The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, January 12, 1899, Image 1

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    Vol. XXX.
No. 3.
KiM'Ih'I 'lllllll().
l O. KI.K, llUMKItl'llit I.OlHiK, Si) m.
h'll'i liii'lr n-nulal iiiiiiiiiiulrallmia ai Ibi
I. II. (. IT. hall nil mil ami fmirili 'lliiiiadat
tl moiilli, All iii"inii'ia r."ii'lil In al
(ml rr-KiiUrlx. all vMlliia; lirnllii la inr
llalljr IllVlleill'l a'li'llil
i:UH I, II tlil.hV, C It
It A II. HIHHI.K, Hi. rumry.
,-XKH.A 4 CO'.'.M ll., Ml. Jl ill. (I. II. A. M
IK mi ! itt.xio v vi'ii IK nt I
olimk In lliu l'l Maaunlti 1 1 nil. VlMIInt
h rolliur are riiMlaiiy iiivin u in aiii'iin
(.'. II. l atlMliH,
Dm, W. CmKir, hihh ilnr.
Uoniir'll iii4 Hm.rotary,
f AURI'.I. U)MIK, A. K. A A, M . III'.' UTAH
4 muutliiica tlio i mul 4 1 It Wmlm-ail"!' ll'
Mh lanulli. ..,
rilKK JKlIN ');, W. .
N. T. Jswair, 8 ecjf.
1)1111. K I A III A N MI.HIK. NO, , I. ll. O. r.
mwu Hulnnlny rrriilna ol earli wmli a1
I heir hall III U.I.I Fellow l.m.lo nt lliw iiii
Maotlwraul liu milni hi kihhI atnnilliil me Invll
4 Ui alUnnl. J. tt. KIIUM.K, N.ii,
N, T. Jawair, Heny.
KllMiK. NO. Hi. A. O.
iiimU Hie H'i-iiihI mnl luurOi Mmul ill
Mh niiililll al7..i . m. al Ult rillowa Hall
Mainlxraol llmiiniir III giwil alaudlng am In
lUxl lomioinl.
I KNO POHT. NO. W, II. A. It., MKKIH Tllrt
Oral ami t It I r I i iittrwlai a uf earn In ill III
I f p. m . . ..
TirOMKN 8 IIKI.IKC roiU'rt NO. In, Mhkvn
VV um ami llilnl fililaya III i-ai Ii iniiiilh
Ilia m.t ami llilnl linitada, ol caul.
Mill. 1. 1 1, Mi A Mil (ilk, W. M.
KkOIN A UAor, Ihu .
ntvimiiN no M. or UK.
inolcry avcimt ami lunrili rltilulay.
AI.1IIA UU'OK. NO. 47, K. OK I"., MKKtt
arr Wo.liwa.lay cnlii l OiM Ki-lluwi
Hall. Vlalllii knuuia In J Han-lum cor
tail- lntlU) io auviid.
lrolel cnrcla).
aaaaa at. aaowit.
raau. rua TiTii
Rmimi 7 ami N
A Wllwn lllm k.
n. wiLLia,
Attorney and Couiihelor at Law
Will ptH all lha e..urta uf lha hUU. 1
la la Maratrn llaililniK, l)"ul cuunly.Or
Kma-M llulMlnx.
lffloiiriiiii Ni. I.
Illl-rill lii, OUKOiiS
Attorney ut Law,
Himiiii a,
Taylor A llanti II Ik .
KO.-Kilini. OKKUON
ItoouiB I anil 'i
Mirlcw liiiil.iinx
I10KIU I1'i. OKKi.i'N
Attorney at Law,
Roi.m. JUi.Ura Uliltf . UObKlll'KO, OH I
raTT-Hilallli'iu U'luru Ilia C.H. IjiilI OlDi i- auiM
mining laju'a a aH'clal(y.
I. ale KiM'tilvvr V. H. Uml Oldce.
Northern Pacific RailroaJ Company
All) Bulling til'k'ltH to llll milllH i:.llit aM
hull tbe rcn'ilur rale".
