5 I i1 Vol. XXIX. R03EBUR0 OREGON, MONDAY, DECEMBER 12, 1898. No. 78. n ui 11 !l M .' I o t r 'l.il'llllg. ti I'. O. hl,M. Ij.iMliln k'l l,'iM,K. Mi.: liohl tlivlr ntinlKr oiiiiiiuiili (Inn. at iiiv d O. o. tf, lirtll 1111 niu.iiid and luunli I limmlu) 11 raru mmiiu, aii nii'tniK'i ri'th'!i-M at land rmninrlv, 1 1 nil viiiiimi ikuiikm i..r (llstly Inrliod In nlti'iirl I.IU i. I. II 'I'l.f.Y, !:. II t tU U. lllliDI.K, ck.M r. iny. f yl!UI. Oltl.NI I .. Nil. 1 Jit. II. 1 A M utvola I'Vuljf voiii ailay ovi'iuti It nt a nnnx-k in ui.i mi .Micouin llnll. brvlitutaaioooidUlij' Iinltul tu alirtnl VlKUIliK (J. II, iNM.rH, Uli). W. I'miir, i oiiiK'ilni llatiuitdlli i Hm-fi'lurv. r aUHKl. I.OIMIK, A. K. A A. M . ItllUl'I.AH nnxiiiiim Hi n I aiid tiu VStMm.nda) In iob uioniii. rltrK JOIIS..DN, W. M. N, T, Jaw rr, M cry. plilLKI AKUN l.U.niK Ml. a, I O. U. K. A iiim u Haturdny I'Kiilin cf fm li vitk ii thvdr hall III Odd Fi'llmr 1 - l at KiHxilMirK. Monibcra til Its ordui In mm1 Btaiidliiif nr luvli to lo aliniid J. W. MUA.M.K, N.u. K. T. Jx nil, 8.er. ROHKIIUHO UIIM.K, NO. Hi, A O. mta llm fxiuiid aud (mirth Mii tarn inuulli ktV.Ju p, m, at MI Fril.ms bull, lemuaraol lliounlur lu sural .landing ulu III- uoa iu auonj. IJ BNU I'OHT, NO. .'J, (I ; Brat an. I llur.l lliuicl A. It , MKk-M Till! MY ut I a li iiinmli, at y p, in, WOMKN 8 KKI. IKK I OHM 0f; mi. I lhli.1 il I.;. No. ID, I U iu ll .M KKTn nuiiith. TJ 1MK HT ll' I I'H.tnr.K, NO. a. O K M., , ME It I Ilia lli.l anil 1 1, 1 1 .1 ltiln.daM nf tar'll uioulh. MOl.l.Ut hll AMtlltooK, '. . M. R Kd I N A IUVI', tKv y. l UMl'.HUKii DIVIHIOS .Ml tit., II. OK I.. iiutnjr. mcvuvvcry m-i.iiu aul iiurOi i. A M IIA l.ol'tii:. NO. 17. K. UK I', MKKI Yvrr Wc.lmnla, lrliliilj t O.I.I fr.Uut Hall. Vuiliiirf Kh.ti.n In .'.an l.i.g "i- itlaUlr InvllO't tu atll'li 1. lrol'nloiial Cunl. COl(i M . eaox x. imi. i-a'X rutin JKOWN A TUSTIN, Attorueys-at-Luw, Ho. mt 7 1 A WIUkiu U;.n . ItU.-HUIi. OK H. W1LL1H. Attornoy and OoummjIoi' at Law, Will mUM In all 'h- .falWuf Ihfi Mal. "I la la MaraWrn UulMlnit. Il"unla i..ui,i , Or. M. KAMOY, DENTIST, Me .ir. II ul :1 1 , TlPliinr Nil. I ito-ri;! Ko. okkiio:.' I RA D. IlIDDLE. Attorney at Law, Itiium Taylor . U i!mi n ItOiKHI ltd. OKhiiON. F. W. DBN80N. Atttiniov-at-Luw. Ilwmi I an l '.' la. rlow Hull nui; ltd Kill It'.. OHhiioN A. M. CRAWFORD, Attorney at Law, Room. ,v 3, Marnu ri lll.U WBuim Ix'Iori' llio I ItOScMlt'ltU, Oil H. l.nii.l tinuc aud mining raaea a a ic , ul 1 . I. a lo lUroUvr I'. H. I.an l 0ri' Northern I'.iciflc KnilroaJ Cumpnny. Aio aullitu titkotM to h 1 1 uin'n 1 ! .int ut half tbe reuuliir rate. 1. S. K. Hi uk, Locul Ai;cut No. MatHU'rs Iniildin. TfKA BROWN, M. D. OKKICB, Ut) Jarkin Htm l, ill l.lcuoo of Mr. J. Ulm r. ItO.-tUl Kii, OK. L. MILLER. M. U., Surgeon and Homoeopathia PhyMioian, Hotrliuri, Oregon. aVaOhronla dlaaaaaa apoi laltr. STRICTLY FIRST-CLASS, f HOTF1 -.McCLALLEN. MHO. I'. C. MiCI.Al U:N, l'r,... IIEADQUAETEIIS T0H TRAVELI173 MEN. HATICH U1:AM)NAUI.I!, Larvo, Fluu buuiplo Ktioum. rrtu'Bui lu ami Krom Triilim. &0SESV&O. Crockery and Glassware ! l-arifint un.l Kluoiit AKMiiUiii'iit vvu tbroiiKlit lo ItimtburK Alto a cunijiltlo UiK'ut vliolio GROCERIES Ton.va:o3 ami t it.Ait-i All kinds of Country Produce MRS. N. BOVP llulm ol Tigs. Any oim wibUiiii! to jmrthueu "Jlului ol Figs" cuu da iiu by culling uii or iij drfHluir Miih. Annie Hum.iiv, 60;' t'l'KO PL, Hutyhuru, Or. t New Store ! A FULL Staple and Fancy GROCERIES Country Produce Bought and 5old TAYLOR 4 WILSON BLOCK Low Prices! Fall and Winter Goods Just Received and More Call and Examine our Mammoth stock. vSOMy.TIlJXC, NEW! NEW STORE! The People's Store I. ABRAHAM, Prop'r. A complete line of Dry Goods, Clothing. Boots & Shoes, Furnishing Goods, Hats, Caps, Capes, Jackets, and a tine line of Millinery Goods. Everything Xew, purchased for Cash direct from Eastern manufacturers, especially for the Kail Trade. Call aud exaiminc Goods tnd