The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, January 12, 1899, Image 3

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iwir;.' 1 u..
Oo lo t'n I: m li nf (,.r il,n lii-.(. (ir,
1 lliMIU V 1
Settle Dp.
All i n inn ( .i I. I ' I lo ihti utidnrlgii
i il H't lictiii u.tilh'd ft i reipici.lo I lo
cone fiirnnl ntul make ' r -1 1 1 t it'll
men'. .Ml ihi und u'"i' "itiU mil h I I
immediately will In) phiivd In lli linmht
i;( mi altirniy for mlloi'tl 'I Ida
in itt n llkii II rend a. IVh hid u'li.u (.nt
of l.'!-iu Mil l nnnd Imvi h tctlli'iiooit.
Tiiii plaindi:ali:r.
.HM'AltV I:'. I hUt.
F-t' Kottd 'i-renl cigar mil on .Mit'.N.
II'IM in liillniti' vitl. Iv ut Alexander
A NtrmigV.
M l lirulll ill I'M polllld i HI 1 1 li ; ll H lit
. ifli r'n uriHi i y.
phyr 1.) mult ! i
t tlio Novelty Stoic.
Her Went, imi'iiit
I Hil l 1 1 1 1 1 : l -f I i
clgaia ut tli" Honi'li-af.
, tl ilcl y bred Jcin-y male cnlf f' I a'o.
Addrea P. O l'(, 1 1'.!
'llin It- - Stole in fc-1 1 1 1 j nut ut null
firing I'liii'i Cull u li-1 bo i onviiicrd.
Do you siimke'.' II h i, & ti n Attic
tigur i.l Kinse A M.nniiro'iLn, i-i lo
No iiilmnko i'.l l'i- iiiu'Io ly hating
your drill ill woik done by Dr. Mran,.-e.
J. I. Mann sill-t llin brut Hem in town
ml pi itin nd li.hl, 'J'l .iliiv rourid
nrd. Wink broeahi diem skiilr, v 1, it-It
lormurly sold at I.M In f.'l.oO, now (or
f 1.15 to '.'.75 ut tin' Novil'.y Store.
CuhIi paid fur gi.tiu, mill nil kind id
farm rxt net h , h( A lr.tliiV wmi-limiM'
l;. A. I '..! lot
K. lhidus. M. I., member Bo.ud of
Pension Kiatniin-M. oilier, Minster
building rcsi -liiiit corner Main and Cam
at ret t.
Sny "No" when ii deulor i ffrin you it
ohatilule. lor II ood'a Sarsupurilla.
There li nothing "J it kh k jiJ." t'i'l
only IIOOD't.
F.eoniimy will -iouit you to buy
children's clothing til un Suits (nun
4 to 14 ut l nml ui'i'nl in prUe,
in mi y tiiiitUl In-low cunt. Novi-lly
K. II. t'ljlluiiii), )liyiciiin nl niiKcnii
Oillco in Tayl'T A. WiImmi llork, rtd
di'uco, Mt-l'ltllfii lloun;. I'rolocsionul
cull in town or I'niiiitiy iruui(tlv uu-
werl nil.t or 1v.
Suwiiia nmrliinoH. ntiini uiut liinon,
rpwIiik iniichiiicit ut A'.i'iniulrr ft Stroi.g,
ml I tin I'fht of lli' in ut tlmt, rrtntinii in
iriro from l 17 M, lli-mire to eio
tliflm iM'fore you Imy.
I'.Iuut V. Iloovi r, ilinii'iiiii uiiil mh -H'on.
lliioiii t lit illy hall on Miiiu
Btrvrl, Kvaelxutt, Or. St i'i i"' utti'i.lion
liivun tolii'iiHi'9 i f tl. noun nml throat.
(,'nlln I'touipily nnimi'ii'il.
Sua Kice & Uitf, Houeu I'uniii ht ii,
for ovury thinn in tho futnituru litu-,
lurui'Ht Btotk nml luwot priicu, jimt rn
i il voil i tur 1)1 of i; iitoru i i I c
funiituri'. Sio tin for liiifaiiii.
UiMiii'inhi r tlmt lr. Struno in ht
niHtifiil rt'dident of li'ibutmrjs, mij U not
hero tomporiiiily, tlmt tin fully wurrant!'
II Ilia viork ami in hi-ru ut ull tinit'H to
rouko kooiI liia gturautfua "f H diiiti
iry. 1'. .'. Horn!, ruc!iii'.l
ylr,5'7 wiitcliii.iikrr. Hliop in
f-fj oxnri'HM ollico, m t to
tlio .iur' imiiilinw'. Kumilmrj, Oii'u'nn.
VatfiiHH. lnkn mul jnwi'lry ripninil
lu aklllftll iii.iiinor nt rviinonuhlii piii 1 B.
A aliaie of the public piilronun fo
Moni' Poultry Ouro. Tliin infullihlo
lemoJy clmlliinuoH tho worhl to proilnre
ita eqiiul ea au i-kh producer. 1'ri'vi'iit
ire and euro for ull ilint ums of (o1b
(iuarantued uud for Biilu bv U. M. Mttr
tin, HoHeburif, Or.
Kuita of tlotluB, ull wool, ho.ivy
welnhtH, l.&O; rouular piiio Uob
clotbea from 0 tc 13 yeura fur 1.00 nml
2. llata all htyh'B ami colors for H5j
regular pi ico 160. All thuno kooiU lire
only to bo found ut tho Hobh Moro.
