The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, December 26, 1898, Image 1

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Vol. XXIX.
No. 82.
BP, O, lUK. KoMKIIt'ltU U)l(OE, MU, W,
bold Choir rgtlar t ool xiuii l atioti at
l, U. w. r. nail uu ivo jiiu sun iiiiinn immuity
1 I tuiml'i, All lm'inli"fH rUul in al
Wul rularly, anl in viMting Urr.tin-r -.r
lUllr liivl'a-1 i-ii l
oil i U. II IM,V, ;, K
lia ll. UiUDUf, ir.ilry -
U SO. il JK. (). f, A.H
inwu vrf v In lay rvt'lilliil it I
onlxik In llm UM Maaoiilu IUII, VUltlni
krotiiart arvriiMif luvitvn loattt'iiu.
0, ll. t'aHNON,
(Jfrl, W, Plttl, Councilor.
lutorlius Saurviaiy,
miiln Hi 1-1 anil lli Wivlu-wJaya In , rRRRJ01lNf(0SiW.M.
H.T. Jawtrr, H'acj.
nnii rrimiN iai.kik. no. . I. 0 o. f
1 mnota Hatiinls Bvulliim ( ll WlHiS '
thalr hull In xll
HI Flli.
i.w 'i.itiil at UomiIiiiiii,
Mambot ha oritur In KkI umllnt arw invit
ed toalteml . i. W. el, N.11.
H. T. .law art, Boc'ir.
XV mwu Ida .xni'l anil frnirtu Mntitlars ul
nh m.niltilT;i. m. ai Oil.l rllma ball
Mamtwmof Qtonlr In x1 ttawlliit In
fllad malltM..
ntKOPOHT. nu,;,
n 1 n MVIIM Tim
ami aud third Tiiurlai of t h tnoiili,
a ml aud
OMEN KkXIKr Itikl'o NO. Ill, M K K "
oral (Jin mini riiiiaja iu -
DUtUCBCKUCltAI'1-F.K. N. I. O. k. it.. MEK I
th Urt and ttiltd Tnuradar. "I
MKUIKA KAai', tt-M) jr.
..utiniit OIVIHIOS NO 4;. H. Of U K..
K mwnii) w-tiid o.l tuuith HumlT
AU'IU irtlMIK. K0. 47, K. Of V., MhH
A y A..llii-tT oveuliii al O.W K.ll.i.
Hall. VUUMia u.liiui In lanUil !
llaUf ltiirt la alluoJ.
tii iu . i 11- - -- '
1'ionraalount cnrtl.
aioaai m. ow. ,
raio. poi ti tiii
Biom7 aud t
Ta A Wtou Uhxk.
Attornoy and Counselor at Law,
Will prtl la all ih .irU l iha Hmt (H
laala Maratrta balldliiK. IJ-Ua ul..
a 1 1 1 -
o M. HAM BY,
k ' , DENTIST,
Attorney at Law,
Taylor i'von IUk. kO-,KlllH!. ORKdO.N.
lUxima I ami 1
Ikcir llutl ilu,:.
KO.-Kilt If i, OUKlioN
iVttorney at Law,
IwmiUI, Marmen IIMk . KOfiRllltKU. K
r"Billiiiwi Ix'lore III I'.H. Land Oilii'O ati.l
mfuTug oaaoa a nuflalty.
IjiM Rwiiivnr U. B. Otni o.
Northern PacWic RIlronJ Company.
Ate dcllittil li k'tta to all iniii'H K hI lit
ball thn reuliu r'o.
I). H K. Uiii k-,
IXX!1 AgUUt No. 'i, MlUHM-rH lnniiliu.
OfKIOE, WJ Jiu'ktnn Hlrtut, at rr'
Idonnool Mm. J. Ilirrcr.
Kd.-KUl'lii;, OK
Surgeon and IIotmBopathio
fZoaaBurv, Itrrgon,
BWCaniai dlaaaaaa a ap laltr.
MRS. D. C. McCl. ALLEN, Troj).
Largu, Flng bampU llouim.
rrae'Bui tokufl KromTralus.
Crockery and
Glassware !
LarKiW Klni'at Aiwirlmrnt
eveibfouglit to Mou'tiuru
Alao A comiiU'lo Unouf clmleo
AH kinds of Country Produce
Ualniof llgs.
