Ss, S i'l'J1;!?.?.1 . a A k i t: 3 i ' IT THE PLAINDEALER. rublUbii) Monday .ml Thunnlay HT Tlli M.UM'KALtlt rVBLIMMNO CO. K. t, rUHAtTORD .. . T. BENJAMIN,...- ....Editor. nMcrlptlon ohu Vwr - ni Month Tlir.-a Month! - . r . 1 . j ... Mtc. tl 60 TS ,... ii:ci;muku si. isos. i gu.ii-.-XTa: Mi'KIM.IiY AND IRIU.ANU. Mia San I'ramtiteo l'aatntiiora torre tpomltiit it authority lor tlm lolloping : Archtililipp In'lmul mill r-prrent I he Vulw 1 S'ntc itt itm'n rnes con urpM. Ami, riituiiiPiiling iiimhi the auli iect the correspondent aat: "Die itreldeut I ma fi. auiloua Id Uallfy lilt appreciation of Archbishop Ireland's republicanism shown ly srtcvhffl tluriugtho campaign t-f JSOO." Further on the corrcttiK)n.-nt svs: "Tii r to Ilia ar tiili Spain the archbhunp as of irrfit pfrvic tolhs ailruiiiittra'i'.n in acling at the unofficial Intermediary - tween the Roman pontiff ami the prtti dent." This Is doubtless ontrut, for e bttlievs Hie preeitleul hits not been'lsg the Koruau pontiff through ati intermediary for government aid. If the president haa done each an uncalleJ for act it in dtcates that he courtder the K.roao pontiff bus more temporal power than all the other power of Korope; fur the preeident never Dialled at asking for the jjood offices of any of the crowned lundt of Kurope. The United States it able to padJIe it own canoe and atlt no faroi of the Kutir, or any other ecclesiastical magnate. If there are true follower of the founder of their faith who declarod His kingdom it not of the world. They will wisely keep their haadi off the helm of et.tte and attend to the bnainoss of the spiritual kingdom they are to zealous in supporting. If McKinley goet into Pirtnerehip with the pontiff bis name will soon be Pannis. The power of tlie states la niaiuUiued l-y bullets and not by papal bulla. FANATICAL. Tiouble is brewiug. A Mr. Cody uf the Christ iau Alliance, ci Cievelaod, Or. proposes to couiuieuco mission work in Cuba. This religious organisation w ould do well to wait a while nntil the secular power has established law and order uuioug the Cuba us before throwing a tire braud anung the iguorant religious zealots of that ialaud. Tboe people are wed to their idols aud until the stroug arm of the law is recognized and its ameliorating power is felt the preaching of adverse doctriues. however truthful they may be, will tend it tilt np ill feeliog and lead to trouble. Catholicism and proteatisin ure t an tagonistic as oil aud water, wiiero the strong arm of the eocalar pjwer has aoi obtained full force. Such id the leach ing of history. We bclievo in the right of American citizenship, that his re ligious opinion should bo prolectei at II times; but there is a proprieity to be observed at all times in all things; and nutil the people of Cuba bave become a costomed to the aecular order Incident to the change that is tilting, there should be no irritating movements thrown amongst a people to stir lUea op, save what is absolutely necessary to the cbauge in the mode of administra tion of government. "Lat there be peace," let the United States quietly but determinedly extend its authority with out any nnuecceesiry exasperation of old opinions regardiug religion, for an ignorant people are more easily dis turbs! on other. that subjde. than on .any Americans Hold Peurto Priucipe. jsw Yoiik, Dec. 27. correspondent at 'aevitaa, Cuba, who