1 10 o l-or Bargains Call at Caro Bros Boss Store. THE PLAINDEALIHR. dec km in: it r. ihos. Oaro Hroa. are tha bona merchants. Kor a good 6- mil cigar call on Mrs.N. P-ovd. Hugit in liillnito variety nl Ateiauder .V HlruiigV. Mararoiil In oiik pound cartoons at Ziglor's icrj-r y . Zephyr 10 routs lor tskeiu package at the Novelty Stoic. Key West, imirtuJ au domestic cignrn al tli K'Wi'li'itl. A finely broil Ji .ley mule oil hr sale. AddioM I'. i. Hot, MX Tito Itu-s Mure is selling out t ajcrl llciug piicei. Call and bo convinced. Do you amoke? II so, i!t tbu Artie riiiar at Krone A; M.aiiilrioai", role agents No iiiiBtalto will be iimJo by baving your dental work dun by Dr. Strange. J. I. Mann mill tbu tt Hour iu town and prirHM are ail light, 'junhty consid ered. Caro lir.ih. iiiloriiiH I heir patrons thai they air in receipt again oM talk's Spool Co t mi. Saiuo old price. Black bruradu die , rWuIr, which IjniuMly aold ut II.jO hi l.'iii, now b.r 1. li lo j at tho Nuvi-lty More. Canti paid forgiaiu, und all kinds ul farm pn.dit'ti', al brabam' warehouse. K. A. Do.iku. E. DuUao. M. I'., nutiil'ir Hoard ol Pension Esainineia. Olllco, Marsters building residing comer Main ami Cum street. Kor prices und i nility tall at the old origlnaUtiiiid, Krcali and diiod fioita, candy and nuts, cigara and toliacco at prices to unit ull. Mm. II. Eamon. Economy will prompt yon lo buy childieu'a clothing ul iim. Soils bom I to It at M -' and upward In price, many marked Mow tout. Novelty More. K. K. Cullman, pbyairiun and euigeou Ufllct In Taylor Wilson block, resi dence, McClallen lloiito. Professional calls in town or country promptly an swored night or day. "Apron Strings." Howing machines, sowing machines, sewing machines at Alexeuder St Strong, and the bent ol thcni at that, ranging in price from l to :t7.."0. liusuro to see tbeui More you buy. Nee Klco Sc Kico, llouco Furnishers, (or every thing in tho furniture line, largest atock and lowest prices, just re ceived car bu l of Kutcrnaiil co luroiture. See us lor bargains. Kcmcmber that Dr. strange ia a per uiaucnt resident of UoHeburg, and ia not here temporarily, that no fully warrants all hla work and ia hero at nil liuiee to make good bis guarantees of all dontis- try. . . I Itotiil. practical watchmaker. Shop in old ox press ollice, next to r.'-'UI'Jl'L".' i.nii.linif. ltoaoburi. Oreeon Watches, clocks and jewelry repaired in skillful manner at reasonable prices. A ehare of tho public patronage so 1 icl ted. Morris' l'oullry Cure. This iulalllble remedy challenges tho world to product iU eipuul as an egg producor. Prevent ive and euro for all diseases of fowla. Guaranteed and for Bale by II. M. Mar tin, Kosoburg, Or. Suite of clothes, ull wool, heavy weightH, fii.5U ; regular price D. Hoy a clothes from 0 tc M yeara for 1.50 und fj. Hats nil Ltyles und colore for 85a regular prioo if 1 ..r0. All these goodB nre only to bo found at tho lloue More. Up to dato dentistry by lr. htruugo which means tho beet and latest kiuda of workvkilfully carefully and properly uBerted with no alter trouble, but per fect satisfaction. Try lr. Straugo'a aeaiuloBHcrowus, tho best, latest and most perfect made. For salo or exchange for lauda iu Ore gon 147 acres timber land iu lanta (inis countv. Ualiforula, ubjut throe ml lea from ruilroad etalion, on county ..! nrl uood Iruit laud ami proUauiy in nnn n.irda of wood on tho pluco uear a good market, l'rico 12,000. Addresa I', U. box C8 Uonotmrg, uregou A Imiv ilriKMII llf those Kentucky made pants, suuBlautUl and well mado, no tboddy. Alao a lew Uoaeu womeue, ...u.,'y i,ov' and cblldieu's shoes, regu- U1VH I - lar woaiers. lluls for Hunauino auu