Any one wishing to purchueu "Culm ul
Flga"caa do bo by cullluu ou gr ud
dreeulDg , Muu. Avniu But KLkv,
602 Cobb fit., ItoBoburit, Or.
i New Store 1
Staple and Fancy
Country Produce Bought and 5old
' -
Low Prices!
Fall and
Winter Goods
Just Received
and More
Call and Examine our Mammoth stock.
The People's Store
I. ABRAHAM, Prop'r.
A complete line of
Dry Goods, Clothing, Boots & Shoes,
Purnishiii Goods, Mats, Caps, Capes, Jackets,
and a tine line of Millinery Goods.
Everything New, purchased for Cash direct from Eastern
manufacturers, especially for the Fall Trade.
Call aud exaimine Goods aud Prices.
Health is
Pure Fresh Drugs
Filled Accurately
And With Dispatch.
A Full Line of Patent Hedicines and
Toilet Preparations
Special Sale
Great Reduction
in Prices of
$75 lied Room
45 " "
" "
A Fine Line of Chairs, formerly $1.50, uow $1.00.
Now is the time to get Big Values.
Call, examine aud be convinced.
Alexander & Strong.
New Goods! i
Free Delivery
-- . J - Alt' I-
Wealth !
Suit for $35
" 2T.SO
44 44 2 5
I. A. 1. Smith's Story of the' Mo-
WreckIlls Rescue of a
Woman Passenger
And Swims For Shore, Where
Wm Picked Up by the Life
Savins Crew. r
Ahioavd, Or. iHc 50 One o! rh
at virore of thn wreck of the Mohegan,
of the Atlantic Traot port line, which ic
corred eff the cowt of. Cornwall on (Tip
Mknecle iw ki, Octolxir 14, le E. A. L.
fimlth, now t home nitli bit parenU in
Ablaiul. The cehle ipoita telling ol
tblidreadfoldiiMtcr juvolbe name of
"8niiib, of Oregoo," who had made a
meet grotrooe eanrlflee iq amiisiing a
younc UJy to rearh ibe there. '
There aa relief la the mioda of many
wbeo no ahocklng delaila of trotality on
Ibe part of tbe male paaaengera and
crew ceme, each at rtotd in the ac
count of tbe life of tbe big French liner
La Bonrgogoe, la the North Atlantic a
few teekt prtvioot, which allocked ha
maniiy. On tbe1 contrary, thre were
aotne ooble end ; coarageooa cbaraetert
exhibited to the world by the Mohegan't
wreck. TLeie were men and women
who, to tbe darkeeae of flight amid the
roar of l lie eeia in iu terrible end crate
lete craab on tbe rocky eoafct, nakoown
to them, were quickly contciout of the
eloee proximity of deatli, set could tie
liberate npoo the poriioua tiiualioo with
teote, and, perceiving a chanie of re
cape coolly measure it and make a bat
tle for life.
Tbe most contpicuout 'of these was
Mr. Smitb, who it known among bit ac
quaintances aa "Manny" Smith. Hu
did doable service in the terrific ttruggle
with ibe waters, and by a generous and
heroic action, not excelled on aoy rlJ
of chivalry, saved the life of a lady pas
eoger. Itwaahe who arreiidrrd the
rati to Mias lloDilo'uusli, who was tin
able to bear up and then struck out
alone, since tbe reft had not fOllleient
baiyancy for both, lie had then becu
io the walor soma twtf hoiiY;"ahd a
much longer time elapne.l before he
reached tbe shore. Altogether tie wa
in tbe sea tire houra.
Mr. Smith was toen at home with hit
fathar. He is hi years old, aud his
home has been in Oregon some tn
years, lie says he learned to swim in
the John Day river, wbii:b tuns through
one of ibe family rauches. IN liai boen
ueed to outdoor exercises tuucb, anJ ha
taken great interest in swimming, hav
ing won several swimming matches with
bis friends.
Mr. Smith tells of the Mohegan wreck
without ibe leant pretension, though
me Lonuoti ana ew xora papers liave
bad much to say of his exploit. He
satshebad just gone to his cabin to
dres for dinner when the craeb came
"I thought we had collided with another
vessel," he taid, "and was not greatly
alarmed, as we were near land and
could be saved by lh boats. I ran out,
meeting a lady with two children at the
tout of tbe stairway, who cried, 'What
shall I do with my children T' I made
my way to the deck to whete the sailors
were, lo see what the men were dointr.
