The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, December 19, 1898, Image 2

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riililldiril M'in'iny "! Ilmrvlur
a,. ln I'MIMil U Ml I I JH.l -II I N.
I). MRAf rtRI Ml'"'
:. V. BENJAMIN Msiiinor
Hulmcl Ipllou
fill Yer
Pit I.Milh
Vlirce Monthi
.11 .NO
w.CKunri; 10. is:.
Tim rti hi'lciii i 1 sn limit tho pea.-o i
(ia!j Id ronrtes aftt-r the holidayi-.
Tli battler-hips Oir(.
art Hi Valparaiso entente
.ti mill I mi
In IVIao mill
"21u t tily Win. .1. li j mi is i i'rt i"
New York, rhonting fiec-.-dlur, anti-ex-pmifion
mnl nnti-inipwrUlifiii.
Damn IVidinand .'anus lu Kuth.--thild,
M. I'., i l.'l. Hi death wa
Hidden. It an nipp'fd lie .i i-iily
nifferiiit fniiii n cold.
The picM-lcnt i.J e'.i'.l "a in.
the cinlv" hi ti e i-
perches, being hji.ipioli-d,
having a good time ni'iifLiily.
w.t rem,..
t'c , and
(ienrml i ioinr. i.
tb repnrt is not confirmed in Havana,
though a rumor to i!i,;l licet IlisI uii
in circulation for teveral days.
The National I', bi at i.irnl A-cit i.;te u
will hold its next ec!-ioi. b' l.os Aiueice .
July 10, lSV'i, cve.y muc'i to the dis::iM
of Salt Lake, I'oitiand a: d ve.!vra
cities who had hoped to secure i.
The Chicago aud Northv.iMeni rail
roads aie gji:iito ail the woir.en
holding f";f iti-.-ns in lluir n.
ploy the "giand bo'-.iHi-," in or.Kr to
make loein fcr men, no, bec.oi'-o tl.e
men make more illicioi.t c'.eikf, but 1 e
cause in umkint; pfoin jtiotis b. tl c o:'.!
teeof trust tlie cc-mpany : i n.iu 1 ;o
the coinparaiivelv nui'i nusubcr oi
men in tlo-ir emiiKy, .'.in!
Sires a larger nuiuhtr to tclect .': .:n.
Tiie I'-L'ttou Assjcia'.iJ l;-.u-l
haa issued a circuUr le-jtsesiir
relief that I'tiili'.-u i tl.e 1".
;t T
ual reveuue hint h; :li ituj ofo a !as on
transportation of iu. r liai. iue by ix
prese, s.iying tint r. .ire? not it ink thu
fraiuers of fie law ii U;o c i ".in;
HUch extravag.ti.l t;x." Wletbe: or
not the law' uuktis ii.!cu b. ! the eii :if
rouupauita to pity lb? t.x inr.kcs no
great dilTcrtiice. Tl;e certainly ieiijt
paying it, and have no i:itei..n:i cf do
ing so, though their b'.Tii.ea ti;r.;t have
iuci eased tiiorm jnsly J 1.1 1 i n and eiiue
the war. It is we'd known to ell ;h?.t
the express coiupauie-ehirg; most i-x-tortiouale
rat; for trarifport.itivu cf
merchsudise, ar.d the public having no
rscouree. would make but little fn?s over
the matter of wer-tnx additions thereto,
were it net for the fact that the prevail
ing - opinion that tho liw plaicly
says that the burJen shull be borne
by Hi companies. Tuat in what luakee
the people hot, but as they pay
all the taxes anyway, they miht as well
pay this and eay nothing about it. Tha
sojlee corporations always have escap
ed their just propoetbn of taxes hereto
fore aud doubtless always will .m l it is a
sheer watte of t:me atd money to try
and have it ctberwhe.
The cold weather cf the past wtes
haB given an opportunity to tit abj.i.
the stoves and discuss the j'jesli ju of
the hour, the proposition tj divide
Lane and Douglas, and maae two ne a
counties with tbe county touts at Cot
tage (irove and Oakland Feerus to have
engaged the ni.iet of attentiou. Tie
preponderance of sentiuient seen.; 1 1 fa
vor division, but what the ucitati-.n wid
lead to is difficult at this tm.e to euii
jeeture. That a number of lea lii'.' ci'i
mens are iu favor ot division there can
be no question, for have oceuiv ex
pressed themselves on tiie subject, bin
whether eoncert of action era coi.toii
rlated cllort will be made reuiaii.s mjet
auestion. Tiiose who favor division
argue the county ii too law, there is
loo much time aud txuunsu nttached to
attending to caunty business by thote
living iu the northern aud western part
ef the county, aud that tbe saving in
mileage and per dieiu would uioie tii.iri
oflsct the of maintain;!.: an ad
ditional corps of county otli' crs. We
shall see what we sba 1 t-i. Oal.l.m I
Although there has b-cu ci;si iera
eilliug around sloven in K-elurj!, a
ir;, atno
during the asi wetl. or o, tl.
