The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, December 08, 1898, Image 2

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    TUP PI AINDFAI Vf I Tu0 I11-!'5" McKinlsy wilh pro
J . . . .. --.-, ,,,.,,, . .... ...,!.).
IVVIIUU hum iiir hbhu mi IMWICVIIVil
I'll I lUlird Mrni.ln) nii'l HniP"lar
nr Tn I';ii itm.miinu .
... .K.lltiit,
Mutrrltillii Knit-.
Oiib Vi-nr ' H .
Hll Moiilhn .5
Ihrr Month. :?
ii:u;im:k s. is;s.
Iiiv i( tint rrxl f it mi Ihiup iibiiut (lie
liurso iIidw in New York w am (lip num
ber of euple who wont tin re in bono-
) CMtTiniCCP.
with rnirity. Thsy think Hint lbs
hunt limes wers created b" loolind with
j Ilia tarilf, unit thsy wnt titnnt.
Tlu-y art) tirl of Cleveland and
I'einouratiu m intake. .' Thsy want Wc
Kinley, and Ihomlll havo lilui. Alii
aon ami KrfJ vnV.'gooil men, ttie bolt
kiml. and would wake excsllsut rucsi
dents. 1ml ttrejr h to nail. I sco
Hint Matt lor and njr and Clarkson ars
Whittling Ihrtiuijli their itravsyards, but
it id no n -a. McKiuley .will Ual th's
the tiel l and havs a least 100 delegatus
t spartv lla ,in pood, t.jnars man
lovt llicmlcd, i-onaervalivs and In well
yrrw.l in practical affairs."
Indtcndenrc West ido : The issue
oi 1'JOO will ho lorritorinl expansion.
Silver Ik shelved, and ('resident MiKin
lor's administration is indorsed.
City Council Proceedings.
Jerry Simeon could not think of re
bilking the lion. William J, Kryau by
Acceptiiiit defeat a? a hint from the. (fo
rdo lo jfct out of politic?. -Kansis City
Journal. ' '
Soaiu is reported, to have luor.ied
alrsady the f ."0,000,000 nu aro to pay
her. This wilt nuke il harder for t lie
Donate to rej-t the t y. Tlio mort
gages may he persons wc tha'l Dot like
to o fiend.
.loat;uin Miller, the silver-haired ott
of the fc-ierras, is in Chicago. Here is a
case that appeals to the lovers if true
greatness, for Miller defetves.' ms many
lienor j at our liandj as if he were a
foreigner. Iniei-Oean.
It w ill not bs pj?siblo for Cjn.ress to
play with the Nicaragua canal question
any longer, even if it should be disposed
to do to. The iiue Etion has been ripeniug
for many years and it is now ripe enough
to command attention.
Aguinaldo's Filipino insurgents threat
u to make war upo:i the l'aito.1 Sla'.ea,
it i said, hut this is probably a mistake.
Whatever disturbance ihesa iusjreuls
may create under our form of govern
ment will bo at .ended to by the sherifr.
Klamath KepuMican : Will gome one
please step to the front and tell us vthtu
Klamath county beef lias ever before
been worth 7'-c u pound, in t-au Fran
cisco at this time of the year. What do
we care about the present piiiu of silver.
"An uui:ce of prevention is worth a
pound of cure." Lut the cuuee of pre
vention ueiuliy comes to high that a
good many connuunities a a well as a
Sood many ltople pteler to lake the
chauces of having to purchase the cure
in llio future.
Uvker City I'einoctat: The coudiliuu
that the democratic party shall enter the
next presidential catnpaiga in, depends
largely Uon whether meu who might be
named will show during ttia next year
. and a half that they place party interests
above pereonal interests.
As was expected the foreign press, tv
ttu iu England, failed to eathuaiaulically
endorse McKiuley's message to congress
iu all thing. Well, it wasn't written
lor their particular benefit anyway, and
as it seems to suit the American eople
fairly well, it will no doubt answer the
purpose for which it was intended.
The (minion council of tht city
Koseburg met iu the council chambers
on Monday evening, Dec. 5, 1)8. and
transacted ihe following business:
TLo rOIr WAS callevl with Ihe following
result; Present, Mayor Maieteis, Coun
ciluien l'arki - Brown, Willis, Field
I.auders aijd Mocum. Marshal Dillard
aud ltecolfder West. Abeeut, Council
men leason4iml Woolley.i
The uiiQUtes of last meeting read and
approved. Monthly reports of the
marshal aud recorder were read, ac
cepted and riled, Mr. F. f. Klsley ap
leared before tue board aud asked thai
thecily put cross 'walk acrv? .ihe
street from his place of imslnesi to the
depot. TheTiuest a referred to. the
committee oii'cily improvements.