ehade, uudeiwear for hot and cold weather, and various other artldea at living prices, at 11,0. Wanton's. is m i CLOSING OUT SACRIFICE IS V. A. reiklna of Drain la lo tht city. Walter Klddla, of Riddle, It hi tbt city. J. A. Kcott, ol Voncalla, was In bows last week. U.K. and E. K. Walls of Olalla art In the city. Mra. Feu too, of Oakland, it visiting ia the city today. i. W. ritlt, of Oakland, bat rs moved to this city. W. It. Medley came over from Oak laud, last week. A. C. Rowland of Ntw York is goest at tbt McClalleo. Hon. l'llnn Cooper wat in from Rob eita Creek Batnrday. .lease Cletnantt, wife and cblld, of Carl), are iu tbt city. Misa Katie O'Shea, of Canyon vll It is a gurst at the McClalleo. SIim Cora Alexander cause in from tbt Calapooia, Katnrday. New stock ol tltgaot rtrriog sett at Churchill A Woollay't. (ieo. A. Hmltb of Camas Valley waa in towu oue day last week. A new coauterfelt IJ legal lander nott it iu circulation, so it Is said. Mftir. lleneJict and Bacon art in tbt city this week. They "got cotcb" on tbt jury. The usual largo number of ptoplt from the couutry were in town Katnrday to do their trading. 1'. A. Wilson ami Itonnls Yeoeg of Kiddle, made the I'laindialbb a pleas ant call while in town today. Rev. I.evepit who baa been on a two- wteks visit to Caoyonville, Days Crttk and round aooot, bas retarned. I.eo Marsters, who was stabbed at Clevelaud, by John Uurkbart, la galling aloug nioely, and la in tbt city today. ijuite a delegation from Myrtlt Creek ia In town today; Tborniaa Cbansy, J. 8. Imnnivan, J. H. Wiloy, J. J. Chad- wick and Hans Weaver. The many friends of Mrs. I). Patterson will bo pained to learn tbat wbllt walk- ng about tbt yard yesterday tvemng, she slipped and fell dislocating bar bip. I'ncle Tom's Cabio, with two brass bauds and special scenery is eominf to Koeeburg, Tuesday, December 8tb. . 1 crowded bount ia a foregone ooaelosion. Iu probatt court fi. W. Reynolds, ad ministrator of the eatata of J. N. Caatetl, leceaBed, has fllexl bis final account, which waa accepted and tbt administra tor discharged. Mr. Woolley, of Churchill A Woolley, sends word to tht I'liindialsb tbat it is over one bandred thousand Olirtr plows told eyery year Instead of ten thousand as stated in our local column. sloppy atreets, with mad aid water ankla deep, have no terror for tha small boy ; in fact ht delightt to gat la tbt midst thereof to play, tad apparently it bappy aaaclam at high tldt. Ou being aeked, "How art timet In vour vicinity?" a Riddle visitor, ia town today, replied: "Call them good tttnoB or bard timet, whiohtvtr yon please, but give us another year or. two juat like tbt present and all will ba per fectly satisfied. I,. J. llylton aud J. W. Krawaon bad a "nog killing" lima a lew oaya ago. Mr. llylton butchered an eight-months old pig which when dressed, weighed 308 pounds. Mr. Krowson killed ont tht same age which tipped tbt scales at '(!8 pouudd. Drain Watchman. J. H. Betley brought ut a bouquet yet terduy which is a little ont of tbt ordi nary for this season of tbt year. It con sisted of a small bough broken from a blackberry bush, coulainiog ript and green berries and blossoms. There's nothing too great for Old Webfoot. Drain Watchman. A very pleasant card party was given by Mr. and Mrs. I. U. Klddla at their residence Saturday uighl. Quite a num ber of guests wore present and all enjoy cd themselves in trying to tolvt tbt mysteries of whist, pedro and otbtr in tricate games, to say nothing ol the delicious lunch spread for tbeir re fiCBhtueut. Rulph Kearney aged 13, son of con ductor aud Mrs. Kearney, was given a birthday parly, haturday tveuing at bit borne, lo which uumerous little