The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, December 15, 1898, Image 2

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Pabllibtd llnnrU'and Thnrl
Mr. F. W. Haynea Safely Journey
atfaraa Kobas Japan.
nubncrlpllon Hair.
ln Vrnr .11 '
Hl Month. .
Tlirva Month. . tC
li:Ci:IBF.U 15. 1898.
f- - . - -. 1
'llio reiltiil baa appointed Majr.r Biouke aa military governor of
Senator rt, of Minsouri, it last roT
ing (hat ho can be aa blatant an a on
one aubjffct as anollier. llaia now rag
log juitt aa fericmaly against national e
paniioo aa lie once did against the tariff
and later oo againat the gold
itamlaitl, mid with about a much effect
I'all donn jour Wat.
Officer.-, lilccted
Cri'ton Netc:.
year ;
J. W. stuu'c. Mtr WoikiiMii:
.'rank K. Allry, Koi.Mimn; S .1, Koison
atoin, tiiudo: V. V. K uril, K .r.(-i ;
W.T. Wtinlil, i;(oivor; l. S. V...,
linaiiiior: .1. V. IWoll. I. li.;
Ui'iiivliek, Tniata.
lbe luaoy (rlenda of Mrs. i'. V.
Hayora, who left bera nearly two mouths
ago ti join her huMvand at Manila, will
I 1cfial to learn that aim h.ta lia.1 a
terypleaaanl trip and U .. neat ins
ber deelinatioo. Her mother, Mu
Jaraea Torter, weired, a letter fioiu Lcr DVilkina, o. U. ; p,
tbit week dalext at Kobe, Jaiau, Nov
ftb. Mie ailed from San l'raucieco, T. K. Richardson
(Vt. L.l. on the mailahin IVmh.'. aud uu
aacliim Kob.. Jaiuu. tbcT found all " ' the H wr nt the MiiiHry and
ilm li.haniiauta in holidar attire celebral- ,ul ' ' llrft vn.lition fur .Ian. inc
ing oue of the national holiday aud bad ,ul K'vo instruction fur to t n Vs
to Hay there two data before the native commencing Saturday, lVc.itt l m s p.
would unload the freight for that poit. 1,1 00 cenH. Tim Imli w ill I o
So the all witnessed the fealiviiire and l'l,n ,0 !l d.uia-ra. I ho al.i.ii ti nill
bad a royal good time. Mr. Ilaynca
wnt aeverabjphotograpbic view of tvenea
At tlm regular inrrtiiig cf tho A. O ', ' nnw .. in H wi'h mi im i.'ve.l I
W. Uul p. lnft MjiuUy laht llio follow, j i.i l-eh put up 'it 1 h'timeo. j
Ing officer, wen., lectedf. 1 the ennui,,! ., , , ...... ,., (f
but nil the ("iitioinid.nn ronnii." mo in!
mi l m. 'i
WoMon i torn up. " - The cane
for this Mil elate ol affaire, is that all
thioga liaio not been going on with
tmoothnesa in the iiormal school there
and now 17 students bo do not agree
with the p;ofeor as to the ptoimncii
lion of certain woids, and take issue
with him on his 1 a; of audi expression!
in his rhetoric an "'ibis iiere," and
"that there," etc., have gone on a strike
and Weston is all torn up in ixnse
t, nonce.
The ..uestion of expansion now keiog
tlt'bated in congress, has raised quite a
rumpus in the senate, and ia violently
opposed by Senator Vest and others of
his ilk. la a sieech cu that iiuKtioo this
weel, he said that he would prefer to
quit public life, or even life itself, rather
than tee the Philippines annexed to
Uncle Sam's domain. If Le really
ineacs what be says, he should hurry it
up and do one or the other pretty quick.
If ho should conclude to do both, be
would confer a lasting favor on the
Aiuericau people.
Colonel Wiliiaui J. Dryau, upoa leav
ing the Third Nebraska this week sail:
"My reasou for leaving the army was
set forth iu my letter to the adj ltaot
general tendering my resignation. Now
that the treaty of peace baa been con
cluded, 1 believe that I can be more use
ful to toy country aa a civilian than a
He talks not of ei!ver now. Taat ia a
dead issue apparently and valiant colonel
will give it the dirty shake and devote
bis attention to lighting the new colonial
policy. Weil, bis record aa a fighter did
not amount to much during the scrap
with Spain, nor in the great battle
fought between silver and gold in "J6,
and bis proposal to fight what he ttylea
imperialism is not so very alarming af
ter all.
