The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, December 05, 1898, Image 2

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Till llnlirit Hominy ami Tliiutajr
Br Th pi..usw:i.kk itiu imiinu m
Y IK M K. 1 1 OKU .
... K.lll"f.
Milhni't tpttntt
One Year
W Monltm
Three Month
1 -0
ii.o;uiu:i; r, is;s.
Mill llllnlln'l paper, till)
livon Marled at Hakcr City
Keconl, lira
Dijan luislifl Lincoln, Nek, to to
join liia regiment nt Savannah, ., hav
in It fully recovered Ida heal'li.
In Belgium llui me lsi,0tn lienor
tlilii!niifnln, or ono for 2'. of population.
Again Kopcciing is thrown in I lie shade.
Tin' Louisiana
rair in gathering
I'urciiaso Wtuid's
.ulnay mill will
.1 fettled f.u-t if Hll
probahly enon
goes well.
Oil the tirst page of I o I a 'a issue may
1)0 fouml nn interesting letter from our
editor-in-chief, docrtiptive of men and
things in anil atiout Sitka, Alat-ka.
A H.uiit trust is the latest combina
tion of capitalied monopoly, and not
of the venders of tlint articL' on
railway train;, as one would at tirst sup
pose. Kogelm.g gills don't feeiu to he "iu
it." At a guru chew iug contest in New
York Mia3 Martha Monroe chewed IU
slicks of gum in :U minutes and w on the
The supper and lunch sirved hy the
ladies of tho Christian church iu the
Mark's huildirg last i'riday evening,
proved quite a success, aud was v.ithail
a very pleasant atl'air.
And uow it is s.;kl
pine insurgent's want
ti'.a; t!iC
7.000,100 pesetas
ransom money, for the release of soixe
40 fri.irs imprisoned since the com
mencement i'f the war.
Why is it that good timed ulnays
happen under icpullicau ru'e.' Is it
chance'.' If it is. why iu't it a hn-iuets
proposition to lake more chimes '.'
tireat Falls I.e.i h r.
Tho lirtt Etep tuw.rds the A:iicricaui-
ration of our now posse us, tiiou! I be
the introduction of plenty of so.ip and
its compulsory application. To be sure
the outlook may no' be very bnllijnt for
manufacturers, of the article ju?t at pres
ent, but it will iu time.
The M F. I'.uilfctin adocates putting
"irons on the leg oi public clliceis who
have the handling of public money.'" It
admits that it wonll be rather bird ou
the good and honest men and says:
"TJut 'there are others' arid the new ruie
must, of course, be mado general."
"Coiu" Harvey'd new lecture is en
titled "A Review of Civilization, the
Cause of tho Incline of Republics and
the Necessity of an u.-gauua'.icn of the
1'eople of the I'nited M.ite3 to save the
Country from tho Tate of l'.uropo and
Asia." This is tophcavy. "A Farewell
Calamity Wail" w auld cover the ground.
tilobe Ieuiociat.
If under the DiDgley taritl'we export
tifty million dollars' wo'thof manu
factured goods more than wo import,
what need have we of protection? In
ijuirer. Iu order that we may export more.
I-et'a see, who wan it that asked: "'If
we can do more cartiDg w ith a horse
than a goat, what is the need of a
horso?" Central Falls (U. I. .Joarnal.
The tariff is never a dead issue so
long as the party of tarhl' smashing is
seeking the control ot the government.
Honest money is never a dead issue
so long as the party cf repudiation is
in the field and fighting for the presi
dential contest. That cannot he merely
a "state conteet" where the choice of u-f
UACuiuCrS v luutreb aud a I ijited
States eenator depends upon its result.
Hornellsville, N. Y., Times.
Despite the chronic coutneicial plaints
that come from (iei o.;iny in regard to
our protective tarill', it dues not stern
to exclude Uermau goods fioiu our mar
ket. During the three icoi- the ending
with September lut, 'he value of
German exports to the I'nited Mates
was 83,100,000 marks, as compared with
(io.CWJ.OOO marks during the corrcspjud
iug ipuarter iu 107. Jlvideutly indujtry
is reviving iu the 1 atberlaud. New
Y'ork Commcrctal-Adyertisur.
