The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, November 24, 1898, Image 4

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IWaatlfol weather.
Mr. Wright, of Rombnra, wm vIbII
lag Hot Laaband her on da Ust week
Rh hvi, "lb. bachelor boja mr xcl
lent honaekeerwra."
Chria Turpi, mad a flying trip to tha
Cfflnty it-tt one day Ihla week.
Waller Wright and Cliarlea Barker
were Wailing frienda in ItoMhurg Uot
week, and judging from all apparnca
Mr. I). T. ia not in it.
Maik Torpin has been healing gravel
nd filling up Ilia mad hole along the
public highway this week.
Bererat of onr young people attended
tbe dance end canly pnllng at Ibe poor
farm laat week. They report having
bed joyful time.
Wonder what baa beoHne of "Wat
Ky fHowell and wife were at'ending
to basinets mailers in Rosebnrg last
T. Gulberie and R. Stowell were seen
wending their way Inwards Koteburg
one day laat week.
Miss Eva Penning, of Locking GIam
is slaying at Dumbleton Hotel at preo
. J.Pearaon, onr popular 8. P. agent
is having good success fishing. He
canght several large salmon last week.
Wayne Oillam, one of our genial
young men. made business trip to
Roeeborg one day this wm k.
Mies Laura Stowell is going to Oakland
next week to pay her aunt a visit.
Spelling school was well attended
last Friday night. J. I. Wright, Mr.
Freeman and Yiola Gillam proved to be
the beet spellers. Mr. J. S. McKsy,
Frank Gillam and Ky Stowell were tbe
judges. All come out next Friday ciuht
abd learn to spell.
Vermie McKay, we are sorry to say, is
on the sick list this week.
Wm. Vinson, tbe popular road boes,
is having much work done oo tbe county
road. l A I.
M. French, 1 1 Binger, made a business
trip to Canyon ville last Wednesday , and
returned on Thursday.
S. K. Miller and Master Dicky were at
Binger, last Thursday, on business.
J. C. Olinghoose made trip to
Victory Mine, below CilenJale,
F. L". Olinghousa has completed
wood contract, in GlenJale, and is now
building a fine lumber house near Oak
Chas. McGinnis was at Binger ods day
last week.
Fred Blandell, of Canyonville, was up
on the Creek buying cattle, be bought
bout 12 bead.
Will McGinnis made a business trip to
Myrtle Creek, this week.
J. L, of Binger was seen at Mr John's
last Thursday.
Tbe McGinnis Bros, have canght
three fine bears in tbe last two weeks.
B. Tolson made a business trip to
Glendale, last week.
Ed. Boyd and Fhil Dewey spent a few
days at Carl), this week.
The dance, that was given at Mrs
Cheney's, was enjoyed by all that went
they bad good music, good supper and
good dancers. D. Marsh was floor man
ager, and the music was famished by
Carl Bushman, of Woodlawn.
Miss Bell French made a pleasant visit
down tbe Creek last week.
Dais Belli:
To Live 300 Years.
mree naodred years oi uie : luat is
what a London scientist, Dr. W. Kin
near, promisee the human family if they
will abstain from foods that have a ten
dency to ossify their bones.
Tbe theory is based upon the fact
that a child's bones are soft and gelatin
ous, and that as it grows older the bones
become bard and brittle. Tbe heart
the longs, tbe whole interior organism
gradually absorbs the limes in food, and
we become ossified and are easily
cracked or fractured. This is a condi
tion approaching old age.
Therefore the thing to do in order to
be forever youthful is to eat only that
diet that will not harden our bones and
Here will be found the proper food for
those who wish to prolong their lives to
three centuries :
Lat an abundance of fruit. Kaw,
juicy apples are especially recommended.
For other meals substitute fish, poultry,
young mutton and veal. They contain
very little of the dangerous salts.
Eat moderately of everything. Drink
daily two or three glasses of distilled
water containing 10 to 15 drops of diluted
phosphoric acid in each. This acid, says
tbe doctor, is one of the most powerful
influences known to science fcr shielding
the system from old age. All drinking
water used after middle life should be
Dr. Baraduc, of Paris, has invented an
instrument called the "biometer," by
which tbe vital force of a man can be
registered. If the biometer shows that
he ia failing ia energy the subject is shut
op in a cell, and given an intensified
electric bath, which restores bim, and
the waning forces re-establish them
selves aa in youth.