Up to duto dontibtiy by lr. Mrantje
whioli meaiia Hie boat ami latent klii'la
of work skilfully carefully unJ properly
naorted with no after trouhle, but per
fect aiitUfiiclion. Try lr. Ktrrtiiga'a
aoiinlom 1'iowim, tlio bent, Intent uud
moHt perfect iiiade,
I'or ale or exchunyo for liiiida in Ore
Boa 1-17 mi on tiiiibor laml lu Snutii
Cru county, Cwliforniit, ubjut three
tnllea from ruilroud Btniion, 011 county
road, part n0'i fruit land ui'd probubly
10,000 cordu of wood on tho plui'o near a
good market. 1'iico L'.OOO. AddnmH
I'. O. box OH HomihurK, Orison.
A few doiSHii of tliufo Kentucky nnulo
panta, uud well made, no
alioddv. Ainu a few dozen wouiou'h,
men's, boya' uud i l.ildien'a alioea, regit
lur weuiein. Hats for auiiHhine and
vliado, iimlt'i wear for hot and cold
woathi'i'. and varioua oliicr nrliclca ut
g prlreH, ut II.O. Htautou't),
'! pl'IK ill llll ll. hillH III
IIi.ImI, the m iili liiii il.- 1 , -li 1
. 11 mi
I! 11. 'I dr l i
ok nil I your tld h 1 1)
Itiim roll ( rn ini-i v l in d r t Mm.
II. 1.. Kii;lei, u( I'. rl, uh l-i louii 1 11
r-en Sii''Iiiiii'h line id w.itihi
j" hoy.
.I 'lm, nl ('.tiivoiivilli, i
tlli M Ol'l.iV.
i.'l ) .ill' .Ui.l Hii'i'itud lilii'l
l.i M ut t-iw. iiiin'r.
Nim M.ick l i'liiiai.t
Cl.iinl.ill A Wm.IIi v'h.
Vmioiin l! nilll ill f! Il
n It- it
1! ; .11 i'i'i". Si 1 t tit- t)
.1. V. I! if,-.? fit I ml,., ,1 M.,k t'r.'
in lc in In 11 .doiid.tV ill., I 'I I. i' ! IV.
M.(i. Wilk'mi iv.,1 (mi ht-ty iu til
tli i.llin r nl i: kloii .i , A. ). I'.
V 111 at Sn'ii',1 iv i".i niiii.
linv. (J. It. Arnold hi un 1 1. 1- victim
1 1 1 ilo'.u i'( tin 1:1 0.1k , li 1! 11 il Hi -iii-ounlythiH
1 1 inn ni h 1 .i.i I v niT.i
(in, 1. 1 luu'tli I' I'.mtli 1 1 1 1 j r 1 tha i :' "
lliliik! 1 l-i; lo luu, 1111, 1 i v. tv I ,,ll!c of
ll' ii lV S. 1 n .ifiliil ciililiiiiiii 1 nod
Kt-pi r: iriuii ('ml.n .n li, ,i'i' I.o
1 Ki'lt inu ul"lOj li ly nt I lm h ii' :il ut
r.rt!uiid, wi'h tr . c j (.' 1 1 -o I i. 1 Lis
difli'hurite, eo iin to n-t'in; l.o:iif ci m.
W, J. l l .11;.. u 1,111 I .'i ll l,i:,l it 1 llh
nii kneii ut Inn ti leiin., corn r 1'ine
un. I M (.In r hlii'i-trt forlho iiut week
We H ii pU-Titi .1 lo nolo lie n no v mi
proviiii. Ir. K. 1.. Miller uud hii.nh li .'l l,ii-l
night for WihIiiiiIoi, It (' , whrrtihln
fniii'lv Hill ifii 11 1 11, ulli-r v hn:li In- HI
viail I'liiSadelphiii nnd Ni w Vmi:, where
ho Will nlU'iiil uicdii'.il li'i'luri'H.
The (.'eiilrul h iirl iiinli'i tlm 1 11 1 n 11 u-
llll'llt of t i, , IVlli', li'.lMi' III11I lil 1 1 1 .4 -
i-r, in liiiniiii: in (.iv .r witli the
tmvi'liiiK puhlii', mil in 11 i nl 1 hii't' to
fctoi. Ttylt. Ili-iiH ni!!b!i ,ii, 'i....
Mr Win., llin i''io un
tlio Kom-liuig Mvrilo l'oiiit m ul route,
ia, neare p!en.d lo eluio, rupillyic
covrriiiK from ti iiijune- eust. lined In a
riiu.iw uy t llnvkway none wcekn ir.-o.
Minn Ad lie M. Stewart, w ho bin j it
lillinllCll ll tl'llll id H'llO.I lit .MiilAO l,
I'.uni. to lin'i'liui uud h ie t.lla-r. churge
of Mia-i 1 v.i l.itue'n i.i h., in tho public
Mi'liool. Mih I. in.i in toiiiim-d t.i In r
rot 111 w ith Ihii mi'.uiloi.
I. A. Idm kweil, id ( .irdiner, iion-in-law
of W. A. l-'ruter. 1'. M , hna n
moved I, iit fiiiinly from tlmt phiee to
Uoeliur 1 1 1 exii 'i'ts to j; lo work on
th.''i'.iii l iutlii't'jw 1'ieek ciuyon,
... 1 , . t .
tuiiu. ci i.'.'"eL",irir.
K jsubur Odd l'Vllo B uri! luu iuu u
ood td.?d liooin, thi'ic HOW heiliK pelid-
UiX upilieiitioiin ho- iiieiiiln'i ..hip.
At the next ineeiiiik', S.iiur.lny i vhiuiu',
di'Kieea willlo coiifened up, in 11
number and 11 full iil iuul.tnec m tie lie, I.
