mm til Vol. XXX. ROSKBURO OREGON, MONDAY, JANUARY 23, t8go. No. 6. imrlntr !! I M;. 1 I'D r.l.KM ItHMKHI'ItU I.Olli.K, K(l M, hold Ihi'lr ri'Ktilar nimiiuiili ailoua al Ilia I. O. o. K. hull ou H' iml mi l (inirlli Ihuiadair l month. All 1 11 In r finiiiliil in ' Inml riilarhf. ami ll Uniting brolhi'rs ln.f dully Invited lo nil. 11. 1 ; ti a -i I.. IUHI.KV, r. it IU R UIHIH.K, Herniary. 11,11111, Al CHUN) II., NO. VI J II. U. I'. A. M , tllaela HVIirjf " inllli'.'iay I'Vi'UHIE n I a o I'liM.k 111 Hi" '" I Miu'iiilu Hull. Vl.ltlliK b roltin ( cordially 1 11 y Hu'l In alUiinl. w l!. II. I IKKoH, iso. W, I'anav, tmnnllor. H'luui.lum i4oin'iiy. T AtlllKI. I.OIMIK. A. K. A A. M . UK.dl I.AB Lt mndlnaa the id and Ui Wixliu ! I mi iiionlu. Mtr.K JOHNmON, W. M. N . I J an . 1 r, riccy. t,HII.K I AllUN'. I knlilliUv II I'll Oil M I II (I K limit hall III t'ld h'llnw l.;ui.l. al ,l,,M.,"',.f uri'iiliiK 01 -' Meinbmaol l.emil' i l ' "!" d tUlll. J. . HIIAK'ir-i 1- N. T. Jtt, Heu'y. ..uuiiitii,i Kil III. A. O. V. W. K mm U lliu tit'olid mi'l I0.11JI1 Moiidsia i.l , h nionlli al7 l. " V"" rV,' 1 Mrmlx'ixil llieiud. r In 'hI laiidlnK in In llod 10 attend 1 KM) lOnf, Nil. r. 1 A u Ml Kill 1 KM Out Slid UiU'l lli'iradan "I '" '"" Hi. I 1! I' I" riMKN IlKl-lKC rOIU'rt Nil. 111. MKKIM n 1 ami tii "i Mldaya Ill ' I' mouth. i.iimk lilt III. 1 II A II LK. Nn.. K H..MimU A Hit) llll urn! UiU'l Illinois). ! each Btillli. Mol.l.lh nil AMHIliiuK, Vt HKiilN A llASI, 'c v. R mJuIv.i..l mi.l l.iurlb Huuday. a I I'll A I.OIKiK. NO K. UK IV. MKKI Vrf Wrdiiraday cvelllus at O1I1I fellow. 11.11 Kiiiuina 111 lioon " illall; luIUl Vu alloud. l'rollonl l'rct. iggaoa . aa.jWH. rain. r-Tvrin. JJROWN ft TU8TIN, Attorucys-at-Law, Kimiiiii 7 and a A WlUtii HIiH k. HonEIU'lld. OU. la yy U. WlLLia. A.tlornoy ami Counnclor at Law, Will OfMllea la all tha wiurU o( lha HUlo. Of tt la Maratan HuiMliiK. l"laa euantf, VI . O M. UAMDY, V DENTIST, Hovlcit BulldiUK, Talepboiit N. 4. UOSBUIKO, OKKUUN. JRA. B. RIDDLE, Attorney at Law, Room fajlOI V llxill Hlk. KOHKBrKll, UHK.OON. P W. UHN80N, Atttrncv-at-Lav, MfMimi I ami .' Krfltw Hml'liim KO-'KIU Hi. OHKiioS A. M. OttAWFOBD, Attorney at Law, HihidiIiU, Manl. ta IIWK . KOKEHUIUI. OU. aj-Huiur U-lorn tin I', rt. l.aml onicc anil mliiTiil faai-a a iicclall)f. I.alo Rcvalvei V. ri. I.aml OIBce. Northern Pacific RaiironJ Company Aie mill iiii tukota to nil I'ointr Mal t hall the rKuliir rtt'. l. S. K. Uiutt, IaxuI Agcul No. -', Marntora huililiuK. YEA BROWN, M. D. OKf H'K, MM Jm kMHi HIiulI, al H l.kucc ul Ml". J. Ulriir. UOcKIH'Hii OIL L. MILL13H, M. D., Surgeon and HomtXHinathio Pliyioian, Kuaefturi, HK. afTOhrunla dlaaaaaa a poolaltr. J A. lll'UHANAN, Notaiy l'uhlif, Attorncy-at-Law. Collections a Specialty. Kimlil J Maratcn HuiUlmii. KO.-EHI Ku, OK 4. STRICTLY FIRST-CLASS. HOTEL. -ii .McCLALLEN. MKH. I), f. MtCLAUKN, J'rop. MADQUASTER3 FOB TBAVELIN3 MSN. HATIiH UICAHONAUI.1C. Urge, Fliio Hamiilu HuoiiK. Frw 'Bui to auJ Kroiu Trulua. A0SEBUH9. A Human aa Judge 01 iiugi. At tho dog show rocoutly hold in Madison Bqunro annleu n woman, Miw Anna U. Whitney of Lanoostor, Masa., tot4)d at one of the Judgos. The breeds, whone fate hung npon hor decision, were the Bt. DonmrdH, Newfouudlnnrta ma t la ilimoult to And iuduoi V'ho ... hnt h nnuilKitullt itud eligible, ltlnC( those who poshofh tho rwiulHito Ituowl .,irt h a otinnrMT hroodoiH iiud nxhiblt" tlv linrrod out. Mibi Wbituoy. althuituh who lnoudi mngnlfl' oent Bt, Uoiunrdu t )ior oguutvy Home, doe not cuti r timiu for eshibltlou. She huii a ntvonif. nitlar Duo fyco fct ft NQmi what muHonline type. Now York letter. fNew btore ! A I ULL Staple and Fancy GROCERIES Country Produce Itougltt and 5old TAYKOU & WILSON lll.OCK i Low Prices! Fall and Winter Goods Just Received and More Call and l:amincMnir Mammoth stock. WOLLENBERG