The Portland Telegram ia actively en
gaged in finding cut what oar Soloni
think about the alleged state fair at 6a
lem. In a recent issue it say: that oat
of 25 legislators heard from 19 oppose
the appropriation of state funds for that
purpose, and three among them one of
in Japan and was elcqoent in describing
the many tesutiea of. Honolulu, which
the declares is lovely and cf
Japan, which ia almost ditto. Mie en
joyed while iu Yokabama, a tide iu the
national vehicle w bich ahe describe aa
" fuunj little cart that looks like an o.d
baby carriage, wiib two wheels, and bad
a Jap for a horse and driver likewise. I
never laughed so much iu my life. Just
think ol it the whole string ol us with
the big fat doctor 10 the . rear, and the
Japa running jut-t aa faM aa they could.
a person leela like a fool at first, out it is
be ceuts for geutlemen, I uiica d.v.
New 5. I Tlmo Card.
in the passenger trains.
Those Who Lndurc
The b. P. C'o.npauy h.i j u' out a iA.
time card, w hich wont int . . tl.vt Mon
day. The freight lime ta.lo u( Pom-
burg is m follows: Nor:htv:nd, l.itt
through height, No nr rives 1 10
p. m., departs, 0 :0 p. 111. , M;ltlilu:i;ul.
No. 3-. si lives 7 a. m., depots S .10
. 1 1 . 1 1. ....
.':oj p. m , vlopai's V a m. . south h-nii.ii
No oO. arrive J p. iu., .i.-pn .s ; ,'t .
ui. i no 10e.11 or mixei H .'utit : .'. nwi
ni;ht in Rise'.mr.;, aniviu i:i tin- .mor
ll'Vlfl Ir:,ii an. -Ik i t ....I I ... .1...
KIHI IUU, CUO HC1II IUUl'lllii ( UilU IU . ,.
T. , . . . 7 .. follOAiUjr mjrn.iu. Ihero is 1.0
would not ? and tbua eulogires : " Iheie
are beautiXu! store buildicga Lute, just
like anywhere else only they are never
tuoraussa to stones o:gu. ite JP- The raina of rheumatism should lu- ..-
anese store wnen you nrei enter ooes noi U)in JeJ u, H lUt? f )r th!!j 0 i?o nijx
seemtobavj aaytbicg, but cbl when bo fjin,d iu . .. , ,
thv tat out llmir ailka vou iilst l-o!- r .,
1 r.,-iiiure Ol lUOStf WtU luo Lik'ti
cray. laia about emorowery. " e Uoihl'a SarsaparilU fjr rl:eu:uati-ui
riarur KAtav- anrtliim t linm " I 1
mm mm .v.v. USVP litCIl COOll" t V ami I r ni.H.i' l: I V
as a Bailor, .ira. uaynea uas uaa " cured, prove the twer cf i'.im .,..,1
. . 1 . . J u ... ... I .
agreeauia ezpeueuce bdu iuuo muk oa cine t0 ,0lU rtuj cjn ivf - j;s,,a,.
Iar.1 ahin mltar ltn Jtl..l .
. b iiuwi s o r!.::aiiiia w line line
become on board yesterday at itoou p,;0od Pcri ivr it n, utra! .-. th-
-wiiicu ca i.-.s UiC ileus an 1 pa.,,.
.Tiifln. in icht nt lsnit all till, tinip anit I .1. ....: -r. .
i , , iiicuiuauMii. i:;i-i-.wh 1: ai o i ; i ;
la I I .. Tk. . .. . n I. ....... r. I ....
imtM ii iuhp cures w Hen ;ii i.i:cnts n n 1 ct ,er
.n I ti A 1,111. Io.. 1,1... u I , It I . . .
...v uiowui uii.o m visi-K u.uc, W fl t vl pp i It a' I ' I i S I.: 1 1 t I i VC pt I'm :t cl:t
lovely blue sky and fleecy huc relief. Pj sure t mt Hjjd
' Just thick of wearing our thin sum
nier dresses, white canvas shoes, and
white htockiogs and then almost .roast- ro; iue e.i en linj 1 1
ing. was .warm Maximum lemptiauuc, n t:
aod hoT.l did wiib 1 could. wear oue of I Minimum tempera'uie, it,
T:.. p i U' . ddiii : f Mr iird Mim.
I. HI 01 lot I t I. i :i U i- .i' d it
l.altoviov. io (ho I'. n iiioio!;. -it la I.
.Kit ted two hit .!.-p i.he i ! ,
is c .U'.tnn'.lv I-.l1
lht ie id a Mirpiua i'l o t ov) in
t.ol I lli l li.MMiry, t.W . t which
b en pl.icd on i i eto'.
11 ;:ii wi,l h.i. a waM wi-il.-j
ayft.Mii at a cost ot A 't-.;r . I
for its in- lull . .oiiwii.ii- j'i'l l'H-ii Orel.
