The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, December 26, 1898, Image 2

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rulilltliffl Monday anrt ThurnUr
it tm ri,ivnEAiKn renLiwiitNu w.
f. V. BISvlfORP,
. V. Rfc.JAMIN
Mntowcrlptlon Kutea.
n vr 11 m
Kl Mi.tHh ;j
TlitCO Mnnthr W
I'ncle Sam Hill Rrotrct (he
Geography of the Pacific
H . UJ
Chi t' n tint come A ntl gone leaving
in lit ll'glit very pleasant recollrrtioiii
r happy huurt. and doubtless many re
grttt for misspent time and neglected
opportunities toaddlo Ihe tout ol hap
plneta they might have given to fellow
mortal . Nineteen hundred yrara dure
gone Inlo the past eternitiea since
Christ was born, t whose memory I Lit
day hat lrrn consecrated. Yet lea
seem to reallr-e any more aaereduces at
tending lit oUetvance than Ibey do to
independence day. Chrlaiinae may
uow be classo-t nltli die other numerous
holiriaya slowly passing inlo desuetude
along with other old church ft-Mlval
Its religions siguiflcam-e it ou the wane
in frotealaut couutrits. It ia taring ob
rervsd more a time for ieastiua, hilar
ity and revelry tlian ouuht vise, lit
greatest practical good le itt lime hon
nred cusloro of making friends happy by
eichange of keepsake or souvenirs of
lore and esteem, tn tliit light Christ
ma it m humanizing institution and d
asrve to be observed for that, if not for
ao tftpreaeicu of our devotional feeliugs
The former, however, need not absolve
tit from the latter. Tlie youths toon
lssrn 111 deception i-rct ictt upon them
by (lie imposition of a mythical Sauta
Claut an J they somewhat logi
cally look upon Christinas in much the
tin light end jwry in their minds.
It not Christmas at unreal mi old Sauls
Clans all a hoax? And thus iutuiiively
disregard the sanely of the day. Fur
Kttnta Claus aud ('initial are alwavs
aieovlate I together.
papers tl the r.apeciive towns. Yesler-
day' Oregonlan extends compliments
ol the reason at follow :
In the tit dayt ending lail night,
Portland cleared over 1 ,000,000 bntbelt
ul wheat for Kuro. The figures lu de
tail, indleaU thai Hit wheat-producers
of lh Northwest know protjr wellhere
their wheat can le uutketed to the boat
advantage. At the thipinentt are the
largest on record for a similar period, jUROU MUST Mir IUNDS Off
they alM demonstrate that the Alton
end Taoma atoriet about Portland's loe
In riMstt.fA a aha! iHtnlar are Inst
nUin. or llnarr lien." WkIi of Mc.vy Warships at Those
Stallone, as Has Rcn
The Nation of Shopkeepers Asionfchesl
1'oljgaii.iet Kobetls, of I'tah, ill lind
more trouble iu securing a seat in ton
tete thau he did in wiuninx
tit three llt juaideus.
the hearts
'live ut the NicarAgna canal and .1
tailrond to Coot Hay aud ICoeel-nrj; will
Hefy (be reit of tucle Usui's domain to
well, to proJ'Jc a ljclit r I'lavo to
W'bj a larse uua,V t.f eiattMueu
favor holding ou to the arihifelago uk
eu from Fpiu by the Cui'.ed S!alea on
Her Iewey and Merrit, it because they
footridtfr that they are their rtiikena.
Tbe girlt of Ctticapj not wirliai,- to be
lft to ''Jfobfoire ihoice" have de-
(vruiued to kict Hohtou, well loonies
tbat hit gallantry would eompel him to
return the oscaiatory tweetuest, and
tbat while that would l Holion'a
choice, esch could claim the honor.
Lo.vik'n, Dec. LN. II It no friegtfere
thnto assert that the fotemtt topic
cumpelltnii attention in Europe In gen
eral and in Hreat Britain tn particular,
overehadofrlng the dreary broils of do
mettle politics, is the remarkable eg
Sretsive roniBiercial prosperity which
the I'nitfvl Ntalet Is manifesting. Hard
ly a newspaper review or a public speak
er during the past month has failed to
notice with what giant strides America
Is omin Into the Itrst piece in the
alignment of the powers. It i terutnly
the chief snblevt of conversation ou lom
bard street and on the Continental
itie matmger of oue of the greatest
London banks revtully drew an .Imerl
tan business man Into hit private oltice.
and said, In an awe slrork tone:
This is lbs tint time in the hlb'ory
of rioauce that New York hat been iu a
ivsilion to dictate cuonev rates to I on
don, I'erlin and Taris." The bank man
sger added that Lindou't purchases of
American securities were a ftather'e
weight compared with the balance of
trade in New York's favor.