Thfe followrtrV claims RRaintt the city
were allowed and warrants drawn
Hudsoh Mills LuuJbef Co t 19 W
Dunbar Lurabef Co.. . . 31 23
K oeeburg Electric Ia'ght Co IPJ 25
Mre. liarrievfu tnard for prisoners i 20
i. wt'.. ;
F. W. Dilltrd
P. ThomVwn, streef work .'
B. F. Page, street work....
Tlaindealer lob. C"o. warrant
books . ; 00
Treas Carpy idterest on boude. . . t7i 00
Hut of Kviewr Tub. Co., referred to
finance committee.
liondof Mre. Martha l'earce, asking
the city to issue duplijate warrant lor
one lost Or Moleb, was referred to j iJici
ary committee.
T!;e marshal Aas instructed to repair
all sidew iiks and instructed to collect all
delinquent taxes at once or place them
in the hands of an attorney for collec
tion. '
On motiou meetiug adjourned.
' ' . 1. 8. Wkr,
City Hecorder.
Iress Comment.
27 00
32 50
12 00
17 03
Would-be-economy in providing suit
able appuratus for e.Uiuuiebiu;,' hica in
this city during the last decade or two
baa several times proved a most reckless
extravagance. Leii'g well prepared to
tight fire is something like insurance.
If no fire occurs, it is money thrown
away ; but if it -Joes it comes iu very
Albany Herald: Comparisons are
said to bo odious, and perhaps th ey are
to some partiee. Probably if Kpain is
brought fabe to face with the compari
son of the treatment accor ded if. by this
country with that measured out to
France by the Hermans in 1&40, v,hen
France had to pay l,O00,0i;0,000 besides
losing Alsace Bed Lorraine, she would
consider the comparison verr odious.
bfill she had better make it.
Cnder the strictest military discipline
the negroes ought to make sei yicea ble
oldiers, but in a political army, presid
ed over by such politicians as .Secretary
Alger and his favorites, the ueroes ap
pear to-bo no better than brigandj and
outlaws. A pglitical army is the worst
menace to the free institutions of the
republic possible. That is what the
present army is and has bseu from the
boginuing. New Orleans Picayuno.
" us have peace' is a motto that
can now heboid upio the desolated
homes ui Cuba. .'
The new battle-ehi'p Wiscoueiu came
from the same tiriii that built the Ore
gon. Kiiough eaid. "
"Admit the bea'rerand one wife" is a
formula of Artemaa Ward that uiay be
of some service to the next congress in
ueaiing wun tne t tab delegation
"lue title of "Coin" Harvey 's new
financial lecture tills about three ayer
age newspaper liue, and euggette the
cheerful thought that he will probably
deliver it by Jreight.
England ia said -to have fjjO.tfOd.OOO
invested in mortgages in loreiga coua
inee. .vuo v. may oe remarneJ :hat in
times paet she has done a good deal of
foreclosing ou "outeide liodf."
A dry dock of the largest typa, of gran
ito and concrete, is to le constructed at
Norfolk, Va., at a of f 1,500,000.
The time has passed -for tending Xueri-war-ships
to foreign docks because we
own none of suitable ie.
Alluding toVho t'nited States securing
me i uuippiiics lor f-'u.ycu.uw, a pan-
lsh paper t-ententioasly remarks that
"good bargaiia are made by (orce."
The Spaniards certainly ought to know.
All the profitable deals in their history
were made that way.
Senator Harris, of Kansas, attributes
the defeat of the populist party in that
state to good trope, good.pricci, good
times generally, and a good national ad
mini6tra'ti0n. A party that depende for
perpetuity upon the reverse of these
conditions is certainiy not entitled to
come lo me very oneij
The Cuban soldiers gave very litti
help to the American troops at Santiago
A London correspondent. writing of the
campaigu'graBpM the situation very ac
curately w hen he speaks of visiting
camp "filled with members of the Ked
Cross Society, Cuban insurgents and
other noncombatants." ' .
oiunteer m he Safe at Home
Within a Few Months.
irVitUrvl Tilfifmni.)