Prices. Health is THEN Pure Fresh Drugs SOLD BY A. C MARSTERS & CO. Prescriptions Filled Accurately And With Dispatch. A Full Line of Patent riedicines and Toilet Preparations Special Sale Great Reduction in Prices of $75 no Hed Room A Fine Liuc of Chairs, formerly I1.50, now r.co. Now is the time to get Uig Values. Call, examine aud be couviuced. Alexamder & Strong. New Goods! ocery STOCK OP Free Delivery iff i Coming. WOLLENBERG BROS. NEW GOODS! EVERYTHING NEW! Wealth ! USE g Furniture Suit for S3S 25 TREATY IS FINISHED i All Points Settled at Thursday's Session of Commission. NEGOTIATIONS Aft AT AN LND. Only the Cogroaalnf of and Afflalnx of Slfitaturea to the Treaty Rc milna to bo Don. Pai", Dto. 8. The iaco treaty ia flniabad. Tha Kpasiarda ba declined to grant (uott of tbe renuesta ot tba United 8(ate4 wbicb were untettted at tba beginning of tod ay 'a eeeeion. The? refaaed to cede a coal i eg elation io tba Caroline. Dty aid today : "We have settled all pointa on which aecan egrea. It only remaioe lo en groat and eign tbe treaty. Tbla will be done in two or three daya." I'abim Dac. 8. The American com- miationera entered I lie joint conference today In nervooe frame ol mind. They evidently liadreaaoo to believe that tbe potelbility ex it ted that even at tbla late bonr there might be a rnptore. This feeling of epprebentlon waa baeed on tbe temper the (Spaniard! have diaplajed lately. .Tnia week the commiatlonera of Spain do not conceal (Ua fact that, Lav- log failed to'gain all imporlaut pointa, tbey are indifferent aa to wbelbar or not tbe conference reeolta in the leltlement of peace by tbe aigoing cf tbe treaty by wbicb Spain loaea all ber colonlea. Mia- carriage of the negitlationa woold leave political preatige at borne no worte. If oot in better condition than tf they signed tbe treaty. Tbe Americana are ansloua not to give tbe 8paniarde any p'etext lo break off tbo negotiation, or take offener, to far at tbe ezerciae of patience and diploma cy can ateer clear of protects. Madrid papera are diEpo6ed to revtte tbe queetlon of tbe Maine, and to ezdte pnblio opinion aaint tbe Unitod States on account of the refereoct milt to tbla in I'reaident McKioley'sDietaage. They report tbat Kios made an impasaioned denunciation of MeKlnlcy at the last joint meiingof the commiaaions. Bioa did refer to tbe Maine, but only in calmly worded sentences, eipreteiog re gret that I lie president had so spoken. Tbe Spaniard bad already proposed at this conference to have the responsi bility of tbe Maine disaster reported op- on by a joint commiasion of European powers. Tbe American commissioners refused to listen to this, and permitted Rioa rtference.to the president's mes sage to paea luncballeoged, as a discus- sion would be provoked in debate and bad blood result. Diplomatic circles in Tsris predict as one of tbe results of tbe treaty a diplo matic contest between France and tbe United States, which v. ill make an im portant chapter in history. Tbe French government is reported to have resolved to tske up the case of the French hold ers of Cuban bonds, and it ia believed France will declare for repudiation of tbe bonds as tbe resolt of tbe treaty which the victorious nation imposed on Spain. Tbey argue tbat tbe treaty responsibili ty bss been shifted upon America, snd tbat therefoie tbe French government will endeavor to exact some pledge for payment or guarantee of the bonds. Members of tbe commission say tbe treaty will contain little oaleide of tbe scope of the Waebington protocol, and matters directly based thereon, like pro visions for evacuation of ceded territory, transfer of public property therein snd guarantees of safety of property snd rights of Spanish cititena remaining there. Detail of tbe last class of ques tions covered by the statement wbicb tba Americans handed to Rioa at tbe last meeting were considered today, but all tbe commissioners refuse to dilvolge the details of tbe conference. (Several