Philosophy and Thing. Kllllo(oolmiliUtcalur way of tapping IllllJ-Ut On of Hi grfmlosl iatililii l wonirri -anl il if nt Mittifitil, either J bappifteff. Tint jo mm woman iu Hutliii lii kln 31I willi an noruimut ai luoliaUy ,ut cairioJ away with liim. Tlia klra of woman' ulTrnuo ia all tommy rn'. Tlicrn ar entirety too many Ii"? In politic now. Kiel, ii : I'.ivrrty i llio only l iail Willi li ia tlm heavier I lie more loved onet llicro arc to assist In Waring it. At the proponed eontorenre in Ml. rternburu the I'oiiviTaAlional power ul I'.uroi ill In) on eOiiliilim. .Tohnaoii: When any caiami'y ha been uffi-red tl w Aral thing lo l re uianibereil ia, liow tntu-lt ha In en eg cai). Henry Ward Itfeclni : A proud man ia ceklora a Kraielul man, fjr ha never thlnaa ho nets aa much as be oVeotvoa. A New England manufacturer is to fearful ol labor tronWoa that he will uol permit the (it In to come to work in tlri W iu; coituuice. Piaraoli: Next to WtjUi; w lien to tc'19 au oppuiltitiity the 11 o?t i 111 curtail t tiling In life is to knj- when to loiojo an advantage. John tjuincy AJainit: Always vote for principle, though yon vole nlone, nnd you may chtiisli the ewevl ii'llcriioii that your vote ia never lotl. Moutaiuatro: Every period of life has its peculiar prejuJict". Who ever eaw old age thai did l ot applaud the pHit and coudeiuu the ptesetit tiinee'.' "What luakea your iujo vj re.l, Mr. Tanks?" "It glows with Iioiioet pride, perhaps, hevautu it doee uol pjk e itself into oilier pcupVa airaira." "Thai pavement, " mid the i,vl-UiA'il man as lie brushed the t-uow from his vuat tails, "is a good deal h.trder than ice wbeu you eouie right dowu to il." Tnc I'liurclicN. MaTuoin-T Cm m 11 voriu-r of Main an-1 Ijine trit. Huri'luy Service: 1'rcarhlng, 11 a. m unit :.") p. m : stili sclioul. 10 a. m.; F. vV, Woolley, eupcnnlvutlcut: Cliu MeeUrg t t loce of tbe morning service; Epwurlh League S lop. ni. F- II. I'lMirvUlll, rreMi".U. frayvr Meirt!u,, WeJiies-Iay. t . m. 1'.. Ar.Ni'U', Piivliir, I'arwnage. comer Main ami Lane. TMTiD UliKTMHK.v Client II -ou rVnler K'.rcv.t. Hunflay ivrUcc. at 11 a. iu mil 7 V m. Pray er mectios. 1 lmr Iny 1 vi ulug. Mr. I.i 1 V M. 11 ri.ii-, Pa.-'.iT. Main ctpc.tK S.'rrli.t nil vi'C.tiil tin.l fnilrlli PunJay luoruiuj of each ui'julii au-1 dtry buu lTrfuiujj. t-.-eial kit leva auiiouuecd ir.'iu Jtme to time. Kti . .louN Dav.-i-. Mi;o:iar; . M. E. C'ai ncii, fc..iCTH.-SK.-riv.i-eM-ry ?iinilay moTiiIng an l cmiiIuk. Uev. J. T. i.'jitin, I'a-ti-r B.M'ilsr Clll'B' 11 eorntr oi Lain; au.l Ku-e. Urcets. Suniay service: rrcictiiu-,: at 11 a. m. anJ T: W p. Hi. Sn'.batii iclioo: at 10 o. w.. V. I'. Cohov, a)H.riutcU'k-nt. t'rayvr inciting at "1 :S0 Wclncsday evenin?. S A. Dui '.ns, l'uik.r. Kin.-T CHUIMUN Cm 11 LVrm r of l'iue IJ Woo.twarl ulrrct. ?uiiJay crvlce: Freacliing twtli morning aul cveiiiiiL-, ?uu'iy Ohool at 10 a. 111. Y. 1'. S.f. V.. atC:?