'J' .j ; - -it TMS tNn SEAT IN THE PEW. tl ! the riwt ffriplM tlhe rrnlnlw i?f the family. "Il In common ruongli," mid Mr Gratal', "to nn n min ntltfuif in tho isln rinl of a ix-w In rbnrc-h jrrt tin on tlm Hi rival of soino other member of I lie family, step out Into tlio nlta to let the Into comer in, mid then reMimo Itl". Fent at the eul of tho rve. It poems to lue that I hiivo rend thnt thin ruatnm ortflt imtrrt In New KnKlnixl In tho r:rly dnj-a, when tho men nil at by tlw nisl o that they could seino their gnu Alt') got ont promptly in ca of attack by Indiana. We don't liftvo runch to fear from Iudian nowaday, bnt the eat by the aisle is "till occupied by the hf-ad of the family. lie stands in tbe ai.!e while (he others raj in, and then calmly take hla place in the end coat, at the bead cf the line, as a sort of general protector. "Sometime in those days, wo aro o Tory free from Indians now. tho bead of tbe family thinks it is safe for him to stay at home wben be has a hondacho, and tbon the young son takes bis place. I imagine that ho talks it over with bis mother on tbe way to church, so that it li all understood. When thoy get to the pew, be stands in theaislo while bis sis ters and bis mother pass in. I fancy that bis sisters are rather glad when they are all seated aud no longer conspicuous, bnt upon his mother's faoe as she brushes past him into the pew there is a smile of affectionate pride, aud then ho take bis seat in bis father's place and alts there with fine boyish dignity." New Tork Sua A IteuefWa f Ha ffpvelMb Fran Ton 8 well knowu for b klndne.8 and generosity, was waited upon tho other day by n well dressed gentleman, who spoke to ber as follows: "I wish to draw your atteutiou, madam, to the sad case of a poor fam ily. The father is weak and advanced in years, the mother is bedridden, and their five children are clamoring for bread. Tho poor creatures are about to be turned into the 6treet with their wretobed belongings unless somebody will undertake to pay their arrears of rent, amounting to SO marks." Fran Ton S at once went to fetch the money. Handing it to ber Tisitor, the said: 'Now, sir, I should like to know who yoo are, as yon seem to take so warm an interest in these poor people." "I am their landlord, madaml" Woohenblatt For Over Fifty Teaia. As Old A5D Well-Tried Kikedy. Mrs Window's Soothing Syrup has been used lor OTer fifty yean by millions of mothers lor their children while teething, with perfect success. It soothes the child, softcat the gums, nil pain, cure winJ colic, and is the best rvtntxlj tor Diarrhcra. Is pleasant to the taste. Sold bj druggists in every part of the world. Tweniy Ore ecu is a bottle. Its value Is incalculable. Be sure and ak fur Mrs. Window's Soothing Syrup, and take no other kind. Tne Churches. Methodist Churc h vomer of Main and Lauc street. Sunday Service: Preaching, II a. m aud 7:30 p.m.; Sabbath school, 10 a. m.: F. W. Woollcy, Superintendent: Class Meeting at close of the morning service ; Epworth League 6:30 p. nj. F. H. Churchill, President. Prayer Meeting, Wednesday, at 7:50 p. in. U. K. Ab'oLI, Pastor, Parsonage, comer Main and Lane. C.mteu Brethue.n L'ucbch on Fowler strict. 