The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, December 05, 1898, Image 1

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- Vol.. XXIX.
No. 76.
lot) 'let till; .
HI II, KI.M, lloxKHI'ltO l.'UHiK, NO, HJU,
hold llu'lr 11 KHlai i i'IiiimiiiiIi slliun at lh
I (I (I. r. Iiall uii f 111. 1 iii fuiitili IiiiimUi
f cili titnulli. Alt ini-iiilii'rH rriiiiiit4 lo at.
Inn. I regularly, mill ml vlnlllna: lirolliuni out
JUllY lln ll.iif lit nil. -ml
I It A II UIIUll.K, nj, retary.
D')l'l,u 1 k.'.ni 11,, No, ii Jit, o (I, A. I!..
mmu uvriy U 1 lni'NilN)r urtMilliff Ml S
ii'vlne In I In. oi Murium lull. Villlli
limllxira r imritlally iivl"l alien-!.
t:, 11. 1 nkiim,
inn. v. rMV, Councilor.
lienor. llliK Ht.i li'lHI)',
LAUKKI, LOIiiili, A. K. 1 A. M , ItK'H'l.AS
iikmhiiiiii Urn M mnl Mi VtilinljrB la
tiih 1111111II1,
N. T. Jwti, Hi-iy.
III II. M A III A N lo. KIK. NO. n, I. U O. 1.
niU Mt'it.r I'vciilnil ill l iti n wl !
lliolr Hall In Oilil fellow lniiin HI Kowourg,
Mioulieri til lio toiler In nimil tuii.liu rn InvU
Ml to ntU'liil J. . MIUM.K, N.U.
N. ''. Jit, l"c )f.
meets nix m iiii mnl IiiiiMIi Moiulajrs nl
rli in. mill m 7 i , in. m Oil. I Kellows lull.
Meuilirra ol tin-ur.l.-r in mmnlliif are lu-
riioU lomu.ii.l
KNol'OHr. No .-i, II. A. It , MKKM Till
Unit mnl lliii.l llnm.lmn ui tin it uioiitn,
at 'J (I III
OUKN H KM. Iff coitl'M No. lo, MKKTri
II nl mnl lliii.l t-n.lays In ixli mull III.
ROHKllt'lKH IIAlTHIt, SO (, (I. K. H..MII1X
llio Let mnl Oih.l riiiirmUy il curb
Mill. I. IK Hll AMllllOUK, W. M.
HKillN A ItArii, m e ,
tiirrla i'rrj "I"! lomiii minusj.
Al.l'HA lolMIK, NO. 7. K. OK IV, MKKIU
l ereiy iltn.liy rvcnlin nl U'M Kelluwi
Hull. Vlnllinit KiiikuI I" ;''! nlmi'lmn -'
Jlnlly luvlled Ui alieuJ.
frolt-nHloiiiil CardM.
u ) M. I'R.iwn.
f HRIi, ru Tt ITIH
Koollla 7 mid x
I .k WIIxhi IU..1 .
Attorney an J Couiiholor at Law,
Will rt.rllc In ll tt.fl n.urU . f lh NU.U Ol
lev In Jlui.l. i. IIuiI Iiii.:. Ii.'uilu ruunly, Or.
Kvt K ' Inili lliii;,
TIiIhU N".
IUk. 13. IlIDDLK,
Attorney at Law,
II. mhii . . .
Imlur A W tl.i.ii IUW. KOSEHl lKl. OKKiioN.
IVNim 1 mnl .'
l.TIow IliilUiiMi no-Kill It'.. OUElioN
Attorney at Law,
Kutiuii. I 'V t, MuMl.r. Illiln , IIOSKIIUIUI, OK.
rH""ti"'" bi'loro tin I'. M. Uml Olllco kDil
uiuilui ci' 'i'i'lU)'.
l.nto Uccclvir U. M. I.un.l Oillce.
Northern Pacific Railroad Company.
Aid RulliiiK (ii kuls to Mil polulH Hunt at
IihK tbo tognlwr rati'".
I). S. K. Iti u ic,
Local Aguiit No. i;, MamitTH liuiMing.
