The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, December 29, 1898, Image 3

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)' 0
Keltic Dp.
All ptfUiliit lnlcb I I') llir luiii.ii,n
i il life hereby n lllle I . . tt I rrquealol lo
rmim forward und renin' piompt n t lo
mittii. All no'c mi l h .'iiiIh mil paid
Immediately will In) placed in tli" IiiimIi
til mi at'ertny for collection, 'lid llk It read, nm gnlng out
il liti.iinr' , ci l must luivt n U'tilfinfii'.
Cai. . .y-.'ri.
- -SW
iu:ci:Miii:it .'.. '
Kit" it food f":'int clgur call "il Mrit.N.
Iviii'i tn Inliiilii' viiiirlv at AlexamU r
A SI iniJ.''f.
Marurnlil ill pound cartoons at
u'lt r'i itiM'riy.
i-pllll 1', ll" t I I 1 "l.i'l'l pjcUllg'
i t tliii Nuvi'lly Store.
Kiv Wt-Mi, itiip'.rtel Hint ilonifftii'
i ifc'.m l llm liiwidcut
A tlllvIV I'f'll I- tl'V ttl : ! t Cull , lll. r in.., iui.
M,i' I lout Mmc I M-llIng nut ill a.icri
i in ; ptleei Call Bltd lie convinced.
l.i ymi t mi. Iii''.' II n, get the AMI"
i it KtiiNn .V. Sl.uinl ro ik. nlf iigei.t
N I Ii.ikIuU" ' lil I l' llllt'ti' l.V IlKVItiK
y. in .! n'.i! wnik done by lr. Mr.mi .
.1. I. Mann mlU tlx bi'-t lli iir in ! wi
,u,i i:i' m .iii' !ti! n;l.t, ,j i ility i
I'.l.n k l.f..-.,-!- ili."-i i-k.i , wi.i. ii
i.irni.Tlv -old lit l. -il tn .', now I '
f.: in t'-'-VJ n' ill" Novel') Sunn
t 'mb p.ud .'or giant, und ull" I j
Linn '.'iil ii '", m Al.r.tliiiiii'' w nr It .iii--It.
A. 1...ii:h
I'.. Itiiiinr. M. I'., itirtnliiT Kmfi! nl
l'i'Hi ni l;iituiiiitTit. IMlii't', Murnti in
liuililiiiii tl Iihk' titnu'i Miiin ttinl t'
Kor .ri'i nn I ti'iiility fall lit tin1 olil
riijiintl itturil, I ri'iiii mi'l JiiiM irnit.
r.nnly nn. I nut-', . irf it n l tnliaffo at
l iitin t Miit all. Mitt. II. Kaiuon.
1 .:iioiiiy wlii niitii't y.)H to buy
i liiLliiMi'd i!utliin i( tti. Suili Imin
I tu 1 1 t 1 : tttul uifriJ in I'lii-e,
tunny iiiink"il Im-Iow font. Novell v
1'. li. t'.iMni tii, iiliynii inn u l uiK(in
OIlW in Tayl" r .V U'iImhi lilot k, ri'ni
tlt'iui'. M I'l illi'ti lluiiie. l'rofowioiul
fill :n in Ij'.mi or loniilry iromtlv nil-Kwi-rcl
nirtlit r day.
s wim: iiiiiiliiin', Hi'winu uiacliiiifit,
ii'vvint: nmiliiiifa ' Aloxiimlcr t Strom,
mi l Hid '.x'xl ;( t Ui in ut tlint, raniiiu in
.it from J'.M h '.r..M.. Heunre to ft-o
IIiciii lifforu yon liny.
I J mor V. IIihimi, ili)Bii:iuii mill fin
isi'on. Ulii o iit x' to fily lull on Main
Hrri l, K')i'liiin;, r. S.iviul gtlpnlioii
Hivnii t i ili-f.iM'H i.( Hi nuitu unj throat.
t'allM (.io:ntly iiiiHrtt ifil.
Sfd Kirn A Kii'i', lloncw l'tiriiihluru,
(or every tliinx in llm (multure lino,
lurtfi'Ht Mtork nml low put prift'B, jtmt ro
iiivn I i ia: till if KnUTiinul CO
(iiiiiituro. Si n nn (or liarKuiiiR.
Kfincinlii r tlul I'r. Stranno U nr
limneut rCHiilcnt ol ltoHi'lmrK, ml is not
Iiito tt!iiii'"riri!y, tlut no (nlly warrants
all lilrf HOI It llll. I in IllTK Ut llll tilllt'8 to
inuko yvtA liit t?nitruiiti'P n( till iltiiitin
P. J. lioml, iiruitli'ttl
ITT i .
MHtrlitiiukcr. Sliop il
..I I .. ......... ..II',.... ... w I I.
