THE PLAINDEALER, Published every Monday and TlmrwUy BT ThI rHINDKAI KH MHMslllSO CD. I. 1). K1 HAirORII CI At UK A. ItllUH.K, . U. T. BKHJAMI.V . .... Amh Iiu K.litor MnKiT. flnttacrlptlon Rnrn. On Year ills Montht $1 SO : .y Thrc Montha NOVKMOKU 2t, 1898. Another sold discovery lias been made in Ohio. If thii thing keepa up Oregon will have to look to her laurel. Tim Kngliah want open porta at I'orlo Kico and are kicking at the baning out of Canadian cralt. Some folk are never atlafiW. Thanksgiving comes hut once a ear to aome people, therefore eee to it that all have something to le thankful fur to day, Lit no one be slighted. Terry Simpfon Rives formal noliee thai he lias not retired from politic; cjufe titienlly, the real ctUte of the cbj ap leara to be that pontics ha retired from him. Baltimore American. Spain, according to the declaration uf her chief commissioner at liiii, docu not see bow she can, ith diguily, con tinue the peace negotiations. If she prefers another dignified "lickitig, probably she is entitled to her choice. S. V. Bulletin. Ivichard Crocker, the undisputed bota of the New York democracy, will oppose, it is (aid, any democratic presidential candidate who shall undertake to make free silver an issue in the next cam paign. Crocker declares that free silver, as au issue, is dead. The days of the peace cooimieeion are about numbered. Spain will not sign, but neither will she tight. She is get ting out of Cuba as fast as possible, and will make no resistance to our taking possession of the l'hilippiuee. So the prospect f.-r another war is very slim. Spain has had an elegant suQicieucy of fighting. Kogland is making big preparations for possible war, and the chances ire that the will not see war ether than that of her own making for many jears. No one is going to jump on a nation that has a good supply of battleships and guns and amiu'iniliou, unless they have a bigger supply, and England will try to keep in the lead. It is Baid that tho voting machiuvs in New York state at tho recent election proved success. With it in operation the entire Tote of the city of Rochester, of several hundred tbouaaud people, was counted and turned in at police head quarters exactly 37 minutes after the polls were cloeed. Ir.eir work insures them coming into more general use throughout the country. Who says the Hlipinos are not enter prising people? A party of alout a doz en prominent Filipinos direct from Ma nils, are now in San Francisco en route to Washington. Their object is to lay before tho government clains for damages sustainedby tbera during oar late unpleas antness with Spain in the destruction of property by American troops. They only ask half a million or so from Uncle Sam to make things square. There will be the smallest number of democrats in the L'niteJ States eenate after March 4th, next, than tbere has been for 26 years. The number will te only twenty-six. In the elections of 1872 the democrats got only 20 senators. But that was 20 out of a senate of 74 members. In the elections of 1874 this representation was raised to 2'J. And since then the democrats have always had just a few, more than the republi cans. Twenty-two of theee 2G senators will be from 11 Southern states. East Uregonian. The anti-cigarette law passe 1 by the last Tennessee legislature is declared constitutional in an opinion given by Judge Caldwell, of the supreme court of the state. The opinion declares that cigarettes are not legitimate articles of commerce, because they are wholly nox ious and deleterious to health and therefore are not within the provision of the Federal constitution protecting legitimate commerce. It also holds that the conventional cigarette package is not an "original package" iu tho true com mercial sense, for which additional reason the Federal law has uo applies' lion. The sale of cigarette has been topped there by order of the iol'ce. Discreet persons will resist the tempta tion to write the obituary of the Demo cratic party at this time, but the tempta tion is certainly great. The Democracy in its long and crooked career, lias often teemed to be at death's door, but it has never been closer to the graveyard than it appears to be at this moment. In 1804 It carried only three out of twenty-live states, but eleven