BROS. SOMKTHINO NlvW! NHW STORIC! The People's Store I. ABRAHAM, Prop'r. A complete line of Dry Goods, Clothing, Boots & Shoes, rurnishinv; (loods, Hats, Caps, Capes, Jackets, and a tine UneofJMillinery Goods. Kvcrytliing New, purchased for Cash direct from Eastern niauufaeturers, especially for the Fall Trade. Call and exaimine Goods and Prices. Health is THEN Pure Fresh Drugs SOLD BY A. C. MARSTERS & CO. Prescriptions Filled Accurately And With Dispatch. A Full Line of Patent Tledicines and Toilet Preparations SpecialSale Qreat .Re,l!V.on( Fu r n iture $75 Hed Room u u A Fine Line of Chairs, formerly $1.50, now 1.00. Now is the time to get Uig Values. Call, examine and be convinced. Alexander & Strong. rocery STOCK OP Free Delivery Coming NKV GOODS! KVKRYTHING NHV! Wealth ! USE Suit ii a for $35 2T.50 25 It FISHERIES OF ALASKA The Richest Industry of Great Northwest. the RICIIIR THAN MIMS 01 KIONUIKL Alaska, tlio Aciuarluin of America - Dcautlful Tilings To lie 5ccn liv ery where., AUrkii, .'1111. JO, I .. I liavo trii'il iluriiix i.iy l.ricl H j'iuru in Alaol.a t'l 111(01111 ni)vl( an llinrfjiijf ti- Ir n imiiiniIiIi! in ti'xiiril t j lliu natural rexouriL'S of lliin vjat iluinuin, nliiiti mi 111 1110 ihi two or threu ycvia tan nc lillla know 11 uh in Oi.tral Africa. Tlut AUiika in iintnvfiKely ri:!i in littr nin- piiiIh, l;rr lull uinl ln'f inilnT, (! nj ru inaiti') iiot a mIi.i !uw u( il'iii'it. a ! in my jinlKHit'iit KHiri,-'l from obt itvIujii hih! ex'i-m ivr intjuiry , lliu liili in tln water of AU' k.i i:ni(tiliil tin! ri'utt i.t source of ai altli in lliix vant eui'.irr , r it. 1 , ;.h it in in il'Nuiiii' 'H. Moru Hum luin.Jii'il fHTi h ul (iy i,. I PAatu in t'ie riVfrS, l-kl-H illhl ;H. AfllMlJ,' t I.I'IIJ ttm ealiii'.n, km; nf llm (u i ! ii -! : , in (ouiiil iu "unt iiui.tititM l i t' lo l, l,tr ruin iml lialii'U'. in vahl liurulnr 11, lial)it thin ni'ut dxj I i rceiTve. l'l'lliaM IliB lirli Wlii'-ll in III'' ni.jHt iiiiint'ioiiH mi'l iIki iiioi-t ui li'ly i i tile uUil. anJ lli ) oiik wliii h i.s ili'hiii.i-'l id pnnliiif lliu isrcB'.v"! bin nil.! ul Ara'tii in ti n toil. 'J' (if? i-ixl I'.inkD ro i ( im uifiifu 'XU'iit. Tdey i r-ud nlor.ti till) llol K!ll I ll'-tTII I 111 ll' III A ijihkj, ami lliu nuuiiTotia iul.'tB un.l nti raye aboun l with llitui. In (.id, II o n In 1 coHot of .uka, from t!n f nl'u(-ai-trii exlrfii.iiv to luring n'r.i:l, in one v ., iiiexliiiiiHi iiilt' i-i il (i ? 1 1 -r . I'liie i mi'l-winli-r m it 1, ii,,- h ioa fix- tfiTi im Iibh deep hero t Wranif'l, mi'l Jttwlifhl mint out on tlie l,arf lu !y while three ir (our nirri wero li.iliir.,1 Willi hook umJ liui', 1 tuiiiik 1 umre tbau l'j cod, wliich ilii y I, a I raiilit, weigliiiiX from H to 12 i.ium! iarli. The cud banks n ml lUlu rii'n tire nithiu easy reach of a.i'e ami i- )ij:mu J: har bors i iu Ucl, n.ui y ul them u:u Silbla the iul&ud chaunelH itnd p,urji;. .Iiii L are barliors of themsciwa. Next to the cc.l the food titli whiiii is most Kvtierally dibtributeil, id narlias the herring. Tno ht i riim like tlie iud is fouinl all alunn thu EoutliuHetitro couet of Alaska in im-alculable numbers, ami throng tlie waters to Mich tin ix terjt that the nutivrs catch them by draggiu,; them out of lliu water with a stick or board, w liii h el i J r nails liave been driven in. Tiiu hcrrini; and its roo constitute a large part ol tliu diet of the natives ol Alaska, uml tuua liolli ol the lish and roo are diied for winter uh The roo of tlie henin; a a ) abuu iaut in all the inland waters i f Soulheiiatern Alaska, that th.1 nativeo gather it iu im mense quantitica by drawiu a kind ol seine composed of lieml.H'k bouulis through th a water behiud a cauoe. When the boughs tiave biCJiuo coated niththeroo tJ a thiiknees uf two or three ill' lies, they are huiiij up iu the sun until dry, whon