By eating only the food prescibed in
this article and occasionally resorting to
the electric bath, the age of man can be
greatly prolonged, and his unossified re
mains will only autcumb to the gradual
wearing out that Is baund to follow three
centuries of existence.
Sam Jones says that be finds thut the
devil is just before bim in every city that
he visits. Tbe craze among public enter
talnera or aenatinnal advance agents
bu about reached its limit,
Tho Ivliul You llnvo Alwnys Hought. nnd which has boon
in uo for over 30 yrnra, tins borno tho ftlgiMturo of
- nntl lin born matlo under his per
j? jCJ&frf'ffZ. , sonrt Muxrrvision slnco Its InlUncy.
iaf7yt S-etfcAMf Allow no one to deceive you In this.
All Counterfeit, Imitation nnd Substitutes nro but Kx
Itrriinents that triilo with and endanger tho health of
Infants nnd Children Experience ngnlust Experiment.
Cnstnriit is n substitute for Castor Oil, Farejrorlc, Drops
nnd Soothing Syrups. It is Harmless nnd Plensnnt. It
contain neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic
substance. Its njro is its puarauU-o. It destroys Worms
and allays Fcvcrlshness. It cures Diarrhcvn and Wind
Colic. It relieves Teething1 Troubles, cures Constipation
and Flatulency. It assimilates tho Food, regulates tho
Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep.
The Children's Panacea Tho Mother's Friend.
Bears the
The Kind You Have Always Bought
In Use For Over 30 Years.
An Old Subscriber.
The country journalist, having con
cluded bis work of devil, printer, txjuk
keeper, jjb printer, reporter, editor,
preee band, mailing clerk, collector,
conipoeitor and ad solicitor for tbe day,
bad sat down to study out what string to
pull to get enough money to meet a note
of $14.3$ coining due next Saturday,
when a man he did not know came into
tbe office aod sat down without being
asked to do so. For a minute he looked
around the place and at tbe presiding
spirit of it before be spoke.
'You are," be said slowly, "the pro
prietor of this establishment, and it is a
newspaper office?"
'It is," replied the won. It-ring editor.
'And tfiis is your product?" be said,
holding op that week's issue. "A news
paper?'' "Yes."
"The herald of a noisy world?" eaid
the visitor dreamily.
"Tbe million-folded multiple
'The hasty record of the world's
"The molder of public opinion ?"
"Yes," said the journalist, looking
"Man's daily dying done in ink?''
"The richest treasure of the art pre
servative ol arts?"
"Tbe Archimedean lever that moves
the universe?"
"Yes," and by this time the editor
was getting ready to escape by the win
dow. "And all for a dollai a year," said the
visitor, in that dreamy t?ne, as he let
his soft blue eye fall over the page. "It's
a durn shame," he went on, going down
into his pocket, "here's $2, and I'll send
you in a cord of wood and a bushel ot
apples and four gallons of cider next
week." 1 ben lie got up and went out
without so much as saying "good-by."
and tbe editor gazed stupidly at the 2
bill on his knee. Washington fctar.
Tho average yield from the Tingree po
tato patch farming in Philadelphia this
year was f 240 an acre. For each dollar
expended from M 50 to 5 worth of pro
duce was realized.
Shasta Limited
Is the name of the only perfect train
in the world, now running every night
between St. Taul nnd Chicago, via the
Chicago, Milwaukee & Ht. Paul Railway
the pioneer road of the west in adopt
ing all improved facilities for the safety
and enjoyment of passengers. An illus
trated pamphlet, showing views of beau
tiful scenery along the route of the Pio
neer Limited, will be sent free to any
person upon receipt of two-cent postage
stamp. Address Geo. II. lleafford, Gen
eral Passenger Agent, Cnicago, III.