lion to divide th'j county bas i.'jt I nil
the all-abi-oibing topic of coj; versa' ion,
in fact, we ay niuch douU it the n-b-jectbasbeeu
luentioncd. Oi;r ft !h
in the ncrlh tiem to reali.-? that tl.e
more counties wo havn tbe mote olficei j
it will take t-j run them, .'.n i the pn ,c
pcttvf getting au oflice ef some kitol bus
run away with tho better judguA-u of a
"number of leading" from the
north end when they figure ou mileage
and pcrhoin as an oiltel 1 1 the cv. cure
maiutaiuiug. an additional crp-i of
eyunly otDcers. I'utideM, it i the ) co
ple who live nt a distance Ironi the
county (eat who get thu bciittit if the
greater part of the mileage, nd it would
be Unjust t'j depi s o the mini'. rout atmy
ef juroii and witnusses froin tl,e north
eud of the larpe suma annuully paid
them, by rutting down this inilengu nnd
pe.'diem, only to pay it ovei n, i!i0 newly
rrraled cflicials.
America's Year of a Hundred Ycarsl
A comparison of the territorial area
and the national infl lenee of t',e biiiti d
frtates iu PStiH with ilmni of i-,:,s wii,
show the vast nnd ,,d
vauca whicli this counliy bus mado in
100 year's. biuks K'.is
does Uot figure ailli in v pi nnii.i u, c,
but In reality it is uu important l.ind
liiglk lu Ifieeounti 'ai'.lpHiisiou. It uas
jrmf a hiiiidnd years ugo that the piu-
: IIUU III I , 1 'O nuig mi" t,i n.mi.j v , -
i ipil out . For llfUvu veara after thai
lata the I'nitoJ Matoa, io lis emleevoie
to . iitu His boundaries gueraiiterJ iu
that nrciiient, km obatruvUil hf lo
nationi, ring-land and Spain. Tlie 1U it
Uh beld oi(aion .( ota at Oswego,
NiiKtn, IVttolt ml ether place in
: j rnilril Siniesjtprritory on Ilia norllicrn
v J frontier until Jajr' treaty, whiili, among
j ollu-r tiling provided for llielr rvaena
jli::i,vent into operation in 171M', aud
-, ovt'u llto oik of abandonment mat car-
ncJ on with a lone which was ex
ceedingly txiMprrating to the people of
tho I'nited State.
Willi Spain, however, the I'niteJ
Mules hail nnii'li more trouble in neeur
i t k it' tieaty rights under tlie agreement
of ITS;! than it had with l.nglmul Then
a? now, Spmu . (low In gravping the
juMieo of any .leiuaud ly any other na-1
tion, and in that particular cums the r,ver' ,u vonax, ancie me t:ana
situation for this country was tendered J uf U, ,uer 1,U r'Prappcd to prevent
doublv cail-arrassius the fact tlut j caving.
sraiu' wo still oue of the great powcrs Uwl t PI'm v
of the e.uth, while the Voited States was j "P f'otu the NujkMck valley
onlv an iniigoiflrmit lol ou the mpll,is ' ' "dditioi.Ho the exported
and" had no sights which anr of the great reluct cf the reet cf this county,
nations frit bound to ie ccl. Spaiu Trices have been realued. and the
contended that the Honda region tifcli l cotu 'foin all tides
the gaine.1 from Kngland during the war l!P'houe couipuy is piep.iuiig
of the Aniciican revolution, and wliUi'UuJ hue to I'hilo.tulh Iron. A I
extended wral to t!.a Mississippi, went l'l,.r- The hue has been eiuv eyed and
! -i - . .i . i.:..
far norlh as the mouth of Vsioo. ti. of :!J no. Hi latitude.
wbivh would mskethe tcuthetW line of
tbe bet-I !atts ou the Mississippi end
at that vii-t. 1'oth Kngland and tLe
I'liited States, on the other hand, insist
ed that this couutry southern boundary
went down Ki latitude ill. At last the
protests and throats of the I'nited states
and Spain's dangers iu the Napoleouie
wars then under way conipell-d tlie lat
ter to accede tj the Americau demauds.
