r f Tit U;ftt kilclirn in Hit world it in lb fmt fariilan lot, tti lion Marvbe wklch hat 4000 ruploy!. Th mallfit kittlt contain 100 quart and tli Urett 00. K hof HO roasting pan it biganough for 500 cutlala. For c.ioking aloha 00 rook an l a linmlrcl asiistaril art alwara at tha raogf. At Jloillf, 1.. I., a few U) , William Cornell, aged 34, aroo iu lb morning a !indsoin joiipr bachelor oil that tiiii'it retirtttl a gtoat-grau.l-fall.er, witli n ilsnn.li.or older than liiin nt d ki hiI lituclitpr with a child old rnoiiKh to m:ik roiuatka aliout him. llcliad nimritd the widow Oveiimi, a tad 70. Tbt il)inraniu i-ninpanies doinu ie ImslncM in Canada liave agtoeil litre aftar not to accept risk" on the line of married wooifii nolens they happen to I t tha t read-winners of ttie family, or, in other wordi, independent ol their huaoandf. This deiiciou has bveu ar rircd at, atranpely ciioukIi, with a view lo learning the crime id tmirJr f.ir in auratice, several esses of which have rn reported within the last two years. A correspondent ol the London P.iily Mtwt mvs that wherever he went he wat able to converse with foreign a'.atca man and diplomatic in F.ulieli. lie found that as a rule tbo governing cUaa a ol Knropa wor.ld understand and tpeak r.uglich. Iu the Kuacian royal family especially English is the familiar language of conversation. The czar, for instance, invariably speaka Knglis'i to tha czarina and his little daughters. For Over Flfljr Vcain. An Oj.o asu Wklu-Triko Rkxkdt. Mrs Winlow Soothing Syrup has been uJ for orr fifty years by millions of mothers for their children while teething, with perfect success, It sooth the child, soften the gumt, allays all Vain, cures wind colic, aJ Is the bct remedy for Diarrhara. Is pleaaant to the taste. So'.d by itrutxista la erery part of the world. Twenty It cents a bottle. Iu Talue Is incalculable. Re stirs and ask for Mrs. w Inflow's Soothing Sjrup, and take no other kind. Tnc Cliarclicn. MkTioiiiT Cmvrcu corner of Maiu aaU Lane (trssu. Sunday Serrtce: Preachinc 11 a. m aa 7:30 p. m.: Sabbatt school, 10 a. m.: F. W. Woollcy, superintendent; Clus Meeting at elos of tlie morning service; Kpworth League .,s)p. tn. 11. Churchill. President. Prayer Masting, W ednesday, at ?.:0 p. m. O. K. Arnold, Pastor, Parsonage, corner Malu and Lane. I'Mian Brkthrkx C'KCRCII ou Ko"icrlreet. ftunday serrice. at 11 a. m. and 7 p. ni. Pray er meeting, Thursday evening. Mrs. LvcT M. v i'Tur, Pa-lor. t-r. otiiR.