-i p. in. Prayer meetlu; tieli Wi-dnetJay evening at 5. V. A cortlal welcome aii'l gr.etiD awaits all. v. A vh.d, 1'aMor. il mm AN'egfLiblePrcpjuoniorAs slrnitaling ihcFotxlandRcSuIa-' ting iheStomodis aMBcrhclscf Fromole s PigeslionXhccrfuI ncss and BestContalas ncillKf OptiiuT.Horpbjfio nor JEnefal. IvOT NAltCOTIC. fit Carmt ft HmS,U Imavrpnaui ftewn Apcrfccf Rrmedy forConfliDa tion. 5our.Stoinach.Diarrhoca, M'orms .Commlsions .fewti sh tiess arid LOSS OF SlXEH. lae Simile Signature of NEW YOnK. XXACT COPCF WBAPPCB. F. M. Beard5 309 Jackson Street Has added to his stock of Hardware, a fine line of Coffee, Tea, Uakiug Powder and all kinds of Spices, Cocoa and Chocolate, Tobacco aud Cigars; Sugar and Salt. New Orvds. New Prices. There ato Hire plaoea where tbe enow that fnlla Is green in color. One of tbeaa ia near Mount lfeela, Iceland: another I i 111 ilea eaat ul the tuoutli of the Oel, 'ud tho thir.t near (Julio, South Atner lea. .lack Tar naed to" mn uudiluted till Admiral Veruon, wbove tikkotwe wa "Old tUog." InatiltileJ tbe practice ul watering (lie llpior belort it wai served out, and the mltlnre hat gone by that name evrr since. Vlavl, Vial. Mr. .1. II. Shupe la local repreientsr live f r the prpular Viavi retnediei. Any one dctinng any of tlieee remedies w ill 1 lease call on her at her borne or ad drea ber at K-wehurtf, Oregon. Ill onr goods are new and of tbe latest ctyles. No ahopaoru goods on band t the Boas Store. Now is the liuie to rave money br buying your gooila at the lloeeburg Norelty Cueli More. In huving three paire of shoes you cau save enough to buy anoth er pair. On clothiag we can save jou from $2 to M on a suit. Fall niilliuery, cloaks and capes, all sold at closing out price?. Absolutely clesinv out. Call and be convinced. Santa Ctynt is at the Novelty .Store with as elegao line, of prereuta aa ever weie brought to lowu For tho holidays. You'll have to buiry if you have one at these for they will le itidiuled iu the Novelty Hore'e clueiug out sale, and prices are made so low I fiat no nue van resirt carrying home one of Iheee liue present. County Treasurer' Notice. Notice is hereby given to all piitie boldiug louglae county warrants in dorsed prior lo July 10, lS'Jo, to present the same at the treasurer's oiUce iu the couri bouse for payment, as inter est will cease thereon after the date of this notice. Pated this tbe - 1st day of Nov. I SL'S, at the City of Koteburg, Oregon. UfV. V.'. DlHillCK. j Couuty Tiereurer, louglas Cocniy. Or I Weekly Lxcursions to the Eaat. 1 j A tourist sleeping car will leave Fort- Ian J every Tuesday atw p. ui. via the O. li. N. without cbauge to Boston, and under the supervision of esperieuced conductors. No change of cars to the cities of Omaha, Chicago. Buflalo or Boe'.cu. The ideal trip to tbe east is now before you. Iteuieuiber this service wbeu going L'aet, and consult O. H. A X. agents, or address, W. II. llCHLBlKr, Taseenger Agent, f Jt. Portland, Or. Gold Watch. A gold watch and embroidered bureau set will be given away for December month at the Noyelty Store. Every one dollar purchase will entitle customer to a guess. This is special to December purchaser?. tock must go, no culls, but good clean goods. For