folk wert iuviied. It is needless to say tbat the youngsters thoroughly enjoyed them selves iu playing various games, eating the good things proyidtd for tbt occa sloa and In making tbs usual amount of noise. o Stttlt Up. All ptreoot Indebted to the uudereign ltd are hereby notified end requested to come forward and make prompt settle ment. All not and accounta not paid Immediately will ba placed la tha bands of an attorney (or collection. Tbla means Ilka It reada. Wt art golog out of basinets, and mutt have a settlement. ' Oamo 3jos. K. T. Woodruff, of Cleveland, ia in the eity. D. Ilngbet, of Canyonvlllt, Is In the Ity. 0. D. Drain eaiue op from Drain yet terday. 0. N. WonaeoH of Kiddle was in (own Hatorday. U. A. Kpooner came over from Oak land, Hatorday. H. A. Doziar bas retarned from bis visit at Yreka.Cal. Mr. and Mra. Fata of Days Creek wert la tbt city Saturday. J. M. Day, ol Cottage Urovt, Is regis ttred at tbt McClallen. 1'. A. Wilson and W. L. Nichols of Rlddlt art In town today. D. C. Churchill rf Melrose was doing business in town Saturday. F. Y. Jobnaou, of Granta Fast ia registered at Hotel McClallen. Tbt finest display of laups ol every description at Cbnrcbill Ji Woolley a. Mlssea Libel and Tocy La Kant, of Oardtn Valley, wert ia tbt elty, fatnr day. Mist Addit Hacry left for Harrieburg, Katarday morning, to spend the holi days. Hon. K. M. Veatch, of Cotiago Grove, waa visiting friends iu Rosebnrg, last week. N. Conn baa retarned from Wniluau coanty, where be has been teaching school. J. C. Hutchinson, of Oakland, was vrtiting bis numerous friends in this city last week. Circuit Court for Douglas county ia now la seision, Judge J. W. Hamilton ea tbt bench. R. A. Dozler, at Abraham's wart house, boy e hay, grain and all kinda of farm products. According to tha Independence Enter prise, the ttesraer Pomona took on 00 tons of prunes one day at a little elation near tbat city. Household joys, llridge A Reach stoves. Whits sawing machines. Chur chill A Woolley sell thiol. Wfcy not bay nseful Xmat presents this year. Elmer V. Hoover, physician and sur geon. Office next to city ball on Main street, Reeeburg, Or. Special attention givta to diaeasea of tha nose and throat. Calls promptly answered. 1. J. Norman and family departed this morning for Rosebnrg, whert tbey will remain tbia wintar, and if Mr. Norman'a health is improved will make that their permanent home. Tbey wtrt accompanied to tht boat by a number of friends. Dallaa Timet. A Watertown girl punched both eyes oat ol a tramp with her parasol bcanat ht tried to hug btr. Tbt Drain Watch man in commenting upon the matter says, that wbila Americans at a rolt like to be liombugKed, lue women, at least, Public School Notes. Mies Jessie Bell entered school today to take tbt review and prepare t take tha teacher's examination. Wt submit tht follow questions which may ba answered through the colums of this paper by requesting them published in the school column. How many islands ia the Philippine group? What it the estimated population of tht Pbilippint Islands? Wbat was tha first (Spanish prize cap tared ia tbt war with (Spain, end by whattblp captured? On wbat ship was tbt first gun tired in tht latt war ? Who are the preeideuta of the Ameri can and Spanish Peace Commissions? A,no. Tha Conference With Garcia. Wahbinoton, Deo. 3. Ae a reault ol General Garcla'a call at the White House, tht general called a conference of the Cuban commission and the Cuban representative, Mr. Quesada, this morn ing, for the general purpose of cousider ing Cuban affairs in the light of views exchanged duriug the mooting with the president. General Sarcia refuses to diiousi the call, and bit associates main tain the came reticence, except to de clare tbat It was of au agreeable and sat- Isfaotlory nature. The idea was cou veyed by them that it is likely to pave the war to au uudvrstaudiug all round tot OLD WORLD OPINION! lurope Bitterly Opposed to American Expansion. STUD'S UTUR fROM ROMt Powera Proposal to Intervene Was Checkmated by Bold Yankee Diplomat. -Lohuok, Nov. 24.