i i ! f y Oakland New. (from Ilia Heretic.) K. 15, Voting A Co., stiicl a carload u( !"Kt to Portia ml WetlneftU., K. U. Young A U. nliipiwil tnu ear load of grain to iHjitite lu California, TiwiUy. A carload o( oaln from Mearnt Ckmioaclh went forward to Portland, JSalurdaj. Oa Tnpfday Mvarua A ClicnowHb hipped five rarkNida of train mid one of liny to California ointa. The Itlei'lioiitt imttninivnt is in and Moane. I'aite A J iituiiit-k ar rraJy to do A goueial "lii'llo" buHinesp. Mr. ttiiortto .1, Stearns rotiirncil from Sail I'rancino .Monday, where he prolitalily eold 42. (KO pouiula of d re fed turkey. It were better for a man to have a millstone about hit neck and llieu lowed overboard, than to attempt to te pro gressive in Oakland. V. II. .toy returned from San I'rancia co Wednesday morning, where he dis posed of bis Thanksgiving shipment of turkeys at a profitable figure. Oakland can now have an object lesion as to the e fleet of the republicans' pro tective policy and how it develops the resources of the eouutry. It was discov ered a short time ago that the hills sur rounding Oakland were filled with cem ent rock, from w hich a cement, equalling if not surpassing the Portland, ha) been made. A factory was to be started in Oakland, one that would employ a hnn dred men, and all were anxious for it to come. Kvery barrel of cement brought to this eouutry co:nes ia as ballast and wuue u is sou very uigu, me price would be cut aa soon as Americau ruanu fact ure began, lo a figure below what we could make it for. As long as this cou dition exists Oakland's rock w ill rest uu- disturbed in the hills and Oak laud's ce nient factory will not be built. The com pany have made experiments and are certain beyoud a doubt of the superior quality of the Oakland rock, and is now bending Its efforts to have a tariff placed upon foreign cement, or to at least stop it from coming in free as ballast. With this accomplished, the Oakland factory will be a cer!;'.itity and thus in our midst will spring up an industry which will not only be of great benefit to the peo ple of (Uklaud, but to the whole Stale. Who of us would not vote for the tariff. Weekly Excursions to the Cast. A tourist sleeping car will leave Port land every Tuesday at 9 p. m. via the O. It. A X. without change to 1'oiton, and under the supervision of eiperleneed conductors. No change of cart to the cities of Omaha, Chicago, Buffalo or Norton. The ideal trip to the east io now lfore you. Kemember this service when going Kast, ami consult O. It. A N. agents, or address, W, II. UlRLBl RT, General Passenger Agent, t:t. Portland. Or. 5hasta Limited Is the name of the only perfect train in the world, now ruuniog every night between St. Paul nd Chicago, via the Chicago, Milwaukee A tL Paul Kailway the pioneer road of the west in adopt ing all improved facilities (or the safety and enjoyment of passengers. An illus trated pamphlet, ahowing views of beau tiful scenery along the route of the Pio neer Limited, will be sent free to any person upon receipt of two-cent postage stamp. Address Geo. II. HeatTord, Gen eral Passenger Agent, Chicago, III. Now is the time to save money bv buying your goods at the Rieeborg Novelty Cash More. In buying three pairs