II IK ll.l..' tllllllllllir. U I lltH II II I'll. "M'iiOII
Witti'iiiiH, iIiiUh mill j'wflr.v ri'mireil
in a hUiIIIiiI iiumitT Bt ri'iiM.niiililti pilrea
A Hhmu ( tli( nibliu putromim' tic
Moriii' Poultry Dmo. TliU IiiIhIHIiIp
romi' ly cliullentfOH tin worM to proilnip
itM imj ns on i'M proilufur. Prpvont
ivo ami euro lor till disrupt's of low!"
tiuiir.iiiti'nl anil (or hhIb by H. M. M;r
tin, KoHflmrif, Or.
SuiU of flotltiH, nil wool, hcitvy
weinlitM, $; ri'iiulur ilio '.. H"'
. Imhi'M Iroui (1 tc 111 yearn (or l.r.O uml
IIhIhuII i,tli'H ami ;nlor (or s.'i.i
ri'Ktilur iniftt l &0. All tlifce hikhIh ur.
only tu Ito (oiiiul ut tlio Uohs Htorn.
Up to tluto tliinliliy by lr. Mr.mi;'
uliiuli ini'iiiu tliii bust mul lilted UiihIh
vl work f kilfully rart'lully uml jnnporly
iiHorto.1 with no ttftur tronbli, but per
(out B.ilitifiuMion. Try Ut, Hlrrtniin'B
Vl llllllim I'llJMIB. lllO llUHl. ltlUldt Hlltl
nitiHt innfi't't iniiilu.
I'ur fiilo or vxclianuo (or lumla In Dre
uoti -117 neroB timbur laml In Hanta
CriiH county, Culilornin, nbDiit tlirco
uilk'H from railrruil BUtlon, on county
road, part kooiI (ruit lunil urtl probubly
10,000 conln of wouil on tlio pluoo nonr a
tood niiirkot. Pfuo i,()00. AtltlioBU
P. ). box "'S KoHolmri, Oregon.
A low ilo.mi ol thoHo Kunlucky muilo
imiiiH. iiuliBl initial ami woll mivlo, no
ihoiMv. Alno a fow ilonon wonu'ii'i)
iiioii'h, boyh' ami t l.ililroii'ii hlitKin, nn
lur wo.'troi H. 1 1 tit h (or Humiliino nml
itliiitlo. iinilciwonr (or liot uml J'olJ
wontlmi . uml v.niuim olin'r urliflca ;it
ivinii piUor, ut U, U. liluittun'B.
(I llll pl'111 III llll llllii'ilt lit S.ll.'l, llll'
I' I, tdf wnl'lniul.i r, !' . i,Miiv
ln. It .,i f ir Larrf tin nil I y rir watch to
pairing. ;
H. I.. (.' iiition t.l l.urb'V who In town !
V. LhiiiIi, o( Wilbur win In lown lunt
Si'c S'nl.'iiari't linn of watilir ami
Ji'Wt Imj".
I.. J . iMtiniw.iy ol Wilbtir hud in ti t'
ci'v Tin n lav.
tit'l yi ti-niIvit krioo'i'I ailvi-r n'.Yi'l
lit" at S.i i nai.'ti.
1). (I. I'lrk"""! olOiklnnl w.11 in
town yenti rily.
V'f.J N I'Ii lU of Arhhtnl it viliinif
r'lut vtjn in Hie rty.
Jjfk Clni mini 1 ( (.ixrili n Vntlrvfun
m ill.' rl!y tuvt lav.
Sov Ht M-k i lf!i.(t'i! cirviiiK rt'tu a'
('lulu-lull .V. V. oll- '
Vr!.nn ! Miiiii i'i iiiv. miff i-p ) j:n a
.li.iimi'it. Sen tbf in.
T. J (iilliiini nl ('ii Vallt-y w i rt
! 1 1 r in tow 11 T'H'cluv.
(' I., l.'hiMi''li i.ltlikUiiil :i'in
tin 1 itv tlif II'ihI of lli.i nm k.
-i. W. l!ltiilill Into mi'Iivr tbc
11 1. iv mini' s i in lon Tui aiUy.
Sim J.ii''!ii"iii int Mtaint',1 u i.timbfr
I Mt-mlH nl bin liomo TufulHy nilit.
Il'iyt'i "A I tn tit li of Ki1" Jiiniiiiry 0.
lS'l'.l. will b llni next nttrartion ut Uif
i ett lloutt'.
I.. J. Ilurnel', tin Wi'Mktt.) n n 1'oilnl
ti li'rupli lli.t'iiiitii, ban l.i'Mti'.l at I t.-n
nii'ir, Whi.Ii.
1I 1'b "A Hunch t( Ki'Vi"..fntuiy ft,
If .X), will bo ttttt nrxt ai t-ii. lion ut Ibe
Opera lluim.
Wilbur I'liitlur o( Poitl.niil ia vNiting
liii' 111 this city, tlio Client of Mr. ar.J
Mrs. P. J. Iijrnl.
I'r. K A. Victor, of Aluuio la, Oa!..
it ceo 1 11 pa tti ft) Mr. KrtiK'T, lo alternl llif
(uiieial if Mrp. Kit hut .Ihhii today.