Notice is hereby given to the public
by the undersigned that I do not allow
dead animals to be buried on my prem-
p, at Itoscburg, Oregon, or garbage
duruod thereon or sand or gravel taken
therefrom, unless the party taking sand
or gravel first contract with me for the
right to do so.
Tresspassers will be prosecuted ac
cording lo law. Aauon Kokk,
Roseburg, Oregon, March 17tb, 1885.
To the Public.
On and after this date, I wish it under
stood that my terms for all undertaker's
goods are cash with the order. X find it
impossible to do business on a credit
basis, and belive that I can do better by
my patrons and myself by Belling strictly
for cairn. F. Esnkdick. Undertaker.
Roseburg, Ore., April 12, 1895.
Balm of Figs.
Any one wishing to purchase "Balm of
Figs" can do so by calling on or
dressing Miih. Annik Bei ki.ev,
ail' Cass St., Itoioburg, Or.
Signature of
Weekly Excursions to the East.
A tourist sltt'ping car will leave Port
land every Tuesday att p. in. via the (.
R. A N. without change to Boston, and
under the supervision of experienced
conductors. No ihar.go of cars to the
cities of Ouiah.i, Chicago, I'utialo or
Boston. The idi-al trip to the east is
now lefore you. Urineuiter this service
when going Kast, and consult O. K. fc N.
agents, or address,
W. II. llrui in nr,
General Passenger Agent,
LM. Portland. Or.
Caro Bros, are the boss merchauts.
Trie Cliurcltt-M.
Mituodw l'Hi iu.H-t;oruyr of Main anJ Lane
iroeu. SunJay Service: 'reaching, 11 a. in
and 7:30 p. m.; ttabbath school, 10 a. in.; f.
W. Wooller, Superintendent; t'laxa Meeting al
cloac of the morning cnTlcx-; Kpworth Uasue
6:J0p. m. F. II. Churchill, I'rcfi-Jvnt. Praver
Meeting, Weluelar, at 7 .40 p. m.
(J. K. Ae.noLU, l',
Panoaagc, corner Mala and Laue.
Fiiiinuuii C'HCacu-corncr ot Cas and
Roseatrveta. Sunday Ucrrice: Puplic worship,
a-m. and 7:30 p. m. ; Sabbath Hvhool, 10 a. m.;
Y. P. S. C. K.,7 p. m. Prayer Meeting, Wcdnea
Jay, 7:30 p. m.
R. B. Dilwoktb, Taator.
t'.HiTgD Bketukem Ciicbcii-uu Konlir R'.revt.
Sunday aervlce, at 11 a. m. and 7"fl p. in. iray.
er meeting, Tburlny evening.
Mm. Ll'cr M. CiTLir, l'a.-'.or.
ST. Ot iB'iE's Clll BtH. Corner t and
Main itrceta. .Services ou coud and fourth
Sunday morning of cacti month aud every Sun
day evening, iwcia'. services anuouuted from
time to time. Rev. J jun I)sun.
M. K. CuiT.t H, South, -b.-rvicei every Sunday
morning and evenine.
Rev. J. T. Cor MS, lt.r
Bamist Cul Ri H corner of Lane and l:ne
itreett. Sunday service: l'nacliiui; at II a. m.
and 7:: p. m. Sahbath Sehoo'. at Iu a. in., O. 1'.
Cohow, aaiwrintendent. Grayer i::e-.'.:!i at
7:30 Wcdneaiiay eveitlnr.
S. A. U.jIoi. v, 1'u.M. r.
FlRT Chkihtias Cut ai ii -Conn r of I'ine
and Woodward utreeta. Sunday fcervlet:
Prcachiog both morniue and evening, -tmilay
school at 10 a in. Y. 1'. S. C. E. all.: J p. 1:1.
Prayer meeting eieli Wednesday evening at
7. JO. A Cordial welcome and greeting sua.I
a!l. W. A. Wood,
Notice For Publication.
Cxitbd States Land Orncs,
Hosi-burg, Oregon, October II. lit.
Notice is hereby given mat the lonounm
named settlor ha filed notice ol l,it intention
to iniike linal proof in support of ins claim, and
that raid proof will be made before the Kegimi r
and Receiver Cnilvd States i.andOllic at Ito-e-burg,
Oregon, November '.'J, l-'J", vi.:
on Homestead Kntry. No. C-li'd, lor the SK '4 o
Sec- 'A, I p 'in 'A, K7 West, llu names the fol
lowing witnesses to prove hln con linuaiK r-.i-deuce
uioii and cultivation of said land, 1 1:
Milton Oliiihaut, Williiim Coats, J Iiouihs Wil
liams, William Irving oi Ten Mile, Oregon.
J. T. liUllii.K.-i.
Has Jnat rscelved a new and astensiT a tuck
Ladies' Dress Goods, KibboBS, TriuiDiiaj,'n,
Laces, Ktc,, lie.
Of th beat quality and finish;
Wood, Willow and Glaus Ware,
Crockery, Cordage, Etc,
Alao on band In larga quantities and at prices to
ault tba times. Also a Urge stock uf
Custom-Made Clothing
For Choice
Call at Stanton's for "L. P. M"
Illcytlv Tires.
Tint Chase, lough, tried and puncliiie
prooi. r or erne iy
T. K. KuilAHimoN,
Koiwlmrg, Or
Notice Tor Publication
t'siTnMil trp orru ,
Kalinin . Oiviion. tvioinr :U. Ivw
Null.-,, i. i.ivliv i-lM'ti that I In' liillouMtit
tiaimil svlllrt In" II UM li"tlio ol hi lnl'Ulltn i
iik liiial .rool in 'Miri el ni eimnt, aim
Hint Mill ).rl lll I nimlo lw(in llu Kosils.
trrmi.l'hri, l'nilil Ml lml OAU-v, Ml
KiwvlHirs. r'ii'ii. IHwminT , v,, t;
KKVv-1 I AMI K SMI I'll,
on llnmoMrm! Knliy No. ivti, lur Hi SK
of !tv. 4. 1'n J".) N. U !trM. name lln
following wiinr"ito t lil mnitmion
rvlilt-mv iion mii I i mil kiioii oi mill mmi
Hi: t illlnm II. I ItonnuMMi, Jamr A. HolU'il
Joint li. Uii.ii, .u.;:.i'.i I.. I, il o
l uiil llk'l, ti'Koll.
j. r. niuiHiKH,
nMfi Hi'Kltlor.
Notice Tor Publication
t'Nimn m iiu I.JiMiOirn .
KovlmiK. tiv , N'ov. 4. Is-t.
Nollco U In rr! r mwu llil I ho Inllowlns
iikuhhI vttlrr li n UhI noiuv of Inn Iniciiiion
lo mnko it ii h I i'h-l In mixirt of til I'Ulm. anil
Ihnl ll inol 111 U- n to Ivloro tv. I'. IKmi
! I'HIliM SIbii-s onimtMlnncr, l OiinlUu r.
On-Ron, on .Imiunn i'. v. (i
.ii !; Koii;. ! Ki.Sry, No. "M. fur the K
S. K',, 8 1.NI '..xv ,t.s V t x v i
'.M, Vl .11. S U. II Iltf llIIH IIU'
ollOWlllH MHIIiVM Itl prl0 lllH 40IIIII1I10II
ivMilcm iiiioii mi l nilln iilioti of Iniol
in lliur AliUii. lolm '"iil , Win, t.loM'r,
t'lto . I' rtv, nil ol tmitliiiiT, dn con.
Notice Tor Publication.
I'mtiii siiti- I istidrrnt,
lovAotiuri:. Dntfoii. Nov.. 4.
Nollco l lirnl v uixen tlmi lliti lolloniui:
limiml will, r Mli-J nolU-o of ln liilrnllon
lo uiHki' link! nroof in iioorl of lil cUiin, mill
llml l'l proof l'.l to mmlo Ix'loio 1' IKnii;
Imr. rniU-,1 MrIoa i'oiiimlK.ltinr. at linnlliii-r,
uncoil. ou January , !'., l
VMI I 1 AM l.l KK.
