I REMOVAL sr CARO Settle lit. Ml i" M'Miii iudnbiinl I i llin undersign i i n't' hi'ii'liy ii lilltvl iiimI niUi-sttid In cmon forward iiimI inal(r -r 'tn t sptlht. mini'. All ini mi mi l iii r inula nut paid I'liiiiK'lliili'l y Mill I"' rlniiil Mi I'm hands l mi iil'i'Mit'N Ini mill i 'I. in. 'I ll In iiiiou s liku II ii':i'l i VVk ii ii' guli.g onl III I III I lilt", Mil I lll'IKl IlilVi II ll'ttll'llil'lll. aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat Till; PLAINDUALIER. JANUARY '.''i. IS1)'.. For it good -Went clgur i nil on Mm.N. Itoyii. Kuti i in Inlliiito vuiicly ut Alexander Mm aroiii in uiii' pound iiiilii'iiiN ul k'i ' grocery. Zephyr l'i coiill l"l IsMtl't .n k I the Novelty Stoic. Key Welti, iuiportr I uti I (ii.cn! U' cigars l lint Uiwi'li'iil A ll.ii'ly In i'il Jt-iitcy iii.iln oil (ii '.ili'. Addl.fM I'. I I'l'il, IKS llmfliiiut display id lit iiih ul I'Vi'iy lIlTl l lil lull lit I'llHll tllll iV WlMllll'V'rt. I i. t- Mont 4 Hi-lillig mil ill null licing pine Call and !' convinced. o yon miniku'.' II l., (Jul the Altie ligar III Kruso A M.niiit'ru'ikM, S"h' Mrlitu No mini kit will l o lotto by haying your dental wolk done I iy Dr. Strange. J. D. Mann (!! thu bent IJi in in loan and prices are ail light, ipuhly consid ered. Ht.uk brotadu ill oi - i-k it iji, which formerly sold at Lot In .J..'m, now tr I. IT) lu fj., j l the Novelty Sloio. Cash paid forgiain, und a'l kind ul Imin product, at Abraham's w at i-liniHir . I:. A. I-.I.U. I K. Duljas. M. I'.. member r-un! ol I'mmoii Examiners. Oiliie, Marsb-rs building residing corner Main and Cass street. Household ), Lridgit .V Peach atoVfS, White SKWIIg Illlll llilU'M. Chui- t hill A Woolicy sell Hi-tit. Ulynol b.iy tiselnl Xmas proaculti this year. Economy will irouiit you lu liuy children's clothing of un. Suits lioiu I lo 1 1 at l.'-' mul upurd " price, many maiked In-low cost. Novelty Store. howing iiiMi liinef. sewing machines, 'sewing iiiiuliim s ut Aleiaii'ler A Hrm(!, Mint tint lxt ul tlii'Ui ul tlmt, lanyii'ii in lriat from .' ! to l i 'iO. Hi Hiiro lo hi i! tliom U'furo you Imy. i;inier V. Iloovn, .i rii i.in im.l nui giion. ( Mliiu next lo niy lull on Miiin treet, ltucliiir(, 'r. i'Hl nUeiiHoii jjiven to iliiti'iitcn of ll.u noun mi'l lliriml. 1'mIIn roinitly lumwere'l. K.m Kli o V Kiie, Moute I uniirliirn, lor every thin in llm luniiliirn line, Uriii'Bt Blui W mul lnweat iirui'ii, just re eeivcJacir Ij.i I of 1. nUni I o (uiniluie. Seo us lor tiurnaiiiH. Kenicinbur Hint Iv". mmiio in a er liiHiielit resilient "I KoKelmrk'. nml i nut here teuipitruiily, that lio fully warraute nil liiit work ami in hero nt all limeH to make k'"I K"-"'"' "'8 lli'"-1'''' try. MorriV I'oultry Ohio. TIiih iufallihlo iitnieilv elialleutea tho wnrl.l In proihuo ita ijuul h i) i-jTK proilueer. ive mul euro lor all iliwmtus I Iiidr.itiliuiil mill for B a Ut liv H rrevenl ol fnwlri. . M. Mar- tin, HowburtJ, tir. KuitB o( elolhen, mII wunl, licivy wiilKhtu, f'l.r0; reuular iiio f.i. Huye clothuii from ti te i:l yearn for M e-nJ f. IUIhhM htyleH ami colois for M'u reuular iiio Jl.oO. All thoHe iji18 uro only to bo found ut Uio Hobb Hon. Uptodt dontiatry by lr. Mianuo which incMQs tho U-Ht and latent kinds uf work skilfully carefully and l.roporly naortod with no after tioublo, but per fect satisfaction. Try Dr. Straugo's Boauilotwciowiia, Uio beHt, latoot and most itorfoct nuulo. Tor lu or cxchanno for lamia in Ore gonI 17 ocies timber land in 'santa Urux county, California, abjut three mites from railroad station, on county rod. part uood fruit laud ami probably 10,000 cords I wooil on tho place noar a Kood market. Trice '.OOO. 1'. t). box Hit Kosuburn, Oroou Address A few do.on of those Kentucky made imntn. Riilmlantial and well uiiule, no hoddv. Also a few dozen womeu's, men's, boys' and