Spain did this in the treaty of Sau Lo
re tuo of 17'X', which was ratified by the
unate in 17','ti, lui 17'.' airived before
the Spaui?h tlag went dowu iu Natchex,
the most important town in the territory
iu di"pute, and the stars and stripes
went np. Then, fifteen years after the
ti caiy ef independence, and just a hun
dred yeats ago, tbe title el the I'nited
States to all its territory between the At-1
Ian tie and the Mississippi, and from the '
great lakes to the Florida line, was de-1
liniuiy cuctirmed.
America's situation in IS.'S, ui.teria!l,
atd uioi ally, makes a striking routrast cf 1 7b'- Uu the day wheu
a; oso's forces lowereil their tUg iu
Natchez aud sailed down tj New tr
lean?, the person who etepped below the
scitheily line of Ceorgla, into tbe lower!
eud ef what is now the state of Missis-1
sippi, ct who crotsed the Mississippi riv
er, would be in a foreign laud. W'e were
surrounded on three sides by powerful
nations, lioglaud was uortti ot us a
now, an J Spain wag south and west of
us, us the held Florida, which comprised
the prc-eut state of that name aud a
strip westward along the southerly liue
of unaware cow tbe states of Alabama
anl Mississippi to the Mississippi river
aud she had all the region west of the
river. The population of the country
was about 5,000,000. The Louisaua ces
sion and all the other annexations were
still iu the distance. Nobody could have
foreeeen at that time that the narrow
'strip of populated area east of the Alle
ghenies, with the scarcely tess diminu
tive stretch of wilderness between those
mountains and tbe Mississippi would
ever reach the iulf of Mexico aud tbe
Pacific. Much less could anybody have
forceetn then that this country would
annex all of Kussiau America, absorb all
the islands of value in the nilf cf Mexico
ai.d a.'n lire pjeessions scattered through
tbe 1'acific extending almost to the con
tinent of Asia. The ,- owtlj of America
from an area of iJ7,'.iK) square miles and
a popuiii-.iou : o.uw.uuu lu lifts to an
area of o.vyJWO louaie
pepoiation of Sj,t.t0;UV"J iu lSl'i, attend- !
el as it has beeu by a rise from a posi-! rcruntted to pouud to pieces ou the
tion iu which its enmity had no menace ' Bll0re e8tf Sautiago, The board of
ior tveu the feebles of foreign states to ! destruction has uuder conHideraliou a
one iu which its friendship is sought by ' 'uial proposition for tho sulvago of
the most pcwtrtul nations of the earth, j "Jib these vessel?, aud theii delivery at
leprcsents a physical and moral J-: New York or such othei port iu the
Tancement which has no praallel iu the ' t-'fc'ton States aa the government might
annals of the world. Ulobe Democrat, jfclect, but no company will be allow-
ed to begin opeiatious on the vessel uu-
Weathcr Report ' a comparison will be made between
I Ihe offers from several trustworthy con-
For the week eudiug Dec. M, JKs. cern-.
Maximum temperature, lb, ou the '.'lb1 The Swedish Company which is said
Minimum temperature, o, ou the 11th
Precipitation, O.o.'. j
Total rainfall eiuee 1st mouth, 0.77.
Average precipitation for this month for '
-1 years, ij.'M. !
Total precipitation fro-n Sept. 1, lo
date, 10.10. i
Average precipitation from Sept J , lo.l'J j I'Ui pose, aud after satisfying tbcuiselvva j mcnt.
T..tal excess from Sept 1 , 1VJ1?, O.Oo ' of the Colon's couditiou aud tbe expeusu AV.miim,.i, Dec. 1 V The war de
Avcruge precipitation for l wet seasons, j tuat must be iucurecd in floating her, i partmout made public ihe formal order
Sept. to May, iuclusive, .'JJ..i7. i
Tnys. Oinso.v, Obserrer
danta tlaus
is at the Novelty Store with as elegant
line, of presents an ever were brought to
town for the holidays. You'll have to
huiry if you have one of these for they
w ill be included in the Novelty Store's
closing out sale, aud prices are made so
low that no one can resist carrying
home one of these flue presents.
County Treasurer's Notice.
Notice is hereby given to all parties
hokiiug Douglas county warrants iu
doued prior to July 10, ISOo, to
present the same at the treasuret's office
ia the conn houee for payment, ai iuter
est will ceaso thereon after tbe date of
this notice.
Dated this the 1'let day uf Nov. Is'jS,
nt the City of Iloseburg, Oregon.
it". W. Dim Mick.