A telegram was received here this
morning which ouihl to bring gUJnese
to every heart iu Oregon, h it as fol
Dknvkr, Dec. 7. The Kwky Moun
tain Newt priuts the following tele
gram from Secretary Alger, ilatod
Wssbluglon, December 0:
"Il Is proposed to teud regular regi
ments lo relieve to the volunteers in
Manila just as soon as transportation
ran be arranged. Tho volunteers will
be returned to the Tnitod States iu
which they left."
This would bring the troops back in
the following ordr: Fiiat California,
Second Oregon, First Colorado, Tenth
Pennsylvania and the I'tah battery.
The circumstance! surrounding tho is-
auancs of this piece of Information indi-
cat tiial It la autuvDuC Ami tiiio.
A few weeks ago, as publiebeJ"1u tho
Telegram al that lime, the gJvcruoi ol
Colorado, who bad been usiug bis lotlu-
ence to have a prominent youug Colora
do volunteer discharged from the service
In Manila, received a letter from Adju-tant-Oenciat
Coibiu stating that it was
the purpose ol the president lo hae tho
volunteers sent home as soou as regu
lars could be sent to tske their places
Beyond question this letter was not iu
tended for publication, as the peace ie
Collations were at a critical point at that
time, but tho letter fell into the hands of
the newspapers, and was widely priuted
.Secretary Alger wired a contradiction of
the statement, and it was thought at tho
time that the war department considered
it bad policy to give out any such iuform
lion until peace negotiations were con
a l . .
a uay cr two alter the .annouuceiuent
that Spain would accept the terms of the
I oited States, and that peace was as
sured a number of regiments of regulars
stationed in Wisconsin were ordered to
proceed to San Francisoo, preparatory to
tailing for Manila early in January, aud
now somes the information from fe ro
tary Alger that regulars will take the
placs of the voluuteers as eoou us the
hangs can be made.
In the meantime the New York vol
unteeis, who were at Houolulu have
been brought back. This woe con I J in
no way eileet tho peace negotiations.
and no doubt treuieuduiis pressure was
being brought to bear upon the depart
meut at M ashingtou by iolhietitial New-
The cry is guiug into Washington from
every state to let the voluuteers cum
home, aud the boys, tired, eick aud
woru out, are begging to Le allowed to
return. The president baa said it mm
purose to replace the volunteers
with regulars, and has asked congress to
increase the army sufficiently to allow
him to do so. Taking all of these things
into consideration, there can be no
doubt that the information coutaiued iu
the telegram from Denver is entirely
Local military men do not care lo be
(looted, and, while free to state they
have no knowledge of the intentions of
the war department, aside from such
news as sppears iu the papers, there
seems to be an uuanimous opinion
among them that the volunteers will
soon come borne.
It Is the opinion of those who have
given the matter thought that tho ex
change could not possibly be completed
iu lees than three months from the time
it begins, and as the regulars are oiJer
ed to be ready to sail f.-om San Francis
co between January 5 and II!, it may be
April or May before the Oregon boys get
borne. The thought that they are soon
to come, however, will make the time go
by rapidly, and within lees than a year
from the time of their departure it in
very probable that the brave boys of
Oregon will again be settled down in
their native land.
'. .. "Mlg ...IU!
Sen,tor Simon 5-tlll 5tands
rok nnr.Ts.
Nmi Yohk, IVc. !. A special to
Herald lioiu Wa.-hinittoii s
lieu Jeft pli Niinuii, I ho new seinktor
from Or gon, . loruially n until Into
otlictt, ho found t tiAt (hero was no seat
for him in tho nouaie.
Afier he hud giialili'vl, cont'd the roll
sua received congratulations, iio wits
turned over lo the rcrgcaut at-arms,
who was expected to provide him tilli
a desk and a seat . Tho eeuatorship in
Oregon has b?ii vacant so long that iu
tne arraugeuieiit o' seals uo place was
made for eimloi Simou on the repub
In-all side of tin' chamU'r.
lliu new sonaUr rent'iileil Mm suggi s
lion that he sit on Ihe democratic side.