children's shoos, rciju lur wemorH. Hals for suusliiue Rlimlu. undi'iaear for hot and and cold weather, and .various other nrticlos at it priced, at II. O SlantonV. Kor a hiuh urado piano, don't over look tho Haines Urou. Indorsed by all leadinu musicians in KoHnbui. They aroused and induidid by Dr. U'llimo, Mrs. Annolholl' and others. Mum. Pattl liaua llalnea upiiht m her boiiiloir Tn lier beautiful homo at t'laiisynos Castle, Wulnu unit llMiul Hill Ihlilll'H lliillH) llllf iiiB hor hint lour of tho I'niled Htalen JI.mskh JliiKH., New Voik, N. ) BROS. BOSS I Closing Out ! At Prices I AU'i .'..in ,1 tiold pi nt In nil iLmhm at Halman's lion I, tlm WMti:hinksr, iloeit .'nu'ay 't Ham rufl i riMiiii'iv liiilli r at Mm, N. I to v. In. ieo Sul.uinn'fl hint of wntrhits and jitwi lery. iet your filver wary ami silver novel ties nt Patmaii'ii. .1. A. Tr.ui v nl VdiicnllM in cix ikJihk a few itiiys in I In- illy. New clm k of i-li'.tul i iMini; ruts at ( lion hill .V. i.ulli'v'n. 'uii'HiR i ! I f ik'hh in ouuvenier toons at .'Hl.iiuirn. See llii in. MiliO' I Kradii ItMiiililufM, fit). A. C Miurti'M A Ct'., KotinhurK, Or. Mint Irene CliitAiu.J rutin no 1 to Hone- I i r , Sil I'.l.iv I'V.'iiiliK'. AnhUud Tid- Mr. A. I'. I'.'iiaii wat in town Moil-lay liMikinC ul'i-r lm 1 r a CaUlutnia rom p.i.iv. I . .1 l'.i-1'.i, tidejji jpli operator at lii'-nin, An, urn, in vmtuu friends in lhi" i i'y. II. .1.. il AIhuIuhi Hi nt o hale i o on Imihhh-m Wi' li.i H.Uy, lu In- gone about a urek. Altoiiii')' MxirLt r.vr in went to iSaleui Weilncclny , lo Hileml to leu! lusiiii-rs liiloro Hie Su.iein leurt. V iiiii'rin.n In oiiHit Iihh been issued J .in. '.'lib, to .lames lUlny and l.illie My Cox, both of (iluiidale. Mrs. Chun Mmklcr went lo Irviog, 'iili,eii'liiy iiiuriiing, to visit a uioutlt willi lur luotht-r, Mr. A. Itoud. .Uii'i'fS eoiues t ) Iboso who itvrrevoiv. II you like II'xi I'h KariupanllM failli (iilly uiul . inH'.riitly, you will surely be bvueliUed. Ill I'oul llm well kuowii i'ultland hotel clink, has h'MHod the McUlallen home, at Ku.it'bnih', for a number of years. Kukviio (iuai-l. Mm. S. K. I .a nit left fur Iter home at K i n lmi, l ii'l.iy eveniiiK', aftor a leas-uulvi-it with fn.'ii Id hi AihUud aad it'iiiily.-- Ashland liilini". 1 he tV'iilritl hoUl under the inanK" iiient ul 1 1. W. I'uttit, lease and lusua t;er, in I.ihI CMiiiitii: in favor with tho (raveling public, mi l is a good place to stop. Try it. Keanouahlo price. V. U Tliompsjii, accoiupauied by his nii'io, Miss Kuan Kinmitt, of Douglns eounlv, who have been epoudiit a week in Athlan l, left yesterday for Southern California to ty during tho winter. slilini l Tiiliii;s. I. V. l'.ulT, id Ub'oni;, III., is visiting willi W. II Singleton. Mr. hoff is a profeHsioual foot-racer, and has not boon beaten (or thirteen years. He is now on hU way to California whore he will spend the coming seasou. W in. McKinney an inmate of the Sol diers Home, died there luesday. He lui'l bi'iui a member of Co. Ii., 1st Mis- hoiii i lnf.intiy, and was uduillted to the Home, from lVlk county, iu 1S'J7. He whs OS years oi.i iu me iimo oi ins death. Miss Su-lla limn lion lelt on the local Tuesday morning, for Tortlaud. Mic will visit with her brother, Luther, for u few days, and w ill then go I ) Astoria, where she will live with her brother, Vttoruey J. F. Hamilton, uud olteud school. She will bo gone ubout four months. Wo hio pleated to learn that It. J. (Jrubb, of W ilbur, who has been very near death's door, Is improving rapidly, I'uclo Hui is one of our early plouoers, and ho will always bo remembered as one of tho stout hearted, sturdy men wl oso unite I eilorta have made Oregon a great elate. I. V. Kice aue S. C. l-'liut uiado a visit hi Until- r.liK'k Kenublican nuuo mis week, where they havo gone lo luspect . ., . . i i . .. 