writes to the New York Times says: The list of the Spanish forces in this, the province of 1'uerto Frincipe, has left and the Fif teenth United Stales infantry hasanived. ur Hag has been raised w ith much ceremony by two daughters of the al calde, a Cuban, formerly of the autono mist, who wits reappointed by Ueueral Carpenter, governor of the province. Yellow fever and typhoid are said not to exist here, tnougb severe malarii pre vails. The soldiers are provided with large hospital tents and Cola. The tents are being floored. The extremely dense, impenetrable undergrowth on the hills where the camp if situated was cut down by ex-Cubau soldiers with their machetes, the great quantities of Ruano, poisonous plant closely resembling in appearanco the holly, rendering it dan gerous for our men to do the work. The Cubans, however, are foaileee, although showing the effects of terrible sores on hands and legs. A plant usually found growing near the guauo is claimed to Le an antidote for the poisou. Several of the men have teeti hi: It'll by scorpiuae, but the insects here dj net seem to be as dacgerous us elsew here, A few drops of ammonia applied to the strings prevent further trouble. This province is especially valuable as pasturage laud for cattle. Most of tue auimals were killed off during the war. There are ruauy large sugar plaota lions sadly mjured by hostilities. The owners, however, are now busy rebuild ing machinery and the rich soil, with American money, farm implements and industry, will very soon show the rich set sort of cjuulry. Lands aid cheap, 135 beiog the pries for i)3-acre lots, bat experience U necessary to cultivate theni, and the ways of the country must be learned. Toe town d Natvius is oJd and quaint and dirty, the Spanish garrison giving no attention to sanitation, or, indeed, any uleaulug of the ttreets or barracks. This will bo attended to hereafter by the army 'tfrlrnrn, in .o npoialinn wi'h lh tdClde, tlOOOlu go J fr m ctntomt r. calptt havioit brou allotted by Usiwi.1 Carpenter for the ueeded w ci k. As the American dollar i worth from 3 trt f percent r;iulum In Ppnuiah silver, and labor IsoMaJuable at tfl jnr day in the latter cumnry, much may be accom plished wheu there it no wttte allowed. Llring expsnstS are high. Kggs cott o to 10 teuta each; meat, principally goat, 30 cents per poun I ; kero.vno oil per gallon; ruui, C3 ceutt a qturt. Oranges and limei are rhejp end tananat very cheap, but dangerous to our people. The ouly ilylo of carriage in tow n is the o ctrt, au I a bicyv! cou'd iiU t ridden 10 feel. There is very much nntlVri cirf nmoiiu the people of the province from want it fol. We aro completely nil oil' frmu itu munlcalion with (he United S'a-e. There it no regular mail and t no eo'dicrt have receiyed no lelUta tioce leatit g Stvauuab lcembtr 7. Thm -t ni telegraph except ta Puerto rriiu lp.', t' tulles distant . Military Government. CatCAwo, Iee. Mj ir O 'tisrai Merrill, retiiieg milittry f-orernor of the Philippine?, accompanied by Lis biide, Miss Laura Williami, and hit chief aid, Major Strother, hat arrived in this city from New York. Uereral and Mte, Merritt will remain at tho recidf uce of Korman Williamj, Mi t. Merritt father, until after the lulidrv, when thry will return to New Yoik city, where the gen eral will resuuie hit positiou at com mander of the department of the