The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, February 02, 1899, Image 3

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    11 .!.'.! - -J..
mux Ai.i.owrif)
8111 tin.
------ jr.
All permins Indebted li tlio tmdurtign
d are hereby notified nI ren,utihled to
come forward end make fr im )t sot"le
luotil. All notes and ai.cfniitn not paid
Immediately will bn placed In the hands
of en attorney fur collodion. Title
mear.a like It reads. We ere going otit
of hn1nt, in mint have a letllummit.
Cso 3..t,
FIRRl'ARY 2, lit'
Tcr a gerxl 6-tnt cigar rell ou Mre.N.
lusr la Infinite tenet; el Aleseudcr
A I irons 's.
rVe Ha'amena line of watch and
Maearonl in one ponnd cartoon el
gler's grocery.
7phyr 16 oerita lor ektn packsge
el the Jevlly Ktor.
Key West, import end dutnesllo
stjar el the KwImI.
A Sse!f bred Jerter enele eel I fgr eele.
AMreee T. 0. "ov, lJ.
The liKiet display of latapaof every
eeeerillen el Churchill A vVuolley's.
Tee rWo Ptore li erlllns out et etrrl
leine, prioce. Gall end be convinced.
He you eeiokeT II s get trie Artie
epr et truss A H.amtrook, e!e agent
nitk will I ma.te by having
rewv dental work done by lr. Strane.
J. D. Uenn telle tbe beet floor In town
eel erleee ere ell right, quality couid
xU. Ia4ls rnbbers et rent end first
eellty el 40 eeat per pair. Novelty
tliek brroede drere klrt, which
fnjrlysoldatl.M tr tl.Vl, now frr
11.15 to 11.71 el the Hovslty Utore.
Oar.h raid for rreln. end ell kinds r I
tn Ahrsbsm e
K. A. Poftsn.
B. DaCe. M. P., member Foard ol
renelcm iesiars. Office. Merest
fcsfldlnj residing corner Mele eed Cat
Beewosny will prompt yon to bny
ehl'.drsn's clothing v eft. "oil! from
4 le 14 et f 1.1 end upward In price,
assay Marked blow cost. Novelty
crloj machine, ewing machines,
sewing rsachlne el Alexander A Strong,
n- the best of them et tbet, ranging in
tHwfrers 81IVi U7.R0. Beenreloeee
flieoi More yen bny.
B!er T. Hootrr, pliyeieien end ear
Ci. Office ofxt to city hell do Mein
vfrett, Riesbnrf . Or. Specie ettenllon
ftrvi le difceere of the noie end tbrout.
CNUli promptly ereeere-l.
Pu Kroe A Rlc, Hor.m Fnrnlehrrn,
for erery tiling in the lurnitnre lini-,
herxett etock end loweet prirre, jnnt ro
rerreteor laed of r.utern e-il
fnrnltere. Pee ne for berseint.
Keete mbr Ihel Pr. f-trenpe le e per
Kentnt reldint of Rebnnj, end la not
here tewpnrerily, thet he fully nerrentH
.11 work end le here et all timre to
eeeke od hie inerenteri ol nil dentin
Herri' Tonltry Unre. Thin infelllblo
remedy cbel!ent"e the world to produce
Iteeqnel ei en etoy prodncer. Frcvont
Ive end cere for ell dincerre cffonlH
trentewl end for ! bv H. M. Mur
llei, Roeebnrt. Or.
Pell ef clotbee, ell wool, hcevy
welgbte, f.60; retreler price l. Hd
Jelhee froo 6 to 13 yeer for l.f0 end
fj. Ilete ell itylee end colore for 8.j
rofUr prioe fl.fiO. All tbeeo ix)da ure
Mly fc be fonnd et tbe Boee Hlor.
Ue to dete dentletry by lr. HtrenRo
whleh reeeni tbe beet end leteit klnde
ml werk ekilfolly oerefnlly end prrporly
netted with no after trouble, but por
Ml eetlefection. Try Ir. Ptrenge's
cemleea orowne, the bext, latest end
oet perfect made.
For eele or echengo for lemU in Oro
ge 147 ecroi timber lend in Hnntu
Oral oonnty, Oelifornie, ebaul threo
eellee from railroad eUtlou, on eonnty
reed, part food fralt lend end probubly
11,000 cords of wood on the piece nour a
nod market. -Price 12.000. Addroftf
r, O. box ftS Hoeebnrg, Oroj?ou
A few doeen of thoee Kentucky made
pants, substantial and well made, no
Shoddy. Also a few dozen women',
men's, boys' and children's shoei, regu
lar wearers. Hats fer sunshine end
bade, underwear for hot and cold
Mather, and rarions other articles at
g prloei, at U.O. Hanton'e.
