other Etibordi
nate otlieera as m iy bi defined neces
sury, Tne eoniinandart empowered
to appoiut an adjutant, who shall serve
as his secrelarv. All vouchers must be
cut titled to by the Kovoj"iior before they
bo audited by the secretary of Btate.
The bill provides un appropriation of
10,000 for (he home an J places the .an
nual salary of the vaiioiu ollicets as
follows :
Commandant, 70; matron, f'.OJ;
matron of the hospital, fOO, aud ptiyt-1-
ciati of tho hospital, .itk).
The bill hits tin t tneiteiuy clause,
Merits of New Mexico and Oregon
Fruit in Controversy-Max Pracht on
the Witness Stand
When Max i', of Oregon, left the
state of big Itees, big salmon and big
rd apples lo loca'o iu New Mexico us
spe.'iat ugent of th general land oilice,
with hea!ijuai ters at Santa l'c, lie also
hiought with hiiu the hitlhieinatioti that
Oiegon beats tho worlt iu the raiding of
prize-witming peaclief, but utter having
had u sot-to with 1 s ti jvcr.ior 1'i ince,
Hon. F-. F. IL'ibirt and sovoral others,
Grant Kivenbuig among them, who ulso
think they know sjinethfng about peach
es as produced 111 1 he neighborhood of
Baut Fe, he has onclu io l I hut doc u
uieutary prot f is necessary, uud lias sent
back to his home in Ashland. Ore., for
photographs uud samples to back up hi
oonteutious. Tho 'Teuchblow i'ura-
dite" of ( iregou may be all that he eluiws
but ho will hayo jo ttaud up ut a meet
ing of the Morlionltnral Society to prove
his tide thereto Peioro l-'autu Fe will
ubato one jot or title of ita protensions
This he has promised (o do, and also
lo explain liU system of cutting back
an I pfi'il'i fx-acli t'trt Dor In yott'ie In
Hah' K fruir risnra will hi -ld to
he tauKht Any ntar ariuk es, and Mai'a
fund of no id humor and Inf i'niii'ion ill
U drawn upon to the limit ht-fote they
sro iloti with birr,
"VVhit'rf lha tnittnr with Oregon?"
There ii n iMiIng lh mn'tr w Hh Ore on
ei-ei.t It lisla'tire, and when it comes
I th ahitement of the eitra i lerk hire
scandal the legislature of New Mexico
can tet them good riample."
This much Ma admits, and more will
follow in time. The New Mexlcin com
mends ''plain Max Pracht," he disclaim!
any and all lit hs, ti the people of the
territory, Irrth ii his offlcinl CApacily,
liiaHmuc'i as he l es his duty impartially
and pays his hi'li scropaloasly. Snta
Fe Mexican.
Warning to Book Borrowers.
A tertain owner of hooks, wjo tin a
bookplate, has adorned the s.oie with
the following inscription :
Kteale not thlase W. for fear of
For here you se ye owner by name
And when ye dye y Lord will aay
Where is that boke you sloia awaye
Then if you taye yon cannot telle
, Ye Lorde will says then go tc
(t will be observed that the the hat
line contains a statement of fact and not
1 aish. All lovk col lectors will indorse
he ni5. New York Evening Sun.
Supreme Court Decisions
Tuerday, January .TO, the snprrme
cjur! hauded down dei-irina in three
It nii'Ui cjtinty caacs, as follow :
L. T. U'diinaon, responden', tf. J. W.
Cal in t-tal, appellants, opioion by Wol-
verlon C. J,; affirmed.
Thin was an action for the possesion
of a horse, commenced id justices' court
and tiil reanlli-d in a jirlgment for the
tUm' ff. Tlie defendant appealed to
ttie ciirntt court, ml-J ou trial jodgtceot
.ii uka a giveu in favor of plaio'iff,
hen it. ti defendant appealed to 'be so
preite court.
Juhn lAJtig, respondent, vi. ' L. T.
