The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, December 22, 1898, Image 2

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rutlltlml Won. I) an. I IliurxUr
Kf Tin ri.AINUF.AI.KR l'1'HMrtlllNu o
K. 1). MUA1 PORK ..
. T. E.NJAMIf,....-
Subscription Hftlea.
ta Vcw-..-
Ill Month
Tbft Month!
It1 i 1 . . . i1 .1 i '
H :4
ii:ci:m m:it s. mm.
"The fpanisril will bt out of llnvrtt i
.y .Tn. 1st.
N'lmlor Trllrr is nil rlnlit mi llif in
Imtmiiin ijui nllou, if li wrtu litlta oil on
frtt silver In IS'.Ml.
t'onsitleratil attention it now Ixirg
paid I lit Stldirr's Homo affairs ly Hit
a ol tli e Oregon inn.
Neat (o Urn ninis r( Is,:?, tl.t
iiitiiu I'Mliv 1'l.ilii.ipiii" u Hip auk
HrM Culciiiil I'.iTun rn ruiinixt
f-amiiel Uotnurs .s rr-rlfilcvl peri-
)iiil il 4 lie .. tiit titan I (deration f
tabor. Tlio feik'iallmi tlion Jjournnl,
IiavIiik teen iu H'miou cighl days
Hit Hum inn (iovi rumeut liastmlvreU
the iunuediaW' construction of irti ifv
tatiirdo rrnfls. More tjo( ol tlir Oir't
rlrlr for diiriiiititit nul univeiiftl
- The Army Hill Reported.
Wakhinhio.n, lVC. M, TllP llOURO
coinrallten on tuililaiy affairs ioiiij loto l
cotniilf ratinn of Ilia m my irortiAnUa
lion liill today ami onli-i! il reported to
the liunxe. 'I lie moM ImportMiit I'liangf
iiiriIo tivlar wertlhoao rising .V) yeata
ah tin aits limit appointment to tlio
prveral Maff i'or, ami adding a i.pxv
provision for 100 amiy i1utiptn, with
(he rank l lirM lieutenant.
Many ihaitgna in rank wem tnmlo in
t bo stuff t'oi. In llui j'lddtx advocate
general's oflict Hie ruloiu Is xxo?e lived
at five, iiiMonil of t, as fit ft uH'M'il.
I'mvioion lo v madix 1 1 nt t ni'W ii"
Iminlites l K'v" loarr plu-rp. In
tli ji)attiriiiiMor di'pi imi'iit , llm t 1
unt'ls xxrre todmed from ten I p'M.
ati'l tin place i f tower lank i-rrcjs
In the ri'tir.uiiMary dcpitliiii'ii!, tic
force ii incrra'fd inatcrtady fivin ll .it
flrd lotitf ii)ii:tivl. )tir: ;-ti1ai ly in iiu
loner gtHilo, the captains bt ir imu'.ii l
from '.Ttoi". There is au iu ici-c if
rank in tlu ciiicri r !! uM'.u' ut. ;lie
!io;;ieu.r.l vv!. r.cli lion-.,; ir..iv. t d :.i
li to IV, maj 'ii li'vn : tn ;ii d c Kp-
tains reduced from ,"i7 In II. In l':.r o:l
nance .tlopartii vii', tlu cluiuc'i' .n; t .
nai J the incn'iiMi in oi!iir l 1 1 " i; t ; o r
The lovision !it,iii . j i . I.'
tia pay for en vice in ou'.iyuu il ;..!
was maJt) to iuclu !o ';i. ut.
TLt age limit cl ."i ahi'li l.:t I Imii
fixt'l for aiptti:lnicnip i- iln- yui .t l-
Senator pljtt Speaks Aqdlnst
The cst Resolution.
Ml R(it (,M tHbl lSSM).
Moune IMestlie nillnJclphln ISpa
sillnti Appropriation Hill - llallcy
linlul;fa in triii l.siif.unnc.
.I 'iLi Lf.
Vocale, ijnaitormagln i oinir.ibar ,iti
1T dei' t u cut, was aittu I'1 thut
the g limit ill i.ot ai ply t thc
wbo fcrveit iu the civil ar ur tleSp.tu
wu war, or la ctlicfis ii'.'t ri ti.i
A (mall bit of the lilarney ."tone millarajy.
he uu exliibilion at the I'orllituil Iriabl A new nclion wa i iim'i t-'J inxkii: tl
fair. Tbo loir without Urn flUmcy cblef cl the iecorl um! icnttiii citico
Moiie nouM nut amount to much e
I J .. '-UL 1! I
A fMviea aavant liae ihecovereJ a lure
rire for consumption. It rorflits iu it out of the eyteni in great
c Imnkt by dropping the patient down
ntoa metal well, and then reducing thb
.:rperature to 110 disreea belo' .sro.