For a high grade riano, don't orer
look the Haines Tiros. Indorjid by all
leading musicians In Uoeeberg. They
areoasd and Indorsed by Dr. (Khme,
lira. Appelboh eed othen. Mnie. I'ettl
hasalJalneespii(btlii her Widoir lu
berbeeutifal home et Creigyaue Castle,
Wales, sod need the Hulnes pleno dar
keg her Wet losr of the Vulled P tales.
EUavts Hues., New York, N. Y.
I Closing Out
At Prices
Tliil In ln day,
0 ild pi ne in ult dotigns el ha'iinn'Sa
limiJ, tlie watthuuker, d'e engrey
liitiicrolt croamerv bn',ter et Mrt, N.
ict your silver ere end eilrer noTtl
tlcM nt H.tltmnn'e.
lion A, T. (Won ri of Oaklaud ess in i
tbeii!y Tuoday,
Np iv flock ( cVtfiut carving oU at
Chtir. l.ill ,V WcollryV.
At Hie k Ii.x I rncellou r-atur,U; ,
fivo mill tut ljvind. dtiri( lu putirrnier kkihs at
Hi,!'. Scis tlitiii.
Jneticf ol lVace W. It. UVIIi of Olella
e ou .nr t'.'viftt, Trirtday
ll'nl.-! ira I- 40. 'a. C.
Mrs'i r4 ,V l'o., l .fSurj', Or.
Mire M. Mu'ticr, uf Kc-rrbarg. i
UM.t at lb r.' r.iraod Tol"
Hv, IV. I'. f. I'.i. I.ardsoii, A Mjnio
Cmk, m i . : Ij e b'K.Ofa ii Ki enburg.
Tin ri' il N. r licritl e re e ol reel p 0
P'-rir a' tl.o in'iit l,ooi-r, at ore u'clock,
Hon. Ad.lir:!i . Ko!cr hue tc' n
ecrtcd Uniii-I Si renator frcei
Wiif bliutn.
Read Mrs. Con H xk'e ceid "Tbe
lf. nio link'ir," in pl"'r eol
il n'i foTi:';t it,
Thii lVti. 2. ia cendlcmea day, a
c'ltmt, (-tivul o'-'fcrtnl In Europe
alto-it ih' tfir !12.
Mi. .. S. liibn!l, ef Trn Mile, it
lyir.g I I n lini resident e (l A. O. Mere
t.rii. tni i.i D'jw iinprorlng
Iter. TV. A. Wood, pertor of the Chris
tian clinrch ol 11 ncbnrf , le eend:g Ihs
we'k nitb bit family in Kngpnr.
lioit Scbr-inuvcr bo hae been visiting
rvitli i!m family of li. W. U.ipp, tetomed
(o hie tiouin in l'ortland Tuorider,
Uci.rr H'.rmlci- I .ya ectiou In tbe
Justice court yitrrdev, egaintt W. O.
Hr- for JO. Tiio inntter wae et't'ed
without trial.
Yesterday H. I.. Mertttre end wife
were called to the ldide of bis mother
et Ot. Inn.l, Uj it rerr ill. Dr.
llo ak ih in at'.ciidmii.
All our corri e Kjiu!ci!co end e great
d.'al of lcsl u'ttr wss nled out if
tiila ii'i no on nccom.t i f leek ol space.
Tlity mli appear next week.
Ladies iMirlin aud cambric gowna,
chemifo an I draeere beautifully era-
hri' nvl end cxci itional values, et tbe
Tneidev it mined, a resnler web-f)ot
rnir, end ilnrinc the tig'it the "beauti
ful enow," covered the ground with her
nhile iinuitlii, a:id tbe air wet decidedly
Mi s V.oln Ma:iu her. lcen qnito Fick
for three dins at tbt rcMdonce of A. C
Mnriterit. and in iMiiacii'ie nee baa been
mial.lo to rehUti;e ber ilutiee at tbo r-'ol
lii'in' Home.,
Mrs. J. H. I.Kbey. of Winchester, te
coived a eti oka of paralysis, Mommy
effecting her left tide. Dr. Hoover wa
cnlled and ho reperln that the Is now
much Improved.
m:v HOODS,
Outing FlauoGl?,
Ticking, eUplea of ell kinds at the
Arthur iluhen, who in wanted for the
crime of rape in Stctilvi!lt, Mo., wns ar
reeled by thorilT Stephens at UUJo on
Monday, and Ih now lyinK in tbo county
J ill. An olllcer will be hero aoont sun
d.iy to tako him back. Young llngtiee
hnn beou viHiliiiK for about a month with
rnltttivea iti Douglas county
Hon. K. H. Sheildan chsirmun of the
democratic! elulo committee, ar
rived from liosehurg thin morning aud is
spending tho day with Ooorgo 1.