A Connecticut cleig wiian on a recent
Miuday gave out the following notice:
"The regular eetbion of the itonkey
club will be held, as usual, at tho close
of this service. .Members will lino up
just outside tho church door, miAo iu
marks aud state at tho women who pass,
us is their custom. Any member known
to escort a young womau to a church like
a uiau and tit with her like a gciillcmuu,
will bu promptly expelled from member
Tho editor of tho Drain Watchman
after having accepted two l'li.inktgiiug
dinner invitations ami eopiuiini.' the
prlz-j "for tho best dressoi lady" at the
Thanksgiving mas'j'oera Jo ball, reuiaiks
fn Iho uexl issue of lii r paper: ' Now,
can any editor iu t'io (-'at j boast of inoro
cause for Ih.wikfuluotrb'."' -No, Laura,
they cu not, and, Ij . i J i . uios'. editors
ore too busy j'lst noA' bou-iiiug of their
large aud fabt-iticieii)' circulation to
watte timo by piui'lu f giv) thinks
tor any thin;;,
Congrcrwiuau Maguire refuted to dis
cuss taiifT issues in lii recent canvass
for Iho California goverusliip, declaring
them to bo "neither pertinent nor ma
terial.' lint the fruit grower and wool
growers had a different notion of the
matter. They i emeiuhn ad his voles
Kk'nitKi protection lor fruits mid wools
in the fifty-fourth mid fifty lith con
gresses and they decided that a man to
densely oblivious as all that to the needs
and the welfare of tho people of the
state of California could not make a good
governor. Nj they laid hiui to rest iu
the political graveyard hy a majority of
almost unparalled dimensions. Amen-
l Kit licoiioinisl .
Many of the huropeau newspapeit
severely denounce the I'nited Mates for
its action in the peace congress. They
evidently do not like the example set by
America first, to soundly tlitashiug
ibeiiencmy and pay liiin millions for the
fun had in doing it. Spain never did
such a thing in the whole course of ber
iiatioiial existence, and she has con
(iii'ied many cutiutries. Neither did
France nor Germany, but both those
countries seem to have forgotten de
mands made upon the former by the lat
ter at the conclusion of the Franco-tier
man war, and that was not so Terr long
ago, either. According to history the
usual custom of Kurupeau nations has
I coii to conquer a nation aoJ then make
it pay roundly for the labor aud ex
pensu of so doing. France can vouch
for the truth of this assertion.
I'iseiiseiiig agricultural resources iu
our new possessions, Secretary Wilson
s.iyj: "In the territories recently
brought under the control of the I'nited
Mates government, agricultural inter
J ests urgently call for atteutiou by this
department. Hawaii and the West In
dian islands depend almost exclusively
for their prosperity upon their agricul
tural productions. It behooves the de
partment, therefore, to place itself at
the earliest moment possible iu a posi
tion to extend to the agriculturists of
those territories which have come under
the I'nited Mates dig the services and
be tit fits which it renders to the farmers
of the I'nited States.
"The increased trade relations which
maybe looked for between the I'nited
Mates and its insular dependencies,
moreover, render the conditions of agri
culture iu the latter, aud the character
and extent of their productions, matters
of profouud iuto est to the people of the
I'nited Mates. In the interest of our
own agriculture not only must the ag-
ricultural resources of these islands then
i,e studied cloeelv and intelligently, but
the dangers which threaten agricultore
in these territories in the form of plant
diseases and insect pests must be made
the sutject of special investigation, with
a view to provide agriculture there with
preventive or remedial agencies, and
also to secure our own agriculture from
the possibility of their introduction into
this country. It is . urgently necessary,
Uierelore, that congress should, as
speedily as possible, provide a fund for
the use of this department in making
such investigations as may le necessary
into the agricultural interests and condi
tions iu Hawaii, l'orto Rico, Cuba and
the l'hilippiues."'