The boiidny lmiiilx-r of the Seattle
Aigue ie at hand. Il ia a very iirat'y
pliu!e! auJ tiucly illtutiuted r.iiiultr'
and m.taii r the inual amount of "ads'
an;! "boom-' article! lor that o i.Viy
The Ar;ua h! atn (.'i-tn thingj up t!i:p.
euator Pinion voted n;aint a tiutioi.
to adjourn hn lVtlirfrew u.ado a
motion for the purpose oi pottpoii!i;
uuy debate on the Nicaragua t.tnal.
reualor Mcilritls vo'.ed with him at the
aroe lime, to Oregon is Mauding
aolidlv for NicaiMfsaa canal leKiilation at
tliii reeeion.
Mr. IJryau i dlrappoiuting in this:
ffe believes that we tan duns? the
riuaucial ayetem of the world hl.iI over
throw the GxeJ rulee of commerce with
iut the ooneeut of auy other nation.
Doea be doubt that we can police a par
rel of islands without the consent ol auy
other nation? Examiner.
The Kxauiiner rat deserts the
ing ship liryau. 'Taa eter thus.
brigadier genent', with an auiftant
ing tho rank of'.-iuhj! cl.
Section IS of tho Hull I ill was blruck
out entirely. It limited ti e ne i f .i
poimeet as iocouJ lieutenants ii idtr tte
pvovisions ol the feveral ac', uad als
placed .iu age limit of td years on c'.:.;
In the pay corps, i7 uiaijr wcie suL
stitutea lor Ii tue jotr aiul a; tan-.s
as first provided ia the Hull l i.l. Tl.
signal corps apK.ii'tmeii: wer-- j cnei
to those ficm civil l.fc will a- the
voluuteers. The number of ih.ip'ains
was increased Ironi :.i to -10. A pro
vision was ma le tlut tr:tiu.t .v.r pus
shall i'us a eatitlactoiy ixjm.uatio;
instead of compcii'ixe xauiina:i' v, :
at present.
The nna! vote on riiortu:g the b II
was ti to 5, on party l:i;e, as folio.'- s :
yes ii.i;i, .Marcii. .ntnn, K-.tcham,
IjntO!i, Ucliitup, .Mi l'jti.ill and r.rown
low, tepu'.iiiiane
Noes, C'jx. I.-nt. ..n I
fett, democrats.
Marsh, wtii'ie votii.g iu the i ill, ;e-
served the right to o;i.te eoiue ( i:s
featutes on the ll ); r. l !.e minority
gve notice of a minority teLit un 1 a
sub-bill. The uiiiu feature ol the sub
t in , . ,
uiu win no a tr.auiiicg ain.v luuKCil to
that existing before the recent war, M,d
auiuoruy ;o me presiaeut to cn.isl a
Iaita temporary Ij:cj, probably 'O.'.Oj
men, for service iu outlyiu territory,
More Rain la California.
Koth Albany and J-ebanon will atk
the lrgblatute to amend their city chart
ers. Alhauy waul her charier amended I fca.v Fkamim-o. it.-Ainllir. iu
o that city taxes will be collected by pious rain has fallen throughout ucrth-
rhe eouuty, and I-ebanou wants hers eru and centra! Olii'prr.ia . Keports
amended so that a tax levy of 0 mills iu- fioua ail sections of il.e tUto tluw that
Head ol 3 mills, as uow provided, may for the past week dan. p. foggy wc rh?r
I e made. Lebanon la flOJO in debt.
fix-Queen Lil is making a gnu J kick
on being depiived of her crovii lands,
and calls upon (be president, rougreKs,
and the American people to ret-loro to
her something which she neer paid a
i tut for and to which she can show no
title deeds. Let her prove her title and
light to hold tbece lands.
has prevailed, so that :ho mil haa ab
sorbed i-very bit of the rain that ie I last
week. Iu uiost of the va. n 8 tLi'j tu.i ii
now iu ei-leiiJid ivud;ti'..:i foi tee l.n '.