.lames Trice, in a speech beli're the
Leicester tl amber of commerce, souuded
warniog to British manofactursrs.
He emphasized the fact that the eiports
of the I nited States and lernjany had
increased to.00c,t0 and c.'l.OOO.OOO
rSpectively between and IS'J7,
while reat 1'ritain t decreasetl Xlj,W0,
000. He further pointed ont that the
butice?a of the I" nited States was devel
oping alouj many important lines w hich
Great lritaio, he added, should have
held against all competitors. Mr. lirlce
unhesitatingly ascerted that the United
Plates could produce rails cheaper than
Great UriUin, and be raid he
saw no o?sibl!i!y of opening net mar
ktts except iu China.
reuaiortMinon is me smanett man
in the nation. It it said he la smaller
than feuator Wilson who weight onlv
f pounds. "Little do" may be etnaller
in ctatare, but tLrow him into the iulel- dereJ 60,000 tone of American rails, and
tactual scales he w ill tilt the beam on- Ibe prospect of American competition
Great JSii'.aiu seems to have become
reconciled to the capluie of the iron mar
kets by the Cuited Statea.
lirme are uniformly succeesful in bidding
against British tirms. The Carnegie
company aud the Uliuols b'teel Company
have opened extensive offices iu London
and are making inroads opou tbe Brit
ish reserve. Colonel Huniaker, tbe
Carnegie representative, has contracted
for 30,000 tone of plates for tbe Cool
gardie road, Australia, and the company
was unable to undertake the contract
for CJ.000 tons more.
A discatch from Berlin says it is a fact
that the Kustian government has or-
Mw cRk, lVc. A siecUl to tbo
Tubnne from Washington rare: The
portance of American Interests iu tho
l'acitlc ocean, which has been so notably
Increased bv Ptwey'a ticlory at Manila
and the assumption by the Cuited States
of augmented responsibilities in ton so-
jnsnce, baa receivrxlTeigolncaut reioxul-
tion fivin the navy department iu the Is
suance ol onletsto tarty ut pUus which
have been carefully manned In the list
few weeks, with a view to maintaining
absolutely the political geography of
that vast ocean as it xits at tlo pteswnt
time and to prweut any further acces
sions of territory by Kuropeaii powers in
tbe tracks of Americau coiumetce or
aIoiij the hues ol corn mimical ion be
tweeu the I'nited Btatee and its ni"t
distant pewteetiout.
rerhapsthe ouicial action ct groalCBt
Importance relates to the dispatch of
tbe aaiiliary cruiser Yotemite about
Tanuary 1, from Norfolk to the Ladroue
islands, via the bae: taual. Coiuuiand-
er Ueorge E. Ide, of the Yosemile, will
tail ontil orders tj hold his vessel at
(Jo am as a statiou ship, aud while there
to be coaslantly prepared to protect the
island of Oioam agaiuel any uufrieudly
incursion. Tbe eeuuie of (hit island
daring the war and itt acpMsitiou by tbe M il "
I nited Nates inav iuvt to Lo L'nited ujount to
Statet may prove to bo the result of re
sult of remarkahle far-eighteduese ou tne
part of the uaval advisers of the pnsi-
dent, as it practically commands the
Caroline archipelago, by being w ithin a
few hundred miles of the extreme islets
of that group.
The strategic- tViueoftho Yufeaii'e'a
station at tliuui is thercfiiu uiauifesf,
and is calculated to prevent any change
or eoverelguty over the Caroline islauda
without the cordial consent of tLe
I ""w ciaiee, esv'eciaii.V a3 i'eney 's
t-juiidron at Manila will be rather aug
mented than reduced iu strength iu the
course of a few weeks.