Ttioiiipsou, appellant, opinion by Bern,
J. revered.
Tiiis wa.4 an appeal froa a jidguieot
vacating and annulling, oa writ of re
view. judgmeut cf a jtutke court. The
nit was overs fl2 cal, the animal and
owner beiog long sines deaf. It wai
contended that as no application for a
substitution was made within a year
after Ihe owner's death, tbe appeal abat
ed, and ouglt to be dismiieed. Tbe ar
gument was bas?d on section 38 of tbe
etutute, which provides that a motion
for substitution must be made within a
year after the death. Held that -there is
a material distinction at common law
between the death of parties 'before or
alter nu appeal baa been takeu. and
while ft is pendiDg, and tbe case is fairly
1 1 fere the supreme court for decision.
Toe circuit court had vacated and annnll.
ed the judgment of theostice ourt, be-
tause of eome alleged errors at to coats
and the iosutliciency of the answer, as
well aa in assuming to instruct tbe jury
as to the law, which was error on tbe
part of the circuit conit.
William Whipple, respondent, vs.
Southern l'aciflo Company, app:llant,
reversed; opinion by Mocre, J.
This was an appetl from tbe justice
court of Pass creek, Douga county, to
recover 50 for a cow, killed by defend
ant's locomotive. Tbe contention was
c 11 the rnitter of pleadings in jugtice
courts. The circuit court dprniaenl the
appeal, but proceedeJ farther and ren
dered judgmeut agaiost tbe defendant,
us in the jutttice court. This was an er
ror. Judgment in circuit court was re-
vereed with instructions to diatnies the
An American Chief Justice in Samoa.
The trouble at Apia was precipitated
by the decision of Chief Justice William
L. Chambers, of tbe iamoan Supreme
Court, declaring Mali etoa Tanas King in
succession to Ida father, the Chief J as-
tice holding that Mvtaufa was diiquali
lied. Mr. Chambers, who was a'ppoinied
Chief Justice by the United States,
lireat Britain and Gerniany, ia a native
of Georgia and a former law partner of
former Secretary of the Navy Herbert.
Since he was a young man be bus
practiced law in Alabama. Six years
ago he was appointed a Samoan Com
missioner by President Cleveland.
Finding affairs in the islands iu an al-
must hopeless tangle, he did much to
tiling order out of chaos.
What They Deserve.
"If by order of President McKiuley,"
sas the Boston Pos-t, "American guns
are tired upon tho Filipino patriots at
Ilo 1 lo, President McKiuley deserves to
be impeached." And if those gnus aie
bred, there are a lot of noi-y copper
heads about boB'.on who deserve to te
hit .Louisville Courier-Journal.
Ki.'K8 have slways been eaten since
time began. The eggs of land -fowl,
tortoises, cncodilce, ostriches, sturgcou
aud emu all form articles of diet.
Tho averuge height of tbe humau race
is for men, 5 fout 0 inches ; for women, 5
feet '2 incht'i.
Trouble Between Justice Cham
bers and German Consul.
Oermany Promises to Investigate the
Conduct of Her Agent In
An clash, N. Z., Feb 1. The follow
ing advices have jnat been received bere
from Apia, Sarnoan island,, uuder date
of Jannary 24 :
There baa been no ftiither general
fighting between the partisans cf the
rival chieftains since the last advices
were forwarded, except that a party of
Mataafa' followers was rou ed in the
bush by Malietoans.
It is expected, however, that fighting
will be resumed, as Maiaafa is arrestinj
persons who have been already Sned and
released, The work of pillage continued,
among the houses looted being Yi!ia.a,
tbe home of tbe late Robert Loot's S'ev
enson, tbe novolitt.
The exiled Malietoan- d iets were
landed at Paog Paugo, on the island of
Totuila, the schooner on which I bey
were beiogjuoable't proceed tithe k-
land of Manot, owing to adverse winds.
Tutnilans gave them a hearty welcorne,
and made an attempt t seizt Mataafa 's
who was on board the s:hcoutr, but the
ciptain put to sea.
There has been a collUioj uf authority
betweea Chief Justice William L Cham
bers of tbe supreme court, aid I)c. Jo
annee Raff!, the t.rman pri-lnt of
the municipality of Apia.
Herr tirosnahl, a trerm ia retident of
Apia, who was arrested fcr s-nashing the
w indow of tne s ipreme court chamber.
was sentenced by tbe chief jiiHtice lo im
prisonment and to pay a fine, Dr. Iijtlel
instructed the police authorities to re
lease Herr Giojtiiohl, wbone fi ie was
sa'eq lenily fixed at $1000.
fhe Germ to coaial, Herr R jsj, liierr-
opoa wrote 19 tbe AmerJCan consul.