-.r. CHl'Bi II. Corner I's- and Main streets. Services on nx-ond and fourth Fundsy morning of each month and every Sun day evening. Special services announced from lime to time, Rsv. Jou.s Dawson, Missionary. M. E. CHtciH, Soi'TU.ScrviCvt every .Sunday marning and evening. Kev. J. T. Cotton, Pat.'r Bai-tui c:nt B( H corner of l.ane and Rose streets. Sunday service: Preachin; at 11 a. m. and 7:OT p. tn. Eabbath School at 10 a. m., O. P. Cosbow, superintendent. Prayer mcetinj at 7;) W'tdncsday evening. S. A. DoIolas, Paitor. Fit Christian t'licacu Curner of Pine and Woodward i.treet. Sunday services. Praachin: both inorninj and evening, Sunday sahoel at 10 a. ui. V. P. B. C. E. at liSJO p. in Prayer meating etch Wednesday evening at 7:. A cordial wsleome and greeting auaits all. W. A. Wood, Pastor. AN OPEN LETTER To MOTHERS. WE ARE ASSERTING IX THE COURTS OUR EIGHT TO THE EXCLUSIVE USE OF THE WORD "CASTORIA," AND "TITCHER'S CASTORIA," AS OUR TRADEMARK. I DR. SAMUEL PITCHER, of Hyannis, Massachusetts, was the originator of "CASTORIA," the same that has borne and does now bear on every the fac-simile signature ofGSt&ffltf&fa wrapper. This is the original "CASTORIA" which has been used in the homes of the Mothers of America for over thirty years. LOOK CAREFULLY at the wrapper and see that it is the hind you have always bought on the and has the signature of OSffMc&C uirap per. No one has authority from me to use my name except e Ctr ComPy of which Chas. H. Fletcher is President. Do Not Be Deceived. Do not endanger the life of your child by accepting a cheap substitute which some druist may offer you (because he makes a few more pennies on it;, the in gredients of which even he does not know. "The Kind You Have Always Bought" BEARS THE SIGNATURE OF Insist on Having The KjndJThat Never Failed You. F. M. Beardcs 309 Jackson Street Has added to his stock Coffee, Tea, Making Powder and all kiuds of Spices, Cocoa aud Chocolate, Tobacco aud Cigars; Sugar aud Salt. New (tood.-;. Ne-w Prices. Ttio I. in I jii Nawa saya that the hith op of Watsfiald waa onoa conaollng ao 1'att Knd coatermongiir (or tha loss of liia little ton. Tb poor (allow wat rock ing to and fro in liia diitrtaa. tit tad denly lK)kad at tha hisho and with taara atroaming down kit I'haekt taid; "D'ye think I could Ret tha little haggar alufled?" In the little town of Daventar, in tha I'utch province of Cverytael, thara lite a writer called Dr. Cot, who hat raeant- ly published a pamphlet advocating complete equality between men and wo men. I. siit week hit houaa waa brokeo into, the burglara were traced and ar rentnd with the reeult that thay ware found to tx tmo young girla. Sininis: Tit only true source of po liteness is consideration that vigilant moral aenao which never loses eight of the rights, the claims and the sensibili ties ol others. This ie th one quality, over all others necessary to make a gentleman, Piofeasor Schw ab ol Yale eas that the learned profewione absorb ti per cent of the college graduates nowaday!, whereas they formerly absorbed 9- per j cent, v u the other hand, business pur suit i uow take 31 per cant against t per! cent in tha old dayt. Balm of Figs. Ao v one