1). S. K. Ul H K,
Iax'kI Aiji'iit No. MaiNltirn lniiKlinK
OKFICK, CJ J.ii kiuin Ktiti l, nt rm
I.Knrc nl Mm. J. Hlr.iT.
Surgeon and Homoeopathio
laVUhroola iliaaaaaa a apaolalty.
J A. lircllA.NAN, Nolnry rullii',
CCollections a Specialty.
Kim. Ill a
MaraU'ia llullilliig.
MRS. D. V, MU'l.Al.l.liN, l'roi.
I.auc, Fine Hnmiilu Kounia.
Fruv'llui to ami Krom Trulua.
fiut 'iiicy niiiHt no uouii oni'M.
It la tho Hmo now for iiiiTi liuiils to
tuko ailvuntaxo of tlui ilomiuul for jtlu
torinl mlvirtiMin. TIiIh ili'iiiiiinl in not
now. On tho contrary, it lmn iilwuy.
exibtfil, llcri'lol'oro, liowuvcr, nii'ivliaiit
Imvo cliosi'ii to Hiilinl'y tlio ilciiiuiiil witb
Iii'turtM wliich, to nay tlio loant, were
couibo nnil r imlrtivi, uml wliich did not
liropcrly rotloct tlio tinto of tlio hkc It
Ih now tiino for Jiii.'irliiinls to two art iu
udvcrtiHliiK. It in no nmro cxjiinxive
than thn inartiHtio iiu thoil, ami giv a
certain tono ami fharactcr to a btoro
which tlio blatant, buifitcrotis uml altu
gothor im'posti'roiiM cuts ilo not nivo.
IJ New Store 1
Staple and Fancy
Country Produce Bought ani 3old
i low Prices!
Fall and
Winter Goods
Just Received
and More Coming
Call and Examine our Mammoth stock.
The People's Store
I. ABRAHAM, Prop'r.
A complete line of
Dry Goods, Clothing, Boots & Shoes,
Furnishing Goods, Hats, Caps, Capes, Jackets,
and a line lineofMillinery Goods.
manufacturers, especially for the Fall Trade.
Call and exaimine Goods and Prices.
Health is
Pure Fresh Drugs
Filled Accurately
And With Dispatch.
A Full Line of Patent fledicines and
Toilet Preparations-
Great.RV.s0nf Furniture
Ucd Room Suit
" U 11
A Fine Line of Chairs, formerly ?, now i.oo.
Now is the time to get Uig; Values.
Call, examine and be convinced..
New Goods!
Free Delivery J
for Cash direct from Eastern
Wealth !
ppanlard OUrcfard of th Common
Lawf of Sanitation Work Must
Ikif In at Once.
Wahiiimiton, J aii.. H, The un ilu
(nrlmei.t, divUuin uf ciietonn mih! iru
lar affalrf, inada public toJay a (nil yn
opaia of (li late CoI'jiuI itorn A
Waring'a report of lil init to Havana,
under tho apeclal loatrui tionii of tin
waa UcpitrlmeDt. jjlvuu lum early last
Haotamo, to loiptsct IborouKlilf tbe hhiu-
try cori lliion oi lh irity, ami to ink
U(h reconiineodali- n for llm fii'iin
iinprovuiiKiit of tho I'Jn an iuilA U-
HUKK'it'd by raid iueprrtiorj.
Culoncl Warinjt taya bo bjurid tin
trcet-clcaiilui deartu.iut without
delflata organisation vt fundi), and tli-
oinrketH offeriniva aod diingoroua fikhy
(or tho'dinlribntion ol human (xiil, will
ntue exception of two ibe Tacon uoO
Colon inarkela. lie 16 found the lua
hioi-iy lined for aweepinj; the street in
effective. iarbne was throwu th
ntrrt'ta in on I ire diaieujnl of the onJl
iiacce that it be ret out in propt r rei-cpl
icli. Tbe work of the contractor war
11 done in the latter p irt of the riiht
md nl)oIiiiely in the dark. Fuiil pooh
ere found in the atreeia itito hicb rub
likh and fill 1 had U'un dcnoiited
ulihli tho contractor wan not required
lOcleaQ. Thin filth waa fnrned out to
he btiKitirdR.