I'onrtecn d i.e en- w , ic on t he
doikcliftl .ihl:K i"iiit
CU.i i o'.ti t I i the NoM'in'i'i hn. i
. 111',.', f,' li l'.Mll,.
. .-;! r : cf' tor tiliu.i'i
A hlavl.ct
sidcic.l ty
Pa.-', to la.s
The I.0U..-.0 i . i '
aud y, v. t..
i-'g . lo'.h '. i
WCl'k, IK.II t.' i 1
I'C'IH.VI 1 l.ll 0
gOll h.l il.H
A pi .1 . ho I ti -e . '
rather to,
U aslii
.Mil- I
.-.I t y .
: tt io:.i
'.-1 N.'.l
,: t:.e
lit:., Ii.iiud-
I..0 la. t
io 1 U O'.." i it . i t On'
o C il.ioi :,i 1 so., e lant
v, uu ut i i n ani.j;
.1 , 1 1 : ; o i
!i:n : III
I uiiu ,
... Program ...
Ol I hp
Ill I.I ee.l.r a;i-v:' i "I II' '
oi;k.o u.immi ui KUiii.t l
ti I oi iit idlrnl Kh
oimniioisi, iff. rtti Oi.iii
K..- ctiiii p,, Oregon.
I i'i V i i M VI , 1 1 t
. - .' I lint,
tti i . j ,i u 't t i .ni !
I. W . w il. o.
.1' s K li :l i..
I ii ; i , 1. A M, I'r'.i.
. A . J 1 .,'i;,i -
mm mm mm mv m i
Santa Claus
luts K-li wiih u ; ono ui' tin- l.trost stocks of holt
A. -i '...Is i i r Ik-Timc sent in this city. Toys,
luutlvau'l rul: , uu Kilt1, lnuMS, tlls, tlvtUUS,
-.h ;un tt.iiit I'.M !:. 'alu il'lc jncscutH will C
;',i.u away to I lie I'oy;; ami l llio K'')s !so
moil .iii.l w oiiu ii hole mi Clttistni.ts l'vc. Come
i-m . i.tMo all, liuili ami small, tutil nive US
a ..til. ami mt out pn scuts, ami sec thitiR.H all, at
... Perm's Variety Store
Tt.n t,
1 III' u; l VV, li:i
Miin ,
elor e it
I I -r ihal
hi i'- m )'.'. H '. V. 1 Vi' i
state at -.MW.O.tO U'.;ii..!.
aauio a.s oi at Mar
than on ha f id a'. '. r...
to til.' b l-h-t a: it -;i le
I'ot.' C.i w. ! A a '. -alio f.
v.r.' ii j ii u 3 from t io' i ..V.'cr at : !.. ':i.-1
at'e up". to !'."' -h Ar.u'i i i .M'l.iTy
store cu ll.e n:..!.: i
I tho
Ol tl.i'i iiio.o
e Ik)'.. puiida
n "ehoiio uu!-
-.. to.
It. ''.
II, hi.
.1 lie.
if, i .e I. :
If. a i-.t'it. ;
, Oil
A .'
l 1. 1 'I
n r.ii
Weather Report
cu th
my thin wrappers.and sit cn.deck. But Precipitation, O.UJ.
webive to dress. .iu the .morning and To'.al rainfall s.uce 1st tuuith, 0.77.
then every oue dresses iu the evening Average prtcip.taii.m f ir this n.outi
fordinuer; I tell you, we have to keep CI years, O.Lt.S.
dressed up all the.time. Total precipitat..;:i fo;u sept. 1, 1 :
Toe gentlemen .come down in full date, 10.1 u
evening sails, and things look very seil Average precipitation f-otu ,t-pt I, :
II u
"Toast and coffee ia bed, tbeu break
fast at 8;30 o'clock; at 11:30 they serve
christen and beef .brotb, lunch at 1
o'clock, tea at 1 o'clock and dinner at
o'clock. So you see we have plenty to
eat, but it. is iuBl like being in a
I am not sessick uow. M e aro near-
ing the end of our journey eo I am feel
ing quite fine.
I don't want to come borne, but if
i.'tal excesi mui 1, 1 o o
Average prejipitati u fjr - I wtt sea.n:
Sept. to May, inclusive, 'J o7.
5anta Cau.s
JJougias county s fusion representatives I things are as nice in Manila as in other
have not yet come to conclusions. I places you must come over.
Mr. onacolt writes to that paper at I "lbe trip from Honolulu to Yokohama
loJlowe: I ia very tiresome but all the rest of the
llwuLh, Ot., Dec. 10. j trip is grand. We will be at Kobe at
a cum kivo you ueunue answer io I noon todav and stav nntil tomorrow at
your questions as t j my views regarding . 7 8taj nm ""n0"0
the sUte fair at this time, as I bare not I noon- 1 w'11 tr7 n(1 01,11 tbie on the
given lbe matter sufficient thooght andlrekio
stuoy. u. w. oNAtorr.
