Drawing Nearer, t JfWil)H llt'Hr HII I IIMH t To liod'g eternal Jay, Which. fa ilinuiitig dear ami rlcaier t" nit ur lmnLli?(1 nay. Iive, lunloml ul fear him I lotr.-t, In kuI1iiik " ll,fu' 'ilP' AtiJ la raiifinK sin ami cimr To i:rif.li in tin etrik'. 2.Chiil in wad liinu fi "'vr m, T rlenrjnil ilouU away, ( An Hlmlili- llelivtl before m . rinv I'1 live to-ilav, lla.lim orir t ilt llio (hiHuIr l 'I liberty tu nil, And uioilals cliaiitft' to imuiii t 'r . An nhavkluu lioiii Ilium IhI'. 1u woiM l truth ami tuaiiiy. Ilia teat'liinj;a cliow t lie way, Ami it it cur ilijinl.duty To follow ami obey. Al.DO.N llAKNIM. U tUirt', Ur , I'cc. U, 1?.'. A Dcadlv liiMilt. "What's the matter jiio?" bauI the cuckoo. with ihe iiihi; "."he lock very much C8t tloau." "Why," ieliel the ibin, "elm htarJ noaioWy uiake that lemaik about womeu talkiug like maui'ii's, uil theu leckeJ iu oa an afternoon tea." rhila ilelphirt North American. Iho l'riuco of WaU'i) his ctliaated ,i t;uies as goillathei ; the omi't'ror of I'd uiauy etauils go.lfalhi-r to all teveulb sons in 1'nissi.t. and Kiuj-icm laifcuie iu one v ear acted as godaiothcr to oSol ihillrcu Iu w ereibci a iu , t rance ou March H, lsjil, tho eauio vUyua the )riuce imi'i'iul. Cecil Khodcs id god father to about 40 youug ecious of the arietocracv. It is hi vualom to trauMtr lo each of the jjoJchiMreu 0 thaiee of the 10 13eeiis uiiuca. Curo Bros, iuformslheir attoue .that they are iu rcceiit aain'ol Ciark'a u.'I C'oltou. ame oldJirice. I'nc I'liureticH, MtTii, J:: n -vomer in' Hii.u aim Ijiuc urevlf. Sun'.)' Service: rrcvbiii5, 11 a. m anil T::iO p. ui.; blbntli yvl-Ool, 10 a. tn.; K. W.Woollcy, Siiperintcuuvul; CImmi Mciuing at close ol the morums tervive; timor'.h Icajuu v.jo k in, t. ii. i luuxuiii, irvii-iii. n.ijcr Mcctins, Wc1iicIhv. ni : ..'i- i". i... i;. .i:.n li-, r.. r(.riin;:i', ti.rmr Mn:n a:i-I I-m'. I'Mlll' Bit I li 1. 1, ( lil'i:. Plill'l' KIl if. II il. i.l si ;i t ... 'I 1 tr. - cr mcvlin '.. Tlini..iy ..... ui Mi-, l i i v II. . I'i i . M. olji, .L cu'r..li. Ciiii-.r la - aa-J Maui strcctn. cirvicco ou iv.uu l ami luurtb tunJay morning ol cava tantti an-J c try Sua day evening s-i-sciai tcivicct aunouucctl irom time to limv. i;ev. 'ohs Ijam .-c- , M. t. CHI FA H, i Jt lH. - S T' 1V. ;V t moruio; an J c. viiiu,-. Kn . J. l con . y cjnJay 1 ait,.T Baiu:-! CULHU-caiUir of Lauv a;j 1 Kt-.e eueet:. Eaaday scr i.-C. Trcachin-at 11 a. m. and 7.3-) p. m. talbalh Schuai at VJ a. iu , O. 1'. Cosliow, lui-riuttn'jcat. i'ra: :r lu-.itm; at 7.) Wf.incjd?