wishing to rurvhaea " Balm of Figs'' can do so by calling on or ad dreasing Mas. A.nmk lltntLkY, ti02 Cass St., Koseburg, Or. VU i, Via i. Mrs. J. H. Shupe is Irx'al representa tive for the popular Yiavi remedies. Any one desiring any of these remediea will please call on her at her home or ad dress her at Koeeburg, Oregon. County Treasurer's Notice. Notice it hereby given Ms all parties holding Douglas coanty w arrant in dorsed prior to JuIt 10, ISSo, to present the tame at tha treasurer'! oftiee in the court bouse for payment, a inter est wi'.l cease thereon after tke date of this notice. Pated this the -1st day of Nov. H"S, at the City of Koseburg, Oregon. tsErt. V. Dntm.k. County Tieasurer , Douglas Conniy. Or : i I Weekly Excursions to the East, j A tourist sleeping car will leave Port land every Tuesday at 9 p. m. via the O. K. ct N. without change to Coaiou, and under the supervision of experienced conductors. No change of cars to the cities of Omaha, Chicago, BuQalo or Boston. The ideal trip to the east is now before you. Remember this service when going East, and consult O. R. A JC agecte, or address, W. II. IIcBxsrn, Oeneral Passenger Agent, 4. Portland, Or. Gold Watch. A old ivatcL and embroidered bureau set will be given away (or December moDtU at the Novelty Store. Every one dollar purchase will entitle customer to a guess. Tbia is ipecial to December purchaser;. Stock must go, en culla, but Kood clean goods. of Hardware, a fine line of Tha most costly IhijV i.i tho U y 1 II hiaiy at Stockholm la a bible. There is not another like it in llio world. It is laid that ItU) asses' skins wore it.ifd for itt parchments leavea. There m :!,); pafiea of writing and ritch psita (alls but one Inch abort of hein i a yard hi length. The width of the leaves ta 'M inches. Tha covers are solid planks, (our inches thick. The new stamp (or tho CtndiKti im perial penny postage to t'.umi into u on Christmas day, ia now in course ol pro duction tinder tho oirevtion ol Mr. Mu lack, the Canadian pAiytmasrer-enoriiU rbilatelista may bo interitd k Iumt that, instead of a ) noon's head.it will repreeenl two sides of the glol o with tho Uritiish empiie defined on its surface and colored red. All our coods aie now and ol tho l.iU'ct styles. No shopworn good on lum.l ut the Rosa Store. To tha Public. Ou and after this date, I w ish it mulct stood that my terras for all undertaker's goods are cash with tho order. I find it impossible to do buaiueM oti a credit basis, and belive that I can do better by my patrons and myself by selling strictly forcasli. P. ltKSKtm'ic, Undertaker. Rosebnrit. Ore., April li. IS. - Caro Pros, informs their patrons tha; they are in receipt again ot Clark e pool Cotton. Same old price. ECONOMY HARKIiT L. KOHLtlAtiEN, Proprietor. I t ILT.R IN Fresh and Salted McaLs i KN r.. no.