OHICK, :W J ui -liMiii Hlrri I, nl rn
liU'livv ul Mri. J. Hlnifr.
Surgeon and llomtxioiuthio
KotKburu, Orc(oH.
dTCbronla dlHUM "pooUltr.
MKH. I). I'. Ma I.Al.l.KN, I'top.
hatiih ki;ahonahi..c.
I.krgi), Kino Huiiiilu Huniim.
Kroe 'Hun to mi'l Kruni Train. R0SESUR9.
Crockery and
I.HrKi'il mi'l Kiiifhl Aksorlmi'iil
uvo lliMURllt lo Ki'M'I'lirK
AUo tt i'oniili;lO lliiuuf t'lioiiu
All kinds of Country Produce
Halm ol l lgs.
Auy ono witthing to purcliiiuo "Hiilin oi
Finn1' cuii ilo ho by cullini! on or ail
UrcBaluK Mii:;. Annii. liiii,
(i()J Cuhu SI., Hnuiilmrki, Or.
New Store I
Staple and Fancy
Country Produce Bought and Sold
f Low Prices I
Fall and
Winter Goods
Just Received
and More
Call and Examine our Mammoth stock.
The People's Store
I. ABRAHAM, Prop'r.
mi mmum
A complete line of
Dry Goods, Clothing, Boots & Shoes,
Furnishing Goods, Mats, Caps, Capes, Jackets,
and a tine line of Millinery Goods.
Everything New, purchased
manufacturers, especially for the Eall Trade.
Call and cxaimiuc Goods and Prices.
Health is
Pure Fresh Drills
Filled Accurately
And With Dispatch.
A Full Line of Patent Hedicines and
Toilet Preparations
Special Sale
Great Reduction
in Prices of
$75 Bed Room
US " "
-q-O " "
A Eiue Liue of Chairs, formerly $1.50, now 1.00.
Now is the time to get Big Values.
Call, examine and be convinced.
Alexander & Strong,
New Goods I
Free Delivery
for Cash direct from Eastern
Wealth !
Suit for $35
" ' 2T.50
" 2 5
lie Writes of the Capital City, Its Beautiful
Surroundings and Varied Inhabitants
Judge Stratford Is of the Opinion That the Salaries Paid Them
Do Not Fully Compensate for Their. Labors and
Sairlflces-ln Love With Sitka.
Fitea, Alka, JOV. 23, 1898.
At about 11 o'clock on the tnorniug of
Tuemlay, ths 8th day of, November, oar
Hhip iteatned into Bitka barber and lied
up at the governoidtit tirf.
The fan, for a wonder, at thla none cl
year, IB ebtninn ongoiQ , us
view, winch for aablimeand tnctiaDtiog
beauiy and torlioe bs, can bo aurpaied in
but few, if any other ipot on the globe
The wateii of tbe boy are aa smooth as
gUK, and the inverted Jibadowa of the
monulaiua are pictured Mn the boaoni of
the watere, aa in a ai!ver mirror. More
than a hundred green ielaride are Inter
epersod la bea UderiDg confusion through
out tbe bay, among which innumerable
channels wind (heir way, until, viewed
from some elevated point on the shore,
the hay looks like some gigantic work in
lamlscapa gardening, tbe channels re-
sembling walks and drives among gjeen
lawDB set with evergreens.
The hay Is surrounded by mountains,
which in many places come down to the
water's edge, and no where leave more
than a narrow strip of comparatively
level land .between the shore and tbe
mouutiiuc. At the entrance ol the
found leading into the bay, stands Mt.
lid net u m lie, an extinct volcano, and
one of (he moat beautiful cone shaped
mountains to be seen on tbe Pacific
coast, or for that waiter, in America.
On the other side Mount Verstovia
rears her arrow eliaped head hih into
tbe blue sky. All these mouutaioi
have now put on their winter robes, and
sordid and dull icdeed meat the man be
who can !o k upon the Kens without
having his heart thrilled with emotions
at the beauiy and grandeur of the worka
of the Creator.