After quoting an article from the a
leui tatcsmau wherein it stated that
in bidding ou a contract for 1000 tons of
irou piping for Glasgow, the local firms
were under bid several hundred pounds
by a l'hiladelpuia company, aud then
when all bids were rejJcted, and new
bids solicited, the l'hilidelphia firm was
again the lowest bidderr and secured a
portiou of the cci t act, the Review
says :
This news Leui shows how unneces
sary the "protective" tariff of the re
publican party is. Here we have Amer
ican manufacturers going into the very
home of the European competition and
successfully defying it. Why then do
then do these manufacturers desire this
high tariff duty maintained?
The answer is easy. It in to enable
the home manufacturers, who have to
pay their employes better wages than do
the European firms, to develop the re
sources of this country to such an ex
tent that they can compete with the
old world manufacturers on their own
ground. We ask tba Revipw, or any
free trade paper, if it ever heard of an
American firm under bidding an Eng
lish or iScotch iron manufacturer before
the building up of that industry in this
country by reason of a protective tariff?
Again the Review reprints an article
on the tin plate question from that
rabid free-trado journal, the .Chicago
Tribune, and facetiously or iguorantly
Here we have a leading republican
paper giving its readers some genuine
democratic tariff arguments that are un
answerable. The Review thcu concludes as follows:
Tho utter usoluseuess of a "protec
tive" tarill' upon our products should be
apparent to every person possessed of a
modicum of seuee.
After reading the arg union ta of thti
Review it is painfully apparent that
every person not possessed of even "a
modicum of sense, " is not dead ytt.
Can Damn Without Excuse.
Tho l'opulist Journal is advisiug the
formers to plant less cotton. Why
cbaugu the policy of the advice you aud
your sort gave to the farmers all during
the administration of a democratic presi
dent? Your literal words then were:
The law of supply and demand is all
farce. Make millions of cotton, and if
jou cannot gull it at a profitable price,
you can at least damn i rover Cleveland
for it. Aociston (Ala.) Hot Iliad.
Salem Mutesiuan : paiu wants it un
derstood that she does not like the
treaty, but the will sign it in order to
have peace. Just so. Khe did uot like
tho proceedings, from the time she be
gan lli dinpuf) with Dnwi-y, In Manila
Ureal Is Civil 5trvk.
The I'orlland Telegram does not ap
preciate what it calls "snivel service"
rules at applied to poatotVu ea, and sar
castically remarks:
"Why an applicant lor a janituiship in
the federal service, under civil service
rules, should be an artistic peuuiau, is
not exactly one o( the things the ordin
ary mind can easily grasp. Yet it seems
to be so, all the same.
"Mecently CO written applications for a
postofflce janitorship were transmitted
from here to Washingtou, but the pen
manship cd all, excepting one, rendered
the aspirants unavailable to handle a
dust broom.
"Within a month a.foreman will have
to be selected (or the postofflce building.
What educational qualifications the ap
plicant for such position must possess is
not definitely known, but, judging from
the inconsistency of the civil service
rules, it is likely as not that ho may be
required, to play all of Chopin's cvmpo
aitiona without a mistake, and read the
'Iliad' in the original text."
Referendum Carried.
A Sioux Falls, D., despatch says
The elate of South Dakota is (ho hut
in the union to adopt the referendum.
The adoption of this proposition at tue
recent election, came in the nature of a
surprise. The returns show that not
more than 00 per cent of the voters cast
their ballots on the amendment. The
majorities for the Republican caudidate,
with the exception ol Governor, ranged
between 3000 and oOOO, aud, as the sen
timent of the party was to a great eteut
opposed to the initiative and referen
dum, it was expected it would not car
The populists indorsed it iu their plat
form and advocated it from tho stump
before the Omaha platform was drafted,
wherein the.lNational party made the
referendum one of its issues. The resol
utions committee of tlie republican state
convention suggested the careful study
of the plan by republicans with a view
of securiog Intelligent action thereou.
As a result of the adoption of tin ref
erendum at the recent electiou, au es
pecially interesting condition of affairs
exists at the present time. Lee, the
fusiou candidate for governor, has been
elected, while the necessary two-thirds
majority in both brauches of the Lgie
lat ure to carry a measure oer the gov
ernor e veto.