Infanta and Children. The Kind You Have Always. Bought Bears the Signature of The Kind You Have Always Bought. CASH TMfft wiun comwwy, aiiw remn etrv. ..".mgwgaii is s Ahaita Limited Is the name of the only perfect traiu ia the world, now running every night between St. Tsui aud Chicago, via tbe Chicago, Milwaukee A rU Paul Hailway the pioneer road of the west In adopt ing all Improved facilities for tho safety and enjoyment of passengers. An illus trated pamphlet, showing view s of beau tiful aenrj along the route ol the Pio neer Limited, will be sent free lo any peraooupon receipt of two-ceut postage stamp. tleairord, (Sen eral Taiwenger Agent, Chicago, 111. To the PubNc. Ou and after (hi date, I wish il under stood that ruy terms for all undertaker's goods are cash with the order. I find it impossible lo do business ou a credit basis, aud In live that I can do belter by my patrons and myself by selling strictly turcaau. 1'. Rkxkhhk, Cudertaker. Uoseburg, Ore., April 12. !)'. Notice is hereby given to I ho public by the undersigned that t do not allow dead animals to be buried on my prem ises, at Hoseburg, Orejon, or garbage dumped thereon or saud or gravel taken tbeielrom, unless tho party taking sand or gravel brst contract witb me (or the right to do so. Tretwpassert "ill be prosecuted no cording to law. Aaron Kokk, Rotebarg. lregon, March 17th, 1S?C Caro lltos. informs their palroui" that they are iu receipt agalu ol t lara a puoi Cotton. Same old price. ECONOHV HARKET L. KOMLHAUKN. Proprietor. I'EtLta is Fresh and Salted Meats, IKsO.N eT., R0;EBL Eo. OR. FRESH OYSTERS ALL STYLES r TI KHOT KIIGHEN PURE CAMDIE5 MAN VfACI UliKI) DAILY SHELLAH CARROLL. J. F. BARKER & GO. Want Your EGGS And BUTTER. 'Ik H. G. STANTON Baa Jurt received pt mi tatentue itoia DRY : GOODS COUBJBTIKQ or UAIds' Vim Oooda. Kibboon, TrimuiiDHH, luta, lie., Ik. -ALSO A mil STOCK Of- IIOOT8 AND SHOES Of tbe beat quality anil flolah. GROCERIES , Wood, Willow 1 ud Glsbi Wire, Crockery, Cordage, Etc, Aiau on baud la larae f utBtltlea and at prlcea lo aait tbe Uuee, Alw a Urge elock of Custom-Made Clothing Por Choice TEA Call at Stanton's for"!,. P. M" Aal nla llii!g. ; Tliwo mi' Ilia tlays whoa the wily li'uUaml will nler Hie lumae am! aol na If l't I'1 alto liaaiily ilnuk a lt il Mttft nmler Die svila pillow. Wotxlltim lmUi'eil,: 'l now ni'ifwarj lo ilo to Nirarag 11 taual lenieUltoti i o imuvIiho Iratis coullucnlal rallr.u.l tompatilfa llial the canal wool-l not materially damage llirir tultfienla. I' Mir parallel . . , Kothum irtm, Ivareabfl . ! V Ylin II mm vnitrn: illit le hrrvtiv (liim ttit l" Bueul ul School 1 ami t'oniiiiimioiu' ol llio Klair ;if i Ka.ii, hae HUM In tTiia 'rtiv a lll l Unite illn atid III H10 t nelilp t.'Uone; MV I . ..I K I . ill V i'-'. I IV W. I' iv SI ! , U. A oat. ml hi Tainillrtl anil wlrolfit llio aauiv: n,.i il... ia .,. 