Motison ou bis lecture lour, kit;ed
and hugged lC'Chicauo gir.'s in ibor
"rder, and the dispatches ey, hulnted
no signal ol distress. At Kansas City
he accomplished the esme leal w ith a
hundred girls added for good measure,
fuch skimmiuj; over ibe surface, as it
were, of Chicago aud Kansas City gii le,
may be all Very nice for the young and
inexperienced otliccr, but when he is a
little older and gets mure seu6c, he will
change his tactic and give bis 2J hugs
au J kirsee to one girl instead. Tnat is
lbs Koeoburg style, aud up to date, lias
fiiveu rutire satisfaction.
auj wnere gram wan v.--mi cariy :i
sprouted and is look;;.,: weil.
iu me -acrauieu .aaey ii.u .'jituvre
teased worrvi; oxer potiiibi.Uics
ol a drouth, now c.-utident that
suthueul tain wnl f.til to utui ' b'j
crops of gralu. The iuMic.itioiH aro .'or a
continuance of rain.
I.'xplosion of a I'owdcr .Maainc
I-uMio.v, Pec. J"J. A dispatch from
Shanghai says a powder mag:iii.f, titu
ateU in ttie center ui the Clnucto camp,
in Ilaukow, evploded, lovelitig a square
nine ol house. It is cs!iu:atoil that
SOOsoldiere were killed, inclu ling the
gcueral ol the commandin;,' lorce?.
W.miimiion, cc. I-.'. Tho so ..aio had
a busy dav, and there were scxtnal tin
portant tpeeche-. llatt ct Connoticut
spoke ngsiust tne Vest resolution,
which tle-laie tint ti e l'ni d Slates
has no power to acijuire 'crritory. lie
eaid that tie powenf a nation lorn
nuuo terr 'ory a inln ronl us its
eoveridguty. Ih. I'nitod M.itoi had
tho r'glit to gjxer i Mich tetnlory in the
best in inner pcseib'e until tl e peop'e of
tl.e acipilri'd fen'rery wero cap.l!t of
; eU-governiiuMit.
Tioctor of N'triiionl and i
Maine- explained dixoieut tiewaupou
the subject oT u.utornto xisitl'ula.
liciloi thought i-'ich a cotnuiitlti4 xx as
tuvessary, w:,iie liaI.Ka:d iwlhtuglit
it would be in t xtremelv bad ta-te, ,iiJ
i ....
ine.MMra;u.i canal tuit was up i.:r-
I... ...
in- me .uuer par; oi tii ,::t, , Mi;,i ena-
tors Perry, lh ii, Ilor, Call -rv an I
Morgan t'i i u? ed the measure.
for ti-.- reiief of
k.i:ir!J iufantr
h-i W . I f a is . f
I c -j. u-
This xxai Mupiiuiiii dav in the house
autl Hexera! wciw passed, tl.e imt
impoitanl of which waa the hill api i j
priatiiiK iJ.i),U) lor the I'hiladelphia
exposition of ly.o. Tho xole .
cce.laig;y close: it h.ul but two voice
mor thi.i: i ho ticceseaiy txvotl.irds
IjuIs were : l?o pi ssed under suspension
of the iu!tv- to air hi i i.- the .list: il.ution
of the assets of t o I". ttdmenV lm;k ; to
enlarge tho ?ci. p- ot v.v t'.tU com mission
to include iMr.;e birds ;
tho 1 ourth :uo-tnted
and for thu ri die: of .1
l'lUiex : Tex it.M,.d ; i -. I .t
tion iu ope:: U'.ic, .l.uilii si.
iaiy eoiii iu i!c.' t : , ., it Bi..'.'e .u .
on the ;ues::o') j-. : , wiiethe: i
of tl.e lious.' m !,j hi.l r.ccepted i
siciis iu ti.o ar::.v ha I i .. r . i :
seats in tl.e houi. Ib ii-.a!e the rcsjiti
ticu the text ;'jr fj i e, taking
occdiioii to den-jiiuce m.e.v tl,c tatcu.t tit
thr.t in his af. 'ii.'e on thin ..ueMii'D be
ha 1 been tuad-f d ca!spav ' rrp il lii
aus iu t!. house. He deiiuuiiicd the re
publican Hho l.i-t in.-tiate.l tLio htale
nient as an infamous liar, au I dial-
longed him to f.itiier it. Ihcre J3 no
reply t Mr. i'.iilex'c statement , aud the
risolutior.s xi n-ferreil to t'.e cjunuit
teo c:i i iile-.