Fast, which he left to go to Manila. In regard to the inhabitant! of the Philippine iilands, lieuertl Merritt said: "The leet we can do it to give them a good military government, give them what civilians are neevstary to adminis ter the liril functions of govrrcineut, and when the? are ready to form a j.ov erument of their own, give them our blessing and let them do to." Wbea eeked what l.e thought of the proposed increase in the e'auding army to 100,000 mcu, the genetal declared he bad alwayt beleived turli an iucreaee was nec?s;ary. "We need a standing atniy oi at least o.OOt' men, lure in the Uui'.ed .Vato"," ha declare-J. '"No tha we have ac quired these new territories we slitll need a few more. Hut in my Lttiif, 23,000 men are ample an I sutlicient for all oiibl emergencies iii Cubj, For o Ilico and the Fhilippinee together. The rest are needed in the United States for garrison duty. If a larger force is wanted iu the I'hilippiotjs it can i-aeiiy be had from among the natives.'' General Merritt continueJ : "Ily officering the native sjljiera with Aaer- cans, a most effective armv for duty in the islands could be formed. In time, perhaps, it would come to rcte ruble the British armv in India, where the grea'er pari of the men are natives. The Filipinos are anxious to enlist in such Eervice, and tbev could be made Into effective soldiers." General Merritt was cartful cot to vouchsafe, any opinion as to what con gress might Jo, or as to w hat he had learned of its action during his short stay iq Washington He decIareJrw-. would arsume his former post as com mander of the department of the Fact Immediately after January 1. Two New Steel Plants. Chicago, Dec. ". The Record Eayg: Two new steel plautr, olio at South Chi cago for the manufacture of steel tLe'ls and prcjactiles by a new proceee, and the other at Kensington for the production of patent hollow steel axlee, will short ly be built by a ; -idicate of Kuropianu, represented by Curl and Adolph Mannes man, in exjunction with the Federal ttel Company at Ssuth Chicago and Ibe Pullman Company at Kensington. It is announced positively (bat ar rangements between the Titan Steel Company, represented by the Mannes man! and backed by four strong concerns in Europe one of which is in Berlin, another in Swau-ea, Wales, one in Aue- tria, one iu Austria and ouo in Italy and the Federal Steel Company, of which the Illinois Steel Company ie the main factor, have beeu perfected and that a tract of land has been purchased at Kouth Chicago, wnere the two con cerns wiil nnite ou a gigantic scale to produce armor-plate and shells under the secret process of the Mannesmans. It is announced a'eo that 13,000,000 worth of projectiles for the ftderal gov ernment will be manufactured by the Mannesmans and the Federal Stetl Com pany jointly. The Federal Steel Com pany, in addition to the Chicago lant at Couth Chicago, has plants at -f oiler and Milwaukee. Armor-plate will con stitute one of the main products of the combine at South Chicago. Married. LltlTT-CONMM-: At the residence "of the bnue s parents on Kock creek, JJouglas county, Oregon, De?. '.'