points upon which they were unable to agree were left open for diplo matic negotiations. Tbe Spaniards refuse ti admit ibat tbey bad failed to respect former tres- tiss guaranteeing religious freedom io tbe Caroline islands, or that tbere was necessity for such guarantees. Ibe conclusion of tba work Mas, ac cording to tbe commissioners, marked by politeuuss and all outward evidence Of good feeling, and the difficult ttik waN accomplished. When all the propo sition hnd been dlocoieed. Day re marked : "Tbere seems to be nothing to do but tu engross and sfgu the treaty." Klos acquiesced to this, aud tbe Amer icans bowed themselves out before tbe Spauiards, according to their custom. Spaniards and the Message. Lo.njjon, Dec. 8. The Madrid corre spondent of the bUmlard, who contrails tbe lndiffereuce ot the uisjority of fpau iardsto tbe president's message with the same anxiety regarding bis d.clara ations foresbadowlug war, says: "Only in political and official circles il any luteiest lu the message displayed, and tbsi'S It tikes the foiui ol bitterness and Indignation at McKlolay' altotloo totlia rieafrnctlorj ih Malo. TU praMdoaanot ldd Mtlifartioo X tha Indlcatiooa In tua maaMita and alaa- wbara that Amarlraa eolooltiBg will ba franghtwltb difflcaltlaa aod aipatidi tnra. Tha pradietioo fa sada fbat Iba Kicaragna t anal will lead to (roobla ba wmq tba United Rtatea aod Korepa." The neceo Anniversary. Haitian T Cess, Dee. 7. Today (a tbs anniversary of the death of General Antonio Macao, and lias beea relebratH among the Cohans ia Santiago. A me morial service was held this morning at the cathedral, which was crowded. Leea than two years ago the same cathedra! witnessed a re JJeom sang cy tbe same choir In celebration cf Macao's death. Then tbe eatKedral waa draped with Spanish colors. Todsy the entire edifice was In black, interspersed with a few Coban emblems. A o overflow meeting was nM io the theater, with mosie and speeches, ooae antagonistic to tbe American. A processioB of(&000 people proceeded tbronghout tbe principal streets to the boose where Maceo waa bora, and fores ally affixed a bran tablet commemora tive of that event. Hantlsgo experienced a severe earth quake shock last night, frightening many and destroying a largo qeaatity ef crockery. A few'reople ran lolo tbe streets in a state of deebabille Tbe shock 1 acted several seconde. Commissioner Porter'e Opinion. Ki.no&to!, Jamaica, Deo. 7 The United btstes customs oomsuisionr, Robert F. Forter arrived here from Cuba yesterday on board the Admiral Samp son, and sailed for heme today. He said bis Investigations indicate tbe de sirability ot reciprocity between Cuba and tbe United States, In spite of tbe Louisiana eager and Florida tobacco trade. The commisei-jner has framed a Cnban tariff which will be promulgated on bis arrival borne. It opens the Coban market to all nations on eqoal terms. Commissioner Forter considers tbe Cobsns perfectly fit for eelf-govtrnment. Has Not Changed His Mind. FsivcBTo,?. J. Deo. 7. Ex-Presi dent Grover Cleveland waa laterviewed today on tbe new poHey ef the United 8tatee, and dictated the following for the Associated Frets : "Wltbont going at all"01? details, I wish to ssy thst I am ar(f Slly opposed to every feature of this annexation and expansion policy. The public ought lo know pretty well what my conviction a are, as tbeHawaiian question came np during my administration. I have net changed my mind, and remain opposed to all of this annexation, from Hawaii to the Philippines. Block System for Ctty of Havana. New Yoek, Dec. 8. Former Chief of Police John McCullsgh, who will leave for Havana today to advise General Greene iu regard to the establiahmeti of a police force io the Cuban capital, will recommend tbe ettabliibment cf the block system. "This system is both simple and prac tical." said be last night. "It consists in hsving policemen stationed perma nently in sob-stations ia tbe