I iep
-I. in.
d t!.,
aftved by tl.e r,i iMiun on I Ibe Ktat .
. or to Hie pe p! tlo'iunlx ' t'mi il.hl I )
aeipilio letriloiy wai not icftrxcl, an I
that theiefore the rijit -. RovereiKii
lUbl, rltctit to which iheie i noliuiitii
lion, shall show n!- ' t li l Iu certain in
stances thin iiihi'u nt rt.ivcreijjn right in
to be Intoned front speiidc t lant i' f the
constitution itHi'il.
In rcupoii.ut t ' n 'lion dom Allen,
riatl fitld llmt l.e di I i "! think Iheio
waa any liniilatMn on iho p nxrrid thtt
1'uiled Mates to m iptuo u nuoix .
"As complete : tn;' " w ' l ItO 'iia,
for instame, in i in h n.i.tti'if'."' nlil
"Yen : the noM I 1 imi'Iiio Icinloi v i t
au eleiiieitl ut ii.ili. ii itilv an I I do n i
Udievo there ii rtny oHig tti.m t k1' '"
(he people i f the a. 'i iim I ii intoi the
right of Mdl g vci niii.'ii! 'in: :1 M'tli tii.'e
as Ihey n't lit In ev. m.' tli.t' ii ;M. If
wo believe the p op e ! a lo.iu'rv io
ipnrcd nre tin' iit fjr I i- . in iu'iit .
llieitM-x iv , ii ! r.x t :.m' 1 1 - -1 1
lht it.. M lilvuil U"xi m ii cut they uto
capii 1 Ii' id t,, i . ptu g, .a. I t
theitt hi b . w . i i i . i i ho
they w ill b c i; t'lb- : ! i?
" I llH C.l"'! M III IO. I d.l" -I ll.'t '
liht of" Ii.' we- I
p. int ii' leiulh. i i. i : 1 1 '
Women an I i Ii.'.'.- i :t i" i
don't x .'to , t m it ii"i!i . i d i
the I'ist l. t ot I olumt-i.i.
chu.M'tts tl.o.i w ho iv il l in-t
WtllO Co.lld Hot X .'t '. I i: It i l
denied s itli.i.e in put. I'. h
K in. lite I i f i-talo ii i; uliit on
f. 1 1
c hit .it o
ll w III Ii
i niii.'u: .
;.i -r tiiei
It. I I'iS )
llmt 1
-I. .. I. Ill ;
.:. r.i' of
i it M.t.-.',
i end tind '.
: ' i t utCH I
I.C S lid.
Time llolnon kl.iKinj.
CniiM.o, Cie. H. MiiUlKliaiil U it'll
! niond iVarnoit llobt,ui wait hcuvily bom-
. bitldo I by I tr t thiol o( 1,1 Bin tiil llat
tin: An lili'iiiiin I. might, but it.i no tlla
( tresi n tiiiiilii tMuo hol't 'd after tho en
gujii men I, it i,i n.ii li. lj.ived that ho was
tei i ii, id, injin i',. I, 'nVn.i'it lloliinll
loctniod on " lit., oikini ol tin Morii
niac," under the ini ipii'i h of tho I'l.l Hi;o
; I'a'sn t'luli. ati.l niter Hit b cliue, thu
nieiiil cm of tlio un lieiici, piestl lo
xx.ti.l br an luiproiiiptu re option
l ln :l',liS nun i h ill lilirtkin a. 1. 1 up
plan to, hut m i.' ii i.Ti-ijng tliun l i'hcr
xeio U..' lo-'iS piu'ii tl i Mi 1 1 iniHt' hero
by ni in. ti,, 'I'' .. I:i".i'tu:in! met
I lie ixt t iii i. I"i,t''. ii-, I i', rn t'n mi I lil
en, i ir;l;.i' i!
Ivoim: bin in t : m t 'W ..(..t. .i,.ii.