- cvcnlur;. i'. A VjL.IM, Vmt- FlBZI C'Ur.lill.l.v I.1JI Blil-Cu.U. ot Villi ml Woodward strict, tuaday uf.icvs t'lvacliing botli tuoruiuj and evetuu;, ,-uuJy tcnool at l1.' a in. Y. P. c. E ate -w v. u. l'raycr meeting ecU Wvdie T.jiJ. A cordial wvk'.iiH. imd -Jay i-i tmiig at gr.ctiB awaits all. v mm Negc taWc Prcparalioafor As slinilaUng ihtffiXHlatHJHcuId img UicS lomnrhs nntl htowela of Promolcs Bigcstion.ChecifuI ncss and Bcst.Contnins ndllier OpiutiT.Morptiine nor Hincrol. IvOTNAltCOTlC. Afave of Old I)rS.UlTWlIZMLIl j4t..Stiuim Mill, SJti - jtrun And Hkm.Utd Apcrfccl Remedy forConslipa tiott , Sour Stomcch, Diarrhoea, Worms .Convulsions , feverish. ucss and Loss of Sleep. facsimile .Signature of NEW S'OWK. IXACT COPCF V.'EAPPCB. "''' 1 - ... ESSSSS F. M. Beardc 300 Jackson Street Has adUcU to his btock Coffee, 1 ea, Baking Powder and all kinds of Spices, Cocoa and Chocolate, Tobacco and Cigars; Sugar and Salt. New Goods. New Prices. Weekly tlxcuralonn lo tht East. A tourist aleeplng car will learn Tori- laud every Tor, lay nt t. ui. via tha O. li. A N. without chauica to Hoatou, and uitJcr lh nupervinion o( aiiwlenced couiluTlJt. So chauga of ears lo Ui ell ion ol "uiatia, tliitgo, Buflato or Itofllou. Mie ideal trip to the oaal li now ln-fuic you. Kaiuenibvr thii servlca whou jtointf Last, ail vouault V. 11. A N. ngiHiIti, nr aMrew, W. II. Ihai-iuai, Oeueial raeeeoKr Agcut, f.M. Portland, Or. 5hasta Limited Is the name of the only jei(et t Iraiu in Iho world, now running every uight between M. l'aul mid Chicago, via the Chicago, Milwaukee A St. Taul Kailway the pioneer road ot the west in adopt itig all improved facilities for the eafety and enjoyment of passengers. An illus trated paiuphlot, showing views of beau tiful scenery along the route of Ibe Tio neer Limited, will be sent free to auy person upon, receipt of two-cent netage stamp. Address Ueo. II. HeafTorJ, Gen eral rosaenger Agent, Chicago, III. Now is the time to rave uiouey bv buying your goods at lbs Koseburg Novelty Cash .Store. In buving three pairs of shoes you cau save enough to buy anoth er pair. On clothing we cau save yon from to fl on a suit. Kail millinery, cloiks and capes, all sold at closing out prices. Absolutely closing out. Call and be convinced. To the Public. On and after this date, I w tab. it under stood that my terms for all undertaker's goods are cash with the order. I find it impossible to do business ou a credit basis, and belive that I can do better by my patrons and myself by selling strictly forcaaii. V. Bbskiuck, Undertaker. Koecburg, Ore., April 12. 1&)3. Notice is hereby given to the public by the undersigned that I do not allow dead animals to be buried ou my prem ise?, at lioeeburg, Oregon, or garbage dumped thereon or sand or gravel taken theiefrom, unless the party taking sand or gravel ti ret coutract with me for the right to do so. Tresspassers will be prosecuted ac- cording to law . Aako.n Ivoss, lioeeburg, Oregon, March 17th, 1SS5. Ail our goods are uew and of the latest ety lee. No shopw orn gvtods on band at the loss !?tore. Notice. Positively no hunting, tishing or other wise trespassing on the fair