On liK lloiin l al Kmrv No 7i., lor tin) N K "4
W '., lot i,! K N W ' W N K '
i. l. .v, ii ii tii'.i. nu iiKinoa Hie Ioiiokiiik
ulln.'o?i to imu' iiir !'oitliiiiioii nliltn'
ii)Kn anl riiltitmioit of att laiul, U Krank
W liilaki r, lli tiry AMi ii, Joint I axililv. Joint
iialinvl, nil of liarlttuT. in-con.
j. t.
nTlt Kiltr
5ll 1111110115.
TN I'll K t llii I'll' I'lU'lir 'K TIIK si A t K
x ol (rison lor I he lonniv ol Ltoncla
M H. Miounli. 1
rininiiil 1 .ili lii h 1 1 1 1 1 -t.
; lor a Pivurvv
ii. t'. HHll. j
Toll. i'. hoiik;ti. nNntf niiiu-il IK'fi'iiilant
l!l llu' llHi:u' ol tho Mate ol Orvi;otl. you ary
In-n'I'v roj ii'.rvl to apiHai aii'l awnn'r tlio ooirt
olaitit l.iiI attain! ou iu Ihuatmc vntitlixl
iiil t'n or l'o!"fr ihf t.rl I y ol tho urxt rogii
lar lorm of llu' alum- i-tiiitltl l ourl, lo wlt
Motnlay, lv I'lntar .'ih, l,atnl tl ou (all lo
ni'Hur ot awuvr mil lomolnint wltlilii Mthl
tune lor nam liii'rvol, rin.ntni will at'Olv lo
im-1 onri .or t:u' rviin u luaintoi mi hit yotn
I'irtlnl a : Kor a ilit n-v ol llon di
ol mu t!.i', of matrimony r&IMiinc l
two.-n ri.tnlitl aiitt iK'U-toiant, lor trio carv
aii'l i-ntil ol the minor yhlhl Arthur fhoiiah.
aul lrrm!i oihir t-U I ai lo thctourtmay
M-rni tun nti'l oroovr.
'1 lii! iin"Mo!ii Li nuKifthoil 1-v onlor of llu
Hon. J. N - llatnrt.iii. jiol'ool ail Cuurt,
hita h; I I'liltr ila'.C'l iclotT Jl. Ivk.
o.':t7 Atlotui'v lor rialnlllT
I'MTari t u l mi drrn s.
U. -- I -ii rv. I'ri's'on. N.oeinlH-r, 10. i
Solhe lurcl.y imii that I ho following
nai:i' -l t: :, r La c:. ! iiot;eo of hln InU'tition
to iuVi t.iui: in ii iitt ol Ml claim, and
t'uit mii 1 fr H-l will!- inad' la-fort- the Knelt
itrr H-i'l l.'Ai';i-r, I 1 1 x I -I Male land Ollico.
K"Mli;rir. o: .-mi, on lieeomtx r 1V, vU
t II Mil K- I. I'uX
on 'hi- h ':::'-!. ad t-iitrv N,. 7-w.l, l..r the F.
SK , S K ' ,. j-e. J) T U . Il
nam the lollowiui; ulineueH lo troe his
i-ont:nuou r' -id'-iuc ujaui and cultivation of
aid iaii'' Henarnin K. Wiimiu, John K.
Mi.wu. IVti r lluri h, iMvul l,nxui, ol Caiuai
Vulivv, Orc.-ou.
Notice F-or Publication.
t'MTXb STiirs Land Orru e,
K"cburg. Un gon, Nov. y, l'-Vs.
Noll e i hereby mveu that tin- Inllowiug
tiaii-l -tiit-r ha.i notice of hta tun ntioii
t" niMk.- mis; raf in bi'.)ort of hi i laiui, and
that aid i'ro,f will ! uiali- la,-lore lite K'-u-Uler
and Kmiver, I nilcl Mates Ijind "ihie at
iiof. bur-". Un ion, "ii iN-n-iriK-r i; l-.r-, v ii
on II. i:. Sii.KiS for the N1, SW. A Uda I, . A
f c. ,;i. T. -JS. K. "i ui-al lie name the
fo!low:mr witne-f, to prove hlseontiuuous res-
f'lruce ui'ou and '.itituiion ol --aid laud, vi
ll- nry harl.ov, M i rti. I n . , ri on. J. H.
iiarrin. ol Mrt!e I rt k. On g"ii. J. A. lorueli-
n. .1 Myrtle t" k, Oregon, Mark it. Muitli.
ol Myrtle I leik. On iron.