states iu the Democrat iu region were out of tho union at that time, and the democracy had a reason able assurance that it would regain most of these when they got back to their old places. Morevcr, the democracy at that time had a few able and courageous lead ers, while no men of that quality are in sight at this moment. In the pluccsonce adorned by such men as Jackson, Cal noun and Jeuersou j'avi there are now Bryan, Bailey, Stone and Altgeld. Such a fall as this would seem to portend death, yet the democracy has broken out of the hands of the gravedigger so often that it may elude that personage now. It I bard to see what particular good the Uryanites can do iu tho world, but in a republic two partiea are necessary, and the democracy is probably as well quail fled to (lay the role of an obstructionist a any party could be which would be founded on ill ruins, Globo JVruwral. "Hie liinkW tariff law." said Mr. Dolliver, "as enacted in the face of the protests of Z2 foreign countries and there was not one, excelling the I'nited States, that a pleased at its enact ment. Every department of trade and industry telt the thrill of a new life un der this law and even the free silver parly's organ, the New York Journal, admitted in I S.7 that for the Orel time in years the working population of that city waa fully employed. What is true of New York is true of '.he whole length and breadth of this land and you and everybody else knows it. (Applause. The bill has already doue for the lariurrs all that Bryan promised to do for them, and wheu they go home from uiaiket, or the workingmao goea homo from the factory with his money ho knows that he is carrying coin that is good for its face in any cuiinlry on earth." From tho speech of CongresMiun lKillixer at Du'ulh, Mum. A Dangerous flajorlty. (KaiiMs etly lime ) From a strictly prtin print of iuw tho demccracy has no reason to regret that the next congress will be republic au. There are two kiuds of coiigression al iunijritits that are dangerous to ibe party having them. One is a majority so Urge that it is unwieldy, and the other is a majority so small that it can not be relied upon. The latter is far more dangercus of the two, to the party. There are always a score or more who resist the party lash on principle. Their support caunot certainly be relied upou for ultra-partisan doubtful national measures. When the majority is not large enough to eliminate this element from the calculation, and still have enough to insure the adoption of any party policy, there is a degree of uncer tainly that may easily drift the party in to demoralization. The administration is not only com mitted to the policy of territorial ex pansion, but it intends to push it to the uttermost. Confronting this policy will be found Speaker Keed in the lower, an I Senator Hoar iu the upper house. Both of these men, especially .Mr. Kced, are powerful and resourceful leaders. Eai'h of them has a following which can not bo switched away from the main track of opposition to the expansion policy. Natnrally Mr. Ueed will want to be the speaker of the next congress, and naturally the president will want a close and reliable friend of hi administration for presiding otticer. But the opposing forces will not wait uutil the assembling of the next congress to open the battle for supremacy. It will be opened immediately after the opening of the present Congress by maneuvering for position. That will still further widen tho breach between the President and Mr. Uecd, and they are so wide apart on toe question ol what the nation's foreign policy should be, that it would seem impossible for tbem to reach a common ground without the one or the other making a complete and unconditional surrender, As be tween the administration and Mr. Head, there is no doubt about where the dem ocratic minority would go. in a sense the democratic members would hold the balance of power upon all questions between the divided Keiublicans, which they could use to smash tir"t tho one and then the other, aud at the same time make the ltepublnu party respon sible before the couutry for consc quences. News Notes. "The Tocsiu" is the name of a weekly newspaper just launched at Carson, Or. October was a record-breaking month at the Koslyn mines, 04.000 toes