Sitka, the capital of the territory of
Alaska, is one of the most quaint and in-
te'entinK towns within the jurisdiction
of the United States, both as to its his
tory and iti conditions. IVrbais no
wherein America can be found a place
where there is jumbled together to
many of the odds and ends of the civ
ilization of two centuries, and of two
continents, than in this almott on-
known village. Here the black
robed aud black whickered priest of
the Greco-Kuseian church supported by
the Russian government, and the college-bred
minister of the Protestant
church fresh from our Eastern states,
conduct the affairs of their respective
churches with as little reference to each
other as if they w re on opposite sides of
the world. Here within the shadow of
tbe Greek Cathedral, with its richly
decorated altats, its numerous paintings
in oil embellished with draperies of sil
ver and gold, its maBsiva caudle-sticks,
chandeliers of silver, its books and rotu
mnnlon service, studded with jewels,
stands the little Presbyterian Church,
simplo in design aud decoration. Here
the modern cottage, with its modern
furnishings, stands side by side with tbe
massive, low, broad residence of tbe old
Russiau barons, within whose spacious
dining rooms and halls, with ceiliugs
supported by massive beams of hewn
cedar, almost a century ago there was
gathered many of Russia's proud no
bles. Here is a narrow street or path, on
oue side of which is a community repre
senting au enlightenment ai.d refinement
which would compare favorably with
that of any city ol the land. Among its
inhabitants are to be found graduates of
every prominent educational institu
tions in the United States, and of many
foreigu countries. Here are men who
have sat with presidents and count as
their persoual friends almost all the
leadiug meu of tbe nation ; here are
ladies who have graced the most fash
ionable and cultured society of Wash
ington and other Eastern cities.
On the opposite side of the toot path is
(he Siwaeh village, with its filth and ig
uorance and superstition, with its totem
poles and witch churma.
Sitka is situated on the west side of
liaranoff Inland, oue of the outside la
lands of the archipelago which borders
on the southern main land of Alaska.
It is about 700 tnilea further west than
Is San Francisco, and yet from bt-e tbe
territory extends almost due west, a dis
tance almost equal to the distance from
New York to San Francisco.
Old Sitka, which was situated about
six iiiilea north of the present town, was
founded by Baranoft, then tbe Russian
governor of Alaska, in 1709.
Iu 1803 the natives attacked the settle
went during tbe absence of BaronotT and
inaBtaued the inhabitants, with the ex
ception of few who erraped, and de
stroyed the bnildings. BarsnofT re
turned in 1804 and after severely punish
ing the natives for their croelty laid the
foundation fjr the present town. It
muet not be supposed that this waa the
first settlement in Alaska, as the first
permanent settlement was established
on Kodiak Island, five hundred miles
farther west, in 1784.
Shka soon became tbe capital and
ceuter of trade and commerce for the
territory, and ship building and other in
dustries flourished. After the transfer
of tbe territory to the United Slate all
these industries ceased, and today t is
supported and kept alive entirely by tbe
fact that it is the official residence tt the
territorial officers ana is a point of in
terest to tourists, who visit Ahuka dar
ing tbe summer season. And yet this is,
in my opinion, the moit natural and
convenient place for the capitol of tbe
territory. It is on the direct line of
travel between the United Slates and
tbe great body of Alaska, which lies
west ana norm oi ner ana is yet as
arceenible to tbe State and to Washing
ton City as any other point would be.
The government here owns a floe wharf
and warehouses, besides numerous other
buildings and grounds. There are, prop
erly speaking, two towns of very nearly
equal popula' ion adj lining eaco other,
each of coarse fronting on the beach. I
should judge that a thousand people
made their homes here, half being
white and the remainder being native
Indiana or Creolea. By Creoles is
meant the descendants of white fathers
(mos'ly Russians) and native or Indian
In addition to the natural beauty of
the scenery surrounding the town, the
picturesque bay, the towering mountains,
and dense forests, ihere is in tbe town
itself much to interert the traveler and
especially the antiquarian and ethnolo
gist. One of tbe moet interesting ob
jects to tbe visitor is tbe Greco-Russian
Church, which stands iu the center of
tbe town and in the middle of tbe street.
Tbe present building, which is in the
form of a Greek croes, was begun in
1840 and completed and dedicated on St.