1 learned that we were on the rock, anil
that tbe vessel wat settling rapidly. I
heard the captain ordering tbe men to
lower tbe boats, and their response, 'Ay,
ay, sir'; then, when the captain cried,
'My God, hurry up menl they replied,
We can't get them loose.' You have
heard the story about the bweriug of
the boats and how they capsized or wire
swamped. A ship's boat was not worth
much in a place like that.
'I ran back to my room after a life
belt and my overcoat, which I secured,
snd made my way (or the rigging. I
taw that it was pretty full and there wat
not much chance for a man there. I
joined others on the upper deck. Mean
time the lights had gone out, so that
thero was no longer much hope for the
lire-saving crew to locate our positii p.
"I thought over the situation. I bad
seen a light just a short time before the
crash, and I did not think we could be
far from shore. I felt that thero was a
chance for me to swiin to laud, or ioiig
enouiih to be pickeJ up. I pulled oil' my
shoes. Water caiuo oyer the deck rap
idly. Tbe people huddled there seemed
to place their main hope on boots from
itio coast station, ah tab uark; we
could see but little, hut people would
say. There they come,' and other,
'Yonder they aro; dou't you see them?'
It was imagination born of hope, for
there was uothiug U be seen. As we
would all shout together to make the
lifesavers hear ue, but thero could not
be much hope of that iu the great roar of
those waves. Some of us thougt we
would try a boat on the deck water was
then over the deck aud I cut It loose,
I waa overcrowded with people immed
lately aud I left It.
"I think it w6 sucked down wheu the
chip sank; anyway, it was lost. 1 saw
It was time (o be gettiug away from that
ship Jmt hofore t Jumped orer the
raits a mm nd lilt wife clinging to etch
olhf r wri near bf. ; The lady taid lo
nit very Dstoarally, 'There ecmt to be
no rhne, no hope for our live tat
ever.' I replied that it lookd that way.
This c inU war apparently resigned t
their laf, v v
' Noon after jumping over a drowning
rain and his son grabbed me, but I man
aged I., break away and was soon aloae.
I bad been out some tims wbn I rarce
on a piece of the whsalh'Mite I pnlled
myself on it and fonnd with it m boat's
sail, I trie! lo pull it np to as to catch
some wiod, but would lie thrown oft He
raft every time, no I coold not ose the
tail at ail, Tne rAft carried me very weil
and after a lime 1 was attracted i y the
diet of a woman near by, 'Oh, God save
me I' She had on a lif belt. I toM her
to get onto the raft, which rle did,
when 'It at once aack willi boilT of na.
The lady whom I lcarotd afterwards
was Mies Bondebush, was abjut gone.
We coold not both oro the raft, to I told
her to cling to it and the chances were
hs wonlJ be picked op; wo ha! already
been in tht water a long tine
"i ttrnik oot, sfeing no men of the
raft, end it was ' two . hours and more
afterward when my feet struck Ibe rot kt
in a rovo. I would fall on one, then
soother, being dashed . down by the
waves, to that I wta battered and broieed
my feet bleeding when I reached a place
ofaafety. Then I beatd voices and saw
a light, and the men of the life station
came np lo ff e. Thirteen of lbs patten-'
gera . were ravrd, among them Mist
Rondebutb, who was rescued ' from tbe
raft by a lifeboat . She in an American
girl abo'it 20 years old. She bad oerve;
otherwise she would not have survived
that terrible night. Sbe told the people
bow the had gotten the rft, and waa of
course, very grateful lo nie. '
"The people on tho coast were verv
kind to at at St. Keverne and elsewhere.