Under the provisions of tho initiative
and referendum, if any law ib passed by
the legislature objectiouable to the peo
ple, a petition mav be circulated, and
if 5 per cent oi the voters sign U the act
must be submitted to the eople for rati
fication before it is spread on the stat
utes. It is therefore eyidout that the repub
licans will experience some difficulty in
enacting iuto law bills which the gover
nor may veto.
End of Algcrism.
KeWcw of Boric" .
The most urgently needed reform is
the absolute divorcement of the army in
all of its departments from politics. It
is absurd to expect the same thorough
efficiency and preparation found in
other departments of the public service
unless the Bame methods are used.
Military service is certainly as important
as civil service more so in the time of
emergency. Its administration ought to
be conducted with the same siugle eye
to efficiency, and no department of the
array should be more exempt from
political influence than the staff. This
points at once to the most urgent reform
viz., make the commanding general the
real working head of the army,' instead
of the secretary of war. No good results
have come to the service by the extension
of the secretary's powers in Grant's first
administration. Most of the evils
of the service can be traced to the fact
that the general commanding has since
that time been practicallyd deprive of his
proper functions, and tho real head of
the army baa been a politician, usually
not versed in military science. Pro
motions in the eeryice should never de
pend npon political influence in any tie
p&r!2i, sor should !h? rco?i!!i!en'J?.
tions of a politician carry any weight in
the military service more than they
would in those offices filled through the
civil service examinations alone. The
restoration of its proper functions to the
office of the general commanding, as
Grant exercised them when he was
commander-in-chief, would be a long
step in the right direction. It would
put the administration of the army iu
the hands of a soldier, aud that would
be an origin of all other necessary ad
ministrative reforms.
War on Express Companies.
tit. Lous, Mo., Dec. ".Mr. William
11. Corwin, of the Merchants' Associa
tion of New York, who is in the city at
tending the merchants' anii-scalping
conference, in an interview tells of the
crusade being made in New York to
compel express companies to pay the
war-stamp tax imposed by the preeeut
revc"ie laws.
' 1 i addition to the taking of the ipaes
tl y. into the courts," Mr. Corwin said,
"t'ie association proposes to introduce a
bill iu the legislature this winter and to
fight it to a tiiiiuh to place the express
companies under the control of the rail
road commission ot New York state aud
regulate their charge. This fight will be
a very bitter one. The Merchant' Asso
ciation proposes to obtain the co-operation
of every manufacturer and every
merchaut in the stale of New York, aud
through them to appeal to the members
of tlie senate'and assembly through their
respective districts to support this move
Efforts are luting made to organize
similar movements in other f.tates.
Charged with Ommlaslon ol Duty
and Malfeasance In Office.
Sr. Loi'ii, Mo., IVc, I. A special to
the Republic (mm CaiUnvillc, III., aajs:
The Viidoii itot grand jmy made its
final ifpoil to Judgit R. II. Miirley at
8 ;30 this c veiling.
The grand jury dealt pertinently with
the affair, its far an it was able to ascer
tain, and returned true bills against the
principal participants in the t tatted y ol
October IU at Yirdtui. Ten indictments
involving ol pei sous were leturnod.
Iu the tudictuients against Governor
Tanner, the complaining wittieisc-s ure
employes ol the Chicago-Vtrdou Coal
Companv. They lestllied that they
were intituiJaled and prevented Irom
performing their legitimate employment
by an anno I body of men numbering
lOoO, who unlawfully and feloniously
assembled iu Virdeu ; that tho governor
had been uoiitied by tho sheriff ol
Macoupin omniy that no protection was
to be had from tho county, and was
earnestly miiH'ituucd for state assist
Judge Miirlev lixd Governor Tanuei's
bond at f00.