the product is scraped oil aud tit away iu oil for fu ture use. Another food lifli which aboundd in theeo wa'.crd in Kioat numbers and w hich h just comiiik; intj piomineiico as a food lish, is the hnitlmt. The.o lish can be caught in uniiuiited liumbvis in all these inland waieie, wcirihiui; from fifty to four hundred pounds. These fish are caught with the hook nnd packed in ice are shipped to the South ern aud Eastern markets. That this in dustry is becomiuB every ol mure importance, is shown by tho increased number of men w ho engage in it from year to yestr. Tho lish are caught in the deep channel. of the inland wators. Four ov live men with a saiall tidhiui; sloop wilt bring in fiom ci;!it to ten tons ol these Ush iu i.s many dajs. When the sloop is loade.l with tiili, they proceed to some nearby glacier and i rocure ice suflkieut to pack their hsh, wheu they are boxed iu ice aud shipped by ttoanier to Seattle where they are sent Uust. The industry, however, which em ploy! the greatest uuiouut of wealth of any iu Alaska is the salmon fisheries. If auy one should be inclined to doubt this statement and to claim for the gold fields the greatest importance, it will only bo uecessary to remind them that Klondike is not iu Al nk.i hut in Uritish territory. Hut if the g dd pr.nluo' ol tho Klondike should bo added to that of Alaska, yet iu my judgment the net profits ol the salmon fisheries would far exceed that of ull (lie gol 1 producod iu the Northwest. There are today, as nearly us I can as certain, about 30 cauneiies employing about 4000 men, mostly natives and Cbiuese. Tho total pack of these cau ueries will reach at least a mill ion cases of flsh of -1 one-pound cans to the c.iBe, Iu addition to the canneries, there are between 1 3 and ?0 tnlteiie, w hich pro duce between 10,000 and 15,000 pounds of salted Huh. His diilicult to estimate the not proeeedti of this business, but tho lowest and peihapu the safest euli muto of the prolit Is 11.00 per cannot ni ke I ml muti, and when to thia la add ed tliu prufll of the Railed aud dried si I moii, it will roach at least fl,.';00,000 rrattically all of this bufii.: is con In lied by the Alatka I 'at ken Associa tion, wliiih i niinpljr a trust which con IrjlMho bnsiricsf. Tbis biicimst reprc s' ills an invcflmeiil ol about fti.OUO.OtKi, which (lu n not pay a cent of lax either national, stale or municipal, l:aose no taxes of any kind aro assented or collect ed in Alaska. At Kilhsnor, nboul midway between Jumftii and Sitka, in hxated the fishing ami manufacturing plant oi the Alaska Oil iikJ iiiano CompaDy. This com I'any in engaged iu taking herring from which liny iiianufaclure oil, and fertiliz er from the relusn matter lelt alter tiarting tho oil (r iu the flab. 1 lie products ol factory auiouiits to from :'3O,O0O to 300,000 galloni of oil and about 1,500 too s of fertilizer per year, viluu l al abrjut f 113,000. They alw put u; in Hilt, bjujo salmon, col and herr ing. Tim herring are caught by means of nuts drawn by steaui luga, and in order lo produce the oil manufacture.! in a ting e ) ear, not lefS tban XKX),0J0 bar- ri lu of lish are mpiireJ. Th produced here are princi- pa ly sliipcd to the Sandwich Islands, where it finds a ready marktt, being ii ed to enrich the sugar cane fields. It will be seen by this briel detcrip n of the liiliing industry Alaska, which is not exaggerated or over drawn tliat va-t aincurita of wealth is stored in tlii-t-o wafers. The I'Mhiog busiuesa of Alaska is no experiment. It rujuires none of ul the hardship ur linancial rUk incident In prjspecting a i . 