of shoes you can save enough to buy anoth er pair, tin clothing we can save tvu from 2 to M on a suit. Fall inillinei v, i cloaks and capes, all sold at closing out prices. Absolutely closing out. Call and be convinced. To the Public. On and after this date, I wish it under stood that my terms for all undertaker's goods are cash with the order. I find it impossible to do business on a credit basis, and belive that I can do better by my patrons and myself by selling strictly for cash. r. Bsmdick. Undertaker. Roeeburg, Ore., April 12, 1895. I ..I HT I u I ; ' 9 r ECONOHY HARKET L. KOHLHAUtHN. Proprietor, MALI IN Fresh and Salted Meats, JACKSON 8T ROKBl'Ri;, OR. fREStl OYSTERS ALL STYLUS AT THf Klir KIlfN PURE CAHDIES MAM'f'Al'U'Rfc'D 1AU.V Mongolian Sea Robbers. Probably never siuce Cautou was open to foreigu liade, says Mr. Consul Bienau iu his report on the trade of the city, has piracy been so rife as during last year. The bolduess of the pirate is, however, surpassed by the apathy A the provincial government. Perhaps the word piracy is caicely applicable to tho acta of these adventurous robbers t: , . . , . . . iufjimciig armea crait oi their own with which to give chase and run down luair victims, the usual plan is for a bind of half a dozen men to go on board a passenger launch disguised as Iianeet men. When a suitable spot is rjaeued they throw off their disguise overawe the crew and passengers by flourishing revolvers, and then half the pirty stand by ibarisbing revolvers, ana tlienualt tue party staud ready 10 shoot while tbe rest proceed to search the passengers and their luggage, and when they have taken all they want they transfer themjelvjs to another boat or laud near a friendly village, where a division of the spoils take place. They are not devoid of a certain chivalorjus feeling. Cases have been kuowu where, after having robbed some rich passeuguis and tuaue a good haul, they have restored to the poorer passengers what had already been taken from. On other occasions they Lave overpowered the master and crew of a launch and "borrowed" the use of the vessel for a few hours, during which they have over hauled a junk known to have valuables on board. Having pillaged the junk, they have steamed aw ay to their own village, and before landing they have offered to pay the master for the time his launch has been detained. The owners of passenger boats are now given to engaging some old pirate as a detec tive, lis points out suspicious-looking characters whom it is better not to take on board, and keeps in check any of his own friends who may have been pre-1 uicdiUtiug a coup. i,oudon St. James' Notice is hereby given to the public by the undersigued that I do not allow dead animals to be buried on my prem ises, at Roeeburg, Oregon, or garbage dumped thereon or sand or gravel taken therefrom, unless the party taking sand or gravel first contract with me for the right to do so. Tresspassers will be prosecuted ac cording to law. Aaro.n Kosk, Koseburg, Oregon, March 17tb, 1SS5. SHELLAH CARROLL. All our goods are uew and of the latest styles. No shopworn goods on hand at the Boss Store. Tne Cburclicn. Maruobi-i Cut. iu u corner of Main and Laue trceta. Sunder Service: Preaching, 11 . m aud 7.30 p. m.; Sabbath school. 