-Ki;t"Kii . v FRESH OYSTERS ALL STYLES AT TIE KANDY KIIIN PURE CAfiDIES MAXfr ACItT.EIi 1'All Y SHELLAH CARROLL. J. F. BARKER & GO. Want Your EGGS And BUTTER H. C. STANTON Has J'Ut reeelTed a nest sod sxtenslre a'.rck DRY : GOODS CONSI8XINO or Ladies' Jresu Gooda, Uibboun, TriuiuiiBn, Lacen, ttc, itc. -ALSO A flNE HTOCK Of- IJOOTS aw siioi; Of tbs beat quality aud finish. GROCERIES , Wood, Willow and Glass Ware, Crockery, Cordage, Etc. . Aiao on hand In large quantities and at prkt. U alt tn. time.. Also a large aiocl or Custom-Made Clothing Kor Choice CaH at Slaufcon's for P. M" N.nuv if hen I y given to tha public by tlio iindviitnd that I do not allow dead anin.rtls to bo buried on my pretn- isoe. a" l!ostduirg. Orotron, or garbage ditmpcl thereon or sand or giavol taken thciefrom. unloes tho party taking aand or irravel fii.t contract w ith ma for tha riht to do o. Trt'sepi'oit! ill bo prvwecutod ao ivrdinn to :. A vuvn KostK, UiM.(!euv. Oregon, March 17th, ISS6 NOTICI-. S I I' M U i t "'" ' Koael'iliV ivoii, tteiillnl lvS to whii-. II t.i eolKVin Sotti o l- liervb) lit) en Ihsl tlie Hosol ol S lusil I iii-I i niiiiiiiviioinm ol Hie rtte ol in soti. i. i: liil in ilo oilni' lll ol lands ntu iito.i Iu Ho tonlHi' loWimv NV i ol N h 1 , oi S.v i-:, I p. .11 X . K " est, and bx ni'Vii.'il lot a'd "i'ivtnl lite Mine, tliai the 11 f of-'ii l i lie puhllo lor Iiinm'iIoi) andaeooi llivrt-oi to l,--erM'li) o "iilntlx i-lon. hi Nh n j-o-!..l in lonvi'iiii tit t'lsiv In Uil otlliv tor I lie iii-itviioi) ol nil porMns liiiereslevt nil. I lte .l..t.- ' ueiall) , M iltmi the no v i Ml il i lolloii Iik the dale ol t li li nol;,v. 1 :o!o-t Ol lollle-!!) Ktllu-t Itie e'n nolilu I ) o m -ii i-nitiers to hiii Itaet or -nlhln imoii i) :' '.n nv mviioii or pail o nee lion, .li", -t I in i!i 'il. on Hi,- ground ilia! llu' ijiui' ri.'io ) iil'iiib v tot imitmal Itiati lor i!iieuliurl ft'ipoM'. "it I-' tivoluHl and noi II. i uivii iiu t euitiil land mbce nl I) aiiiit. it. I'. I. r UKttKlKD. i it. rv)i it, Kihisut. IU,, .M r. itStlO Notice of I inal Settlement. s mi ni; my lOiur in- iutti..v4 nil' III ;e . la'.,' ol .''1 :l K n v he 11.1 al I , do, l'ltM',1 . Not oo t" 'i, 'n't v ,)en iliM ll)i' undeisiKiied I l;:i- t; I 1' tiitut Hi',', 'inn in -aid tnattet and an .,: !,'. loi- :. 'i ni.i.u' nud eulerv.1. ol nvord in ; -u.i .. 'ti.ns iue-..a . ii.e tnt dv ot janu- lienritK .'. ,1' e tions to i l account iittd tlie l;n,.; e;i hu nt of -aid estate. o , i tu. I -.'.. V) . kl VKKMIAI I . A lui n -::tor ot i:o i state ol John Km ken da 1. ,le. . it-e,l i: (V Pol in;. ,11: , V.tvnne) (or K-lnte. ! Notice l:or Publication. l') itt' -mu I imhIii a , ! liovlmri;, i'iv , Nov. I. t-. i Nolo, :f!') utiell Hint the toi.oivtn ii:i-.iu',l '.t'er lia- i'i',1 noi.ee o( In tnleutiou : to ri.ike tMnii j.rooi oi -ntptmrt ot In- eln:tn. ami tlt.lt ; I ft., ..; t' :'.i.le twl,.n W.I. lollJ ' :ii, I'n --.l v.itet i'o'.'r.n--.otiet, at liaolincr. ). ' tl. ; .':lt,.'t:'.r 1- if I .ti-i i n i ) in r. k Kt:. ' .oi ti, ll.o;;,.,:e t fcntry, No.;: I, tor the K!