County Treasurer , Douglaa Couuly. Or
of Kaale valley,
(Jlan-iieo Spau;ii,
t'nioii county, Iiho
In-,, arrdki.! in I
Idaho, and l.ronaht baet lo anaar r to a I
( lllirg ( liileliiN,
... -
,LLJJi.J .. .' ...
Oregon Notes.
Albauy ia preparing foi tho no.l elate
poultry atiow, w huh uccuta in tliat city
from January to li.
William I'aunou, living vu the Lutiat
baa sold 1700 wcrtn of fruit tliia year
from a 4 year old orchard.
Considerable bull Jintf is soiim on lu
Chelan and I.akciido this winter, and
much moie is expected when spiing
The Whitman Couuty l'oiiliry aud Pel
Mock Aieovlatioii is arranging to hold a
poultry chow in Colfax, January )'., 'JO
aud 1, lSlhi.
Mre. Willimu 1-1 1 lot, ti; viartold, li v
lug near Corvallia, who stricken
with paralysis thiea week atio, docs not
iiuproTe, her speech and mind being
A gaug of couuly prisoners is being
worked under guard along the Palouae
"tirarv ,v:ce are anmcg. ti ia
I expelled tiiat the line aid heeMciidod
to V pun iu tin' near t'utuie.
The doelcr who is attending A. .1.
Ilocppuer, tbe Colfax druggUt, who was
found Monday in a badly coud i
lion, says lloeppiifi will Ue his toes
aud probably the beel of his left foot.
The light fool is also badly l', bii;
tho doctor thinks it can be raved
A. W. Kose, of Cci valli. whotoiika
large lot of pruuee to SI Lvtiis, was otlei
ed only j' cents', and so stoic I all but a
toil of tbeoj.
The coutiuued cold weather is a Nett
ing to ice men, who u nonr hai lesting
the biggest eud besl crip of ice iu the
history if Culfax. The ice is being
taken from Cooper lake, and is now
eight inches thiik and ifrfccily clear,
A large force of men and teams is fur
nished employment at good aages.
A diseaee is decixatiug the goat bi rds
l iu me usea eomiiry. .nce msi .auusi
Charles Wolfe has lost " head, and in
j the past two weeks tti.i died, i 1'oin
I recently lost IU head in to weeks. The
jauiuiale, :t is said, begin scouring, and
: iu a day or two expire. Vaiious leu.e-
dies liave beeu trie-il, but
none so far
i .......... ....
u",c '"u,c" ':"'""
l'H''u the past week a niove neiit has
developed, liaving l"r its ol'j-!ct the c'li
trolling oi the waters of Lake Chel tn
so as to equalize the outiljw duiing the
entire year. The ditteteuco between
high aud low water is from S to 10 feet,
and at present there are only about two
months iu the year when steamers can
land soy nearer thau a mile from Che
lan, ou account of shallow watei .
There are probably ;W0 u-eu at Wailir
la waiting to go to work on the . I
N. railroad to be built up the Snake to
Lewistou, Idaho. There are also a great
many teams aud scrapers there, and all
a bustle and excitement. There aie not
sufficient bouses to accommodate the in
flux, aud notwithstanding the cold
weather, many of tbe men are living iu
tents. Aut?0O0 store building is Leii g
constructed there.
The Haine and Colon May be Raised
L"NlON, lAc. 10. A dispatch to the
Tribune from W'ashiugtou says:
Ihe navy department has Lot aban
doned the hope of rescuing the Maiue
from Havana harbor and bringing the
wieck back to this counlv for lehabilita
tion, nor does it seem likely, from the !
j interest taken by responsible wreckitgj
experte, that the Christuhal Culouwill
to be the uiost capable aud experienced
in the world, now- has experts at work
ou the Colon making au investigation
into tbe dilhculties involved in her sal-
vaire. - I
Divers and engineers have been j
brought from Luropo especially fortius
they will go to Havaua and examine the
There is no doubt in tho minds of nav
al otliciale that the report of these ex
pers will result iu a bona lido offer from
the Swedish Company. The navy de,-
i partmeut has, however, made the rigid
rulo that no proposition will be consid
ered iuvulviug tho government iu any
expense uulil Ihe vessels are safely de
livered iu a naval dry-dock, uu tho "no
c ue, no pay " principle. uootI'er uu
der consideration comes from some swjo-
ciatd engineers iu Ne York city, whoitlm government of the province, Tho
ha'i ample capital and who easily con
v -id Ihe board of the feasibility ol
taeir project from an engineering point
of view. Their original terms, which
tie, however, subject to modifica
tion, contemplated the payment by
the government of fl'oO.O'JO cash in
the caBe of the Maine aud fl,000,OOU in I bv
i. . ..i i. i...;M .i..i:. .'