; telUilt ll.''. f i v lit I In ,iii-. t d tiiiiitial
I .1 till h MrN'i 'i h: the I'nioit l oiiMle
1 Club. Aftei ll." let i.n, he led loi Kau
Situ IJtix , w li.le iowil p.'.iW I jtiult ixv
i t'Vi'lnn,; t 'ie di iti
Ii 'or xx il' I ti c itu and
x hem ii I. a will piocee I
:t I ol I ,r l itiila
; ; I' : v 1 1 IVkimj
tvei.Jiig, T.i ,
guisl ed :ia , .!
ieiii'ij in I '. nvt i .
i I vl in I f an -
I IVC. Hi .: ft
. i ii. i i other
in i rouiid.i
v. I,'. I! wtiui'xi
!.!.. 1L1.1.
n i ! i i nmw
Old Santa Glaus
has loft with us one of the IrtrRCst utockn of holl
ilay goods over hefote seen in thh city. Toys,
candy ami nuts, tockinR horses, dolls, drums,
steam trains for boys. Valuable presents will be
given away to the boys and to the girls, also the
men aud women here on Christmas Hvc. Coma
uuc, come all, both great and small, and give u
a call, aud see our presents, and see thiugs all, ftt
...Derm's Variety Store...
Plait L'pholds the Right of tho .Na
tion to Aciuli c T'-xritory .
NV.x-.ii!M.r.N, I ice. 1 '.-Tiio vii'i un
dent today announced in the senate a
committee ou the i i .'it
of the citv of Washin ;tu!i a.- t!.,. ,-apit-il
oi tlio nation .w
1'crkiii -i. .I:
Turlc .
jivs : 1 1 ur,
. I auiin. I'l.i
II j"
i rii
Mckinley's Character,
J u:uvii;r Courier Jo'innl.
Mr. McKiuley is a follower rather
a leader. He was led iu'o the souod
money ranks lie was led iut) the ar
witli rpaiu. He was led into cxpantinn.
If congress will pane a bill to reform cur
i.Ut'V Le wiil eik'u ii. Iut will he do
anything to secure its passage by cou
rfi? Only upon out issue has he ever
assumed tbe attitude of a positive lea der.
H bad hardly taken his teat before he
failed congrets in extra session lo pass
new tariff bill. And he did this toi
wlthslan ling the fi t that the tarilt was
ry n j means tbe first issue in bis cam
yaign j that it was altogether subidiary
to the bnautial issue, on which lie was
elected. When tbe president outa furth
With an ImpartialJIouth.
KA.vsAsCm, Mo., Pec. U. I.itutcti-
ant Kicbmond Pearson llobecu, f. S
V- . ....
.., was me central liguie in an oscula
toiy carnival at the Coatcn hotel this
afternoon, that clearly overshadowed
any of the kissing in w h'ch the gallant
Alabaman has figured since 1 in return
Ironi serious dutiel at riantiag i. When
Lieutenant Hob;jn i.rriy.-d from Ciiica-
go at J o' thi af ernooii ho wan
'cheered by sevorat hundre I persons who
had gathered at the railway elation. A
reception committee awaited witn car
riages, end ulong the route from the
station to bin Imul the .Merrimac'rf com
mander wjb recoguied aiI cheered.
The streets in the vicinity of the ho til
were crowded. In tho corrkdoi of the
b'jle!, suppoiter! by the Iwal icicption
committee, lieoteuant llolo.i receiv
ed aud shook hands w ith several bun
Jitd men.
Tbe moie txcitiug part of it tiuue a
few minutes later, when the lieutenant
was escorted to the parlore on the ecc-
ons-ball the effort to secure tinaurial
, . . i vuu uuw,n ucrc , er -t'xj x, o'aiun, yoniii:,
legiaiauon tuai ne put lorlti to secure old, handsome, aud plain, waned, io
tariff legislation we may feel tonlideut h"rel t,ie population hei j. .Most of
that his desire lor currency reform 0, tlje1 catue to be kiteed.and -i7oftbein
least as strong as the desire of bis con- .V."7"'.l,u" . ?.?v.Te
lination xvera
troller ol toe currency
reney reform.
to proeent cur-
wbo showi'tl the least im
lorn braced and kiesed.