-William T. fetead writing from Rome, under dale of Nov. 21, says: "The answer to the question. Wbat doea the Old World think of tbt New World 7 bas never been made with greater emphaeia than in tbt Kternal City. Tht oldett Old World regarde the newest New World with feelings of anger, disgust and alarm almost too great for words. The sentiment of in dignation differs in intensity, bat it ia universal. There is no sympathy for the United Ktatea either among whites or blacks. In fact, dislike of the Ameri can seiter of tbt Philippines and a con victlon tbat the humane , entbuaiaam which made the war possible was a mere mask of cant, assumed in order to facili tate conquest, are almost the only aenti menu shared in common by the rival camps of tht qoirinal and of the Vati can. You may urge, protest and rage at you please, tbe Old World baa made op lis mind on tho subject, and nothing tbat cau be aald or done iu the United Ktntca will alter its judgment. Tbt Auioricau government baa come out of its ring foucj. It bas thrown ila bat into the areua of the world. It is launched on a career of conquest, wnicb will be all tbe more piedaUiry because it ia maakwl by humanitarianism. Tbe common wealth, ihey bold, has au long plaguod tho Old World. A bright hope for the human raco waa extinguished when the oue moumililary power, which eacbewed all acbemea of aggression and aunexatiou, enrolled itself among the common herd of conquering autes. bi men talk everywhere in Europe. Wheth er they regaid the old American ideal with sympathy or evory contempt, they all agree in Mieving tbat it baa been abandoned, and that forever. "The annexation of the Pbilhppine islanda may eecm but a small tbiug, bm it ia decisive. 'futhe course of my tour I am now compelled to admit that I found proof existent of a disposition on bebalf of Hpaio, which might have been very eer ious bad it not been checked in the bud by the knowledge that Eogland would have nothing to do whh it. Wbon I was in Paris I was positively told tbat uo pro- iiosal had ever been made lo intervene, aud that, therefore, England had never had the occasion or opportunity to put her foot down on the ami American coalition. That no doubt, was true as far as overt action on the part of tbe gov ernment waa concerned, liut it ia not leea true that immediately after the war broke out, a diplomatic representative of the powers communicated to an Ameri can minister at a European court in plain and nnmistakable terms the dis pleasure of the powers and tbeir deeire to express tbat displeasure publicly and forcibly. Tbia communication waa suf ficiently serious for tbe contingency of the ubs of the allied forcee of the Euro pean nations for tbe coercion of the United Elates to be frankly discussed between the lo diplomats. The result of tbat discussion waa to put a summary stop to all notion of European interven tion. " 'If you intervene,' said tbe Ameri can minister, 'it meant war.' " 'Yes,' rejoined bis visitor, 'and the forces of the great European powers, act ing in alliauce, would overwhelm any op position which America could offer.' 