Hutchin, tbo gentleman who Is about
to f elablijdi a du'.ly inorninK nowapeper
in Portland. Mr. Shoridan is one of the
rlhing yonng men of Houthorn Oregon
forthiiul Tiuios.
Went UwnliiUtt hae a "lift-mtej
bouto Hint ia crealinK considerable ex
eltmont in that nock-o'-woods Ptranije
sounds, doois Nlumuiing, nueerlbly
groans, echoing footsteps, agonising
shrieks, reptilchiel whisperings
uneenny uoieus nro miking it lateretling
for tho occupants, end reminds one
tho good old times ol "auld lang syne,
when ghfists aud hob goblins were much
more plentiful thsu they are today.
k I I B H J II J I I
Sacrifice I
Regardless j
The ground hog ssw Lis shadow to-
J. 8. Drrklty and family have moved
to Oakland.
ft. K, Nkt wset to kugne yeiterdsy
on buslceps
Mre. F. O. kiictlli ha ben very ill
for tlie ail wek.
Hgn. Oeo. W. Riddle, of ili l lle, ws
looking alter bnMots mstters In ti e city
Slierrnan CUrk.ol R'j'cbnrg, in in the
city. He is staying at tbe Itelvedcro.
Portland Tt!"rin.
All o'tr g'Hxla ere new and of tho latest
ityles. No shopwora goods on hand at
tho Itoea blurs.
Fred Fenloo, of Oak Creek, ie visiting
for e few day with hi tii'er, Mr.
Kiitflieh, of tbi illy.
CVuimaolant W. fh!p!y ouu. up
on the oTcritnJ, yieterdey, and to-jk
chargD of the Koldieri' IJo i;e.
1W1 Potrakia sp.!e trtei for rale.
I be? ar Hue, larice. rod ep let and good
kcc(!-rr. Eutiuire ol (J. W. Ripp.
K. A. I'vt of Trtlan l Ie hi tbe city
preparing to take charts -A ttie McOI al
ien House. He it an experle .ce J botrl
ma ).
Ir btova r.r block wool 2.2.' a tier.
Ofncn epnosite dapoi or drop a postal
card in the rent office will receive
prompt attention
H. O. Hoisiioior.e
P. O. Bjx UOfl, Roebnrg, Oret)n
The mlnlos story en first paste ie
liken front the Portland Evening Talc-
grtru. Jo not voneh lor the truth ol
it, but novertbele, it I inltre'iiiir.
Read it.
We nrpe oor eav.rewf , who ar in at-
rears for the Pi.tirenLea to send ns all'
or par: of the ataonet of your subscript
Ions. Il fi a small amoaot to ench of
you, but Ij us It waul I agreate an
amouol we vry reach need in our bosi-
The pleaeaat eprinrj wjather tre have
bad for the laet mooth chmtl on Toce
day of this week Vo cold, blustering win
ter. Yeetedey the hille around Rose-
burg ware covered with enow. Today
it ia colder, lee deeeing last night a half
Inch thick.
Candieaiar. a leMival to com morale
the purification ef the N irgin Mary, is
observed by the Roma ) Catholics on the
2nd day of February, when they form a
procession with many lightoJ candle.
On thie day all the church aaudles for
tbe ycr ere bleietd. Johnson's
petli. Judge Joseph Lyons, of Drain, county
ja Jfio of Douglas county, was an ai rival
in Salem, yes'erdey, and visited Senator
A. L. lited at the eapitat during tho day
and wai, by that popular member ot the
Orexon legislature introduced to the of-
flciuls in the various departments.
Salem Statesman.
A rumor tbet the lecal passeoKcr train
scrvico ol tho f onthrru PaciQu Company
now reachiug to Rosoburg and Redding
from Purtland and San Francisi-o, re
spectively, Is to bo extended to n junc
tion at Aohhtnd, which has betn lu cii-
eu'ietion roceutiy, is thought to be -with
out foundation, st least, at tho prcteut
time. Ashlaud Tidiugs.
II. II. Stapleton, who for the pact six
vears, hss been in the employ of the
Ladd &. Uusu bsnk, ot this cfty, has ac
cepted the responsible position of book
keeper of the First National bank, of
Roeeburg, and left on last eveuing'e
train to assume the duties of his now
position today. Harry is n Pelero boy
by birth, and hss a host of frinda who
are phul to hear of his gxid fortune, and
ho louves with the best wishes of all
who know him. Salem Statesman,
FOUD. At the home of Mory A Diol
liuger on Pino ttreot, Iieatrico Ford,
daughter ot Amirew Jrora, aged I year
5 months and 13 days.
Services at the Meeonio oeraotory at
o'clock tomorrow.