.', ISfJS, Mr. Simuel M. Ilrltt and Mi is Cora Connine, FUtr W, E. Thornton, ofli- C:ttiDg '.NEIL-BKIGGS At the home of the bride's parents on Mill street, Wednes day evening, Dec, 23, lt'JS, Albert O'Niel and Miss Addie Bridge, two of Roecburg's moit popular young pe pie, were united in marriage, Itev. G. It. Arnold officiating. This worthy vouog couple have a large host of friends who jolu with as in wishing theai u long and happy married life. "Coin" Harvey not only demands U a head from (he friends of free silver throughout the United States, but specially requests that the money be rent to the home office and not intrusted to agents. There ate tome features con nected with the financial operations of the country whi;h Harvey understands as well an anybody. i TROUBLL IN HAVANA Closing of Spanish Rule Marked With Disorder MICH MOltM l ANDBLOODSIIID Cubans heap Indignities on the an qulhrd I'oe -Scleral Fatal Ml-lps. Citu l.'0. lV A ictisouv! sperlsl cable l the Tribune lrin Havana says : Rioting begin at Mentecriat toirght. A battalion ol Spariieh troopi hurried from the barracks on the l'l id ) to Gall- auo etreft, the dividing line between Cuban and Spanish territory. Order was reek-red, but iu the tiring which occurred before the tr.Mps arrived an 8-tear old Cuban child was killed by a stray bullet. Spauish territiiy iu the Now World is now limited to a inirow Miip of land between Havana barber and Calinni itreet. The fljt of Cullv libie und the United States aie waving within two blocks of the Paid-, a oju'ev.ird whxli runs through the center of Ha vaua. Monterrat having heeti evacuated, the place was alive today with Cubans and people from the United States. The scene enacted at Cerro aud Ye.lado last week and .testis del Monte yesterday, w ai repeated at Moutwrrat. There was even a greater demonstration for Merit eei rat ccuifs almost t the city. Some of the lUgs leaped uii'jn the dividing line and waved ou the Spanish elile. The eel el ration which was legun ou Ciiri6t.i:a-! ulit today leached its height. CioA'U uf cea ;tnd women wayiug Cu'oao unJ Auieiican IHd and carrying brai-chee of Ireet. paradexl the streets ft outing tin I urging. Many Americans went over to eue the deaiou (tratioit. Tl-.ey did m.t remain long. Owing to the intense enthusiasm, the populace insisted i n kiffiu the "brave Auiei icauos," they wv.ntel to te kissed or no-. Several affrays took place betwee'i the Spanish residents aud the Cubanx. A greet ry-keeper on Ouenio street re fused to put out the Cuban colors, and waa almoa. beaten with sticks. A? eve ning came on, the uemonetraiion becaiue noisier than ever, as ininy ofth norcej parading were drunk ar.d greatly excit ed. The Americans became cf another claeli with the Spiuisli troops like that w hich uehcred in Christiuaa day. Frar.ei?ce Luinteao. a Spanish volunteer patrolling tbo street near Prade, was tired at from a house t killed, A Cuban was killed in a part of the city. IUU a doien and Spaniards were shot or ft: affrays about the city. l. There was a Gvjht bvlneeu CJ and Spaniards in .'rout cf tha UnUs States Club at midnight. Several of t Participants were bally iJt with ir.t chete. Many American soldiers w'- were in town behaved eo boieter that General Ludlow eajs l.o is that they were rmitte l to t03'J Havana, and in f Uure none will' milted except on etrietlv military net's. Folio Taken by the Insurgents. Wa-mNoioN, I'ec. -5. lluilo, one of the most impoiiaut seaport? of the Phil ippine islands, has fallen into the Lands of the insurgeute. The fled. paniards have Wa-jiiiMiioN, I'ec. is. There is a good deal of anxiety