The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, February 02, 1899, Image 1

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    ffixf ft
Vol. XXX.
HI'. (I. KI.Krt, UOHKIIIUKI UiDdlt, NO. Ml,
hol'i lliitlr regular i'iiiimiiiiiriiinn at ih
I. U, O. P. Iiall on kmmihI mnl fiiiirih I liutivlaj
ill on moil in. aii niKiniHini rwiiaiei in at
taint rwaiilarly. mi all vlalllng Imillii-ra cor
tl illy I v IU'1 III niu ii.l.
1)114. I II4IM-KV, K, H
ha n, numi.K, iwcrmary.
w tltill fc 1 11 111 Ml II. Mil JI III fl If A u
iiimii vvurr WitiliiomUir rmning at i
o'elnek In lim ul.l Mn.iinlii 1111. Vialtliis
ajniriirsarmriisiiy iiiviiou io ativuu.
0. II, 4NKOH.
Oto. W, I'auar, Cotiiiullur.
lueniiiiiii nonrviair.
- biimUiiii the M and 4tli Wsdnaadara In
aaah luuutU.
N.T. Jiwitt, H'acy.
tiHll.KTA HIAN laJiiOK. NO. I. I. U. O. t.
himiU HalnnUy rreiilna ol rli work all
thnlr hull III Odd fellow ' at k.iavtitira;.
Mamhnra nl ha order In (mI mainline am Invlu
ad to aiuinii. j, n , i nan., n. 'j.
N.T. Jawarr, avo'y.
IvOIMIK. NO. IH. A. O. I). W.
a- mu tha axeotiil and
il and loiirin Miitinajrs ol
aanh month al7;au p. m. at ihl'l rnuows uau.
Mam ban til iheonlar lu ihmI iiaudlng are in-
Vita to attaint.
Aral and third lliurln lit each muuUi,
at 1 p. hi.
NO. 10. MKK'ID
W am aud third rildajs In
eaiili luutilu.
TJ OHKRl' H(J ('II A ITER, NO. (. O, K. .. M gg'l
A tha 111. I and tlilid Tburwlayi ol taut)
r. aaeala avary mmiuiiiI and Inurib Hiiuilay.
NO. 47. K. OF r., MKEit
...rt Wadnmtay avvnliil at Odd fellow.
Hall. VUHIna kmaiiU In ood atanuini oor
aiall Invllwl io alieuil.
lrollil C'orda.
aauaoa a. aauwa.
raio, raw Tt .Tia
Attorney s-atLaw,
Uwimi 7 aud 1
Wllaun Bluck.
Attorney and CouriHclor at Law,
Will praattaa la all tha atmiU ol Ua bum. -la
la UuiUn Ualldlux, Douclaa aouatr, Or.
Hariew llulldlDK,
Talaphouo No. 4.
Attorney at Law,
Kootn ,
Taylor A llaon ink
Roorai I and l
HcTlaw HulldliiK.
Attorney at Law,
Room. I As 1. Mantvra Bld., KOH1UUKU. OR.
f1aVBiul!)caa bo (ore tha V. H. Iud Office and
mfuiiil caaea a iwolally.
Late RooalTcr U. U. Laud Ofllco.
Northern Pacific Railroad Company.
Aie MlHutf tickets to all points KabI at
ball tue regular ratva.
I). K. K. LtciiK,
Local Agent No. 'I, Maratora builjinK.
OFKICK, U JackauuRtrtx,'!, l rt -Idoucuol
Mm. J. lilrter.
J A. BUCHANAN, Notary l'liMii-,
, Attomcy-at-Lav.
Collections a Specialty.
HiHin 3
Martteu llulldliiR.
MRS. I). C. McCLALl.KN, I'rtip.
Large, Flue 8aui)ili) Rnomi.
Fraa 'Bui to aud From Tralni.
Throwing Shoes After aUrlde.
