Th Need of Sense of Humor. Tb. dallv rr porta of uiclilef, divorcee: ruined liven nnd I he like fiip-nof IliRt w. .tuiericait. ore morbidly iiulinotl to"iK HiitiK" Ioij ncrlouMr." Vulonlny, fi t pxami'lf, rnotdrd tli Btiu iilfl o( woumn lia habitually in.!o lioreell unlmi'i'y over (till. lio on oiiu ocrMtlon "moiu'il for iUy" over qneoiion of jtritnitnftr In mhioh nlie ld lircn found to l wrong. At Ut hc killed lierrl( l.nus her husband, juinu-r. t'o clt'ocy to Ulk to lifr when li-rmi It-mio (ruin llio olk nt - . in. Auolhttr co recently iiported iu Uii'h women killrd lioiwlf Wcaupo home ilitli tht pIio rv out t j tiiako bed Moved luiliirt'. Another iu w lu h a man committed beratiM hi in com wrtd cliclitlv rcdurrd. Another in which n bright boy, i.w in to itlnoM failed to past a tchool elimination and beeatiae of hi' parent'a censure hanged )!uelf Ian't il liuiv for our Kchooialo cultivate in our children a ioiic o( humor? Isn't it time for them to teacli the philosophy of hoiefuliit '8. Many a wan baa ou- fronted despair at nitil only to tin.1 ene COiS awaiting him tliO morning. I 'repair is always morb.d. lloeful- n "ts ia always ttrviith. It is iwpi.Ndble fur ciicunist.iiHYj to defeat a capable pet sun who laces coiulitiouB courageously. The little tliin.a ot lilo aic really very little. The Kieat t'.utu ii cjiirjj.-, and it is aIl-couuet iiitf . When Drury I. sue theater was burn ing, Sheiidan who tad his all invested iu it, was found at a coffee house oppo crto sipping a IS9 of shvriy : and wbeu aouieboJy remttked that Le was singu larly placid under the circumstances he replied. "Why shouldn't a uiau be placid when be is having a glass of wine at bis own fireside?" If Sbeiidan'a evose of buuior bad been less Le would have jtimpC'l into the Thames that aw ft- night. Caro lirob. iuforins their patruue that they are iu receipt again of I'iatk'e -pool Cotton. Same old price. Tuc Clm i die. Mtiu 'Miiri c m. il - i vrai r of Maui aii '. l.nuc Urcctf. Fun lay Service : l'rcaching, 11 a. m tuJ 7.JU p. m.; Sabbath school, 10 . ni.; T. W. Woullcy, Superinttuutiil; Cuus Me-.tiuj al cloto of tiio morulas icrvicc: Jipworvh League . p. iu, F. II. rii'liiliili. 1'rcn' I'Lirer Hectiw:, ciiiCMlny, at . 0 f. i.i. ... K. Ar.v.i.p, l'nM'.ir. I'arsoukgi-, eoruer Main and Lane. Weekly lixturalons to the Eaut. A tourist sleeping car will leav fort- laud every fneaday nt tt p. ru. rift tb. O. R. A N. without chantfa to Ronton, and under tho supervision of tiperienrcd coudiu t.irs. No change of cars to tli t iliea of Omaha, Chicago, TJuflalo or Ikwtun. The ideal trip to lha vast 11 now heloro you. Ueuiember this servloa wbeu going Fast, and consolt 0. K. A N. Stfpnts, or address, V. II. IIlKMIlIT, tieneral rrenifer Anf, lVrtland, Or. 5hasta Limited Is the name of the only perfect train in the world, now running every night tatwecnSt. Paul