in odicial circles here over recent evsuts at Iloilo. Two official dispatches Lave beeu received by the ftato and war departments, but it is impossible to gather from them accurate knowledge as to the conditions there. It is not t vcti poeeible to learn whether the insurgents or the American forces have taken the place. This morning United States Consul Pratt, at Singapore, cabled the eta'.e de partment: "Iloilo tuken 2jtb. Span ish fled to Porceo." Tbia threw the officials iuto deeper doubt than before. The American expedition which left Ma nila to gotj floilo, consisting ol L'000 troops and the warships Laltirnorc arid Callao, would scarcely have had tiu-e to reach Iloilo by the -'.h. i-itls infer ence is that the innurgents are in pus session. Color is lent to this belief by the fact reported in one telegram that the Span iards had retreated to a strongly forti fied tow nun the ihlaud of Miudao. This does not agree with Pratt's Hate inent that they had fled to fioruuo. The fact that the Spaniard.- have re treated at all in construed as indicating that the town was abandoned to the in surgents. Official) at the war department etil cline to make publh Otis' ttlegam of yesterday, hut there is no doubt he it meeting with great dufficulty in his ef fort to e:cura rcleaee of tbo Bpauibb ..M;.AnnH. l.M V... 1.m ITiUvtt.irtfl 1lU,.;n. I JTIDOUCIO MD'ti vj jg ikjiiuubi b L.t;gjua ' j appear clearly that a considcrablo ele ment among Filipino leaders, probably the majority, are diepjetd to usi these uu'ortuna e prisoners as a basis for ne gotiations with the Unitid fitatei govern ment, naming their release conditional upon certain more or lets imrortaut concessions demanded by them. Just before noon a cablegram wa? re ceived from OtiH which confirmed the fears of the officials as to happenings at Iloilo. Gtis stated that the American expedition reached that place too late, the iusurgeiitH having taken potteufci'jii of the city on tho 20th, '.') horns prior to Captain Potter's srrivnl. Aguinaldo's flag floats over lh eily. Uliu tiiyu the i' p.iiiiai'hi h:ivc ov.ii iiiil- I e l ail tli' 1 iitien in the southern it-- lands except tfmbimug., Mindanan, by order, tlx y say from Madrid. Otis ex pect no further woid from Iloilo for fom days, owing l lurk if cable com munlention. It is piesumed Olis will demand the surrender of Iloilo Inbi his bandaatid thia domind may at. once ralao lh( iiio Ict-veeu lie iiisurionH and ouv ovi r.oveinment ol the p.-wo a slon o' the itlaeda. Tin' piovnee of Iloilo w rotthov.iiu dl eotorita as I nvit n a pil. lion of 4.,K.lil, Hint H l!m ne-'mtd aeor' citV i Imp iit.m.e in lb I'hilippl n f Rtoui Tll iuva ch.'.ci o ..(i pUi-e Irotp': whioh u r.MitviM r.r I ni i i ' U be tow n t'l Zini'iH ult f ii t iliod ninl ! i? ikiiui ill i : tt n.-lN Ii - of ori.ii n i .: ii defeneU ,at nl lew U n not ibi ed that will be utile hi main tneinS'Mvi I ii an indefinite li-it' pri : nmi ri! I ! ev agaiint ih- i.imii. are not cut oil Ir from tlio a ii. The town I i It ill.OvH'. i.t, in iiblituilu Hl 'i 1 1 i bat a pi p-ilaimi. The Trade of the Pacific. llie Tie:itit 1'iireau of stntie'.ica In1 prepared alibln which ahowt the Uool :h i trede of I ':ekn t otii.trn s ;cl ja'ent in the Plubppiii Itlaiid.