fciic cuec oi iiiq oiuij, uu luuii iiuiivur
at the New ) ork or the Norfolk navy
vard. in addition to one-third of tho un.
praised value of these vessels on their t
arrival, the valuation lobe made by a ,
buaij of arbitration. Tbe uncertainty un i
to me precise amount oi remuneration
involved in IhiH propohilion in not at-
tractive to the naval oiuciaiu, Mho will
n"l'Uiaiii.B u.a raari .uui in w: ,
pai't hy tha yovrrnincrif lor nalvae
! foil.' a rontrael in tigued.
nin . v iiim uiit'i, r,i
Admiral Dewy Sa)s Ihey Are
I rirndly .mil In a Conciliatory
Vet Admit That They WoulJ Us l'n
ablc to Stand Without Ameri
can Support.
MiMi , Pec. 10. Ueai-Aduiiial l'ew
ey, when it iMrrespondenl of the Associ
ated I'rcsa called upon him today, was
courteous and pleasant, but absolutely
declined to ibscit-s tho political situation
iu the I'liilippino islands, on the ground
that his hero wa ptitoiy naviil. lie
then proceeded to ciors exainiuo tho cor
respondent nbj'it mervihing aahoro.
lie was xld to b.ain tbat the iustirgou's
woio reioaxiiig the a.ik Spanish toldiers
they held aa piirciit, iiolw iibetauding
Ag'iin.ildo'ii ii.iu lihipnnt lefusal lii do
8 . l ies piitvvd that li e insurgents ale
vety i. on. sluti'i , in npito ef their do
liaiit talk.
Admiral I'ewey iilwata believed that
(Ik iusiiigents were fiinndly, especially
since tbe waiships of our Heel have
visited the dilferetit potts of those is
lamic, and sine- s iue of our ollicers
have iu;i'L toui.i iutati I, catefully in
veatigating p 'pulai sentiment aud judic
iously preaching the gospel of peaceful
setth'iiicut eury ivhcro with highly sat
isf.ictoiv results.
A few iiiliiieutia! KiiipinoH. in llieir
Mii.tilioii f ir 'ii adcaineiiieiit, mo
ciiiiioiing lor unb'pftideuce, though un
able t real.,:.' its trno lueiuiug. Ihey
atenttei li ig K.iaul of the dilleren. e be
tween the name an I tie- reality. Agita
tors hue invaiiably admit thai they
wo lid be u ii.t li? to s'.avl without Ameii
ican piotcitiou, but in spite of this they
continue tbe.r meaningless outcry f r
Itl.Ifp.'ll I, i: ;
1 be i'l:iu;.i
be in jto'i
though i i el y
and muv pj'jibty create
however, believes this tj
t tbe present piuclino,
tiiibug incident cunt.
1 1 j .V'.' er e t i da
onthct moaiii s
that p,issos w ilhout
much niu, beeaiiso
j the friendly inline; in steadily imrens
uu, 'be incipient rmvdiuesu disappear
ing and t!:e agilaivi s weakeuii g.
Ne . spapem i f Mjinl i at doing par
tic l ariy vxiiiblo inU!l, m jU fiuiuhau
eo;i? ib;;c.4ti in oi couciliatoty articles
punted in .Spanish aud in Luglifb.
1 bis course i bjoked upon a.f being cer
tain to eliminate the irritation which haa
existed Io re
I'he a l.mral is gre-a'ly interested iu
the movement among the American vol
unteers to obtain their disi'harites here
B'i'i engage in planter enterprises. lie
believea there is practically an unliinitt-1
field for planters, farmers and miners
Tne suggest io:i was made that if tho
natives prove to be obstreperous, per
haps ihey might be luudeJ over lo the
tiL'ruiana ur other ungentle laudgrabbere.
The adiuiial said lie believed the er
mans now have entirely abandoned
their design iu tne I'hilionini;
though fui Uiet
c said, the ierman
attit'l le hi a had ci.iied him iu-lescnlr
able an .et
I Aci 'i Jin t j i
! ceive I heie, tbe I
clit information
lipinv disorients
eiide. iv oi'ug t'j ii. a i c tin a brave show
for the purpjse ..( secuiing the best
leims I'.S'.iide fmui tho AmericauH. It
is toe opinion oi ..jr admiral that it
wool 1 be a livable for the I'uited states
to pay ihe iti-ojigeul troops their arrears
oi wait-h. Tbe whole amount w ould be
a coiiipaiativtly trilling sum, au I pay
m ;ut oi th" troop) woild bae a valu
ably e fleet , ai: d uny save incalculable
t rouble.