Mr. WoDacott is not to be caught nap
ping and la not going to give off-hand
opinions free gratis for nothing, on each
trilling queblions. The ieeult might
have been different had be been asked
to express his opinion on the free and
is at Iho Novelty Store w ill. as tlcaut
line, of presents us ever wtru brought to
town for tiie holidays. You'll havo to
hairy if jou have oue cf these for ihev
will be included in the Novel' v Store's
closing out sal.., au l pri es are ma !. b
low that no one can rceis: cam it
home ono of these tine preeetiti3.
County Treasurer's Notice.
A Romance of Coon Hollow.
Notice is Lerehy given to ail pi: tics
holding Douglas cjunty w.i-.-ai.n i .-
dorsed piior to Juiv 10. lit-. to
present the same at fhe trtraiLtrei'u otli.e
in the court houee fur paymeut, a inter
est will ceaso tLcreuu ailtr tiie Jat .- J
this notice.
Dated this th Cisjt day o.' 1. ..V. 1 ,
at the City of livsehurj, Ureijjn.
lii.'l. V. Dl'I'Ili k'.
jujle.s bouulv. Ur.
Probably no play has been received
with such nniversal commendation as
C. E. Callaben'e Ti ti.iessee comedy, "A
Romance of Coon Hollow", now in its
unlimited coinage of silver or the inkia-l fift'J ucccssful season. On iia ordinal County Treasurer D
live ana reterendum. piuuwuuu m uuihio, iub cnucs oi mat m
city were a anit in predicting its success. Friday tight there alighted fro n the
I T-l . .1 f.t r.-. . ..
Senator Vest desnaira of crin nn- lur,t,ri!' wa8 equally unani- cars ui me KJ. li. v . . '.rani at I euil.rtun
uaviuation laws ol the Minut that ib kill- I uuuuo comiuoDiiug on ine piece aurioz neiween ,a a:ia iuj l as.iHntjrf', uno
ing our carrying trade so long as present I its run at tbe Thirteenth Etreet Theatre, hastened to the hct.-Id an. trii l to
IKiliMral rnililmnn IakI. 11a liaa ..An I . n .1 1 rt . - .1 I ...
sbippinTd;"ndTe "util only Ii 1-r cent hM n0t been di"entiD Pinion 00 ,be coalleJ to l thiu il "'
of the foreign trade of the United States I merits ol the play. "The soft tiouthtrn could hud uo ruonn in the . ity. Tho
is carried in American bottoms. I drawl", which permeates the language of travel Into Pendleton dni'lu the i-a-t
It : 1 :. a.!..... " l - -
x.ia rrmcuy is: tnu American the characters bad . particaltr cbarm ; few months his been niethinsr
bay his ship where he can buy cheaneat. I.u- L . . ' .
Take off this relic of monarchy, this . luorouQ numane nature emDooiea uous, eays me tin uregjnntn, an l U.e
miserable legislation that prohihits an ,u luo personages oi me piay, appeal to volume appears to ne in no tife'rte
American irom buying where he tan I the very best taste. creasing.
ouy cueapesi. j.ei uiui raiEe wuai uei I, n .v,;. .n o n
pleaees and carry it abroad on his own ,, .,,. . , -a .
thiu under his on Ha-." Hollow reveals magnificeot scenery,
This is the ioint conclusion of common na ,aecl8 m"M un,(lU8 electrical
sense, common nouesty and democracy. I features, and carries a troupe of singing
Review. landdancinit darkies, male and female.
liut it eeems that the Atucricau people I Two quartettes furnish its musical ad
do not have eu.iugh common tenee, I juocta, and a well selected dramatic
common bonebty aud common democracy I company interprets its rols. All tbe
io agree with seuuior est ana America's scenery UBed is carried by tbe show,
greatest vouulry newspaper, as to what which is one of tbe largest on tbe reed
caused Iho blight that has killed our I A Komauce of Coou Hollow" is an
carrying trade, uu l that they dtn't take nouueed for Weduesday, December 21,
kindly to free trade, free silver or free at the Opera boose.
soup, ui evideuced by the recent elections
aud (be elections of 18J0. I j. W. Gago, of Dillard, is in towu to
lUitll.l C jll.i HM.l
ncw-rur to i .'
a i r c.i.-'.
I . I 4 '..V. ' t i
l'.ii; ,. '..' : .
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aiol leaves l I l i.
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Cal.if Hioi.i.