-. s K''..l , N ! O. .- V) i, N V) ',. , !.v. ." li .V. . K. 11 Wv.t. lie until) the t.'ouiu . to jro.e h. eont-iou' i- ' r')Hdef. e ei-on mid -..iuvatioti ol viol l.ind, ). Henri A Men. John I tt;,t , m. i;:.Der, l,p.i V . p. r' . ot onnUto r. .': o n T. UKlKtK-. t.::- Ki'Ststet Notice Por Publication. 1' s . i . - r 1 1 1: - 1 (li in l . I."i l''.r.', lirek'on, Vo ., l, i--t. No.... . :i ;ell that llio loi.oAltli; i.i-.ie-l - f.- t t.!. ,t notice ul t.,a Intention ; i !.;,. (:, in r; ol la- e'.a'.in, mid i:..it -a 1 ; r. l t'.. r tinoto tietori- ) I . Poiu i-. ! ' ' : 'a'o's i o; : i.--ionr. at l,nrd;iier, I'ri 4,.!. ,i rv . 1 1, ) il 1. 1AM (! o Kl;, :t I..- H.. t I u:t No ;i..i. tot the N K 1 . w '.if,M ! ,. N i: .-,'. ;-. I-. . . - ;i;u, -'. tl if.m.i, tin- tol!o-.;iK ... '. j.r. . ! o. , .oitininii:- re-l'l-lt .(ti . . . ii' o, ,.; ,sl I. i... Krani. )) hi !a . .-. li, '..' A. !. ::, .!..:. IJ.,,1., lot. II I ' It ' ' r . . . . 1 1;, ; ; ..-o i ' J l. i:p.Im,i ... :r tu-s .vr Notice lor Publication. v .... , .... i i , til i, h. Ui.-' lu,;"ii. Sin . II, lv. , V:''' .- 1 . r ! - ,:vi : tluit ti t' lollowiti i i:n ui'-.l m : I t '..-. ti-itii'o ol li's iin, nl.'in to u.'t." i.:;.; ' t. '( in -i'.irt ol b: U ni. aifl ,i:iii -i'l it.-h u :.l 1 i.ih'Ii- tN'ioru tlio Koi-tor V Kmnrr. I'. I .:i. uitii c, nt ;l:... ,urs. Uro o:i, on Juiiu.trv 1 l-','-,p iz- I1KNKV.M. TI'UKKI;. I i.m II. No. i-:i lor ih- s-t1 . .. v. . , ! W !, N K'.. n. Tp. K. hllnl. llr Il.ll ;!,'-. t!l" I",;.''.) ;! Hl!UO'M lO JlflD llH roll- tiiui'i.K ri-i litii ' iipmi aail cnl !i) ill ion of i'l .I'll.):.. IMyir IV., ki r. 11 li. A-Utiis. .1. M. I' IImt'1 hi.'I V, . ). W.-ilui.r. nil of Lullsr.l, tin--on. J. f. Bkiix.k-, KfrfitlT. It j Notice Tor Publication. ! I -.,!KI. ! r. I, )M I il Ml K. 1;. Siiri1. Uo itoii. N'.o rinlur mi Ji'r.. N .. In roio. Kii oa t.'iut t:i iiiilow ins ;...:..i -.1 -. til. r li.it li.i il 11 U10 of his lnti ntlon j '" ' ''Hi I'.'mh ;:i -,ii.or'. ol lui -latin, mil ,t ... I M' i '. 11 i.i.i..- li. -fi.ro 111.- Ki-ji-n r 111.'! lo 1 . r I 11. ti-il Ma'. l.nml Dflici' at l;or ' . . . 1 '.- 'li. J.itniurv 1. ill, 1- .. IijIIS -Milll i in ' 1 i! : .1 I t: 11 try No -'.'I. n.r tin lnu 1..'. . ni. I -K , SK! , i- I t.vi. .; .-, 11. u.st. !! : i 'i Hi'- foilownu' "s itin - ti.prin Inn .'" ' :. : n -1 li mo iiiinii bii-I cnltivaiiuii ,,f :-.ii'l !.',! .'"ini I.IiimI.'i, .lnu- Hum li. M I r. 1. :..tt:. a. I'.. Mitton, all of hlWlon, on J. f. r.KiiK.i- Ki Klli-r. Notice Por Publication. ' . ,' TiTt Land Oifii.k. Il "-.loud. in 'Sun, 1" ' '--. 