.Mrn. S. 1. livana of t'olca val!y ia
BpciiditiK h lo da) h with bei pniputB,
Mr. uml Mth. W. It. Willi in tbiit
it v.
I ho "li.Kitliill ul bnow'1 i. in fviilciicp
today. It in coining down an if it meant
biiBiiii'HB, but it in not very c ld nt
Say "No" when 11 dealor offer you rt
pnl'Milota (or lljod'a Sarpnpnrilla.
There ia no'.hini: "jnet an cjcd.'' liot
only HOOD'S.
,luh 11 Mtineou loft 011 Wpdneaday
morning' overland to j nn bin brother
Maik, who la ei)(a)(eil in mining at Alt-
limine, JoBephine county.
well know n pliyeiciitn biib: "The
town in loony with tlm iiipuhIch ." Moth
eta will in like 11 nolo ol this una govern
the e 111 ull fry uivunlinnly.
An entei tnintiH'iit mid hex supper will
l o iven In Miaaion Chapel, K leiilHiwcr,
nmlur Ibe auHpicea n( the W. 0. T. I',
uturdav evenini", I He. UI, ISiKS. I'm
Iprlnlnineiit conaiatini of rcadinu", reoi
tiitionnmid iiiuhic will comnmncp nt 8
o'clcck, nfler which boxea will be Bold
at l.r fOiilH. l.vt'iy lady 1 invited to
emtio mid liriii( her box ami companion
ror u liU'li gniilo piuno, tlon t over
look tlio llainea Itroa. Iudorri'd bv ull
lending iiiiiHiclaiiB in UoBebuiK. They
are used and lmloraed by Dr. Oiltuie,
lrc. Appdlhotr and other. Mine. Putti
ha" a llaliiPB upriiiht In her boudoir in
ier heuuliful home at C'ralKyroa Custle,
Wulea, uml used the Haines piuno ilur-
i. li her hint tour of the 1't.ited State.
H.UNKN llitoH., New York, N. Y,
At the rt'Kubir inceiinn of Union Kn
i.iuipment No. I), I. O. O. F., Momluy
ovuiitnu the lollowinir ollicera were
elected for the etiRuinu year: It. Hub
eriaon, O. P.; I). S. K. Htiick, II. P.; J.
V. Strange, 8. W. ; L. SchnieiaHer, J. V
JoBuplt Mlcolli, St ribe; W. T. Wright.
Irene.; F, O. Micelli, Curl llotVinun, J.
M. Fletcher, IniHteos. A reBoluttun was
adopted chunulntj the tegular nieotinns to
the first and third Thursday ol euch
The (juurteily centennial mintber
the Hlunl of the Times, publiahud
Oakland, C'al., bus been leceivod. It
neatly printed and handttouiely ilhmtrut
ed and contnins well-writ ton atticliB
from the pens of eminent divines ami
Bc.iontiatp, and many things of inloiest
beHliliiH. Only omt million tiopiea of this
edition wore printed. 80 you had better
bp ml in your oidt'i'8 ut om'u II you wish
to Bocuro u cony before they nro nil gono.
Ordcin nitty be left sit thin oiUco. Only
leu tenU per copy.
Closing Oul
At Prices
Of Cost
Manila, I'. I. Nov., IM IH'.H.
l jiiioH Pi AiMiUAi.nn : I have nn'io
(" ticlo lei to i i'i.d (-u few lines l"a
the liititi'io liciii rpliete. We received
tn u il finin In, me i.n O.d 1,'Olh uf Novtm
h r, pt-ViT il i ..p:o-( of the dear old Pl.AIN 'm'iiii nuny letlnt. Wo
nil gl-"l tuc! It. 11 I'i.AlMKAtf:k. W'e are
still bt'itioiied in Mnnila d liiiK 4rrion
duty. I'h" l.i tilth 1.! the Oregou tionpp
la f: irly e,,od. We have loct IS 11, en
out of tli" On gnu rigimcM up to thii
dale ; ijuile u 1 utnlier nrn nit k in
b P it.i! I it' I iiiideratnrid thry urj nil
iiii,rnvn I ), 1 (Jon rici jitt i.itivcd
in-' M otdav 11 g!,t mid eri''d 0
d.iy ; they me lot kii.g l'u',r well aid
III to be vet 1 ti 1 to Kft litre. W
w ill bin e an uilditi ;h I 1 our l oii.t 111 y el
i'-t ii.i 11 w hlcli will lirinc car c-mpai
up I 1 IU'i ibt u I our t'l"'1
,ii':i'wil l.e !,! i d 1 i lerali'e "
t:ieii Kid I'i' ttr.t ti I'M f 1 duty. I cm
vi-rv 1I1.I to u i- ih,. h ih I ut would
liked Id ImVe 1 i-i i. tt.i.rc p ptil t.ii, n jii - rig
tin ni fur thin i a tine C'tiutry lo cdufe
tlieiii iii. 1 ei'ia! !y in the n tu.e'a'y
ayKtein. 1 i.ion I.iIm I with tpiitc a
It'l tn ber 1 I 1 1: li it e 1 hilt u- .-d lo lie in
fav.r'ltc" ilinr, I. lit 11.1W lie)' can
He.' j iM Ml. .it it if an I d if aii'. y
in. , ti- 1 . e i vi-r ,!....: rine. I iiiilerui.!
tliutthi ) hud 'lr J .1 I l.eis
about 'J I jpi'i -t m In', changed to t-ilver
tlio gold lii'cii'i.e j HCiircM thiit until we
CJtne I eie tin i' wa-i nunc t be teen.