Michael's day Nov. 2C, 1353, and baa
therefore stood 50 years.
- There is a cupola in front surmounted
by a spire and Greek cross. Over tbs
center of tbe main building is a dome
supported by columns, tbe dome also
surmounted by tbe Greek croes. To the
left, aa the church is entered fr.m the
Iront, is a chapel separated by a parti
lion from the main body of tbe choreb.
lne altars are shut off from the mam
body of the church by lih partitions
richly paiuted, carved and pannelled
through which door of gilt, hangings
from pillaeters, richly carved and mount
ed with gold, admit the priest into the
boly-of-holies. Beyond silver candlesticks
six feet high, solid and massive, stand
about the altars and a massive silver
chandelier hangs from tbe center of the
dome. Rich painting in oil emtxlisbed
with draperies of silver and gold adorn
the' walls. Some of these paintings are
of great merit and are bo old that tbe
name of the artist has been forgotten.
The vestments and hangings of tbe
altars are rich with decorations of gold
and jewels. Tue books used by the
priest, are nicely bound with ciasps,
which shine witu gold, and sparkle wuh
diamonds, ine -communion nerviue it
rich aud costly, and the robes of the
priest are rich with precious jewels.
There are neither pews or eeata of any
kind iu the church, the worshipers
standing about the church during the
services, which latt almost two hours.
Many of the rich aud noble Russian
families niuot bave seut their coutriou
tiona to the new worid, to have con
structed aud decorated bj richly this
church in the wilderuete. Maoy of the
old Russian buildings, both publio and
private, still stand. The building in
wbiuti I have been quartered, was form
erly the reeideuce of the governors of
the territory. It baa baen built ou to
and enlarged, and is now tbe leading
hotel in the town (tbe Mil I in ore). The
original building was of massive logs, of
yellow cedar, nicely bewu and dressed,
and such is its lasting quality, that it is
likely to aland for a century yet.
In the room where I write, Lady
Franklin, in 1852, came and spent the
long tedious mouths, white toe expedt
iton sent out by her, conducted lis fruit
less search for her husband, Sir John
Franklin, who lost his life in the frot'tn
A'x.ttier, lit m a vry intialing ex
perience it an boar, or better two or
three, spent in tbe Sheldon Jackson
maseam of valuable and Intoreating
curios, gathered from all parts of the
Arctie sin. The no lection Is said to he
worth ( 10,000, and I bava n i d mht hoi
tbal it would seil for that amount and
even more. The collection I owned or
controlled by lb Preaovterian Mission
which here condoct extensive
schools for th education of tbe native.
My obaer rations were too limited to
enable me to give any well founded
opinion a to th moral and educational
benefits derived bv tbe native from
these schools.
: Tbe native village, called tbe Ranch,
la simply a friog of huoe. borderi ig
close on th beach and dj lining th
American town. There I no wet or
road of any kind through tb tows, the
house being boflt so cloM to tb line
of high tide, a to lv only a foot path
in front of tbetn.
Th houses are mostly of two stories,
of lumber weather boarded, and at well
built. Tbey ar generally of bat on
large room down etalr and on abov.
Tb beach ia lined with tbir canoe
mad from a single log, torn of them so
large aa to bold Id roes. Long yean of
experience has taught thsm th exact
shape and contour, to Mcare the bwt
I hare observed with considerable in
terest, their work in canoe building,
liavinj (sleeted, a log suitable for th
purpose tbey first fashion tb outside,
and then with an awl, of a length equal
to tbe desired tbicknea of th aides
and bottom of tbe eavoe, when finished
tbey make holes alt over th snrfac.
Then with a tool something like a ear-
penler'a ads, tby hew th inside om!
they strike tbe boles made with the awl
After tbe canoe ia finished tbey plog np
the bole with soft wood.
When tbe interior is hewed out and
the canoe finished, so far as tbe hewing
is concerned, it is fiUed with water.
which is brought almost to a boilimr
poiot hj hot rock plunged iau it, Ui a
when tbe wood is soltened by tbe water
and steam, tbe canoe is further shaped
by braces and sfas.