. Cuuiuiodoro Iuihi', un eitily Oii'cou pi
oneer, died huddotiiy yetitonlav 1111 l; .!i
erla hill while on hit) wuy to the hoiiIIh rn
part of the county with hisciou K.iuiiulili
Itoee. Tlio dt'ceumd waa over eighty
years of uo, but wan apparently in too, I
I.ttnt 'i'uenduy .Mark I.iviiiiCtou, of
Kni-t lTnipipa, becnuiH lout in tho
mountuiiiH near reel, lhe hiiowuhh
very ileep, but ho kept piini.', and liiuilly
reached the Hottleiut'iit nettr Tw,;n, on
the North Umiuiua. A i-enrch party
which started out lound hia ' tiail 11ml
full'jwed it, louchiiig Tiao 11 few hours
after the obj.ict of thoir (pleat.
Fioiu privatd correi-poiideiici.' ivu learn
thai Frank 1'. Ilermiiuu. poutiniiHier ut
Myrtle Point, and 11 brother ul Hon,
liinyei' Ilermunn, hud the u.i J jiluno lo
full and break iii-j Ic4 hint 1'il luy, Ai
tho liiub bud previoualy been broken,
from which lie wiib a puriuniicnt eiiiilj.
Seriotm remilts ure fcuu l I10111 thin in
jury. Ail Important Order.
The follow in if important nnler wiib
made today, by tho county cuuit:
Tho county clerk in iinthoii.od and
dirocled lo Iiikuo wniraiita oil the county
treuaurer, in doinuninaiiouu not larger
than 500, 011 receipt of 11 ceil ideate from
tho county treasurer that 11 eoiieHpjn,!-
iug unioiiul, piiucipal uud, of
called wiiirumu Imvu Icon prcbented
Willi the application of tho paiby pre
Bouting Baid wuriaiita lo lake witnuntu
iu lieu of the cunh.
tl i 1 r r
to, a u u J i
Closiny Out
At Prices
Of Cost
I'o Loan.
'.-' on ti t-ulio n ul t atalc. Nire
1 but borrow eta ni ed apply. Iinpiiie ut
thiM ofllco.
Installation of Officers
I li" (illo Aiiii? olllcera of Ko" tn.ri:
l.o i;:i- N Hi. A. O. U. W. were imtall
uud I e I by J). p ity ir.ind Master M. ( i . Wil
I k 1 . h . 11' the rKuUr ireeliott !(' 1 J OU
JI, iidhy evcint , January ii, to-wit :
.1 W, hTM kc M. V. ; F. Alley, fore-
iijiiii : 1". M. Urard, overaur; F. W.
I'.miii Ii, 11 ei.r'ler ; 1. H. Went, liuaiicier;
W. T. W riylit , receiver : S.J. Hi-izm-
fcii'in, K'udi-; J. W. D.iwrll, iiii.d 1 !.ur-
liau an 1 I,. Wilkin, outHide guardian.
A e riiinilNHi w.ia p;.oi:it I to u.i-et a
niiiilir couiinitlcB from tho Meren ol
II m il , to rur,iiiK or properly observing
in hi ni il il iv, 011 the lHth iiir.!.
hlxtccnTo'One, .Not Lxpan.ilon, the
lasuf .
WnMiiMiiuv, .Ian. (l. Arthur Smw!!,
of M'iin canbli:) fir vice prmi lent
on llin tl,. 11 ii-rati,: ti.-Vet in lH'.ni, i-i in
favor of ei.ansi jii.
"1 do not earo t:) eiprM uti i,;i,''
cat I Mr. S.)nll, "11,1 m (' d :ic'. l'yi't
atlitu lii upon Itiu qucMti'in of ex .'.miioi).
I will lei', )ou mill'.-, hivrever Wiiile
not ft pro'fiiri'inl expumi onitt, I bi-lieve
we uli nil I hold ihi I'liilippiuea .
"Ii i true wd did no, y.j to war with
Spain for no (initio 11 I'er
eoTi.iliy, 1 was oppj'e.l 1 1 i?oiui t war
foi nny nu.:h purpjio. U it the ia'anda
haw fill : into our bandit, and to lint
ex'eiit they are uur, and fxpansion be
coinen 4 fact. Wo eUouhl not aive them
ba-k to .p tin.
" Wiih (ti.i iropH:tioii that they will
lm IroiiMo.viuitf to uh, i( rulained, I do
nut concur, lliis country h:n provsn
ita capacity to lioid and control D'.ber ui
ipiiro I lerri'ory, and to fe!tle otlir reat
ipieitio m ttut eome he( oie il tluriti its
exlhteiiej as a repuhlie, an I I havn faith
in the nlulitv of thin ntt rnment to nc
ceHsfolly ho'd and e ontnd t'n 111 nly m
H'lirel I'o.'.-nioti". I do not consider
the iiiii'ftlion uf expansion yet uu inptie.
"Tim free eo'!uai!(! of rilvor un etiuni i
atod by the pl.i'. form adopted ut I'hieano
in lS.iti, i.4 tt 11 lli ) l.-i'li;) inaue hi t ten
the two political parlien Far
from being di-ad, lij to 1 will he re
tt I ipt I tiy the next democratic n.itior.
al eonVvMitloti."
Superintendent Armstrong Say a the
Present Tendency is to Overload
Children With books.