Homo of the iitrceta in Ibe compact
part of (he city are pave) with large
lonn blotke, othera with Belgian blxkt
Mnl Iho remainder are uupave l. TLett
itreeta tire filled itbdir'y boles, which,
a turn, aro tilled op with giirbirfe.
FliiT m prarlically no r.uweraiic. Ir
nany i-afn liouse-li Cjiiimc! tlien
uriva'e vauile nb 1;po Untk or hum
trains, juat under tho puiemeot alouy
'.heir froDtaye. Tlice a!!m tho li'inio
'ilt la te leak out into the gr jund 'Mono t
ho rurface, enabling tho bouseholdei
to t;et out of much hiriin; of nih. ccav-
nuers to bail out iin 1 carry away ui-
:uuiuiati jn?.
MaUkiliteiii.t; penc, whilo pupor liciull)
lean, are t rutally diffiiftiii while tin
ork is K1""!? on. Ulood and ofijl art
Hashed by copious flooding" from tb.
ater supply into an aJj jinicg creek acd
'isrbor rec kiog with putrid filth.
Tbeie U no systematic disposal of nr-
oago and sweepiiiKP. It is deposited or
.ho surface in end r.ear tho town, whert
.he buzzards featt upon it to their ful
latiefuction. Dead dos, caIa and chick
ens are left !n tbe ilreete an-t! tho blia
.arda pick them to the skeleton. Adl
ill this is done under au intenro sun.
i;d as these conditions are, they art
not comparable with tbe dieyustiuj; con
litioos of domestic life. Tbere are fe-
er than 20,000 houoes lu (be city, 00 oi
bree ttories, and a very lew are four stor
iea and noue higher.
At least 12 out of every l:; if the in
Uabitanta live in enc-tory liouaee, .tbt
total population beiuj; over 11)0,000. Thi
average population of tbe housea is ovei
10. In all tbe compactly butU parts o
the rity tbe eniiro lot is covered with tlu
tiouso, there beiuK cue or two courts in-
luded in the builJii g. In the better
:laP8 of bouses the entrance hall is quite
frequently used us the standiog room cl
;ie carriuge. It 0eiiB into parlor a:
its .de, aod iuto the reception room at
its rear, lteyond this is a court, thee
.he dining-room, then a smaller court,
the kitchen, ttable and private vault,
practically in oue. Sleeping-rooms are
n the rear of tbe parlor.
The conspicuous featui e of t very housf
a the private vault, and sometimes v
jecond vault for kitchen waste. Tbesi
vaults occupy a spaca practically undei
ind almost iu the kitchen. It is rare
indeed, ttiat thece vaults have a ventil
ating pipe, so that they belch fort)
uanreatiDg odors throughout the bouei
Abi' b pervades the street.
American Diplomacy.
Sjiue of the Journals which are dis
y.-ucaiug the methods of American diplo
aaacy are inclined to attach too mud
credit to the methods, and loo lillle ti
te power mat ia ueuiuu lue uipiouiai
One ul these jouruali say that American
diplomacy "meaus a frank, above-board
presentation of the poiula at issue,
without resoi tiug to either lies, subter
tuges or exaggerations, aud then to a
oteadfast holding to ait lite things ue
Tbe methods outlined by this journal
4re ccuimeudable, but would hardly be
directive if employed against diplomat
representiug a superior power, ii
would not have done much good tor me
American Commissioners to the Pari
kxinventiou to have made a frank pre
sentation ol the poiuts at is90S aud ti
have held steadfastly to all the tbiugi
lemanded if the Spanish members ol
iho coiuiuissiou could have polute I to i
record ol victories, aud reminded the
Americans that tho navy oud army that
had wou theee victories was ttill at the
lisposal of their government. When
liowers are about evenly matched It ir
tho rule of diplomacy to give aud lake
rim diplomats play for poi iti iu all
ttiontests, where tho opposing power h
IT . . . l. i....:..
not Cleanly biiouk vuoutiii io momi uioi
its full deinands, Tho diplomat win
(alls to bring a negotiation to a eutrers
ful Issue is a failure to a dogrso next
mo agreo
ti a treaty his governiui'iit
lie eninlovs nil Iho art nl
t whii h h i ia maitcr, to bring hit oppo
taiient to an agreement lie ran anbrnlt t )
Hand breaks iff negotiations only wl.r
he bus lo cIiojm between sfailarw tr
negotiate a treaty, aod to negotiate .