streets witbin four or five blocks of one another All the sob-stations should be connected with the precinct stations and heaJ quartere by aa independent telephone system. "It would be impossibls for a crime to be committed or an accident to occur more than two and one-half blocks awsy from one of tbe sob-stations, where a policeman could a ways be tonnd. In formation could be telephoned to bead quarters and sent out from there simul tsnsoosly throughout the entire city ia a very short lims, plsciog tbe whole force on guard. "Tbs chief could sit in hit offlcs and be in constant touch with tbe entire force, thus making impossible tbe delay and confusion incident to tbe present system. Tbs patrolling could be done and the block system maintained with fewer men than are now requireJ, and protection to life and property would be much more effective. "All tbe men would have to do their duty or be caught shirkiog. Sergeants and roundsmen could not avoid their work, as the telephone system would Indicate tbelr whereabouts." Protection and Raisins. An interesting story ot tbs successful development of one cf those "Infant in dustries" which free-traders sre so fond ot sntsrlng st is told in connection with the remsrkable progrsss of raisin grow ing in California. Tbe early experi menters io this line of grape culture were ridiculed for tbrir psios and per severance, and wtre told that ll was sheer folly to attempt successful coin petition with tbs more fsvured districts aud tbe firmly estsbllibsd Industries ol the old country. Tbelr faith survived, however, and as a retard of the heroic persistence ol Ibis devoted band of ex perimenters tbe raieiu growers of tbe I'sclnc coast are today lu stmo6t undis turbed posieealorj of (he great borne market. Tbey have wou tbe light by tbtsr giit suJ tolely oa tbe merit of tbelr prodact, which today Is oosnrpaased for qnalitr aod excellence. Tbe California raislo crop for 1897 amounted to 03,704, 600 pounds, while tbe grot product for tbe psst six ysars, 1893 lo 1897 inelasivo reschts the Impressive total of 498,814, 800 poaods. Under tbe dnty laid by tbe Dingtey law on raltins, csnts per pound, tbe American prodaeer bee been able to in crease his salts for homo consumption ntil tbe great bnlk of the raltins con lamed In this eoaotry are now grown In American soil. Under tbe lower duty of 1 eeot a pooad imposed by tbe Wilton law the Imports la 1894-96 were a boat 14,000,000 pounds, against 8,593,823 pounds for the fitoil ysar 1897-98 under the higher dnty of the EHngley law. Tbe greater part of tbla redaction in Imports of raisins his fallen upon fpaio. whose Valencia formerly held tbe highest place In tbe American market. Now, however, Americans sre eating home grown rslilos wbioh are better In quality and lower in price than raisins of foreign productions. American Economist. An Exploded Theory. One ol tbe stock argumenta of the free traders need to be tbat nations woold buy of us only as we bought ot them. It wae asserted with all tba seriooansee aod deliberation doe to an absolate troth tbat in order to secure foreign trade for prodocta ef tbe United States it wae necessary to throw open oar markets to tbe competition of for eign workshops. It wss even stated thst this alleged law of trade was so strong in its operation tbat the com parative price of tbe product was a minor consideration, and that the na tions of tbe world wonld boy In those countries where they could sell their own goods irrespective of tbe price they might be called on to pay. Under tbe tariff experiments ol ths Clare land democracy we bad. tbe first bslf ot the proof against the free-trtdera' t beery. Tka Esropeaa nations wsre admitted to deetroctive competition with American workshops, but tbey did not boy any more American products io eonssquenoe. Tbe price of wheat, of cotton, of wool and, In fact, of every thing else decreased in proportion with tbe decline in tbe demand tor American