Another important order which cas
beeu issued provides for loading the
Collier Abarenda at Norfolk with the
Salisbury by Mr. lleuiy W hite, cbatge
! d'allXiirea of this government iu London
It la the understanding of those who
ato aw ate of the change to the attitude
of the Hi it Mi government that laml
rstlielmty will tuggosl though Sir Jo
liau tho advltabililv of the Untied
Slates granting come concoa-'iout to hie
government in return for the ielluinlah
ineut of the Important rights poaseesed
by tireat lUilnin In (ho matter td canal
ecroae the isthmus, which for nearly M)
years have teen retvgnir.d by (hit gov
eminent iu treaty negotiated by dohu
M. Clayton, on the part of tho United
Statet au I Lord llonty t.ylton-Itulwer,
on tbe patt of the Hritisu government.
Just wlut concessions will le asked are
no, knowu, uoi will they U- until fuller
fiual ine'.ructions have been tcceived by
Sir Julian and communicated to Secre
tary Hay.
New Dawson City Oroe.a.
Uksvch, lVc. 21. The latest repoite
from Pawson City, the new mlnlog
camp In the iirconhorn uiountaiiis, near
Cauyou City iudicato that the rich gold
ore fouud eu tho Copper King claim by
Dawson brotheis, rau.e frvttt a email
ocket. Experts are of the opinion that
a copper time may be opened on the
claim, but dj not expect a hnanra
will U fouud there. Uoauvcr, other
diecoveriea of (ree waM iu the neighbor
hood are rep"! ted, and I lit tun it W grow
ing rapidly.
I he report that sylvauito ore, rich lu
gold had been louud iu Coloiado
Springs, under a tuuuel that la being
driteu through I'ike s l'cak, ia denied
by lkrloe l'urfee, iiy engueei on ihe
Koseburs Takes the l ead.
I'-e.t Deujamiu, who in now traveling
iu the South writes fim Athens, Venn.;
"I suppose you have much about
the big l'eace Jubilee at Ailtuta. I
In my judgment it didn't
much, but the natives weie
simply wild over it. McKiuley, Wheel
er, llobsou, Mutter, Day, Ciage, The
Misses Wheeler aud Mr. McKioley
graced the occasiiou wih their presence.
I saw them a l and yelled uutil I wat
hoarse. McKiuley is a grand l-jokiug
old man. Lieut, llobsou is a mighlv
brainy looking young fellow, and shared
the houors d the day with the presi
dent. lut (ijucral Joe Wheeler was
the one w ho caused the biggnst furor.
The little genera! rode at the bead of
all th w ns Ul; ol Ins old troop of cav
airy. The poople went wild
"Do you remember tin triumphal arch
that was erected iu l; js.i'jurg. when tlie
Soldier's Home w 4.4 ds-bcitel.' It was
a lovely piece of work, wasn't it .' Well,
tho big arch iu Atlanta wasn't half
beet quality of coal aud for the departure lJJJ boueetiy uow I am uo: j jkiug, but
of that vessel about January I for Samoa I 'k" Atlanta native tlu iii it some-
ward with a flirt like
a coils tail in fly
Ibe lelrgram publishes a grand hili
Hay edition that reflects great credit for
enterprise. It is superbly illustrated
iu tbe highest degree of newspaper art
representing many scenes ol interest in
the tity and state which will be of inter
est to the art preservative. Long live
the Telegram.
Ihe trkalofMrs. Cordelia Lotkiu, of
Mn rraneisco, for tLe minder of Mrs. J,
f. Djnning, of Dover, Del., by arseuic
yoison in can Jy, sent through the mail,
at attracting much attention. The testi
mony thns far shows (he moral rotten'
Jies ol society in our great cities, where
the social eyi: radiates out and gathers
within its horrid graep many who pose
at persons of respectability.
for tbe contracts in connection with Rus
sia's ei tensive railroads, alarms manu
facturers here and elsewhere. Consult
assert all Lurope It swarming as never
before, with the agent of American
manufacturers of steel, street railroads.
electrical apparatus and all kinds of ma
chinery. who are leading the commercial
The attempt to flo' 1 Hussian loan in
New York has been received skertical
ly here, Several financier bare told
representatives of the Associated Trees
that Knssia tried to raise money ia Lon
dou, Tar.e, Berlin and Amsterdam, and
that the teems to hare turned (3 tha
yia the Straits of Magellan, a voyage of
over 10,000 nautical miles.
The Abarenda will lie iu the harbor of
Tango-rango, which ia owned by the
United Statet, doing duty as a Elation
ship, until tbe arrival there next spring
of the contractors and material for the
coaling eatabliahment to be erected by
thia government at a coet of $100,000.