Touiuht. I.iouteuant li.ob.son dixide.l
h onnra mittt Mainr.f Mi..ifi.u tlii 1.
i. ll....... I.'... . I, "'- "t"
iuui,iv'i it, iii jj.jiiiuu ; neuerai me guests oi Honor at tli anumii ban
It. is again iu Hxvan. but uuder dif- (luut l'' tlj' K an.'UB Cit" Comiueiciul
Hcult auspices this time, lit will soon (ieDef' Chalice, who Um been
. . ... ,,,,;. . , . the city loi several dayu, responded
rt uoie io ouu oioer ou. ol Cliaoe. to the toaht. "Thu h iftl. V
Trtsideut McKiuley has frequent ly dia- Cuba." I.iuteiuint Hobii spoke to
played wonderful knowledge ol the fit- ",e l0et "Tbe Aiuerican Navx . "
tetof men lor iniporUnt pobitious, but .im'T lh l'11'-J icutenaut Hobsoii
,. . . ,' ' will depart for Ju;iver on
","' "rl""i"u train ol the Saula e eervico cu route lo
ruantign ini' inv tinvana ost. "an t ratn ifeo and Maull.i.
1-J'l.c f ' -M- rv -n rie t t ;. I
IUjJ j'J.U'. r, .- . :'.. t : .-.t 1
linun: :uv i-.'i:-l !" tt
ivridcM be ;.i. d he : In n-
to C'.-iiim iiiic.'.i ' to ec-.iyrti" i far
saic u ay I e il ji.o v. ::tivit -let. in.
.1 . .
u.c pi.iiic ll icititu i'.l: Il.e ir::. .i.i.i
in Lis j.csti n c el. l inin g ur
allege I outrsgifS co!ui:P.e I on iv:
tons of P.ishop I.arl liii-t...: . u I
citizens iu tin: c:iy u! J'ekiiu Ch:u.
Kubjects of the tlnpei tr oi t'hini. ,
what steps if any have bit n taken
Hour nski'd J'l t'l wl vtli'i 1 .lenled
the dt clrin.' 1.1-xi i -::.t t.'i 'enxid
their just p. ) er.-t (f ill ibe i l..-i lit id
th-' gove I oi I. P. at! i pin- I ' the
cotieeut cl all th-.we t; ' ;; w.i. , .il
wave iuvcm..! , ! i l.e t'.r f . . tnux
a xolt r ho ha 1 to pay ti'lii: ie! iv: i'.e
ill order i) .' iv.xo ' he i-iixileA.' ol vot
ing. In conclusion. Pi a . i: I 1 i n .!
U!iders!;i:id tin' 'oa' i,' .. i.t- : v. i.f
tliCSO wli xx:.-!:..l ti i ir.'unin i ; :.e ; lie
powei i oi t !i" : .iti ... Wl'x. i t ; k i
shou'd xve be!;" Ij t Ii. ! u i ; r , e
by buVt'ftx ar-'t ; ; !ii ' ry 1 !: in ,., r tt-c
piogriss un I ,' if tlio i ::.'-'.'
Kaiber tb t : pursme iiils c... i i
thou 1 1 l.e: v"-iitor' iii n.tti ti
Oodepeed in ita ti;it m ,' e'.e. .line ,.;,r
frei instlt'iii ns as t.n p ' i 1
s tor;. he I t. e x ':r pe iple
to lo a li'nerty-lov in ; and m;'!.;.! ,::k'
people. u: ! I " Ii I I :'..: . .v. '. at
any ii lliii: ; : rati ::i ' :' t l.i I'',:, I
Would fail i i ::; dir. t i x t: ! I:. p," ;
Of ifiv .; ipioe 1 tviti; i I:1
faltli in In.' woxe,;i..t.;- :: 1 v.t'.i l:i .!
future, an I ba i i. dip " m t i i i:.!-'-Si'en.l
to i !.:..' i : : i i ..;xe.i ie..r.
Ho I. a I t. I : ide.i.'.- : :l .. ,! .-
trt;; that ; -I t 'n.-.k.-- ..... . .: ,
a :ia:i ti i. , ' , . ; ...n
belli v- I !'u .ti i : 'l;i- i-.'uM
be II J -I jn ' :: .t' i v, .' ,'. t i Ji ;.
ilut v b i . 1 I a.tvd i.'-X , .,!.' ,t I : . i 1
miili? filia l,; t in- - ' . , : i
dic'l'm. ! ' 1 1 .: I I ii"i :. - n -
th iti a iii' 'i rv s 1 1. r.' f.e '.'.. r'v ,1 l...d
proclaiiuo i !!.e s-iili. ..' -iih' ;
lion , uftl it '.x a.' .; i i,.- .i . . I tli.
clare tii-t xe catiti-.t : : ,ii ..-i 1;'- i!y !
Ar.y la:. 1 one l.-.i' !' vii "e.r .gii.!
s i c i r j .