In each of the indictments against
Gouernor lauuer, the omission of duty is
identical failure aud refusal to reoud
to the call vi Micrift Davenport, of this
county, fjior imlitaiy ai l in suppi easing
the riotous demonstrations of the Vinlen
coalminels. The indictments were iu
brief as follows:
"First Failure aud refusal to send
troops to aid the sheriff iu checking the
actions of KKHI or more men who weie
preventing certain persons from enter
ing ou their duties in the services of the
Chicago-Virdeu Coal Mining Company.
"Second Failure aud refusal to (end
troops on to the call of the sheriff to
prevent the ssinti men from doing bodi
ly violence to the came would-l em
ployee. "Third Failure aud refusal 1 1 rend
troops to aid the sheritt iu prexeuluig
the same rioters from conspiring and
combining to do injury to the would-It
Kuovkcd in the Head.
Ntw YmiK, Dec. J. A dispatch to
tho Tiiuen from Loudon says : TLo Con
temporary Review, issued tonight, eon
tains a sensational anonymous article
eutitled "The Arjli Enemy of Eng
land." This is the German emctor.
The wuter alleges that the kaiser sei.od
Kiao-Chuu by an agreement with Russia
to prcveut Englaud from getting it, aud
that the hohls hie present proruiro
to vacate it when called upon, providing
Germany with coahug stilioim else
where The wuter declares that the kaiser
had drawn up a complete plan arranging
for tho naval eupeiiority of Fiance, Rus
sia aud Germany over Englaud four
years hence, when Euglaud is to tie com
eled to make humilUtiug terms
throughout the world, leaving Germany
the chiet'ommercial colonial power.
All these plans have suddenly beeu
thiow u iuto c mfusion by tho American
Spanish war, aud America and England
drawing together.
$ioo Reward, $ioo.
The readei of this paer will be pleas
ed to learn that there is at least one
dread-id disease that science has beeu
able to cure in all ill stages, and that if
Catarrh. Halle Catarrh Core is the
only positive, cure known to the medical
fraternity . Catarrh beitig a constitu
tional disease, leipiires a constitutional
tieatiuout. IIjII'h Catanii Cure is taken
internally, acting directly on the ulood
aud mucous surfaces oi the syslem,
thereby destroying the foundation of the
disease, and giving the patient strength
by building up trie constitution aud as
eistiLg nature iu doing its work. The
proprietors have so much faith in its
curative powers, tiiat they offer One
Hun Ired Dollars for any caso that it
fails tu cure. Send (or list of testimon
ials. Address, F. J. Ciii.m,y V Co., Toledo,
Sold by Druggists, 7oc.
Beautiful Sea Shells.
Every one admires ibeui. r-iuce coin
ing to l lorida 1 have received numerous
inquiries fcr sea shells, and now I am
prepai ed to answer yes I can send you
shells, for I have luade tjuite a collection
of lovely bhells, both from our own coast
the coral reefs, aud some beautiful ones
from (he West India Islands. 1 will
mail a do .hi or more different kinds, no
two alike, to any one who sends a stamp
for postage
Mk. F. A. WaumIi,
Jacksonville, Flu.
Viavi, Viavi.
Mrd. .1. J . .Shupe is local representa
tive (or the popular Viavi remedies.
Any one desiring any of these icmedies
will please call on her at her homo or ad
dress her ut Roeebuig, Oregon.
Gold Watch.
A gold watch and embroidered bureau
set will be givou away for December
month ut the Novelty Store. Every ono
dollar purchase will entitle customer to
a guess. This is special to December
purchaser?. Mock must go, no culls,
but good clean goods.
County Treasurar'4 Notice.
Notice is hereby given to all parties
holding Douglas county warrants in
dorsed prior to July 10, Ih'J'i, to
present the same at the treasurers ollico
in the coiii'i house for payment, a inter
est will cease thereon after the date of
this notice.
Dated this the Ulatdayof Nov. IH'.)H,
at the City of Rosoburg, Oregon.
i il;f). W. DlMUiri:,
County Tn.aiiurer, Douglas County, Or,
5UU Ne. ics
Tho proprietor ol the hotel at Granite,
Grant county, gave n tie Thatiknglvlng
dinner to all who would c iue
Tlu Iraini problem has Income sell
one at Amity, where holma In ipiral cl
"handouts" aie met at every tut it.