1 1 iniiiirig in an iiihosiiilaldu wilder- r r"", it is safe, sure and reuumerative beyond alruont any other liiiaiic'al vet- lure in wliich a man or com pa i y of men n embark. Kvery year millions of hilars arc eijuandered, hunJreds of livrs are ! fct and thousands of borne iiih.Ii' by proverly and disnp pji'itiiu n. on account of the insane r.nh fur gold, in this frozen N'rtli. I i.i v no idea but that if I should return to tliu states with some fairy ta'e of fab- mines cf gold, bidden away in this n wilderness surrounded by impaes- alil.i mountains and impenetrablt for- esto, gnarded by treacherous river aud icy glaciers, I could crgani.e com pany with a million dollars capital, and that men would fall over each other in older to invest the savings of a life time in its slock, to the extent of ruining ihemselves and iinpoverisbiug" tbeir families This is the history of tbis mining craze, which has not yet seen its course. A ad yet if I should go to capital ists with a proposition to put money In to so ordinary a proposition aa a salmon cannery, to be located on tins coast, where their investment would lie practi cally uuder their personal observation, with an absolute certainty ol a liberal return for tbeir investments, they would flud a thousand objections to such an in vestment. Andyet the day is not for oil when this coast will be dotted with salmon canneries, aud these waters swarm with fishing boats, gathering from natures store houses, fo" ' fish to supply tho world. E I. r-lKATKOKO. JOY FOR OLYHPIA'S GUNNER. Wife and Brand-New Baby Welcome Dewey's Chief fTarksman Here. There was a great celebration here the other night, says a fig Harbor special to the New Voi k Press. All busiueea was ueglected, and the whole town turned out to welcomo home Leonard J. U. Kuhlwi'iu, chief gunner of Dewey's flag ship, tho Olymyia. Stripped t) the bud', and as begrimed as a stoker, be had lent a hand at the gnus while the tljct described the ovaWin Manila bay that wrote history. At the station there were a band, a preacher and tho whole town. Also i;irls, girls, girls. The chief guuner saw only one a damp eyed little woman siid stepped from the train iuto her arms, lie hadn't any kisses left when it was over, lor he wasn't llobson, aud she was his wile. "llaveu't you forgotten somebody ?" atked his wife, laughingly. Knhlweiu looked arouud anxiously, aud Biw friendly faces. "N-no," he aaid.doubtfully. "Who?" " This," said his wife, pickiug up a sturdy boy, about 3 years old a son of a guuner, if ever there was oue. It was Kuhlweiu'a boy, whom his father bad never seen. The gunner had beeu sent away to the I'acilic a'ooul four years ago, soou after he had married, Tlie youugster howled like an Indian at the hug the bitf, strauge man gave to him. Then tho engiuu looted, the band played, aud the gutiuer and his mate and the boy were escorted to a carriage. The band led uod the town fell iu be hind, and marched through red lire aud Komau caudles aud skyrockets aud speeches and cheers to the home of Mrs. Kuhlwein'a brother, where she had beeu living iu her husbaud'a absence. Charivari for the Rabbits. English farmers, who know it is agaiuHt the law to use ferrets to drive out rabbits, place in the burrows a rub ber hose with a tin horu ou the en J in serted. They blow the horu and bunny comes out in ipiick order. FIGHTING IN SAMOA. A Battle in Which Many Were Killed or Wounded. OLRMW CONStL IN TROlBLt. The Chief Justice is Reseated by the Aid of Men From an English Warship. AiKLAHu, New Zealand, Jan, IS. r-auioau advices just received hero cay thai Chief Justice Chambers, ou Decem ber .'11. declarel Malieloa Tan us to haye been elected king in succession to the late King Malietoa. Tho chief justice also announced that Tamaseso had been elected rice king. Chief Mataafa was iinpialitied. The consuls of the United States and ireat Britain and the cap tains of the German warship Falke and the British warship I'orpoise met the (ermari consul, who refused to recog nize Malietoa Tan us, and declined to co operate in