Notice l:or Publication
I'niii:. . , i ; i. . I ,"i in i i j.,
Ii. !'!. u :. ..Mi. I if, vi..
N..f. i. i.ii.l.. iv. it Unit ll.. lnll.iwiua
inn t'l it l:n. I'.'. I I. ..iv i'I Mi llit. ll 1 1 .ill
1" n i I..- 1'i.iii ia . '. ' I in it't'int of hi t iiiliit. ititil
Hm: , ii. I p.ow v. Ill 1' I nt. U . i t. ue (lie Hi'iilnlnr
.1 U.
lii 'ui
I (-1!.
t'uliol Mitii'i 1 nti.l tnl'.i'
. Oi. ..n .l.initiirr 'it. t-'.t, x I.'
I XX M, 1). I'i'W Kl.l.,
; -i i t 0'
, it. ; i.i
s I I (.,.t
..'tlx n'le
m xn i.. . hii
.e. lie itiiinri (tio
i 0 lilifiiittnttioim t
leu i.i Mini Inn. I, , u
.1, Oi. eii, O. I'ntv
i. II I'. Hi' ler el Ki'l
ni'tl- ' el Ronel-iru
it i. j in. rtM.
..i'T Hopo
v I Wonrlor-
rv; f ;x.c tdooil.
: e in my h ft
ii I x, ofe, and
' '.'X e I lie f.
il a.ol to-' p., ii
i ::i.nli!i:iiiy.
i I'.x-ait d on n y
'. ax .'. . x .- 1,
r t.. n ' i.iTt ,1.
i..l M. i
'Uii.i; it
.;!:. I
:i;. !i.
: i un
in., i .-.
a i .. i
; h.-r
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:y and
the state depart;;. ctit ile:. and. ii' i-uita!. Ie
I ' '
X'. hat
redress mi 1 indemnity Uieref ir
resolution was : j:rte.l to.
'-'uilom gave notice that 1: v. oul.l i.n
the fcenato at the conclusion of Piatt's
speccti to take the nnli-.v.'.ilpiiig 0:11 from
tho tab!;.- for contiUcration. Chandler
iU'l'Jirtd if it Was Clilluro's pUlpO.-u liol
io uavo iLio uiu relet i e. I to llie intertl .tie
commerce coiiiiUiStiitu Cuilom rej'.ied
that ho proposed to all. for coni-ideiatiun
ut this time.
'xx til, I give ii j'.lit . r. P, c;.
ict jioii !e 1, "tb.t' there i
utora hei e who wiil ins!'', the hi:!
go to the ooin'msf.;
"Uliivau IMiflHiiipp: pi.,te.-led .
what he ttimel "an exti.l r bnary
cecdln '," ati l dciiiandt I to Llio'.v
Cu loiu'b i urpoie was.
"I propose to t a 1 up the I'liti-uaa
bill lor foiifidaruti jr.'' icii'iid
e tan disciits the nutation -i rvlatin;:
to tl.i! rc -i'lest w !n n we c.uio to tlieui."
Teller k'ave notice that toniorioiv he
will addre'S tho ceiiute on tl... Vest unti-
exparjfcioii r. to ut-m.
In ncor lan 'o wi'h ,..v;.n-;y
givt'ii, liatt o' I. j u ii c p ut aldinone l
the Senate, opposing tho resolution tf
ftred by tst, d 'cla'itig tbat under the
c iistituti.n no power ii j.iveu lo acj iirc
territory to lo he'd and governed perma
nently an colonies.
r I 'lalt'd .'-ptecli wan a constitution
-umeut, niii ntaiu n; the le-al right
o: i..o I nited tatei to acj'iir.i territory
eu1 ing he did not piopojo lo diecuos tho
poliey of expansion, nor the featuies of
tbo gjverutucnt we m'gbt exhibit iu any
loreign territory w j rntht acuiry. Hx
pausion, he said, bus been a 1 iw of our
national groxvtb, the lu.iintipripg o' our
national development, mi J ad led:
"I t-bal luaimiiu lhat ibe I'nitcdi
ales linn hhoa it a ureat capacity f.,r !
govcrnmciit in all trying times and un- i
der i;j:iiiy Iryiu;; c .nditious, und Ihal it ,
id e.ipabb tA meeting any emergency i
likely to iiris.. I bhali contend lhat the '
Loi'fd r-Sutiii id a i,uti,n and us such
pels r-MK (very sovciiign power not re-
Hi: : :: .
i i-' - . - ' ,
I j' " J jt ': ' i?' ' '- "A I
I i!-: if- V '-Jh . a .v.'- - '4y . I
I v,--'r- '.i-' -x i : ' M
. tl . a 1.1 . I I -v
rr"' ; I r .. -:. . ' . . ' ; ,
, -:' - .1 ' r7 i
L : : -JL i. - ',
i I :! V!!f,,3:A
Everything: on the Sidetrack for
SANTA CLAUS and his Pack.