Cniiily S.'houl Superintendent Arm
ati'Oii, Fpcnkiuit of the mubipiicity of
text books iu achoulH, uid today :
"I believe the tendency ii and has
been for kohio eara to overload children
willi books. Fada and individual fancita
have (iiHtened theuiKelves ou modern
edueat'oiial inethoda lo eueli uu extent
it i ili Hi cult to dislinguit-li the one from
lli 1 u; her. l!j:li uro detrimental to the
achoola. What would have beeu regard
ed as impracticable a few years since, in
the mutter provided uud the methods
employed for teaching common tcbool
brunches, is now deemed an indispeiif a
bio clement of rucccsb. The primary
fui'la und principles of common-Bense
teaching weru tho Baino then as now,
uud will ever continue bo. A multiplic
ity of bunks leads to Indifferent Btudy,
and lack of niOBleiy of any, ao that the
pupil in iiiioouBciuiiHly educated iuto
Bkimniiiiti rather than delviug. I be
lievo more thorough oducational fouuda
tioua were laid when fewer books were
used, mid e.tch one completely master
Tho fact i-till louiains that the only
way to ui quire n kuowlodge of any sub
ject is through hard Btudy, No cuuuiog
of author or publicher can change the
uiulci lying priucipka of a subject . Con
cealment of thene (irinclples by indirect
troatmeut and evasive preseutiueut is a
hi ml ranee to the pupil, and not 11 help.
At tlio. ritk of being coiiKidcted old
fashioned and behind the times, I will
venture to eav that teachers of the pres
ent day, with books innumerable at thoir
disposal, uud in the bauds ol pupili by
tho score, produce but slightly better
substantial results, if any, teudiug to de
velop the mental faculties of tho child
and ninliO ol him uu independent think
er on ix broad, than did teachers
of "0, IU) or 40 yours ngo, iu lug school
houses and but (our books, ut most, in
I tho bunds of any pupil.
5co lubiirg.
There lini he. n d ci I I 1 ,., .. ,
lillit in lhe Wf.t'hei mi l in 1, ( r
tllM hl-t I' W (lay.
F, l!"'d III It't'l 1,11 H I 'll,.' I DA' , '
loos up the c.i'llu Lu on. a r o ' I v .
A. II. 0n( Ins gut' I' Ih" " in';
A. f It ill-r ni oh 1 it fnar d i' v a 1
duwn i l.o ilv.i in;, nt y
Mm, II, Weathi ily wimooi to I. 1 j
I'rairi.i la-l week vini'lug fm-i nut
I). I'. Ittf ir toil bfiiri ipiitii t.i k at
Ills lirollinr boiii", li'it .m now in
proved Sfleral p ittim (r un tin plm : u'l i,d-
ed the A. O V. W. i ;t,i,fiu , (i
rii-r on Sntiirdv
The lichii g mduH'ry li-n Utn r:vr. I
ami lhe liiuourfJor ciiinti !.! nili v
Tim I, O. O. F, and I: j . ! i.Im i,I
ianliio r wnl hive a j '.n' J ut-J 0 1'.i t ivn if
oflioera on th-t 11 h. S mi" of Hie .uople
of thin M'e'i'ill IXpi.'Cl to ulti.'od
ti Sagi'ieiu Hi.d M'Ki Mary Scga'i-rd
have j 'im d the I), ol 11 ..t 'nr.l.i.i r.
It in n runt order for tho yml irf ptople
ui' I f r others also.
Looking (Jlaia
I arming lii ci n- e l.
F. M. S i 'kl.ufl -mi i:
a l 'i' iiii ss
ir p 10 l(iH;iiiri:'..b tltirdsy.
Mi. 1.11I Mrc. y 1. f
' 1 h-
bi'i-n tlii yin-iM of Mr. and
Wni.H-e Cliuri lull of T-n
vifiting friemn .hi.oe lii'.1 lir
of ll
nlpa lliii'll in impioviii.
CIi.iiIi-.v Spaugh cp-nt v-ial hn nt
WiII h ("reek week.
Mr. J. II. llart;n id lirj,.k .vay w -11 u
tl.u Vnll'v 0 h'W d.ii" .
Tin-re were li'.n a irim'-i 1 ' m;r
yocn.' men; l.o ut'L'ii.l.-'l Km tunl ti.i t
Wan giwn nl Wi in oii. Jinn.iv, lilh.
'11.111 I it-111 w.oe: Fran i'enuii,,
Ai Andrew, i'i .l.t-:e
il i iiur-, C'idH. Spaiuh, Janus 1' i.
Iiing, Win. CoiliH, Om Wli.iiu.H i:r -I
Fuel.o O livai:!. Tlvv rep -rl .1 -j-hA
l)e. H i ird nf Ten 11.1,' v.. a " ii iu
our 11, j ). 1 Sin,,!.,', .
J. V.. William 1 w. -n I) I' one
day latt Wrek, lo ut'.ti. I 1.1 i it:ier'e
iili-e s.
J.T i t liu in, 1 'it popular nu-rt '1 11,1
hug lie to S.i'i I 1 ari::i m o on tiu-ii.i.;-.
Au ither caan o! uie ih . n n r.'oi 'cd
ii-re. J M K Tin:
Senate Standing Committee
I 'poll cal'inu; t i ord'.-r I'r.'si l mi' l'..y
lor I Inn btan.lini! cj.iiiuit'ee
as fo'.lnw f :
Aiicu'tMl:e I.ooiit y, Kelly, I. ic:c.
Amtwiuent nu t Ttxat ou tdkey,
M.i'.:kay, I'ortsr, Ciui-ro.i, Mitchtli.
Clainu Howe, lilo;i, la!y, id
Coiniinrcd aud Navi.ti'n !?o'liiijr,
Howe," I'ri.ehstel .