10 a. m.: F. w. vtoollcy, Superintendent; CLeai Meeting at cloae oi the morning icrTicc; Xpworth League e V. iu. r. II. Churchill, Frcaldcut. Prarcr Mixtiu;, Wednesday, at 7:'J0 p. ta. ... K. Arnold, Pastor, fanonage, comer Main and Lau. ratisiTsaiAK CHUac a corner ol Cau and RoaeilrcU. Bunday Service: PnpUc wonhlp, a-m. and 7:30 p. m.; Sabbath School, 10 a. m.; Y. P. 8. C. X.,7 p. m. Prayer Meeting, Wednes day,' p. m. R. B. CawoaTB, Peator. I'MTBU BRETHREN CHDBtH OU Kofflcr .IrCCt, ounday service, at 11 a. in. and 7 :30 p. ui. Pray er mcctins, Thursday evening. Mr. Ucr M. ct rilr, Pa-tor. fcr. oaoRoEs Cm. ecu. Corner Cas aud Main (trcem. bcrTicca ou tccoud and fourth t-uuday ntoruiug oi each uiunth and every Sun day evening, hjivcial acrvlcei announced Irom time to time. Rsv. John Uawso.v, Mifdouary. M. E. cacnm, buuth.- uiuruing and evcnlus. Kkv Services every Sunday . J. T. cotton, I'att.jr Baptist Chlb.u corner of Lane and Rose btrecti. Sunday crvicc: I'rtacbini; at 11 a. m. and p. ui. eabath (School at 10 a. m., O. V. Coshow, euiicrintcndent. Fravcr iuectin? at 30 Veiueday evening. !. A. IXiCol.i, Pallor. PiR'T CuaisTUN Ciita'H-Corntr of Pine aud Woodward streets. Sunday Krviccn: Preaching both niornius'aud evening, Sunday fichool at 10 a. ui. V. P. S.C. E. at(i:S0 p. iu. Prayer meeting each Wednesday evenina at A cordial welcome and greeting await all. W. A. Wood. Pastor. That advertising pays had been once again demonstrated, and iu a rather startling manner, at Lugene. The fol uwiug ad appeared :n a recent issue of the (iuard: "Wanted A boy to learn the Juruiture business. Inquire oi J. w.Kay. lue very next morn ing, u is recorded, there were born to Mr. and Mrs. Kay, twins, both boys. Jew stock oi ladies aud misKes' line shoes, all the latest styles, just received at ran ott Lit os. Notice of Final Settlement. JN TJJK COl-NTV lOliil' Or" LOLdLAb a County, Urv?uii. Iu rc-catuU; ol John Kiij kcudall, deceased. N.oticc J .hereby given ibut the underlined has hied hli nnal aeeuuiit iu ouid hiaiter and an order ha been miide and entered, ol record in aid court, aetliuit lucvlay, tue Jrd Uy ol Jauu ary.lbW.attliehouroflOoel.Kka. m. lor li e JicarliiB ol objeeliom lo fcuid uoeouut und the hnal lettlemcnl ol tuid culiitv. Nov, JOlli, l"ils. W. kTVk'l'V 111 1 I AduiiuibtraUjroI the cituie ol John Ku'vk'. il. ill. di!i:tasisl. dali, deceased. dll5 t i:.o. 1'ontit, Alloruey lor tuie. H. C, STANTON Hui-utraeeiTed a new and latiaaiT atock DRY : GOODS COWBISTIHO UI Ladies' Dress Goods, Kibboss, Trimmiigi, Laces, lie., Ik. -ALSO A riNI STOCK Ot- hoots awi suoi:s Of tht beat quality and ftnUh; GROCERIES Wood, Willow aid Glass Ware, Crockery, Cordage, Etc, AlauuBbaiillDUrgaquaBtttleaaadat prlcaa to auit the timea. Alw a larga auk of Custom-Made Clothing For Choice Great Bargains At Denn's Variety Store... Sec our Special Bargains iu Glassware, Lemonade Sets, Afternoon Tea Sets, Fancy Glasses, aud Fruit Jars. TINWARE. St-ciai i.ricci on bucket. -au, budeagea, brcadboict, etc. WOOO and WILLOW WAKB. Ihoi.j.iug tKwlf, butter moulds and Udlea, Brown ie lunch baskets tekeoiv, tcliel. and baketD. STATIONERY. Keduecl price, ou all ma tioncry, inciis, pcu, ink, umcilnge etc CHINA. Sec our ipecial iriecj ou all Chiua Havllaud llnua dluuer aud tea i-ot.