I'.ini.l'.T) ;.'.' !')J ii,; a l.t',1: hole ti.Uf.
fruity mi i ni.'igH. t
Hi p;i.-t It r.i li'in i, ..f K'ui: !.ki mtiili,
- wi ..4.: i ., :' r I tf i:r
I' Iw.ird Kicii.ird wear-, a imai ,1 fci.o e
N'.-.-l ci llie c jii!ii!i-t;oii ol th ? C A l i.- !
hi i S ,ir hi-ru i jilro.i 1 to Cin.ii i i ;:i' . id!
l'.illio.".-itr.;'i .1 in a ct it-.i.i'i,! fr .-j; 'i'.;t. j
Pal!.- : , t:i" !': et Iii ,t l.i.i 1 hi
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I i
re:t: .'. .:
IVi'i ... .-
Fjii!'! t:,i' I o
at .-o'l.e p i
e.l.l't..' 1
Btlea'l., '! I. i
h.ll C'll.t '. h.i l I:..
many ;. .ir ,
mu !dy wa'.-.r
up'j:i t!i ui h i
over kai th. ',
that i-i'v ! i : j y
i .! I i .r p. .in! i
.f in i 1 i- I or i .!(
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I.a I i
j..:i ii p
1 ll.e
GALLOP Mt'E. -At tho M .Clailea
House, in this city, Dec. II, m-. (J.
K. (jallop and Mits .lulta .Met ice.
Judge Lyoui olliciatin;,'.
Press Comment. I J. U. Day, Jr., cf Olalla, is in the town
If London papers are disappointed I J"'
with the president's message, they I Jae. Batty came up from Oaklai.d
must feel doubly so when the queen I yesterday.
makes inr aUJiets to parliament. W. A. lVrlfn. t,i rM in iii u .-iat f . ( rt t t,l.l,.L, I . .. I I.. 1...... ....... I
C'ON'N. At tho family rCKideueo i.'.ar
this city, luea Jay, Pe.;. 1J, l:n,
J. Cjuii, wile of Ihe late Henry Conn,
asi'd 7 yearn.
Deceased was a native ol li'itier coun
ty, Ohio, ami' wan marric I lo lleiuy
Coun in Feliruary, l'JJ ; caum to "i' ;on
with her husband in I.jI, uirl ioea'cl
ucar Horbburg y here bhu has tiucu re
siled. Slio was the mother of ik-veii
childreu, ten of whom survive her. Shu
was uu exemplary woman and leaves I u
I, :,'.!
; 'i, a livi: g '.'. ll.e
.i; lay l.av ji.' In-i I ti t '.n
. i 11 1 iTi ) i l e. k , i. ear
. I hi,. i iIc;;y. i ' ainl
te r, hoa e V .r, I ein' i
Ti.e c jiivciie-' I with
.y uaiii o, in I hj i'.ui:
.' ri'-il I, no to h's ,,'1 ct
u A alj in: it , or I !n y
frieii'Ib who binceiely mourn her lots.
T .roiiKhout her entire lifo tiio was a
hi in believer in the Ciirio'iau religion,
and accepted Christ an a pernonal
H ' ir aliout teu yoirs a 'o, and united
i i he M. L. Church a hhort time after
I Lei couveioioii. W hen aoke.l a Uiw
da: s before her doalh if she had lobt faith
oonuurn inuepcuileut. I town todav
A number ol turopeau natious will W. H. Bourne, of Camaa Val lav i in
i .....,..., i 1 -
picuw noie mo iaci mai wnue L ucle town tods v
e ,. i
r.:. - : . . , ""eeg.1V,0g -C Kaegl of the Oiall. mines is in
CQd of reHetiou. A.tnria M..,1Ua wl v"v7'
I T A tira.:i ,i ii.ji .
Th.r.l.,n.,v,ii ,..... .u- ."" oiaacuioro it a guest at
Spaniard out of Havana. Th.v MW "...i0u.
ordered to evacuate by December 1. If u'eua is regieiereu in lj(J,1( elU rt;1liilj . "No; that is worth
they linger longer Uncle bam has the ' v"u eu' moro than all tho rest." Funeral tv
means of reminding the done that the Lalirie and wife, of Garden vices were hel l at the M. 11. Chi-
....I.l... I ......I ... .1... lillli. . : I Vallav in iiiiq.Ii . i Vr,.r'la 1 1.... , i , .'i .i. .. . i o "
rsjouipa hbikuqu iu iiiv uuipiJinos are I -' u mvviiiivu . i yuoturuay av oijj o eioei. , couoocLr . .
nnl. Iha milv nnai In Ima II, ul ... .!.. I Tl.o l,l;. l 1 1, I i Tl 111 l'l,u IV X W... .I ,.l t ',u I "
- "-' - - - ' . ' VMU BUWl . I MB BB)V4irB VI IUB VI , H , Ik. Will Ul TQ M I 4-.IV.V. - l "J - " ' . .w V
v-rnrlMnnnrtHiii'H Vtl Si, la I l,!,.li., ..Iu u I .t il.. l Clmri li m, n,',"uiiil f 1 1... ill,.u.