Count ie.-. Mackay, IIje, Camviin,
K,lu.::itioi. Ku kt lul.ul, I la 1 ii.iu,
l'leitiou-t 'ii I ; I'i i. 'i.-i;e Mar 11. n,
Wale, liot.ey.
liaro.-ccd )h
K'.eJ, Mitoh-ll.
Kurulled Hi 1
li. iit-. n,
l'.r t ii-oii, I ' micron,
l'etial In
Mining I
-I, lu:i ui
I 'l ier,
laicion, ll.11.11 in, S.uith.
forp u.i:i oiii lli -Itii e,
Harmon, Smith.
Public Uuildiugi ii!.t 1 u -t 1 lut i ...'it:
Ad.uuJ, llii.'.-lliiie, ,v:i.i.l,.
l'ub'.ie Laud l'.ir er, M i.k-y, II. we,
Driver, Wade.
K Uron nell, IV.'ers in , 1'aly,
of llcnton, Macuay, Monow.
KuvUio.i of Law Kelly, Keed, Ful
ton, Ualyul Lake, Smith.
Hoa la aud Highway Hales, Daly, of
llctitoi), Proebhtal, Cleni, l'.rownell.
Federal Kelutioiis Driver, Proebst'jl,
Fishing lmltistrioa Heed, Mitchell,
Horticulture I lane! tine, Patterson,
Iiiauraiue and Hanking 11 tines.'
Adum.-i, Hal en.
Printing Mitchell, Si'llicj.', Haiuec
Irrigation Prod st'.d, Canicron, Mor
.ludiciaty Fulton, Urowneil, Miuhell :
Kelly, D.i'oi'.
Medicine, Pli.iruiuey and Deutis'.ry
Daly, cf Lake, Kuykcudall, Joseph:.
Military Affaire Jos.-phi, Wade,
Ways and Means Mulkey, Kuykeu-
d.ill, Selling, Adams, Puttei'Mui.
Sonat'jis l.oouey and Mouow were
appoiuted on the joint iMiituittco for
iuviBligution of etute treasury.
iCoulinuOil from pa,;a .)
Cummiugs declared that neither party
was entitled to consideration, while
Fei'dnoy, the popnlicl moinbai- Iron)
Wallowa, kiiggesicd that the heat wav
out of the dilllcully wun to turn the
chairmanship of Ibis committee over lo
some populiot.
Tlio ipiealiuii lieforo the houto leiug
whether the speaker eliouKI be aust.iiucd
iu biu desire to niaku tlio change, the
vote resulted :
Aves, !!'.); noes, 10.
Tiie speaker thoieiipon aiiuouiiecd
1 lianit'.'H in eoiiiinitteeH us Indie lied.
Ml our goo, hi me new uud of the laicst
styles. No shopworn i.oo,ls on h.iml nt
tbo Hods Store
Lj" uvs IfOVimii
Mokes the food more
Senjtor Mason Waxes Lloqucnt If
lie Is Not Convincing.
One Votes One Way, and One the
Other, on the Civil Service Ap
P'iatlon Bill.
W'.wuiM.r s, Jan I'J. Senator Ma
con, of . Illiu i". crfUpie'l tun lutt'litioi
of tin: i.nii'e for i.i-arl'- an b-fir arid
h i'f t rial , n itti ;t sj cecli in rmppi-rl :l
hia resobit'on iliclatirig thai the Ur.i'.td
t"tnt-a w ili n-jv..-r afeir.p". to govern the
I'C'pl'j r.f ii tt y country wilboi' filr c.n
ri nt. In many n-cta tin 1 (ctcii wns
oir; of t ie 111 ;ht.notl,lo utteranci from
li e senate. thus far f iin ne'i'ou. ll'ig
ged in hittguage, pointed i nd effective in
ill'iAtrattni), Mason couiriiPii'lf d the at
teii'iMi of the Hfiiatn and jf illerbs from
fhe lir ! lenience of his rp;ocli to the
at o -troplio.'o liimrty, which formed bin
pi'torntion. Several limen sp-jntuneous
npplati'e mrept the goUerier1, tmt under
tin: 'i'i ir,i;i i.t I iren cf lhe seu:e, it was
,U.-lle,! ipiii kly. It was several ttiinutts
,-.fler i:. n.-t 1 contd proC(d with ill
li 1 -iM-i-H, on ue-;nnt ui lliti tonfuti'.n
iin i Inut in t'i roiiitrdtiiltf tone which
in. my o' M..i-m'n i jll.'.igue! j.aaiene l to
1 xie.i I 1 1
'Tt it c:ity tr !rif: -tiih J'10 tide,"
t i'ui Manoti, ''oat ii. is notjaltajs safe.
I i,i- .n-uipl" n soiutiuii I havri ii trod need
Ii 11 .:!,;ii.' neei-Biarlly 10 .lnvtdh Mi
' ttv, tar do I ii.toTi-l to spiaic of nuy
pri.poK'l tit t'v-
' l lie ri-t .iu'ioii .1 nt 'ii'i'i i ittilv: a
H I. fiou ol law , but 13 11 ij'li-btioii us to
I'o- i r ire pvli.-y ol this tep'i'.dic, 1 :m
w ii.i:: to irjit ilnj o le, Hi.ii',1 want
lu- s ".1;.! to lit-ar liOih sides of tli aase
!. '?.: the v.r diet ) f-'itered.