Admiral J'cWey w as t ti oligly couv iuced
that the I iiipiiu ins'irgHntu deserve ac
knowleiJgniei.t. I i i4 believer iu the
practicabihty ( hberl ineasnies iu the
dii ed inn of local au'ouoiuy.
Ke'.triJiug the possibility of iuleiua
ti'wal cjinpii.ations, Admiral iHiwey
said :
"I'nor t'i l!i- arrival of the uiouitors I
felt u jea'y, Pm mn f tnl ready to bold
tbi pi.hitioii against ihe whole eurth."
War Depart'
jlor I ho military government of Cuba,
i '1 be II .jt.iblo feat me is that Major-(eu-I
era bii lb,. . w ho is designated aB tnili
jlaiy gosc-rimr of Havaua city, while
I nominally n ibuidiuate to the divisiou
I coiuiiiauder, ieueral iiiood, is appar
icntly charged to exercise all tho civil
jfuiutioiiH in that place nuder direct
iautboiity of the president. iiiieral'e fiiiieii nia appear to bo liiuitod to
those strictly military, and it is thought
he uny be eventually charged with all
i the duties, civil as well us mililaiy. Xjf
tevt of the order is as follows:
"War Department, Washington, Dec.
Pi, JJy directiiju of tho president, a di
vision to be fcriuAu as the division of
Culm, cont-istiiig of geographiral depart
lueiits it nd provii.ccu of Cuba, with head-
I'lMiters in the city of Havaua, is here-
i leated uuder command of Major-
lelll.lal .fubli It. llr.i.Ln I ',,ltu.l Klulnu
aru,v' H'Milimi tn nominanding
Iroops in I. id il.vicion, will t ereisu tho
authorily of military xovernor of the
"Maj ir.i ii ni ial I it.buiHi .ci, 1'iiiUnl
SIllli H vollinleein. I oiiilililliiliiiu lliu Kuv
ei.t , un.,y i in aHiMrini lo Ihe im
nn- 1 1 al . e.mimatid ol nil II n iriHimlil
Ihe piiiviiii e of If ivau.-i.
"MJ r (ioiteial William l.udlow,
I'nited States volunleeis, la designated
as tha in Hilary goveuior ot the city of
Havana, and Will report dltoclto the
division (oiomuiider. He ia chat god
wllti alt (hat relates to tho collect lou aud
dislmiM-iueut of lovoiines of tho rliy and
its police, sanitation and ge-ucinl govern
ment, under such regulations as may se
prescribed I y the president.
"U. A. Am Mt, Secretary of War."
Tho commands of military dopail
motits of Ihe dlvlsLiu of Cuba, coin
uiuudiHl by tieneral lhooke, so far as do
cided upon, a to as follows:
lVpaituieuts of l'inar del Klo, lUlna-ilier-iieu
vral W. iHivi.
Puorto Principe, lieneral II. I.. Cm pen-
Santa Clara, lixneinl Simon Snyder.
Santiago, (ieneral I., Woml.
This leaven the province of Havana
and Manttuu unprovided fo-, Thesa
uoiumands probably will bii left open
until the I'oturii of the president from
tho smith, hot the prombllitiea are
Strong that Majar-Ueuernl l.eo will lw
assigned to the district of Havana, and
Major-t ienoial Homy t the cemmaud
of Matan.'.as.
m:i:l5 i iliimnos' consuni.
Agoiulllo ,s Opinion of tho Spanish
American Treaty.'o.s Dec. I'v- Agoncillo, the tep
rceeutative of Aguiualdo, the iuaurgenl
leader iu Ihe Philippines, will siil for
New York Saturday, as he alleges,
to le-iiiiue his duties as represen
tative of the Philippine government at
Washiugtou. In au interview he said:
''The ouly ortiou of the Spaulsh
Ameiicau treaty which we aro concerned
iu is the cessiou of tho Philippines,
w hich is illegal, as tho Spaniards lost
theii sovereignly oer tho islaudsi, aud
the Americans cauttot dispose of I tie fu
ture of the archipelago without consult
ing tho 1 ilipluos. their coussut, by
popular vote, ia necosiaty. As univer
sal sub rags founs the baeis of Ihe Atuei i
cau constitution, tho I'nited States can
uot carry out (his measure. 'Ihe result
of the of the peace couiuiiseiou'a deliber
ations is onlv stiious t ue iuasmucb as
Spuiu is tinned out of the Philippine
islands. I do hot know otliciully why
the l'llipinoe have not released the
Spanish prisoners. I telt-giapbvd to
Aguinaldo on tho subject, and I hereby
declare it trie uiilrue that Ihey are
held for a lansoiu. lean ouly regard
Ihe possible eveutuul sale ol the islands
as being nonsensical. My country meu
w ill resist to tho bitter eud any attempt
to sell tho Philippines lo uuy foreign
pjwer. V o are anxious to be united
aud allied lo our good friends, the Amur
cans, but beyond this we me determined
at all ha.ardd to remain independent."