"pedal flrivo on Pcickct !
niji.s. Silver 'ork, Cains, It
f- ' -'I
The Uniform
quality of the work
manship in our
clothing is one of
its strong points.
Kaeh garment is as
carefully cut aud
tailored throughout
as though made to
order. Sec our new
Tall Suits.
Clmnn That
Hake Pricn4
arc the . only kind ve
wish to sell, They ore
the only kind we do sell,
and with each pair we
sell wc make a new
friend. They are not
ouly stylish but good
clear through. Stc our
Shoe line.
Something Entirely New
ll"ant CNINAWARC -Hdcei.
Jackson &
lulold Goods
Doll Cnrrlagcs & Fancy Albtims
They Ane Coming: !
nUivcs. Carving .S'.'ts
" tc.
Churchill & Wool ley.
4 WoH- ttd)s J&&?
Dec. 28,
The fheatest .Minstrel
I'orllaud has seen iu
Direct hum
j quam f'lraiu!,
cnroute to
the Mar
Portland, 1'raneis-
tiic BIG SI,0W
uuakan rcct)
'Mi -s')
ALL Will I V.
JO 1 19
ft SL 8 I Q
iiKHUsm (
13 bHUW cahi f-
fixe riiyn.'innx nii.l or.on, all (im'luitlOM from tha bril, MMIcnl OilWatw In U H'orlA.
1-icorparatKl rtt-r il.e f collforuU. for aJo ckh.
I.Mlatbllniird -wvuirVlvo Vcam.
A part of the staff of Vat EugJish aud (Jermau Kxpert
Specialists and Dr. Mayers & Co., will make their
regular ?ionthly visit to
Thursday, December 29th, 1898.
They will be at thu McCIvALL-EN HOUSE.
Auiuuk u,v Allmenl. lured i. . - .
Hpcciallala, are ine rollo1np
sznxmr r T"1"" .rnX
i.Imiiii.. in. i.inin. r., ,..i ' t "7- """"-". cwoiica joinn; ramaia com.
' - o vmiiau a rifii 11 1 . i
M. tTlktlllu tti.mmll tl I n n m . .
UR ME Yf R 4 r i7: ' 0JblT '. . fhtalc Vim, rutrmlly.
,ni.Lk.u! . " 'SUI blllty, Ln,t Maiihortl a..4 all I'rlva pini,. iotM.
iiitaKloim lilwwl liuitoii.ou uklvai. .,. .. ...... ,
iuif.Jii.L , ' 1 -'"!, inn mi (WMiiiftDi. rain.
rii' Knifllfh ana Oenniio KxDCrtFi.iMiii.i..., u .... . .
reliable, bul are reM.iilbl.. x. J : "' " " BUl " "opaif ri sbh
Ulfiiufi itliK:h latctKifflcJ ttji ski II t ,.n.... ..i. .... -m
oi'l.iiary iiic.icin,,, n.e.HoU. ...J tvm U.
c.,M,,.ot,ir.. 'J'Uey have .nJ t,mx JuJZZnl
11c uucior wine, 1 they couic-AII kilns pnoplt OtouM nt Ilia Kb:
iiaii'lfjirnmnKM-' ilSreriallM". A. rrii.nrtt i-ib ..... . .. . . .
IIO.Mi; CrRI';-W,He!lls p..,r.l.!r 1,1 ,
in ..iini.ffo lliu .loclorn x-.pilo (lit,1 lH,i.. fii.. r. "
o..r!1(,,.u,.Uw,k for,r,cnsn,lo,, .,. ... " U.
en- c ,i,l mln , lK,,ll, wl,u .tiu,ltt; or tn .11, 1 , .1. 1 1 . .. . . . .1 .. 7. 7. .....ivi 1 .."., ' . .7 T ' """W
iTiea wiiii,' uu t All" ' '"
7.JI Market St., San rraiKltco. and