A Painful Accident-
Forest Tbomptoa, 12 year old son of
Presley Thompson, of this city, met
with a paluful aceideol this morning
While trying to get Ihs cartridgs from a
twouty-rwo rile, the cartridge exploded
I the ball pasting entirely through the in
of step o! his foot. Dr. Hoover dressed tho
wound and left km restlug oomfortably
I xhe dolr think that it will not prove
W H Milt!, itrecM. , , HI
O F Vo , I" or fjriii 117 MJ
Ed Mom I, b, 0(1
W M Hlone, .runt v, 5 1,0
Clia KttlOter, h.jill.ty I I IO
DaTld Ilis'B'ntrilhi'.ni, Imii'i'y, . . h CO
Lee llolbs, bounty r, (.
Clies ftomont, buun-y, 5 CO
Geo Halt, t onnty, r, 00
John I'.rev, bounty, . .
Garry Hwri,- ounty,
Clauds Kus-ell, bounty,
Peter Chila'oor, btmnty,
6 W
t, oo
5 00
6 0 'J
5 00
G W Short, bounty,
I'M Mower, b'ii,nly,
Jacob Dti'i'Dr",,
8 oO
6 00
5 00
I. C ApiIr1'', bontily, . . .
James Jeikeou, buiiM) 5
Remlt'k Fate, b tintv, 5
Allmrt ll ilenbaiiKh, lo.ti y, . . . U
Jas. Bitrlow, bounty 5
Jan French, bounty, 6
Bet'J H Me, t.ouniy, .. " 1
W'A Pokmn bnur.fy, 5
It.l Moto r. hoiVnty... 0 CO
K L Pice, hoont. 5
T J Whit set I t.'Aiir.ty, !
David CvriwUi bomitt ,. . o
F M Dnnhaw, I." uuty, 6 CO
Kiilo'i I- Wiint r. bounty. 6 00
(! O Green. botinlV. o 00
Ralph Ai'Pa'i. bounty, ft 00
Jack .Rali.-rO. bjUlilV O 00
K Medley, l)ounty, 5 00
DW HeiiU, Xrjun'-f, oo
T I.n.-ewei, loui.ty '0 0U Gaslry, t'oooty, 5 00
W K Hbotlea, boiu.l', 0 CO
Iwurd Moti r, t.oui.t n 00
A Hriii'b, bounty 0o
I 1jok, boui.ty, 5 00
G-i i Tt;i , bounty,. ;i w
Thos RiirHfil, ' ounti, 00
II K K.nlth, !wiiii S 00
U-1.J FCole, boiiii'j 00-
H, b'iuntv, J 00.
LCMiirritio, hour:ty o C'l
ico Hal', t ount?. 00
Cyius :-'mi:ii, boiu v, o (;0
Ed Mt r, u.utity );- 00
C K Ky.-, t', a w
W A lVsr-e, lioili I , 10 CO j
II M (m'mi r , -. .ii .; rill, . il 00
I C.iSDIlia'-. " " V .... 50
D P Fisher, State ve. liern a 1. ;
Johu It; ' 0-"'!
J K t r.r. ,' , in: ... oi -i. -1 -' i e, :i I'O
IU ihol.'o. eoir:h o-t
arid jiil. 1 50
Tho Oregon T-1 nod cpt. prie. .
C , Tt-leiat It i.-ivt.v. r, 5
J W Vn itu, I 'rty if t', iv-... .
BJ K'.r tt, i-si:s H M ll.rrett.
FWH;.la.d. " O SWki
J V Dow-!', wa'?hin'? iviiu'-i. .
II J Wiiroc, u.ovio; retor.le,
J KJobnif'UJ, civirt'oiiiso rcpnirs
i'i.OO, ni'ivii in'3J.I.-, ?2.C0
Utviow Pub Co, prim!
R )'e'n:r Water C , r ?or . .
Dec, "J8,
F P Brown, poor f ir:n,
Dunbar & Co lumK r, IY.m crt.'C,
17 jij
.". CO
i 00
:; t.5
0 00
4 UJ
SO 75
7 60
1 8 1
30 70
J T Brid.-e-, lum',er t?".'-. tax.
icliiiidul Jtio' 35 l;
Geo ShAtnbiook, repair oa bridge
Churchill & Wvolley, road snp .
U 5o
3 0
1J -15
Si :ij
13 10
5 10
7 50
1 25
8 K Skes, in d we Livic.nton, bridal lumber.
Tho-i Wilf u, KiL-r and nails
P.m.d P.,
Wru Daltriuiiili, v.rk DiN2l
C C Beli uk ', ro-idrt m.d tools,
S J Cheuowotii, lu lu her lor roais
F M B.-ard, nails Die No 24,
Peter Toiler, repair rou l to. li. . .