The republican senslois t onsultod and it
was siiig wicvl ili t Senator Itnller, the
populist from Noith Cuolina, might ho
willing to niovo o er to tho deiuoeralic
side. The North Carolina in. in had tried
mat si le early in tin day, and was
atuiig by a cl.r.iuo rciua:!: that ia vie?
of the ucu troubles iu tho kUte he would
hereafter ideutifr hiuuiclf wilh tho detn
cratio'purty, so bo refused to give up his
present seat, and Senator Simon is still
seat lea..
l ooking Ola.os Items
lite Orand Rondo Will Expect
From the Coming I.egUtature. .
;o I I
i I.
Santa Clau5
the democratic loaders ureouabldl
Iiuutfor prosidoutial timber for l'JOO,
and the sound money faction of that
party havo their eyes on Dewey an 1 aro
speculating us to nhether or net be
would accept a nomiuatiuu at their
hands. It is said Dewey is not
much of a politician, aud it ulrikes ug
that however tempting tho presidential
bait may bo, it will fail to eutica tho ad
mirai when placed upon a democratic
lngcrsolls's Mckinley Prophecy.
"No proihet is w ithout honor bave iu
his own country, " I'oma one has baid;
aud although Bjb, Ingersjll does not
jut himself up for a prophet exactly,
lie aometiuies says things that prove ti ue
as the followiug'assouiiited press dispatch,
which whs txteuuivjly published
ihroughout tho United Slates a fowyeurs
ago, will show :
Omaua, Nlii., May ;., lSjU. Col.
Itobert O. lugeisjll, who is in Omaha,
toddy, discussing puliiicbKuaid :
"McKiuley will ho nominated at U.
Louis and bave lots of delegates to spare.
pain, through the mouths of her
leaders . and journalists, threatens us
with continuous-. Iia4ra. She forgets
that during the many years that we en
joyed what she called her friendship we
constantly suffered thereby, while ber
downright enmity,' since she finally
threw c IT the muck, has been decidedly
profitable to us. '
Several of our merchants ars already
making handsome display, of holiday
goods, and now is. the time to make yonr
selection, liuy early and avoid the
T. K. kidiartlson
ill fix the floor at the armory an J
put it iu first class condition fur dauciug,
aud will give instructions for ten weeks
commencing Saturday, Dec. 3rd at 8 p
m. LeesouB 50 ceots. The ball will be
opeu to all daucers. rlhe admission will
be cents fur gentlemen, lsdies free.
l or Over l-'lfty Vtai a. . .
An Ui.u ahu WELL'Tmeo Rcmcuy, itrt
Wlukluw'n bootbing fyiup bas been awd (or
over tidy ycam by luilliona of mothers for tbtir
cbilUrcu Hbilv IcclUlu, wltb perfect iucccml
It koolbu I lie ulillii, notltui tbe guma, allays all
puiu, cure wlml culie, auJ U Ibe belt remedy
fur Dlarrbaa. In nluuaiit to the taite. Sold by
rirucglbU Iu every part of the world. Twntr
Uvo ccutu a buttle. Ill value It lucalculabla.
Iio Hiiro and nk for Mm. Wlnnlnw's HKilblirg
tiyrup, aud take ubotbr klud.
is at the Novelty Store with as elegant
line, of presents as ever were brought to
town for the holidsys. You'll have to
hurry if yon bave one of these for they
will be included in the Novelty Store's
i:2oeing out sale, and prices are made so
tow thai uo eu cau reuioi carrying
borne ooe of these fine presents.
County Treasurar Notice.
CvlJ aud lo-y looming.
W. II. Ollivanl in attending court
Oui fi uiiud aie aguiu ImisiIv cug
in I hi fr graiu?
. Mis. Wiu Ni il in on tho sick liit
week, e hypo for her ' npuedy recov
J. I . tivtduian U iu Koseburg shir-
plug la hay to CaHforui.i. We Imps he
will iu ak a good profit.
it. unviou, oi len .Mile, lias con
traeted to cany the leu Mile mail,
Which w formerly carried by T. J
vt hy ilou t wo have a Chi.stinas tree?
Let us all iin and have a graud e.
ti .mi i . . .
n e ii nave t j iinrry ui lor llio lime is
rapidly nnl surely wppruachiug.