the disposal of the hamoar.a, who thereupon assembled in large num bers at Mulinu, armed themselves, aud surrounded the municipality. Milietoa Tauus aud Tamasese mustered about 'MM men, well armed, but supplied with drfective ammunition. The British and American consuls endeavored to avert hostilities but tbey were commenced on January 1. Malietoa Tanua'aud Tamas- ese fought bravely, but 000 of their fol lowers were captured. Then, diaheait-ei-ed arid outnumbered, (be two chiefs sought refuga on the British warthip, ai.'l tbeir followers sought i r ileciion omler the guns of the Furji6e. Mataafa'e loss was Ul men kiiivd and wounded, and Malietoa Tauus lo.-t 12 men killed and wounded. Trie foreign residents were placed un der the I protection of a detachment ol men belonging to the British warship, aud Chief Justice Chambers and his family were taken on board of hir. The followers ol Malaafa lxited and burned Apia, destroying the plantations, aud pillaged, considerably in the coun- The consuls decided lo install Malaita and bis ibiefs as a provisitfhal govern ment, t ending the receipt of instruc tions from the ! powers. Afterward I'r a "id the GermanTconsul closed tho supreme court, declaring that the power was vetted in them. The British and American consuls then appealed to tho captain of the British ship I'orpoise, who lauded a force of bluejackets, and Chief Justice Chambers, under their guard, took his seat. The excitement continues. An American warship is urgently ueeJed here CAVE TWO MILES LONG. Details of the Subterranean Discovery Near fTount St. Helens. Kalama, Jau. 21. Colonel P. M. West, an old settler on the Upper Lwis river, was in the city today and gave the details of the investigation of the newly discovered cave or subterranean cavity under the lava beds on the headwaters of the North Fork of the Lewis river, uear Mount St. Helens. Colonel Wet did not visit the cave himself, but be closely ijueetionod Spencer, the discov erer, aud Davis, New kirk and l'etere, who accompanied Spencer ou his second trip, and says there can be no longer any doubt about the truthfulness ol the report. The mouth of the cave is about 10x20 feet, ami is about 300 feet above the level ol tho Lewis river, eight miles from Mount St. Helen. The entire informa tion iu that vicinity ia a mass ol lava, rolled dowu from thj crater of that once active volcano. The entrance to the cavity declines al an angle of about 43 degrees. Further in the bed of tho cave becomes practical ly level, aud seems lo run about parallel w ith the river. A peculiar leature of the great underground channel is that the walls are very smooth, resembling the surface of a new ly-polished stove. Oc casional prougs of the co iled lava hang from the roof, but generally the roof is smooth and uniform. Some great chambers or rooms were fouud over head, the height of which they could not in all cases determine. The men gave it as their opinion that they followed the cave for at least two miles, wheu they came lo an obstruction caused by a portion of the roof tailing iu, which prevented a further progress. At this point (here was a small opeuing through which passed a decided current of air, indicating that there was an open ing somewhere beyond. The men who toil ol tbis marvelous discovery are men of veracity, ami thoir report is uot doubted iu the community where they live. Superintendent's Report. Tub leiioi t ol tho superintendent of the Hale prison, now hi the bauds of j Ilia printer, 'ho, interesting data cou Iteming the population of the peuiten I'ury. Of the pi h'oiinis eoniiiinl nn the closing day of tho year, the various counties fiinilrlied tho following cum ber: Baker VJ Bon ton 2 Col u mni a 2 ClacknmiH 7 Clatsop A Crook 2 Coos 5 Corry 1 j OoOglHK , la Grant 0 Gilliam 1 Harney 3 Josephine 4 Jackson 4 Klamath 4 Lake 4 Line , 4 Li u u - h Multuoiiiab (1 female; 120 Marion 27 Malheur 6 Morrow 1 I'olk 3 Union lij Umatilla 14 U. f?. Court 8 Wallowa 8 Washington 8 Wasco 13 Yamhill. Total 322 Of the :i.'2 prisoners confined ItiU, or over '.