8nuday service, at 11 a. m. and 7:3) p. in. Pray r meeting, Thursday evening. Mrs. Lcct M. Ci ri.ii', Pa-tor, St. OeoR'.e CHl'tttH. Corner Cass aud Main streets. Services on second and fourth Sunday morning of each month and every Sun day evening. Special services announced from time to time. Eiv. John Dawson, Missionary. M. K. Cai'ccu, Socth. Services every Sunday morning andeveuin;. Kev. J. T. cotton, Pastor Baptist Cui'Bcu comer of 1-ane and Rote street. Sunday service: Preaching at 11 a. m. aud 7:30 p. m. Sabbath School at 10 a. m., O. V. oshow, superintendent. Prayer meeting at :X Wednesday evening. S. A. DuIMLas, Paxlor. Fibs! Christian CHIB'.H Coruer of Pin and Woodward street. Sunday services: Preachiug both morning and evening, Sunday school at 10 a. in. Y. P. S. C. . atG:30 p. m Prayer meeting each Wednesday evening at .30. A cordial welcome and greeting awaits all. W. A. Wood, Pastor. AN OPEN LETTER To MOTHERS. WE ARE ASSERTING IN THE COURTS JOUR EIGHT TO THE EXCLUSIVE USE OF THE WORD "CASTORIA," AND " PITCHER'S CASTORIA," AS OUR TRADEMARK. , DR. SAMUEL PITCHER, of Hyannis, Massachusetts, was the originator cf "CASTORIA," the same that has borne and does now hear on every the fac-simile signature of(&&ffi4jM wrapper. This is the original "CASTORIA" which has been used in the homes of the Mothers of America for over thirty years. LOOK CAREFULLY at the mapper and see that it is the hind you have always bought t' - on the and has the signature of C&&fM&X wrap per. No one has authority from me to use my name except The tertCwP111!!' f which has. H. Fletcher is President Do Not Be Deceived. Do not endanger the life of your child by accepting a cheap substitute which some druggist may offer you (because he makes a few more pennies on it), the in gredients of which even he does not know. "The Kind You Have Always Bought" BEARS THE SIGNATURE OF sir -Insist on Having The Kind That Never Failed You. THS CSHTAVS COMPANY, t, MV..A. ftnrh t Ufa. Yewtcrday a lady in a ltroadway cable car adlrepd me, and everybody listened and was anuused. filio was ytmng and pretty and well drtxwed. As we rolled Sown Union aqnare a cab passed tbe car. My noighlior craned ber neck, and point ing ber frngcr at the cab remarked ft) m "Thnt Jndgo Hilton in that cab." Every one in the car looked at the occu pant of the cab. Then she took me into her confidence and retailed such facta abont the jndgo a have been printed from tinio to time in the papers. As tho car tore around the Broadway curve her attention was diverted, and she hadn't done scolding about the speed and the curves wben we passed a Broad way shop window on which was an nounced in white enamel letters, "Ool lars and Cuffs Lnnndriod." "If the don't correct tha; misspelled word soon," she exclaimed, "I shall scream. " Everybody turned and looked at the freak in orthography. Theu a man who was watching tho woman from the rear platform camo in and tapped her on the shoulder, and she arose and followed him. As she passed out the men opposite smiled, and ouo said to hi companion, "Craay as a looa " Dot how could they tellT All she said was true. New York World. BORROWING TROUBLE. Row Soma Persona Make raatoraj Wert Uurttoa to Their Pastor. Several well known clergymen of this city were chatting together at the close of a ministerial gathering a few days ago, when one of them remarked that one of tho hardest things be had to con tend with in his work as a pastor was the di.spotUUon of many members of his church to borrow trouble. "I can nearly always find somo way to comfort persons suffering from pres ent troubles," said the minister, "but I am always discouraged when I find a parishioner worrying over some antici pated trouble that will probably neTer materialize." ' That