of coal being turned out. At last Eastern Oregon baa rain. The downpour came too late to start the grass on the ranges, but fall-sown wheat will b9 saved. A buouoLDisu county, uaeu., paper is said to haye lost several subscribers re cently by printing it "shingle tax" in stead of "single tax." Payment of a bounty on coyote scalps has been discontinued iu Marion coun ty, as a measure of ecouomy, the wisdom of which remains to be demonstrated. They do some things better io Tilla mook and a case in point is the building of wagon roads, which are said t3 be the beet in the state; of timber and sub stantially built. Two trainloads of cattle, 3j' caia.iu all, were shipped from Baker City last week. At this rate Bakor's fame as a mining center will be exceeded ere long by its fame as a stock-shipping center. A Hood Kivcr farmer has discovered by practical experiment that bogs can be successfully fattened on prunes, an important discovery in a country where grain is loo expensive to he used for fat teniog purposes. Iho man who has a few fat steers to sell this fall is in clover. Men iu search of leef cuttle are continually louring the state, and buying up all such stock in sight at good prices. Testimony to the enterprise aud gene rosity of Baker City people is furnished in tho fact that the sum of f 184 was raised for the benefit ol the Canyon City lire sufferers within 24 hours after au appeal for aid had been issued. What is known as the 1'ulouse coun try, in Washington, claims, aud appar ently with good cause, to be the banner wheat section of the world. Within a radius of six miles of the ceuter of thin district this year 2,000,000 bushels of wheat were harvested. "Apron Strings.' SPAIN WILL YIELD The Philippines, but I ndrr Strong Protest. NO IMDLMM1Y Will DL PAID. Refusal of tho Spaniards to Accept American Terms Will Lllmlnatc This Feature. I'ahim, Nov. 22. The Spiuiiuli peace commissioners last night telegraphed to Madrid the substance of Ihe I'nited States' momc-randiitn pres mted yester day, and late yesterday evening they wore discussing it among themselves. As lto s 1 o'clock this morning a Spanish commissioner atlUiucd tint hie colleagues did nut ke.ow what t. do re garding tl.e American niter. I brie in a d.llcreiice of opinion umoi g ini.t)icial people near the couitniKsion, but the predict! in is made lhat Spain will cline the American Iter of lnone . will rcf.i?o to ce.lo ihe t'hilipi'iuvN will say to the failed S;ates: "You may laKe the srchipclngo c.uice urn h ive Iho poer to do p. do- She nml bo As you adtaiu'o wc will tot lie, prutcMing agftiost the greedy aggression. Wo will faithfully carry out our part of the pledges, and leave Col a and l'orto Uico in voiir hands. You came to engngo in a discussion under the tonus uf the protocol, but jou evidently tiir.u.t, when drawing up that document, to providoa coulerenco iu which, though wo differ man to man, you p rope sod to announce ut the proper time w hat you will do whether we agree to it or object. Sutli an attitude robs tho conference of a negotiative character, and sets tip the I'uited St.-U' k as a dominant luwer whose first purpose is to listen, but whose ultimate determination is to do its owu will." Discussed by the Cabinet. WAsiusi.roN, Nov. 22. At the cabi net meetiug today a brief cablegram was read which had lt ti sent from Paris by Pay. It was su'.wlaiitially in accord with the newspaper reports of the pro ceeding", although no reference was made to any excitement attending the meeting or to any agreement. It was staled that the next meeting would take place tomorrow. The cabinet discussed the matter, and was iho ttlief of tho membeis that theie would be at least one more meeting after tomorrow ii the Spaniards have decided to reject the American proposals. The cablegram said the reply from the Spanish comiuirfsinners to the latest memorandum submitted by our c om missiouers is expected at tomorrow's meeting. No doubt it entertained among the members of llu cabinet that the treaty will be signed within the next few days. The cabinet also discussed the Cuban situatioo, and it was developed that the Spaniards hope to be able to complete the evacuation of Havana by December 2S. Will Answer Tomorrow. Nnv Yokk, Nov. 22 A dispatch to the World from Paris