N Selin. naih Dis No :i7
K I Cox, In ill er Din No 30
3 00
10 80
2 50
7 0J
2 75
Beckley Bro?, n tiler D a No 3
Grout & Arnold, lu:ol r Dis No
2 8J
U bo
20 :
J K Toj, hulli ng Iumt.ier,
Kd Cockelreusc, w. l it Dis No 24.
II Dyer, brid and lumber No 37
J G Newton, lumber Dis N i 37. .
J A KuykenduP, 41.. 2
Murray JkCofTie." " " 51.. 7
JBRo'tso ' " " .. 14
K II Coaner " " " 40 . 5 20
J W Spalding lumber 3
Gardner Mill C Itrnbir Dls Ni
53 13
Geti Kobeiison, lu.i.lor D:s No 34 IS
Clark A Baker, lumber Du No 10 0
C R Potts, lumber Din No 37 4
C A BriiiKH. lumber Dls No 07. . 8
Pickett & Overstreet, lunilit Dis
No 43 11
W H Kotie, lumVer for brid;t. . . 48
Clias Dirtech, repair ou road tools 2
J G Flook Co.'luit'il er Dis) No 4S. 3
W II Trowu, fitvuHrg lumber 24 42
Fayette Lanjieiiberrf, work cn
road Dis No 2o 3 40
L G Mathews, work ou road Dis
No 24 7 60
.1 A Kuvkcudall. lumber Dls ol . . 2 20
TV Diuituick, ro;id supervisor
No 11 30 00
E A Kruee, road supervisor No
43 30 00
A Sawyer, road supor visor No
G2 12 30
Newton Richards, load supei visor
No 31 72 00
Jus Byrou, road tupervixoi No 40 2100
II C, iud afit Mm
Watson 5 00
W Miller indg at Mr Davis 7 60
Wash Moore, work Dis No 43 I 50
John JuckBou 43. . . . 3 00
W 11 Brown, " " " 20 ... 3 00
Geo W Diinmlik.ioiiliiis'.-ntfriiid 200 07
Chus II Ci'ocker records tin I ro-
bludiog records ... 174 00
F Kenoper, work on brlduo Dis 67 8 65
E A Audiirs , woik o:i bridge
No 51 d 85
W Shuts, work ou biidgi No 61 2 50
JnoShubs " " " " 51 0 83
W 11 Lwklmt, iuad DlH 13 1 50
H Mionuy, lumber Die 10 7 70
J Mi Curdy, diiputy-nhiuiir (J 00
F A MiCull, pen and keys' I 73
J T Bryan, repairing clock 60
W B. Mcdb y deputy sheriff 30 00
J Grant Hefty, deputy therlir, 13 TO
At (he Jituimry Term, i8oo, f
County Court
i-V ULkl PeJVyDiEQ
v' iVt53cuiritv icr.c
Makes the food more delicious and wholesome
eovai tM
Juit French and wife, allowar.c?. 6 00
Kate Cameron " 6 00
T P Slt-phnns " f 00
O W lUtfVld, work at poor farm 1 73
Chaa L Beckley, deputy sheriff. . ' 9 00
P M Mat he tea, 1J f,0
Wash Monro, work Iris 43 1 50
Joe Lyon, sundry expenses. .... 17 00
Geo Uarpr, adjusting delinquent
tax sale 60 00
II M Weed, hardware.
, Frank Retd, Dep. aherilT 27 00
, J F Illnkle, " 9 00
! Clarke A Baker, lumber roed Dis
, trkt 20 6 15
, Geo Williams, wrrk on C II 2 00
, Kent A Bridges, roads 12 60
, Perkins A Bledsoe,, bridge lum
ber 63 40
Mrs D C McClallen, board of
juror 3 50
John Lawful, repair road tools.. 3 00
If A Blakcly, Ind,rt Aet Cl 00
M F Callahan, Lp sheriff elec
tion 4 60
J H Sbupe, over paid taxee 4 33
Mrs Lydia M Hamilton, Assl Mrs
Datia 24 00
Em tna Elliott, Asst Mrs Davis . 14 00
Iri W Cole, Smith's If rry 22 00
S W VauZile, work on jsit, f250,
digging gravee, $10 15 60
W A Smiley, R Super Dis No 1 40 00
W Saitaberd " 2 53 00
C It Franklin " 3 76 00
J W Spalding 4 96 00
Fll Marion " 6 .10 00
WmSki lmor " 6 CO 00
A Wright " 7 CO 00
: eo McDougail " 8 29 05
Henry Wi!U " 9 18 10
W W Wibij.i " 10 10 00
J A Suphene ' 12 50 00
John Banks " 13 40 00
Jerome Smith " 14 24 fjO
E R I.vo Kii ' 1.', 36 00
N II Bone " 1 30 00
E II Piiikston " 17 74 00
Wm D Prior IS i5 00
Jtrne 1 bompw.n " IS 50 CO
E T Woodruff ' 2J 10 00
Lee Lov,- " 21 6 CO
J II Po" " 23 20 CO