Tbt euetom of tbrowlng old bIiobb und
rlco baa prevailed for uiauy oais in
America, Knglaud and (Scotland, says the
Woman'! Home Companion. It cauiu
from tbe Kaetern oatione, and wai or
iginally intended aa a elgn ol rulinqnUb
ment by tbo rolativea of their authority
OAer tbe bride. An old Jewleh custom
provided that a brother of a child leat
man bad the first privilege oj marrying
tbe widow, and that until her brotber-in
law refused hor she could not marry
gain. Auother authority maintains
tbat the throwing of the shoe was a
ahaM assault on a groom, who was sup
posed to bo carrying off the bride.
A Oali dint may not blrenuthen tbe
brain, but a little Uniting trip often tendi
to Invigorate tbo imnginntinii.
t New rn
Staple and Fancy
Country Produce Bought and 5o!d
Low Prices!
Fall and
Just Received
and More
Call and Examine our Mammoth stock.
The People's Store
I. ABRAHAM, jProp'r.
A complete line of
Dry Goods, Clothing, Boots & Shoes,
Furnishing Goods, Hats, Caps, Capes, Jackets,
and a tine lineofMillinery Goods.
Everything New, purchased
manufacturers, especially for the Fall Trade.
Call and cxaiminc Goods and Prices.
Health is
Pure Fresh Drugs
Filled Accurately
And With Dispatch.
A Full Line of Patent Hedicines and
Toilet Preparations,
Special Sale
Great Reduction
in Prices of
Bed Room
it it
A Fine Line of Chairs, formerly $1.50, now 1.00,
Now is the time to get Big Values.
Call, examine aud be convinced.
Alexander a Strong.
New Goods!
Free Delivery
for Cash direct from Eastern
Wealth !
OLD LIKE Mi l hi V.
Salts A Mine Near Canyonviile
and Realizes on the Venture.
jonn t. PendceaAt Tells Of Ilia
Study Of Mineralogy and Know
ledge of Mining.
Joining my colkvo tourao ut K-rkeli r
1 ilt voted uioie cr Im lime to the sli.dr
ol riiinorulov, spondiiig the innj jr itr
lions i.f my rarutlous in trying to g.tin a
practical knowkdgo of mining, in all its
rrn.-licd, us thou cairitd on among the
g'lWMifaiing diatribe ol the h'eirraa. Io
tills I prided iiiwm h on l-j'tii uniio an
exp rl 011 ItMgti f.irtijiiiniK. ta e
a io
plat.', f aud dep jmivrl j,o-ilr.
I uiado it a cuitow I f.jr.;i ti.d cul.i
vute ile ai'jiuittanir if nili-iiii; men,
h-i r it was Ks.blf, andwasnell
up in all I lie technical U-run and phrases
po iilur to their calling; and I lock
grrat pride in airing my awoiiMi!ij
mints, in ihat purti-Milttr, w lit rii'Vcr able
0 Sfiure a listener.
UKn leaving college I was appointed
"itanl receiving teller in a city hank
ol hiih my fmher was preaidei.t. This
hitiiu I tilled for t yvutr, when I
was o den-d by my pliH,iiii t i lake a
vacation fur the enuimtr, an my health
ha I In-eii grartiiilly f illing (.,.- Buii.e
DeligM.rd ..t the profpt-c: u: a eove'ed
outieg, I ln :n to prepare for enj ying it
tJ llio utinoHt. lltni Jicre-' Ii'o visit
ed n an ul the pronMnei t mi,,ii:g i cul-
ilina of Caliii.rni.i. I d-l. rmii,.-,! l.i lib.
tiip into Oreguii, und make l,ht cou:
irifon I coiih I cf lb 1: invrai resjiin f e
I the Uu Ha cs, r.e v. til us ol 'ie ini.dea
lopled in mining iper.iti ji.p. I would
then be mai led Io gratify m ,ie,ir.- Io
prolle fottlier into the mutiii e of this
inoet altraciivo iiuiuttiy, UV.j endeav
oring, by out-door txercisi-, tj riia my
call Li and alrensth.
j ono m;duii:lil in Ju:ie, I .rii( tbe
train at liorfcbiiiv. Le cuiintv seat of
iJoogUa county, in w-b-kot state.