niid Chlcapo, via tbs Chicago, Milwaukee. A St. Tatil Kail way the pioneer road of the west in adopt ing all improved f.u'ilittea tor lha safety and enjoyment of passengers. An lit ni trated pamphlet, showing rlswa ol baan tilul scenery along lha route ot tba Pio neer Limited, will be sent free to any person upon receipt of two-cent postage stamp. Address Ueo. II. Ilea (Tor J, Gen eral rasaeiife'er Agent, Chicago, III. Now is the time to save money by baying youi goods at the Koeeborj Novelty Cash More. In buying tbrea pal' ot shoes you cau save enough to bay aootb er pair. On clothing we can save yon from 2 to fi on a suit. Fall millinery. cloaks aud capes, all soki at closing oat prices. Absolutely closing out. Call and b convinced. To the Public. On and after this date, I wiah it under stood that my terms for all undertaker's goods are cash with the order. I find it impossible to do business on a credit basis, and belive that I can do better by my patrons and myself by selling strictly for cash. r. Bksiwck, Undertaker. Uoseburg, Ore., April 12, 1895. Notice is hereby given to the public by the undersigned that I do not allow deaJ animals to be buried on my prem ises, at Hose burg, Oregon, or garbage dumped thereon or sand or gravel taken therefrom, unless the party taking sand or gravel tirst contract with me for tLe ight to do so. Tresspassers will be prosecuted ac cording to law. Aaon Boss, Koseburg. Oregon, March 17tb, 1335. H. C. STANTON aaJntrw4r4a a4 aaUadta iImI DRY: GOODS - cokustino or Ladles' Orass Goods, Kibbeos, TriumiiKt, Laces, !(., Etc. also a nvn stock or- HOOTS AII SIIOUN Of la bMt aallr aad talaa. GROCERIES , Wood, Willow and Glass Ware, Crockery, Cordage, Etc. Aim urn aan! la tart iwatlUa ! at ptlcn Id mi n ubm. aim a iar iua or Gustom-Made Clothing For Choice Call at Stanton's for UL. P. M" l"MlU BllLIUKtN I'll Cllt. II t, t : l huu'lay service, at ll a. m. m-1 7 y p. i:i. vt mcvt.n?, Tliiirv.l.iy m uiii;. lr. l.nv 51. C i :: n . l'n- '.i-.vt. sr. oa u -t '- Cm b ii. IVriur Ca- uJ Main atrvct-. services on nuj fourth Huu'lay moniing oi c' U i.i. nUi an t . Miy ?uu Uay evening, fn-veiiil wrvkes nuu niuecd fr"tn lime to lime. Kkv. ,iou" Iiau -o.v. Mi--i..:ia::. M. . Cai i;i il, s-tjii. r. ie - eve tuoruiag oul cveuiu. Kkv. . 1 . Coi ! .ojav lM-i-r B.trii'jT C licit., ii -eoruer of l aue aul Kuse streets. Sunday e-i vice: Preaebiuir at 11 a. m. anJ p. iu. eal.liaili silicjl at 10 a. in., O. V. C'oshow, supeiintcU'1'.ni. trer ueelin? at 7:J0 We-iutsjuy cveula?. S. A. I) a 1-LI-, PasliT. Fib-i l'ui'.i-iiA cm K' ii - Corner I l'iue and Wood war I t'!'