is my experience, too, " remark ed another of the group, "and I bad an amusing example of it in my own house not long ago. I went into my study aft er breakfast one morning and was as tonished to find one of the servants sit ting on the floor in front of the grate fire, crying and moaning as if her heart would break. "'Why, Mary,' said I, 'what in the world is the matter with you?' " 'Oh, sir,' she answered, 'I got to thinking, sir boohoo ! that suppose I should get married, sir boohoo! and should have a fine baby boy, sir boo hoo ! and he should grow big enough to walk, sir boohoc and he should get la front of a fire like this, sir boohoo hoo! and should fall into it and be burned to death, sir, whatever would I do, sir, and how would I feel, sir,' and then the tears and wails came so fast the couldn't speak at alL ''Now," continued the minister, "how could I comfort a person who bar- rowed trouble like that? I certainly couldn't do it trying to convince the girl she would never bo married, and so 1 6imply made no effort to console her, but told her to go to her room aud stay there until she had recovered her lost wir.3." New York PeraM. Caro Bros, inform tbeir patrons that they are in receipt again of Clark's !-pool Cotton. Same old pries. For fine tone and high grade piano get a Xeedham. They speak for them selves. It does not take a cracker jack at a big salary or a pai J musician to 8 el them. All we ask is to look at tbe in struments, try the tone yourself, and yoo will be convinced tbat Needbams are the beet pianos on the market, except Chickering or Stein way. For reference see O. F. Godfrey, A. C. Marks, or I. B. Riddle, who has just received at his home a beautiful one in figured mahog any case. Tbe prices of these pianos are tbe most reasonable for tbe quality of goods ever offered in this city. I can also give you inside prices on anv make of piano. CV1 and see T. K. RlCH ARDbOX, Kosebo rg, Or. N. li. We also have in stock some new and second-hand pianos second band (00 teWI75. New $200 to $300. ATACKT. .... A FREAK OF NATURE. Ill Narvl Orstnc auul Haw II Cane M Ttila Conntry. The first narrl nuiK wax doubt leas a freak or "iport." a. hortWUnrlnts par. To make snoh a frnlt by arttuoe won Id be impossible It i abnormal evt-n in the bnd. The navel shows In the bnd an rarly a tho lnttor rnu be ex amined tmdor tho nnorosooi It may even lotrnood bnok to the flower, which is double tlvogli thnt word din not irs the idea very well, wwh blossom having a secondary blossom within it. In the developed frnlt the navel is itself a mvondiiry orijje, in some specimens having a distinct kin surrounding it. The two story orange is no novelty. A lk on horticulture published iu 1643 Rives a picture of the navel orange tud rails it "pomnm Adamt fo tum. " this is tho earlioet reference known. The blossoms rarely have any pollen, and the fruit is usually, though not always, foedlos. The variety is reproduced by budding. Where it originated is not known with certainty, but It was prob ably in southern Asia. Thence it was brought to the region of the Mediterra nean and eventually diffused over the world. A liuly who had traveled in Br axil told Mr. Sannders, chief gardeuer of the department of agriculture, about the orange, which ho had seen in that oountTT. Acting on this information, Mr. Saunders told a Star reporter that ho sent to ltahia and secured a doxeu young budded trees. These reached the United States iu 1S70, In-tng