The Abarenda will be armed and fully
able to give a good account of herself if
the eereulty of the Samoan group is too
severely strained by (Jerman interfer
ence. She w ill be only SJOO miles from
Honolulu, where the Oregon and Iowa
are to rendezvous, and theeebuttle-ahipe
can join utr at any time wiin tbe cer
tainty of securing coal fur a retm a voy
age from ber bankers. The lack of coal
at Samoa has hitherto beeu tho
chief objection to sending high-pow ered
war vessels there to protect Americun
Another order bearing ou the situation
in the I'aciiic has beeu prepared to be
sent to the special squadron when it ar
rives at Callao, directing tlie distilling
ship Ins to proceed directly to Manila
thing wonderful.'
Janet. . Nelson was bum iu Gilford
county, North Carolina, fuue 17, laid.
was married lo Wui. D. Mciiee, Novem
ber o. 13I. Moved to Kay county, Mo.,
ISJ, where they resided until ISOd,
when lliey removed to Douulaa conutv.
uregou, and euUlcl ou a farm near Oak
land, where thiy resided until his deuth
in H77, and since that time she has
made her home with htr two sons A. K.,
andC. A., aud with the latter the last
17 years tf her life. She was the moth-
5outhern Mills Shut Down.
AvuvkTa, tia., IM.-Tht Augusta
and Knterprls cot too factories, ul this
city, 1 loeed down indefinitely this alter
uoon, a Idiug about oOOO more tu the un
employed of the city, lire weeks ago
the Soullieru Manufacturers' Association
reduced the wages id the mill t et at Ives.
Those ol the King and Sibley mills, lu
tbls city, and the l.angloy and lu South
Carol I ua, refuted to accept the cut. The
employes of Ihe Augusta aud Lnletprlse
retaruerl to work at the reduced scale.
Hecanta of an agreement entered Into by
the Southern Manofactniora' Ateoclatlon
the flrtt-named mills were compellsd to
close down In order to force the sttiklug
operatives lu tho other tullls to return lo
work. There are In the neighborhood of
0000 people In and aruand this city out
01 cmpleyiuent because of the abutting
down of the mills.
Miners willing te'take Concession.
0VirMera,Ohlo, Deo. 21. A special
to the Dlspa'ch from Maisllllon, Ohio,
M. D. tiatchford, before leswug here
for the uiluer'a head juarter at Indian
aiolis said, regarding the Jints anti
screen mine law :
"At our nest convention we are going
lo make a stand for the rnu of mine
system for all the states represented.
W are ready to make coucesaious lo ae
cure this ohange, aud we feel certain
tbat the operators are auiioue for it,
particularly if it I made a national at.
Oregon Notes.
J. H. I'ptoa, of liaoJon, is yet pros
trated aud helpless with ptralysls, but is
improving very slowly.
Columbia county Is less thau J3,0vW
In debt an 1 to considers Itself well off,
In comparison with some other touutries.
Fifteen votes ware cast lu tbe Water-
00 election, resulting In the choice of
Joseph Melsner by an overwhelming ma
jority for mayor.
The Corrallia tchool directors aud par
ents are worrying because the school-
rooms are uot sadkient (or the Increas
ing uuruber of children.
Canyon City will not hate a public
Christmas tree Ibis year, as there is no
place to have one. This hat not hap
pened for many a year lo tbat towu.
The oldest hopyard lo 1'olk county is
owned by C. 1. Wells, aud is situated
3ta tuilea northeast of Uueua Viata. It
was set out 27 years agd next l ebruary
by Mr. Welle' lather, (.;. A. Wells, aud
coutaius 15 acres.
J. If, Doweruian, oi New berg, sufJerod
a slight stroke ot paralysis in the tight
arm and leg last Wedneeday. It was
uot very serious at first, but on accouut
ofhiasgeit is feared that he will uot
peruianeully recover from tbe effects of
1 roin I 'alias has beeu shipped t'jisj
seaeon It carloads of prunes, or 2J0 tons
of prunes aud 0 carloads, or bales.
ol bops. Asa reeult, a large atuouut of
outside uiouey bss been brought in aud
distribute I among several thousand peo
C. Lovegreu, a Kyser, Columbia couu-
l , farmer, has tome 000 prone troee 00
bis place, and baa just recently put out
400 more. He has a drier and docs not
here to give half to get them dried, so
that all his borne work Is turned into
cash. IWsidee. he milks unite a number
Tlllt C.RUAT
anil smir Uvurlle Mint ll,
BOTH One Year for $1.75.