A very pleasant party was had last
tnu.iv evenuk al llio nsilerice of
l'rof. .1 A. I'.tvi-J. it being a surprise
party, they in linked in g.uues aud
other pastimes until u late hour, wheu
they ileiarted for Ihoir hemes. The
following c:e iresenl: Mioses Ftla
Siuiinoii, Cor. i liocdiuaii, Onio Oood-
man. Clara an I Koma Ni'il, Flora And'
rus, Oi.i- .j, Ala udru
Messrs. t'hds. .-pan,;!!, Arthur Matloun,
W illie Muiinons, K ill t.jodman, Chas.
Williamn, Kief M.itioon, Nelson Audrup,
$io. Reward, $no.
I Iio leader of liiio paper will to pleas
ed to learu that t::ere is at least one
dreaded disease that science h is bcou
able to fire iu Ul iu stages, aud that is
Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure is tho
only poMUvecure know n to the medical
fraternity. Catarrh being a constitu
tional diteaH', requires a Cousftiiib.nal
treatment. HaU'ti Catau b Cure it taken
internally, .u-ting directly u:i the olood
and inucoui sui faces of the system,
thereby destroyiiu' the funudaliou id tho
disease, ar.d giving the patient strenglh
by bui.diug up Hie coiiStitutiou aud bb-
6istii,g uature in doing its work. Tho
proprietors nave eo much faith in its
curative powers, that thev offer One
Hun lied loi!ars for any case that it
fails to cure. Send for list of testimon
AJdress, I . J. CliLM.i A C"., Toledo,
-Jld by l.'ruk'gists, Voc.
I h.l Ii'ilgruwer ol Fas ttril Od'goll
will una the legislature- (o enact il doubly
(or the beet-stiitar IndtiMtrv. The la
tiraudo Advocatu starts Ihe ball rolling
iu this fashion :
Moro than ever before It is now noces
sary to push along the stiiiitr-lxot Indus
try In the Oraude Ronde vallev. We
know we bave a good thing which do
mauds pushing. The entire- state is
watching Union county's experiment,
because there are iiunv other counties
that can grow sugar )ceta, and several
have already decided to try It.
A largo amount of mmiev was put in
circulation this year through llio build
ing of (hi nugnilii'ciit faitoiv. which
cost fiOO.QOJ, and tho raising mid bar
vesting of tho bests. The factory ttsull
bad a good campaign, under all the con
i!t!n wlili'h pi'Mvailml, hut because
some of the growers lost a little money
ami mo crop ol beets was short on ac
count of their lack of experience In cul
tivation does not uiaik the season as an
entire failure. No section of any conn
try has ever learned to grow sugar beets
profitably iu one or even two or three
years. It takes tiuie to properly reduce
the soil ami to learn how to raise aud
haudlo the beets. It is a crop peculiar
aud different from any other, but one
whose returns to a couutry are exceed
iugly rich aud profitable to all its people
alike. It is for this reason that other
states and couutrios havo found it ad
visable aud profitable to pay a bouuiy
ou sugar-beet raising. The net profits
to Ihe community iu keeping at borne
and disbursing for labor the large sums
anuually expended for imported sugar
havo far exceeded the temporary tax ou
the people for tho liounty. Already a
large number of well to-do farmers iu
Nebraska have headed for Oregon, and,
with a wise policy in handling this sugar
beet question, doubtless export growers
would bo iuduced to come to this stale.
The bouuty question is oue for the
whole state, aud not a sectional move
ment in any sense. In less than live
years lienco, under the bounty eysUin,
it is safe to piedict that not ouly cau
enough sugar lx produced in Oregon for
our home consumption, but ipjauliiiee
can bo exported lo our lees fortunate sin
ter states. Indeed, when it comes to the
(poi I question there is no telling w lure
it w ill stop.
Steady work on the broadest lints,
thcrufore, Is needed, that this infant in
dustry of I rcgou die not aborning. Ouo
part of the state u as much interested
as another, aud all classes of the people
of the stats, who will share ahko in Its
benefits, aie equally responsible for Us
success. I nion county has the urealer
burden to bear at the outset, because the
I'm 6 1 experiment was made here but that
should not muke ua hesitate to work
with a vim for the good of all and see to
it that a bounty law is passed which will
usure our exixulmcut a success and eu
able other portions of the state to estab
liah the culture of beets aud mauufacture
o sugar.
Notice is hereby given to all paities
holding Douglas county warrants in
aorseu prior to July 10, lS'Jo. to
present the same at the treasurer's oflice
in the court house for payment, as inter
est will cease thereon after the date of
this notice.