tho tlrsi navel orange trees known here. From these trees others wero iropn- gated. Ouo of the first batch thus ob tained is now in tho orange house of the department of agriculture. In 1878 two of the trees wero sent to Mrs. L. C "fib bers of Riverside, Cal At the same time Others were sent to Florida. But those planted in California fruited more quick ly ani were the first to attract attention. It soon beoame evident that the clxmata Of that state was better suited to bf cultivation of tills variety. In Florid it i mt KnflVipjit.lv nnvlnotiveL e. . does not bear freely enougn to be profitaDje. Nevertheless tho finest navel oranges romo from Florida, though they are noi so handsome as those from California. Washington Star. Fifths Itetwcvn Ball and Alligator. I heard au interesting story of a fight between an alligator and a big bull on the shores of Lake Okeechobee. Alliga tors are quite numerous in that lake, and it is little visited by white men, though Scmiuole Indians fish and hunt tbore. Herds cf cattle roam abont through that section of the state, and the bull in question belonged to one of tbeso herds. It was drinking at a small inlet on this lake when its nose was caught by an al ligator. The bull managed to free itself by pulling the 'gator partly out of the water. It then lowered its bonis and caught tho 'gator, throwing it on the bank. When tho bull mado another at tack, the alligator struck the bull with Its tail and severely hurt it. Tho buU managed to tear a hole iu tho abdomen or soft spot of the 'gator, but on anoth er chargo the 'gator broko ouo of the legs of the bull by a blow from its tail. This disabled the bull, and tho 'gator managed to break another leg iu tho sauio way, but tho saurian soon bled to death, and tho bull, when found with its two broken legs, had to bo shot. Florida Letter. Notice is hereby given to tbe public by the undersigned that I do not allow dead animals to be buried on my prem ises, at Roeeburg, Oregon, or garbage jumped thereon or Band or gravel taken therefrom, unless the party taking sand or gravel first contract with me for the right to do so. Tresspassers will be prosecuted ac cording to law. Aako.n Rom:, Roeeburg, Oregon, March 17tb, 1SN). All onr goods are new and of the latest styles. No shopworn goods on band at the Boss Store. Viavl, Vlavi. Mrs. J. II. Shape is local representa tive for the popular Viavi remedies. Any one desiring any of these remedies will please call on her at ber homo or ad dress her at Roeeburg, Oregon. Now is the time to save money by bu ing your goods at the Roseburj Novelty Cash Store. In buying three pairs of shoes you can save eDoauh to l.uy anoth er pair. On clotuing wc can eavu you from 2 to H on a suit. Fall millim i y cloaks and capes, all sold at elusion ou prices. Absolutely closing out. Call and be convinced. Balm of Figs. Auy one wiehiogto pure ha so "Ualm o Figa" can do so by calling on or dressing Mu. Assw iiti-Ki.tv, j02 Cass St., Roeeburg, Or To the Public. On and after this date, I wish it under stood that my terms for all undertaker's ooda are cash with the order. I find it impossible to do business on a credit basis, and belive that I can do better by my patron? and myself by selling strictly for cash. P. Bknkdick, Undertaker Roeeburg, Ore., April 12, 1895. ECONOHY HARKET L. KOMLIUQEN, Proprietor, JiKtl.lt IN Fresh and Salted Meats, J. F. BARKER & GO. Want Your EGGS And BUTTER. H. C. STANTON Bm iut rcolvsJ a sit tsl tatsaalvs