'.-:iii4 ii.ihel t-J t. rs i,td .Piesmt n
11; tl.e ii'p .blicao pa. tv favor-t govera-
of I
iiaiu 1. at; jus withcut l.n' cousettt
piople. '"ln ilafa si-f ak iu ud-
v.i:, 1 ir tiie party that st eaks in its
onwnti jii .' That par:y tpn'iig like a
o 1U ti'.-iW. from liio woai' of consci
ence, ul.1 made 1:3 lirt fijht lor human
li it rty. If Lai never Loneil to the
storiu of expediency, ucd if 1 iuu be al
io a e ! lo prophesy, I predic that the
delegalia wiii go Bjju aitu, ai ll the
r.if 'era will rir.' n'aiii and again when
tht.y demand the same imJei etde Dct for
the citl. -us cf tiie Phtlippiuet a.-C they
lid two ycnn ago for C'aha.
'T.)) yon say 1 am .p;ki nf 1 :cr the
Fil:inoi? Ye?, 0:10 word for sh jui and
two r or.r elves. A black ma;'. . raid to
a r-ei'.a'.ir i!ie other day: '1 Iti Jik yon
for speaking of my race,' and lliiw seua
; r :ei lied, 'I am spcakii.g or.e word for
Mu r t;i' arid two for my own-, tnthing
I n r iliwi-fcl lii e whit ; rat e s v ;iUuih as
triii gf r 100 yems to keep thi black
II :m d .wu.' I may appear t. -p ak 1 lie
a ml f. r the Filipinos, bat t .w for ray
own p.-opli' wlieiilp'eal fjirthe bi'jdd
III inbood of th,' ni in who snott , 'All
ju-t powers of government Mittiierived
run ti c cu.:seni o! the goy jriietl. Yon
cannot uovera 'he Filipino w iiiioU t tak
ing the:;-.. Y'ou have not yet thoit con
suit, and tin: 1 reposition . f tan ition
without 'epreeeiii.iii.m i-t madj ao iin.
Look out fcr ten partie.. Tiioo IU tie
semiii-iiai tuttitious nre ulq ly lo bra ik
cut even there, for Hail L'o'umbia M d
Yankee I'oid e have been lieard in thit
"We are now nske 1 to say to the ci u-z-nsif
t!ie Philippines, 'Yon poorig-'
intrant treat urcs, you cauuol govo; B
yourselves; wj wiii exteu.l our com
tneree ami wo will uo it lor yon. lotr
don't kujw bow to tax yourselves, und
iu utdcr that we may continue to f xer-ciseo.-.r
Clit duty to you, w e will
ITi-vcnt your t'-xerciain sovereignty;
we wiii exercise that function ourselves.
"Mr. Preridont, they will never learn
to govern themselves while we govern
them. Tiieie is uo meti thing as leach
ing tiie mi tf self-government. For
over 100 eats evert lover of libeity has
pointed to this seu'eiice within the reso
lution, 'that all just powers of govern
ment are detivoil from the ronseut of
th;' guv-clued,' a n reason for their light
lor liheity. '
This ser.tencoi has been a pillar of
lite bv night ami has Uirred the hearts
of the oppn ssad nl oyer the world. In
the light of thin sentence t rowus have
fiilhniiitJ ilu-t, und thn foundation of
republics h iv, et'ii laid. Not only
have republic t-t'.rted up i:i place ol
inoniiichiej, but ir.iinii'chies have them
selves gradually lircudencd intocoiiBti
tii'iotiid goveiiinvnts. getting nearer
aud nearer to tlm voice of tlio pei p!e.
Our own w.ntlit lirat great ;epu!dio,
ami in the belter it.ud broader hoiiho our
Hag Ibitn fr.iui tie doni n of every re
pntdio. From Ilrinil to Nicaiagu t and
Veueauol 1, tin' heavo littli ropublicau
tlag i-i lliatin;;. l.ti mnv not bo stripped
or starred luo ' Ui wu, nil' r. in uoru 01
... ....... ..
the spirit i f oiii- spirit w lierevi-r it lloata,
ami il bieathoH leliuuie to lhe liion-
urchits of the world, became our Hag Is
In our sky and because tint Monroe
duel vino i 1 written forever iu lhe hearts
of 111 poojile."
"Tho I ilipino i-t in ginning to lieut
with in na to hia dwii land. He lie
know li'di en our tJillaiit services; tiieie
iu no houci't coiiu aorcial treaty that un
delicious and wholesome
h iMt t't'loii rould idniin I ha. Ok-JT are
lot willing 10 con- rt to. Tney want
liberty, an 0 did, ami whoi 70,0O0,(.0t)
have beard tlo-ir 1 ry for inercy and lo
depemli,ee the fatbf r itt Lil.i: d will
plead fir ti? It'.her iu Manila; the
raithei in Illinois will pray for tho n r
uio' In thf island of lhe fea."
For a huh grade piano, don'i c.v r
look the II urn s Rros. Irnfo' id ly nil
leading nmricians In Itofl'-btng. Ihcy
re lined ar.d in lorifd ny Dr. M-I'ime,
Mr?. Ap;K-lh iif and oihcrs. Mine Haiti
ha a Ifsinss upiig'it in her b-uloir in
her bo,njli;ui homo at Cfraigr.ofl Castle,
Wales, and nsd the Hiines piano dar
ing her last mur of tlm t'niied States.
IIii.NKn Hani., Nsw 'u:t, N. Y.