11 1,1 imtillo U't Ih-imviUmi emlacxvvtheiwlliv ,Wrlllvr nlnll l.l.inn, hnaUvn intiit In a o.Mnonii'iil ilait In thlj oirtcv ii't tlio lnnMlnii ol 'l riMme lnlorlrr ami lio imtillo iH'm-rU) M1l1ln Ihonovt nivlya l.0Uitnii I lie dale of lM iiotUl, iritole or ootiUnU nhit llio ollm l tho nalil funiinloioiioni to any tiaol ur ub.llvlloii wtilUn ny svotion or pait ol hh; ttnu, iloorlliiHii tin- on tin- Kmnint llial thcwiiic la morn va'iiiati'.o (or inlnaial than lor aKTlciillurnl .iittow. U- nvolvo.1 ami notoil lnrr nwt to llio (.ennal I anil iiHiw at W liliii:lon, 1. I . .1 V HKltHIKM. ). 11. IIOOlll, Itogi.tor. KcmlHT. lW Notice of l itiAt Settlement. IK 1H: H'I'MV (OlM 'l UHl vll. I t'nuiiK, i'lV ti'H. In ro olMto ol John K n W. lulall, tlivra.Mil. Notice l lioivhv muni that iho uniloralmuil hai tlli it liie limit aiv.'iint In aaul mattor anil an onlrt h I'lt ii uimlr ami i nloti-l, ol nt-ohl III alii i niiil, v U'u.: I m -'. , llio '.ul 1I11)' 1 t Jaim at, l'-'.'. at the hour 01 li o'cliH'k a m lor lto lionrtng ol ol'HH-iiona u wit ai-oi'iinl niul llio I'm.-il ei itli inoni ol i-ai'l t 'ale. , vin, 1 w A tniiiiiilialoi ol ill--1 Kl Vkf NIIAI I.. ' o John Kin ki n iK-vi anM. ,:.0 lOIIMt. iljl". Viiouicy lor r.ainlo Notice Tor Publication. I'M IM) Mill' I M li ru . UomIhiii;, 'io., Nov. I. l.v. Notice i In ifl'v sih'ii Dial llio lolloama nanietl M'ttlor haa l!'"l nl:o !m Intoulion lo imikc liiml I'PH'I in m'Kirl ol lna 0I1I111. ami Unit faol t'litii i.i U' 1. ui ti l loic w.l. loiif. I nili'l SliiK-s ( ionei, a( liai'lini r 1I1 .11 .111 .':miinr' i- 1 " 'I' I 1 1 1 1 A K K I i . .11 li:a Hoi nlca l Kiitry, No. ,; !, lor tho K', s. E 1 ,. S h ' , N I. -..-. '. W '. N W i e-c ii. m, f. i;. u -wc-t. tiu 11111111" tin li'llo'ilng " tl iii?oi to l'roie Ina oiuiiniunia n-mlcnii- iiion nli.i .-n ; I -. v n t. m uf nl Ininl, vi : Hcnrv At'k-ii. John l'ai'l . W in. l.l.nor, lino V . pi rl' . it II ol i. aril if r. On i!"H. J T. UltllKiKr-. na.. liiKijlu. Notice F:or Publication. I'MtKo rTr I isnOimi., Kiiac' iir--. Onion. Nov., I, l'JS. N'.'tliO ts licrvt'V imu Hint the folio" io li a mi-1 Iilrr Ih lilnl u, lice of lua Intelitioii to iiiiike Mia', i'ua'1 t'i e'.i'i'ort ol hl otaiin, a ml that aal i prvxn i l re uuulc Oclore " I . iki'.i. la". I'n it' 'I Maim "iiipiilonr, at llnr-liiicr Ori-tfon. i'D Jntmarv '. !"'"' l W 11 1.1 AM Ol.ON KK. On hi" lloinilail I. litre No. Tl :, lor the N K 9 W '.. 1 j' K'.SlV'usWi, S I. ' . fee. 1", 1 o. S U It v e-t. He niuioa the l"liu lint u :liie"M-" lo tiiove !i." coiitlnuoii" reM'l-n U.'ii atl'l CM'.tnatioo of -aiil Iiiinl. it.'.: Frank W bltaaer. Ueutr Ai.l'-n, John tn-iil, tohn lia' rl'.;. n!l ol liarliin r ' 'i :iiii j. r. nit! not.. liT", Kigialcr Notice for Publication. I M 1 Kl A I t" I A" 0 I 'I I I' t. Ko'vhi.r,;. Ong' U, Noi. 11, Iv.v S"t.'ie i" tunhy .ivin ihnt the Mlloulu .iami'1 eUl' r hn dii'l U'llr ol hi" lUU nti" t loukc ;ul 'r'f iu " u 1 1 . r ; ol bin ele in. an-1 llial a;'l orini "i!t l-e lna-lc b tore t'n- UKi"tel A Keieln r, 1.'. 1 Oihce, at .li" burg Ore- ou, "H '.ituifirv i". i"",iii- III NUV M. TI'CKI.K. on il. K. No. '.u.; for i he i fiu i .. v. ! -i:- W 1 , N E 1 ,. S.o. I t', i". b K. (. W et lie nutuea tiie f.i.ii'Uinj iiilU'.