labor and the reduction In manuuvctnred goods, and it waa shewn conclusively that the preteotlve tariff Indirectly bene flts tie farmer an we)) as the wage earner ; and the capitalist. Since the re -establish meat f repub liean government at Washington, and the enactment of tbe Dingley tariff, we have bad tbe eeoond half of tbo proo In the nine months ending September 30, our imports decreased 1113,000,000 snd onr exports decreased $123,000,000, and, at the earns time, we have gone on selling an increased amount of products to countries where an effort haa been made to reatrict onr trade. For wbijb erer side ycu look at it, tbe democratic free trade argument ia disproved by experience, sna ins wonaer is tnst any sensible man should svsr have expected anything different. Colorado Springs Gszettv. What We Pay Our Naval Men. The officers and men who handle our warships, if we except the glory and honors won, sre as a cists poorly paid. Tbe positions of importance In the navy require men of nnuioal intelligence, who must pass through a long technical tralniag and undergo a comparatively rough and of course often most danger one life. It la sals to say that this came class of msa, where they to devote tbe same energy to business, would be com pensated much more highly. The pay of an officer variea according to hie rank and the nature of bis duty. His in come is greatest while at eta and lowest wbsa be is on iesve or waiting orders. Tbe psy of tbe officers ot various grades is as follows : Rank. Pay. Rear-Admirals 1 1000 to SC000 Commodores 3000 to 9000 Captsins 00 to Oom menders , ?300 lo 4500 3000 Lieutenant- commanders. . 2000 to 3000 SCOO 2000 1400 950 Lieutenants 1000 to Lieutenants, janlor grade. 1200 to Ensigns 803 to Naval cadeta 500 to It is not generally known tbat all offi cers feed and clothe themselves. Tbsy are obliged to house tbsuseves when ou land. While at sea they are allowed SO cents per day tor their rat lone. Tbe salaries of enlisted men varies from III) per month, which is thst of a third-rate seaman, w 7u dollars a month, which is paid lo a chief machinist. Ordinary seamen receive 119 a month : regular seameu, f?4, and a landsman, who is an unskilled reeruit, lid. Salariss of from $45 to $60 a month are paid to black smiths, electricians, boiler-makers, etc. An allowance of.3i) cents par day is al lotted for rations to sit enlisted men. Salaries are raited every time a sailor re-eulisti. New Vork Journsl. Which Way Will the Cat Jump, Brook Ijd ttgie. Jooepb It, Cboate is a uuu of wit, learning, bamor, tamtam, ambltiuu and a certain klud ol elojueuo). Flibu Root is t tusn ot learning, logic, Judgement, eueryy aud I'euultluiate luilitcsl courage. Whittle? Keld is a man ut learoiug, tan, diplomatic experience and spproved wisdom in diplomatic pot V ions. He It alto a man ot strong ambition, of loew memory and of strict settlements. He Is likewise the owner and editor ol a newspaper which a majority of the rt pnblicana of the United ftatrs prefer to tbe Bible. Mr. Cboate did have a difference with Mr. Piatt. He comprised part of It when he called the latter "the presiding genius of ths republican party." Ho would settle all tbe rest for tbe ambas sadorship to Great Britain. Ellho Root settled part ot his differ ence with Mr. Piatt when the latter ac cepted Colonel Roosevelt. He would ssttle tbe rest for the same ambatvador abip. Remains Vbitclaw Usid. lis Is bear er to London then New York is. He is in Paris, helping on tbs formulation ot tbe treaty, from which work he will tske some diplomatic distinction and wonld be willing to regard it as a claim to more. If he is not "obliged," he will have tbe Tribone, in which he is capable of tsk ing a great deal ot pleasure between aod in years of presidential nominations sad electione. President McKiniey's sbrewdnees as a politician is shown by bis preference of Mr. Reid for Great Britaio. Mr. Piatt's power at a politician Is shown by