Here f reared up Or a d( or to. em
ployed my lit sure hours in making in-
uiriea of tbe iuhabitv U concerning
liilnee and mining in lint i.eUborhood.
I liateueil to many glowing teles of
ow Ibis or that ono bad ttruck it rich
on Cow creek, or coo of the Umpquae;
hat wonderful u unguis bad recently been
brought in from Starve-out or Jump
s' Joe; how Uravo creek or Tennessee
gulch were ' jiM lrc!!y gjrg .d with tbe
yaller stuff," aa one old chap put it, be
tw(eo expretor-tioiia of tuliaicj iuice:
ud that llog'eiu was 4 "giLoviue golcon-
der, wbero jou could tcocp up Dug jets
J by the tub full."
It was a matter cf tiui ecrii-e to me
tbat these old fellows (ould be ontented
to ait around on pocdi licxes and in bo
lel chairs, and allow tilth opportunities
(or aiL-asing wealth e.ip by. But I con
cluded tbat wbero there was to much
smoke thiro must le a liitie Cro, aud fi
nally decided to rpend a few weeks in
tiie vicinity ol Canyonville, au old min
ing town and formerly a prumitin etagd
station on the government road to Klam
ath, about 3'.) miles from Koseburg.
Procuring a couveyance for m self and
luggage, I started out one blight morn
ing accompanied l- a driver who wa to
take tbo team back ta lUseburg tbat
night. About 2 o'clock in (lie afternoon
upon ueceudiug a c mttiilcrallo elevation,
wo came iu eiht if Canyonville, a mile
or bo away.
At this point wu were opposite a small
farm heiiH', standiug a few yards from
fie rouJ, in tho t'oor of which appeared
R neat comely woman, ol perhaiH 5J.
Eveiything hoked so tidy aud liom-
like about the place, I called a lia't,
ud spoke to the old lady, a kill her
whether or not she caul i Uk in i in for
a montb or two Ftating ttut I wei in
aearoh of a place where I could bo quiet,
gad tree to g and come as I chose ; tbat
I was not strong, but all I wanted waa a
coaifortable place to Bleep and well
cooked food of simple vaiiety.
l?herei:ed that her "mun" waa out
somewl ere with liia gun, aud she hardly
knew what to say; but, it I thought I
coulJ put up with their way o! living I
mi;bt "light" and give it a trial.
Whereupon I "lit," and lu l my trips
takeu into the hoiH1. I then directed
the driver tJ go on to Canyonville hihI
givo the team it (cot b 'foro etartiiu on
hie re utu trip to Koeel uig.
While giving llioe diieetion.s, the
driver, with tbe usual lov f jr gossip, in-
forme J ue tbat tiie place where I had
stopped was teuauted by old I.uko Mul-
key, who bid judtiy earned the distinc
tion ol being the laictt man in Oregon ;
which was putting it pretty strong, con
sidering that but let in uot euter into
personalities auent tho webfootera.
My hostess iutitalled me iu a small but
ueat aud coiufoi table room, from tho
wiudow of which I could look out upon
a tall butte covered with a dense growth
ol firs, very reatful ti tho eyea after a
day spent in tho bright Oregon eun-shine.
Hie MntiM i run "i.uko tnal a my
inn i,0 home b sopttr time, aa
iii"t a one thing yon can depend on him
fur gittnr ti liia rooals regular.'.