-""ca to i,rnr hi. coll tUmoni rci'h ui- ujou iiqiI ciiltn ntiuu of l l :anil, vi. K-tgar naikvr, u. 11. A-utua J. M UilIar-1 aii-l . w. Walker, all of DUlarl, Or ,'oa. J. T. Bkii -k. uli: Kivinter. Notice For Publication. t'MTn. -i a ri:- I.mi "i i v t. Iloieliurp. Oregon. N.'icmhtr " i ly N'ttii'tt " hi.-ri.iiy giien that the iiiiouitj uanit-'l ! tih r h.ii liltj ii"liee of l is intention lo iiiiike iiiiai pruol ill Mipnort ol hi" i lain! auil thai -aid pro"! mil l.' inu'l'- lx-for- Ihi- Keu'iater and Kt'.- r. i r I int. 1 .itaici I ami Other at lio-e-Lu.v. urx.S'.'ii. January till, 1" '.', n. JU11N SMilll in his 1 1, ,ni' "Utt'l Kuuy K". .';i, t,,i ito ir I. .'. ., aii'l tK' , Nt' , . 1 In p. . . s . u. " nr.i. lie iiiin i" 111' foili'Wiu,- lutii. "-e" I ,pime hn i"ji n.3i'l' lo'e iiiajn au 1 eului t..ti ol aH lauJ. 1 1- .I ihu Kli"'li. laniu- linn, n. M B KlU' hint. U. t: -niton, all of t.lkloii, "re Ijotl. J. I' UKIlJ'.l -'i;i K'glittr. Notice For Publication. I'.MTf.i) riT.v i ra l.Au Ortii-r. K -ch irjj. UreKuii, I've l.'J". Xo'.i .t i- hereby i;iveu that tin ( llowius ua::;.''l " tliir l.aa flli ij uolice of hln liii'.uliuii to ciuk .' t.uu'. j .- jof iu ni'inrt uf hi" elnlui, nuil tha' Mil l yr i 'l mi! lc liiiiu'l heforo the ! airier ainl lt".ii'.r. L'uilvJ Mnica IjiU'I ' uls ut Uo' t uii'i Or iiii, "U January :;i. I" 'J, vl i.w iMi 1 1. 1'iivi;i.i , mi hi- II i: N... ;-i'i (or the lots No. o, ; uu l , iJee. -0. I. :l K. 7 ct. lie nuiiit" llio f ill iri:i:: " ilne-'e lo prove lilicoiiUiiuo'ii' re. I'lHICi- Ul f. It . I 1 II ' 11. ul M' Or. Oi -'''ii. jU iiii'l t iiltiittlinn ol "u:J Inn. I, im !"ii, "l MIIlivooil. urieoii, t. C. I'ow iwiO'l. On II"". II. I . Ha.h r of Kel-- 'I.W. Ullnl.ll' k. ol ll'iM-bUrs;, J. I. UIllO'.K.''. ili'Ki.sler. li-'J. BOSVVELL SPRINGS On the 5. P. K. R. Douglas County, Oregon HOTKL constant ly ujitn for recep tion uf guests. Water cures Rheu matism, Dyspepsia, Kidney and Skin Diseases. To The Uiilortuiiutc. Dr. Gibbon Tbl olJ reliable and the in Oat autccHiful brieclullat Iu Kan t rail cIbco. allll totitlniici to euro all Sexual aud Seminal Olataie." auub ai Oonnorrhura, (Heel Strlctura, 5yph Ilia In all lta forma, Slkln Dl acaaca, Nervoua llebll Itv. ImooUncy. bml jj -aSw..! rianhooJ. tloi coubu. ijuence ol Mill abuaoauU exceaaca prijiliicliiu the. I'jllowln ayiiiptonia: aulioiv counteuauce, Omk ripoia unuer luu tyea, iiaiiiiuiuv ik'k'i, nnK-ins iuthetaia, loan ol colili'leiica, illlliiluricu Iu a proai hliig alrauuem, pulpltatiou of tho heurt, vieakneta ul the limbs aul buck, loan uf memory pii'ipk" on dm (ace, coiiKha, i.-unauiuptluu, etc. IjR. (ilalKlN bua nractlecil Iu Hau ! iuni:lco ovi r thirty euraiiil thoau Iron bin I khoulj nut lull to i-uriNiilt ti i in ainJ receive tho benelit of Ina I' ill n rnl experience. Tlio doe tor curea win n oih'i. full, 'l iylilw. 