grounds. S. C. Bjetki-m. Vlavl, Vla. Mis. J. II. bhupe is local representa tive for the popular Viavi remedies. Any one desirtnn any of these remedies will p'.eaee call on her at her home or ad drees her at Roseburg, Oregon. Gold Watch. A gold watch and embroidered bureau set will he given away for December tuoDth at the N'oyolty Store. Every one dollar purchase will entitle customer to I a guose. Ihis is special to December purchasers, btoclc must go, no culls, but Kood clean goods. For Infanta and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears Signature The Kind You Have Always Bought. p THf niTIURCOMaiNV, NfWfOM ClTV. uf Hardware, a line Hue of the . t H. C. STANTON Km at reli 1 ut nil tln-4 itork DRY : GOODS -CON81ST1HU or U4iw' Dress Gends, Ribbons, Triuituliir, Lacfm, ltd Kte. -ALSO A FIN1 STOCK OF- of u but aitr aa iuh. GROCERIES , Wood Willow and Gits Hare, Crockery, Cordage, Etc. Ataa o kmt Urr qiiutllt ! prlrr k alt th urn. lo wrgt iimi or Custom-Made Clothing For Choice Call at Stanton's for "I,. P. M" ECONOHY HARKET L. KOHLMAOEN, Proprietor, I'tlLlR IN Fresh and Salted Meats, J.UXiON sr., RO.-tUl HO. OU. fRESH OYSTERS ALL STYLliS AT THf KID! KITCHEN PURE CANDIES MASUFA'. 1CKED DAILY SHELLAH CARROLL. J. F. BARKER & GO. Want Your EGGS And BUTTER BOSVVELL SPRINGS On the S. P. R. R. Douglas County, Oregon HOTEL constant ly open for recep tion of guests. Water cures Rheu matism, Dyspepsia, Kidney and Skin Diseases. The Uiilortuiiutc. Dr, Gibbon Tht old reliable anfl tho moat auccewlul Boeclalist In fiau Krau Ciaco. .till cotiliuue. to cum all bcxual and 5cmlnal UlMaa. ucb aa (Jonnorrhura, fllcct Stricture. VDh Ilia In all 111 forma, blkln UI. Maata, Ncrvoua Ilcbil 'ilv. ImDotencv. Semi x7aal Wcakncaa aud Lota aiu nannooa. iho cockc. ? uence ol aoli abuao aud exccubei proUuelutf the ollowing .yinptoina: (aliosv tounlenaucc, duik fliota under tho tyeif, vain In the litud. ringing In the tars, lota ol touiideuc, dim.leiico Iu up. proacbtug utraugura, palpitatiou ol tho heart, weakDt-biol thollinbaand back, louse! meuiory .IL. ..... ...... . . . ' it.uuiuu ihv, ujuku.) eou.uuJIillou. eit, GIBBON liaa iirautlucd In ban FruucUco hlrty vearoaua thoko troubled thoul.l n,,i fail to coutult blu) and receive the beueht ol bla great ak ill aud eiperlcuce. The doctor curea when other fall, 'i ryhlu. Curea guarautueii. reraou. cured at home. Charuea reascno.1,1,. Call or write, LU. J. Y. UIBBO.V. 25 Kearnv Kt. Han kr.n 4 3p To 5 NOTIC12. I MIIHIII M Otu. R,wl-iir Oregon, l)vmtor . IN. Ve whom tMwioein: v.... i.v ttiti.n thai llio lionl im tvliivl 1 nn.l 1'iMnmlwlomm ol iho flulr jl Or. con, ha llltil In mi " " .,.ut i .i... ... , .l,ii. u (oMowh: N w" I N K . ol V,v. V, i p. at a. K Wool, ....i k. .....li. ,r top n.l ai'livltil th niri Ihsl Iho liM I . p n lo J ho vhe lor li . lion n.leo).y llmvoMo- .Iwrll.llMi nl.llvllo