Khe ati Informed tne tbat they had
"homoatcaded" this plare aboot a year
wiure, articiugh there wad not ennngb
g'od land on the nh ile q-inler a tio
) iel'l a huihel of har ey to tbe acre
on tha averaun. if it warn all "nlnvarl
and ajwod"; that atie bad a little
STORY.!' "uek" grden, don llmra on tbe
rjranch, but atride from that the had to
d-pend entirely on ber cow and chickens
for a livelihood, a, "I.oke, be Just won'
work, and ' oat with hi gun nearly all
Die tirnf tint whar he bom, and what he
does, I ain't the least idee. lor be hardly
ever brings borne any game.
He s got a email tobaccer patch cut
there, as yon can se, but aa he chawa
aud smokes up all the to'iacter be raiaei
bisself, they ain't no revenoo from tbat
cupper time came ana with it came
Luke. You could see at a glance that
ho was thriftless. Tall, tbin, angular,
bronzed by tbe ion, with long carved
noee, straight, yelljwiuli-gray hair,
smooth shaven, with the esceptioo ollhe
regular bunch of whUkeis on his chin,
cl id in brown jumper and overalls, that
hung about bis person in the most nn
gaitily manner, be folly looktd Hie char
acter given bim by tbe driver and Lis
better half.
After Mrs. Molkey bad formally iuiro-
iuced ua, e all eat down to a tempting
supper, with fried chicken aa the prin
cipal dish. I could see, from tbe relisb
Mli which l.uke partook of J be viands,
that, ordinarily, be wa4 not aaU4tomed
u o eU'itrate a meuii. Duriug tbe
meal he look time to remark tbat he
'o'iieu d he hadn't bet-n so tired for a ol Suudays," whereiiuo bis wile
gaye me a look of deep meaning.
"How did you come to settle on (bit
urren land? ' I asked mv best that
evening, aa we sat outride, ei. joying the
null siiminer air.
Well, jou eee," eaid he, "this pUce
a icik up by Milt (icord, alter it bad
r ke about a dozeu, or maytio lilteen,
other fellows. Milt ba I a dead thins.
bowsoinever, aa be bad notl.iu' to be
broke about. He kinder ebaped dp this
lii tcx), and pretended to do a little
tannin', and a little mi n in", ecetery,
wo-kin for bis ueighbora. n and then,
to git bis whiskey and tobaccer money.
'Sometbin' over a year ago be got
angled up with a couple ol steers, be
longing to Crlpe Hawkins, op here on
tbe North Umpqaa, 'ud Cripe be got the
leeetrict attorney aud the circuit judge
to use their influence wtb 12 party good
men they picked out, to procure Milt
ituation at Salem, for the succeed iu'
five year. Es bis dootiee ther would be
very confinin' and would ahorely detain
iui fur tbat length of time, I concluded
'd fquat bera myself, and ret op a lit
"Tney ain't much in it, but it's a good
ace for a tired man ; and tbe old
woman likes it because, as they's DO
farmin' or other Uborous out door woik
to do it conies easier on her."
At this point a voice was beard from
he interior of the house :
" Ya-as 1" said that worthy.)
'( ;'t me tbat wood I told ye to, 'ud git
it quick, d'ye bear?"
"Shore," said Luke, unwinding bim-
ell elowly, aud aseuuilug as erect a po-
ition as pcesible for him.
He shouldered an old ax, with a shat
tered handle, and strolled languidly
away on bia errand.
When ba returned be professed to be
completely exhausted, and dropped into
his chair with a heavy eigb.
'I guess," said be, taking a boge cbew
of natural leaf, "I guess I've got tbe
most exasperatin' woman in seven coun
ties. She jest waiu till I've got near
enough rested to begin to feel pretty
comfortable, and then, by tbe wars!
she drums up aomwtbin' fur me to do.
It breaks into a teller's repose a derned
(i;tit wors'n ef he hadn't started in to
rest at all."
Herd be spit, or rather 1 sbcald say it
epit itself ; for, when he had masticated
his quid HUtlicieutly to feel tbe paroxyiem
coming on, tie would crane nis ceck tne
east tiitle, when the saliva would eject
itself without the remotest appareut ef
fort on the part ol the epitter.