1 'No doubt, said the American, 'but you would baye to bring your forces serosa tbe Atlantic to the other hemi sphere and keep them there for the rest of yoor natural life. For tbe New World ia not going to submit to tbe Old w orld anymore. o, sir; no. any more man it submitted a century since, wueu iuo odds were far worse.' " ' Aud remember,' be added, as a ollncher, 'that when you are bringing your armies and your navies across JOOU miles of tea to fight America, you will have to count with Eogland, who is cer tainly not friendly to your enterprise.' "This put an extinguisher on the pro posal. Nothing more was heard ol the contemplated intervention. It never got so far as to be submitted to England. The whole design was checked at tho very outset by tbe calm audacity with which the representative of America played his cards, iucludiug the trump card of tbe Anglo-American eutente, which henceforth will play a leading part in all tbe dealings of the English speaking people with tbeir jealoua and suspicious neighbors. "I am very glad to be aolo to set forth the actual facts as tbey actually hap pened. Tbey were told me at first baud by tbe person most intimately con oerned, and you can absolutely roly upou tbt accuracy of the above atatemont." School Report. Renort of tbe Fall Creek school for tbe month endiug Not. 25th : Average attendance duriug the mouth, 12, number of visitors, 5. Those who made a general average of ut) aud ovor at tbe mouthly examination were : Myrtle, lsbie, Joyce, Addie and Wllma Mathews, Ellis, I.eua, Floyd aud Waitha Watson, Claude and Dolus Llvingstou. F. U, Cami', Teacher, DEATH LIST 0OWS. It It (Irotving Drsplte the Precautions Taken. Ns't tin, l . a. t 'I ' I l ube Trihun i fio h Wh huu'i'ii n. 8iirKj.i-(; mi-fl Wjina-i, .! a rum hospital iiivkuj, has tecuited a re port from Dr. V. F. Rrunuer, United fctatoe sanitary inspector at Havana, covering tbt week ending Novrmber 21, which shows little or no Improvement Iu tbt health conditions in that city in spite of tbe efforts now being made lo prepare it for tht American army of oc pation. In tbe week there wrre ii) deilhi, giving an annual death rata of 111.10 per 1000, most ol them being doe to tbe filthy condition of tbe city and the lack of good food. Yellow fever, enteric fever, malarial fever arid pernicious fever are credited with causing respect ively 1, 32, C4 and 0 deaths ; 09 are attri buted to tntericia, 2U to dysentery, 1 to starvation, 9 to pneumonia and 65 to tuberculoids. Of the four cases of yel low lever two were among tbe Hpanisb troops in military hospitals and tbe others among civilians. Dr. tiranner thinks tbere are less than GO cases in the city. Tbe report continues : "I am at a loss to understand wby the enormous death rate continues. Tbe weather conditions favor a decreaee in the death rate, and while tbe city is filthy and dirty in Uie extreme, I cannot see that tbe native population should be un usually affected by sach a condition of affairs. There are some few cases of ma larial fever oocorriog among tbe crews of vessels in tbe harbor, but they are mild in their nature aud yield to treat ment. Since September 21, there must bavs been from IS to 20 American schoon ers in this port. Nearly all of them dis charged tbeir cargoes of lumber at TalLa piedra wharf or some other badly in fected dock, but no known cases of yel low fever have developed among tbe men campoeiug tbe crews. In fact, tbe larg est death rate bas occurreJ in tbe su burbs of tbe city, section, well removed from the bay, those two koown as the Cerro and Yedado showing an abnormal ly high death rate. Some attempts have been made to clean the city, but aa they were not made intelligently tbey were not effect ive. Fire engines baye been used for flashing eewere, bu'. aa they merely pumped tbe water into the streets al lowing