1-iircn suunuileop. F'ti-oiih r-'ircl at hoiuv. (JiarKa leUHoiiuhle. tall or wiile. UK. J. K. rilllllON, " Kwarny m. aii rrun m o .m. ia' " . ".1 LIVE MD LET LIVE! llmlet tha alniv mnl'ii I tll allll runt Ina In KirvrT (ut all artl dealrlna mr aa latanoa at an analnorr nr aiirTftnr. Nf Hiantoa will ba maaonatilrlanil m work saraulovl. Am alao a Notary iSihllc. AiIiIitm Bo at uuneianii, ion' i o., r. wu.u r. HKvnoN. O.R&ti CO lifl'.Vlir ' TIMB I lor From fnrtlaiul ; AltHIVK rnui raal Mail 7..M a. in Kail Mall Pali laka. lnrot. rt worm, uuiana.aan- I p in. aaa C'llr, HI. Umla, t hleagii ami Kail. Kpithane i W alia T alia. Snokano, Hpokana Kltet J I'.M. Mliineaimlla.Klaiit i 1'lyer Huliilli, Mllnaukte, 1 10 I a. m I hli-auo and Kaal I Onu 54amahipt ; 4pm All aalltliK ilatea anlf I Jrcl tofhango. j ! Fot fan ianclaen- I i Hall IhDit, a, 1.1. iN '.f. S MII. ? p.m. I To Alaita j Hall erplll. I S p. in. 9 p im, Columbia Rlicr h'x S n ml ay , Biimr. Halunlay To Aalona ami v ay 10 p.m. ' l.audlua. p. m I Kx eunilay Wlllamta Klvar. Orclon t:tty, NnN ru, faleiu A Way lami na 4 SO I' I". Kx Hiimlay 6 a in, Kx.euoilay a.m. HlaaMllr and Tarn- 11 to m. Moil , W eil ami Til. 1 lira. 1 hur. hill Hltrr. auilnat. I Orrcrm file, parion, amivvay l.anuinia a m. Ttir.Thiir. a ml (nit. MllamtU RHr. l'orttant W l onallla ami w ay-Lanillnta r :ui ii in. , Tura Thnr. ami fal. I.v.rtltmrla t lail. I 5itaka Itlirr. I. lawlitoii I'ailv I xeept r rutin lixeiTt i Kipana to I'awon. raruniai. i W.H Hl'MI.Ml'KTt (Initial 'aaeliger Aelil. . St. H N. t o.. lortiatud. oirvoii. iiilcketl ami iuii iliuvt r"tii l Utali, Colorado, Nebraska, Kan sas, Missouri River and all linW East and Southeast. r.'Rik at the time- Portland to New York I'v dajs Chicago 3,1.. tiaya tt. Ixsuia 3' j tlayi Denver 2' j Java Salt Lake 1. dava Iron RccllalBav Chair car. l'i bolstered Toarlat Slecplnii Ctara, Iaulltnaiit Pailavce Hlcep toal tarn. for lull purUeulara rfarJiti rat. tuiic of traina, etc., Cftll ou ot aildrc'" J. P. 0IVAN5, Agf., Koaeburg. C. (). Terry. W. E. Coman, Trav. r. Ant Ren. AkI EABT AND SOUTH - TIA - THE SHASTA ROUTE or iu k Southern Paelllc Co. Kxpraaa traina Imti Partland daily. Uoutli r7N"rlh "fi:oor."af. f l.v. I'ortlaiiil . Ar. I :; : M 2.W a. at. Koaebiirs 1-r. Vi-r. . -. .tbx. at. Ar. Han Franrlaro l.. I a'OU r M. Above trains atop at all principal atatloui between l'ortlaa'l ami Haleni, Turuer, Marina, Jeflcraon, Albany, Tausi-nt, HheJila, llalaer, Uarrlaburi;, Junction City. Kugene, t oltaKe Grove, Drain, Oaklaud. iiu.l all alall.un from Koaehtirg to AaUland lucluaivv. ICaaeburg- .-qavll-Datllr .3ua. . 5:0 r. at. Portland KiwburK Ar. i m r. l.v. I 7 so . I Ar. l AHH iy 0;aK! HOI 1 1:, Pullman Buffet Sleepers AND Si;COND.tI.Al.H ajl.RKri.Mi CAIIM Allachcd to all ThrouRli Tralui. West Side Division. Ilelvvcea PertlaiMi avud :urfavllla Mall train daily (eicejitBuuday,:. 7:30 a. at. I l.r. U l'r. h. I Ar. I'ortlaiiil Corrallla I.'