stock DRY : GOODS CONSISTING OF Ladies' Dress tioels, Kibbots, Trimnilka, Laces, Itc, Itc ALSO A FIN! STOCK OF HOOTS AKI SIIOKS Of Us bast naallty aad lalah. GROCERIES Wood, Willow tad Glass Ware, Crockery, Cordage, Etc, aisu on haml la Lrf qtiuitlvi sad at prlaaa to suit tha Unta. Alta a Uri atoah of Custom-Made Clothing I'or Choice Call at Station's for P. M" NOTICE. I'mtkd ?TAia Land orm s, KosWmrii. OrvKoti, Ixcvnitcr j, ll. To u lioin It mav otUiiTU: Sotiro l hvrby (tivni that tlic Hoanl ScluHl Lauil t .unmiioi'ra il tho tau- ( Oty Hon. ha." tiktt in tins (iilic a 1 1-1 ( lauds tltu atl iti th tovvulnp a IoIIoms: N W 1 , uf N K 1 , n( Stv 1 li. SI S , IS. j W rat, atwt hut ait!irl (or anl sIciinI the sainc. tliat the ht ti "i- n to tliv imblic lor titn-ctlou aii'l a c.'i'V thiT"'( t,y ilcvrlitlv sulxllvinlniis, hus lnvii j'0t. 1 ill a I'oim-uk'iit place In this odli'v lor tho iuspwilon ot all pirwius iiitvrvsUtl aii'l the illii-1! ncrally. ithiu thv ticM sixty days lolloitlni; the U.u of tliio noluv. protots or cooU-Ms nxatust the cl-ilm of the ahl I'oiiiiniviiuiiers to auy tract or ub.l Won within any wction or part of s-e-t'.cn. ilcxrlutil iu the llit. on the urouml that the Mine i moro aWiabie for mluaiai than for actienUural purtkes, wi'.l b- nxeie.l ami nol. .1 (or nport to the tivnvral IjhiJ Orliev al Washington, U. C. J. T. BKIIXiEU. J. II. UOOTU. KegisUT. Receiver. dotll) I'MTSU S"T.VTKS Lxno Orm i, K..'bur. Oregon, Jauuury 9, lw.. in wliom it may i. nicru (S..'.;rr i hcfl.y given that the Oreou Call foruia Kuiironil Company hai Bird lu this oilier a l.-t of lauds situated in the lonnnhlp le-sriix-'l tivlow, aud bus applied for a patent for ssid laii'ls; tbat the list is open to the public for luieeilou and a copy thereof by decripthc subdivision. Imt been ikmUhI Iu a aonvculeul pliue in this odice for tbe inspection of all per son inU'iciUd aud the public generally, to-uit: b.mili of baw line ana V of Will. Mer., Or ;oli: i ownslilp ;.', Kauge 4, all of seetioas 'J, 11, li. l:, 21, VI, il. in, J9.31 andi'iaod the 8', nl .. : NK'. ami s'.of hec. W; N'i of SK',, -E , St ., N't SW' and f.ls 1, 1, i, i. ,s, J, , -. j. lo. 11, U, l.i, 11. 15. It. and 17, of rice. V iiluii the next sixty days following the date ill tlu notice, prole! or contests SKalimt the ( laini f the Company to any tract or subdivis ion win, in atiT eclion or part of section, ile v riix-l in Hie Il-t, mi thegroiiml tbat the name i l ion: va.uaMc for mineral than for agricult ural iiinies, will tic received and noted (or ie jirt to the 'icncral lnd Office at Washington, J. T. BRIDGKM, Krlnt.-r. J. II. IHXiTH, jjilu Kecelvtr. Notice For Publication. I'mtki) States Lsso Orricg, K.ieburg, Oregon, Ixx. 'i!, IS. Noti'-e i" hereby given that the billowing named m iller lias filed notice of bis Intention to niHki- tiual proof in suppiirt of his claim, and tint! in id proof will be luaed before the Register sn 1 K" ' lvcr, I'nltcd btau-a Ind Oltice al Kus bun; On iron, on January si. lnf, vl2 hWING l. I'OW'EI,!.. on his if K. No.TM'i (or Ihc lota No. 6, 7 and , Sic. jo. T. VI 8., K. 7 west, lie names the f'lllnwini; uitiieKie to prove his continuous res idence upon and cultivation o! said laud, vi: J. K. I l.i t ton, o( Millwood, "Oregon. U C. Cow- ell, oi Millwoo.1, Oregon, 11. K. Ks.li r of Kel- l', Oregon, Ci. . liniinick, ol Koieburg, Opon. J. T. BKIUOEH, J.