. suuday nn'iees. 1'reaclilus loth moruiuv and eveuiu; , -'uuday acboolatlOa in. V. r. s. C. L'. at 0:0o p. m. rrayer meelins neii t duusday tvenii.g at 7., fl. Acirdia'. wclexMiie and crect:03 aaUs all. W. A. r.D, l'a-.tor. Ail our goads are new and of the latest styles. No shopworn goods on band at the Dos9 Store. C-5- ECONOHV HARKET L. KOI1LHAQEN, Proprietor. i'tit.ra is Fresh and Salted Meats, JACKSON ST., ROEBl'RU. OK. NOTICIi. I MiKtsiiil .n ojti, , KiwtMim. Orvoii, m,cnilHr WS, I1., Ml,.,,,, ii is,nivrn: Nollit" In liondiv Rlvni that tlio Iloanl l S, luvl Laml commlMioni'ia ot Mah ol Hre- on. ha llliil In inm i'Itiw a u-i 01 lanna nu all-'l III III." lolt,MIm l.Mion.; NW l.otSK'.otK.V , 1 P. SI . H- Hnt ii.l I,.. lu ,1 lir and I,vlo,l llio aauia tlial llio Hl U op)'" to I public (or Inipoetlou i,,l ,,. il,.. r, ,,i !, deerlidlp aubdlvlaloiia. ba Uin I'OIki in a n'memom pUw In tliU oflleo tor t lit- Innpa iion ol all petom ltit,-rvlrvl and tho pnldie uvneially. Within ih., iii,l days IoUomIiiii tho dale ot thin itotloo, pnli'ia or ioiilela aKnlimt the claim ol llu- -aid Connnlwloner ' any traol or uttl Uton liinn any viioii or mtl ol aoo- lino, iliwrtlifd in I ni, on mo Knnun mat the -anic is iiioio lalmil'li' for mtuaial than tor aurionltiiral pniH'. l.t N nvrlvol and nm-d (,r ivihiiM'I the i.eueial land ODteo at VtaMiliigtoii, I'. C. .1. T. IIKll'UKU, 1. II. 1ICKU1I, KcglKtcr. Kerch er. dstIO Notice of l lnal Settlement. TN T1IK IWMV COI KT OK IHHMl.AS i onntv, Orcoot. In n ,-t iio ,'l John Km k, m,iii, itcvad. N.Kiiv Ulipnlv Km'" that tho nndaraiHiiivl ha tiled Ilia ll nn 1 ac ount In Mid matter and an order ha been made and entered, of rword tn aald ronrt. n-lliiu lm-i:av, Ilia .ird Oar ol Jann arr, lsi,at the hourol lio'ehek a. in. for I lip heiarlni ot ohjootlnn lo said aeiliunt aud I lip mim otiiciiiotii 11 cB.aie. Nov, Alh. IN.'.. W. Kl YKKNDAU, AdmluiMtrator ol the e.ilale o( John Kurkou. dall, dceeanit. I.. V. IVITKK, dlO Alloruey lor Katale. Notice l:or Publication. I'Mtan Mim l.jtNiiOiruc. 1.! ii... V.... . mi'B, -i.-., ,p:ts Noli', 4 hcirl'T iriicn tlml tlin fnll.iwitia named renter lia ll'cd nollep ol hla inlculion to make Dual proof Iu nipimrt ol hi claim, and mm Hla prvol Mill ue inn,le Ivtoro , I . lKma . I nn,,! sail,, ,'mmKMoncr, at Oarllmr. v'rvtE'Mi. on .'aini.iri p. i..'.i, 1 1 Jl'.-C I II r . II IIIIAKtK hi Im llom,u .l hutry, .t'l.M'.M r. See. .J. l i. .ti.t. G. ll Wel. llu iiiinn ih.i Hon tin nitueMie to wvii' hla eouliniunia r"ldcni c upon and i ultii utton ol laid land. . tu'iiri Aiucu, jonn v a-,iu . m. iii,,rr. Olio Vt . I rly, all .,atiltucr, Ofaon. .' T. UU1HUK.-.. u p. KcKlatrr. ii r . i it 1 1 a i an. Kntry, No. (or thp K' '., M e. :. S W 4 N v i Ii. 1 1 nl. Ilv namca the Notice Tor Publication. CNitKii ira I isuOrint, Kosebiirs1. Oresou, Nov., I, l.tas. Notice l In n I i fiMil that the (olluitlnir- nauieil m itli r lian lUi-vl iiotleo of hla Intention to make Mia! fund in tummr! ol hla claim, aud that said proof IU be made Ivlorv V I . IHiiik. I'lilt. ,1 fal.. I .iinii.ii.titr mt f i ..11 . Orvsou, ,'U jaii'iiirv t'., l.rit jr W ll 1. 