says: "No one can foresee what the cortes will do. This was the answer of Senor ieda, principal secretary of the Spanish com mission, when asked if the American ultimatum will be accepted. Senor Moutero Kios, president of the Spanish commission, frowned us he listened to America's final note at the joint session. When the reading was ended ho Baid curtlv ; "Spaiu doeB net need until November 28 to answer. She will present her re ply Wednesday." In the communication tho I'nited States refuses arbitration, but c Lie is $20,000,000 in gold for the Philippines, and euch a sum as may bo agreed ution lor au teianu oi me Caroline group, or enough lacd on a strong island for a na val base and cable station. The American commissioners propose! to give Spain until November 28 to ac cept or reject tueee ueiuamm, were translated at the ecssion iu full by Interpreter Ferguson, but after Moutero Rios' remark about not needing so much time the joint session was adjourned un til Wednesday. It was reported immediately after the session that Spain had determined to break off negotiations, but the World correspondents information rather points to her giving notice on Wednes day that she accepts the Aincric.iu pro posals under protest. Spanish Secretary Ojoda Baid to the World eorreBpondent : "America proposes to pay $20,lXIO,0uu for the Philipjiiuee. We regard it aB ridiculously insufficient, in view of tho fact that wo raise $40,000,000 on the se curity of tho Manila customs alone. She adds a promise that (or a number of yt-tru not specified she will admit Span ish merchandise aud ships to ports on Iho e.uue terms as to merchandise and Sim I ttie United States. We regard tl , . rtof the proposal as of very little ify value. This condition no doubt hub been put in at thu suggestion of England not of Oermuny, for she is favorable to Spain." When pressed for bis opinion as to ultimate action on the American do- mands, he said : "It is for the Spanish government to decide what to do. I do not oco how we are to avoid yielding to them. We have no frieuds and apparently are helpless in the mutter." "Is the queen rtgent in favor of ac cepting IheinV" "Personally, no doubt eho iH," au- wered Senor Ojeda, "But she will be guididbv the government nid the cor tes, and ikIkkIv can tell what the eorl, will d(. t am net a politician and have no idea." ' If Spain accepts," the coriispondrnt inquired, "how long will Iho commission UT" "In that cane," Senor (ijsda trspond ed, ' theie will icmsiii only matters ol detail to settle, for which seven or eight sittings should siillice." "Waa I hero any inference In the American communication to tho Culun debt?" was asked. "None whatever," replied the secre tary, "but our auswrr net Wednesday or Thursday may refer to it. No article of a treaty has yet t een finally drawn." "Has Amoticasked for one of the Carolines?" "Yes. She proposes to buy a small coaling station there." Senor Ojinla'a demeanor was that of a man much depiessed. The Spanish wcim prepared lor Amoiica's insistence on the demand lei the Philippines, but an riii 1 1 i-od id t l.o (..nil id 'tho Intent propoiiiion, vi'liMlly in an tilli ma. inn. and si n Imt IthiM lont-ider ihe inadi ipiaUi mi eiot on lined Somebody Was Imposed t'pon. Wa-iiim.ion, Nov 22. V Paris hub let:n niit out s'.ionly .i:er noon on .vion- day utiiioiiuciiig that Souoi Moutero Kios Imi le'u-nd lo continue the pence nego ti.i'iona wa not sent Irxm Parts bv the corrispomfeM ol the Associated Press. It ;is in t t-ent will, lr knowledge, or by bis aent. The mesago was received over l!i wires id the Coinpsgnit) Fran- caio dr do Cables Tclegraphiquea (the French Telegraph-Cable I'ompaiij : and it appears on inquiry, that I no cable sheet handed in st the Pans ulliee was indoieed in ihe name of the Paris corre spondent of Ihe Associated Press. The cable company was iiuosid upon. The Revolt Is 5crlous. N'aw Vi'iiK, Nov. 22 A dispatch lo the llcmld fiom Panama says: I . a t e advicei, horn Salvador via Nicaragua in dicate that tlie revolt ii nioro serious than a, fust thought. It may involve all t tin live stales in a general conflagra tion. Ac.jrdiii to advices, the lesl object of the uiuveiiieut is tho overthrow of the federal repul lie, w hich was organised Novi'iiiIki 1 at Aui.tpala. To accomplish this KvmIi.Ioh called in the aid of liautemala and Coeta Pica, w ho always viewed the union of Salvador aud Hon duras 113 a constsnt uieiiaco to its sov erignty. The rebels ate in pottfction of all the departments, w ilti tho exception ol La Union and San Mittuel, the latter a stronghold of ll .'r icio illavicent io, who i a candidate in opposition to Be galado. 