TUT II V lirrril V Tninillir '' Atiti uHutat t.rim'Utr4llmk(rk
I Hi N I nrrKIl n K Nr etiMem.aUliKinant news tl tbe arT,
1 1 1 L Mi It II LLIlL I llllUUML aiunvorl.1, goiui.rtl!nilreiiarelU!.ttj.
ct jHittt. able i"lltorlal, tntt'ivittiia tiorl alorlca. aelenilfle anil turwhaiilral Intonaatloo, fllMt,
traisj fiuhlon anli'lm. tuiinnruiis lcuir. , anl Is liutrurtlre n1 riitrrtalntnl to ererf oeuiOvv
it evi ry tnuillr.
fni nmnrni rn juu an niriiKst tumuai ua.'.f-.ti.twi
1 LnlitlinLLK ' 1 ",0 ,'"Kl' "h T0"r uvIMk" o1 ,,rB','' 00 ib
Sntl all nubscrlptlons tu the
Ko5cbufjr;, Ore.
1 V J J !f
Old Santa Claus
h.tii lei t with its one of the largcbt stocks of holt
ilay goods ever before seen iu this city. Toys,
candy ami nuts, locking horses, ilolb, drums,
steam trains lor boys. Valuable picsctiU will bt
.-V- - r c ynivvu vjn f'Z-
given away to the boys aud to ihe gills, also the
men aud women here on Christmas Mvc. Come
tne, come all, both great and small, and give ns
a call, and see our presents, and sec things all.ttt
...Derm's Variety Store.-.
er of ten ihildreu, live of whom survive of cows and hat a cream separator.
Uuiled ffiates as a forlorn hope, possibly N'o'ore starting tn this voyage she will
Portland and Aslor ia are, figuratively
epeakiog, pulling earh elbei's hair to
rroye which te the better city aud
prophesying which will be (he coast
Metropolis in the sweet bye aud bye.
aheir senseless t'piabble remiuds us of
the eiory of the cats and cheeie. The
woakey, Seallle, will get tlie whole
fceese, unless Portland and Astoria set
ft auo dismisses the cane before it
istrits to trial.
with the view of reaping incidental
political advantages. But, it it admit
ted that it is a jnestion of a short time
when capitalist will have to reckon with
w 1 or as a competitor in high
tinsuce. The Daily Chronicle comments
upon the fact that American capitalists,
have the courage of their financial
opiuione if they think they know the
Luropean situation better than the can-
uaiieit of tt.e Old World."
Tbe Enterprise of Myrtle Point, hauls
rver the coalt the couuty courts, of
J'ouglat sud Coos, aa being tespotitlble
Jor tbe horrible condition of Ihe roads
Ktweeu Koeeburg and that city, aud
Sharply criliciset lb- eastern mail con-
Iraffors wh j watit gouJ roadt built for
f'oeir use. so that ihey au keep some-
rteie near even on their ridiculously
nv conlrac's for carrying the mails, if
cur Oregon roads do uot tail the eastern
contractors let tueiu fh them or educate
tbe webfootsrs up to the rej'jirel slan-
There is much interest here recardina
tbe choice of a successor of Kthan Allen
Hitchcock as ambassador at St. Peters
burg. It is considered that the post de
mauds the presence of the etrony est di
plomat, 111 view of the entrance ol the
I uited Statet into the Last. Russia has
sent one cf tier ablest men to Washiuu-
ton, though a transfer from Washington
to Constantinople or Madrid has hither
to beeu considered in the service an l.
tu a promotion, Kuseia expects IVusi-
Ueul McKiuley ti reclnrocate. Mr.
UiUbcock tarries home with him Ihe
conviction that Itussfa is still a stanch
friend of America, which ha ha an
ored lo impreks upon the state dupart-
nieut at aebinlou aud ou all influen
tial Americans be has met abroad.
I'l... , 1-.. - ... r, ... 1 . 11 .1 1 .
un uitwu ivj j viuo uas prepared a
number of very Important bills uerUin.
f . ...
ing 10 in euulrol of road work lu the
state, that w ill be presented at the corn-
take a full complement of fuel from
tbe other colliers of the EMUadron, ena
bling theni to harry on to San I raucieco
with the Iowa, while the Oregon aud the
Celtic continue their votage to Hono
Before the end of January the Hawaii
an islands will become a strong base of
naval strength, and in conjunction with
(be effective forces at Manila and Sao
f raucieco wdl effectually command the
entire Pacific ocean.
riorzan and the Canal's Enemies.