Dated Ibis the L'lstdayof Nov. H'JH,
at the City of Koseburg, Oregon.
(ifO. W, DlMMKK.
County Treasurer, Douglas County. Or.
On Willapa bay there were packod,
daring the fall fishing season jutl closed,
0,000 eases of salmon. Last year there
were packed 18,500 cases. The pack of
the Barnes cannery this year was 1 1,000
cases; that of last year 11,000. The
puck of the McGowan cannery this year
was 8000 cases; that of last year 7oO0.
hese early w inter days many aro
1 ut few sre frozen.
There is only oue man in the uiuou
and ouly one woman in the honevmoou.
Omaha was so well pleased with its
exposition that it proposes lo warm it
over next year.
l'or .'0.000,000 Spaiu could build a
good deal Letter uavy than she lust.
when she began her war with tho Cuit-
ed States.
A philosopher is a man who can ad
mire a woman after be has found out
that the doesn't admire him.
A man's compliment is valuable in
proportion to how young be is ami n
woman's Iu proportion to how old she is.
10,000 meu wauled ut tho uofh Store
to Bclcet great bargains before it U too
Ladies rubbers ut :.'' cents mid tirst
juality at U ronls per pair. Novelty
FacU- -iivl fakes in what our adver
tising columns represent. 'Tho Hoes
liabys "Cry for Casturu" but their
papas cry f jr Oliver Mows thev must
bave them.
jiuvkc ijic "AftiO," lliO bi'bt 5c
vifeai Ol fc:lo Vl-ill. IVIUOU t OIIAIUOl voa
sole acntf.
'ent-iyuu will (ind some extra good
bargains in overubirfe. at tho Novelty
More closing out eale.
A luigo an l fine UHHoi tment of chil
dren's shoes just received at I'airott
Bros. Cull and m:o them.
Call at I Us J'.obs Store aud juice their
goods, aud you will be surprised to find
them at nuch low figures.
.liouey to' loan on city and country
property. " J. S. K. Ui k k,
Marstera' lhiilding, Kosoburg, Or.
What everyone says must ho true,
Ihe choicest of teas and colices in lown
at Mi;. II. h'AHioN'h.
i.aJics jackcls luuut he cloned out at
om o, in tjrdor to do this wo will offer
them ut lean than coil. Novelty Store.
Our Hheltes aro getting empty, still wo
havu m . liny of tires goodu that it will
I'uy joii to prico ul tho Novelty Store
closing out ualc.
Thu linc :t and bcul selected line of
holiday gojds ever brought to this coast
from New York cily, will bo shown in
season. alcli for them at tho Novelty
The W. C. T. U. will hold its icgular
meetings on the vecond anl fourth
Monday of every mouth at 7 :'M v. ui,
in tho F.pwnrth League room of tho M.
L. church.
Ir. W. S. ilamillou is tho Secretary of
the Hoard Of 17 . S, Examiuiug Surgeons
, .. i ... . . i
ior i ensions at Koeotnirg, uua an com
munications should ho addrctted to him.
W. H. Hamilion. Secretary,
K. L. MatEii, rresidenf,
I'.. Ir ( i h, TrPHHiirer.
!y Hid Hoard.
School Report.
Ihe following is a repoit if the Klk
Ci eck school for the month cooiuieuciog
November lPhand ending Ddccmber
0th :
No. days taught, 10; No. of days st-
ndance, -i'J,' J ; No. of das absence,
10'..; average daily attendance, l:
whole uumber enrolled, 1J ; No. of visi
tors, 10. Deportiuent good.
ThofcO neither abseut nor tardy during
(ho mouth wero: Lditb lUin villa, Mat-
tie Vel.iau, Winnie and Waller Itain-
villa aud Corwio Yelxiau. Those ab
out uoly otj day during the month
were: Maltha and Andrew Kirkpat-
rick, Harry, Hubert and Chasey Neet
aud L'lier Kainville.
Alia Smihi.
Legislation Wanted By Blcyllsts.
13. S. l'aguo, president of the United
Wheeliug Association, is hard at work hi
connection with other members of the as
sociation, draftiug a bill which the uext
legislature will be asked to pass.
It Is the purpose of the association to
have the laws define the iights and priv- j
lieges of wheelmen ou the highway, and
give tho wheel a legal staudiug in the
state. As it now is a wheel iu Oregon is
neither man, beast nor thing, so far as
the law accordiog it or its rider aoy
rights is concerned.