T. K. Rlcliardion
W ill fix tho iluor at the aimory aud
put it iu first clasa condition for dauclug,
aud will give instructions for ten weeks
commencing Saturday, Dec. 3rd at 8 p.
ui. I.eesjiis oO cents. Tho ball w ill be
open to all dancers. The admission will
be -') cents for gentlemeu, ladles free.
Those Who Ltidurc
The pains of rheiimatieni should be re
minded that a cure for this disease may
be found iu Hood's Mrs.iparilla. The
experience of those who liavo taken
Hood's S.ireaparilU for i heilmali-ui, uud
have been completely nnd permanently
cured, prove the kjaci of this imdi
cine to rout and c uioiier this disease.
Ho d a Sinnpai ilia U the due True
lilood Puiiticr aud it nentiali. 'B (he acid
which ca-isee the aches and pains of
rheumatism. I'nis ii why it absolutely
cures when liniments and other out
ward applications fail to give ptrmaneut
leliuf. Hj sure to get llood'n.
ibc Mc.Miuuviile cider factorv turned
out, duriug ti e season just closed, 17,tol
gallons of ordinary cider, IJOO gallons ol
raw cider .two into ouei, aud iKl gal ions
of jedy.
lirTPtK SMrrn.-At tho McClalleu
lloue iu this city Saturday, Pec. 17,
lStiS, bv tbe Kev. s, A. Douglas. J'.en
jamiu Puller ami Misa Kosa A. Smith.
1 1 . . . J
MAX IT 1 1 1. D. Near Pdge wood, Siskiyou
couutv, Cal., Sunday, Dec. II, 1WIH, lu
the L'lird year of bis age, lohn .Max
field, eldest sou of J'homas aud Nellie
Matield, loriueily a resideut of Doug
las county. , '
Mrs. A. L. Uutlur, a tiater of tho do
ceased, w bo wenl ou receipt of a tele
gram uDuouuciag Lis illness, did nut
arrive iu tiuio to see her brother aliye.
Oil, How Thankful
Pain Was Maddening nnd Hope
Had Been Abandoned - Wonder
fui Rcault'j of Purifying tho Blood,
"A iir.v i.ei re j.ii.ii euiiK! In niy left
knee, viliieh iev worxo ami wurae, ami
finally sore broke out, ahovo the knee.
It disehaitd h fe-real ilenl ninl Hie pain
from my llilt-li duun ttua iiiHildmin.
Large, hard, purple sjmjIs appeared on my
leg. I suffered in Hill way for yiar".
and gavo up nil hojieuf ever beinif cured.
My w ife v. hh reading of a cuso lilio mine.
cured hy I food 'a araporillu, mnl Kim
advised mo to try il. 1 Imhh tuklui; it,
and when 1 had uod n few hulllm k
found relief from my iiiifferiii(. tin,,
bow tliunk fill I niii for tliH relii f I t. um
UtroiiKer thaii J iiHe ver he. n In i if...
i urn iii uiu ih-si or in all li, Jihvo n koo-i
Jjijielile and inn u new mull Mltoel her
J. J Moons, LNhoii I'allH, Maine,
,'Mlle 1,11 in I i, II,. (In. i ijc p .,.t,, .,
Hood'a Pills un.' nil liver m ,. v, r ,...
Old Santa Claus
has left with moue of the lnrfvcat stocks of holt,
tlay goods ever before seen in this city. Toys,
candy ami nuts, rockttiK horscn, doll, drums,
steam trains for boys. Valuable presents will be
Ktven away to the boys aud to the girls, also the
men and women here on Christmas Ivvc. Come
one, come all, both great and small, and give us
a call, aud sec our prescuts, uud sec things all, at
...Dermis Variety Store...