L L Math. vi " 2t 24 00
J J T:.u.-otoj ' 25 32 00
S C Bar tr ii in " 2rt 70 00
Geo Scott " 26 40 00
T J William ' If) 40 00
A C Cornwall " 30 26 00
W II Harv.y ' 32 18 CO
T Hatfield " 33 30 00
W P Dur.nsviu " ' 84 22 00
TS Strode " 36 28 00
John Ditka . ' 37 60 CO
W N Moore 3 31 00
E S Rice 39 6 00
D J Noah " 41 14 50
GejKQuino " 42 10 0
James M-oie 43 58 00
U S St.-wart " 44 44 00
J W Swank " 45 16 00
T K McClallen " 46 51 00
John Livingston " 47 30 00
A F Harrington " 49 6 CO
JO Guttler 60 30 CO
C I. Cox " 51 40 00
L F Anderson " 52 54 00
N T Jewett " 64 80 00
M C Ruefclcr ' 66 82 00
lohn Sulla " 67 25 V
Ed T Mohor " 68 23 0
John Mun.power " 59 Cl 00
W R Vinnon ' 60 42 00
A L B nek " l 5 00
Leid-e llaificld " 04 18 CO
L Kohlhagen, Atst Mis Lilly. .. . 4 10
J F Baik'r A Co, A set Cvis and
Bunch 18 10
Kruse A Shambrotk, Asit Bald
win , . . 1 00
P Bw-neiiict, coffins for Williams
and Flourney 34 00
E V Hoover, Co. phyriemn 54 00
Barker A Co, Iodg Aest Flourooy 1 00 ,
FredHLchn " Mrs Shn'.ts 48 65
O 11 Wright " JN Halter 6 40;
Chis Lehnher, guarding record. 3 00
1 1) F Daniels, wood 17 60
1 Wyceff, Sman A Benedict,
1 derk'e supplies 1 4
G W Dimmick, pit work at fire. . 4 00
1 P M Mathews, Dep sheriff, $15,
watching records, $3 18 00
1 P M Mathews, repair on jail.. .. . 15 75
1 Alcxauder A Strong, repair on C.
H aud jail 5 25
1 J T Hughes, woo l 25 00
1 V O London, Dept sheriff 17 00
UL Stephen, prisoners board.. 173 20
R L Stephens, expense conveying
Hanks and Olsen 4 30
J M Bowen, repair on safe 10 00
Jeff Williams, deputy sheriff.... 9 00
T J Hiukle " 15 00
A W Coon, Roads Dis No 61 3 75
Ira B Riddle, Dep Die Atty'....
11. M. Oatman, stale vs. Ohlem
C W Parks A Co, poor farm ....
O II Buell, jury list
P A Williams, " '..
ASDucll, "
40 00
6 00
86 00
3 00
2 00
2 00
Caro Bros, Indgt Asst 7 05
Jackson BrOB, Limb?r Dis 37 19 00
Review Pub Co, Printing rond
Mrs. I. Van Buren, dray age
Phoebe Ketehell, Iudg Aist. . . .
James Hancock, repair roadtools.
K DiiGas, 6tes vs Burkhart. . . .
School Report.
40' OO
4 75
69 40
4 25
10 60 i
R.'port ot tho private ech.iol at Lou a
Rock, for tho month r-uding Jan. 27,
Numbor of days taught, 48. Number
of pupil enrolled, 8. Average daily t-
t ludanctt, 7. Number of vuiton, 10.
Deportment, good.
Those averaging above 80 in examin
ation, according to rank aret Fred
Otiuiupagne, Forrest Williams, Herbert
Williams and Nellie Champagne.
Ada L. Stunt,
, Trachtrr.
vrmn eny m vom.
Information Wanted.
Bmlnioii K. Davis, eon of Marv Ann
Heeler Davie, daughter of John I letter
also one J. hn Heeler Dail;, I wcu'J like
to correspond with any of theeaiil family
Of John Heter. My addrens in
Buoxo K. Davis,
COS 2nd. Ave..
Beaver Falls, Pa
The Thistle of Scotland.
The Danee were preparing to attack
the Scots by night, creeping upon them
stealthily, ben one '.f the men stepped
upon a thistle, which made him cry out
Ibis gave tbe alarm to the Scots, who fell
upon and debated them with terrible
slaughter. Since tbeu the ihielle hxs
been the ioeina of Scotland.
How' This?
We offer One Hundred Dollars Beward
for sny caee of Catarrh that cannot be
cored by Hall's Catarrh Cure.
F. J. CHEN RY A CO.. Props. Tolc-Js. O.
We tbe undersigns 1 bsve known F. J.