'Have you ever tried miuiug on your
land, or even any indication ol gold on
tho place?" I Bked
"Well, they may be gold on this land,
plenty of it, but I've never tried ti find
it. I have seen a good deal of minin
in mv brief existence, aud I tind it's
about the hardest work for yer money
thev is. Tb is ranch ought to be good
iur miiiin' for I'll bj dad-fetched if it's
good lor anything eloe. But somebody
eleu'il bey to develop it if it's here. I
took a homeetead on this quarter see
tiou to trv aud take it easy fur awhile,
and 1 don't propose to deviate from my
system, bltney sauy gout about 1 ve
never seeu auy indications of it from
sooperticial ubseryaliou, and I don't
b'lieve it a here, or my woman would
bev discovered it long ago, and been aft
er me to go to work diggin' it out. It'ud
jest bo my darnel luck if sho did rua
across a heavy body ol coarse gravel
I've bee a t reuiblin' ever tdnce I equalled
here lur fear soiuetblu' like that 'ud
For scyeral days I strolled about tbe
neighborhood, and found many places
wliera placer work bad been done on a
scale of considerable magnitude.
One day I ran acroia an old-fixer
who was rea'e I by tbo ri-dsll-, enjoy
Ing a smoke. He informed me tbat
great r"eil of g ld had txen taken from
tbe ban an I tnlchee around Canyonville
Io past times, and that, in bis opinion
many valutble deposits roDnine I yet to
bo discovered. H was far from living
an enlhasiatt on the subject, and told
what he knew about it without undue
elaboration. I finally arkel him if he
thought there might be any paying
ground on the Mulkey ranch.
"Llke'a cot," Mid be. "Everybody
that hie lived on that p'ece, and they's
been a good many if 'em, was t o clang
ed lazy and trifiin' Io ever even try to
look fir It. Thev'e twj or tbree places
on tbat hnn i'ed and tix'y that look
like ther miht be worth prospectin
bat Lake MilkeyM nver be the mm to
do it.
"Yoa might not have hrd it, but I
gnees Lnke'4 about tbe laziest aao in
Douglas county, el cot in tbe hail slate.
They aio't no harm io him, particular,
bat he's sborely tbe triflinut man I ever
see. Tbe boys say tbat when be gits sot
in tbat old rawbide-bottom chair of bis'n
smokin' bis corncob, tbe old woman has
to Interdoce a hot dishwater application
to git a move on bim any time between
meals, I mean at meal time they say
it's different."
Here I left the old chap still sitting
on tbe roadtide, apparently indifferent
to all things bit tbe comfort he evident
ly derived from bis pipe. I (ould not di
vas I my mind of tbe imprecision, how
ever, tbat, iu this old soldier, Like had
rival, in Indolent, of no mean calirre.
For six weeks I remained with the
Mn'keyr, and had almost regained my
Jake went aid erne ai hii faacr aug-
gtetef, and I seldom 'saw him heiwern
breakfast acd sappt r, aa be generally
took a "bile" itb bim to se-ve as bia
midday meal.
I had tbe ore of an old shotgun I bad
picked np at the ranch, and frequent y
aring tbe morniig and afternoon boa-s
onld go out in nearch of a rabbit or
nail. Thus I bad pretty well covered
the covotry wi liin a radius of tbree or
four miles of tbe "cliattoo, as L.nke
called tbe boure. On these, and ether
excursion', I always kept an eye upon
tbe possibility of discovering gold indica.
thns, tut, np to this time, bad sten
otbiDg to wa-raut. serious attention.
Oat afternoon, aa I left the booee, goo in
and, Luke, who happened to be abou
at tbe time, told me that be bad seen a
ne flock of quail a short time before
own nrar tbe northeast corner of tbe
ranch. He thought I might bag a few of
them if I were careful.
J uet take tbat dry cut down thar, and
fol'er it up, keepin' an eye to right and
left, and I'm shore you'll eee tbe bird.,
es they're feediog on them blackberries
along the edges of tbe cut."