1AM iit.O KK, On ln lliiu'i'-tca.l I tit rv No 7l'., (or the N K ' s ' U S.K K ' , N W ' a W N K . See is. Tp. ;i, ., K U M c.t. Ho namca tho Mlowiti lliuM lo t'tovi lu, couitmiout teiduce an l cultivation ol .ald laud. : Krauk hltaker. Ileury Aideii, John 1 avudy, John .,a''tul, n 1 of 'iarliucr. I'niion. J. T. liRIpiiK., n'ti, Kegloter. otke. i'usitively no booting, (isbiog cr other wiso UcBpaseiDg oo tbe fair grounds. S. C. BiKim-M. Viavl. Vlavi. Mi g. J. H. Sbupe is local representa tive lot the papular Viavl remedies. Any one desiring any of these remedies will please call on ber at her home or ad dress her at Koeebnrg, Oregon. Gold Watcb. A gold watch and embroidered bureau set will be given away for December month at the Novelty Store. Every one dollar purchase will entitle customer ta a guess. This is special to December purchasers. Stock must go, no culls, but good clean goods. FRESH OYSTERS ALL STYLES AT THE KfflDT KITCHEN PURE CANDIES MAS l" FA'.' It'll ED UAU.Y SHELLAH CARROLL. nASTORlffi AVcgc tabic ricparaiiorifor As similating IbeTcod and Regula ling tfaLSumichsfliMlBflMuscf Promotes Difesb'on,Chccrful nc5S and Jfest.Contains nciiiicr Opium.Morpbjne nor Itinera. ISOT NAHCOTIC. irvr of Old DrMKlILHKmn tlx t-rvir If St it4 I1, rnurt . '. Cufi'jui Sgda ftirm Utd -(hirtbtd Super . Apcrfrci Remedy forConslina- lion . Sour Stonuich, Diarrhoea, orm5,Corivulsions.Feverjsh uess imdLossor SLP. TacStiiulo Signature of TTRW S'OnK. m SET-" $1 TPS EISI For Infanta and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought IJtACT COPY OF VRAPPEB. Bears the 1 i Signature jv J' The nf Kind W You J. F. BARKER & GO. Want Your EGGS And BUTTER. NOTICIi FOR PUBLICATION. 1 mud .-t .ua- I.ami om, g, 1; -l 1 1 i i . I'n'kMii, N.'irtntH'r, In, Suti.v : I cn l, c:vu that tho fullmilng uairnM ttlvr La, HU.l uuliie i'f lili IntoDIKm tu inakr mi in uipiHirl t.t tut cliilm, ,n,t tlial ai,l i-nioi Mi.lU' uia'lr b.fur.i ILc Kria-l-ur an l liiwiur, V mini Maus )an, Oilce, Kuwl'Urir, l'r, Li'ii. im Di-ccmra r 1. U t 11 AKI K L I u on Jin- h i-t. M'l tnlrv No. 7v:l, for th F ' M. ' ,, f ' , N K 1 ,. f . -1) l'p .M u w. Ho uauii'9 tho ioK,niiu to 1ruo hta coittitiuti r, :,lrti, v 1 1 1 ti ati'l cu'iliv atloii ( Hil iati.l. ii iiiiijrtmiu K Wilxin, John I;, ivti r It in M. 1 i. i.nxinij, i,I l'aiua Vallv , Orrtfim. ' r. II KM Hi K.-, KiKI!ir. LIVE 11D LET LIVE InnYrlh aUiva m,,tto t wilt at 111 rontliino lo aurvijr (or all arllia dratrlna tn aa.lalanro aa au riiflnrrr or anrvpvnr. Mjr riiaram will l onatilr laml in jr work inaranli'rik. Am aim notary ftiMic. Aililtru nt at Vlovelaiiit, IHmalai Co., Or. XV 1 1.1. I. HltVUON. O.RAHCO iKi'AKr VilT Fan Mall a p. in. Mpokatio riyor J tn. a .tn. TI.MU SCHCDliLUS Inmi IVrllaml AHUIVK rnmi Fatl Matt Sl Uko. lVlivt'r. ri Worth, (iniaha.Kati aa I'tly, hi. Imla, 7:3i e. ut. nti-axv) ami