I. . .... ..... ... ........... ii : i. .....ii "'
r.urooa is ail enanmr at our tir,.o,.r., u vuuiorruw eveuiiiir. ivee. loin, i rice iu I'aciui , . n. .nuwa.
la tbe Last, aud Correspondent fctead is ceDl8 ,n M","J"li; cemetery
O At .11 .tl........,l...l , 1 ,.- , - "
uuuiuj in iuo uirKiuune.i iwopiuBoasi roiiowiug are lueomcers eioci lor me -n,,. i,,;ii... un i r,.'u
to report their HI humor. He has done I eueuinir term of Liurel Lid ire. No .13. ..mmi.,. i.. i, t ,.r .einiuni 1 1 i jo
mn ...lull nf Hlisllnl IV n liuvu In I 1 V A i l . V I 1. ...... 1.- tt . u ru I i ,, u u i I v f, rl a.ill'.'al lllilpy. II
littlK at ton) Ion to hla nii0..,.. t ii T.v r. u w r u-Ji..L..l' a state law iutro.' .'""I"' 0 '." .' "' ." .'"
. - w.v.wwva. I w . , w, , . ' Ulioiiupi K, I . ill'.bll III I J li'l'll iii-
Does uot niouut to much anyway. J. W.; F. M. lJesrd, Tress. ; N. T. Jew i, . J hoiakm. ihv would
I h" ' 11..... .u. 1 1 !.e- ill lit
are st... p; iii..
c u..t; , la t
L.tiri'jii, .in 1 u
a i h'.i.k tho i.
turiie i i'i hi:,,
Jo1h.3j:i hltlll.i..!
Of W til "V v, .
atl I loal iu !.;
wouhl ki I ti i in .
Cijali'iy .Ni;:1m"i left V. 1 1 1 : . 1 i iveei.
ao i.'-.t .'.- I iy 1 1 ,,vc,r tio- in jootaiu
to '-m ci 1 ' r . i.ineii. unco which timo
ho ha-t i ot hear.; oi, and it hfemed
bo baa p 'rii!i.' l. N'ciln :, liii l I
work.u (or fti: jit ,.. Vdari:!-, d "ii
iiiii paid off, !, vu a i.i rev. At .yt
lime iiiuuti'jiic I h ; iitattf I wi'li t.Mi iai'
th h nf w h.'- key, n-:-1 ,ih i1. wai in, '
al'eriiij.-i 'It-- pi o'i.'a ' e I il ie l .ro
! to ."In d 1'Mii ll.e cold.
iliny 1Ij.:;i.1,,:i happjiie 1 Io A uyu
li lli'i ptaiiin; iu!ii la:;t Timiaday a,tr
cuino 1', ca t, tho i.akevi'iW J-;Xam-ilier,
WI.eli II ' 'U.-coverrd li v JVV ;;i a
ACl. 1 ha c e.v I, ad ii ,,,
lilt I ... . t!i.. . I... I. ..I B.
..-.nil,, r Ulj j,Jil;l .lH
bhe cui l. A, mtajv-.o M U)J( .(t
hau I, and; rta', t.auio'i out ui l, .,
derrick. Tu ,. jW con,;idu,ahiy
naiuu'. i up ' o, ,
'. e y lo v
a .i.l i t
me i.ii
To, i
Co! ii ,
b t
(i ,',., e arc
.liOpo under th
e uu .-
tl .. el 1.
Mi--- '
. : I .
i all. C
i.l -1 i ;
i li.. I. a
orr , !
: H'iihf
c ,.:i
1 H.l
ill t
i:. :
111.' the
, C K I I
tl- ill I l I
freo to
pi ov IK
Cil. .-' til, .Ol '.a
ill vi'cd
II .
1 1
.ll ,,. i
.a .iho !
i'.'.l . o .il V
C P. : mi ii i : making yriat im-
t-i in 1 1,.- . wa "I gruiit.ii K ai.u
ip I.,.- 1 e.ii.iiinl ranch, who h
ol . . tejni''im.
il ui,
, y, .i.i in 1 j a ii icci.iitly, w ith
u! I... IU piu""'
Sc',t!.hur4'S'!chi to iiiink Iho Niioih
jlidajli im'Ii ,i k.i:icc 'iiiid I in key .lm-
jij, hut did not
Bulu,urJii,.iit,aih'4...'lu fii;ht ioji,
in ifctiaii
id Hid
flltl I llll'llt
Hillsboro ludejKJudent.
lett, Sec.; A, Jalzuiau, tyler.