I knew tbe location of this cut, or ar-
roya, and Dent my steps in tnat direction.
Ileretoforj I had never followed it any
distance, but this time, aa I lcoiel for
tbe quail, I traversed tbe cut to ita entire
length, finally reaching a a point where
it terminated in an abrupt wall, thua im
peding further progress. Tbia wail ap
peared to be a conglomerate of a tough,
bluish clay and round, smooth pebbles,
so closely cemented as to withstand tbe
action of tbe water that flowed over it
during the rainy season. Thua tar I bad
aeen nothing of the qosii, so I sat down
on a little bench of gravel and sand at
tbe bottom of tbe cut, thinking tbat per
haps tbe birds might come along tbat
way before eundow n.
Aa I sat there mentally locking about
me, and in a little while my eye was at
tracted to several shining object?, em
bedded in tbe clay ot tbe congtomoraie.
With my knife I pried cat two or three
of these, and saw at occa that they were
nothing leea than pronounced gold cilorfl.
Examiniug the face cf of tbe wall more
closely I was surprised to find it literally
studded trout top to bottom, with gold
dust" ranging f-oui "colors" to parti
cles the size of a common pea.. Scanning
tbe bottom of tbe cat for several yardi I
found the sand and gravel depesits there
to be profusely interspersed with gold
aimilar to tbat eceu in tbe clay of the
You can judge tbat I was considerably
worked up over tbia discovery. From a
cursory examination of tbe ground iu
tbe immediate vicinity, I convinced my
self tbat the Jepo3it must be of conei Jer
able magnitude!, and ul once bean form
ing plana for conducting waitr to the
ground for the purpose cf op rating the
As 1 wended my way back to the Louse
I resolved t j say uoibiug to the Mulkeys
about the lied, bavini concludod to
make them a cash otler for lie place,
On approaching tbe house I discovered
old Luke eittiug outside, smoking, aud
putting together his guu, which bo had
evidently beeu cleaning.
"Whar'e yer gaino?" bo asked, aa I
came up.
"I (ailed to run ucioes any," said I,
''except one cottontail, but the old guu
snapped on me when 1 pulled the trig
ger, nd he got away."
"My old woman snapped ou me wl ile
you Mas gcue," be remarked, "and I'd a
doggoue sight rather hliie a iun oil with
a full explosion. Wh: about? 0,
uoihiu, notniu at all. She jus, merely
wanted me to fill up that hogshead from
the well, as she' took it Into ber bead
to scroti the house and do a week's
wasbtn' toroorrtr,
I exprwed lome little reluctance
nd endeavored to show her tbe footlllty
of so h a pence lin', and then she got In
nd done tLe anappln. Even went so
faraa ti intimate that I was the laslest,
trifiinlst, good-fur-nothln' critter on two
legs, I I'd ever been her misfortune to In
come acquainted with. .
"Yon haven't notlcod any eech pecul
iarities about me, bev ye?" he aaked,
looking np with an expreaaion of inleml
fled aerionenfea.
I lon'd not help laughing es I denied
ever I avirg r o'.icid any snch character
istics as l ad been laid to bis charge.
I tvien delicately appro-ached the sub
ject nrpermojt In my mind. I told bim
that the Caoycnniile air agreed so well
With me that I had determined to pass a
good portion of esch succeeding summer
in (bat ctljhhorhcod; that I bad be
come accj'tomed to tbe Molkey place,
and would like nothing better than to
call it my owo. Not because of its valoe
ss a farm, bjt simp'y as a comfortable
stopping placa for myself and any Invit
ed guatta I might wish to briog with me
from the city.
All this led up t tbe question as to
whether b nonld be willing to dispose
of it at a reasonable figure.
"Well, yon see," said he, "I've not, as
y it, completed my title to the land, and
couldn't only give a quit-claim deed;
and in to din' I would loce my right of
re lie?, while I always d business
on my own hook, yit I think it proper to
consult tha old woman on tbe subject.