it to drain into sewers, little good was accomplished. Tbe work could have been made more effective by pumpiog into tutch oue ol tbe mioboles or catcL basins, begiuuiug at the head of the sewer and pumping to th ) outlet. "An abortive attempt bas been made to sweep tome of the streets by means of withes tied together. Tbe methods were aa ludicrous aa they were futile. Tbe excresa of hundreds of homeless people and hundreds of those w ho have homes line the sidewalks of sido streets, and the indifference shown to these con ditions ia remarkable, even when tbe character of the population is considered. It is to be hoped that tbe city will be made mechanically clean before the American troops are allowed to enter." List of Letters Remaining uncalled for in the Rose burg poetolice: Cottle, S Manning, A. S. Demin. James Scboenberg, F. M. Hall, Joe Sehey, G.S. Muller, G. G. Persons calling for these letters will please state tbe date on which they were advertised, December 5tb. The letters will be charged for at the rate of one cent each. Wm. A. Fkatkb, P. M. "Apron Strings." To all whom it may concern: Notice ia hereby given, that I will not be rc Sponsible for any obligations or debts contracted by sen, Nathaniel Curry. Mrs. I. J. Ci bky. Koeeburg, Nov. 30, 1SUS. . . T. K. Richardson Will fix the floor at the armory and put it iu first class condition for dancing, and will give instructions for ten weeks commencing Saturday, Dec. 3rd at 8 p. in. Lessons 50 cents. The bail wiii be - . t, J - - Tk m 1 ..'ill be 25 cents for gentlemen, ladies free. DIED. JONES. At 'his home oear Roaeburg, Dec. 3rd, lS'JS, Abraham Jones, aged 70 years, 11 months and 20 days. Married. RICKAHDS-MANSFIELD. In Port- land, Or., Nov. 15th, at the residence of Prof. J. P. Looney, Albert Kickards to Mrs. Clara Mansfield, Kev. Wm. R. Powell, of tbe Episcopal Church, per formiug tbe ceremony. Tbe groom, Mr. A. Kickards, ia chief eugineer of tbe U. S. S. Manzanita. Tbe bride, Mrs. Mansfield, ia well known in this city aud couuty as one of our uioet successful school teachers. Many of her pupils will read tbia au nouueement with sad hearts, knowing they will never more have the pleasure of meetinu her in the school room, but will extend to her their heartfelt con gratulations, wishing her aa happy a married life as tbey enjoyed while under her care aud instructions while in tbe schoolroom. X. fiOTTON-WEAVER. At Mrrlle Creek. De;. 4th. at tbe residence of the futliai' (jMnrint Dement. Kev. Hanson officiating, Kev. J. T. Cotton and Mrs. Alice Weaver. Kev. and Mra. Cottou left on the north bouud oveilaud for NaBhville. Teuu. via the Oregon Short l.iue. Ou arriving in Koeeburg they were met at tbe depot by a host ol frioudd who showered cou gralulatione, rice, etc., upon the happy pair, aud bade Ihem liud speed ou their' journey. May joy go with tbein. rTTVvCvA n Makes the food more delicious and wholesome bWtv At JsMMttsj IN THE CIRCUIT COURT A Lively Disposal of Cases for the first Half Day. LIKLLY TO BE A SHORT URM for Which tht Tax Psyers of tha County Should Be Truly Thank ful Cases Disposed Of. Circuit conrt for this county com menced this morning, Jndgt J. W. Hamilton presiding. Other conrt offi cers present were : District attorney, Geo. M. Brown. Deputy clerk, C. 8. Jackson. Sheriff, R. L. Stephana. Bailiffs, B. Drockway tod M. C. Ruck les. Tbt grand jury wat selected as fol lows: J. P. Martin, A. H. Flook, H. Card ner, W. Bremmer, Jefse Clements, R. L. Msrtindale, E. E. Emmitt. Up to noon tho following cases wert disposed of : A W J Brand vt John Freeman, foreclasure of lien. E B Preble, attor ney for plaintiff. Dismissed for lack of prosecution. C