W.(,ioN, Deo. 21. Senator Mor-
gan'a resolution, which Ihe senate pasted
today, the .Nicaragua canal
committee to investigate the obstruction
to tbe construction ol the Nicaragua
canal, means that Mr. Morgau it. tends
to expose the anti-canal lobby which
Las been operating here since Ihe open
ing ui congress. There are several
lobbies, but the out) Mr. Morgau is after
is the railroad lobby, aud his resolution
Shows that he will probably go to great
lengths to secure en idenco w bich w ill ex
pose the ueu who represent the Pacific
railroads iu Washington.
England Agrees to Abrogation.
her. They are Mre. Win. Shutwell. of
Kay couuty, Mo., Mrs. H. Black, of
Loot couuty , r Win. D. McUee ol Ia
ouia, Wash., . K. MeOee, of Sau
rraucisc and C. A.McO'ce, tf Koee.
burg,"r. His neodlesi to eav she was
a kiud and loving mother aud neighbor,
which every one will .testify who .was
ever in her compauy. Her life tLe last
few months wasoueol pain aud sull'er-
lug though slio never muriuurt-d or
She had been a consistent member of
the liaptibl t huirh for a period of about
0- yean. Her coiium I has alwayeol
the very best.
Her dyiu,' wjilj M-re; "Do not
grieve after me for I am gjiug home, f
am aluioet there, piare Hih Lord.
The funeral set iceo was couducted by
Kev. J. C. Kichardwou. of K Uirene. at
the liaptint Church iu Oa'alaud; after
which he r remains were laid beside
those of her husband, in ihe Masonic
cemetery, wiluessed by many of her old
time friends aud neighbor.
So we say, Mother, UreaeM, our loss is
your eternal gain.
A. M
Card of I hanks.
The enthusiastic uenioomratlon teud-
fred Lituteuaul llobsou at rVan Fran-
Cisco last Saturday, Indicates plainly big sesslou of the legislature in January.
that tbe age of hero worship has uot Copies of these bills will be mailed at
raased. lieutenant Hobsou it doubtless ouce to Uoveruor Lord, liovernor-elect
It her j and entitled lo the highest praise ! deer, president of tbe senate.
jo his darlug in his memorable act iu speaker of the house, aud the individual
roujuiou with Lis couora Jes iu sinking uiembers of the road committees of the
Ibe Merilmac at the entrance lo Santl- bouse and seuate. It hi tbe bone uf tha
rigro bay, but uot more thau thoueau Je of
fhers who could have aud did manifest
1 eroisiu during the war, who, lest lortu
I a', tow sleep in Ihelr lonely graves ou
Cuban soil, not unwept but "uuhonored
tmd unsung."
The Poitlatid, Taconra and Astoria
war tfllf gnen vigorously mi lu Ihe news-
iioau ciuu that uo serious oppoeltiou
will be encountered iu tbe legislature
which will prevent these bills from be
coming a part of tLe ls of Ibis state.
Ou a Irip from Salem to McMinuvilla
Mrs. George Bently drove her own Lorsa.' I
held a baby in her arms, an umbrella
New Yoiif, Dtc. 2J.---A special lo the
lferalt from Washington says? All
dauu-r of further friction betweeu Ihe
Ui iinj States aud Oreat Britain over
the construction of tha Nicaragua taual
will shortly be removed by the abroga
tion of the Claytou-Bulwar treaty. Sir
Julian Pauueeforte, tbe Hsitish ambassa
dor, Las received or will receive within
the next few days positive instructions
to enter upon uegotutioui with Secre
tary Hay for tht abroatlou of the con
vention referred to, and tbe prtpaiation
o! a new treaty guarantee the neutrality
ot the canal.