'reaty that will prove failure.
Amntic-jn diplouials have had liltlt
aperlence in this kind of work. Tb
'uost notable iostar cfa was the Geneva
treaty, which obtained from Ureal
Kritain I.'i,COO,000 for injuries inflicted
upon American commerce by Confeder
ate cruisers, which the lai laws of irea
Britain had permitted lo fit out in Brit
b ports. This was a genuine diplc
malic content, from which Ibe Amcri
an diplomra nerally admitted U
lavecomoout wiih flying colors. Bui
British statesmen have iu a oolet way
ntioialed that Ine reconoltion cf Ibe
xintention of tbe American dipktnati
n the matter of neutrality laws wa
worth more to Great Britain than lh
mount of Ibe award.
There can be no genuine ply of diplo-
acy in a convention to which one oi
be parties is absclotely interior ir
point of bjsical power to the other.
The inferior party may or may not dia
ulay the greater talent, but tbe uf erioi
oarty can take its stand and compel the
itber party I? come op to it. This
io ever, is not diplomacy. 11 is a more
tr less direct aesertioo of ihe law whict
governs 'he relations ol individuals a
ell as of nations the law of might.
F. Bulletin.
Rebels Threaten To Burn Ilo Ilo.
Manila, Jan. 8. Col uel Potter, the
epecial emissary of General Otis bet weer
Manila and Ilo Ilo, arrived thia afternoon
with dispatches from the la'ter point
the situation when he left mere wae
tactically unchanged. The etreeta wen
arricaded, aod it was reported tbat the
jrir.cipal buildings bad been ' keiesened"
be insurgents having threatened to d fl
it roy ihe whole bu'iness section by fire
it the first shot of bombardment. Tbe
iauLi were shipping treasure to tbe
United Slates by tbe transport Newport
md other vessel.. T ie family of tbe
American vice-consul has gone on board
lio Newport.
Colonel Potter reports that Presidem
McKinley'a proclamation bad been type
written aboard ship, as Ihe printers or
mere decuocu lo uo tue wcra, ana wner
be text ol tbe proclamation was read tt
hem, ridiculed the notion that concila
.ion was possible.
Privates Harry Rilvey and Frank Kb k-
jrtikk, tbe Kixtb United States aitil
ery, while guarding a water-boat aeterr
if the Newport, were attacked by the na
ivea. Private Rilvey 'a skull was frac
:ured, and Private Kirkpatrlck ft 11 over
want, but escaped with a flesh wound
The United States gunboat Petrel ar
iyed at Ilo Ilo Friday, and Colonel Pot
er reports that tbe United States troop
ill probably laud on Guimaras island,
i bout midway belweed tbe Island o
1'anay and the islands or Negros, w hen
i camp will be established. Bith tides
Jolonel Potter says, have been impress
ng tbe local shipping for military pur
poses, Tbe Francisco Reioea bad
anded willi 50 natives. Tbe foreigner)
were taking refuge on tbe British cruieei
There is no in the situation
iere., Friday night public demoostra
ions were hold in Pauipangas province
u ratiticalion ol Aguinaldo's prorlama
:iou, and tbe excitement was intense.
All natives who enter tbe city in the
light time are searched, and every othei
precaution is taken.
Captain llarlaa MacVey, assistant
uirgeon, was buried Friday.
Private William Rasch, company M
Kansas voluuteeis, is dead, cf email
Four Brothers Marry Four Sisters at
the Same Time.
Canal Dovkk, O., January 3. A
noat remarkable wedding has just taker
o'ace at the small village called Trail,
ton miles north of here, four brother
being married to four sisters. The foui
knots were lied at the home of the foui
sister brides, who are the daughters of i
prosperous farmer named Jamea Hoch
itotler. Their ages range from IS to 23,
ind mo ages oi tueir respective uusuanur
vary only slightly.