1..1...1 a twenty-iivo loot luuuei ujuiivio-j. This niiuo has very good prospects, aud iIimv uxnijct wheu the main ledge is struck, to ba able to show as good gold beariug rock hs any mine iu Southern Oregon can produco. The fortieth auuiversity of tho aduiis (Ion of the etuti of Oregon to.tho Union, will bo llttingly observed.by lbs two do partuiuuts of tho Oregon legislature, as sisted by tho resideuls of tho Capital CIlv. ou TucHdav, t'obruary, 11th. The matter of arranging (or a.'proper celebra lion of tho event is in tho bands of a Joint commilloo of the present session ct tho legislature, and is composed of the following named geullomvn: Senators W. Kuykondall and John Mieholl ; Keit remuitutives .1. Thornton lions, V. L. CummliiH and K. W', Oraco. SALE TT ft TT STORE Sacrifice Regardless Of Cost a a 5 j J. If. W'iiitsntt, of Deer Creek, wss in j the city TuesiUv. L. )each, of U-iseburg, is a guest at i tho I'erkiiiP. ' tfrgouisri. 0. A. llouter, of Oakland, wa-j doing business iu Itoteborg Monday. U.S. Niehols, tho enterprising stock" m no of 1(1. Idle, ws in tho city today. S. J. ChiMioweth, a cattleman of W il bur was doing buines in Iteebiirg Tuesday. Major I-!. 1-'. W'aUli, of this ( i'y, has 1-een comuiisnioiied a notniy public by ' iovei nor ieer. Hon. A. M. Crawford agaiu appeared before the Supreme court at Salem the first of (he week. 1. Ii. Nichols, the merchant at Civil lteud, was looking after business inter ests in Itoscburg today. Mrs. M. Josephson, our t-ntei prising merchant, and her son Sain Josephson, sUrte l on a hiiiiuesi trip to San I'ran eisco Wednesday inorninir. Ladies rniisliu aud cambric gowns, chemise sod drawers beautifully em broidfrtt.l and oxcfptioaal values, at the KDS;ilUH; NOVKLTY STOKI-;. J. W. Lewis, of Si-otti Valley, t'al., was visiting bis brother, M.L.Lewis, of this city, las', wiek. He returned home Tut) 'day, via the S. 1'. road. The infant son of A. L. Uunboell died at the reeidenco of A. C. Msrstcrs, Jauuary "4th, and was buried in the Look log (Jlasa cemetery We lno-tday . NKW OOODS, Calicoes. tiioghams, Outiug Flannels, Tickiog, staples of all kinds at the NOVKLTY STOltK. The I'l.AisiixALKit iiiauager begs to call the attention of those of our sub scribers who are iu arrears, to the fact that the per needs money to keep the machine going Printers must have their pay. I irt Iraius are to bo started in a few- days to till in the yard at Itos.thurg uud all the trestles between Myrtle Creek and Hofebur;. The earth wilt bo se cured at tbo loruier place, The l'ewey (i rants I'.iss. We acknowledge the receipt from Sen ator At Kesd, of tho report of tho board of land commissioners to the legislature, tho attorney-general's biennial report, and the report of the president of the board of regents of tho Btate university. Thero will be a iuei.iug of Hosoburg Ked Cross and Kmergcncy Corps, Sat urday, Jan. 2S, at 7.30 p. m., at the re sidence of Mrs. Burr Joues. All mem bers are requested to be present. I'.y order of the president. Km ma K. Kiciiaiidh, Secretary. DILI). MATHKWS: At tho family resilience in North Koseburg, Tuesday, Jan. L'4 lSv)v), Mrs. Annie Hollo Mathews, wife of Isaac Mathews, aged 32 years. Deceased leaves a husband and two small children besides a host of friends aud relatives to mourn her death. The funeral services were held at the family residence yesterday at 2 o'clock, p. nt. Interment lu the Masonic Cemetery. GUltNKY. At her homo near Kenton, Tuesday, Jau. 24, Mrs. K. aged 74 years and G months. Interment was mado in the tiuruoy, Masouic cemetery yesterday. Looking Glass. Miss Kva Howard of Ten Mile has re lumed home. l'rof. James Davis has been looking after business at Drain for several days past . Mrs. Win. Ollivaut was visiting