i, h Iwn i'of.l In oohm iiU'IU I'Ibih; In Ihlj onU lor iho nHvilon ol nil .toi liili-nlol rikI the I'lil'lli' m-nrtlly. . Wtihin ttu- iu i MNly ! loll.ln ol Hit imlUv, .ivt-i or couli-sl miHlnit Iho ctnlm ol Ihi Kil l onnHlwloiU'in lo n Iroel or iiWU Mon n l( Inn ny wellon or Vil ot v l:oli, ilrn-nbril In IV lil. on llio gniuinl llll llnMuuMinoniil"''U' lor mlimml lhn lor gtleuluiral .irH. , ni l ly nvpUM H. noti'il lor reivi I l the lo ln inl I nt Oltlw l W lilnnlon, II. C, .1, T niSIIHIKH. .'. II. 11001 11, KilUr. Kc ecu ti t!IUt Notice of l inal Settlement. IN 1 II K vol MY VOl'RT OK POIMI.A A Voiinlv, Oivnon. In re outi ol John Km ki'ii.Ull, lUvvail. Nolirti Uli..r lv BlMMl lhal Iho llll'llTJIfilll-.l h flloil hi llnni , voiinl In aul manor ami an onlor h hivn m lo iin.l onliTi-.l. ol toeonl in mill i-onri. aoiitin- luov:v. Iho Inl ilnv ol J Mil il . arv. lw.nl tlu' hoin ol lo o I'lm k a. in. lot the hoarlng ol ohiti t!on 10 il aivoniu ami lliv Umil n-itlomoiii ill -aul f mule. No. ,XUh, lx'. . M YKKND.U U Aituiiuiolralor ol the estale ol John Kuykvu ila 1, iKvi aim K. O I VI I K It, illt. , .Mlmnoy for Kslalr. Notice For Publication. I' Ml Kl Mills l.lSUlHllU. K.m Iuii, On1., Nov. I, l.S'.ici, Noiuv i In ivl v Kiivn t lint Iho (ollowlin named noitlvr lm i W1 notice o( hu Intrnllon In iiinke tl ti Ml j. roof in n(nirt of lu ol'iim, and Ihnl inti! pri" Ih1 mu lo N (oiv W. V. IVmg la. I'niCiil stuti n i ,iiiniiiMoni'r, at Uanlinvr. Oivgoii, i u .laniiuri i,, vm i u Jostl'll V. V. 11 1 1 A K KK, oil his llomvul. il Knlrjr, No.771. lor Iho K'i S.i:'8i.'(!l.'t,M'. s w s W ' Siv. .M. Ti. A), s. li. II Mist. Ilo iiaini' Iho folloiiitiii iwiiii-!' to vrxiio hi coiiliiiuoii rvmdi iit o iih n ntid i ntlii nlion of Jl,l Nil, I, ii- llonri Alil. ti. John Vamiily, Win. tiloior, Olto W". l'i'ru , All ol i.aMlntT. on iron. J 1. IlKllHlKS. li. ui Kiclslvr. Notice l:or Publication. t'Mtr.n -nth-1 imi oiticl, liowlmri:, Otvvon, Nov., I, IS. Notiio l lien '- mi on that the lo'low luu uiiinnl ottlor h til. vl notice of In Intention lo mitkc iiua'. i'l,..'! 1:1 rupivil o( lilnclaim, aud that mild I'rool will !'' nnnlc U foio IN t'. IHmik-la.-. 1'iiiti il Mates i oi:i in i-innr. at (.innlliivr. Orviioli.ou JiUiiiiu v i, IS1'.', Mi Will I AM OI.OVKK, On li lloiu 'ti'nl I nt iv No 7i ;i. lor Iho SKI. W '4. 1 ot !. ti K ' 4 N W' ' S W i , N . 1 , Svo. lx, Tp .'o, m K It u Uo iiiinifa the loll.m iiir mtnc-n - lo .roi.- li.-. vnUniioii rvMilHino nHin an t i'.itiin'i'iil of nld luii'l, l U: Krank W hltakcr, llcnrjr Aldon. John t nidy, John liahricl. ail of liaoiinvr Op'aon. J. T. HK11KIKS, i I Kvnistvr. NOIICl- 10k! I'L'ULICATION. I'M i tn -1 i - I imi oi 1 1, a. i;..-.:irv. I' N'.'.i. i- !;i li I v lint ' i -.. ;. Icr hu- ;. I., r.uilic huiii )H,,! til', -iit'l xii n i I tti r ii'.