One of tho iniporlaul features of this
bill will be provisions for raising a fund
for building bicycle paths in the various
counties of the state where such paths
are practical and desirable. The weth-
ou oi raising mis iuou win ue to levy a I
tax of $1.25 on each wheel iu tho coun
ties coming under the provisions of the
act. Tho amount so raised is to be ex
pended under tho supervision of the
county authorities for the construction
of bicyclo highways and nothing else.
troui the levying aud collecting of the
.Mr, rague expiobses uo doubt that
this measure will be passed by the legis
lature without opposition, as no one cau
be interested but the wheelmen, and
they aro almost a uult for sucb a law.
Miss Jmiiiiti i;i' rts li i i
land 1 1 sii'iid i f -w 'i-k 1
Ml ,!nn ll.irnoti.
Mrs. O. W. Kmim. mi I M i ""iin
Dsiuoll, of llolel K. :oii, Wn!l l ieik,
nmdo u a pleif i d e.ili l'it.- .
James Oilbs, of Canyon t die, in I Ids
daughter, Miss Fanulc, woie at lilinnbile
last week, vliiling Mr. Arthur Albro.
Mrs. Ida YiinOrdcr is i;i in'rul (in to
tutu nt tho Hotel tlh'lidnl'. Ili'l good
taste and are npn.nriit iu
vory tlepiirlmont ol tliii !.'. I .
Miss A ldio Uii'ev, who Iim I 'en al,
tending hc1hi.iI lit Ko-'tdiiiin, cimn to
Oleudali' Ibis nioinifg Mio will spend
the holidays w ith her pmi iits mid nlher
relalivi'M In ihi i ih.-v. Our y.Miiqt pen.
pie warmly wcl. 'inu Mn. i Vd l e bom .
Hotel iilelidale w.u opened l i llm
public, l'SC. lib., mid on llio evening id
Dec. 6lh Mgoihor with ilvo .illii r Imllis
we parlook of mi l.'ijaut dinner nt I Iin
well known IikUimi. Iin nn ii'i ruT'iuc
ed tho liixtiinn ol Hie m' i ii, i' rc I bv
polite nllrlld.lll1, llio invtu'd sC ilct't
wore Mrs. K. Slifim, Mr.. ieuii
Roberts Jr., Mivh Itiilli an I Ji'iinie
Itoberls and .Misx .Nollie Ni l,i . All did
ample justieo to Hie d iiium', u! : i- w Inch
we repared to the parlor, wi.ere t
fouu l brilliant chmid 'liei.-i p nir.ii,: a
stream of 1-gUt upon a Ixiuiif.ily f i -nishod
lo.iiii. ic nit dill o-xlaiul
inatrumeutal munie by Mm .U Van
Orib-r, the Mirum Itiberl, Nidav and
Hodsoit made tho 1 1 1 1 r -i pen .piukly,
aud when the and co'iilly tin i
liess manager at ihj II it. I (ilcul.ile,
Mr. M. J. Kennedy, boned e .mlmgly
into tho pari I , be s ii l ill it wh.oi ho
heard Ihe lovely m inie lr mi-'i uk it lor
an augulic choir. IIi'i l I i. 1 1' o lilli n
long felt want in t l.ii pl.e'i'
M. nil.
Haker City w r j uci ng
rospect Ibut nex' umi'
will be held a' the "I1 m v
instead f La lii.onlc im L.
"'I I t
diMirift la'i
r 1. 1 ( i i g in"
r.n. i IV.
I Ik Creek Item.
I'lnH II' W l. (,lll li'rilt) llfsii.w
on 1 1 i iii " , bleb limkos the
Im t i mile,
I' , i. Mitr:!n, Joi Mil of mid (I. Swal
low - the pile. on ill Mr. slid Mis,
11 1 In .-.-In .'HV,
.iw.i"l V'i'isiiiii, John Ki. birds and
I'larni'Kt Velxiiln drove a band i f cattle
to Ibmehtirg Monday,
Mm, I.uI.i TIioiiimhoii has brnn very
sick wilh a bad cold. We are pleased to
loam Of ber lecovery.
Mis IiI.iiiii I Maude Thomason, Mls
Mnttttlo N'eUiiin and Miss Alia Smith
wern vlnltliiJ Mr. sud Mrs. I'ltts Hun.
lay. Ihey tepoil having bad a very
lilensitit lims,
A I'.iilloi k Is liimily engrigtd gather,
leg citttle for J. IMcbaid.