-ii, Register. BOSWELL SPRINGS On the 5. P. R. R. Douglas County, Oregon HOTEL constant ly open for recep tion of guests. Water cures Rheu matism, Dyspepsia, Kidney and Skin Diseases. The Unfortunate. Dr. Gibbon This old reliable and tbe most successful Hoeclallst in Bau Fran cisco, still continues to cure all sexual aud Samlnal Disease suck as (lonnorrhora, Cllael Stricture, Ayph Ilia In all lis forma. Blkln Dl. . - a a Kia r.fuit I tot. 1 1- '. Hy, ImpoUocy. tMHiU '' ' .-I P... M 1 1 1 1 I -mm V vr14-.f:ffiftikAW,v J- ol fTanhood, the conso ijcucu ol sell abiifcu aud excesses producing the illowinu syioutouis: sallow countenajice, dark hpots under tho eyes, . am iu the hi ail, nbgin inthecKrH, loss o( coulldeuca, diffidence lu ap proaciiiug siiaiixers, palpitation ol tbe heart, wi-akin-kH of the limbs aud back, loss ol memory iiiuipli-son tho face, coughs, cuioiiiiiiplioii, etc. iJli. iilbUON baa practiced in Han Francisco over thirty yenraml those Iroubiud should uot fu.il to consult liim and ravel ye the be lie lit ol Ins Kicut skill uild experieuce. The doctor cures w''ii oilier fail. Irylilm. Cures guaranlep. pi rhoiiK cureil at lioine. Charges reasonable. i nil nrwiio. bit.'J F. ulliUON, (a Kearny hi, Man Fran To LIVE lp LET UVEI 1'nderlhe abov molto I will still eoiitlnna In survey for all parties desiring my as IslancK as an englnrvt or anrvrvor. My rliarget wilt I reasnualde latut my work luarauliiM. Am alsa Nntary iSibllc, Address me al cievDiami, ihiuglaa Co., or. wii.i. i, iiicvmiN. O.RAflCO. PrTART for TIMtl CMi:it'l.l: from I'oiilaiid AtlKIVK From Kail Mail 7 . jo a. in rast Mall Hsll Uko. Denver, rt. Worth, ('iiislia.Ksn II p.m. saa I lly, hi. UuiIb, l h lingo aud Kal. Ppokauo klyer 1 p.m. Walla Walla, ripokano. Mlmifapolln.ftl Paul iniliilli, Mllnaukie, 1'hleagvi aud Kt. Ocean 5teamhlpa All sailing dales sub ject to cliaugf. For Han frauclseo -KUI li-v a, l.l, IN :' '. Hiokani Fl)er III l.a. m. p.m. t . in. T p.m. To Alaka Hall 8eptl7. A p. m. II p.m. i Columbia Rlvtr Fx.Hunday Vlramara. Halunlay ' To Astoria and May- 10 p.m. landings. i p. m Kg HUtlil lay Willamette Klver. (I a.m. Orvlnn ( lly, Kewhcrg, Ki.dumlay ! Halcui A W ay l.and gs 4 !K) p. m. Fx 'Holiday 7 a.m. ; WHUmrtw and Yarn Tura I'liur. i hill Klirr and Hal. ' Oregon t Iu , Pay toil, aud Way liiilinaa H ) p in. Moil., Wed and Frl. a m. ' WlllameUs River. Tue.Thur. ; I'orlUnd tot'orvallls and Hat. aud W ay-landings :K p. m. Tiie. Tliur. and Hal. I.v. Klparia 5nake filter. I, I rw I. ton Daily, laily , Kscepl Frldoy Kxii i't Kiparia lu l.eilon. Faru nlav. ' W. II. Ill Ml. lit HV, Ucueral I'aiiaviiger Agent. . H. tk ft. CO., Iartlniid, Orrgon. I II w. TIHtUIRKt'T KOl'TKTU Montana, Utah, Colorado and all Eastern Points. lilies i hone of two favorite routes, via the I'NION l'( IKK- Fast Mall Line, or the KIO ll RA NUK Hccnlc Lines. Look at the lliue- ij days to Salt Lake zi days to Denver 3j days to Chicago 4)j days to New York Free Hi-cllnluic Cliulr cars, liolntcrrd Tourist MlrrpluK Cnris, I'ulltuau raliace Mlecp idx Carst opvrntt'd oil all trnliiN. For (nilhi r iiWorma'Iri' apply o J. F. CIIVANS, Ayf., Kowburg. C. O. Terry, W. E. Coman, Trav. fans. Agl. Gen. ,gl. l.'l Thinl 81., 1'ortlaud, Or. EAST AND SOUTH - VIA THE SHASTA ROUTE OK TUB Southern Pad lie Co. El prsas trains Isass PuctUnd duly. 8outh " North"- 6T00 "r. at". Lt. - rortlaiVd Ar. I V.JOk.u 3:00 . m. I.t. Rose (m rg . Lt. Wi.VS r. a. 8 IS a. M. t Ar. Kan FranclM-o Lt. I luor . Abore trains stop at all tirlnrinal alatlotis between 1'ortlaud ami balem, Turuer, Marlon, Jeferson, Albany, Tangent, Klietlds, lialsey, Harrisburg, Junction City. Kugenr, Collage Grove, Drain, Oakland, and all atalloua from Rose burg to Ashland IncluatTc. Itescknrf flall-lailr. 