Itict lots of lb" v. 1. liter titoiile never
iw any gjld It is ru'ber odd to tko
live d ,11 r piece t 11 btt'ik und K' t eleven
!I irn tin 1 tweu'y live cents f.,r it, over u- ui tii ti , or take -it u of our .iolla'S
and gel Iao doliuis back, either ono ecu-
tail. it. tni.'ie i-ilver than one of our dul
lais. li.n nati t i c jul I nol r.iiderstaad
the reain w l,y u-i'il we explained that
our got I backed our tdlver up and msi'e
it worth nl.uut twice its bullion "alue,
aud mIioiiI I the United States or any
otlurn -ld btan laid couutiy adopt the
ren eilver theory, U would Hirely be the
B.iit.o at it is bete.
Inlay i tlinnt: in: iitj day Hr,d we
have a feat.'. Tlio boya tilled up in
old (.1 dunned s'vlo on chit Uen, soup,
apiidn, cake, pie, li:rd tack and bread;
it was a dinner til fur auy one, and was
highly enj yed by the Im a.
Kex Hyatfl cine over from Cavite and
had dinner with Sloeuin aud myself in
company with another sergeaur. we
bad iinda an t.perience with some Span
ith ollicera in the San Francisco church.
We were looking through the churih
and In our roun Iri come to a room oc u
pied by eomu ol their big doge. We had
to pass through this room in order to
get to tlio slain leading to th) top of the
lunch. On going through, one of the
olllcers got up mid commanded 11 8 to
uke off our hu!B. Wo concluded that
we had come to the Philippines to tight
(hem, not to lake off our hats tithe
'pnui.irda, ami we didn't. He tore
around like a chicken with its head cut
oil', but it did 1 in no good. There
Spanish oilicera re very important, bu t
it don't, ito with tlio boya. If they are
landing iii liie way 011 the side walk
ibe boy j mt puth Iheni out ol the way.
I'.y iloiug bu iliey are beginning lo gum
heir reepect I he ouly ur lore thutthe
guards have oil somo of the ou'poBis are
to see that the Spanish ollicers don't
uliiino the piivates. And you brt the
guards attend to the orders iu good Btjle.
f.t. Huyuea mid Hamlin are tioth well
ami doing their share of the army work.
F. 8. li ulfrov is kept busy looking alter
. . - ! ... 1..
our iiroviHli'UH. Jtiuies urowii tiueuuB
to the Hick in nuurterB. George D.V
has been laid up for sumo time w ith his
t ..t. 11..
arm on account 01 vacciuuuon. Hu
bert Wright is our barber. Tom Cobb
bus had a blight attack of fever, hut is
getting well ngain. Hob Wilcox, Will
rmitagi'. Jas. ll.ildwin, U. Dixon,
Percy Webb, I'entou l.i'thermait und
ull the other ltoseburg boys me well.
Vinbing you ull a merry Christinas and
a happy Now Year, 1 reuiaiu,
Yours roHpectfully,
D. K. S.
Cupt. W, J. llocuiinon of Youcnllii is
in the city.
Another Manila mail anived this
morning and luttuis from husbande,
sons and "bent young men" are numer
ous and happiness prevails.
U, F. Kelso and family of Lyons,
Nebrutika, uro in tlio city.
Onro llros, informs their patrons that
they tun in receipt again of Clark's Spool
Collon. Kama old price.
Hoyt's "A lhineli ol Kets" Ope
IIoiibj .Ian. Ti.
The unut day if De winter win
ChrUttras day.
M. U, Thompson In town, with a
with a roop of tnrkeys, laat ok.
Y. Wealberly lw brotight aotne lur
kera, mot of the g ibbllug kind re
(or the flsrdlnnr people.
A very ploaisnt gatlipring for Chrift
tiua etre was a tice .) nit, tilled with
nauieiom pr'nt (or tftr out In timii
Hani Clan Was a ftr "'y Indlridn.!
ha had bum in a thioii ay ol iur, uml
ha tookrd vaiy 1uu.l1 liks Tom l'4t, r ,n
wbsii difJited o( his Wanta t'mi ral
One o( the Burst diuIiaiS tti write
' ...... .
tfr l,al the fouil loTltri' t ei. ,y, m
one rIvu by M. and T. N. Ut hi
ol L-w g PrairU. (ha was an n 1 1 I
w Mi hi maoner
r of tn Wilog, bu 1 id
irkfv e:f I'bik.sii. 11
ud (ill S'liily the
of the nuibiv if M. I'
ing 1 bi usual turkfv
aides (he host an
itiVl'id ttiura'a
Thutupaoii, F Waaiherlv, A. I , Un r,
IIiir Mutiion, Walir llilrd si, t W.
li. liriihbs, all) II. !.iukailig T S I I Jk
Sawyird. i:rt Wil dlt tr w , i-p t.d
of a re ' I i;. ih I .1 : it
il a bttl lo kt an 1 ail bad a I 'lium
tin I .r an h ur ir ". Jk rra
m..!e an rxcpllar.t & la I'l.u-, I, r !.
t f plp-j 'm'iii, d to be bit t;ei i' c 1 1 .