The diied fruit product ol Jacksou
comity according to the Ashland Record,
is near 000,000 Hund. C. E. Stewart
has RIO.OOO pounds of dried prunes
Johu NichoN, aged 100 years 10
mouths and IS days, died Noveuibi r
at Itonmua, Klamath county, lis had
been in good health up to the liiue of
his recent illuess,
Newt A I ford. Injured at Dutv two
week ago by a fall ol 31) feet into the
bottom of a well, is still ton II ned to bis
bed. He suffer much in the hips and
lowrr part of hi lower limbs.
Grain tlalds near Mlltou that were ly
ing dry aud with the seed iiiiapmuted
have begun to grow and l'ok green aiid
thrifi y. Farmers are generally plowing
and seeding, moisture having come In
sufficient uuanitr to teiider the ground
lit for cultivation, . . I
There ia a freighter loaded with 1 1 ,( flO
pounds of Hour lor Hume, Or., says tho
La Grande Chronicle, trying to climb
Canyon mountain. He has beeu 011 (lie
grade for to days, aud it looks now as If
he would have to camp there for the
The Insurance ou the life of the late
1'etri Hrogsn, who was murdered at
Antelope recvutly to the amount of 10,
0(H) aud fljii dividends, has been paid.
Five thousand was taken out a year ago,
and the other foXX) only six weeks' be
fore Rrogrtn's death.
There has not been a time in years
w lieu deer were so scarce as now, says
the sxiiliaiii News. Several of our
"crack" hunters have been to the moun
tains aud have beeu compelled to return
home almost empty banded. The deer
seem to have all been killed oM, or have
gone to pastures new ; at any rate they
are not to be found as iu years gone by.
There ia practical!) no drainage iu the
neighborhood of the Corvalli public
school building, says the Times, aud
ponds of water, extensive enough to
drown half the school childreu in town,
occupy portions of the campus and ad
join inf street. The water so nearly
crowds the children off the campus that
many of them are in and out of it in self-
Tho Mar tl juriug mills is perhaps the
scene of the most activity to be found iu
all the country rouud Tygh valley
Having started the fall ruu ou Septem
ber II, they have been running constant
ly ever siuce. Sundays not excepted.
Oue hundred and three das and nights
without stopping is a very remarkable
record (or any line of machinery to
make, and especially so for a Hour mill.
A school teacher at Lyous, Lioucounty
took a doctor to task and accused him of
talking about hiui, following the acuuia?
lion up with a stone, which came in con
tact with the back of the doctor's "head,
and then with the bone between the Op
tics, leaving divers black ste. The
doctor accepted the' situation without
any pugilism, and came to Albany wher e
he hwl a warrant issued aud the teacher
was brought to Albany, where the justice
administered a fine of' $10 and costs, a
total of about '.'7, which was paiJ.
There are now five prisoner iu the
county jail at Jacksonville. The fifth
oue is an extra incumbrance, howevir,
to the sheriff, from a financial point, of
viow. State laws provide that the slier-,
iff shall be allowed $0 per week each
for boarding prisoners if the number
does not exceed (our, iu which caw it is
provided that he shall bo allowed only
f:j per week each. So that it is cheaper
(ot the tointy to support five prieouors
in jail than four.
Last week the most successful prema
ture drives of logs ever made on the
Columbia river took place at the Cowee
man, when 0,000,000 feet of logs Were
carried to the Columbia by the breaking
of two large dams in the logging stream.
0ne St. Helens firm had several million
feet of logs iu the stream, and a great
many of them were carried out. This
firm began logging operations on that
stream iast April, and as a resuil the
output was sold last week for fJ8,000,
$o.7o per 1000 feet having been received
for the logs.
In Pear of America.
ISkkun, Dec. -'.The Cologne Ga
zette says :
"International envy has prevented
Europe Irom opposing the excessive de
mands of the Cm ted States upou Spain.
Although they might have profited
richly by the situation, tho (towers
feared to make a bitter enemy of Ameri
ca, with the consequent closing of her
markets, if they opposed the annexation
of the l'hilippines."