1-'.". N" - l.' T' lv '-'ivi n tliat tlio fulli.wi ii L' t.Kii.' I t'l I II.O- tl' r Iih fiii 'l nntiro of Ills inti ntion ul i.ri"0 in miiiport of In-I'luim, nii'l " : ii. .' In- iiifti-'l lioloru tin- Komti-r I I: '-r. 1 lll'i-'t Mllti-i l.Hll'1 I Hiiro Si l:ui" r -' . ' 'ii .futiiiurv 'il . l-'.'J, ) i- 1 Ul'.i. I'. I'i.WKI.I., :. N.i.T-l i f.ir tin- lots No. I., 1 iiinl '.'I 11. 7 Hl'lil. Hi- lillllU") tin; iii-I---''. iiroii: losoutitiiiiiiiu rri). I'ltir. I It i 11 ftll'l niHDiilloii ot -a.il liuol, VI. ;., "f Miomuih, iirrtinn, (.'. iv.w .nfi'l nr. iron, il. K. Kaili r ol krl M Or -li, (. )V. Iiiniiiiirk, of Hosi'Mirf.', .; i'. jm'.iiji.k-, Ki'K.Mti r. BOSWELL SPRINGS On the 5. P. R. R Douglas County, Oregon HOTKL constant ly open for recep tion of guests. Water cures Rheu matism, Dyspepsia, Kidney and Skin Diseases. To a Ik I inordinate. Dr. Gibbon liils old roltable and tdo most tijwonful Ki.rc ullRt III hail rran i lwo. still ciiillniica to riiro nil bexual and Seminal Disease Mien Ha llonnorrnira, lleel Stricture, ypn ilia in all its forma, bikln 1)1 neases, Nervous Dcbll. tnal Weakness and Loss iiui-i.ri- of hull al.iiM) ami cxcukkos f.roiiii:liix tlio lullov) inir hi uiiiofItn: Kuluiiv i.oiintiiliHilo, dark Minis ninli -f l i.o ) m, 1'iiin III tint In H'l. rillKlng in tli-1 uim, Ii,., i.f roiiliiii'inie, illlli'lrnrc in ap .roiu'liliiK tTiini'i-jH, .nlilliilii)li "f Hi" li-art, wink in ks of liir Innl.s ttiol liurk, ions of iniiliinrj n in I'los ut, ih., ii,. ,., coukIik. rolihuini'lioll, r lo. Ml. I.I itiSON Iihh iir:liri in Hail KruiiiilM'o out In J 1 1 y inn, rt in I IIioh; tioiililoil k In . 1 1 lil not Inil to i i.ioiiU loin it 1 1 1 1 rimvlvo llio l.i iit'lil of Iiik i'n at i-lill uii'l i xirrlrlirr. 'I lie iloi'tor (nirt-a ))ln n o Hum fail, iiylilin. Cnna iiiaralili'i'i. I'1 li.iL'" ' I nt lioini!. I'liswH rciisoimlilf. o HlWaL I'lirn. I' -U i'. li mil) ;. c,r. Kt'ii tn v hi, , mu ii Fin n . LTVqpt TUT Tm la.lrrllir alHive mollii t )) III till i onllnila In survrv liwall arlla ileatilnil m aa-llar an eiialnrer or stirtevof. sly vliantaa will ! nHonhle land my i)oik iiaianti-p 'ii Am al a Notary IMMIe. Addioia tn al t:e)elaud, Ivinilaa Co., Or. wii.i. i. it i: ison. o.R&nco PKPVKI hor ri.Mit sctii iu A It Ul V K r onu Kaal Mail T M a m Kiom I'm Hand Kat Mall Kslt Lake, t'eto er. Kl. V otlh, )itnlia.K mi ; ! p in. s I'll). M. I onu, I'liteiiSi) and 1 t. ' Spokane riyiT .' p m. ) allaW alia. Nxikanr, Mlniieaoli,-l Paul ' Pnlntli, Mlloallkrr, t hit aco and l irt (Kran Mrat)ihlp All Kallinii dalra aut Jei I 1,1 ehallite. Koi all franetaeo Sail Ii e t, s, l. IN Spok alio I Iter it I a in. p.m. I p in p in. 1o A!a-ka sail feitl.. . Columlda Wl)cr filramera. lo A-toria aud )) ai I.alidlni; lllamrlt RUfr. r'loli I'll)', Nr Ix'ru, . p. lit D p 111. K.xstinda) Sainr-lav 10 p.m. 4 I', in K .'nil, la A HO V 111 I v Knnda) a