Al'ira tn i r i! 'ieL.t p 1 ii.tit'c j W,
(i. Urubbe and bis i'.er Mi !:'. , n..1
mi' v a, (ni)rla by tcvvrul i f tbc v ,.n
pi,y, ibt pml.l diftmco, wtl.
plta.d with the day and Its enjoy u snt.
Looking Olaa Items.
CI rislmai btta paaioil.
Hi. L. Huell la rp n4l v.-y p j.rl.r.
1 funk 1'eDLing speot CbnlmB a'
(iiei'n'a station.
Mr. I) Urtull ol Cjj is vis
ing here thi week
Mr. ( of Llktuii altvridud tUe
l.i'j t, bore Moi.dav 1 veiling.
Mr and M-s A. Arr.t of W.r.H.n
were seen la our falley Monday.
I. lirnden ol Cuos county was viritUn nod reit.v- I. no las'. n k.
Mr. nid Mr-, U. S. M t'gan and little
'.11 Iljrr and J. Dur lni( . t X,a
la T. n Mile.
. fV'l tvr t'.'Ok lit d-p'f nr lor Wolf
Cr, k lecrmly, whire he it tfi.di io
pi ml the wii.ter.
I.'ge ('I laiil, soil of r Oliua', wh,
s n'ti'odiiig the A!iUn 1 n iiu-jl, c-'.ui-
itoiiin to fpt-nd th hoiidayr. Hjiaugh eot t ) It jtierl 1 tt . k
p.'cd Chrittma. We knsa die tu I
4 goo I tims by the smile ho- wore.
The moht d -uant event ol the n u-"!t
Aim i),e Cbristmae givpn at 'l i
ei-iJence ol Mr. r.d Mrs J. T. S, a igb
o a lew of their numerous friend. The
ueo'a amueed the mst-lves . In difftrrnt
ajs until was annoctic-d, when
they dii ctseJ to dicing room
they found a table alu.oat groan
I. en
the terrible 1j.i1 ol d.'li. i
File lollowin" ne ptee
Mrs. W. n '
I. Strie
Spaur, Vei-
Myrlle Picrt
6paugh an
..via Notes.
Lovely woa'.her Christmas da.
F. F. Wells wn doiuj boiQ.;s in
Portland (be Grot of the week.
MeFars.K. Hutchineon and W. Freyer
of Kellogg were in town last week.
Mcsdamea John aud Tjrntny IUucot k
wrro vifiiling tolativet in the latter
part ol last week.
Mietei Minnie and Mineta Dell isrue
home from Hoeebot last week t re
main indefinitely.
Archie Mc(ioire CAire down iroiu
Drain last week on his way to his homo
in Gardiner to spend Xmar.
Mrs. John Nath left here for So-ottt
Valley recently, where (he will aprnd
the holidays with old friends.
Mr. and Mm. A. E. Cooper, of the
Cooper Mill, were visiting Mrs. Cooper's
patents in town a few days since.
Miss Jestdo Miller, wha has Ire 11 vis
iting nor sister in this locali'y for some
time, returned to her home in feeotta
Vo'ley recently.
Mr. and Mis, F. J. Conuolly and Miet
Madge StAtk arrived here from Jtote
burg Saturday in time 10 atteud the
Chne'iuaa feetivilies at this place.
Key. A. II. Mulkey of Drain preached
to the people of F.lktou Sunday at 11
o'clock a. iu., ana gave a. lecture Sunday
night at 7 o'clock on the aubject ol "Di
vine Art." The lecture was highly ap
prociated by his hearer.
The ChtiBtmua tree here fu!urdMy
evening was a Biu-cees in every way
Hie tree w hen lit up etiowed tbo pres-
euts autt trimmings t t a pood advantage.
I'ho houee wtw crowded with ext ectant
people when Bauta Claus appeared, to
tlio delight ol the cliildien, with bis sreat
coaI ami long, white beurd. The pres.
ents were dietribtitnl quietly aud to the
ButiBlaction of all pioent. The children
each received a srek of candy, and
thanks are due the men in this vicinity
for the generous fund ruieed for that pur
poee. Tom.