-l i.i i'viv , r Vn"u on 'hi - ii"1 n -'i ;o I Nil 1 ' Nil 1 .. naui.il l'." t" 11. ui. i c.oiimntoti', i. ..i ti. -aid iaiiil. 1 1- : II. i W lisi ii. l i.. r liji- '. Vnllcc, Ow.iii. vnon, N,.eiiilicr, 111. l.-y :,i u that tho li.liuMliin 1 ii .tico ol hii intcnlloii ii -ti..oi t ol Ins claim, ami . 1 1 -. ii t . I., toil' tin' Ki-m r 1 .-tali laud oilier. ..ii IVvi uiih r .' (, t ir : 1 K - I i .i . it; , No. ;si, for the K 1 , i 1 1. :j , K iv . Ho .: n I'l.c-vi lo proio hi . ,.. ii an. I vulllv aliou of imiii K V iUoii, John It. . lui' I'I iir,Hinj, ..i Varna J. r llIUUuHS, Kiglntir. Notice For Publication. I'MlEli .STAlKl I. AMI IlirilC, H.'it'l'.irK. lip'fi ui. Nov s. l-'j. Noll' 0 livixli? Kix'n Ihal (lit follnariiiK uaiiKil -clllcr ha- li! 1 uuticc ol Ills I lit i u I loll to make linal proof in .nj.ivort ol liia claim, ami that Mi l proof wiil br in le Ixloru t lie KeEtMer aiij Keener, l'uile.1 Stales l.KU.l iittiee at Kof bun", t-'reiron, i n lci einoer 17, ls'.w, HK.NKY J. BAll.KY. on If l: No.. &Mor ll.u N'., & Ita I, 3 A ; cl v. Jl. T. K. j ivejt. He tiaiuca Hie followuii; witnesse toproie hlncoutlniioua rea f lence iiim an.1 cultivation of atii land, vl; Henry Hnrluiv, of Myrtle Creek, OriKon, J. H. Harrl'n. of Mvrtle Creek Oreirou, J. A. Cornell. "on, ,1 Myrtle i .'reek. Oregon, Mark 11, hmllh, of Mvrtle Crvek.Uit'Kon. J. T. UKttMIKH, nlOt'. KniU.r. Notice For Publication. Koet.urf, drvijon, Nov. 'J, l-v. Notice i ben.'ly Riven tliat tliu folli(ivlri(( uni.K .l ?' till r lia tilc'l notice of hia intention to muko linnl ( I'.ol in miort ol hia claim, ami that sai.l prooi u ill v i.oiilu beforo tho KeU. teran.l lit ' er, vr, L'uitol Mates I. ami Oflice al B'-stbur,', 're.. on iH-i einbcr , lv-, MAKK II. .-.Mll II, ou II. K. No '.'I"., lots -'. :i ami I, tiee. I, T. rl S.. H b iv. lie tiHiacH the folloniiiK wltncwcij ti prose lii eoniiimoii.H resilience up:ji nml culli satioti ol mi. I Intitl, si; ILurr Harlow, of Myn'e I'r. ek, ur- t;oii, 11, my .1. Hm, v, ot Myrtle Cro-k, "r. goii. Jaim s II. Duilcv, of Msrtle Creek. ::oi, 'I'lioiuai siro'le, of Myrtl.; ( r'e..k, op g. li. I. T. UlUfXiK-t, nl.'t'i KcKlDlcr. Notice For Publication. I'MIili .-r.iifc-, L.imi Of no:, lio-rlmrx. Ureuuli, Nov. ;i. ly.n. Notice i- he:, by Risen that tnu follossin' naiuci i" I'ier tu-Meil notice, ol lux intention to milk'' t:::til i.r,,of la mipport of bin cUihi, and that MtUl proof ill be nm l'. before the Koiiinler ttii l Kri.n.ir, I in tt-'l Mati n I.hii'1 Oltiee at Ku-.,. bur::, OreiJ'.ii. on Ueeember 17, tv."i, U: JuilS 11 B.WU.'JSV, ou If. K. No. ill,'., for tho lota i, C, i 7 ainl bh' . b 1 m:c. I, I . ii.. it. 5 Went. He iiaiuea tin- lollossiii siitnehsea lo pro, c hix coiitinuoun r.M.icn. .' upon una cuius atlou ot nam luinl si Mai k H, nuilb. of Ms rile (.'reek, UreKon Henry J liniley, oi Myrtle Creek, OreKon. .lumen H Haih . of Myrtle Creek, Oregon, 'fhouiaa sirone, oi ,'nriie creek, uri'Kon. J. T. UKIUtJKS, nlOtfi Uegiattr Notice for Publication. I'MIfcb -1 A I i- UMi HI I ICK, lio rbuitr, (Jp-gou, Nov. 11, ls. ' j I f ii In re by Klveii tluil the follosvillK iiaunl -etil. r I j . ule'l notice of h!n inti ntlon lo innkc Mi. 