J T. llltllx-K-i.
ijlOti K'-gisU-r.
Notice I -or Publication.
I'sitim sun . I.v.M'Omi'K.
Kox l.ii-, iireyon, Nov. v. I-''-S"t;--
ii htrel-y ithcu that thn following-
tiaiio d t tl-r tia-i ti .el not ice of Iiih inti-ntioii
iiiuk'- linal rrool in futinorl ol hui laim. and
that "a. 'I proof m ill luadi- U fore the K'xla-
oratii i'.itiier, L n lieu Males I. aim i iiiice at
Ko-jhv.r', Ore., oil l'eecir.hcr IT, I'.-, vi;
M.U'.k II. h.MI I II,
on 11. E. tit. 'An,, iult J, :i and I, Sec. 4, T. :j H. ,
It. 5 w lie names the folloHing ultuesses to
T"-e hi continiiuMPi residenr-e upon and culli
sat. mi of "lod land. u llenrr Harlow, rt
Myrtle ( rek, Or. ijoii, Hi nry J. Hail'-y, ol
Mvrtle ( ir k, On gon, James If. Bailey, ol
M Mile r'-ek, I re;'ou, Thomas Strode, o( M j rtle
( reek, Oregon.
nioto itegihur-
Notice For Publication.
C.VTKK TATE L.lNb 0,,'U K,
ItoM-burg, Oregon, Nov. u,
Not:ee i hereby given thut tiu IoIIouIiik
naiiic-'l M-iilcr bun lilud notice of bis inter,. ion
to inuke linal t,riKif in support of bit claiiuaud
tout -aid proof will be nuide la-Ion: the K' Kisler
and Keieiver, I luted Mates Laiel oihee at
itui-ebun:, Oregon, on Dceeniber 17, K'Ji, vi:
on II. E. No. '.'I'-, for the lots !, fi, ii 7 and
riK' i W ,, .-ec. I, I . H., K. 5 West. He iiamea
tlie lollottiui? n-luess to prove his touliuuou
ri."-ideuee utiu and cultivation ol said laud,
xl .Mark H, Hmh h, ol M) rile Creek, OrtKoii,
Henry J. Iluiley, ol Myrile Creek, Oregou. Jauica
II. iiuilev, ol Myrtle Cn-ek, Oregon, 'ihomas
blrode, u( Mvrlle ( reek, Oregon.
nl'jt., Kegister.
Notice of Final Settlement.
Notice Is hereby given that the. under-lelled,
the ii'liiiiiii-lnilor of the estak! ol John H.
I.ynler, 'leceaaed, lias lildl her Ii mil account ax
null adniiiiiklriilor ill Die County Court of
tlou'lui' County, Mute of Oregon, and that stud
court bus set 'I ues'liiy, tho ;;rd day of January,
li.'.i. at Ihe hour of j o clock n. in. of suid day,
at tin: eoiirl houne in Kosebuig. Ori-gon, as the
lime ami place for tho coiiHideiailou of said
linal :e:i omit and for hearing objection thereto
ami lor the liutu M.-tl lenient ol i-alil esiale.
liutcd at ItoM-burir, Oregon, this lltli day ot
-November, lv,
Kl.lI!KT1I C. WAliK,
A1 iii in IhI rnlrix ol tbe tsliitu ol John H. l.jhter,
. W. IIknmjN,
i 1 1 . 1 Attorney for Admlultlrulrix,
To The Unlorttumtc.
Dr, Gibbon
This old reliable aud
the moat aiicccsaful
Mpeclalist in Han Fran
cisco, still continue to
' cure all Sexual aud
, Seminal Disease such
I as (lonnorrticta, (licet
iStrlclura. Syph IIU In
fall It forma, Slkln 1)1.
I .' fy I.vVity. Impouncy. html.