Th canoe ia generally painted a dark
green or black, aa that color corresponds
more closely with the blending oi tbe
shadowy shores ot tbo bays and inlets,
thus allowing the boaters to approach
nearer tbe wild birds and animals which
thy hunt.
This is the reaidsnee of th if rrito-tal
officers, inclodiog the governor, secretary
of the territory, judg of tbe district
coort, diatrct attorney and marshal of
tbe district, surveyor general, collector
of costotbs and otbre. The United
States land office ia located bare, ai d a
company of marines are pot l here tor
ibe protection of government property
and for the purpose of assisting in main
taining order. Although my observation
was limited and my information gained
moetly from tbe expressed opinions of
others, I am of tbe opinion that the
present officers, to whom is entrusted
the administration of affairs here, are
without exception, capable, honest and
efficient officers, anxious to administer
the affairs of their department, justly,
economically, and for tbe best interest of
all concerned, and if I should hereafter
appear to commend the work of any one
officer more than another, it will be be
cause I bave bad more intimate person
al or official relations with thsm than
with others. All are hampered byond
measure, by the lack of law, or by laws
which are entirely inadequate or oniait-
ed to tbe conditions and resonrees of the
!r cfictal duUs cave hiuugut tue
into very close relation with Bon
William L. DIfltin, surveyor general of
Alaska, a resident heretofore of Quincy,
Illinois, a veteran of the Civil War and
post-commander of the department of
Illinois, G. A. R. I bave found General
Distin to be a man of great business and
executive ability, eminently fitted for
(he duties of his office, and wttbal one
of the most pleasant and genial gentle
men whom it has ever bean my lot to
meet. He has worked faithfully nnder
great disadvantage to bring order oat of
chaos, and to establish the service and
bringing it into proper working order.
He is bindered greatly by tbe distance
from Washington and the great length
of time necessary to communicate with
his superiors.
He is cramped and crowded lor room
and facilities for bis work. Tbe govern
ment is fortunate in securing the service
of such a roan tor such a position, and
be should bave greater conveniences for
bis work, and bi duties or privileges
should be extended so as to allow him o
travel over the territory and familiarize
himself with the needs oi his depart
ment and the resource of tbe country.
His salary also is entirely too small to
compensate a man of bis experience and
ability for leaving a home where all tbe
pleasure and comforts of 111 can be en
joyed, and Isolating himself in this nnt-
of-the-way corner of tbe world. W-X
only that but tbe neeeaeari and com
forts ot life, or such of thia as ean be
bad at any price, are so much dearer
here tban In tbs States, that s salary on
which one could live comfortably in tbe
States is entirely inadequate for tbe
same purpose her. These remarks
however will apply equally to tbs salary
of almost every other official iu Alaska
It may be aaid thai U the salary not
CO' sidered enough, persons need not ac
cept the nfflce; that others can be found,
men who would b glid to perform the
duties for the compensation offered.
That maybetraebai ihe government
needs the services of the best men ; men
of ability, ol inteirltyand worth.
I presume that under th laws ss they
now are, tbes officer receive all that can
be paid them, but congress should make
provision for payingjmen who come her
on official business, a sum at least equal
to that which their ability would com
mand, in tbo business world.
It mut not be supposed that I have
sny personal interest in this question a
my work bere will soon end and nothing
that I abonld say on tbe subject can in
tbe least bmefit me person ill v, but I
bave an interest in seeing men of ability
and integrity in charge of public busi
ness end this can happen only when they
are adequately paid for their services
nd sacrifices.
On account perhaps of tbe fact that
Collector of Customs J. W. Ivey is an
Oregon man and certainly on account
of tbe fact tbat be Is one of the most
hospitable and genuine gentlemen I
bave ever bad tbe pleasure of becoming
acquainted with, I bave during the past
two weeks seen much of him and bave
had an opportunity of becoming ac
quainted with him, both socially and
officially, and I do not hesitate to say
tbat in my jadgmeot, based on both
personal observation and extended in
quiry of all classes of persons, that be
is sn earnest, fearless, honest, and com
petent public servant. Tbe very nature
and extent of his duties precludes the
possibility of bis being abie to avoid ad
verse criticism. He not only has the
ordinary duties of a collector of customs,
bat it being unlawful to import intoxi
cating liqnura in'o Alaska, it is made liU
doty to prrvent such vi iU i .ns of n.e
law. Owin to th rai ( panda to
Alaska on account of tbt mini it f-xcile-
me'it of the past two y.-ars, the
gling of liquors into the country became
a most lucrative bnaine, an. I .i goes
it'iou' i-a ing Hiat t' H . ffi. h
dfl'V it ha b n a ip trie I -..1
traffic, liax, if be has (.ith I y ei o
do hi dntv. aa I eiv M Iv . .