Francis Fitch vs II L Kinney, to recover money. L Longbary and Francis Fitch for plf . Geo M Brown & Brown and Smith & Colrlg, atty for deft. Dismissed for want of prosecu tion. D Tbos Hurst vs Emma Nasborg, partition. D 8 Watson and J W Hamil ton for plf. A M Crawford for dell. Continued for the term. E Thot Hurst vs Emma Naeburg, et al, partition. D. L. Watson for plf. A M Crawford for deft. Continued for the term. G O H P Beagle vs Kacbael E Bea gle, divorce. L Lougbary for plf. E D Stratford for deft. Diimieeed for want of prosecution. II Sarah A Coats vs E B Coats, di vorce. Geo M Brown for plf. A M Crawford for def. Dismissed. I Amos Briggs vs Joseph Snadinger, foreclosure. A T Lewis for plf. Dis missed for went of prosecution. J Henry Little vs Patrick Murphy, et al, to recover money. F W Benson for plf. L Longhary for deft. Dis missed witbovt prejudice and without costs. M Joseph Melvin vs Robert Medley repleyin. Sheridan & Coahow for plf. Brown & Tost in and E D Stratford for deft. Motion to dismiss as settled. W Guardianship of Mary Drain, et a), minor heirs of J C Drain, deceased F W Benson atty. To be beard Thurs day. 1 Tbe Oregon & California Riilroad Co vs County of Douglas, review. WR .Willis for plf in error. Geo M Brown and F W Benson for deft in error. Set tled. 7 Sarah E Clark vs J W Clark, suit in equity to dissolve tbe marriage sta tus. Ira B Kiddle attorney for plf. De fault. 18 Nelson Thier de Co vs Frank K Coffman; action to recover money. J A Buchanan and A M Crawford attys for plf. Settled and dismissed. 10 U Wollenberg and Asron Rose vs F K Coffman and Mrs F R Coffman. Settled and dismissed. 23 G VGorney ya M M Young et al; suit in equity to foreclose mechanic s lien. Bryon A Long atty for plf. De cice. Robert Anlauf and Uattie Anlauf; ac tion to recover money. J C Fullerton atty for plf. Settled and dismissed. 25 Tbe J G Flook Co va Libbie Rose et al ; foreclosure of mechanics lien. J A Buchanan atty for plf. Decree. 20 Aaron Ross vs Coos Bay & Rose burg Railway & Navigation Co et al, suit in equity to set aside a deed. Fen ton, Bronaugh A Muir aud Willis A Rice attys for plf. Judgment by default. 30 Joe Uarris vs O Gaaley ; action to recover money. A M Crawlord atty for plf. Settled and dismissed without coals. 31 W A Perkins et al vs James You- mans ; action on promissory note ; J C Fullerton atty for plf. Default. 32 W A Perkius et al vs M C John- son.et al ; action to recover money. J C Fullerton atty for plf. Sealed.. - 33. Mary A Smith va" Albert L. Smith ; suit iu equity to dissolve the marriage atatue. Ira B. Riddle, atty for plf. Default. Ut Isabella Mining Company vs Charles Cook; injunction and specific performauce of a contract. A M Craw ford atty for plf. Settled and dismissed without costs. 30 Geo. Kimball vs Aaron Harvey, confirmation. Dexter Rice atty for plf order for confirmation. Notice. Positively no liuutiug, fishing or other wiae trespassing ou the fair grouuds. fc. C. Bahthcm. namsyH eV ( itsfisf v)e)Bj, Officers Elected. At their meeting last Friday night tht Vf. R. C. tlected tbe following officers I Pretldtnt, Mrs. Fanny M"rris; Sr. vice pre, Mrs Jant Willis; Jr. vice fret., Mrs. Margaret Kennedy; secretary. Mrs. Jennie Stanton; treasurer, Mrt, Emma Richards; chaplain, Mrs. Bella Frater; conductor, Mr. Palis Cannon; guard, Mrs. Clara Rast ; assistant con doctor, Misi Sue Lewis; assistant guard, Mrt. Electa McClallon ; color bearer, Mrs. Elva Langb, Mrs. Cresaenda Ham lla, Mrs. Adelia Hadlay, Mra. lUllleT. Hamlin. Protection tent No. 13, K. O. T. M. elected the following officers Friday night. P. 8. K. C, R. Robertson ; Sir K. Com., K. 8. Sheridan ; Sir Lt. Com., D. S. West; record keeper, J. D. Hamilton; finance keeper, Jos. Micelli; Chaplain, Geo. W. Rapp; Sir Kf. P., E. V. Hoover; Sergeant, G. W. Perry ; M. of A., Roy McClallen ; 1st M. of G., F. F. Patterson 2nd M. of G., Chas. Clements ; Ben., W. J. Renfro; picket, S. W. VanZile. BRIEF MENTION. 