Tbe cbauge in the altitude of the
British government from its old position
of insisting upou having a voice iu the
t deiie 1 1 ex;nd our sincere thanks
I .. .1... I . : . .. i . .i . .
tu ii.e- oiwiuin auo iieigtj!ort, wlio so
kiuilly assisted un in cariiu for our ilmr
uio.lin, i.i litr lot ti. nous uu I doa'h
Mh. si Mk -. C. A. MeirtK
tnree times and out : I jtky if it proves
true Ibis lime. I riday the freight train
met with a mithap i.ear Medford,
wrecaing several tai. Saturday, uear
l -leudale, Ihrte freight cars weredtrailed
aud ditched, and Sunday, near Win
cheater, freight No. j:i ,milttj m two, the
air urahe stopped (but part attatbed to
the engine und the rear part crashed iu
to Ihe forward part, badly crippliug sev
eral cars. Mr. It. C. Blair, brakemau,
was throw u from the upper pari of the
caboose aud sprained and burutd his
over me bat.y, and kept another child sionntriu fioii i,i tint i,..,i-.uu i ....ui n.
from falling out of the hugy. I n.ll)lt of reppnUliis tnado , Lord
A special uietjtiuyr ol Oak Wooduieu of
World will b.i held at ihe Odd Fellows
Hall, Wednesday tveniug, Do. 2S h, at
8:30 p. ui., for tlie pin pose ul initixling
caniliJulcti whose eertilicatct arrive be
o e that dale. l apjd.caute h ldiug
such teilillcates wil t.MVe 41 0 by being
on hand at this uieHiiog to be ini iVud
Meuibera of the team are specially re
'juestcd to he ou hand.
II. M. Wjun,
I ' 1,'oiniiiMll lt-r.
The Oregon Wood Com pa u' , of St.
Helens, closed a can trad this wec-k with
the O. K. A N. Co. for o0"W cords of wood
to be delivered ou barges here. It is
said the wood is for ose by that com
pauy'a boats on the Snake river. Col
umbia couuty has never before enjoyed
the demand lor cord wood thai is being
experienced at tbat time.
A uot her carload of household goods,
farm implemeute and slock arrived from
Nebraska last Saturday for the new reel
dents of Bohemian vslley, says the
dam Newt. There were the bead
one nor a i iu the car. I here are now r:
ol these people here, aud they haye all
arrived withiu the past six mouths.
There are several more families ready to
dine at toou as they tan dispose ol their
interest iu the Last.
All ptrhout having claims sgaiust the
against the U use burg Puildiug and Loan
Association are hereby uotilisd to pre
sent them at Ihe January meeting of Ihe
Ah j( ution, .l.tnuary !i, liirj.
. an Mark,
MOOH At his home uear Oak Grove,
uu Saturday, December 25, IS'Ji, Law
reute Moore, aged 27 years.
Oh, How Thankful
The Uniform
finality of the work
manship iu our
clothing is one of
its strong points.
Kach garment is as
carefully cut aud
tailored throughout
as though made to
older. See our new
Fall Suits.
a r'
flake F:rtcqij5
arc the only kind rre
wish to sell. They are
the only kiud wc do sell,
aud with each pair wc
sell we make u cw
friend. They are not
only stylish but good
clear through. Sec ottr
Shoe" line.
iSnit C . iUf f?a.I i. vt
Inlolcf OookTj
r-r.r, t
Juck5on c
Doll Carriages 6c Fancy Album
' 1 ". ' l lei J'L IHJf IHiJ
T w W m
Pain Was Maddening and Hope
Had Ben Abandoned - Wonder
ful "teaulte of Purifying tho Blood,
" A w r.v severe x!n tmwi in my left
kute, uliirh unw norse and worn", and
filially a jn hroke ool shovo Uiu knee.
It din lint a jnenl deal aud tho pain
from my llilfi down was maddening.
Largo, hsrJ,piiri.oiK)tsi)icarel ou mv
lejr- I suffered In this way for viam.
biitc up an nope or ever being cured.
iiy n no wo remjlnif of a casu like mino
cured by liouil's harsauarilla. and aha
adviwri tne to try It. I hegan taklnif It
and wht:t I had iiwd a (, l.iii,- r
found relief from my ufferlinf. f)h.
bow tliMiikful fain for this relief I I am
stronger thau 1 hue ever bet u In mv l!f..
I am lu the tei-t of hta,UU, have a goo I
tppv'fto and a:u a uew man altogether
J. 1 Moons, Lisbon Palls, Mulne.
Hood's sDaarf,;
i,1.!"; '" ' i' l Hi i tii Tnis C.iiii. i-,
tOOd's fllla hi.-.illlit.-c ill-,, t,
Dec. 28,
The Greatest Minstrel
Jilt, Portland ha
s seen in
Direct fi oui the Mar
iuam (Hand, Portland,
ch route to San l'raiicis-
; - rAr
f' ' .'v