done, made a hoat f enemies, and
of a clans too, who oold not ! ale to
injure him io any maimer po-sib Mr.
tvey ha bad aliuos' un-nnn u le
difficulties to overcome, ani !. itl
wonder ia thai he has sticc-' ded eil
as be has He baa more tnao 50 ) mil
of ahora line to guard, beside an im
mense stretch of inl nd border, almo'
all of which ia an inhopittli and at
moat impasi le wilder-iese. He has
nnd-r him subordinates who -r-
eta'ioned at poin s so reunite B'.d inac
cessible that he can c-Ofiimunira V- wuh
them but once or twice a er, ami i
auytbing goes wro'U wirh ore ! them
almost a year woul I elapse bef re ' e
matter could be adjusted. Notxi-D-
standing all these difficulties, Mr. f-v
baa mad an envia ble rerord as an hon
est an efficient office r.
In Governor John A. Bra ley I va t i
old neighbor boy from Tipt n -.i.i ,t .
Indiana. While we were not person .11.
acquainted there, we bad many murua
acquaintances, and I have had m.-e
than oue pleasant visit with him and
bis accomplished wire, while 1 bave
bsen in Sitka. He came to Alaska about
twenty vears ago as a misaionarv to tin
Indians or natives of this country, and
while he was not bog connected with. the.
mission, he has remained bere an utb'i-
iastic friend of tbe territory. I'erhtp
no man in America, unless it h Sheldon
Jackson, knows more of the history oi
this country than U iveraor br.t ld.
The two weeks tnat 1 nave spen' neie
bave been extremely pleasant ones, I
am in love Wth Sitka, with her beauti
ful bay, set with islands of em era d
green, with her towering moun ains,
with tneir green robe ana wmt tur
bans, with her water-falls and gl iera.
I am in love with her refined and ho
pitable people. There is one thing
which I wish to impress on my readers
and that is if yon should euer visit Sitka
yon will miss half of tbe trip if you (ml
to stop at the Millmore Hte.
E. D. Stratkord.
A sick man is like a
man who (roca up in a
balloon. He is blown
hither and thither by
the winds of disease.
A traveler by rail or
steamer has a regular
track. He ia reasona
bly certain of reaching
a given destination;
but the balloonist is at
the mercy of totally
No track, no course.
uncertain elements,
no rudder, no certainty that any breeze may
not brine destruction.
So with the sick man. His disordered
constitution renders every natural operation
uncertain. No organ can be depended on
to do its normal work. Tbe stomach will
not digest food; tbe liver will not filter bil
ious poisons from the blood; the kidneya
and skin will not excrete the waste. No
regular nourishing or purifying process ia
going on. There Is no certainty except tbe
certainty of suffering.
In all dyspeptic, bilious, debilitated con
ditions, what is needed is to change tbe ab
normal, erratic operations of the system
into a natural, regular, straightforward pro.
gress in tbe right direction. Nothing in the
world will do this so rapidly and certainly
aa Dr. Pierce'a Golden Medical Discovery.
It directly regulates tb vitalizing fuuc
tlons. It seta the stomach and liver Into
natural, healthy operation and give tb
blood-making glands power to manufacture
an abundance of pure, rich blood.
It creates appetite: builds up muscular
strength, and banUhe nervousness and
neuralgia. As it can be assimilated by tha
weakest stomach, its uouriitliiug properties
are far superior to nauseating cod liver oil
in severe cougus anil an wasting mr"".
The druggist who recommends something
else aa "just as good " is thinking more of
his ejrtra profit on the "just as good " kind
than oi your wtlfart.