Win. kirk Is III at present.
School Id progressing liictdy under the
managsiiient of Mist Alia Hinltb.
A grand ball at the school lioute Sat
iirday I'vrtili g.
Joe Uainvllla relumed hotne after an
Hbci'iio of over a Tar.
Mm. Chss. N'im'I returned borne Sat
urday from Myrtle Creek, whore the has
been visiting ivUMvos.
Little Her to 'cUln Is slowly remov
ing fi'im a broken l g,
So a.
N cat her Report
For tbn wni'k ending lc. 7, l.M'jH.
Maxiiiiiiiii tempeialure, K, on the lit
M i ni in u tii tempi ratine, 1:7, on the 1st
I'recliiltatlnn, 0.4,'.
Total lalnfall suite Ut month, 0.47.
Average precipitation for this month for
l'I cais, (!.:IH.
Total pnii Ipilall. m from Sept. l.ltWS, to
date, o.SI
Aeriign precipitation from Sipt I,
T.ilill exc. n from Sept I, ISUH, FL'O
Averao preolpitati.iii f ir '.'1 wot eratotlS,
Sept. to May, im liiiiivo. ,'17.
Tu ii. iIiiiiom, Obrver.
Something (Entirely New
"lkm CIIINAWARE -nuw.
lulokl Qood5
Doll Carriages & Pancy Albums
lit 4
slmiiaiiiii uic Ycod aid I!ctf uki -lug
the Slmaioivi andDowcb cf
ncss and licst.Ccribnns neitliiT
OjuiiiiT.Morphino nor Mineral.
ti,ll. SJti -ytfu'te
Sft J
tffmrrrtlnt -
li'nJtryvfi !:
Aprrfccl Remedy- forfonsiip
tion.Sour Sloni.-'.r.h.DiniTliuca.
Worms .Convulsions. (cvcri.sli
ncbs undLoss or Sleli'.
lac Simile Siiuitun: nf
For Infanta and Children.
Kind You Havo
Always Bought
Boars tho
If 'S
: i
You Have
lAlways Bought.
1 H
q y.sJ rjf lyl)
in ma O 1
I'Mitu bTiTfHi.ANj orrnc,
wliuin It may coucuru;
,MJlli:o 1H lll.'ruliv frivflfl flmf II... ll....l ..I
nuuni ton. i v."iiiiinMlillirr Ul Ilia Mull: III lliu.
Sou, iiai lilcil Iu lliia onifu a lint ol lauda tltu
utcil iu tin: loiinaliin an lullotia:
NW , ul N E i . of Sm. if' l , :n H ii r. n. -i
anU 1ih ai'i'lltil for ami aalevted Um lamu
mat Hie IUt la oi'i ri to Uic piibllu tor IiihihoUou
autl auopy tticrwif by ilcnurlptlvo aulxll vjt-lunx,
llu ltii l.unlc'1 lU ii l.l.lU;l.l.iliL l.lH.... I.. II. ij
olliiio fur ttie lunpcullnii of nil p. moui luti.rui.ttil
uii'l tbu pulillc Ki ucrally.
..iviiiu i i" ui.-i bi.N ly uuyi luiiowlUK Hi! (IhIc
r. I ' I'ri'WIin or UllllltHII HKIllllhl t If
cluli, of iheiia M CounniMlontra tu liny traul ,r
f iWh Ulciri iw llilii any oeollon or pan of mu.
t ou, Ucxoi-ilicil Iu thu rim, ou Um urijuini i1&l
Uic huinc In iniiio valuuljlu for lulumal lliau for
KilciiUurul purpomia, will bo rc.;lve. ami
lVaCmnlnoiil'UJjt c "U t'c"vrul '"a omcu '
, ' T.nmnuKH,
IU'CCilr. ,iRtm
The Uniform
iiutlity of the work
manship in our
clothing is one of
its stronjj points,
lvach ifurinciit is as
carefully cut and
tailored throughout
as though made to
order. See our new
Kail Suits.
L i7
flake Friends
are the only kind wc
wish to sell. They arc
the only kind we do sell,
and with each pair wc
sell we make a new
friend. They are not
only stylish but good
clear through. Sec our
Shoe line.