r an. himkan Y 1 r in. S K ill. K Mnn.lajf naiutMajr le mn. Kx.buuJar 7 a.m. TtiraThur. and hat. S a.m. Tura. t'hur. auj hat. Lv Kltiarla lU. Eani.t f arnnUy. Vt all W alia, Hpokati. Mltini-aHill,i.raii( litiltitl), Mllwatikrr, t'hlt'aito ami hn-t, Ocvaa 5lamaMpa All aalllnit ilali'a aiili- Jix't to rhang, l"ot Man rrani lo -Pall le a, a, ij, t ::t, 'JS, To Ala.ka- hall Ho'l 17. Colnmhla Rlvtr Staanwra. To Atturia ami IN ay-LauJItiMa, 10:1,1 a. m v III. 4 p. in. 4 p. m Kv miuilay W lllam.tta Hlvar. On'lun city, Nlr, halrtu A W ay-l4kml a Wlllamctt and Yam hill kltr Orrtimt I lly, liayloii, ami Wa Wn,llni 4 a' i in Ki-Numlay 30 p in. Mott , Weil anil r'r! i :m iv in 1 n'. I httr. and hat. I..lwltiiu Dally Kvpt I rriiioy mT iivmi.iivmt; Uoneral I'aaaftifcr Agi-ut. . K. M N. Co., Portland, Oregon. Wlllam0KIr. Portland tuiVnallla aud M ajr-l4ktillni 3nak Klvtr. Klparla to lwlnton. Qreqon$hort L IEI RX- Qulckeat an S moat direct Mtita lu Utah. Colorado, Nebraska, Kan' sas, Missouri River and all Points East and 5outlicfist. took at liar lltn Portland to Now York 4 Jays Chicago S.'ti days 8t. Ixxiis 3' j days Denver "i days Fait Lake 1 ' days rte Hccllalnir Chulr cars, p- holaterm Toairlat Mlrcpluii Cars, iullmaii Palace Mlcrp iok Car II nn ul Notice I-or Publication. I'm tn SrAiK Ljino () nrE. ! -i'l'jli. Op i;. m. Sot. 0. Notin; i hvivliy jiiuu that th- l.llowliig. liaiiii ii v tlli r haj lin'l nulicv uf hla Inti'Dtlon uiaku imal proof iu kiix,rt ol hi vlnliu, aud thnt ju,1 proof will ! malo bciore llio RVxtatvr ami Kiihilt, l ullvd .-tat Ijind oiltro at Ko. hur, 0n ou, ou iHi vintu r 17, Ik, via- I1KNKY J. BA1I.K V, i. n II K. No W f,,r tin- N',nw. a I,ia t, ,-, A i". ct t. ;i, I . jy.S., R. '. Ho nainea tho foil .winit itncaav lo proc hiarontlntintn re Mrucc :iMin and I'lilllvnllon ol -aid land, viz lfi iiry Harlow, of Mvrtlo C'nck, On-Kuu, J II Harrw. of Mjrllc t'rw k. On-Rou, J. A. Cornell eon. "f Myrtle l rtvk, OrvKoii, Mark 11. .Suillb. nf Mtrtk' I'rvvk.Urt'gun. J. T. BUIDt.EH, nlOl" KcRlu-r. Notice For Publication. I'.oiiEO 8r iti.i !,t.Mi Orm a, ' KoM-tuig, Oregon, Nov. tf, liH3. N"lii.' n hrn-liy kImo that the following-Liuii-d utthr bas ttied notice of his In ton tn u I inak.' ilniil proof in gupnort of hla claim, and that i l t, roof Mill Ix.-inaile before the Keirla Icratid KniiVL-r, United htatia I-atid flttlcc at K'.seburB.nrv.. on iH'ceiuurr IT, lo', 1: MAttk B. 6M11 II, on it. K. .No '.li., lola '.'