'''i'iCn'l Weakneaaaud Lota
..i rianhood, the couse-
auence ol sell abuse aud excesses producing the
lououing symptoms: sallow (Oiiuieuanco, anrk
Kpots under the eyes, pain in the head, ringing
in the cam, lima (if colilldeiica, dlllidence In ap
proaching strangers, palpitation ol the heart,
weakness of the limb and back, loss of memory
piinpicx mi the face, coughs, consumption, tie.
LiK. UlliUON has practiced In Han Kranuisco
over thirty curs and those troubled should not
fail In consult hlui and receive the bciielil of
his great skill aud experience. The doctor cures
when others fall. Try him. Cures giiarunleop.
I'erKous cured at home. Charges reasonable.
Call or write.
Ml. J. r . i.iliJlON, ca Kearny HI. Kan Kran
Cisco, Cal
If! A. IM '7 a
S.V!, i-Kif
I'nderlho ahovo molio I will Hill continue Iu
survey tor all panles desiring my al.!no as
an rnlin-or or aurvrvor. My rharaea will !
ri-aonsl.le l.iiid my work guaranteed. Am !
rsmarv I'urnc.
Addreaa mc at Cleveland, tSiitglaa Co., Or.
rroiu l orllau.l
7 a. in
Fast Mall
K p.m.
J p.m.
H Irtivrr, rt.
Win Hi, (iinaha Kau
: aas t:itv, hi Untis,
i hlcajro and Kast,
; Walla Walla, HHkatn'.
MlniieaHll.M l aul
Inililth, Milwaukee,
Chleagu and Kast. 5lramshlpa
All sailing dates biiIh
Jeet to chaiigt'.
Kor Han Kiam Iscn -hall
Nov I, , 7, in, I I,
HI. IU, !. .'a, .
Tti Alaska -
liall tupti;.
Columbia Hlvar
To Astoria and Way
ljkiidlugs. Kakan
It) lis. Ill
8 p.m.
4 p. in.
T p.m.
1 p. in.
p in.
Ks. on inlay
10 p.m.
i . m
Kx finiday
Wlllam.H Klv.r.
Orvloii Cliy, Nnwla-nt,
Nklem A Way I .and as
4 :m p. in
KxKuiulay 1
Y.x Miiiiday
7 a m. '
Tuf.riiur. i
and al. 1
W and Vam
hill lvr
Oregun City, haylou,
and Way lAUdiuis
VMIIamrtt Klvr.
rorlland tol'orvNltls
and V ay-ljtiidliiga
s JO P in
Mon., Wed
and Ml.
tt a m.
Tm-o. Thur.
I .10 p in.
Tura 1 bur
and fat.
l.r.Klparla i
and Hal.
5tiak Klr.
Kiparla to I ewliton.
livueml I'aMt ngi'r Agent.
. M. Jk N. Co.,
Iartlml, Orrgon,
Oregon Short imIRi-
tjulekeat and hum! dlax-t routo lo
Utah, Colorado, Nebraska, Kan
sas, Missouri River and all
Points tlast and 5outhcast.
l-ook at Ihe time-
Portland to
New York 4' tlnyi
Chicago 3,'n Ustys
St. Ijtiio 3',, days
Denver 2 ' u days
Salt I'-., days
i-'ree Mccllaltiic liialr cam, l'r"
holnlcrra Tourlal Hlrrplutt
t arsi, iulliunu I'aImcc Mlcrp
mit Can
For full parllculari regarding rat, lime id
train, etc., call on or address
J. I". OIVAN5, Ajrt., Koaa-liurg.
C. O. Terry, W. 13. Coman,
Trav. I'as. Agt (ieii. Agl.
Southern 1'aclllc Co.
Bipresaraloa Imrntt 1'm-tUnd dally.
N,uth r
I North
9 .m a. m
6 oor. . I I.v. 1'ortlsnd Ar,
i VI A. M. I.V.
kiHi-lmra . I.v I I' "A r It
" w.
Ar. - Han Kranclsi-o I r I n 00 r.
Alaive trains stop at all atalloiis
' Iweiil Portland and Halem, Turner, Marlon,
jeiiemon, Albany, langeiil, Hbralds, llalsoy,
Harrisburg. Junction city. Kiigrnc. ollave
i.rove, urain, Oakland, and all station from
Hoaeburg lo Ashland lnclusire.