Georgi lluisellol Cry onville made
u. a pleasant call on Sa.iday,
Mrs. K. J. Oairelt onefays Creek is
visiting her parents at G-Auelleu,
Commamlaut Hyan bl the Soldier's
Home was seou ou our etreots Saturday,
Abe Miller, who has just fiuiehed a
Urge contract ol ditching nt the Vindica
tor mino. spent Christmas with ids lam
ily at Glcndule.
Mistea Jeuoie iuoor, Fannie Gibbs
nml Lola Albro ol Canjonville atteiided
lc causa there It
likenur atr tmhitf
holiday goods
Makes the food more delicious end whol4WT.
CH wmt KW1M,,IW.
1 . 1 . .-ij... .. 1 -
the u k ball at Clsndal. We wtre j
houoied by a ihoit t I freru this tle f
('banning ladie.
Mi Ituth R'jbarm h g ie ti Hon)
brock, C'al. Uba will vitii ber father,
Geo. Kobetts, at Pan Franciaoo bafora
sl.e returns home. We hope a chum
c( fwiio may lt-en her lunuw for hr
yoni.jr flanee, whom she expse'ed to
hat, e welded on Chriitmaa day. Truly
Gjd's Wa are ni.t ur vsz.rt
Tt:e Chriatms ttta ,jyu by Mi.
Winrlo'll an I M1-1 Miaar waa unit
liutv'uliy and beo' a'tace.) and
gave plutift i; lo old and jonnj
I'VOplo, F. O. 1 Ivi' tr, as tianu C ans
I d bis par: !.i t'ft:i'!iiiii (tlta great of i li j lit'ie yt'ip'. 'Ih traes
fan ly gr.ani-d un Ur awulituf urful
and (oil y C'hr it-UiuJ Ki'l".
ilrf. S. It. WaliAo, ol Arlltijt- li. nil
our g'leit I r rtsveral ii, incl'ioiiiZ, We cft.ini u a pnrilosa to
en'ertain this afed p'...i'.rt r lily, ai.d we
ht-aro with tri pltaiu.-r, ber iuijjinii-
eiKisn! etriy il ur, A:t.i;ugr t-Ite las
pa.d l.t r 7 1 f-1 liui..(!T aim ia bale snd
tii-any a: d his n wom'ei ui luemory
Mtiy nie live ininy yearn 10 cherr and
i.etre.ct the tisitu; Ker.eration.
J. L. Di-wev, dppu'y hiieiiCT, tint te
iigr.e I r.nd returned home to Glm.dile,
where bis largo ou-ineii in'erea at need
bis personal tnj.erTiiou. He made a
splendid officer and will b mined In
that place. Y'et his numerous iriet.ds
te gUd t j welcome bitu home. Mrs.
Dewev and Miss Elitb will r .wills in
itosaburu until spring, when we a'l will
be glad 10 have them with us again, ie
gretting that they cinnol return home at
Tbc misk ball given by J. 1.. Koterts
and Harmon i-wack on ibe eve cf the
23d proved to be the affair cf the season,
it was a eucceta both socially aud finan
cially. It attracted the largest crowd
that has arecmbled In Giendale for
years, Slxty-Cre numbers were sold
and ocr 200 persons were present.
The dinner nerved by Mr. M. K. HoJ
son nt Hotel Glen In'" was lite bst f sa
tire i f the dance, end it is remarkable
that there wan not una instance of dis
satisfaction noted.
Those Gallant Cattlemen.
Ciiicaj, Dm'.. 27. A special 10 the
Record from Chadron, Neb., eayil: Asa
sequel to the court scene a! Hot Spring!,
S, 1)., Init week, in which 32 cattleman
were acquitted on the charge of killing
John Ekman, a eheipherder, in Tall
River, S. D last August, a cavalcade ol
the exonerated cattlemen rods up to the
little cabin occupied by the destitute
auiiiy of the dead' man- Too leader
knocked at the djii atd Mrs. F.krusn
responded. Her (ace grew pale aud she
tn mblwd.
"Mis. Ekmau." said tbn leader,
baye come to make yon a little Christ
mas present. We shot your hnabatni,
but it was iu reif-defei.RP. We know jon
are without fund. We would gladly
restoio jour huihand, but that is im
possible, so we do the neat bt thing
give yon the mean to eupport yoir
self und children. If ?' e.l inoie,
call on u," and he bunded her a big
containing flOO.) iu gold. Tim plalas
men raised ilieir hats, mounted thtir
hortes end road away.
a. A. Uk.v. a C'jtvoll a burglar or
ereisy mau, created conciderable exeile
ment in town Wednesday night. He
tiled to ntet tbe renider.CJ of A. Woilen
berg but whs frightened away. Mais! al
Dillatd was ut onca notifled and Immidi-
atele el irie.l in ptlMiiit. The burglnr
was ditcovored juft after he had made an
uiiBUCcesfful attempt to enter the houses
f Unrr Jones and L. H. Moore, lie took
to his heels and mi exciting chase lo!
lowed. An occasional pistol shot from
tbe tnarBhal and Jones added inueh to
Mm aveiteiuent ol the chute, and the
uureued aa gaininu i n bis,
and would probably have mouped bad
he not, when near tbo tannery, slipved
and fell to Ibe ui ound. Bsfore tie could
recover tbe maihil whs upon hin and
the race was ended, and the man was
safely bulged in the city Jail. Ho will
liv a healing tomorrow. Jut now
those lis ing near Ibe il are engage I 1
listening to the f holding und thi ling
in, r.t tbe I miirlsot ed man. and in
guewiog whether he i drunk or craxy
1., S. lilmmi.k of Oikland was I
tuwu yiMeiday.