J tu ultou 1 to but elect-
n.t . ill lay, an 'ie"ri ' PerkiiiM, of
eiitral I'o.iit, wau wbolit to ero-.H Ko,oi.:
river on Iho cninly foiry, the i.Viiu
winch lu ll too mat blij l'-'d oil tho p i
to uhi h it h,i 1 i f.".'ii u-tuutd, h loio
the team and fteKGIl wera fiiliy nb'.n I,
and all .iiv'.i'.d into tho H'reaui. .Mr.
P. ikiiij j i,.,i.'d i If the Viliiclo iu ll.e
nick of i iino. Tiio hot tea fortun..' U
fi th; i.'j' . l.e.i af'er K'-1'1 'h'A i
Klfeii'ii i.oiii.. diiitaliec, mi I ll.U.'l i -iapi I
dl' mil.; l i.'i hai i. W.i. lee, e. Lied
Ian' d.ij . m ai I, ;. tola' (uno th ' H i'iiC
"f ih el a '(ir, co.m '.'eia'ily injured.
.Mr. Perkins ai ietrui hid dauiliei at I ,
whiih waM paid ly the cvuii'v couit.
nern ;iM naiii.
Thu ..11 week oa been uu.i..uily
Cold and Iro.ily, i.W t'-ii i.ielioti. '1 he
ineienry j il down 'o l". '
Mrr.. A. I., p. ititr -ai ,a'.i-l ui)' nil
expict'ilie to the hoiiio oi 'in., p'.lli'litu ill
noiil.i ru C.i.iioini.i, l .nt r.-Jiirday, by a
tele,.-..!!! aiiii'iiliii i." I 'i'i hi.WiouH indi;.
P o.'.itioii of uiiu of hi i hro Vjifrf. We
ho,..) t In. ur hu iu ti. ii. ii In tt, r.
' in: 'pl';;- "A woman, a . t. U-.I
a walnut tree ; thn more jou I i n
tiio hi ilci they hi: '
Th " J ;-!!.
I Iho w .Inut II
'Vi:!l, I iton't know- iholt
if A. CO i
i3t Snff.lallslsf tr Vn-.n
ornanento 1 y ihu. . -M. l itl
AH 1. tter.,,MVU'.,al1 Jfo t'lim jl'.fgi' " w?u
I .
i r" hi !
! ii...
i !
i i
i i
i o
' fl
The Uniform
ij it. ilil y of lite w ui I.
in. ui- hip iu our
c lulliiii;; i.. . f,.' .!
it:. sttoii;.; Ji.'iut'..
l'!;tch ;.u !.u ttt i .i
i.ticluilv cut ollii
t.tilii'.i il l 111' 'ii;;l;i'Ul
;t ' t!i"tl;;li tllU'!'.' t'
ul.K't . Si'.1 "HI lK'W
I'.;'.! Stills.
Hnkc I:rlcnd5
;uv thf only kind we
wish sell. They are
tin." only Liiul wc do sell,
ami with each pair we
sell we make a new
ftieml. They are not
only :.iylisli hut j;ood
clear through. See our
Shoe line.
Something Entirely New
.l.lcl..' "ll C
l!l!nl C!1INAVAR -icd.
Inloid Goods
Doll Carriages Sc l-aiicy Albums
They Are Coming!
m --avsaw . w a i r
m mZ
aa n it wsl m
J: .....
j ' AT-.--. -
If' ZZ-mrW.r,1
V. M f : T - VI IJJ I 1 1 1.1 t.
'ivkl "i i.. . .i
1 IT . . JT. A, TB. till . r, , I I ..... ' i .
XlC!.' hr,i'l . Hn f.t nil t . I
v u ; i v v.w' J 1 " ."'"-'ir ii
li A
s . t o i " i v . ' v a f v vi-
VJi T. J .' A
'ar xtA '. fi'.ji . -nr-j-"-.-..--.- 'j u
K ,J"''' ' " '" ' ' ii oi , ...t 'm i In..'.- n tin. l,r. M, .li. ul Colleges la llie World.
iniiin.u a' j.,, n-m.-r n,t. l i.llloriilu lor
I.-iIoIMIhIiiiI I t'i.t-llc- Yl'illH,
A pan iilL- :,t;ii' (, nlL. ivuK'lish and Ocrmau Expert
sl'cv i iH .t,. ami Dr. Meyers : Co., will make their
regular luonlhly visit to
Tfiurstlay, December 29th, 1898.
Tiny will heal the McCI.AIJ.UN HOUSE.
Ht I. I' I IU.N VM lltl. I It LIS.