The Uniform
nihility of the work
manship iu our
clothiug it. one of
its stroug joints.
l')ach garment is as
carefully cut aud
tailored throughout
as though made to
order. See our new
I'all Suits.
xrus GOODS
Jack.ion A
They Are
if - V r .was
Kne I'li.Minm-i" wl rirf i00iui, all Unuluaian Iroin lli best MeJicul Colli get lu the Worlil.
luiorparatMl uudrr tlie l.iini ol CallfurnlM fur aijo ooo,
' l.alalllMlid Twcul)r.lUe Vcarn.
A part of thf.. staff of the Kuglish aud Cicrmau Kxpert
Specialist s aud Dr. Meyers & Co., will make their
regular monthly visit to
Thursday, December 29th, 1898.
Thcv will be at the McCLALLKN HOUSE.
Anions ihe. Alliuculr Cured tiy
Hpcc-laliata urc Ilia foliowluiri
Hrlgliln I't'ity. mi'J ull ollieM fUranvn of the KPfnm; lJlnaim nf tho Malitr, Vrfuary Oi-
vain, l.lur, t Ailteia, biillie, Ilmvtln, Henri. Htomnrj. Kve. Kar. fklu nnd Nerrei. A!o luiDOTCr-
lnlit'il UlooJ, Dlet.'f rulnnu DI K'mfula; Cutiirrh, I'oiinllltli, ('orn-uiiiptlon, UronehllK, Aalbma,
uuil oilier 'J.tiivBt. wl l.uuu I rouliUn; Tuumii. bp lurnilllei. Irmomnla. Xiulnnchuly. Varalynl.
Rnpluro, UncnLnj, JiTM'tl'"'". Neuralirla, Hhtumatlitui, mill ami Pwollon Jolnlni Kcmala Com
plalulf, lrjudh; oviirlmi Tmublui, rilcn. rurula. OIltv. fllna Worm and Oollor; Tobacuo,
opluui, f KtaliiK nini LI'iour llalilt; Headache, jTympdai, fioiit, lap Worm, IWlounain. Urof irv'.
.liceam, I rcokln, J)lackbeu4f, Canei r, etc., and ( (ironic Dliiciin ironnrally.
un. :H YKlUiiO), euro Nirwiun UiIjiIIU-.
iii' '.ovftuii' ouh bl(Kf ioiaon . mickly mid neruinminlly. and at rviruabl rile.
'Mm Kb iflhti and derunin Kb. pert tpcclalliilsand Ur. Mavcn & Co. are uot only vuinpatant and
rgliiible, ut arc resijulbl, being backed by iiuplo capliul and ably managed.
Ili ia ulil tli liobicd tlienklll i.l otliw iibyolrlam and Uibbornly rofunwl lo ylrld to
ni,dinr.i ineifjciuiii, iaiUodn and appllaDcei, are ijulckly kubdued and uianlered by tbtM nue-ei-ktliiliieiorH.
'I lief In ne tlie larsei-i ritl bett tximppc1 uiecildil Instltotlun iu America.
CaU uu th Ducton wlimi tbcjr coiuc. All aillug rwplc uoiild o tlie Eng.
l-li and Ueiiiian Kxpi n fc.ciUH". A frlenilly talk, which toH almiilutely mthlnt, 1lonnl U
rt-hiili lu 11 preiii . al ol rjuol, wh'-llier treulmcnt ii tVn or not. -'
llOMi; CI KIJi,.hJlctlliiiirelerablolnninylri!iianceluee a paueat, the Kug1lb
mnl lieriiiiiu K rt Hei-Mlli-la have cured tliouftaml) of pormmi whom lliey Uvo never neon. If
)'ii ctiiuiil vi iIiaI inr nrrjii the homo ofllee for rjui irtl'iii llt.1. Advlca la regard to
your kilmeiii, ln,k lr nun uad uouieii mnl tnatlec uu aujr illaeaw-AH I're- Cirroi(yoid
1 1111. uiel Din i . nuirK wlili lutlleiita or prnapeutlve patlunln mu'iiilly eonlbleullal.
Ti puiiaDil Ir4rcf Wlllif it Uracil of All.
7.11 Mai Uat St., M u t i (nuaco. ami
, r ..:flklh -A' to
Hake Prlend
are the ouly kind we
wish to sell. They are
the only kind we do sell,
and with each pair we
sell wi- nuke a new
friend. They are not
only stylish but good
clear through. Sef our
Shoe line.
Something Entirely New
hiloid Good5
Carriages 6c Pancy Albums
- ???'
IU liuitllnh uud Ueruiau ICxpert
Lint Manhood and allVrlvata Mieanvi, Includ-