Tbe grooms are the four sous of John
Sumer, aud are euergetic young men oi
ood habits and some means. Tbe cere
mony of marrying the four couples oc-
upied almost an hour, the same clergy
man performing all. The four brother
md their w ives w ill live within a stone V
hrow of each other.
The I'uite I States would soon have nl
the gold in the world if balances were
settled eutirely in tbat metal. In lS'JS
the balance of trade In our favor wan
fai7.000.000. The world's stock of gold
outside of this country is estimated at
f2,S30,OOt),0,)0. Our excess of exports on1
ihe scale of last year would absorb it all
iu less than five years if balances wen
paid exclusively by tbe transfer of gold
Our net Importations of gold in 130S
were about IH45.000.000. Even thia fig
ure would call for the entire present
stock of gold In less than twenty years
But as the annual gold jleld ia 2"i0,
fH)0 aud Increasing a gold monopoly for
any nation it
not among the probabill
A few A glut ore arc Responalble for.
the Opposition to the Lolled
States In the Islands.
rASi Fkancomo, Jan. !). rather I'iaz
eader ol tbe 10 Roanish prients froir
Manila, who are in this city on their waj
to Panama, says;
"The Filipinos are not ratnrally war
tike, and would not be now opposing the
United States were it not for Ihe lead-
who are spaning them on. These
leaders are in tbe work solely for per
sonal gain, and would prove hard maa
Mrs for the weaker portion ol the na
.Ives tboald they gain the power. At
Ilo Ilo, where I waw stationed, then
would have been little fighting if it had
not been for those malcontents, wht
forced the native? to take op arms.
"Most of the men who are at the bead
of the insurgent movement are mestizo!
T half-breeda. Aa to Agninaldo himself.
taisacrafiv fellow, aod ban a follow
ing among those people woo nope te
limb by his advancement. I do not con
sider AgoinaMo personally responsible
or all tbe brutality shown our friars, yet
ie could bave prevented a good portiot
A it if be had seen bt to do so."
Father Fernandez, another of tbe par
ty states that be considers tbe natives cl
the islands a civilized people.
Re-Enforcing Dewey.
Wasiiisoto.h, D. C, Jannary 3. Or-
lers were issued today by the Navy De
partment for the Castine, cow at Ha
vana, to proceed to Manila by way o
:he Suez Canal and report to Admiral
Dewey. Tbe Castine is the fifth light
Iraugbt gunboat sent to Admiral Dewey
Fie needs these boats to reach ti.e river
owns in the Philippines. Wo en the
Castine reaches Manila, aod the raised
Spanish ganboa'.s now being repaired
it Hong Korg are also added to bis fleet
Admiral Dewey will have twenty-five
vessels under bis command, and hie
deet will be tbe largest commanded bj
iny American .Admiral. OrJers t) tbe
commanders of tbe Oregon and Iowa,
be battle-ships now at Callao, Pel a.
ere sent from tbe Navy Department to
lav. Tbe Oregon is ordered to proceed
:o Honolulu on January 10 end tbe lows
.s ordered to steam for Sn Francisco or
'.be same date.
Mitsouri'e production of lead and ziui l
n 1S9S amounted to $7,171 ,704, the
largest yield on reord, and tbe pncetl
ibtained were hig'.ier than ever before.
There are but Tew- states in wlicu lutj
old output is equally valuable.
Commissioners Return.
f ami-a. tla.. Jan. 8. The members oil
tbe Cuban evacuation commission, whe
left Havana yesterday evening on the
Mascotte, arrived at Port Tampa today. I
rhe party left this evening for Waahirg-
ton io a special Pullman car attached to!
tbe Florida & Kast Indian limited, v'm
09 riant Bystem. ihe commideioueri
will arrive in Washinuton earlv Tujs-1
President's Salary.