'I W' "f In -u i ! . r ' of bin rlaim, an. I tlnil -ai'l T"oi be ihhiI.: bi loiu tin- He;;lhler it Keecisi r, If. I.iiml 'JHi. e, at .llos. burg, Ore 1011, ou .iiiiniarv j'l. i"n,viz: 111 NltV M. 'I l l.'KKIt, On II. K. No. Oillfor the t-E'i HW'i. V!.:i-K HW , S K 1 i-ie. Ti. Vh, H H. ii Wit. lie numea I'm folloivJiii! ivIIm'-ch lo urovo bin con Hun. ,u- rem. 1 1 m e uiiou in.l ciiltivutlou of tabl line I, si. K'lgur Wiilk, r, if It. A'lunn, .1. M Ldilui'l dii l U. W. Wulk'T, all of Uillanl, Ore Koll. J. I . H n i rj.. Krt, n'Jlto ItciiiBter. Notice I-or Publication. I. : 1 1 m i s 1 1 . ..i:.b On in:, I: lotrc. Oi'-uon. Nom iiiIjci .VI. IWH N'.jt,, ; i ...f.;by Klven Unit the following li.ji'iel Ml. v h,ii died ii itleeol lil:t intention lo l ink' Mi .1 , io, if in hii ''rt of hit i laliu. nmi thu'-fiilil ,ro"i .. ill be iiiii'le befon.' Iliu Itvtfialvr and it '('.. i r I ml. .1 KtaKH I.uud Olllce ut Kote' burB. On K in, Jiiiiuirv lith, I:), vi.: JOHN hMITIi on his Horiit lti-u I Kntry ho. hX'l, for lliu loin I, V, , und r;K , NK1.,' m e. 4 tsvp. ii H , It. b ivem. Ilo nuuiCH the following Mitueiikca foprovv Ij lit coritinuouH leniency u on an i cultivation o cald land, si: John Ulio.leii, JaincH Hunch, M ti. Kltiehurt, ii. E. hiitton, ull of Klkton, Ore gou. J. T. UltlbOKS. 'Jit J iiegiutcr. Notice oi Final Settlement. VTolicc in le ruby irivcu that the ijinli r-lnuc'l, ' the udinlnl tralrlx of the estate of Johu H. I.yttcr, deceased, haa filed her liuul account an inch udiiiiulxirulilx in tho County Court of Liuunlai. County, btate ol okkoii, aud that tuiil court linn ti t 'i liCMlity, the :ird day of January, l'.i I. ut the hour .f 10 o clock a. in. of baid day, at tliu i oint hmihc iu ilobcbuiK, Oregon, a.1 the time uud la..e for tho coualderatioii of bald Mial n "count uii. I for heuriug objection, thereto and for the final tcttli incut of mid cbtuto, buled ut ito-cbuitf, Orcguu, thin Jlth ilnv of Noseuiber, l'j. f:i iiiit rii ( wiin Aduiiuislriiliix of tho dilute ol John H, I.,stcr, LIVE JjjlD LET LIVE! t'u.lvrlhii almvo inoiin t n ill Mill votttlimv In survey lr all varllv iti'lrlnjj mv a'llaiii'n a anrnlnror aiirvpiDr, My rhaiiii' wilt he re(onliramt my woik tnitianli oil, Am alio Notary Puhlk. 1 AU'ln k rav av Clin laud, I'mnjln I o,, Ot, wii.i. i. iiiivnoN, QRAflCO. PKPART TIMH tiCMCIIi I.L'S f rom I'erlland bait Uke. ivnu r, Kl. Worth, Omaha. Kan- City, HI. IauiIh, Vlileavo and Kal. VallWallaTSiokani', AHKIVI1 Kniin Kant Mail ;..m a. m Fatt Matt j S p.m. ! i Sookaiio I t'lyer J i.m. i spnkatti' Klyor III I', a in Mlllnrioll,Hi ruin Imtnth, Mllwankvv, Vlilvaxn and Kant, S p.m. Ocvaa lamhlpt i 1 All allllli ilalr mil" ; Jii'l lo I'haiiKi'. Kof Nan rrmiflwo ; ; Sail t'i '. 