m, K. Sunday Salem .V. W ay-1 and k ; a m. I nea. riuir and at. VMllamelte and am hill kiltrr. Orrjtiin I'ln , In) Ion. aud YVay-l andiiiKa Wlllamrtlr Rl)ir. Poitland In t oi ) a 1 1 1 a and )) ay I audi a-. : JO p in Mon , W rd and I il e, a in. 4 iO ( III. I'lle I loir and Sat. I. I .twl-toti Pat . v Kin-pi Kudo) Tuea. I hut . and sal. l.v. Klpai la tUil). Kw t'l l-'aruplav. W, nak Klvcr. Kiparia to I n eiion. It. Ill Ml. Ill H I . (ittieral l a-eiiger Aiji nt. . H. 4 -N. t o., l'urtltinri. Orruott. QregonShort LIneRi- ijmi ket and mo', d:ti-i I route to I'tah, Colorado, Nchraska, Kan sas. Missouri Kivcr anil all Points llast and Southeast. I., al tin- t! nt a Portland to .Se Vnik -I'j C'liiraiio o'j st. l.ouis lh-nvfr iUya (lava )l.ivs ilayH Salt Lake P .- i! f I'rt't- Ittcllulitu ( liulr cnrt, I -liolHti-rt'U Tonrlsl HU'iliiit Cam. iMillttinu I'ul.icr Mlr-p I n it t'urN l.'rl iil pur'.ir .ilars rrninl. train.-, 1 to., call on or ml lri"-. J. i GIVAN5. Aot., Kimohnro. c. o Perry, W. li. Coman, I :ai . I'nv A EAST AND iSOUTII THE SHASTA ROUTE OK THE Southern PaclHc Co. Blpr... trainM Imt rortUnil dally, m.tith "j ' " s-th j "iiiiJrrii".Tl.v. Yorllanif- - ' Ar!" "0 M) VTx I i .bO A. . I t. - IlrHU'burn I r. 1J S r. H . I ' ib a. M. I Ar. Han Prnnnlsrn I.t. I t r r. m. ; Aliovu train nop at all i rinrlpal rtaiiona U'lwwn rorilanrl anil Hali-ni, Inmrr, Marlon,! JofTeraoii. Albany, latiKont, Hu"lil, llalsry, ; llarrmli'iri:, JiiiirUon l itjr. Kiir.'IH'. I oliaxi ; i. rovo. I.rajn, nakiarnt. hihI ml atatn.na from I Koobarg to Asliland inclUHivc. Ifuacbura; 71 ll I n 1 1 . ) J'l u . h:M v. m. l.v. Ar. I'ortlan'l HoiM'linrir in I'. : i. OIIIMSj 41AIIN !)( IMili: ItOf' l ll Pullman Buffet Sleepers ANIJ OMI.t M.CI.I'IVi (AKS Attached to all Tbrotifch Tiaim. West Side Division. lie l w re u I'ortlauil uul 4'orvalll Mall train ilnily rxrr''. Kumlaj. 7 :) a. m. U IA r. h. l.v. Ar. i'orlliind li.rvallla - Ar. l.v. ,i .'ill I'. M I ui r At Ail.any and l.'orvallls roniuv t with trains nl Oregon Central ik Kaxtc-rn railroiid. jKxfirena train 'tally ienro.t Kiiri'lay '. t ..Mi t. H. I l.v. 7:o P. M. Ar. JO I-. . l.r. I'oriliinil - Mi-Miiivlllo 1 liiloit:lnl'iiri- Ar. l.v. n.J. a. . fi l A.M. lilni M. Dirrrt I'liiini'i tloii at hail rranrlM o ivllli Or ri'li ntiil ami Oru nlnl ami I'mllir Mnil ftrmii hli lltirs for JAl'AN AM) CHINA, hulling ilalra on application. K KUKilLKK, C. II. MAI'.KIIAM, Manager. U. r. A l'as. Aki hI. FORTLANK OIIKHON. Kale ami tirkcta to l 'ti rn linlntn mi l hn roix'. A mo .lAl'AS, 1 1 1 S A , lluMil.l.'l.t' ami A f'h'l'K Al.IA. ( ail Lu i.lilalDtil from I.. II. MOOitK, 'l icket Agi nt, or V. (' l.oNDu.S, ltot WOODWARD THE ROSEBURG Does Up ALL COMPETITORS! Wo are always in tho I.eail, anil mean to keep thcro. The Ool'lcn Harvest is uium iih, and farm ers aro smiling beckuso Woodward