Other German papers argue that the
United States would never have dared
to impose such conditions bad it not
been for England's support. This con
viction of the Anglo-American agree
ment, giving the two powers the virtue
of control of tho "far Eastern question,"
intensified the situation. It is believed
Great Ri itain will got Chuean as com
pensation aud both England aud Ameri
ca are suspected of having some disa
greeable surprise In store.
Notice of f inal Settlement.
No lieu Is ll'rchy Khcll I lint Hit! ulnlvrniKUuil,
the ailiiiinl'-lrtttrlx ol Ihu entatu ol J0I111 H,
Kysti-r, Uid SHc'il, hai IIIikI her Haiti Recount nn
miiih adiniiiimnilrlx Iu Ihu County IJourt ol
DuiikIuk County. Htalu ol orcuon. ami that smil
court lias rut 'I immIiit, tlio Hrd dnj of January,
In' 10. ut the hour nl 10 o'clock a. 111. ol tutiil Uy,
ul ihu eiiurt lioum; iu Uosuburir, OrcKou, an llie
iiuiu auu piacu nir tno coiisiaeraiimi 01 nam
IiiihI iiueiiiiut anil for hcarlua objection thereto
uii'l fur the fluid kcttli'inonl ol nalit citato.
uuted ut uoKcnurK, Oregon, tins Mtli Usy el
November, ivjn.
I.I.IZAIUTI :, Waih:,
A'hnliilhtriUri of tlie cMMci in .lolill H. I. filler,
r. V. linn o!
nlTl'i Attorney lor A'lmjnmliiiUl 1 ,
The g'tnoirtl M. E. Church in h r nice
lor I'KH) Will 1 1' held I" t'bb "H"
Four bundled head ! i!'( ' w n dd
at Lebanon Fndiv at tl pi r I
A plilicvkv, a i i ulitrH, a Gu ll ui'd
the daughter of 11 lelgmng pG"in wu
among the MOO thieves, pioleNUnial end
Unprofeelonal, who wete unrated In
Tarls during tho past year.
Ol the I.MIO.OM btlhcl nl wheal l
St. I. juU clevatoia. tk'.O.OOO bushels, or
nearly one-hall ot tho total aim k, has
been sold for I in iu id Into thipmeiit, end
will bo loaded out fast an poiieihh'.
hi the docioe at Madi id accepting the
roidgnatloii ol Itlancu as Captain Gener
al ol Cuba, tho Wueeti Regent rulogUed
tho "teal, intelligence and loyalty" with
which he baa fulllllc I his fiinctioini.
A dispatch from Ssntiaiii sivs that
the suspicion is gem i a' mining Cubans
Hint the iilterloijobjrct among Au-eilcaus
I the poiMesHion ol Cuba. I ho propeily
owners and beltei lUaera favor anui'va
lion, but it is condemned br the common
people and Cuban ol.lier.
Mrs. Sueau Sanders, agi'd U7 year,
died laid Wednee lav in tho Iioiiho in
which dho wa burn, on Chut kv River,
in WfclAugn Valley, Tenn. Mie wan a
relative of John Soviet , tlrnt Governor of
Tennessee, snd poem-ei-ed many iniiveid'S
of Iho battU ol Kiug'a Mountain.
Tho diewrtrou prairie lire iu Iho
Indian Territory has been brought to an
aiirupt stop by heavy rain. Tho tire
slaVtat twoaanrks g Iu the Chickasaw
and Choctaw Nations, and it Ih estimat
ed that prorcr'y valued at .'.'0,000 lm
bcu doetrovod. An area o( seventy
five initiate mi leu ha been burned ever.
The committee iu chargo ol arrange
ments (or the com 1 eg convention if the
National Live Stock Aiwot ialiou, at
Doner, haa rejected tho proposition to
make bull lighting n featured the out
door sports ou ttiat occasion. However,
a ivplcal Wcrterii cow hot 1 1111 uaini'iit
will be given. Umiico riding, rough rid
iug and roping, tho laneuiug of untamed
borrvis mid iteeis and all tho exciting
operations usually associated aith cow
boy life 011 the plains will li mi Iho
Santa Clau
is at tho Novelty Stoio w ilh as elegant
libe, Of preeeiits as ever weio brought to
town for the holiday. You'll have to
huiry if you have 0110 cf tbem fci they
will lo iucluded in the Novrl'y More'
closing out salo, aud prices are made so
low that no one can retisl carrying
home oue of there tine preneula.