Tho II lined-WUr report, no Ui
fore cotigreis, it 'he sixib Nicaragua ca
nal report to bo prt-actted at Welling
ton the firs', being prei-.ealo I as far
back as 14V). I', was Cv.i.n ..d attiiat
liin-t that the canal coold b i-onstrut ted
for f::i,t.(s),(KW a sum whii.;i. cjinpired
(o preterit estimates, makei tho edgio
eersofbalfa cento ao teem vision
ry. They were, however, not to far
out of the way as may be supposed,
sioue tbeir estimates cjn'.etupla'ta
canal deep enough aud wide enough to
accomodate the relatively stinted com
merce of that time, and ibsy had no
thought of the great ships of today.
Considering the enormous increase in
tonnage, which means increased eiz
and draugtit of vecsels, it Is not wonder
ful that the original est i in a''.: of co t has
been multiplied by five, witii s ili a mar
gin for expansion. Oregonian.
How's This?
We offer One Hundred IKillars Ueward
for any case of Catarrh that cannot l
cured by ILtli's Catarrh Cure.
F. J. CHF.NKY & CO., Props- Toledo, O.
We the un.lereine i havn ki-.wn F. J.
Cheney for tho last lo vears, and telieve
hia. perfectly honorable in ad business
transactions ana financially ubio to car
ry out auy obligations made by tbeir
West & Truix, Wholesale Druggists,
Toledo, O.
Walling, Kini.ati A Martin, Whole
sale Druggists, Toledo, Ohio.
Hall's Catarrh Core is taken intnrcal
ly, acting directly upon the bb.od and
mucons surface ol the syiteui. Price 75c
per bottle. Swd by all druggist. Teat
monul 1 free .
While tho Coban army cjiitiuue to
rerptct Oenera! Gomt-x for bis valorous
tvlcea and pa'rio'.i-m, it will not take
the bit between its teeth, aud follow bis
advk-o Ij rtlusj to d'ntiau.l ere it is paid
off by the United State1. Tiie youngest
geuerals and chiefs Sit the prcposi ion
in a milder an I more bnsines;-lika form.
TLey are willii.g to disbaml, bu: as this
govcrnmeiit i o.'bcts a'.l the revenue cn
the island, iht-y deem it but fair that the
United Stales pay them their dues that
I hey may turn tin ir swords into pi w
shares. beginning the Year
With pure, rich, healthy Hood, which
may be ha. I by taking Hiod s Saesrpa
riba, you will not need to fear attack cf
pneumonia, bronchitis, fevers, colds or
the grip. A few boll lei of this great
to.'iie uud blood pur. tier, taken now, will
be your best protection sgainst sprii u
humors, t oils, truptious, that tired feel
ii g and serious iilutss, to which a wet k
ami debilitated system is especially lia
ble in early spring lljod'd Sirsupa
rilla eradicates from lhe blood fll ecrif
ula taints, tones acd strengthens the
stomach, cures dysii-psia, rheumatism,
catarrh acd evety ailment caued or
promoted by impure or depleted blood.
County Treasurer's Notice.
No! ico is hereby given to all pasties
Uiolding Douglas county warrant iu-
dkrsed prior to Dae. 1, USDo, to
prent the aame at the treasurei's otlice
ia the couri bouse fcr payment, aj inter
ret will cease thereon after the duto of
this uotice.
Dated this the Ulh day of Jan. lSS'D,
at ilie City of Hoseburg, Oregon.
Oe.i. W. Dim mick.
Courky Treasurer, Douglas C.ttnty. Or
Hain falling upon snow that is fiom
ri'ht indies to a foot deep throughout
the Wilhiuiette valley forebodes a fresh-r-t.
While something of diead attends
nuch a condition, it is well 1 1 remember
1 hat rarely indeed biive freshets proved
disastrous to auv considerable extent.
That of liSOl-G'J will be rememtered for
the havoc played by the waters at Ore
gon City, Champcei; and otbtr Valley
towns, while that of 1800 fa lemomberod
io this city us eiceediugly disigreeahle
und more or less disastrous to local l usi
ness. Tho freshet, however, is tiie one
tbiug that foresight cannot avert nor
prudence feuce against, this being
true, the only thing to bo douo is to ac
cept it cheerfully if it comes uud be
thankful wheu the waters subside.
A, CO.
Specialists (or Hen
Tlu-iw Dliv-tciium have liot'U
:uni,ji kmkuiu uiiJ .-.11.
tlfttUtl lln.rlit bllliO 11.
I f t muiiiiil nitiiii'Ml ut
stltntUU, Ulul tllO lil'J-t t'-
UllUu ii4it'lKV 1(1 till' (J tk
lTtfirti'.u.tto UUii v. i..- c.tif
j u..ttU sl.'.nhl tend 4-
ttTneiisiico tr vehrs.
A I. Ia MtKK.
Tli.iiiMiiil. .irl . I,
AUMUwcoiitUcLtiJi No(UurKt lor 1 outulUI lou,
701 MAKKKT Kl'.f I ... , ...
I ' j t '.
lot y.i.r
lull I ,v
In l
F' r ll'" i inrr) .'i tl! it 1 1
L li . f O.ikl i' d
lb,- rSr.t -t i l I
of I I
i''f i v ry
rcrii no-, ii' t hnri liil A Wni.iUy' .
lO.tMIU uieii waiiti'd at the H'a ,Ni ie
to I
sehtit grtnl tia i; nut. Ui';,- i, j, :t,,,
Ladies rubhers at l'.'i i-intt r,i.d Inst
rplnlity at )'! ciuits per fi r iSovelty
Facts riot fak. a - i i what our sdv.-r-Using
columns represent. Tlm Hum.
l; -C .'or CiMloh" but their
pps i r f r Oliv. r PI iWB t'l-y niunt
have le ii ,
Snuko tho "Arlle," tlm brt oc
cigar of t'.e year. Krns A Shamhrook,
sole sgenln.