loos to their interest. MJUV UXitMlSS Full Trimined - TEAM HARNESS These are all Leather ami Warranted. SADDLES At lleluoed I'rltcs. Consult your purse and liu sure and su Woodward lieiore buying. W. WOODWARD 1 ,4a . t . ' 1 V -h 1 1 J it1 cy.v nzTx i.w. ..s; i )S . . ir i I'd I Y Everylliin on SANTA GLAUS Sin-iial tlrivc tut iWUct KtUTf.s, I.. imps, Silver W'rrk, Guns, l-.ic. Churchill & Woolley. liis is the to Buy Groceries. c. v r 4i.- A r XV KRUSE & SHAMBROOK, STAPLE 111 FANCY Gifis 10 PROVISIONS FINE TEAS AND COFFEES A SPECIALTY. Al.-n A Pl'M. LINE I'E TOBACCO Sc OIQARS. 1,1 v I. I A I Kl Al . I- itf.i; m;i.i vi'.itv, Real Estate Bought and 5old :.' ,asi xtm msisssiiijw. ParmA, large and small, to Rent, ANH IMMKIHATK I'OSSKr-SION GIVEN. Stock kaiiKc:;, Timber Lauds and Mininp Properties, 1'runc ami Hop Lauds of best quality, in choice locatit-M. (luanl'l'cs l" su'1 inU'mli,1rf purchaser;, ut reaaesralili prices and easy terms, inquire oi id. s- k. bxjiok; aa w-aia L 'aaii ty m aadatSM a ooks and Toys As I will not keep in stock books and toys htrsv aftci, 1 am ofRrinj; my large stock at prices tit at will command your attention. Come and at them. I will continue to keep everything tnti I have heretofore in the grocery and crockery line and am better prepared than ever before to satwfj the demands of my patrous. 1 hare just rciT4 a part of my new Holiday stock of dishes. TkJ are truly elegant. ....MRS. N. BOYD. VWWVVWWVVVWVVWVVt ? Kr W T I m Oil x i i i . riurvino l w i i , IHuucessor to (J. W. NOAH,) General Blacksmithing: VtVMB XWKtW aKMLjajTSM. rKorriNa and runnino plaths a specialty, KKl'Af KIN'd OK ALL KINDS I'ROMPTLV CONK. Hliup u Corner WiiiiIiIiikIoii and Kane His)., UoS)t)urir. Hudson Mills llnrt opiriinl ii Ni iv l.iiinlii r Viud on tho aruiiinlH Innnsrly oi eupi'l by I nr MiiiUm Wiiri'luiunr, nl tint loot ol Osk HI rut. Ull.l. I'AIIKV A Kl l.r, H'l (H K OK FI RST-CLHSS LUMB6R, Mr ii ir .n 1'in'il lo Kl'" '"ii Hfllir I.iiiiiIiki snd l.uiivr Push Hum iiny liiinl.vi ilsulu in II' i lly Wr kimlly hniir you In lull ItOhl III If ;, OH, 1 1 I ) T . f vn .jtj,m .tr lie a luivam V.f ' 1il It i-JA Hiii 'ISXS1!! 11 AT.' ii.4WU i . 4 'K MWi vWIUU 1 I the Side track fc? and his Pack. Place A full and complete n?(iortmnt of all goods usually kept in a first class grocery. Kverythiug offered for sale is fresh; and sold at very reasonable prices. We have a very choice steck of canned goods, including btk frnits and vegetables, to which itc inrite your special attention. Our line of Olives, Gherkins, Piek els, Sauces, etc., is also compleU. We carry the largest stock f to baccos in Southern Oregon. PARKS & CO., Grocers. lit rt 5V TJ il one lor rVith .1 1. . K flllflll HO, nuKfinut, Below Cost lIMrknrrMwl & Lumber Co. and it our l.innl'Sl' auii I'llsss. afW il ft 11 i "f , i 1 i , 'ii 1 ! 1