WHO ...
Our 1srifkt,.fitlMi, frMU tk f kUUf
gK)dg is rwtd ft j f J
Just tliwM aA 7u will ttjtiM aifl
your wauke), lok, jfrlrj, iltfrft
and silttr flti friu ms
ye tar
j.i --sCTjgBgs
Tbs) Pertland Irish fair.
Thethr eoe kas ever bee a ia Irelaasl
or not, it would certainly La ioterntlBj
to gaze upoa historic Blarney Castle,
nd perchance, receive the marvelous
gift of elouanece by eetatioj the Blarney
sto;,e a gsaoiae pieee of which will be
enshrined la thie stra ttere el the Bauk
of Ireland. Who would net delight in
locking oaee agala naon the beaaiifol
Uke ol Kfllarney? "The Hsf That
Once Thrcnjh Tara'e Halls" receive t'.e
revival when en opoa a represeataiioa
from the (ceahi artist's hands, of elJ
Tan Hall, (be home of the i5elii;
the Limerick racsi, the eld Iriaft b&m
of parliainent, BOwJkDowg at the laok
of Dublin, Cong Abbey and a! at Von
Aljbey, the rr.esd tower ( itsif, the
crut of Moco:rboic !n fact, lrtl.d
Id wiiiiature.
Theae Who Hadatra
The paiiit of rheumatism should be re
minded that a cure (ur this disease may
be fonod lo Ilood'e riir-aparilla. The
ezirience cf thoee who hare taken
flood's riarsaparill for rheu nalim, snd
have been completely and permanently
cored, prove the power ol tbls medi
cine to root and conquer ibis dieeaee.
Bowl's Sarsaperilla is the One Trap
Blood PoriSer and it neutralise tbo acid
which causes the aches and paici of
rheumatism. Tni is why il absolutely
cores when tioiaicuts acid ether out
ward applications fil to give permanent
relief. Ba sore to gft rjjod's.
A Christmas Clrctts.
A citizen on Christmas night solved
the problem. He is ons of tbo mesi Ba
sel nth of mortals, and doe) not mind
giving his Iriends a lip. He celebrated
very quietly, and could see plainly when
reaching borne; in (act bis yisioa was so
clear that be could see two objects where
only ono really ought to bo. Jest bo-
fore going to bed be fell hnety and do
vonred a whole mince pie.
Sells' Bros.' circus was not iu it that
night. He saw ail tbo animals known
to tcience, and a good many sptcies en
tirely unknown to natoraiiits. Twisting
boa constrictors, big enough to coil their
talis around the moon, striped tigers st
lerve as a disappointed politician, aod
11 manner of beaats, aalik say ssor'al
maa evor nearJ or, wmca constantly
changed into new and more ferocious
beings' just for bis special entertainment
were with him half of (bo night. Tele.
AoIdlerV Hosno Boar.
The board of trustees of tbo Oregon
boldUrs' Home met at tbo boms yester
day, aud on roll call tbo fcllowicg ittte
prerent: Pres., II. H. Northop; tioe
iee., T. K Sheridan; trasteet, lol.
tiraha u.G.Caukin, B. II. Boll; is..
Geo. Carpy, aad eomssaaaant W. il.
Bille were audited for lbs months ol
July, August, 6ep.eo.ber, Ostoeer,
November and December to oat.
Architect L. D. Dean was authorized
to draw plaus for tbo emotion of a chapel
and laoudry of the probable tost
I S3500. the asms to bo aetea anon at
the January meeting.
Misa Viola Mann was re-instated Ma
tron at the hospital.
Dr. W. h. Hamilton was elected eai
gpon for the home lor the ensaing year.
Tbe board aoionrnea 10 meet januaty
23rd at 9 o'clxk a. m.
For Over Flfljr veais,
A tnulow'i Boothlug Byiop ttaa been uel tor
ivur City yeara by mlUioni of mollieri tor their
children while teethlug, with ierlcet sueceu
It soothes th child, aolteni the gum., allays all
pain, cure wind eollc, aud ta th beat reniedj
(or Diarrhtva. Is pleaaaut to the tuat. Bold by
.lrumrUta In every part of the world. Iwentj
Bv cents a bottle. Its value is ineaiouiaDie.
Ba sure and ask tor Mr. Wlntdow's Boothlne
Syrup, and take no other kiud.
4, CO.
Specialists for Hen
mm if eAlw ) ajtHl cou'
llaa'UJ ail Iiau-ula kliu-e lb I
TImJi b.o llw Larval u4
brat vMUIMwtl joi-1 lie
ltilntiuu, su-iJ ihm auoet
IttUaive) KftutKtJ iU tb U. fl
hO ft1.! Till Cut4.