. :i and 4, 8ec. 4, T. : H. K S vi. He namca the folio ins u 1 tin nun t pr,'M' hl coiitinuoiis realdeiio' utou and vulti vati.,11 ,,l uhl land, vl: lieurr Harlow, el .mjilu i ii, ori'K'iD, iiiury J. nancy, ol M)rlle trek, OrvKon, James II. Hailev, of M; rt i r. ek, tircnon, lhuinaa itrOilc,ul Myrtle J. T. BRIOUEd. Korfull particular! nfanllii ial traiuf , etc., call on or addrorn J. F. UIVANS. Agt., Koeeburu. C. O. Terry, V. H. Coman, Trav. rns. Aal. Otu. Anl. EAST AND SOUTH -VIA- THE SHASTA ROUTE or THE Southern Pacific Co. Kipraa tralaa laT PortUnd Amtlj. Houtb Lv. Portland v w V J, if Rivet your eyes on us... dfefefeV? Sec how OLIVER PLOWS ? ? roll out of our establishment. Takcu squint at the Clark Cutaway Orchard Cultiva tor We sell them. Churchill & Wool ley. i his is the Place to Buy Groceries. A full aud complete assortment of all goods usually kcj-t in a first class grocery. Kvery thing offered lor sale is fresh; aud sold at very reasonable prices. We have a very choice stock of cauued goods, including both fruits and vegetables, to which .vc invite your special attention. Our Hue of Olives, Gherkins, Pick els, Sauces, etc., is also complete. We carry the largest stock of to baccos iu Southern Oregon. C. W. PARKS & CO., Grocers. tbr M2 ft i O a. t a tU OMft T -it uj CJitOAl 1 KRUSE & SHAMBROOK, lK.t KRS IN A 1. 1. KINDS t'l STAPLE HD FMCT GWIS 10 PROVISIONS FIME TEAS AND COFFEES A SPECIALTY. A Kl IX LINK or TOBACCO 8c CIGARS. OIVK I'Ul RIAL. One Hunt rtoutb ol P. O. i hi:i; utrni Mu, oukdon, 0:U0r. M. I:b0 A.M. 7:6a. at. BJMi Real Estate Bought and Sold Lt. . Ar. Knarbura ban Frajirlarn AboTO train, hod at all uruirlii I loriiaa'i ami nairm, lunur, Minol, l '"""", AiDany, lanifui, blieiMa, itaiwr, 11 . r.l .1. r. I............ ..r. . .. .. . H. .uuiiivu Viiy, tllXl'DU, I.UIIHI) urove, urain, Oakland, anil all alallom Iroin aweounj to Aiuiaua lnciunlTi . Have Always Bought. mora F. M. Beard 309 Jackson Street lias added lo his stock of Hardware, a fine Hue of Coffee, lea, JJakiug Powder and all kiuds uf Spices, Cocoa and Chocolate, Tobacco aud Cigars; Sugar and Salt. New Goojs, New Prices. m BOSWELL SPRINGS On tb . V. R. R. Douglas County, Oregon HOTEL constant ly open for recep tion of guests. Water cures Rheu matism, Dyspepsia, Kidney and Skin Diseases. ilk o To , The Unfortunate. Dr. Gibbon Tbla old reliable aul I be moat uuKalul biieclallat lu baa Fran cIhco. ktlll coutluuva to euro all Scaual aud 5cmlflal DlacaM! kuch aa (lonnorrhura, Olccl Stricture, Ayph Ilia lu all lla foru.. felkln m. 'kuii, Ncrvoua Iirhn. yry. Impolency. bcml cpuauca ol aU abuw ami eu-caaca prodnclUK tbo RiliuwloKayinpluiuai .allow toinilcnauco, Oiitk apota under tbu cyea, jialu lu tbo Utal. niiKina luiuucara, torn 01 couuaeiica, illltl'lenee lu an Vroacbtim trauifr, palpitation ol lliu tit-art. naaknew ol tliulluibaaixl back, Ion ol uivuiorv ipijpieaon tno raeo, coiiKba, cou.uiuptiou. to Kk. OlilBON baa Dractlucd lu turn Y,U. .. 0?er thirty yearaaui Iboau Irunblcil ahould uot fall to cotiault blut ami reccivo tli bcuclit ol bla g rvat .kill anj expt-rltuco. Tim doctor curoa wbsu otbbra (ail. Tryblm. C'urca guarautuin rmoua cured aL bourn, (.'hanri.n r,.Ut,.,,.i.i:. Call w write. ,IlH. J. K. rHRftV. fM Ifaarnv 'J I II.. V... Notice For Publication I'.Mieij TAtu La.kd Onto:, Itoavburir, Unmu, Nor. y. Ivjs. otn.