'N ' TiTiua Aal I Hail (k'ptl;. t ! in. p.m. .1 p. in. a p.m. K .sundae Haturilay M ), in. Columbia Klvrr !llramr. i lo Avion BU.I ay 1.iii1iiii;. 1 V. ni K nnmlay VVIIIamelU Kltrr. Ondon I'lly, Nn InTg, balvm A y Land k 4 M i in. l:Hiiuday 8 a.m. Kx. Sunday 7 a.m. l u. tliiir. and hat. VVMIanwtta and Yam hill Klvtr. Onxon i lly, liyton, and Way I amliiig Wlllam! Rlvrr. rortland lul orvllU and M jr-Liimtln 3 JO p ai. Moii., Wnl and Krt. a.m. Tuvs.l'hur. and st. 4 JO I' m. Tiu. I linr. and Mat. t.v.UlnarU lally, Jnake Klcr. Klparla In t.cwlitoii. I until, Ml Daily Kciji Kruloi' Kiivi.1 Farnrifi ifay. W7 II. "ill Ml.lli'HT, " liviivral l'a.ivuti'r AkcuI. U. M. Ik M. t o., lorllaud. Orcuuii. (1reoon$hort L IBM Rl- (uickeii aud niont dnwi rmiia to Utah, Colorado, Nebraska, Kan sas, Missouri River and all Points liast and Southeast. Look at lilt' timu Portland to New Yotk 1'... dujs Chicago 3j days t. I.ouis days Denver dayii Salt I.sko I V; ihiys I rec HccllohiK Cliulr cara, liolnlcrc-tf Tunrlat !lfrplim Cam, ruimiiiii I'tiliMc Nlrri i"K Car Kot lull iar.u-iilart iiKarvl:ni; iaV., tu:.i- 1 train-,, etc., call on or aj.lrei J. F. UIVAN5. .jr.t., Itoatburg. C. O. Terry, W. 12. Coman, Trai. I'an. AkI. lien. Au-l. EAST AND SOUTH - VIA - THE SHASTA ROUTE OF TUB Southern Paclllc Co. Exfroaa train, tsar. Portland daily, Bomh fi:00P. if. 1:Wa.m. 7:,. m. I Nortn I'nrtlaml - Ar. Koaeburg It. Han KraneUco I.r. I e a. ..5 r. k . Lv. -Ar. 1 nour. a. Above train, atop at all principal utAttous between l'ortlaml ami Halem, turner, Marlon, JflTeraou, Albany, Tangent, Hltcdila, IIkIimj), llarrinburp, Junction City, Kugene. ( otliiKC (rove, Drain, tiaklanil, anil all .lalloti. from Koaeburg to Aali land luclualve. Hoacburf .flail Dally. :). M . 6: .'0 I . H I.v. Ar. "i'liitiamr KfMeburir Ar. I.v. i 'Mi r. m 7 M A. U C:itH ox o;jt: koi 11c Pullman Buffet Sleepers ANU-- aKCo.M.cf..t. fu::i'i.c; i aiiji AUacbcd to all Tiuougb Train. West Side Division. HcUwecii PorilanJ and C'oryallia Mali train daljy (except bun. lay;. 7:80 4. M. 12 15 p. M. I.V. Ar. l'ortlaml Corvallla Ar. I I.v.l ,V30 I'.M 1 0.1 r. a At Albany and Corvallla connect with triiC of Oregon CenlraJ A Eastern railroad. ' Kzpren train ibilly (except Bunday). t.:)f. u. 7:30 r. M. r. m. Lv. Ar. I.r. forilaml McMinvlllo lll'loiil'mleucn Ar. i.v. I.v f:l. M. If Direct nonneetion nt Han Krnnclioo nlih On eMclilal and Oriental and racillu Mail ntcain Mhl Hue. for JAl'AN ANU CHINA. Hailiin; daiea ou application. Kalea aud ticketa to Kilcru poluta iind u roi'. Alio JAl'AN, CHINA, IfONOI.UI.i; ami Af nTKAl.IA. Can be obtained from OKO. KB run, Ticket Agent, Koaeburg. a, KOKULER, C. 11. MAUKIIAM, Manager. O. K. ai I'ami. Agent. I'OKTLAMJ OKEUON. WOODWARD TIIK ROSEBURG POCB Uj) ALL COMPETITORS! Wo are alwayi In tho Lcail, anil nyan l koeu there. Tho (ioIJon Jlarvoit ! upon uo, ant I (arm era are .inllliig becauao Woodwf nl looaa to thoir iutereit. i IUiaV IIAULS.S Foil TriuinieJ -. TEAM HARNESS Thoae are all Leather ami Warranted . SADDLES A I Redaoed Price., I'oumlt your iiur.o ami he tine ami ih Wooilwanl boforo liuylttg. Rivet your eyes on us... 4,VfeV9 Sec how OLIVER PLOWS .i. g roi out 0f our establishment. Take a s4ui.1t at the Clark Cutaway Orchard Cu1tva tor We sell thetu. Churchill & Woolley. his is the to Buy Groceries. Our line of Olives, Gherkins, Tick els, Sauces, etc., is also complete. We carry the largest stock of to, baccos in Southern Oregon. C. VV. PARKS & CO., Grocers. i 419 .fJf. M i. .v Af-4Cfc KRUSK cS: SHAMBROOK, DtAi.hKr) IN A 1.1. K IN I'd Or' STAPLE fli FANCY GROCERIES MD PR1W FIME TEAS AMD COFFEES A SPECIALTY. AlJiU A V VIA. 1.1KK OK TOBACCO Sc OIQARS. (IMC IS A 1 H I A I. . i hi:i; i)i:i,ivi.K. Real Estate Bought and Sold Farms, large and small, to Rent, ANU IM.MKDIATH TOSHKHKION GIVEN. Stuck Raugcs, Timber Lauds aud Miuiug Properties, Prune and Hop Lauds uf best quality, iu choice locations, iu quantities to suit intcudiug purchasers, at reasonable prices and easy terms. Inquire of '. ID. 0. K. BUIOK, lttHiuaA, a ja'. OaAuaii Books and Toys ? Below Cost As I will not keep iu stock books and toys here aflei, I am offering my large stock at prjees that will command your attention. Conic aud se them. I will continue lo keep everything ths I have heretofore iu the grocery and crockery line and am better prepared than ever before to satisfy the demands of my patrons. I have just received a part of my uew Holiday stock of dishes.'. They .ire truly elegant. C WYLIE PILKINGTON, IHiiUccasof tu (. W, NOAU.l General Blacksmithing S I KOITING ANU K11NNIN0 PLATE5 A SPECIALTY, UKi'AIHIN'i OK A 1.1. KINDH i'llOMni-Y UOhB. Nliop uii Corner Wiiwliliigtoii aud Kauc aHa.i Uuaeburg. Hudson Mills & Lumber Co. Ilu . i him ui '1 ii Ni 'iv I.uiulici Vaiu" ou Hit griiuiiilN fnriuorly ofcu'lcl Ij Hi. i Murl.n Wan Ijuiih', ill tuo loot ot Oak hlicvt. Wll.t. i'AHHY A U LL blOLK OK PI RST-CL-7TSS LUMB9R, uic I'p'i'uruJ to Hive. on Uftltr I.unitirr auU Lnlier 1'ftci'i lliuu uny lumber ilcuU r lu the city, Uc l.linily in v j iu ii lo mil uu'l tec our Luuilur uul Fi1ct ' ' j j Place A full and complete assortment of all goods usually kept iu a first class grocery. Kvcrything offered for sale is frcuh; and sold at very reasonable prices. We have a very choice stock of canned goods, including both fruits and vegetables, to which tve invite vour special attention. i XiXi- U Ou Door Baulh o! I'. O. Hoannt nu, orkmn, MRS. N. BOYD. i ucucaie'l. , V. V. lIKKeoN, bl't j Attuiucy for A.lnilDlnlrulrU, W. . WOODWARD PERKIiS & BLEDSOE elkuo, Cal