friends at Ten Mile one duy last week. Miss Koma Neil has returned home, after spending the greater part oi the wiuter visiting her frieuda iu Coos county. Mr. Stocklo of Kdeubower waa in the valley last Wednesday ou busiuess. K. M. Ooodman made business trip to the county seat on Wednesday last. James Donulug made Ten Mile a visit last week. J, E. Williams has returned homo from l'ortlaud. (irandpa Uuoll has beeu contiued to his bed lor the last six weeks, and at last reports is enid to bo no better. Thorn In not ft vory laiuo nmpnnt of wo rl 4nlriit tut brrs this w lit -r, s "in oi our fanriHis always I an' a :..r, amount to Itoscbii'i; Mist Flora Aodn wa has n tu.i e l it m a week's visit nl Il-Mon. Ilowanl Livlngsloil f Molilalia has been visiting friends and nhitives hen (or the past few days. JAI K TlIK KlI'l'KH. lllkton News. . I'lI'Miniil -nt-miiOr. ... ('un Manilla of Kvil iig was in Ioaii Saturday. I 'iow I nit ii tirou resting riictly in tho yalley at present. Mrs. C. W . M. Hmitli is visilinK her laughter, Mr. i. W, lrw.liei. I, lli-olll nclii hud tint ."x"l I ill i li() l-i irtp a loyuiu one d ty I ft wees . S. 1 1 nnl nil. I la in i I v Ufi for i-.ih in I , nt week wheie they cxiucl V renld.: in the future. Mrs. Hubert ILmey was visiliiiK her daogbler. Mrs. A. K. C per, on Crurlj creek last week. Frank W'e'ls was on the sirk lil a lew days since. However, he la at pu m-nt reported Ut be improving. iistidm Cneiiowtlli.'wlio tl rUyii g with her danuhter. Mrs. I.. Lonb ii of Hani's i reek. Is in veiy psir h-ul ti. I he lisherinen in Hub vu.irii'y , na .e been catching quite' a iioiii't r ol lish lately. The salmon are hauled l Drain for t-hipluitrit. Oar Sunday school is Jpr refsii g nicely under the elli :itnt iiMiuenttit of Mm M. M. Dacoii, tlu ijp;rifi,en.l- I. Toe school is on a uraiiul in- . . . . . ii ...11 : . . . . croase, wliicn speaks wen hi m ji.n-rrri-ed parlies, esecially at this tuuo A the vcar. We beard the olher diy that the I'i.aimiKM. tic's corrv-sisiiideiit !rom this place wlb getting lay wa-i.ui-j ieis i i n? hadn't wriUou for so long a time. We presume, however, that il was lie; other correspondent thul they ha 1 I jti.-r.-me in an we wrrd pre.-enl company. Toa. lOlendale Ml -at I iwneveive K ibetl-i It a-.-iil- ancc up)li Mr. Wallace. Ai,:tlt Abraham, a prumiii i I y-iong atlorn.ty l lloselnir,;, is a pu-i a- Ho'el t.lendale. It was with prufoun l fJi i-i thai e received tho fad ol lue dcat'.i ol C. Y. I;enja:ii u who !.;.'; en sj long connected w tli the I'luv- .... tr in. M.k.K. o have X wow ii .ir. i.?iji miu hiucB l.is boyhoj.l, and the brig'i! promises oi bis yo'Hh were fully verified by his sueiess in eveiy attainment of his long, prosjierous l-.fe. He was a unin ol fine intellectual statu, couple I wi.ii a sunshiny disKsilion, which iusureJ him the boats of friends who mourn bis sudden demise. His place iu the busy world will bo hard to tid, and lo the dear ones bereaved we lender that tymptthy dial oulf ono who knew dim well, could leel. Mis. Sweet, ail cvangtliht, who has preaced iu almost every ttale iu the un ion, is holdit,g meetings at Olendale, and much iutercst is manifested. She U ol tho l'.aptist donomiuation, is a llueut Bcaker aud very much iu earnest in her high calling. YeMerday we went to Arlii gtou, the pretty iiomo if the Wallaces', in re spoupe to a meteage calling m to the bedside of ono aged pi jueer friend, Mre. S. U. Wallace, who is Bull'eriug from a scries of uilnieDts peculiar to old uge. I if. P. A. Harris is in attendance aud her sou, W. .1. aud Kid Wallace and their wives are giving hor every attent ion that dutiful affection can euebt, whiio hosts of frieuda are calling every day to asxiet and comfort the sorely af flicted relatives. Mrs. W'al'.ajo it a prominent pioueer and i-t wed known oil oer ibis coast. Her absent children have been summoned to her bedside, aud will arrive from Idaho aud Irjm Coos Bay. Oregon, tomorrow. We feel the tender loving Fympalhy (or our dear old (riend and all her family that their great merit deeervrs. Wo have just returned from a three weeks stuy iu the drowsy old towu of Jacksonville where wo Pave been at tending our aged patents, Cot. and Mrs. Martin aud Mrs. W. J. Piyinalo, all ol whom havo boon seriously ill, aud whom wo are pleased to Bay are C3tivaloacia-. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Nelson, of San Francisco, passed through Oleudale on Friday uigbl's overland ourouto to Portland where Mr.NeNon will (Hke a position in the custom house. We met them at the depot just iu time to ex change greetings. They werj accom panied by their cbildrcu, Fanuie, Frank, Willie, and Lois. Miss Nellie Niday, who spent seme time visiting frieuda iu Jackson county, returned home laet week. . Misses Kuth and Jeunie Hoberts spcut a day at Jacksonville visiting relatives. Miss Kuth attended the Fuemeu's ball ut O old Hill on tho -Oth. She wtis tho cuestof Dr. aud Mrs. Chnaholm while at tiold Hill. Miss Jeuuio returned homo in company w ith Mr. uud Mrs. Nelson. Tho young ladies havo beeu for some weeks at llornbro k, Cal W. Claiko of tho Olh Cal. Vols. having been mustered out of service, re turned homo via Portland and is busi uess malinger at Hotel Clarke. Abo Miller, of tiravo crock, spent , day homo this week leaving (or Yreka, Cal. Hotel Gieud.ilo is crowded with guests who speak iu glowing terms of tho good cheer of this popular hotel. 11. D. Mai tin aud his son Fred viuiiod lileudale on Suuduy . Mr. Fred liuell, tbo popular Myrtle Creek butcher, speut Mond.ig at (ilen dale. . Mon.iu, rAn Makes the food more delicious and wholesome ovm iAtffwi LrOiSLATIiRi! DOiftuS legislature Busy With And Reports. BillS lllllfli WtIK AT SAIIM. Variou.t Hills I'asscd by lite Mouse Work Progressing 5lowly. S.M.1.M, I .' J The beginning of the. tbiid wi k ' f On; legislative session finds the cumuiitteCM well at work, and billo coming from the printer fast ououxh lo kep both houota busy. Two iiivstiatiog committees, appointed at the special session, reported to the sen ate (hit afternoon, ono on the affairs of tin secretary of state, which were found all right, aud the tho other on the Loiweuberg contract at the penitentiary which was found Uito otherwise. In the house, Myers' reioluliori donat ing lo each member books worth L''00, w is rescinded. A number of bills were iutro.hii-ed, and maoy passed formal re . linL'i". Three petitions with numerous signa- tu ed were ri-ci-ivcl praying for an a.iiendmeiit to the laws relative to peti tions fir license to sell liquor, so as to require a pr.ilioii from a majority of the householders of tbo di-'rict instevf of the leal votcrn. Kt-'irrcd I the o i milico on alcoholic trMIic. A resolution was introduced by ilutt, lor a committee to examine the t-tite library and employ a clerk. No one taking luit-re::: enough to vo'e either aye or no oi this meaur- th- ajeaker k-claied tlit rt-s.jluli in adopted, aud Mr. Y, xV. wii! undo iM.t-l'y get his tbair- tn ir:!-!:i;i ,1,-1 bl4 'ilciid a clerkship. trace prftetitcd a p tit ion from bis constituents, asking tba', when it man is prjvided to be capable oi takin. care of s children, l.it fails to do so, and wiil u i allow- o'hitrs t j do ts, he shall be p-KibheJ aud his children prided for. Tnis was referred lo the conuuittee on charitable, penal and refcrma'ory institu tion. Senate joint resolutiuu No. 7, of the 1 Sib Liecoial eeasion was brought be fore tbo house and referred t) the judici ary committee. This is a resolution for tho isubuiLeicn of a constitutional amendment giving the suflrago