Cheney for the last 15 vears, and believe
hlrr perfectly honorable in all business
transactions and financially able to car
ry out any obligations made by their
West A Truax, Wholesale Druggists,
Toledo, O.
Welding, Kinnan A Marvin, Whole
sale Druggists, Toledo, Ohio.
Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internal
ly, acting directly opon the blood and
moooos surface of the sy tem. Price 75c
per bottle. Sold by all druriita. Test-
tnonlaJ i f -en.
It Was
Brought to Oregon by
Marcus Whitman.
Too flret printing fpree ever ceeu in
Oegon, which his for ma'ry years re-
pa.-ied iu the office of the hoird cf
horticulture at the cardtol. U thfre no
more. It ha tea taken by the Oreirm
Punetr Ancoriatiou and will he Kent to
E-agene sod placed in the museum of tbe
state onivertity. The press is sn histor
ic piece of mechanism. It as originally
porebtved in Botton by the American
NIeihodist Missionary Society ami pent
to tbe resident misnir.n.u'iesitt H jriMuln,
Sandalkh Inlands, being' shipped around
C pe Horn on a tradins vesiel. When
Msrvne Whitmac rcarlied Oroo aird
planted h'M mission s'ation in the terri
tory, th'i Honolnlu missionaries pre
sented him with t!m piess; The force in
SuTe.I'rinter Leeds' otfice cleanctl the
press Saturday, aud nse l it in printing a
roster of the employes of the office ai a
Weekly Excursions to the East.
A tourist eieepicg car will leave Port
laud every Tuesday at 9 p. m. via the O
R. A N. without chacg to Boston, and
under the supervision cl experienced
c-irdoctars. Xo change of cars to the
cities of Ouiaha, Chicago, Cuflalo or
Boston. Tbe ideal trip to the east ie
cow before you Rememter this service
a heu going East, and consult O. R. A N.
agente, or address,
General Passenger Atent,
124. Portland, Or.
Small Boy's Hero.
B y (o sea captain who'has a repuU
tion to maintain) Did you ever get your
le' bit eff by a shark, captain?
Captiiu Did I. sonny? Did I? Well,
rather, Dos.'iisof limes! Tit-Bits.
Sobscribe for the Twice-s-week Plain
dealer. It ia the oldest, most leliuble
and fait dealing paper in the county.
Republican in politics it treats all per
sons oi adverie opinions with comtesv,
never demanding to scurrilous abuiie for
the purpeau cf gaining political advant
age. It criticises, approves or condemns
measures, not men, and is up to date in
its news department.
County Treasurer's Notice.
No;ioo is hereby givon to all parties
holding Douglas county warrants in
dorsed prior to Dec. 1, ILS63, to
present the sain at tho treasurer's crnie
in the Douglas County bank frr pay
ment, as interest will cease thereon
after the date of this notice.
Dated this H e 1Kb day of Jan. 181)9,
at the City of Roeeburg, Oregon.
Gko. W. Dimmick.
r.mtv Trasnrr. Douilus County. Or
Attention Farmers.
8riug; in your poultry to Dor-ier add
Martin, while they am high, we wanii
100 doaett young rooBter, 50 dosen hens I
and 50 down broilers right off , highest I
rash price paid.
6. CO.
Specialists for Men
IhtfM iihbK uuis 1m va bq
cunux WwaftosM auitj vuit
tiawUa ftktuit btt sjiu1 ltvJ.
l ltsj bkta) tli). latditt !
In-aC SHiut'wtl motlttraj tb
latitutioai. aut lb Mioet
UUMVf lOU'tltt U LH U. sfc
( KO PI T1U Cured.
4 UtJortmiaU Utrn wIm ritu
4 not ou) I iiiUJ writ lot 14-
iauaki.. ua.. A JU SXj,
W m TbovMiiU tureil nt Wus,
iillatenwiJUkbtuii IVorkarv for i oaau.UUou
' i -.--wA-n
i Vii'LiiLi
to I o tli" Repel ..I fi r ti e le t ilttnn,
i'iv ii s. t lo (ns n tn bet it .
li i.dlvrls'g I'tr and ymir ehr-
r r to.t t hee I'ttiliel ij K lu Dr.
i.iil . twl OHkUiol. .
I0,t!oi) meo vikiiImI St the Bote BtmS
to etdcet c'ft' liiiigniiie l-rfore U N too
Facts nut fke U aliat our mlvt i
tialng tolninns repreacnt. The itoee
Babys "Cry lor Caitoria" but their
ppH ry for Oliver Plnwa they roast
hove them.
Sin ke tho "Artie," the belt 60
cigar of toe jesr. Krnso A Shambrook,
ole uKeiitri,
New stock of Udles and mines' fine
iboee, nil the latest (tries, just received
at Parrott Bros.