-e i licruby Kieu that toe lollowlnx uaiui;,i nan iiibii nonce 01 inn intention to ::;u!:c tinul i.tudI ia auncort ol bin claim, aud luat -aid proof will Ih: made before the KKlater ..!. luceiM-r, luitel ptatea Land titOee iiOtM. b jrtf, Ori-Roii. on Uec uilicr 17, vU JJll! H BAHLOW. 'j'.i If. It. No. uli'.'i. lor tbu lota ft. . A 7 and I r,K' . rV, 1 . . . , II. fii k., H, ft Went. Ill, iiami t!i- io!1iviuj uitucs't-a to prove bla continuous r :qencu upon una cuttivatlou ot aald laud i ' Muik II. Kmitll. ol Mvrtlu ( r, U (lri.,n Henri J. iiullty, ol Myrtle C rct k, Oregon. Jamea 11. raiji-v-. 01 Myrtle i.reea, uregou, T Itouias ...i rir, 01 1: rue trcen, urvgon. J. 1. UKIDol 8, ultu, Kcgitr. Notice for Publication. 1 Mteb -1 A J - I AMI Ol IP I, Ko ibiitlj, Or:griD, Nov. ll, lyji. N .'f. . . reby zivtu tluit tlio lollowiDK naiui'i er.p r nui 11 ic-J uotp e ot mi iDP Ution 10 ui;ii: liuul proof In 'j,,ort ol bin rlaiin. an : a d pro ,1 mil lie iiiadu bi-toretlie lleinler i ne'.-eivtr, u. .. i.uwi unico, at .Itoeeourg, Ore' .Oil, Ull J.IIIUMl y JO, 1I,-,Y17. ; III.NHV M. H'CKi:it, On II. h. So.! lor tbi; fcL'4 H 11. VV SKU V! ' , N K 1 ,', ftti . ia. Tn. 8 It. 0 Weal, fl iMim.a I Ij; loil iHliiL' vKn" PK-n lo tn,ve bin con iiiiU iiii rcmdruix upon uud cultivatiou of aald laii' eMgHr nuikiT, U It. 1'limi. J, M. b.llurdeiid v. V. Walk' r. ull of inllard, Ore 1. T. Bmiv.t, u'-i 1 HcKl.Ier, jm) Notice For Publication. 1 miku Siik l.M0rita, lloacburif. Orotfon. Nmeiuljer liil. ImOA Noli, a i ln.r, l,y iilveu tliat the lollowliiK uaiiib'i m 'lirr 11111 11 lea notice or lilu Intention lo ui;A I11111I proof ill mpport of Ills claim, and tb ut -ul'l nrool will I m niado bedoru llio KcL'lm, aim in '.er. 1 r 1 nip 11 hiaien i,au (mice at flout'- ii'jr;', orvifoii, Juimurv otli, 1'J, vw: KJIIV t-MITIf 011 lil II01111 fcUad Kutiy ho. bJI, for tbu lots 1, J, ; au'j bi-.1 1 M' i w 4 iwp. L'i K. B west, llu Humeri tin' following vitu(piea toprovo bla contiiinoua ruti'jcnce iitiou am cultivation ot api lati'l, vi: jonn Kliouea, Jainex lluucu, H 1) UlU' liart, B. K. c-i.lton, all of Klkton, Ore Hon. J. T. DHIUOKM. 'II' 1 Heglbttr. Notice of Final Settlement. N'oticc la bj.'rcby giveii that llio undcri-lKticd, ibe U'li.nnl tiutilx ol I Ii c estatu of Joliu h tyaltr, il'Traacd, lie. Illtil ber iluul account aa " icli adiiiiulblMlrlx lu tin: County Court ol jjoul'Iiih uoiinty. tilule 01 (inxoiJ. and that auul court liai m t lueadiiy, tiie 3rd day of January, lv", ut llio hour of Id o clock a. 111. of aald day, nt tbe coiirl liouKe in Itoaubuiir, Oregon, aa tbe time uud place for lliu eonaid' ratlou of aald Miul ifcoiiut and for bearing objuctiona tbtrcto and lor tbu Iluul ik till uieut of aald catal. I'uleil ut Jtoneburg, Orcou, tbla 1 1 111 day of N'oviuiliir, l'JH. KLI'4lTII C. WlPk, A'liuiulatralrix of tbe eatute ol Jobo H. Lyaler, 'Ifcceavvd. F. W. Bi:s'o. ril7t', AUoiuty for AduiiuuMaMs, RMCkary nll-.Uilr. S:3U. M. 5. 