to women. Ueach's bill relating to tho expense of conveying patiuuls to the insane asylum. provided that tho coal should fall on the county instead of the stat?. Still man spoke strongly against it. He thought, if these ineauo patients were county palieuts tho ex-iciitj 6hould ba borne by tho counties, but if thoy were stal-j patiente, as was evidently the case, lbs state siioutii pay lor conveying them t the asylum. This bill was claimed by the commit- , teo on ways and means to save OS,000, b it it e.ive 1 it to the il upon the count es, 8Utd by saddling It would effect a saving for Multuomah and Marioii coun ties which would couvey their patients to the asylum practically without cost hut for outlying counties it would mean a hoavy expense. Tho people of liaker and Umatilla counties were as much cit- iens of the etate of Oregin a? were the people of Multnomah and Marion coun ties. Tue people east of the mountaius were entitled to et.uid on the same foot ing as the people of the Willamette val ley. Otherwise he asked that they be allowed to have, an asyljin in Eastern Oregon, aud to take card of their own patients. This bill was opposeu to the governor a recoiuuienJauou. itie gov ernor's suggestions had been complied wilhthis niotuing aud he hoped they would be in this case. !each stated that the bill would save a lai'e sum in the appropriation for the asylum. The amounts asked for that institution aggregated nearly four hun dred thousand dollars. If tbo appropria tions were to be cut dowu, a start must bo made somewhere. Flagg stated that he should vote against tho bill, because be thought that the result aimed at could be accom plished in a better way. The bill waa overwhelmingly snowed under. Illl.l.H I'ASSKO. II. P. 71, Mr. Grace, to punish the poisoning of domestic auimals, II. 1. oj, Peach, to regulate tho pur chase of public supplies; giving pre ference to homo products. 11. I. p.), Payer, to regulate the doing of public works. II. P. 5:(. Peach, to make Willamette boulevard iu Portland a county load. 11. P. 47, Forduey. changing the bound ary line between Union aud Wal lowa couutics. II. U. UL'. Topniug, to umeud section 331.', code, relating to health olliceis ut Cooj Pay and Oardiner. 11. P.. II, Whalley, to auicud See. two of tho laws of Oiegou. H. H. 110, Whalley, to amend eectiou iU, Hill's coJe. S. It. 0, Jocitphi, to chingo the name ol 7n"e st.i'e insane asylum to tho ''Ore gon S.ulo Hospital for tho insane." uud amend laws pretainiog to the insane. OMrt4 ro , tt w v. AfUrahlv pn-stnt riK thu in-rl' io( his bill Dr. Joaephl win followed by Kny koudall, who strongly oppowd the crea tion of an independent board for the management f I hit i-)l:im. S'nnator Heed opptjsed tho creation of an inde pendent Ik, ul to be appointed by the governor on the ground that it 1.1 getting too far away from the '-"ple. Senator Daly d Lake niad a g m! talk for the bill. Senator Micliell as serted his belief that an iud 'peni.'eiit board wovld bo the meain of viping out pre Mil scandals concerning this in stitution. In reply to Senator Koykcn dall's objections to u:i independent board, Senator Joseph! referred him l.j the condition of the Btate uni v-r-ity . where a like board is giving cnlcii-nt ser vice. The bill passed by 21 to 6 noes. Those voting no, were Clem, Driver, Fulton, Knykenda'l, Lxycey and Ueed. A wil writing fromtheL'uivcrsily pens this paragraph : If the barbers want a commission, why not pats a law allowing such a com mission, and at the same time require each barber to pay a license of $10, said money to go toward paying said commis sion, the surplus to he applied toward alleviating the condition of victims mado insane by listening to the barber'a talk while in the barber's ehiir. Senator I'.ecd will press a bill to place