-lie-half of the total number, are I rofctsors of religion, as follows: Baptists . , 2 Catholics 53 Confuctionis's fl Christian Science . 3 E:iacopalMns '4 Jewish 3 Lutherans 6 Meihodihls 7 l'resl yteriai.i! 7 I'rotestauts 07 ."vlvalinu Army 1 S iritualists 8 No creed (one femuld). . . 130 Total.. . .3:". Under Two Flags. lit was u a.lilier of fortune and a prisoner of war. "Come,'' they said, "sign the pa roe!" Bui he oidy shook his head. "Never!'' bo said, proudly, "but I,ve no objections lo nigning'the payroll." No, he wasn't in the war business (or eanittry reasons. If. V. Journal. Tlio4 Who Endure ; The pains of rheumatism should be re minded thit u cure for this disease may be found in llood'n r:irsparilla. The experience uf those, who have taken Hood's arparilU for rheumatism, aud havo been completely and permanently rnred, prove tho power of this medi cine to rout aud conquer this disease. Hocd's Sarsaparilla is the One True Blood Furilier aud it neutralizes the acid which causes the aches and pains of ihi'iimatism. Teds ii why it absolutely cures when liniments and ot cr on' ward applica'ions fail to give pirmaneu relief. i'a sure to g-t Hood's. Shasta Limited Is the name of the only perfect train in the world, now ruuning every night between St. l'aul tnd Chicago, via the Chicago, Milwaukee A t. Taul Kailway the pioneer road of the west in adopt ing all improved facilities for the safety and enjoyment of passengers. An illus trated pamphlet, showiug views of beau tilul scenery along the route of the Pio neer Limited, wilt be sent free to any person upon receipt of two-cen postage stamp. Address Geo. 11. lleationl, Geu eral I'usenger Agent, Cnicago, III. The Bound ary Lin. When a youna Birl steps from girlhood into wo manhood, she en- W TJr'!Sfrr ters a new and strange Jr country. A land of -ir;'1 i promise and hope, yet full of hidden dangers. Whether she will find happiness or misery depends largely upon the health and condition of the deli cate, special oigauiam which is the source and centre of her w omanhood. The lives of young women are often wrecked because of a mistaken sense of modesty, which leads them to neglect the earlier symptoms of feminine weakness. These troubles unless corrected, develop into serious chronic difficulties which be come a dragging burden, ruining life's best .opportunities and blighting all possibility of happy wifehood and motherhood. Any woman suffering from these delicate complaints needs the health-giving power of Or Pierce's Kavorite Prescription. It heals and strengthens the womanly organs; tops weakening drains; gives vitality to the nerve-centres, and restores perfect or- fanic soundness and constitutional energy, t is the only medicine devised for this pur pose by a skilled and experienced specialist in diseases of the feminine organism. Mis. W. H. Uuucaii. of Arlington, Mo., writes : "I have used ynur ' I'avorite riescripHon 1 ami am never tired of souuilitiu its lraie. When my Imly friends complain, I nay ' Why don't you lak lr. 1'ierce a Favorite prescriiilioii I' I told an anxious mother, whose daiiKliler 08 yeaia old) had not been riht lor rive months, atont tha medicine, aud alter the younn lady had lakro two-thirds ol A bollle of favorite PrecripUon 1 he was all riuht. 8 he had beeu treated by two ol our best doctor!." Dr. Pierce's great thousand page illus trated book-, "The People's Common Sens Medical Adviser" siut paper-bound on receipt of 21 onc-cei.t stamps to pay the cost of mailing only. Or, a handsoma cloth bound copy fur jt stamps. Address, Dr. Viercr, Huffalo, N. Y.