She'd btv to igu tbe papers, anyhow,
and I leel tha. I couldn't hardly stand
another rnappin' aworree, iu tbe pie-tent ,
state of my health."
This appeared reasonable, ao Mrs.
Molkey wai called in'o the consultation.
8be rather o1 jected at first on the ground
that, as they were already located there,
and managing to "g:t along and live,"
and th4 place wts so well snit. d for a
man that was "born tired" she "namnl
no nam-V 3ii:l, ii I was prepared to
offer a it ffii (mt cat-b consideration, she
supposed sl e mig'.t be willing to sign
tbe deid.
"Es I Lev told ve Uf ore," said Ltke,
"tbe land, io far us a.riculture goes, i
WJthleF? ; but the climate is O. K., and
t ie Io atior, von tiy, is suitable to your
"Taken a'tofce'her, tbero'ore, I sh'd
say tbat two thousand would't be mu-;h
out of the way. This would include tbe
improvements, all the household goo lr,
except our clothin' and tbe iivoatm-k,
coubistin' of one cow and eight dxm
domesticated fowls. I believo its eight -dczen,
ain't it?" be asked, turning to
tbe old lady.
Eight dozen, aud one rooster over,"
said Bhe, evidently impressed with the
idea that Accuracy was required in tbe
Now, aa I bad I r n in a bank for two
years, 1 cou:U cot accept any Dasinefs
proposition without looking at it, or, at
least, p-eteodi-g o look tt it, from a
conservative etardpoint. So I agreed to
consider the matter and give them an
answer next mornin.
Wlea ihespO'. ifid hour arrived I
closed ih dea', tod by Bupper time had
the transfer pt p- rs in my oeaeaion
ready to be aw. n to Roaebarg for
This purchare Uok nearly all of my
savings tor two years no'. 1 nu a re
serve fund in tbe bands of my mother,
upon which I con Id draw'at any time.
Cuii'inued oi nd pwje.
In Near York
a abort while
, . .-v. ago a oaoy waa
' i..l borniniail. Ita
ir"i M St4T Ptn .waa be-
sir- 1 Ul IT U1CU IUI
. murder. Every
baby's life. But
a baby need not
be born In jail
to be unfortu
nate. Any baby
which is not
welcomed into
this world with
lovintr heart
and ready hands
is unfortunate."
Any mother who
is physically weak and incapable of bestow
ing a healthy constitution upon her baby
may darkeu its future with weakness and , .
A prospective mother ought to inaure her
bahy'a welfare bv every means that Nature
and science afford to keep her physical
powers up to the very highest point.
Kvery expectant mother ought to know
and avail herself of the strengthening and
re-enforcing properties of Dr. Pierce's Fa
vorite Prescription. It gives health and
endurance to the delicate organs concerned
in motherhood. Taken, early during the
period of expectancy, it makea the coming
of baby perfectly safe and comparatively
easy. It makes the mother strong and
cheerful, and givea health and natural vigor
to the child.
It is the only medicine of its kind devised
for weak and delicate women by an edu
cated, experienced physician.
For nearly y years Pr. Fierce has been
chief consulting physician to the Invalids
Hotel and Suigical institute, of Buffalo,
N. Y. His thousand-page illustrated book,
"The People's Common Sense Medical Ad
viser" contains advice aud auggestiona
which every woman ought to read. A pa
per bound copy will be sent absolutely free,
on receipt of ai one-cent stamps to pay coat
of mailing only. Address Dr. K. V. Pierce,
Buffalo, N. Y. Cloth bound for 3 atanipa.
A sure end permanent cure for constipa
tion is Dr. Pierce'a Pellets. One ''I'e let"
is a gentle laxative, two a mild cathartic,
("""""jr l' womanly
t irl--4UKiveaathrobof
r Ksvl t i thWht or the
if " f blight upon the
Ita 1 "W Sr.t'M ooor little
i -e