-, scini-rwrvclaiu aud Irouitone china din ner and tea acta, imported chiua alter noon tea acta, cup and lauccrt. jelly diabes. butter chipi. etc. NOTIONS. Hair plus, aide comb", uecdlca pins, toilet toap, etc. We do just as we advertise. Al these things are to he had at the" lowest cash prices at Denn's Variety Store, Roscburg, Oregon. Notice For Publication. 1'mti m m I.am t'rrii a, i,eliin!, Oin, tvtolu-r r.t. t.xtw. N ol lev beivby Klvaii that lit lollon llitf tiaiiiil n-lller bat Mnl Mullet- ol bla IlllenlloU to niako Dual prevl in auppoil olll claim, and thai all proolnlll I mail belon ll Krgla. brand Rovolwf, t'nltr.1 flaloa I m Ortlev, at mwapiMirK, 'n'Mi, on iwiinfr v, vie; liKSvM..O K K HMITII. on Homolead I nlry Nv KMi, br tho KR ol -Sv. I, lp W Kit tt-l. Ho lianipa Hie follow l in llneM lo provo Ida cxll'.lulloll n-ldoiKv in anl i'iiiuallon ol aald laud, l: William II. I lioniiwui. Jami- A. llelleo. John It. ttilaon. Al.ialiam I.. I lini.li, all ol laitiaa v alley, t'lvij.'ii. J. f, UKUH.KH, USUI Keiiliter. LIVE p LET LIVE I'aderlho above umttn t "111 illil (onllimo lo aurrry for all partlpi di-alrliia in) aa-Utaiioa a an riiiluwr or atirvor. Ml ebaraea will k tvaxMiablr land my work Hianuileed, Am al a Ontary l M It. Ail.lrvaa at llleveiaiitl, lHnilaa t o., or. Wit.!. I. II ICV HON 0.R.&J1C0 Notice For Publication. Nolle r.Miao m mi I.ANuOrru ii. Kiweliunt, tn-., Nov. 4. IKSK lollo j beil-y clM'it llial Iho lollowma named billet baa 11 Km notice of lot luteulloii HKI'AHT tor ran Mall S p in. ! hpokaue MT-r S p.m. to innka nnal pn-ol In aupport of bla claim, and that aald prvHi Mill In- made lloiv W. I , lHiua la. l'uile.1 flaiea Coinmiloiier. at Uanllmr. V'reROll, ou .'urni.ri p. I'r.. JOSKI II K, WIIIVAKRK. on bli HonieaK-ad Knlry, No. T7, for thp K'. I ti W I . M W1 V k' I . -k, W VI I . V Ik' I "' .-. W. To. . K. U. II nl. Ho iiamea lb.. P- billow Ing itnewea lo pnnp hia rontlnnon. rraitu-nee iMM.ii aim cniiivanon oi lam land. vl: Ht-iiry Aldeii, John t'aMidv, n in, ttlover, vuo . rri, an oi vaniincr, tn-ffiin. J. 1. II K 1 1 K KM. liTle ReKliUr. TIMR m:MCiH'LI!3 rrom IVtiland halt t-ake. I nvrr, rv Wortli. Oinalia.kau aaa t il), HI. Umla, 1 hieain aud ICaat. alia W alia, HiTane" MIlineapnlla.MI.I'aul linliith, Mllnaukro, Chli'atit aud I a.l. I Ocaaa) Ataamahlpe All aalllng datt-a aub- Ject lo cbanire. for Han rram-laro-Kall IK-c .H, , 1.1, Is : Notice For Publication. t'MTKii st kTK .no Orriea, Uia-bunt, Orvcotl. Nov.. I. l.tHS. Notice la liercbv tlen that tho following- naunsl Killer lin lllekl notice ol hu Intenlion lo make final envt In anitiHirl ol bla rlaim. and mat aald prool iu oe maiio tn-lore I . loug. laa. United Matea t'oinmiaalour. al tianliuei. vrcon, tn janviarTis i'v. vi: II .l.iAM UI.OVKIt. tn bla llome'tead Kntrv No Vi., lor I he N K ' V. lo' K '. N W 1 S W N V. w. i, i p. i n ii !. no iiamea I lie Ioiiom ing iiik'iwm lo ptxiw bla conitunotia reablauei- nMHi ami cnllii alion l al.l laud. li Krank hllaker. Ilenrr A'deu. .lolin (aanl . John vinonei, no oi i,aniuu-r, i'n-eon. J. T, HRIIHiKS, iiTti! Ilegiater. 