Ciucauo, Jan. C A special to thi
Times-Herald from Washington says:
President McKioley bas decided ti
orcetbeiasm with tbe Filipinos, lib
decision may result in a bit tie at Hoik
md may lead to a harrassing war w iti
:he natives of the Philippines. It U
doped and believed such culamities wil
oe averted, but it remaiue for the iu
'urgents to deteruuus what the resiltt
a ill be. Tbe resident bas ordered
jjeneral Miller to land his troops at Ilo-B
io. ioe oruer ieavea me .mciicai
commander no alternative. He is oi
reeled to be conciliatory toward the na
ives, but, at tbe same time be is in
atracted to use force, if necessary, to ef
fect his lauding and establish biuself in
tbe desired camp. In other words, Gen
eral Miller is to act on the delensive.
He will not fire a uuu unless attacked
ny the Filipinos,
ieueral Miller's troops have beet
oooned no iu transports tor nioe or tei
Jays. He bas had Beveral parleys will
the iosurgenU, who took poeseseion o
loilo as soou as it was evacuated by tbt
Spaniards, and he hat assured then
lot the beneficient character of his mis
aion. He bas brought these consider
ate negotiations to a climax by publish
ing President McKiuley'a message o
peace and good will to the natives
The Filipinos are, therefore, fully ad
vised of the purpose of Ihe I'oittu
.States to taka coutrol ot tbe islaud, tt
tive them a large measure of home rule
and to establish a just, humane aud en
lightened government. The 1'roaident
has been extremely maguanimous anc
ouciliatory in his treatment of the in
suments, aud it is held tbat tbere is no
warraut for them to offdr forcible resis
tance. This government must move oi
to the performance of its mirsiou in tbe
Philippines, r iloivi iui Geni-ra
Vlil ei'a troops cauuit be rec.illed to Ma
nil.i. Such a retrea'. would be ignomini
ous. There ia only one course open, a at
tie is determined lo act promptly I'm
filiuiuoa have received doe untioiif;
the intention of tin U.i t'd Sutu, aud
if thev ii eciliitAto a lli'il the mil l H if
for the cmmii'iein-ae.
General Miller ha about liiJOJ aolil.en
at Iloilo. Id wil' aUn hive (ha Hiippor
if seyoral guuiiiim, for A Iniiial i.,vt
bai ortiflrd tfccroUry Long of the Navy
D?pirlment that he bad sent the (Jon-
oord atnl ibe Petrel to loin the naval
force under Colonel Djer at Hollo. It Is
not known how strongs lorce the In
torgents l ave at that point. The war
lepartrnent baa information wbieh
seems to indicate that Ihe natives have
inly about :UX)0 tUnds of arms and It Is
iv limed that this lairly represents their
lighting power at Hollo, They have no
modern artillery, while Ihe American
one is well equipped in that reepect.
Hiere is no doubt of tbe ability cf (Sen-
oral Miilor to defeat tho Filipinos In
pitched battle, but he has been waroad
not to be the aggressor.
American Valor.
A veteran of the civil war recently
lied at .Springfield, Mass. He wsa ef
BdrIUIi birth, and much was made In
tiis obituary ol tho fact tbat "he was
one of the Six Hundred" in the famons
iharge at Balaklava. If this vsteran
iaw much service In our tiyil war, be
law fighting that ont'lld the record of
the whole Crimean war for severity of
loss In battle. Tbe Balaklava charge
wed its terribleloas to tbe fact that it was
terrible blunder, due 1 1 misapprehtn-
lion of tbe meaning of bis orders by
Captain Nolan, who was killid in the
barge. Dal the loss at Balaklava, 36'
per cent of tbe C73 tbat charged, wsa not
oqual to tbe loss of the Fifth New York
volunteers at the'fecond battle of Ball
Sun, when this regiment lost 00 par
:ent killed and wounded, while the One
Hundred and First New York lost 73
pjr cent. At GeUy ;burg the First Min
lesota regiment lost 82 per cent killed
nd wounded, the greatest loss ever
nown in modern warfare. At tbe bat
leof Franklin, Tenn., fought Novem
ber 30, ISol, uiure than half of Clc
ouroe's and Brown's two entire divis
ions were left dead and wounded, so
leeperate was the valor of these con
'ederate yetrrans iu their vain effort to
capture General Schofiild's entreochsd
ine. The I losses of General Grover's
Union brigade at the old railroad grade,
it lirovetop, August 2'J, 1SG2; the losses
l I). II. Hill's Confederate.division in
he sunken lane at Ar.tietam ; the losses
if Hancock's division of Couch's Sec
nd corp-, at Fre lericksburg, in its
.'barge on "the stoue wall" on Msrye's
oill ; the loes of Pickett at Gettysburg,
Hand for a lUring valor, a diacipl ioe, an
mlurance in an elTorl to execute the
m possible that i$ ntv.r beeo ei
.tiled and hehlom equaled in tbe history
l modern European war.