-', The table thows that the trade ( Chin.', Japan. I'ri'isli In In mi I lln.i.ili .In tralla aim utita ti u nit like a bil lion d I'lua a year. The ugu-col U.e I'Uieau - StatisttfH me doubth f m coi reit, buJhire maybe un enor in its asuiuptT5. with H e I'l i ippiue Ielar.da a." a life if eper.ii"in the United Slated can leach the bulk id tbit trade. Puriiig many veaia the door has lei-n wide open into the m:ti Wi ts cl China a'ld I'u'icli In lit. I m a1 the pre.'ent tune Great 1'itit.uii contioln abjilt per c lit i f t'illli'U'. Tiie ic-dueti-ja in thecal ot iron ard '.'. in thu United .vaita i:l n.i'.'l" n'loin create our -aiea of thui pi'Jtlu. t m I .:tli Chiuaiiii l li.tli.i , but ll.e I'.tiiirli ba-.o a to'er.b:y lirui icld o! t!.n n.are'a for textib''. i'akiiu el.-ven leading i.) duels a 3 an t sample, e tin. I iuii'i-its in 1S'.7 ii'o the fctir ii nt't r ii h tnt m innl atnoi'.n i:: to t.'J-'.COO.'.MO, ol whicn t e United S ate- forniobed ?.N,t O.i.U. 0. Thi in Hi ts tin: ! W U V a t".iilt' r f tr ( cspar.Moii. At p t'3 UILIJ. iaCHAKP-ON.-A', lac. .'. Mri. sou .11 '1 l : :Mt. Her leni.vtin tu-re ; Al .unci i. Fiii-line Ii .a:. I- ro'ir! t '1 ..: .'t 1. 1 I' daughter. Mi.-. iiu,cr, lor b'irial be sides hir h ij'ean J., I'.. P. Kit liai.lHjtj, ,,, h J t Id Fj'1 5 ivj cemetery, i'ite (an. riles were cutiuc'.e.l I I lev. ti Ii. Ai Jo'.d, of tbo M. il. Ciiirjh, i f which Mre Uichard .on h.n 'le.'ii uii e.einpl..iy 'iber frjm her vo'ilb. "-'-Claiii th.! ot .Mr. aiel C ucl al.oul two ,tir H c lues i.iy tl'a'.icu ol oilic r '3, A. F. .v A M. wan "g, at their ha'l in 'louies ii'tr; lllett'jn and tL'e duly iinti-.lled: .. , .1. G. I "ay, .Ii., S. cnberg, .1 V.: 1 M. . Pall J'.t Iaudore Voll Jeard, Trea. : N. T. Jcwe't, .- Tohnfou, S. 1'.; Simon Car i, J. loud, S. S. ; J. .1. Caw ;iii 1 I SaU, Tyler. After tlu i: ceiemouien a Lami'it't aa in ft l t'i is oi der of b Uii in s i is nit . I ut H p 'tn, r di 'Mi d I Iii- 11 .c nt hcri t, I he finti'i i'y, ; ti- p'e uul -,.. , . ,,, f . , . M't-.a.l lli:i-i 1.-! i a htppy and j iviui bj'ad of the result. The Hi Henry Miustreli tcrday moruiug, gave a grand ban I j rade ut noon, and at niht liih I ihe Opera House, and delighted an cn ii iv SlUc audience wi'h Ibe lv."t mm ,'rel (how lien iu lioitburg h.i yearn. Not many years ag j u ceilain lie,;. Weaver waa tiding about tl.u cj'in'i. wtlh an elaborate array of litn pur polling to show bow the rcpur liran party had bankrupted Iho I wa ti.i'a treasury. At present the H ale ,. :,t amount to exactly J-jhhj-J, a;i of which will be pai l within nix n.'.ii'iis, to Uul intense dimwit of th: Weavi li'i.c. TIIE NEW YORK K 1 i i m t t BOTH One Year for $1.75. 1 1 T. WEEKLY TRIBUNE B. it rcj.osf hil-le ctlitorial, Intc-ri-slJiiK i-lioit lorb, Mil trute-d fi Ion article", tin murium pii-lurc, niel in In-tiu'ti f vwrtf. mily. THE -PLAINDEflLER elvi-M you "ll tin cl'iio luucli tulli the vllliit"-. II WAN is nxcinii). 1 he City ina State of Uiuv.t, With Crime Iturcnslitg. II wan v, Fee. !V Fianelico tjnin ti'io, a Si'uniiili ituoi ill i,, n hile walking along GeuliM street t' d.n, wn tired at fioni the roil of a Inrue nnd Hfi'mnaly wounded, I'tiiini: tht hint SI Ik'U'H one mail has been kilh.l ninl i luive I ton nttitn!etl in nlfra'M in ititl.ten! pitl-t of i h" t il y, mill II I iin.!.i i. " bine b.-en i J IP lllll It'll. Ili;' i Hi' l-t ill 'it't' i 1 ll'i" li V . I'llK lli 'l v .l . ev.i 'ii.iU'd 1'i.t.i . I I I. i .IMIII I .11, II e n. i ule-t ui. i v,i ii i e ei e r ,"t',, 1. 