10,000 men wanted at the Boat Store to select great bargains before it is too late. Ladies rubbers at 25 cents and first quality at 10 cents per pair. Novelty Store. Facts not fakes is wbat our adver tising columns represent. The Boat Store. Babya "Cry for Castoria" but their papas cry for Oliver Plows tbty must have tbem. Smoke ihe "Artie," tbe best 5c cigar of tbe year. Kruse Sc Sbambrook, sole agents. Gents you will find some extra good bargaina in oversbirts. at the Novelty Store closing out ealo. A large and fine assortment of chil dren's shoes just received at Parrot. Bros. Call and soe tbem. Call at tbe Boss Storq and price their goods, and you will be surprised to find bora at such low figures. Money to lean on city and couutry property. D. S. K. Bt i a, Marsters' Building, Roeeburg, Or. What everyone eays must be true. The choicest of teas aud coffees iu towu at Mrs, II. Easion'b. Ladies jackets must be closed out at once, in order to d j this we will oflVr tbem at lean than cost. Noyelty Store. Our shelves are getting empty, still we have a line of dress goods tbat it will pay yon to price at the Novelty Stir closing out sale. Tbe finest aud best selected line of holiday goxls over brought to this cowt from New Yoik city, will be ehown in season. Watch for them at the Novelty Store. The W. C. T. U. will hold its regular meetings on the second and fourth Monday of every month at 7:30 p.m. in the Epworth League room of tbe M. E. church. Dr. W.S. Hamilton is the Secrrtarj of the Board of V . S. Examining Sui-euua for Pensions at Koseburg, and all com munications fchould be addressed to him. W. S. Hamilton. Secretary, K. L. Miller, President, E. Du Gas, Treasurer. By tbe Board. Havana Becoming Americanized. New Yobk, Dec. 3. A dispatch from Havana says: The pier at Mariano beach is uow fully completed. Colonel Hecker, who leaves for home tomorrow, yesterday signed a contract for the con str uction of a pier before Casa Blanco, in Havana harbor, and for a railroad track from tho pier to Guanabacoa. Tbe railroad is to be six miles in length, nd at Guanabacoa will ooucct with the Matanzas line cf railroad, and by this means form direct connection with all tbe railroads leading cut of Havana. Havana uow look) more like an Amer ican city than ever before dm ing its ex- steoce. Americans come by every boat. Tbe uuloading of traucports keeps an al most constant procession of horses, mules, ambulances, army wagons and stores passing through the streets, Amer icana, eveu in uuiform, uo longer attract more than passing ru txo. American business men are making themselves felt, though, as usual, the saloon man is the Ural to offer his goods to the publio. Americau Sulojna are op ening iu all parU of the city, while gamblers are ready to opei garnet al soon as protection ia afforded lor Over fifty Vean, AN Ol.O and WlLL-Tano KsMBOY. Mrs WIimIuw'i rioutliiug Hyiup hoi W'uu uwI fur ovcrrifty yuan ty inilliouiiul mothers lor tbeir chiklreu while tcvlhiutf, wkli vrfvct iuccvm. It aoolbcs tho chiKt, nolttm tho gum., allays alt palu, curc wlud culio, aud Is tho Lett tvmedy (or PUrrliaa. It km-ul lo luu Uile. Hold by druKgiits in every part of the world. Twenty- live ccuu a bottlu. It valuu la incalculable. Be sure aud a&k fur Mra. Vtliulow's Uoolblua 'jruf . tud take uo other Mud. CASTORIA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Signature of ZtUi