Luther W. Osborn, an 1 the British con
sul, . Ji. 8. Masse, protesting that t In
action of tbe chief justice in fining Herr
Cirosmubl was an infringement of Ger-
m tn consular right.
Messrs. 'JjSora and Max;e jointly re
plied in their official capacity that the
proper tribuoal having dealt with tbe
nutter, the consuls could not interfere.
More than thie, they declined to have
farther intercourse with the German
consul or the Germau municipal presi
dent, except in wruioK, or to atten.1
meeting, except to consider the acta of
the municipal council of Apia, unless an
apoloy with f-ill rotraction were offered
for tbe behavior toward Chief Justice.
Chambers At the Bams time the su
preme court eauimoued l'r. Raflel for
contempt of cou't iu releasing Herr
The state department baa received
from Apia by mail copies of pro;! uia issued by tbe American aid Btit.
iahcoosali for the protection of Chief
Justice Chambers and big family. A
proclamation by the Gsrman consul ia
conspicuously absent, and the reaton it
was not issued is explained by dispatches
sent by Mr. Chambers.
Tne Germau consul, it was reported,
promised to hoist his nag over bis resi
dence simultaneously with the Ameri
can and British representatives, and issue
a proclamation declaiiug that an attack
on tbe chief justice would be considered
an atUck on the German Hag, but cent
to tbe chief justice a tattered emblem
which he requested him to hoist. He
failed to issue the proclamation an J did
tot come t) the chief justice' raii Jdnoe
for tbe purpose of witnessing too hoist
iog of the flag. In vie of these lads,
the flag was returned to him.
Tbe reports of tbe chief justice 1bo
contain a statement of the trial of Ma
taafa versus Malietoa, tbe former being
represented by a German naval nllicer
named Van Buelow, who is said lo te iu
Samoa on leave. I'nfortunately . the
steamer which carried the mail to Aus
tralia left before December 31, and con
st quently tbe departments has not re
ceived the chief justice' decision, which
by cable has been announced to be in
favor of Malietoa Tanus.
No Further Tronble Anticipated Over
Xkw Youk, Feb. I. A special from
Waslilugtou say: Iu reply t the rep
resentations of Ambassador While,
Germauy has assured tbe United S atei
that she will iuvestigate the conduct ol
her agents in Samoa, and should it be
shown that they have acted iu vi ilaiiou
of the treaty of Berlin she vtillniull
By this ussurui o German; Ins re
moved the Simoin tpes'lni Iron ihe
daugerotiD po:itiou it occupied
The authorities here auticipatii l iba'.
Germany would decline to accept re
sponsibility, from representations recent
!p made by Ambassador you Hollunbeu,
the German n-pie-ientrtiiye hero, who
No. 10,
Info med 8or-try Hay that lis felt
satisl.l that ihn German consul and
Herr K ifael bad at ted without authority
from Iter in.
Secretary Hay ii quito willing to give
Oermriny all Die neostary lime to Inves
Igtte, mil it ii expeded lha' by this
time she l a taken ud Ion. TLat there
may o rn doubt f ihe fact, and to
protect thr American representatives.
Hear Admiral Kant, who left Hn
lie on hoard the Philadelphia, will
make a thorough investigation ami re
port (he facts without delay.
M. Luis Ilomorist : A Kansas man
ha discovered that bandy ran be mad
from wet elm saw dust, and a dis
couraged prohibitionist ask what
chance the good cause will have when a
man can g forth with a rip saw and gt
drunk on a fence rail.
K-jteourg I the itieen city uf the
beautiful Umpqua valley. It ij on the
eat bank of the Pouth Umpqua river
and -JoO feet above the tea. From a
commercial point cf view, Rueeburg is
a Jvataeonsly situate I. Ic is on a slop
log plateau, where a'l the roads piercinsr
tbe L'mpqrj valley c-.tivcre.
It was its natural location which,
nearly fif'y years ago, gave it pro mi n
end as a distributing center.