My father was born close to that vil
lage" The New Squadrons
Naw Yokk, Dec. 20. A ipeoul to tbe
Herald from Washington says: Secre
tary Long, Acting Secretary Allen end
Captain CrowinshieU, chief of the bu
reau of navigation, have been giving a
great deal of attention lo the bomber
and character of ships to bs dittributtd
among tbe North AtlrfTi'lc Jviropeao
and South Atlanlio station!. It is de
sired to retain strong force octhe home
btition and to send a respectable naval
force to Europe, but the ships available
in view of tho strengthening of Rear
Admiral Dewey's command are very
The only armor clads under the com
mand of Kear-Admiral Sampson are tbe
hattle-ebips, Indiana, Massachusetts and
Texas and tbe cruisers Brooklyn and
New York. Only four protected tr jisers
are in commission on Iha North Atlantic
ems', tho Chicago, Cincinnati, Newark,
New Orleans. The New Orleans will be
ili cl out of commiseion to receive
several improvements, aud the smoke
stack of ttio Newark it to be lengthened.
The Cincinnati upon arrival at Now
Yoik will ult)) Im placed out of ccuioiis
siou. Il is expected that lh cruiser Atlanta
be coramfcaioned uext month, the
Newark will bkely be sent to the South
and sh will be reinforced l-y the Wil
mington and Caetine. Most of the gun
boats which are being prepurd a.t the
navv-yarJs will l e required for eervice
in Cuban atid Porto Ricm waters, and
these will re attach d to the North
Atlantic rquadron.
Ethan A. Hitchcock For The Interior
Washington, Dm 23. Tne president
today nominated Ethan A Hitchcock,
of Mi'Siiir i. to be secretatv of the in
terior, and F. M. Johnson, of California,
to bo register of tho land office at Marys-
ville, Cal.
Ilitchi oi'k ii at present ambassador to
Kufsia. He was apiiointed miuister
more than a year ago, and when the
rank was raised to an embassy lie wat
Hitchcock is a wealthy lawyer and
business man ol St, Louis, and was for
some time an extensive plate glass
manufacturer. He is a great-grandson
of Eth vn Allen, of Revolutionary fame.
Ilia ancestors were from Vermont, but
his father moved Bouth aud Hitchcock
was bom at Mobile, Ala.
Agonclllo Makes Protest.
1'AitiM, Dec. !. lhe American peace
commission lttaves lor Havre and South.
ampton tonight, aud will sail for New
York tomuTOW on the steamer
Agoucillo, (he tepioienlative of Agui
naldo, has lodged a strongly worded pro
lest with tbe commission. He says that
before tho declaration of war tits Ameri
can couBuls-iicneral, l'ralt, Wildman
Williams and Captain Wood, iu Hong
Kong, offered to reuoguiie tbe independ
ence ol the l'hilippiue inlands.
Qrasped a Live- Wire.
Chicago, Dee. 21 Among a network
of wires 20 feet above the ground, Rod
erica iUianoiui, an electrician, wai
slowly burucd to death In sight of sev
eral hundred spectators at the corner
Fifty-fifth and S'a'e streets. For nearly
10 minutes the liorror-ttrickeo crowd
watched the workmen in. their f.aoilc
tfTvr's to talents their comrade from
among tbe wires.
Cblrbolm wat employed by the Com
monwealth Eleciric Company, and with
fiflinber of other o-en was t Winging
wires along tit to street. While at the
top df one of the poles it is supposed he
grasped a live wire, lie was seen fo'fall
bick among fit wires apparently life-1
lea. , fe- '
Ladders were tecored, ' atd after coo
siderabls difficulty and not a little dsn
gar to tbe rr so t, CbiiLo'm was got
ten to the street v1 ' . .
A Legend of M slate ; Trenche
(From Tbe KaaUa Amttc4o toldler.) .
la the trsnchet lay at nightftU, ' .'
Mid the tbadows gaily dancing, . -Pennsylvania's
gallant soldiers,
And the Mormon boys from Utah,
Fought tbey there ibe great mosquito,
Fiercest beast io all tbe tropics,
Life blood sucking great mosquito,
Terror of tbe Yankee soldier, -And
the great motqaito conquered ;
Sucked the blood from every artery, ,
Bit a hofe io every man there,
Of the army Americano. ' .
When the darkness all enshrouded,
In tbe mango trees so leafy . .
And the bamboos tall and slender - 1
TolJ they to the busy fire fliei
Ail lbs history of their battles. .
In tbe silent, yellow moonlight
Worked tbe men with pick and i hovel
Throwing up tbe trenches mighty
To protect the I rave io battle. v
All at once tbe bamboo thicket.
La iog off towards Manila, .