AWccLiMc Prcparatioriibr As
similating IhcfootlnrulHcvJuLt
ling l he blouiaxki oJuiDowcb of
lVomoh's Dicfcslion.CIicciful
rtcss and Itst-Contains neither
Ojminr.MorphirtC nor JJiiicraJ.
PumtJtui Sir J
t-As I'm SJn
, Am it Jn J t
Apcrfccl Remedy rorfonslipa
tioit.SoiirSloniach.niarrhoca, Worms .Convulsions. feverish
ncss and Loss OF SLZEr.
facsimile Siijii.iturc ot
nt:w you k.
"iuwwi . ii.mii m as ji.n
The Uniform
quality of the work
manship in our
clothing is one of
its strong points.
Ivach garment is as
carefully cut and
tailored throughout
as though made to
order. See our new
Kail Suits.
I .1l.11 1 k up 'iris no' lee that
there I. nl' k'' I ron'. The tap
tinii 1. in lint t'i tr Inuii lb" ord
tunl M" tilht il"ii, Heioiid, the
'riiie r ! that h .ie m doiibln utile til
leiloim. I'hry hiMcn the tiee, pushing
nr piiliun mm Hut the trie ewais to or
fiuiit tin 111, il'iia helping each other la
krcplng the trie uptight, also to conduct
loud to the tree. Third, the rootlets,
that also have double office to perform,
They assist I ho in dii roots to keep their
hold In Iho ground and conduct food lo
them. Fourth, Ihn fiber roots that
come out from the others like hairs, and
epii'Ully from the small outs. They
assist the other roots rmaewhal In their
olllce of anchorage, but their main office
It to take up the moisture aud nitrogen
aud deliver it to the other roots lo be
taken up as food by a valvular or capil
lary procora to Iho tree to form lbs
trunk, lop slid leaves, and with these
properties together with the alkaline
and sacharinn constituent lo produce
the liuit.
The Iravr are termed the lungs ol
tho tree. They locelve th oxygen and
hydrogen bout Iho air, shade the tender
pulpy growth nl now twig through their
growing season, preventing thtlr shrivel
ing or hardening till fully matured.
Tho leaves havn 1 In n finished their mis
sion and drop iff to decay and again
mix their chemical constituents with
other salt ol the earth lo entlcb the
soil for next year's growth.
Tree that annually drop their leaves
are called deciduous Iree on thai' ac
count. Fruits from mot ol Ibis class
contain acetic acid and will make vine
gar. The term vinegar originated In
England, a product mado from the vine,
tirst called vine gar. Acetlo acid Is that
product iu its purosl aud strongest state.
Tho clssa of fruits called citrus Irult,
such aa tho orange, lemon, lime, etc.,
contain only citric acid aud will not
make vinrgtr. Tho most ol this class of
fruits, together with the banaua, palm
aud other like trees are tropical or semi
tropical trees and for duties assigned
above, retain their leave the year
The tree glows mostly from the outer
suifaco. The soft, pulpy matter be
tweeu the mild wood aud bark, seen auy
time dining the growing ii-srn, most of
which ia deposited in May, Juu and
July, hardiMi iuto the woody fiber,
form lug a new lexer of wood called
the grain. Tin procrw i repeated each
year, and by counting these ring the
ago ol tho ties ia determined.
W I LION HlLliMSril.
Go to the Roaeh-sf (or tho beet cigars.
For Infnnta and Children.
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
Bears tho
You Have
plways Bought.
ShoeS nake V
are the only kind we
wish to sell. They are
the only kind wc do sell,
aud with each pair we
sell we make a new
friend. They are not
only stylish but good
clear through. vSce our
Shoe line.