Rceebarg had a distinct advantage,
anditii leday tbe foremost business
cen'er tf Southern Oregon. Its growth
has always been s'eady and sure, with- '
oat the element of boomina. I', has
fo ge I ahead eveo during the bard
times, and git tt;rouli the depression
without a businest failure. Among not
able addition to the town during the
past few years b ive be; in a courthouse
costing 130,000; a city hall; the Oi l Fel
loes' ball ; a sewerage system ; a large
b-ewery and ice plant; nine business
0'o:k; ninety dwellings; three ebunbes
and local ar.d long-distance telephone.
RosehU'u'd population i over -000.
The people are thrifty and contented
They havd the fintst climate in the
world. A. C. Marstkhh, Mayor.
Oregoniau, Tuesday.
Those Who bndure
Toe paii.B ol rheumatism should be re
minded that n ture for th:s dieease inav
t- f.urul i-i HooJV .var saparilla. The
xpeiicnro o! thon who. have taken
IolJ's barsaparilla for rheumati-m, and
h ive been loojpletely and permanently
cured, prove the power of thie medi
cine to rou'. -aud couquer this disease.
Elofu'e hfarsapartila ii the OuO True
Blood Paritier and it neutralizes tbe acid
which causes tbe aches and pains of
rh-umaii-'ii'. TnirUwhy it absolutely
cures when liniments and other out
ward applici'iona fa 1 to give permanent
relief. Vu ' oro to H Hood's.
Shasta Limited
Id the name of the only perfect train
in the worM, now running every night
tietwren St Paul nd Chicago, via the
Chicago, Milwaukee v tt. Paul Railway
the pioneer road id the a est in adopt
ing all improved faci ities for I bo safety
and enjoyment of I en jeie. An illus
trated pamphlet, showing views of beau
tiful scenery along tho route of the Pio
neer Limited, wilt b sent free to any
person upon receipt of two-cent postage
stamp. Address Geo. II. Heanord, Gen
eral Passenger Aint, Cnicago, III.
Information Wanted.
BudmOn K. Davis, son of Mary Ann
fleeter Davis, daughter of John tieeter,
also one John Heeler Davis, I would like
to cor respond with any id the said family
of John Heeter. My address id
Bcijmon K. Davis,
00J 2nd. Ave..
Beaver Falls, Pa.
In Near York.
11 i j tr B. ' "
a sbort wbile
r lTTKT-t .-f.:a EO a oany wai
II Nt II I,,., ji-il born in jail. Ita
maar f.'i-3fSTr mother was be-
? r i it 1 "k t"-' f
j. -:-J-:y; UJi-: J! murder. Every
JT' St nr'Pworuauly heart
LiJ ' ir fTZZ n m- s v tn o a t h y at
TJjfi' IL'Si thonnht of the
if r JKAfc blight upon the
' I "- l?,4'Jt ooor little
baby's life. But
a baby need not
be born in jail
to be unfortu
nate. Any baby
which ia not
welcomed into
this world with
lm-inar tipnrta
and ready bands
is unfortunate.
A i. mrOlir a-tin
is physically weak and Incapable of bestow
ing a healthy constitution upon her baby
may darken Us future with weakness and
A prospective mother ought to insure her
baby's welfare by every means that Nature
and science afford to keep her physical
powers up to the very highest point.
livery expectant mother ought to know
and avail herself of the strengthening aud
re-enforcing properties of Dr. Pierce'a Fa
vorite Prescription. It gives health and
endurance to the delicate organs concerned
in motherhood. Takeu eaily during the
period of expectancy, it make the coming
of baby perfectly safe und comparatively
easy. It makes the mother strong and
cheerful, and gives health and natural vigor ,
to the child. ,
It is the only medicine of its kind devised
for weak and delicate women by an edu
cated, experienced physician.
For nearly 30 years Ir. Fierce has been
chief consulting physician to the Invalids' ;
Hotel nod Surgical Institute, of Buffalo, ,
N. Y. His thousand-page illustrated book,
"The People's Common Sense Medical Ad
viser" contains advice and auggestions
which every woman ought to read. A pa
per bound copy will be scut ubsolulely free '
on receipt of ai one-cent stamps to pay cost i
of mailing only. Addicba Dr. K. V. Fierce, I
Buffalo, N. V. Cloth iMiunil for .y atuuipa.'
A sure aud permanent cuie for constipa
tion is Dr. Pierce's Pellets. One " Pellet"
is a gentle laxative, two a tuild calhaittc.