4 Vnfnttvuyil Htm Iio ittv
( lift call li'.iW il4f lv k
tjnw, iul tirikaaat IMkiku'
(taslishco it veaa.
A 1. 1. OTIKE.
411 kumcx.Uuli Ka'htuv n( V oii(i.lfi0ya
. Co te Ik ReteUsf far Ibo lest
. Cera Crea. i tk. it. WreteeuM.
1 Go 10 S. ir yr kaXthti
, Fwr Rial rl.aa eeatlitry go t lit.
, Liltieof Oaklaad.
iiiiat o".spiar r laaaeel Tf
dtserlplion at Cbnrel.ill ) Tf.eliey's.
11,00) sasa waalad at Ike Beaa Mn
to seloet groat aa gam kofsto 11 Is tm
Ladise rabker at 3j esahs ssi tjfu
qaalliy at 4 ei r salr. Ietsly
I tore.
Faets net fakes is what ear adver
tising colataas rarMat. Tfc tta
Baby "try for estv-rle," ew haajr
pspss try for liver flews the? at.
Leva llisai.
8taoke the "Artie," tbe heat e
cigar of t'ie year. Crass 4 Ikass kraeV,
sole ageiifs.
New stock of ladies aed asiaavW ska
shoes, ail tbo lavest styles, jaat reoatvsd
at rarfoti Bros.
G8tsyoa will fled eeaio eatlsa cmL
bargain in evershirt. at tbs Rofelfy
aitore clusicg out ssle.
A large and Coo atVTta-enJ ed Ml
dren'e etioes just received at FavfSrt
Bros. Call and see there.
Call at tbe See Store and arts tfcate
goods, and you will be sararistd ta Mst
them at such low figure.
Money to loan on city and easwery
property. D. 8. It. Bvtmc,
Marstcrs' Building. Roebnra Or.
Wlmt everrone says tnnrt bo lews.
Ibo cboittest of teas and coffees ta town
at Mas. D. Easi oil's.
Ladies jtcket. mnsl be elcsed M at?
onco. In order to do this wo will oa
Ibera et fesa thin cost. Sorelr? Ifar,.
Oar sbelres are gottin; empry, nSl w
have a lino of drv (toads that Hi wI
pay you lo price at the Kevelty ftaf
closing out sale.
Household joys, Bridge t Bweli
stove. Whit Mwir-j machine. CkkjK
cbill Woolie a ) tbra. TTky was
bay acf ui Xau.i preseals thi year.
Tbe finest and best sIed liwe al
holiday go ids ersr b'ODfibt to Hii oareJlt
from New Yoik city, wilt bo eke
seacoa. W atrb for these at tbs IftfajTsr
Tbo TP. C. T. T. will hold ha leeifta
meetiugi on the second aad fovrcl
Mocday of every month et 7:8 f. mr
in the Epworth League rem 4 (ha It,
E. chore ;i.
The Centra h:i onder too sacaau
ment of G. Tt. Petli, loaaa sod
ger, is fast gaihinx ia fever With (ft
traveling publie, end ia a goad 1et
ship. Try il. Reaaentble wriaik.
To all whom it may eoneera : Vetfaey
herebv given, that I will net h vc.
Iponsible for aov oblisalicna or iilim
rontracled by sen, Nathaniel Cnrry.
Mas. I. 3. Ctraay.
Itofsburg, Nov. 30, 18S9.
Dr. W. 8. Hamilton ia the leersJsjn
the Board of U . S. Ezamlnina lajraaetais)
for Pensions at Rotebnrg, aad aJl eam-
mnnications should be addrturted to hbmr
W. S. Uamilvom. Seeraerjy,
K. L. Mini a, Preaid,
B. Dv Has, Troasnrer.
By tke Board.
Pialiively no km, ting, flebiag er akaay
wise lresp&ting on (be fair f oomie
f . 0. ti.TS.
All person having rLi'n ajatliui kks;
agaiuit Ih R weburg Bailding Lta
Aseot-iati m aro hereby miiifixl to te
sent the nt at the January meeting el tksj
Association, January 9, lsftfi.
Ifr.HMi.M kLaajae.
Gold and Cold.
A special Iroru DaWcon dated .,
18tb, eaye; "Ket'irti (.oot all 'ek ta
the vicinity cf D.iweoti indica'v that th
wintei'a prodU'.;; ol gold w li exee-d knak
ol lait )car by 111 i,i ilmu 100 per teal
Several peraon are repinU) to bats
been (rosea to death."
llirry Frvvgca't, a well i iwa B. B
brakomaii, to.lay irceived a eheeh fajk
r37,'0, tie r-"ult ( a:i In vest ansal 1sjs
25 cent ticket in ib l u'.tl.n !ettery
Eugene Guard, Monday.
For Infanta and Children,
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears tko
Biguatuie of .4iaJ
0 J