7 p.m. S n.m. Ks. Monday raiurMay iu p.m. a w.ui. Ki.Wutnlay a.m. TiiA. I hnr. and hat. a a.m. Tne.Thiir. and Sat. Summons. ilpar lHk,l . Kterpt farunlay. To A lak a - Sail Kept 17 CalnmM Rlr Slaaaaara. To Ailoria and Way. Imllnim. WlllafiMll Vlvtr. OrrMon t'Uy, Nenkerv, Halera A ay-land k AHUIVK r mm "faal Mat! ! jo a. in. bpokane river 10 .1.1 a. in 4 p. m. 3 p. in. m u nd ay Wlllamallt and Yam hill Klktr. Oinron t lie, laylou, and 1Vay-lndluaa W niaMl Rlvar Portland lo t'orvallla aud M ay-I-andluga .hi t. m. Kx-M li inlay .1 aa n iu Mon., Wed aud rn 5naka Rlvar. Klparla lo l.eiti.lon. so p. i 1 ilea. 1 bur. ml Ha I ! l..larl.lon Kailv ! Ktecpl I Iroloy N IIIK t UK I IT ll'tKr K 1 II K (rAlK i tirexoit lor tue couniy ol DvUila IV mioukii, i i "tilt iu KiiUli (or a Divorce. I'laiiitlil II. f. Munich. ! IS'leiiilaut. ! To II. t . Mioiuh, nlie mined IMemlaul, In the name of the Male ol Orecviu. loll are noivov re-iuirvt to apin i aud aniiH'r Ihretun- laint nie-i asatn-i ou in ineanoc i-ulitKM uu onor neiorv the nrt iiav oi the next rem- ar lenu o lite nlwio eutil led I'uuri. Iivtili Monday, lVccniK r .Mh. lv.. ami H mhi lall to apiwar or awn-er said eomplHiut nilliiu aM lime lor mint themd. I'IhiuIIII will apply to ine onri lor uie ivnei n mainiiM in ner com- lain I a loliow roradivrveol ilanree lia- m1 lug the Ixnula of niatrlinony eiaiing l tnei II I'laiUlill und Uelemlntll. lor the an. and eti-tmli oi the minor child Arthur though, tun uiriiuu nintr rvuei an 10 me court mav fin iuet ana proi-cr. Thi aummoiii u pul.liahcd bv order ol the llou. J. Vi . Ilamill.-n. judsf of aid Couit, uitn urn onier t uateil ' 'cioixr .'I. iv.w. H. HI KI.IH HT, Uenerat I'aMe lifer Agent. O. M. a M. Co., Portland, Oregon, QregohShort LiMRli UnKkeil aud uioal direct h'ula lo Utah, Colorado, Nebraska, Kan sas, Missouri River and all Points Hast and Southeast. Look al the tl u - oJ-:l7 I KA B. "kh'DI Altoruey for I'lalu Portland to NOTICE; TOR PUBLICATION. I'mtid rra I mi ti,rn g. Koveliurv, lri'sMU, N'vetntcr, 10. lyi. Nellie ii hereby nun that Iho fol oniuc uaine.1 Pettier ha SUd nollee of bla Intention to make liun! pnHif in -til'fort ol lin claim, and that anl prool u- luaile Ik Iuit the ReKl. ller a'l.i i.ecener, l lull 1 Malei laud Onuv. Koy b.irs, Oieeou. on UevemiHr ii, l'J'. ie I IIAKI E- 1. I U. on !ii. lioiiie!eni euliy No. 7v., f.n the K ' . M. ' ,, - ' .St1,, Sec. .V I p .V . K -i . He uamea the follnniin: nitiieea lo nnnr lili loiiunuons ri '1'ii'ine upon anil cu.ln aliou ol -at. I .ami, vu: Beuiauuu t w iisoii, John k. "Iln'ii. Peter ltur h. Hand t.rK'Ui. ..f I mu. unci , Oregon. I r. UlllKlif.-, Keglater. New Yoik -t ' j daja Chicago 3.'u daya R. Ixjuie 3'J daye Denver daya salt Lake l'v daya I tee Kcvllnluit a Hair cam. Tn- nolaicrrd Xoarlet SlcrpliiK (arc, Palltuata Palace Htcet ing Carn. f Rivet your eyes on us... gfetyV? Sec how OLIVER PLOWS roll out of our establishment. Take a squint at the Clark Cutaway Orchard Cultiva tor Ve sell thcui. Churchill & Wool ley. r his is the Place to Buy Groceries. J. F. BARKER & CO. Want Your EGGS And BUTTER. mt TEA Call at Stanton's for P. M" F. M. Beard 3iH) Jackson Street Has added to his stock of Hardware, a fine line of Coffee, Tea, Uakiug Powder and all kinds of Spices, Cocoa aud Chocolate, Tobacco and Cigars; Sugar aud Salt. New Goods. New Prices. dikwell arMNGi On the S. P. K. R. Douglas County, Oregon Notice For Publication. I'MTgn brmts Lao OiMCk, Koicburg. Un gon, Nov. 