bis preference ot some ons else to Mr. Repl for Great Britain. Mr. McKiniey's further slirewdn-ss will likely la shown by his demonstrs tion tbst Mr. Reid way owe any disap pointment he may feel to tbe influence of Mr. Piatt in the eenste, under the courtesy rule, which blocks coo flr (nation to any nominee to whom the senator ot the state from which the nominee comes may object. Mr. Plttt'e further shrewdness will be sbowd by his devolution of a cboics be tween Messrs. Cboate and Root on Mr. McKinley, and by his (Mr. Fleet's) ac quired credit with the "independents," whichever is chosen. Chauncey M. Dopew'e shrewdness Is shown by bis reach-out for a senator ship of six years' duration, in.the. work ing of which Mr. McKinley will be ex tremely interested ljng before the lend. Mr. Keid's shrewdness will be evinced by tbe quality of hisj hliosopby aod tbe drill of tbe Tribune ia 1900. Mr. ChOAte m likely to gel the aniba- ralorshlp. Mr. Root is likely l bo hung on t'.e wall labeled "mention honorable." - Mr. Reid may get any Urge undertak ing which does not involve eenatorltl ooodrmation and may refuse to take.K Mr. PU-.t will uavo Mr. Djuow for a colleague, Mr. McKinley for friend, and Governor Roosevelt as a reserve. Mr. McKinley will have a xratt detl to think about. Branton the Prisoner. Tbe Eugene Guard says : Claude Bran ton, tbe convicted murderer of John Linn, who is soon ti ie bangfd, is ss restless in the county j ail a! a reged lion. Tho oiber dty he sent Lr Dpnty District Attorney II irii, hut bed noth ing particular to say, but several times tried to induce Mr. ll.iria to come with in reaching distance of bis ctll. Moc lay evening he tried a number of time to have Sheriff ithers approach tbo cell closely but wa$ not accommodated. After tbe sheriff left he told the other prisoners tbat if Withers had cime up to the cage be would have attempted to get hi pistol, and would have used it with effect if successful. He also said that the officers were onto him, aod thst if Hsrris had come within reaching dis tance he would have "choked him t death." Blind-fold. A woman has no right to "go it Mind" in mat lers of life and health. She ha bo right to shut htr eyts to the plain facts of her physical being and the conse quences of neg lect. She has no right to be wretch ed and Ul when the might be hap py and free from vtaln Women who drag through life weighed down by some torturing, dragging weak ness or disease of their sex are not doing their full dutv to themselves. They are net Ukinr tbe means which enlightened sci ence affords them of being well and stroag and capable. These special complaints from wbicb a many women suffer re not necessary. Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription positively eure even the most severe and obstinate cases. . It is not a haphazard medicine. It is not S "cure-all." It is a scientific remedy de vised by an educated and esperienctd pe. tialist for the one purpose of curing the special diseases of women. Tens of thousands of women have bees restored to perfect health by this wonderful "Prescription." In many instances they were actually given up as hopeless by phy sician and family doctors. ..., " I have taken both your Oolden MrUkal Di eorerv' and Favorite Prcscrinlion fcr chro.ie Inflammation of the ut.rua and bladder," wrUta Mrs. M. A. Scolt, of Park Rapid. HubbtrS Ce . Minn. " I also had alnmach troiibla which wJ terribly ditlrin. I have been cured of til. X had auffrd untold misrry fr (our year pre rlou to taking your treatment, but began to feel tbe good effect at once." Dr. Tierce's thousand pigc illustrated book, "The People's Common Sense Med ieal Adviser "contains information of price less value to women. A paper-bound copy will be sent absolutely fiee on receipt of ti one-cent stamp to pay the coat of mailing oily. Address Wuild' Dispensary Medical Association. Buffalo, N Y. Vor a handsome cloth bound copy tend i itamp Us 1 '1 ft i