1 1 t . it, C'il a i i .i u it '.'I i i' ... I III I III pH I l l UU! M if th.'V el ' ' ; CiiI..m I! i .'. I 'ie i-' r. i j mil..- 1 . i,i I " in 't tv r ' ei. i i ti, :ll V t Hull A i i'ii iimi . : Nl.tiitti.', u ! .1 C. ' , r the 111! V I 111' M ' i ' t V i ,1 Cut I lie f r . -till I e r nil f ' ,1 , t'lii i! ! lie; Vp.uyiti I I ir.,; '!!. i. ! ' Il m ' I i t, . . u cn e a'.i i . i . , ii it i.t d b.d-.ile I:; l..n t, I ! I Iu . p'.n; .1 Ii hi n I, - t .Mi ti i a M ttii, M ki-' 'he Cu'ia , W b.'lrilp in an I i i ,!-r. il s Cuban tl-u: i like'' ll-it i tie el ll.e Cn! w r h a nmi lu t I'e.l n a Cn' M.'.fiy it I'M . .1 t ,,!.,' I ! I I. I l' ii .'t. , h i Mli't't'd 1'' lie I. I in tclo i ' ton "i i Sp.inn.1 ho iMi i lUo city Icr heir it:.!vi .v of Martpit.' -- M-n-1 1 ny t I llie :u a t.iv In tli" 'U e il'inet, 'lid a incnber ei the i vacii.tii n iiiui'i ! i n. The I'.'.l Neplni.e tttei t, in a pail t"t ilri .;,! i It'U'l'i -I. I ' he mat ; bi.ieht I j the attention ef the United Siatea v:n';i.iting eti'i niifKioni'i ', a eu;ird .i i rei t to i'l ti I the icm lenee until liirile r 01 Kim. .s,i:,ii' il:li!:;'.iiiii'i hMe u .i'.irel in l..i.-. u" tlti'i '. . aiel n Sj'iiti.'h tit. re Hi' i.t ba- been hacked by t!.e Cubui.e. I'lio I ni!e 1 .' .lit' 't i'M 'in r i have sfnt ;i rt ill' i Hi' i r, with a tb'tael, nient ef ti . t'i .', t ) the r-eene i ( il i ird 'r. The Hi. I, M. 1 IV: t'i segeUr P.if -ty '.gi llie lit lire ei i.'.ii.' I I t if li-e llitel Tro I ii, tl.e hi i I'j i.M Ii if ' I '.lie :'i 'i Cans I t-iiit; .i: 11! Yt d.ttl i. I'ne Sn.m'H i tr Hps it i t't ai iiat I'.e t't ,ii nut ll.M-l' 1. 1 er t, h,i t.u i. : V It 11 ill.! i i.n !' '' bio lo Iv ft I pi., I, Illi-iMtl the j Mai i!.e A 'i:, r i 'an 1 t i i ' id'' p: I'.e or, i v all u i i pi .1".' nip! li. n.illi.n the Fi itc I ".tutes i e :. i . aj'p iit'l iii t ti i i tli i"n i .iiilrh tii-v. : : i i ! t'ti i v. .li e l ( ieiierai lei' ler'-i I. ni Li Ma the intiriMt t'lt.' v i i I' -ti i : 1 1- ti with t ,i i i ! "I lie.; tii.t.'.r.l r Jaii'i uy 1 : i a 1 -. taiu ii mi I t'i' iii'i-';;! -s in of - u.t'.ii i n .ivd ' fth r in al ei d.i::e u.i 1 . H-' 'till C'.i1 a-i :!! t ill. a view ni tht in tti ee.-ii e i rin! the Spaui-di tt i o ', ho all' will t'.e g'i I th. -- Ti e l i it whieh 1-it ; I -'ut.'i- tiancpTtt Michigan, ; .V.ll'l.lll 1) t'".;. '. i i III- !..y v. ill. th - T .M..I I a' ll.c l ir"t Te.van ngiiueiit ral Challt e ariived t!nn after-i-'.i aincr Wi iuiey d .. in Foi t live.! tai:. iii M.i;l iCIC of nm n oti the : -' Pam pa. Thu 1 .ti.ih .. i r I , r i i i. nil's ! .uii d !:;!.". hh ite.iini r A ;'ii- to I .v fur S (.iin w I II truotn. and .he Frencti t;i'! nailed f,.r Sa:.t u.ler with Sfuni: Ii troi,it. TlieUiiolin i w ill to-.i.orru.v -t Ca l;.: v. .th .'e7. oil ill; I l.'.e.i 1 1 id; -rtt' ,t ra Oil, H j r ' ' Pain W.. ; '-. .- .i f .-,-o ! n .-; j. -. . . i.. .... :, ,- j f,.!'.-,. , . ... .',.. i...' : , f.-i! ' -. It .!,- ),,: : i i , fi'-.i. ; v i ' .. ' . Ixr.'e. Il, i. p.. : I . . , - I';-. I .," .- '. -, ... ..- f ; My V r. " ; .- ,l r.i- l i." i-,'..-, ''.i' .1 . .' !t ..- : ! .. :;n. ;M -. I i ; i i'. : i : I '.. -I t i' ,t :m.t In i I i l i. ' I - ' I l.'oi:-..: ..;'i f . : :, ,'r -; -. jir-'f . i. " i.r .i i i.i.i t i ;;-.f : i ,, u ti'--:.;. ! him I h. . ' .; i.i : I.'.. if if . i iii'- t i ' , ,! ;.. j-.-. .-. i jip: 'Il'' ! II ! 