'j. !.. Nolue la hereby Ktveu thai the followmc- uanotl Miller haa tlleil uolicv ol Ii ta Inteniluii lo make tiual ruof lu mpiort ol lua claim, and that atd proof will bo made belora the Reenter and Receiver, lulled MtaU-a Land Oibeo at uoax uurv, ormtu, on ueceniix-r 17, w, vu: fir.iki j , D.iiLr.1, ou H . K. No.6.M lor the N, BIV; A. U1 1, .", & 6 of 8cc. ;l, T. a., B. .i et. He uauiea the lollowlin; nitnewHn to prove hl.contlnuoua iv nance upon anu emilvauon ol i-anl land, M Heury Datlmv. of Mvrtle Cn ek, KreKon, J. H. liarrla, ol Mvrlle fni-k. Oregon, J. A. Cornell son, of Myrtle Creek, Urvguu, Mark II. Mnltb, of Mrrtle (. reek, Oregon. J. T. IlKIlAiKS, nlOn; KegisUr. lorlul. ar:lculari pgardtiig taU", lime of trains, etc., call uu or addrea J. F. UIVANS, Aft., Koeeburg. C. O. Terry. W. E. Coman. Irav. ran. Agl. Ueu Axt. EABT AND SOUTH -VIA- THE SHASTA ROUTE OF THE Southern Pacillc Co. A full and complete isortmcnt of all goods usually kcj-t in a first class grocery. Kvcrythiug ofiered for sale is fresh; and sold at very reasonable prices. We have a very choice stock of canned goods, including both fruits and vegetables, to which we invite your special attention. Our line of Olives, Gherkins, Pick els, Sauces, etc., is also complete. We carry the largest stock of to ll baccos in southern Oregon. t i C. W. PARKS & CO., Grocers. L . C-U i3 -k f: t IMX SB (it .1 1 (Tt4J T.f. C U4UOC KRU5E & SHAA1BROOK, HKM KK.S IN AI.l. KISDM UK Sllf flND FANCY GROGERIES 1 PH ISIS FINE TEAS AMD COFFEES A SPECIALTY. AlJiO A KL'I.L LINK OK TOBACCO 8c OIGr-AJLR.S. l.IVK t .i A 1B1AI.. fhki: di:i.ivi:hv, Hue iHiur Huuth of I', O. HONIillt HU, OHKUON, Notice For Publication. l .nirr.0 Bi.irt. I.aMi Omi r, Koebuig, I'regon, Nov. ), lv. Notice ii hereby given thai the lollouimr. named llli r haa tilcl imiiee of hii iiiteutlou to make Hnal pioof lu aupport ol hia claim, and that sai l proof villi lie made beb ire the Kegla li ratnl Ke. civer, t'liite-l !-tale Land i ifUte at H-aeuurK. 're., ou iv. em iwr 17, lvjr., vl.- MARK- B. r.MII II, ou II. t. So. 91m;, iota .', .1 and I. sec. , T. ,v M. , n. 3 . ne nam ii uu lollowing uitiieaaea to proc nts eoniiuuoti" reanleiiec upou and cnlli valioii ol id land. vi. lleurf Barlow, nf Myrtle Creek, Oregi.n, 11. tiry J. Hail. y, ol Myrtle Trek, Ongnii. Jaiiui II. IImiIiv, ui H rtle reek, i mtuii. I hoinaa Mrode t Mvrtl,. Creek, Oreg .n. .'. T. BKIIXiKS. n I'll, ilegl-ter. Iipraaa tralaa laar. PortUad dally Mouth :00r. M. I L. . Portland ."Ar. 2:W.M. L. . Koaeburg l.r. 4li a. H. Ar. - Man Franciaro l.r. North v SO a. M l.1. r. a. a oo p. HOTEL constant ly open for recep tion of guests. Water cures Rhcu matiini, Dyspepsia, Kidney and Skin Diseases. Notice For Publication. I'.VllD -rATK LlMi niiin.-, ItOMjImrg, On von, Not. '.. la'.ai. Notice H lien br civell that tun fiill.iulno Ukiiic-I .elder hna tiled notice ol hia intention to nuke hnal proof in aupport of hia clalm'and Uiat Hld proof vi ill iiiadtr iN fur,- tin. k. ir ..p ami Keeeivtr, IniU-d fiatra Land ORicu at lioaeuurv, On gon. on Uo.'emlicr IT, HOi, vi. JOHN 11. BAKbOW. OH II. E. No. ii,,-,, for the lota C. .C 7 mn, 1 ! v-- ' T. ) S., It. a Weal. He uauiea tile lollOHUJ Vi!llL"!SC to oroi c hia coiilmnmi. idcuce iiih-ii mid cultivalioii ol aaid land. M: Mark II. .Smith, ol Mvrtle fnrli. (Irs.