'JO r. H. lv. Ar. Portland Roaebiirig Ar. I.T. t r. 7 TO A M Prune Farms, large and small, to Rent, AND IMMKDIATK I'OKSKlslON UIVKN. Stock Ranges, Timber Lands and Miniug Properties, le and Hop Lauds of best quality, iu choice locations, dii i-Auao M; nwTK. in quantities to suit intending purchasers, at reasonable Pullman Duffet Sleepers AMI SECOO.C'I.A!m Itl.IlCI'lINU Attached to all Tbruugb Tiaiua. West Side Division. Iletwer a rorilmud aud Coryaaall Mall tralu dally (except Muudayi. prices aud easy terms mm Bral IlKlllilC uf ID. S- K. BUIOK, allaaa Owiaaaty, aBraanm, 7 80 a. M. U 16 r. u. Lr. Ar. Portland Cnrrallla Ar. I hr. tr.MI I'. M 1 o" r. m At Albau and (,'nrvallla rfomarL aiih iniH, 01 uregua ential at lCaatera railroad. Kxpreaa train dally (except Bnnday). i.for. u. L. . r"o7taur 7:no r. JO r. v. lr. At. lr. UcMlUYllle IndeiH-ndi-noo "AT I.T. I.v KftOa. ','.! A. If. Books and Toys Below Cost Direct connection mt Hin Frnrlan iiii nr. ci'ivnial and oriental aud Paellln Mall aleara- blp line, for JAPAN ANU CHINA. rialUinC dates ou application. Kale, aud llckela to Kotero ikiI 11 ta aud En rol. Alio JAPAN, t UI.NA. HONOLULi; and AL'riTHAlilA. Cau be obtained" from OK. taitd, iica.i Aircui, Koaeburg. m. KOXBLKB, C. If. MARKHAM. Manager. u. K. Paaa. Aoot. PORTLAND OKIOON. WOODWARD As I will not keep iu stock books and toys here aftei, I am offering my large stock at prices that will command your attention. Conic and sc them. I will continue to keep everything thil I have heretofore in the grocery and crockery line and am better prepared than ever before to satisfy the demands of my patrons. I have just received a part of my new Holiday stock of dishes. They Hie iriuy eiegam. -THE 3' ROSEBURG Does Up ALL COIWETITORS! We are elwaya la tbe Lead, au J me so to keep there. Tba Golden IfafTNt ii uyon ui , aud farm- erf are tmlliug because Woodward looaa to tbeir iatereit. WYLIE ....MRS. N. BOYD. PILKINGTON, IHuu'vuor lo ri. W. NOAH, I General Blacksmithing I O im I'.H ii a i; (a . TROTTINO AND RUNNING PLATKS A 5PECIALTY, REPAIK1NO or AM- KIMIH I KOMITLV liONB, Bbop ou Corner W'uhIjIukIou and Kant) Ko.eburtt. Full Trimmed team harness Hudson Mills & Lumber Co. luwt anau lioamer ana warrauted. SADDLES At Eeduoed Prloea. Coniult your puna aud be ture aud Wotxlwird before buying, V. ii. WOODWARD Hafe oprucd a New l.umbf r Yatd on the ground lormerlv orctiPli d by tbe Msika Won boun', at I bo loot ol Oak btni't. WII.U t'AKUV A n ll S'lOt k or FIRST-CLKSS LUMB0R, l aie Vii'l'" d lo iilt r jnu liflli r I.uinlier and J.nrt I'rln a 1 lull 1 any lumber dauler lu Hie clly IVa kindly Jnvilu you in rail uud cu our J.uuibu uud I'rirua. PERKIMS 4 BLEDSOE faeo,eal KUICDtKfE, OR.