'V ! 1 1 ' i ' I ." ' I i ' I ' j.--.- .-.! iood'o r WEEKLY TRIBUNE TllJiCRKAT NATIOIMAI fMILY NrvvsrAPfR Fi FARMERS m VILLAGERS, hii'I your lu.'nril'j lioum j..i ic-r , El IU, Amii.tlltilllil Jit .lll,itelll el III'' Inni' ill, nil ill.ffirlnlil Htm ll till; .Nllllull oiM, 1 oiii.rt ln ler, '-- uti'l leliuMe mark- 11 U I,,- un-1 it, ci'i'i iiiiuriiiuii'iri, iiiii" u ini'l fiiti-riiiliilni! to i-tt rv im-inhiT - I' - iiil nis i"iiiii.i'l uiel -"'..Hi. Ie 1 ou In j-oiii nelflilf.r-uii'J li U lels on the fiirm mid III Send all substriptions to llie THU PLAINDHALI-K, Roseburiu:, Ore. They Are 1 a V Wit k-ts-.-' v - -w -r - i-S 4 EMU IND GEH :;nt n u I ' lucoi iiiritt-tl iimli-t- nr i.iivt l ili' "; ',t 1 ll,tll-t iK'tl I 4111 l t If.ll'i, A intil of tin- stall" ..I ll:.' I'li-li.-h .Mi'i nil. iii Mvin'tt Specialists am! lr. Mivus -iii ''.-'l-" tlit-ir ii -pitl. if tiiotitlih '.i'l' 1 R 0 S E B li C . Thursday, Decern he. :)tl?, i8t8. Tla-y vil! i,o ai th,.. Ai.Vi. 1 . ! . i '" N IU rsi-. ( IINll 1,1' V I III'', l l'll I '!!. .IIIUIIt till- Vllflll llt- t Mll ll ill III! ! 1' .ll 'i - lil.lil I tllll !H 'lallili il: e Hi' ll.ii. .1 I ' 1 ' h ! 1 1 ll-.t-,e. nm I n'l .I't, - i . ' - 1 ,- , i-i i'iiii.-, I 1- er, - i-u ,:i.-, )..,-,,. II . '. i t 1 l-tii"t I'.ltf I, liLv-l ',.!.. ,:. ...... . iin.l , '.Ii, 1 I l.t...,t 1.1; ! t 'ii ,; i . .' : . K .).ttie I" ','ii'.t ;y t'i I - , . . .1 I'luliiit, I in :'n' In,; 1 it i.ruti 1 1 ,1 ' . . ... t'i i'nj, 1 .' .i:.:,' ..11. 1 1 . ,t;..i ii .' . li. . ; 1 . 1 . ' ill 1 - ' 1 '11 f. 1 e -li: (i . 1 i , 1 i. ' , . . 1' ,1 .' . t , im " 1 r. rn- .v, 1 " 1 1 ' ! 1 ie . ft-1 tn-!,i;n f'-ut-l j.,1. ,-.ri, . . . i. : . , . ; I II." KUKt '1 .Hi 1 I. ! 1 .-, I ' v ; . r. iiiiM.', 1, til .-ii,-:, -1 11.. .i ' . . 1 . : In- . .1- - ',.''. 1. .: Iiuiir.' le .. ,; '- i I . !..!;. ' T- I ;., 1: 'l ' . t 1 Cl! I 011 I 111- 1 1 01 lot 1 lit 11 l',ir 1 I li mi I Hi r.r.uii fi" t - ., , . ,.: !"':!' I'i 4 'it 11! ti- n'. !.,.. I :.-...: no'ii: nmi t ! . 1 te. I (it ri. iri 1. 1 ! 1 , -j , t !i.: : ! - :-'ii '....;'. .l'. 1. n it: -I ; .in'' ell' e.-t ut:.. : .!. ,i ', 1 1 .. ; , l' rin .1 ittl I'tlri , witiiin i THE ENGLISH AND GLUM VJI Mml.ct St.. ..1:1 r,;i:iu i '. .;;i Old Szinm Ckms has Icli v. it i: ii . -ilay -.'il ; c cf 1 . i'.uhIv .-.lit' :..:.. , steatn t r.-.i::-. f-.-. ', vc-u aw ay i t ii.h-i: and wi !k :- ' 'He, riillli' !mth ;.',1'.. .1 call, aiitl ' i.( i.iti !. - ...Demi's Variety Store 1 H a, 1 m rrt 0 t t ine Lin norm uality ul thu woi k r.uiii.sliip in our clothing is one. of i Lii strong points. Kadi garment is as carefully cut and tailored throughout as though made to order. See our new Kail Suits. JOSEPHSON'S, 11 XHAS GOODS rvt;v: Something HiitireSy New dkvtl mmwM. --'"'I a-.. 9 4 Coi nt r , , I. . . w , Doll C. - rirvl? Streets Coining! 1 n III M, 3 t ": ' .. 'ST- m SWMIM I ; t . ' 'In...,. ;.i. 'in - -i.i'. 1: 1 :. . ,111 1 rt . : ill ii . v 1 1 . AN IXl'i uV 'IX'IALISTS 1 1 1. 1. "l 1. 'ii-M- 1 it T"' , . li '..'"-. ; :.i v.-ti! In- t . ; ;'l .1 M , .' . .i ." ll.-' . e..i. ii ii "iw tis ;;:'''' .til. at ... 1 I i 'f iS Qhmc ,hat UUi5 nako Friciuls arc the only kind we wish to f ell. ' They are the only laud we do sell, and with each pair we 'ell we malic a new friend. They are. not only stylish " but good clear through. See our Shoe line. 2L .... . . ii ii.j :. t'c I .imy Albums