-,.,, Henry J. Unil.-j , o( Myrtle ( reck, On-gou. Jamea II. llnil' ;-, ol Myrtle ( reek, Oregon, Thoma- s.uv.k, m .-oiue i ree, Oregon. I. BKJIK.hS, Aboro tralna Hod at all nrlm-loal ataiiima i.iwB-u i oriiann anil Mainm. iirtii... H.rtnn Jeffenon, Albany, Tangent, Bhedda, HaJaay, narrlaburg. Junction CUT. Enarne. t otiava viruvv, urain, naaiaua, ami au atauoua from noaeourg lo A.niana inclualTe. Hoaeburar nall-Uallr. Real Estate Bought and Sold jw ).- mm. aiM, au. a. tMr. Lt. Ar. Portlaud " Koaeburg Ar. Lt. so r. 7 .101. CARS O.I UCIDKW IIOITr. Farms, large and small, to Rent, AND IMMEDIATE rOSSKfSSION UIVKN. Stock Ranges, Timber Lauds aud Miuinir Proocrties. Prune and Hop Lauds of best quality, in choice locations. in quantities to suit intending purchasers, at reasonable Pullman DufTet Sleepers prices and easy terms. Inquire of AND SECOMD.Cl.AftS ftl.F.EPINU CAIIM Altaehed to all Through Tralna. West Side Division. leiweea I'ortlaud and C'orrciHI Mall train dally (except Sunday). 3D. S- IBaaaaa Ui K. BTJTIOK, 7:Wa. M. U lt r. h. Lt. Ar. 1'orlland CnrT.lll. Ar. Lt. r.bo r.m l ia p. M At Albanr and C'orrallla rnnnMri with train. oi urcgon central a Eaalcrn railroad. Xxpreaa train dally (eicept Hunday). 7:80 r. m. - r. v. Lt. Ar. l.r. Portland WeMlnTllla IndeH?ndi'nco Ar. Lt. Lv ft a. a. ft tt. D. 1 VIA. II . Books and Toys Below Cost Notice ol Pinal Settlement. police la h rel.y iven Uiat Uu: undernli;ued lytcr, ibceaaed, iiaa Hied herlinal aceouut ioi ui.h adniitiinlriiUir In the County (,'ourl ol ioui-iK.-county, -late oi i ireeou. and that i court Iiuk M-t Im-vlKT, the ;tp day ol January IV't. ut the hour of li) o clock a. in. ol auid day ai tue court houae 111 Ituae-bun;, UrvKoli, aa the (imu and nliiee lor the eonaiderMiu.,. ..r ki.i hnal lujcoiint and lor heurinn objoetion. thereto ou'i jnr uu- umii M iii' iueiu oi i-ael eitme. uated ut KoM-burt,', Oregon, tliia 1 1 lit day of ui uuocr, irj. l:i.l.AIIETII V. 'MK, A'liiiiuiatrutrix ol lliccalale o John . Liatcr, in.cen-.eil. K. W. llH."lr05, ilili AUorucy fur Adniiiiiatratru To The liilortiiiiutc. Dr. Gibbon Thli old reliable aud I be moil aucccaafu! bneciallat In Ban fran. claco. (till coutiuuei to cure an sexual and Seminal Dlxaac auth aa uonnorrnora, Ulcct Stricture, Syph Ilia In an lie form., blkln I) I acaae., Ncrvoue Dcbll Jtv. Imnotencv. Kvmi. 'ioal Weakneaaand lm a-nuw I .an nana. tfiu '.. alienee ot aelj abuae aud execaaea producing the following aymotoma: .allow rouulenMinu. Tt..k apota under the cyei, pain iu the head, ringing lathe can, loa. of couildeuce, diflldeuce in ai" proachlug itrauKffre, palpitation ol the heart, raaxneaaof thelluiba and bank. ln ...J pluipleaon the face, cougba, couauiniitlou. tto. OIBBON haa nractWd In Han Vr.,.,.L.,: oyer thirty year, and tboao troubled abould nut fall to co n an lt blin aud reeclvo llm la.,,..ii. ,.i hia great .kill and experience. The doctor cure, when other, fail. Try him. Cure guaranleup furaoua cured at home. L'hana-a Call or write. I)B. J. t. (ifBBON. 