A large and fine assortment of chll
Jreu'e shos just received at Parrott
Bros. Call and see them.
Money to loan on city and country
property. D. 8. K. Bvirx,
Marstera' Building, Roeeburg, Or.
The W. C. T. U. will hold its tegular
meetings on the second and fourth
Monday of every mouth at 7:30 p.m.
in the Epwortb League room of the M.
E. church.
County Treasurer's Notice.
Notico is hereby given to all parlies
holding Douglas county ' warrante in
dorsed prior to May 1. IH'JO, to present
the same at the smue at the trcasnrer's
office in the Douglae County bank for
payment, as interest will cease thereon
after tbe date of this ixtice.
Dated this the 10th day of January,
18i, at the City of Roseburg, Oregon.
Geo. W. Dimuick,
County Treasurer, Douglas County, Or.
AlwJiya Have a "Iicader."
'I'll merchant who wonld secirre and
h;M a l..r.: cnatom should make it a
ioint to always Lave some "leadflr"
snmt thing he can recommend as nn-
nsnally K'-'! valuo for the money, or
uiir.n.:riy detiirablo for some reaeon.
Cuitoiucx-w! may come to buy tbo "loader,''
on which the margin of protit is apt to
Le quite narrow, but ft good -enleeman
can fjtnr.lly succeed iu "broadeuin; the
horizon" r.f the average purchaser, if he
once gets him in hand, and has honest
Rood;i and plenty of them in suiuoienfr
varitty. Loave uotno advertising; to be
done after t'ua customer inters tho store.
A 1'oSnt for tlio Advcrttsor.
Pay your readers tho compliment of
assuming that they will understand
what you hive to say to them, even if it
bo technical. If yon make or sell firat
class dry goods tell whero yours differ
from any one else's, point ont how to tell
pood cloth or lacj or whatever you sll
Show tho economy in buying the kind
that yon carry, or, il you carry more
than one grade, of buying tho best.
Polytechnic in the OiSce.
A Jolly Good Fellow.
At a recent Bohemian gathering the
toast of tho evening was to the hostess,
who was voted "a jolly good fellow."
This sentiment was received with great
applause, and every man present felt
that no higher compliment could be
paid the little woman whom each desir
ed to honor. A little thought, however,
given to this sentiment makes it less a
matter for congratulation and more m
topio for serious consideration.
Tbo world is full of women who are
able to be good follows. It doesn't re
quire much merely a gilt of repartee,
a ready wit and a kindly hoart but
tbe womanly women, the gentle loving
creatures who think tho greatest honor
In life lies in being dovotod wives and
mothers, they ore not so readily found,
but once a man does discover snob, a
treasnro tho "good fellow" is forgotten,
and tho moro essentially fominine
though loss brilliant woman is placed
in the sacred recesses of his heart, where
she dwells forever and aye.
Girla. it does not pay to cultiv.o a
reputation for good fellowship. RdHtM
eschew all conduct that does not ft?
parallel with lines of refinement, duty
nd womanliness. Tho trausiout glory
attached to n sovereignty cf this sort is
not to bo compared with the lasting
homage that ii always given a true
woman. Tho snores or. uocemia are
composed of jagged rocks, on which
many a bork bearing the Dame "Worn
au'a Reputation" has been shattered.
Tho wisest woman that ever lived earn
not be too careful iu her manner. The
world at largo d:s not appreciate the
doubtful compliment that the woman
anxious for a certain kind of publio rec
ognition think' so desirable.
It is the earnest thiug to stopover the
border. Thereforo watch out for the
tborottjth womanliness if yon desire
thorough happiness aud the best returns
tbo world can give, Philodelphia
County Treasurer's Notice.
Notice ii i ereby piven to all pnrti?a
holidng Douglas ccuuty warrants ir
dorsed prior to Ju'y 15, lrt'.io m re?ni
the same at the treasurer's i ftl -o in the
Douglas County bu.k (or pay n-ii, ss
interest will cssfo thereon sfier t e ot
of this notico.
Dated this the 2iUi d iv of J .o. IS it),
at the City of R-shur.', Gru.-o-i
Gbo. W Dimmkk.
Cpni ty Treasurer. Doiwlas r! i"t ', Or,
moLce is rtereny fiveu t. all per-oim
holding Rocebnrg cl'y warrants Indorsed
prior to AprU P, IrtJ t, to fWi'ni
tho same U' ll.o.'ttv itoiHiiitfr's ottice In
the city hall for .payment . inter
coasa thereou uft-r iIih ilin of ilr'g
Dated at Rosehnr, Or., this 0th day
of Januiry, 18!)9, Gito. .'aciv,
jt)l4 City Ttiturer.
For Infants and Children.
Tha Kind You Wm Always Bought
Bourn tho
Eigunture of
-' .
1 v
i 1