Rang alond with uDchee bong bung,
Mingling with Ibe fierce loud war cry .
Ol two thousand Spanish soldii r i. .
Bullet wbixted above tbe trenches
Testing down the stately Mangroee,
Snapping off tbe bamboo branches,
Covering all tbe ground with wreckage.
Shell came tearing down the roadway,
Bursting o'er tbe startlrd soldiers, .
Tearing holes and digging furrow,
Splashing mud o'er the pcke s,
Though surprised they kept vheir cour-
Each man dropped'bis spade or s hovel.
Each, trail grabbed his Springfield rifle;
Utahs loaded op tneir cannon
With the schrapoel shell so dreadful, 1
Then commenced an awful bnng-bnng
Id the svrampe around Malat. '
Every Serlngtield barsed with anger 1 -
Thunder spoke from every cannon,
On the right, the'natives allies,
Men of dark ekina, darker actions,
Fled in tenor from the trenches
Tbey had promised to hold for us
Ran they on till past the distance
That the niaoser ball it dead'y.
Then the cowardi, who deserted,
Sat and listened to tbe noise
Of their friends they left alone there.
Fought tbev there with heavy loeees
Holding their first position,
Till at list'thiir ammunition
Was exhausted by the fighting.
Then the mighty Colonel Hawkins.
Chief Grand Sactetn at tbe trenches.
Told his men to hold their courage,
Told Ihem all to tlx their bayonets
Vnd lie down to wait tbe moment,
When tbe foe should charge tbe earth
Closer, closer came the army
Louder, londer popped the mausers,
But the courage of the Sachem,
Never wavered for un instant,
In the knee deep mud so sticky
Mid the rain which fell in torrents,
Stood be calm, but yet determined,
Cried a captain filled with terror
'Colonel, let my men retreat sir
Or the band will all be slaughtered
By the charging Spanish devils,"
But the Sachem answered frowning
With a voice of angered thunder,
'No, Sir, not if hell drops on ut
Will we leayo this place we're holding.
In disordeilv lotreat, sir;"
For tbe volunteers are green yet
In that part of army tactics,"-
So they lay, each one preparing
For tbe charge tbey knew was coming,
Offered muttered prayers tbe brave men
For tbe loved ones o'er the ocean.
Many fell aud cried while dying
Tell my folk I died a fighting."
Mid these scenes there came an echo
O'er the fields away behind them
Like the borns of some great (Jabrie.1
Sounding forth tin resurrection,
Louder, louder grew the noise,
Nearer, nearer camo the tuccor
Came the gallant Third Artillery
Charging up tbe shell tun, roadway
Then at last they got o : im-iiik
With them kraigsso ,'m :i- weno '
Driving death into llw S, .narda
Keeping buck their idauued advance
Till an ived the Californias
From the camp, aroused at midnight
By the thunder of the battle.
Soon I ho Spaniards vamoused back ward
Through Ibe rice livid newly HojdoJ,
Never stopping tilt their foitress
Shiohled tbetn from vengeful Yar.keee
Wheu old Sol awoke next merulng
In the land cf Dewey's glory
In Ihe. hoiuo of ants and lisird-,
Of the tvphoou and the cloud burst,
Tbey in silent approbation
Sniiled upon tlie vicioie lying
Shivering io the mud and water,
Then the warlike fierce mosquito
Viewed with pain the shattered bamboo
Aud the Mangos lorn to pieces.
They for tears had bn hi palfcs
So ho fottj-lit inftin for tengentnee
Conquering alt Who cropro I hit patbwty
For the warlike great mnnpilto
Fiihis much be'ter than the Ppatilsr !
Thin i this til I legend ended.
Short Fellow with npologim to Long
fellow.. '
State Press Comment.
Newhorg Graphic'' The '.New York
Voice says the prohibition party will be
compelled to adopt different methods be
fore it can ever hope to win. The Voice
hat been very alo ti gnt its eve opeti
to see a thing that has,be.n remarkably t
plain Ut most people for a long lime.
Hal em sutoimao ;'. DeUware repub-
Hcans, with a' majority in the legislatQisi
are torn op again by the candidacy 'o'.,
"Gas" Addicks for the senate. ' It's ' a '
great pity they can't blow ont "Oss" '
Addlcke. -. C
Moonshiners Battle With ' Revenue
' - Men. . ' ' .