6M iraamv Ml. Umn v,.n Notice for Publication. Vmiko Sratg" I anuOmp k, flo'cburi;, Oregon, Nov. 11, lws. oifie ia hereby given that tho following named pettier bui liled notice of hia luteulion to inaku liuiil proof iu aupport of bia claim, and that aid prool ivill bo inwlo before the Iteglaler 4 KcceUer, U. . l.uud Ollicc, at llioeburg, Ore- Iruu, uu January io, jxin,viz.- JIKNUV U. TI'UKKIt. llti II V Vo i;-u'l ina al... UL'I ' till ! ' ttriL.1.': in i., .!. win ics i iui. 4 " ! f A SWi;.ui;, rkc. :;, Tp. Sin. M K. u Weal. Do nuiiict tne lollotvlug wilueaaca to prove bla con tinuous rcaMeucc iijion and cultiviiiiou olaald inti'i, i; Kngur Murker, if. it. Aoaiu., J. M. Jinan auit iv. vv. ivainer, an ot uiiiam. ore gun, J, J. lliiiUiga, u-'ll Keaietcr. Notice For Publication. I'MlgU hTATga LandOifice, IloiH-burg, Oregon, Novcuilier M. 1WK. Notice ia herebv irlvun that the lolloMinu naiiied actllcr hua filed liolloo of Ma Intention to make iinul proof iu aupiKirt ol hia claim, aud II w ill be tiiudc before tho Ke-ifiHior aud Keeeher I'liitcd btaica Laud Ofhvv at Itoao Unit kald proof burn, Oregon, Januitry Dili, MJ, vU; ?i JOHN hMllil uu hia Ifomeatcad Kutry b'o. b'xii, for tho lota 1, li, uud UK' , NK' a. e. 4 Iwp. J K. a neat, lie nanica the following wltlieaaea tobrovo bla cuiitluuoua renideucu upun and cultivation of FHM mm, vi: John Ithodca, Jamea lliiucb. M niueiiurt, a. E. ciilton, all ol Llatou, Ore gon. lliivk;! eonupi-.tiiin al Hin k-rB,.,BAn u.1,1. r,,.. eldeiital and Oriental and Pacific Mall aluam- ""'!' :pr J a: A.. i.uia, nailing I uw-n uu iiji:aiiuu. Kalea aud ticket, to Kaatcrn imiIuU and Kn. roi. Alan JAI'AN, I IIINA, Ifo.NULULU and AC STKAL1A. Can be obtained from OfcO. I mi", iica.i Agent, itoaeburg. B, K0IHLEB, C. II. MARKIIAM. Uanager. O. F. A Paaa. Agent. POBTLANO OBIOON. WOODWARD o As I will not Isccp iu kilock boukh and toys here after, I am offering iny large stock at prices tbal will comuiaud your attention. Come and sei thcui. I will continue to keep everything thi. I have heretofore iu the grocery aud crockery line and am better prepared than ever before to satisfy the demands of my patrons. I have just received a part of my new Holiday stock of dishes. They .ii v; iriuy eicgani. -TUE MRS. N. BOYD. ROSEBURG Doeg Up ALL COMPETITORS i We are alwayi Id the Lead, end mean to keep there, Tbe Golden Hirve.t ie npoa u, and farm er are emlling became Woodward looiag to their intereet. I1UOOV IIAItfV'I-N.Sl Full Trimmed TEAM MARNQ80 Tbe.e are all Leather and Warranted. SADDLES At Rednoed Prloee. tonaultyour pane and be cure and aee Woodward before baying, WVLalB PILKINGTON. ;duccoaor lo (1. W. NOAH,) General Blacksmithing '-aKa.JBjejr4. rROTTINQ AND RUNNINO PLATD5 A SPECIALTY, "KlCl'AIKINiJ OF ALL KINUH l'KOMPTLY UONK. hop ou corner WuttliluKtou wild Kuc mn Ho.cburg. Hudson Mills & Lumber Co. Uuvc opened a New Lumber Viird on Ihu groiinda loruierljr occupied by the Markit WmehouLe, at tho loot ot Oak blrcct, WILL t'AKUV A Kl'LL BIOCK OK FIRST-CLKSS LUVIBGR, We arc prepared In give you Better Lumber and Loner J'rleea tliuu any luiubcr deuler lu the city, We kindly invite you to call and aee our Lumber and Price.. W. C. WOODWARD cIko, Cal T. UHIIK,Kfl. Keglater. PERKIMS & BLEDSOE (Jltj HOHOUHRU, OU.