the control of the Soldiers' Home tirely iu the hands of the fcoveruor, and aWisb the board ol trustees. How's This? We offer Ono Hundred Dollars Coward for any case of Catarrh that cannot be cored by Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. J. CHENEY A CO., Props. Toledo, O. We the undersigned have known F. J. Cheney for the 'aet 15 vears, and believe him perfectly honorable in all business transactions and financially able to car ry out any obligations made by their Arm. West A Truax, Wholesale Drugiets, Toledo, O. Walding, Kinnan A Marvin, Whole sale Druggists, Toledo, Ohio. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internal ly, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surface of the system. Price 75c per bottle. Sold by all druggists. TeBt nionialj free Weekly Excursions to the Last. A tourist eieping car will leave Port land every Toeeday a'-'J p. m. via the O K. A N. without change to Uofcion, and under the supervision of cxiierieuccd conductors. No change of cars to the cities of Omaha, Chicago, Cuflalo or Bostou. The ideal trip to the east is now before you. Uememter this service when going East, and consult O. U. & N. agents, or address, W. II. HiHUiiftr, General Passenger Agent, L'4. Portland, Or. Subscribe for the Twice-a-week Plain dealer. It is the oldest, most reliable and fail dealing paper in I he county. Republican iu politic it treats all per sons of adverse opinions wi'.b courtesy, npuir iltfr.nitin In Ri-llrrilntlrt ahllSP for . odsainiun Political advant- ,, ,.ri,;i.:S(.. anl,rnvP1, nr ,,n.irtmn age i measures, not men, aud is up to date in its news department. County Treasurar's Notice. Notice is hereby given holding Douglas county to all pi: ties warrant? io 1, HS95, to dcrsed prior to Dec present tho samo at the treasurer's o trice in the Douglas Couuty bank for pay ment, as interest will ceaeo thereon after the date of this notice. Dated this the Oth day of Jau. IS'M, at tbo City of Koseburg, Oregon. Oku. W. Dimmick. Couuty Treasurer, Douglas County. Or Notice to Contractors. Sealed proposals will be received ut the otjice of the board of trustees, of tho Oregon Soldiers' Home at Koseburg, Oregon, until 12 m. Jan. 2S, 1300, for the construction of a chapel and laundry for said Home, ami iu accordance with the d uwiugs and writiogs of Lionel D. Deane, architect 4o0 Chamber of Com metce, Portland, Oregon. Drawings on view at tbo ot'ice of Mr. Sol Abraham, Koseburg, Oiegou, and tho architect above uamed. All tenders to be accompanied by a certified check for tlvo v5) per cout of the order of the board of 'l us'.eej, as an evi dence of good faith. Hoard reserves tho right to reject any and all tenders. Per order, board o! truste ts.. 11. 11. Northup, President. The militia boys who weut to Portland aud failed to pass tho examination liaye beeu allowed wages for the time they were there. The Koseburg boys got 18 each. Doctor MEYERS & CO. Specialists for Hen ,urmg -FkUfai tud n-n- trayUtl atiaifuU Huc0 Jtl. iliey bm (lis) irceat ftuj IwaC ttiuiitiiLii tiiealiOavl III- itltllllWU, Mlitl ill BU'tt !! tCltavi e lUtKllk'B) lu lit U. Ii. I No Pat Till Currd. A lTllforttlUalt aUall Viltu c m. X uutcall aliuuiil writr fr t twvabd I'lkaU Ufk Tl'OuaamU ciucd t It-'ioc. A)ntHtcniiarutil: NoC'tiatrtr Twr ( uonultatiua. 731 (kit K''v..rK..l,a.K.. I PUiriP Ml.MIQ.N. Oo to tho Koielesl for the t eal lysis. ' aro ftma. i a r la r ninl siil On t SsUmati's fur yit,r holhUv K'snh . IS'ii.d f r I ,irgnin hii I yntn wa'i h r palriu . For f.rst i lsss it idirlry it to Dr. l ilt'.