. l.v u .'i r. at At Alhaur aud Corrallla connoct "lth Irnlua of Oregon Central a Kaateru railroad. Etprcu train dally (except Sunday). i :&ur. M. Lv. 7.3.J r. u. Ar. a A) I', sr. ! J r. I'ortlaml - McMtUTllle Ar. a:St a. u. l.v. b.M a. m l.v. I 4 i a. ar. Direct coiiuccllou at hail Krauclm o wltli Oc chlental ao'l Oriental ami I'acllMi Mall aleaiu lhli Uuca for JAl'AN AKli CUINA. bulUnK daica on aniiltc&llou. Katon an,l tleketa In Koteru iminta ami Ku roiK'. Alao JAl'AN, IIINA, ifo.NOI.LLf anil At STUA1.IA. Can lo olitaliicil I ruin, EnTEd, Tickal Ak'eut, Howbiiit;. R KOEHI.EK, V. II. MA UK HA M, klauager. ti. F. di Fata. Agent. fOBTLANU OKKUON. WOODWARD -TUE- ROSEBURG -Does Up ALL COMPETITORS I Wa ar alwayi la the Lead, aud mean to keep there, Tbe Golden Harveit la upou ut, and farm, en art amlling becauae Woodward looaa to tbeir interest. IIUGGV HARIVEMaS t Full Trimmed TEAM HARNE88 Theae are all Leather and Warranted, SADDLES At Reduced Price. Conduit your purae and be euro aud tee Woodward before buying. W. . WOODWARD Everything on SANTA CLAUS and his Pack. Special drive on Pocket Knives, Carving Sets, Lamps, Silver Work, (inns, Ktc. Churchill & Woolley. TV'S la4stl'l; Ct-CHCaNkMa his is the to Buy Groceries. C. W. PARKS KRUSE & SHAMBROOK, UEAI.KBH IN ALL KINDS 1K STAPLE Hi FEY GROCERIES ID PPNB FINE TEAS AMD COFFEES A SPECIALTY. ALSO A KI LL USE 0r TOBACCO 3c OTG-AJR,S. OlVt IS A TRIAL. KHi:r. DKLiveRT. Real Estate Bought and Sold arw )-aiJaT aiasaa jrw. Farms, large and small, to Rent, AND IMMEDIATE TOSSKSSION UIVEN. Stock Ranges, Timber Lauds and Mining Properties, Pruuc aud Hop Lands of best quality, in choice locations, in quantities to suit intending purchasers, at reasonable prices aud easy terms. Inquire of ID. S. IC BUIOIC, aaat-a laiaaaaMaaai Vaaaaaaty, Oa Books and Toys As I will uot keep iu stock books and toys here after, I am offering my large stock at prices that will command your atteutiou. Come and se them. I will continue lo keep everything thii I have heretofore iu the grocery and crockery line aud am better prepared than ever before to satisfy the demands of my patrons. I have just received a part of my new Holiday stock of dishes. They arc truly elegant. ....MRS. N. BOYD. JAZVL-IB pilkington, IHucccuor to 0. W. K0AB, General Blacksmithing ajw BtatacajajBKNi .;: JC2W.U. TROTTINa AND RUNNINO PLATES A SPECIALTY KKl'AIUINO UV ALU K1NUS FKOMl'TLY DONS. HUop ou Corner WaauluKtou aud Kauc Roiebnrg. AAAAWWSAAAAWWi Hudson Mills & Lumber Co. lliivo utiiaaa a New I.timlif r VurU ou the irouhda lormcrly crcui'kJ by the Mark Wanuotiau, ut tliu luol uf Oak Htnct. WILL CAKIIY A VI II BTOCK OK FIRST-CLKSS LUMB6R, Vk'tt uro trtrrl t" lvn y011 Mttt r Lumlirr anj Lmwr Price, than any lumlicr Ucnlt'i' In lliu cjiy. We liJn'lly Itiviic yuu In cull uii'l auv our J.unilii i and Vriucy. nnnifiir T ni nTnrf" ifW-S H 1 . s i iihi ii ui 'rr m m. the Sidetrack for Place A full and complete assortment of all goods usually kept iu a first class grocery. iSvcrythiug offered lor sale in fresh; aud sold at very reasonable prices. We have a very choice stock of canned goods, including both fruits and vegetables, to which wo invite your special attention. Our line of Olives, Ghcrkin6, Pick els, Sauces, etc., is also complete. We carry the largest stock of to baccos in Southern Oregon. & CO., Grocers. one Door Bootuoll.0. Below Cost WW HN M Li lf IM viKu. f'al iqrm itj, it. IwIVIVUIkJ VA L.lUUUtJ JL