MitiDLEsnoHo, Kt., D.'c. 21. Ad ,
vices from Knox county,' in this title,
tell of a deadly conflict which occurred '
there between violaters of the revenne
laws and .United States officials. Tbe
tragedy an t was the r;eult of an attempt -made
by Federal Deputy Marshals to '
make a number of arrests, and three
moonfihinert Jacob Limber t, a roan
named Greer and a third, who is on
koowc were killed and eeversl of their
comrades wounded in tbe battle which -retolted.
No one ia tbe officers posts,
according to the advices so far received, '
was hurt.
There is lo hjun l'ish Fair io Foil
land from January 2 1 ft to Febuary -ith
18'J!.!. It comes in liio merry month tf. ''
January, hfier the' holiday festivities .
are all evaporatsJ and .faded. Ttier
wil be excursions, and aif tifcwryiHiif '
jog country cn Ke'in! vantage tf. this
occasin stbl .Ir-rrspl" U is for a most
wwth 'charity the Home for the Agtd .
but jt will ut be conducted on the or- -der
of church fairs. - In ' all ways the' Fair will, be an exposition, snd a.
moat attrACdvo one at that. It is au
elaboration of the industrial exhibition,
carried ou: ou nev ideas. - Muet of the ;
booths wili bi illustrative of Irisu arctii- - -
lecture, and will r0 miniature produc
tions, ou a 8itlicienMy largo and massive
scato to be buutifal, ol tfie cjlebmted
Sliuctures of tbe "green little isle.''
News Notes.
Why does LiJy (Jjo'i, formerly Ten
nessee Clallin, ueed to tarn money s a
broker? His tho already "broke" her
titled and supposedly wuiltby t.osband?
The son of a Ucruiau barou rcceuliy
obtained Ihe entree into certain exclu
sive Iodiauu bouaet and became of it
has been sent 1 1 j til fur five vearr. tie
got in throub the window snd they
Ci hd it tu g'a-y.
Day before t'io French
minister of war said nothing would in
duce him lo give thn secret Dreyfus
documents to the cturt of cassation.
Yesterday be handid them over. What
a nice old lauv ji. iiu i reycino: must
Once ujoio i'retideul Heureux ol Sun-
to Domingo has had the now familiar
pleasure of hearing that ho was dead. It
this thing continues, the drk-ekiiiued
ruler, when he really ia dead, may refuse
to believe it und make it and make tots
of trouble.
IVomaq eit
tle Sphinx
The mystery
hood . is full
of woman-15
of deepy
unanswerable enigma.
Why should women be
compelled to suffer sim
ply because they are wo-
wh U it that the
source of tueir hiRhcst joyt is at the same
time the cause of tlirir greatest wretched
ness? The very uttribulcs which make It
possible for women to be happy wivea and
niothers also tender them liable to the ut
most physical misery and pain.
Tbe sufferings of body and nnnd caused
by some weakness of the distinctly feminine
organs are so almost universal nraonf wo
men that the question micht well be aaked:
" Ia this Nature's punishment for the crime
of being a woman?"
The true answer is No! These tufferimja
are neither natural nor necessary. They
would not exist if the organism waa healthy.
No woman ought to endure such troublea.
There is no need of it. Dr. Pierce's Favor
ite Prescription is a perfect and positive
cure for feminine weakness and disease.
It gives health and strength to tbe ape.
clal organs aud nerve-centres; heals inflam
mation; stops weakening drains; promotes
fuuctional regularity, and restores the nor
mal, vigorous 'aud painless condition, which
Nature intended.
It is the only medicine of its kind in
vented by an educated and experienced
physician. It is the only medicine which
makes baby's coming safe aud compara
tively painless.
Any woman who would like to xnow
more about this medicine and about her
own physicial inaVe-up should send ai one
cent atamps to Dr. K. V. Pierce, Buffalo,
N. Y., to pay the. cost of mailing only on aa
absolutely free copy of bis thousand-pagt
illustrated book, "The People's Common
Sense Medical Adviser;" or, 31 atauipa for
cloth covered.
A sure and permanent cure for constipa
tion is Pr. Pierce'a Pellets. One ''Pellet"
ii gentle laxative, two a mild vainamc.