- of O.iUn .1. li,(NHl men wanted at the llosa Store to t-slecl gr-Mi baigams before Ii Is loo tale. I oidics rubbers at I'o crnts ami first quality at 10 cents per pair. Novslty Store. Facts not fakes Is what our adver tising columns represent. Tbo Ptss Store. Pabvs "Cry for Castoria" but I heir ppas cry for Oliver Plows thy moat havo their.. Sinoko thu "Artie," the but fic cigar of tbo year. K rose A Shambrotti, sole agents. New slock of ladies and miases' tine shoes, nit tho latent styles, just received at Parrott Pros. A largo and tine assortment of chil dren's shoes just received at Parrott Pros. Call and see them. Call at the Doss Stw. ssJ price their goods, and you will bo surprised to And them at such low figures. Money to loan on city and country property. I). 8. K. Bura, Marsters' Pnildicg, Roseborg, Or. The W. C. T. U. will hold its regular meetings on the second and fourth Monday ol every month at 7:00 p.m. in the FJpworth League room of the M. E. church. Kipling Verses Kiplicg sent Captain Koblev D. Evana of tho Ioa a set of his works, and with luem these verses: Zogbaum draws with a pencil, And I do things with a pen. Put you sit up in a conning tower, IxMsing eight hundred meu. gbaurn takes care of his business, An I I take care of mine. 7j Pat you take care of ten thousand tone, Sky-h')0.i-.g through the I riue. Zogbaum can handle his shadows, Aa l I can handle my style. Put you can 1 a-idle a ten-inch gun lo carry seven mile. To him that hath shall be given, AuJ thf.'a why tho-te bxks are atnt To the mau who has lived more stories Than Zogbanm or I could iuveni. County Treasurer's Notice. Notice is hereby given to all parties holding Douglas county warrants in dorssl priir to May 1, IS'jfi, to present the same at the same at the treasurer's ollice in thu Donulaa (nmtv hank f.. laymet.t, as interest willceaso thereon after the datj of this nctico. Dated Ibis the lljih day of January, IfcUy, at the City of Koseburg, Oregon. Gxo. W. Dimmick. Cuui.ty Treasuur, Djuglas Ccunly, O . The Public Schools. The semi-annual promotions wiil be made on Monday, Jan 30. Peiiini ers for the tirel gr.Jtt ebould enter school as k-oii as possible, as a tteginniog class w iil not be formed later than .March 6th. A special meeting has beeu called k-v the bcIioj! bj.trd for Saturday. Jan.. 8 1 p. ui., for the purpose of levying a tax this meeting is important to all nat rons of tho school at it lire-ides the finan cial condition of iho echo d for the com ing year L-rt all bj i rrsent. Matters of importanci wiil bj presented. Information Wanted. P ldmoii K. DavU, hi of Mary Anu Ilcter Davim, daughter of John Heeler, also one John lleeter Dayis, I would like to eoirespoud with any if the said family of John lleeter. My address is Pudmox K. Davis, GOJ 'nd. Ave.. Beaver Falls, Pa. County Treasurer's Notice. Notice is hereby given to all parlies hjlidng Douglas (entity warrants in- doibtd prior to July 15, lS'.lO. to present the tamo at tiie treiutirut's ulli e n the Douglas County bank for payment, as interest will eeaie thereon after the uate of this notice. Dated this tlu L'Otli dty of Jau. WJ, at the City of K isobur, Oregon. Oku. W. Dimmick. Cooiity Treasurer, Douglas 'JonuU, Or, The c intrac: for hnil.lin ih i;tw lanr.dry aud chap 1 nt ihe Stldiers Home, was let to J Jm U nder, olthis ci'y. his bid being L'iTi0 Toe J. G. Flook & Company's bid w is f'i407, and a Portland lirm put in a bid lor $4000. Cou'.r.iel to do tho phi iiiiini waa award ed to L. A. Sanctuary Ht $25, and the wiring aud lix tores to the Portland Elect r io Ox, ut l itt. Not ce it ! ri by given to all pereona holding Koseburg city w arrants indorsed prior to A'tril n, 1801, to present tho fuiuo m tiie city treasurer's oXce la tint city hall for payment, as interest will cease thereon alter tue uate oi tun uotice. Dated at Koseburg, Or., this Oth day of January, 1800. Uko. Oahi v, jlU4 City Tieueurer. CASTORIA For Infanta and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Boars tho Biguaturo of