,inal iia, ii iiMitu., t Hud 1,) uu- i.iikIIhIi anil tjcinmu Cs prt
sj.-t i,.liii- .ne die 1 oliu lutti
1 i-.'.' i ..' ai.-i mi ..!,. v Pen . ..I 1 ... I, Hie : Pi" a i,.i Ibu liladili-r. Urtuary Or-
I'm I i-.i....,i, ' i - I i ! II. ml,. I nli, I ,e, 1 111, Skill llll'l Nine". Alio laiportf.
i.k.'l I ;.-l. i I I 'I il ui I . . ..p,li. 1 .ili.11,'1, loll, ilill" 1'iillMilnl'lli'O, lirouelilllt, aillimi,
tii'l'd'n it'ijiit ne 1 1. mm m. Mil'- 1 1 tit --1 , ii, iui null' . , lino inn 1 11, icUnrtily, t'aralyifti.
It'll.' uy tii ry. 11 ,;, .'.'.niiit.o'. lile iiiiiuii m, Mill aud r-Hollcii Ji'luU, I'uaiul tO0
I'tiui.l . I'l. 'i lin;; 11. ni.'H 1 1'. '...!' : . pile. , l'i,lilii, 111,'i-il-. lUm; W nriil UU'I Uoltf(, TubacCO,
1 'i nun, i.i.. ne .iu I 1 Jl 1 Iii 1 11,.,,. 1 lehe, I i , bi,",ii, 1, -nil, I npt W'vriu, HllluutuvM. lVof.',
taill -.t'lin , Mi : I i" lie , I ii e ;.. 11 I . .v -,, 1 ! , anil 1 tiriiulu Mnieii i;eii'rlly,
I'll. .c ( .1. , . -. ; , I" .ili( ;-, I." 1 Mniili'ii.l ini'l nil Pihale t'lin a.m. luulul
tn : .. uiiu:,!.' li:.'.l 1 in hi, vi.. 'I'1' u ' I t" 1 111 11 ie. 11 1 ' , 11 11 1 1 11 1 1 1 ii' "11 u t'ln 1 u 1 1 ..'.
II,' l.nrd' ti in I .; 1 hi ip I.. .. 1 1 , p. . 1 ,1, n, mi l ij Mmei A I'm imj not only i.'uuil.ut 0'1
1 !, 11 1 ite, l,i. 11 r -1 e -1 1 .i'il...-. In. 11,; Lm Ie 'I lv ui.i pie i npilul uie I i.l'ly inunui;' 'I
Pi ' !. v. lie U h.i';.. 1 I!,.. ..ll 1.1 .Hie r t'liy lelmii. uu l .1 iililioinly rclllkcl Iu 'KW 19
M-I , 111. I e r. "II. ill' , lie tin nli l.lel il.ili.ll" llie .,1111 lily Hllilllll'l llll'l IllUhU't cl I'X I Uc;'0 bUO-
i i n.l 'I'i' 'ii I ':) l.ii'..-Hi Inn.:' '. mi 1 Ik I . mill' 1 1 niill.'"l In iillutlun lu Aui.'llct.
. i.ll on llie Ii.ii (oin wlii ii llio tonic .',11 uillnr I" "pie liuuM b'-'O ttio L'a'
i ; i,, i i . .p. -I , j ..,'. ,I I lie H it..' I .11., 11 III' Il eil'lil Ul'-'l'lll'ly Ili'llllUIi, 1.1 tlUUOit tO
ri ill in ,i ,'r .1 .! ui i.l I I,, i In I I. ' ii' lie III n I'll ''II "'I' ll"l.
IK'.'ll'. 1 l itS'.M . l.ii ii i- ' ' I' i.i'it' in I. .mil In lull' e . Io 0' e. a pallvill, tlic tutliell
in, I n i i . ,-,ii n il '. I'"- ' .if 1 ii.'.'uiii. I, "I pi nii.iii. le.iii lie liuiu ucivi accu. II
y,,ii i linn,, 1 1 r i i.i ,.i, I,,, . .m 1 1" ii, i.i.i.i' i. nli. lm 'iiiil"ii li.i. Ailvleo Iu ri'tsirj to
en .ii., i.i i,i.i. e i i. ii .in i i u.i. ii mi'i in . iti.' uu .my 'Hi' ii--All i'i,'-. t'um-apoQ4
I , ;,, , ij , i , 1 i . ' , i i , !' ii ! i ii" , a , 1 1 1 i , ' 1, iii mi i-r- e' .1 , i '. ..ileiini .it n I J . niili'lenl nil.
I I IU. i.'i'l I'lK.S V J 1 1 c 1 1 1 (K'.icll III All.
7ji Market St., :-ijn I'raiicibcu. unJ