New et.nk of ladies ami mlt-n:- line
shoes, nil tho I ite,t stj Ie-, jtn-t reci ived
rarrutt llros.
tisiitnyrm will find some txlra cootl
barcainn in overabirl. nt ih, N. l Will I V
Store closing out sale.
A large and line Bwrlini'nt of chil
Jren's shoes jnil reo-iyed at Purrotl
Bro. Call and sco tbt-rn.
Call at the Lo8 Stoic and niioo iheir
goo la, and you wi,i lie surprised to I'm I
them at such low li,urft.
Money to loan on it and cout.tiy
property. D S. K. Bum,
Marstra' Building, Hosrhurg, Or.
Laiies jitketi must he ckse l nut hi
oneo, in order to d this we will 1 (l. r
the tn at legs than cot. Novelty Store.
O ir shelves are iseltin.- emi f e. mill wo
have a line of dreR eoxls that it will
pay ton to oricj at the N'nvrdtv
closing out sale.
IIxieeLoU iiyi. Bridge A B.aeh
stoves, Whilo swing uiachin?9. Chur
chill A WojI.'ey sod tii-m. Why not
bay o-ebi! X u is preaeuU thi yeir.
Tiie fim'st un 1 best aet'eted linn nf
aoli lay go ids ever brought to this coast
from New Yoik tity, will be shown iu
reason. W.Veh for them at the Novel t
The W. C. T. IT. will hold i's levnl ir
oueetiui,'" i n the seiond and f-,i,rth
Mjrda;- .f every month at 7 ::',) p. in.
in the Kp-.irth League room of lhe M.
E. church.
Dr. W. S. Hamilton ia the Set n tsry of
the Board of U . S. Examining Sure,.js
f. r Pensions at R i. eburo, aud all torn
njuoicatiotiS should he addressed to him.
'V. s. ILtMir.Tos. Secretary,
K. I.., Pr-jbiu'cul,
II. Ci ts, Treasurer.
By tiie Board,
tiealy iA peace iiai hen submit
ted to the s. nale by the re-ident.
Tue treaty wil dotibtl s te ratified tiy
'he body :.o' w itlu'in.d;., tho ot noaition
of a ftw senators.
Jo-e,.h Vacher, the French "Jack
Kipper," was guiilo iiu-.i December .'il
It lb uthtved that bo inuidt rcd 23
Kias the last fiie M-ars
A Queer Fish.
A fish, was tomethiu i t f a etniis
"f to many of our i-oizem was fo' nd in
SiU'h Siiiikh by lid Ardi rsoii un I I.. H.
Carter Wedue.vlji uu. niun and tromht
to Fl irci.te.
I; mil pioni.-un: ci a skate by mine of
tlio resi.ient--. It ma-untl i.ii.ut ;'.j3'
feet iu In n h an-1 f. nr feel :u wi.hh.
It bad a sh ei nose, a mouth .- nirwhat
reseiut ling a c tt r-n. n.l its
wiiich was lib.,::: 2'., f, vi i,,,-,.
v. as
shaped much 1 ke th.,t . f a cow and hud
Stveral Iils i.e-nr lhe eiul. lh- Wes-
Cig Mill ta Begin Work.
H A. Ornliam hai l.i;-el ticKupr
City mid und wiii :.,ri th suno up as
quickly as ii cn ba yoi iu rurniing order
and the wharf repaired. Mr. Oraham
has or b ra on baud already f,i si veral
m.iiths run. The sra.tiut; up if this
ijng ejmiiolcut iusti uiioa w ill no doubt
bs somew hat of a shoek to our moss
back?, but they will go, to realize after
b:Iatbat "the wjrid do move."
Muobtielil Mai'.
I wioh ta thank the i ph- of Pouglas
county for their kt.,,1 m.d l l er,i pat-rnnag-
tluiing the past stveu yearp,
which I have tii. d t. mo il I y f ir ami
cjtucieutious dealing If i ver, 1
wroiiKcd auy one in my dealing, I h id
that I am pardonable n-, no: u were in
tended. Visiiw io i nil a happy aud
prosperous New Y-i', I be.' t unnouuee
ih.'t hivd tu'ii-jd fi,.' N ivelty 8 re
stock over to my son. ( , wi l londuct
thi) huidui't's on lui-iu-.i" prii triples ns
hat been d urn re'i f u,-. lb- w II have
fu'l chart"- to col cct und pay u . bills ill
the I am KM"- to go ne otlur
cliino 'o s ek relief from rbeuunlisui for
ad'wyiiirs. Y. O llil.leb ,n d Imh i,1.
ready bonhr a lai.v i u I in,. 8'oek o'
spit- tf Hitls. sueh an dry ji.h, e! thitg
t'0" a: d sho i ie. lie will ahuw u
s iorilv, a, e,.inj 1-in a r'.., k as ever WHS
brought 'o n.wii. I '.s' my id I custom
era uud us m ini new one-, us can make
il oouvei iai.t, l i cii'l .i d see hia Btwk
When it anive-.
Yo ,r ' ulv,
W. i' t f r i.i i: iiA.Nu Sr.
C iro Bros, in'oriu' t oir p.t'rons that
bey uro iu ret! 'ip a a ,i i ..f t! ill k's S ool
(f.c t ui. Same i, hi price.
For Infanta tind fhildvcji,
The KlnJ Yoa Have Always BouM
Bourn the yJ y fr-"
DitfUiuuru oi Wr?''X C
r i . r e. ! p '
i"i lo f .i ' t -1, '