Iloscburf TIall llavlly.
.OA. .
JO r. at.
I Lv.
I.v. I
I Jtl T.
7 .U) A.
'ullman Buffet Sleepers
icoxit.i i.ann ti.i:i:ii.Mj ( aiim
Attached lo all Through Trains.
West Side Division.
Itclwccn I'ortlatud stud Cory alll
Mail train dally (except Hunday).
7:30A.M. I
h:M t.
t ik't r. M
12 15 r. m.
At Alhani and Corvallla connect with trains
ot Oregon Central A Kastern railroad.
Express train dally (except Hunday).
.') r. u. Lv.
M r. m. I Ar.
JU r.H. l.r.
i'ortland Ar.
McMlnvlllo I.v.
Indc''ti'h'itce I.v-
i A. H,
It hO A. M.
4:.'l A.M.
!Jirrt cmiipcllon at Han Franeiwo with Oc
cidental and Oriental and I'nclllc Mall stram
shlp lines for JAI'AN ANU CHINA. Hailing
dales ou application.
Kales aul iiekeu to t-.sslcru im. lilts and Kil-
roia-. Also JAI'AN, CHINA, HONOLULU and
Af ,-TKAl.IA. Can Ixi obulued from OKO.
Kb! t.-l, Tiekst Agent, Koseburg.
Mauager. U. K. A 1'aaa. Agent.
Dooa Up
Wo ar alwayi la the Lead, and mean to
keep there.
The Golden Harvest la upon aa, and farm
era are amlllng became Woodward
looata to their Interett.
Full Trimmed
These are all Leather and Warranted.
At Redooed Prloea,
Conmlt your purse and be aura and aee
tr J ... . J i m a a
v y V y
Rivet your eyes on us...
Sci iu.w oi.ivi-r plows
f ? ro nut tf mii csi.ilillsliiut ut.
Takca stiuiut at tho Clark Cutaway Cultiva
tor Wc soil thorn.
Churchill & Woolley.
;e I V J! ts : C- J ' ? V v r.t ut
his is the
to Buy
UKAI.KKrl IN Al l. MM' l
til VK I'.H A 1 UIAI..
i hi:i: iM'.i.i yi:m v..
Restau rant ( 25C.
In All Styles to
Suit the l'co;v
Real Estate Bought and Sold
m axaxixa inniaara,'.
Farms, large and small. to Rent.
Stock Ranges, Timber Lands aud Mining Properties,
rune aud Hop Lauds of best quality, iu choice locations,
iu quantities to suit intending purchasers, at reasonable
prices and easy terms. Inquire of
alsisatassisi at at,. aA ussasi ,' , ar- ai .
Books and Toys
? Below Cost
As I will not keep in stock buoks ami toys here
after, I am offering my large stock at prices that
will command your attention. Come and see
them. I will continue to keep everything that I
have heretofore iu the grocery and" crockery line
and am better prepared than ever before lo satisfy
the demands of my patrons. I have just received
a part of my new Holiday stock of dishes. They
are truly elegant.
....MRS. N. BOYD.
AaSM ii; ti 1
a .s -
Muccusaor lo
General Blacksmithing
Hliop ou Corner WUHliliiutuu
v di u -iv v
A full ami coniplcto assortment
of all otitis usually kcj-t in a fust
class jrocory.
livery tiling ollorcd for sale i:. ficsh;
antl sold at very reasonable pticcs.
Wc have a very choice .stock til
canned goods, including both ft nits
antl vegetables, to which uo invite
your special attention.
Our line of Olives, (Ihcikius. I'ick
els, Sauces, etc., is also complete.
We carry the largest .stock of to
baccos iu Southern Oregon.
& CO., Grocers.
i ; ' , iK.'.r t mtli ,. r i '
IIOHI.III 1(1., ..
Pirst Class
Meals for
C.IVli TS A CAL!..
H. BPNSON, Prop.
iri rvirT-rMvr v
aa - aaawawal,
(I. W, NOAH )
mid Kauv him., ltoNt iMii K.