8 ant. a. I Lt. tMr. a. Ar. Portland Roaeburg Ar. L. t Mi r. a 7 M a. a DIMIKU CARS O.OCIiKni ItOHTIC Pullman Buffet 8leepcre AND HECOKD.CI.AM9 "I.EKIMsl CAH4 AtUched to all Through Train. West Side Division. Uelwecn Portland and Coryallla Mall train dally (except Sunday). 7:30 a. II A. I Lt. I Ar. I'orlland I'orvBllls Ar. I Lt. r:M r. a I -m r. a At Albany and Corvallts conntx:t with trains OI Oregon Central a Kaslern railroad. Kiprcss train dally (except Sunday). i !)f. a. 7:2r, a. K 90 P. M. It7 I'ortland . McMlnvlllo IlldufM'lliielic Ai. Lv. I.v. B a Ar. I.r. y.M a. a 4 .vi a. a Direct conucetlon at Hsu Francisco with Oc cldental and Oriental aud Pacific Mall steam hip lines for JAPAN AND ClilNA. Balling uates on application. K. KOXULItK, 0. II. MARK II AM, Manager. li. V. tk Pass. A gen t. PORTLAND QRKMON. Kales and tickets to F. stern points and F.u roi.c. Also JAPAN, CHINA, HONOLULU am AI HTKA1.IA. Can be obtaluud from L. il MOO UK, Ticket Agent, or V. C. LONDON, Itosc urg. WOODWARD THE BUSTLED ROSEBURG Does Up ALL COMPETITORS! We are always Id the Lead, and mean to keop there. The Holder) Harvest is upon ul, aud faruv era aro Milling because Woodward loots to their lutereat. Full Trimmed TEAM HARNESS These are all Leather and Warranted, SADDLES At Reduced Prloei. Consult your purse and be sure and see Woodward before buying. W. . WOODWARD 1'iom A toZ the most complete stock of hardware. If you arc interested in Harb Wire fencing buy the "WmikcKx.!..' Host and Cheapest in the Mar ket. Churchill & Woolley. his is the to Buy Groceries. Our line of Olives, Gherkins, Pick els, Sauces, etc., is also complete. We carry the largest stock of to baccos iu Southern Oregon. C. W. PARKS & CO., Grocers. ; i KRUSE & SHAMBROOK, UK ALU KrJ IN STAPLE MD FANCY GROCERIES ! PROVISIONS FINE TEAS AMD COFFEES A SPECIALTY. ALSO A TOBACCO OU K I'M A TRIAL. irMici: ih:i.ivi:ii v, Real Estate Bought and Sold jW aUsTat aaMslJaT. Farms, large and small, to Rent, AND IMMEDIATE TOSHKB.SION GIVEN. Stock Ranges, Timber Lauds and Mining Properties, Prune and Hop Lauds of best quality, in choice locations, in quantities to suit intending purchasers, at reasonable prices and easy terms. Inquire of 3D. s. K. bxjiok; taarat. a aa New Tongues and Sounds, Spiced Ilerriug, Wliole Codfish, Salmon Bellies and WYLIB PILKINGTON, S IHucccssor lo (. W, NOAH J -m. m ji jta.sLAsia jkx3W4. rROTTINQ AND RUNNINO PLATEJ3 A 5PECIALTV, KKfAIItlNU Or ALL KINDS I'HOMITkY DOM I. Mhop on Corner WaaliliiKlon and Ksue mtm Mescbnn, F. M. BeardcSL 309 Jackson Street Has added to his stock of Hardware, a fine line of Coffee, Tea, Halting Powder and Chocolate, Tobacco and Goods. New Prices, Place A full aud complete assortment of all goods usually kept in a first class grocery. Kvcrythiug offered for sale is fresh; and sold at very reasonable prices. Wc have a very choice stock of canned goods, including both fruits aud vegetables, to which wc invite your special attention. ALL, KINDBOF Ki l l. LINK OT Sc CIGARS. One Dooi Houlh ul I'. O. M OHFDt'RU, ORKUON, ;aa mm C; a'ri Arrivals. Pickled Salmon, Pickled Herring, Smoked Herring, Mackcral, at onoanono ....MRS. N. BOYD. and all kiiids of Spices, Cocoa Cigars; Sugar and Salt. New ; i ) I. . I CK.50N eT., KOhkBLRO t'li. Cisco. f.'al J i I L .... ..aV