Thoe Who Fndure
The paiiiS of rheamatiem should be re
hainded that a cure fur this disease mar
e found in Hood'a rarsaparilla. The
ttperience of tho who have taltn
food's harfaparilU for rheuuiatidm, aud
lave been completely and permanently
ured, prove the power of this n-fdi-:ine
to rout and conquer I hi disease.
blood's Sarsaparilla ii the Oue True
3lood Purifier aud it neutralizes the acid
Ahich causes the aches and pains of
henmatiem. Tnisi.iwhy it alte.lutily
urea alien iiuimente aud ctlier cut
vard applicaiious fail lo give permaavat
relief. I3 ture to get Hood's.
Shasta Limited
Is the name of the only perfect train
n tbe world, now running every night
oetweenSt. Paul -nd Chicago, via 1 1. a
Chicago, Milwaukee A St. Paul Railway
-the pioneer road ot tbe west in adopt
eg all improved facilities for the safety
ind enjoyment of pasfemceis. An illus
trated pamphlet, showing views of beau
llul scenery along ine route ot ine 1 10-
leer Limited, will be sent tree to auf
oerson upon receipt or two-cent postage)
itamp. Meatiord, Gea
)ral Passenger Agent. Cuicago. III.
. f. j-.r.v." .--i".
TV,-, v --W'.-
Tb At'.ronomy l Lite
mer in
'oretells the ex
linute at which Sf A
act an
two planets wi!; cro?i
;ica otaer. we nno
ihfre U no maeic
jbout it. The whole
universe is aoverned
by laws. A man who studies ihes: taws of
nature carefully and reduce them to a ci.
nee, can count on exact result! every time,
A doctor knows that certain remedies
lfifect certnin diseases.
When a disease seems to have nn remedy,
the doctors pronounce it incurable. All the
time Nature may have the remedy right at
hand, but it will only be discovered by tha
doctor who has studied longer and deepes
than others into this particular disease.
Consumption seemed for a long time with-,
out a remedy, until Dr. Pierce made hl
wonderful "Golden Medical Discovery" y
years ago. It has proved to be a marvtloua
and almost unfailing specific for consunipa
lion and all forms of lung, bronchial ndl
throat difficulties. a
Its effects seem almost magical but it op
eration is based upon 6imple natural law",
It bas the peculiar property of enabling
the blood ninkinir glands to manufacture
healthy, red blood and pour it abundantly
into tbe circulation. This nourishing. vitaV
itiug effect is rapidly manifested in Uve
luntis and bronchial tubes where it stops thai
wasting process and builds up healthy tissut.
It is readily assimilated by stomach which
are too weak to digest cod liver oil, and it
is far superior to malt-extracts a a perma
nent and scientific 6eli builder itV all
wasting diseases.
"Twenty-five years ngo cinlit different aoetora
tolil in tlmt I would live but a short time, that f
had consumption and must die, n tite ceo'.
Coope, l-'si . ol Myers Valley, rotlawatomta la,
Kuns. " I fin. illy commenced taking lr. flwa'a
Golilcu Meilu-af liUcuvcry and am still on tha
laud unit uiikihk the 1 have imth to be
lievt thai it has leiiitlieucil my hie for thetait
tivrntv-rive venrs. niid I hiive ao much faith m all
I of your ineificiin-a that I want oue of your 'Cem.
mull bcuae Mcttcal A ivucrs.'
Dr. rit-rce's medicines are recoenlaed aa
staudaid remedies throughout the world.
Mia -iMeaia ir I'eiicia cure cuiniuvauipv-
I i