'Iho federal government is hurricPy mo!.iii.iiig iti forces to march against Kogalados. Honduras sou ls 4000; Nic aragua, 100, aud tho federal district of Salvador 21)00. Tho movement is backed by capitalists, who are well-known mill tary men. A cable c wiorahip has beon established at 1. 1 l.i'iortH I. Storm Moves Northward. Ciiu Nov. 22. The severe storm has moved northward, and is central to day over the I'ppor Lake region, ut- temiel with rain or snow over the Weht em Lake region aud the bio, Mississip pi and .Missouri valleys. A cold wave is moving forward in the rear of the storm, I cing felt today as far eastward as Lake Michigan, Illinois and Indiana It is au unusuallv severe cold wave for thM season of the year, but it is moder uting somewhat iu the northern Pocky mountain region. Every road running into Chicago from tho West and Northwest reports more or lees delay to trains on account of blu zards Very few vessels have loll Chicago since yesterday morning. The Cost of a European War. What iho cost of a European would be in men and money is can-fully calculated in a book by a war very Pol iah publicist, M. Bliokh. It ia estimated that Europe pays year ly for tho maintenance of its fleets aud armies the sum of $1,225,000,000, aud nearly as much again iu the guisu of iuterusl in debt contracted lor the proBtciition of foreign wars. Put the coat of the future European war from the tirst day of mobilization would be incomparably greater than (he price of the uj'uratiou8 for it, however vast. Tho daily expenditure needed for u con flict in which the five Continental great powers were engaged would amount to over $20,000,000. In other words, tho annual cost of this K.iio;eau war, exclusive of indirect lot: es, would roach the fantastic total of over $S, o00,( K)0,000. But if, as experts believe, thin Titanic combat would last (or two years the ruin of Iho belligerents would bo complete and irreparable. Loudon Leader, County Treasurer's Notice. Notice ii hereby given to all parties holding Douglas county warrants in dorsed prior to July 10, 1805, to present tho same at the treasurei's office iu tho court house for payment, as inter est wili ceauu thereon after the date of this notice. Dated this tho 21st day of Nov. 18U8, at thu City of Koaeburg, Oregon. (itO. W. Dl.MMllK. County Treasurer, Douglas County, Or, Improvement Expected. The ma:l service between Koseburg and Marshfiuld lias not always beon just as it should be during the winter months, but tho depaitiuont is going to investi gate Iho matter, and improvements will undoubtedly ho made soon. The Navy'a Hrror of Judgment, 1 here Is evidently nothing lo do with Ihe Teresa but lake off the guns and leave the hulk lo I e iKiunded to plecee by tho hicikrr and furnish lelics lor Ihe Cat Islanders to enrich lhciiiaclwi by ellingtt'o touiists'for Ihnlr w right In gold. It ia unlucky that there waa not a crew of bluejackets with a naval officer i u command oil her. She was In the hands of a wrecking company, and the only officer ou board was a naval reset vs mail. If a MiCalla or a Walnw right had Ik'su in command the result'iiilght have been different. This was an error ol judgment on the part; of, the navy de partment, and the less said about It the hotter. It wai unfortunate that not one of those tine ships should lo saved. Bui their riddled, burned, warped and hoe Ism condition Is iTceiiitlcate to the per fection c( American gunmry. That must be enough. New York Commer cial Advertiser. And Lilly, Too. NS I IHMImii, Nie. ;' .- Ex IJiiei i L'linoksl nil, ill 1 1 a Mil, airived iol (roiti 1 1 mi. .Hi t n , ,it .mi (.min d bv l' l- otiel ti. W. Mcl'il Uno II. m Paul Neiiinan. Ibe i vqueon sxcused hr solt, from newspaper men, but it was learned that LlliiiokUui w id leave for Washington in a tew days The object of her visit is lo Ity ami In lliumce conurea t i si ow her lo letmn pcHtcssiolt of thy cr.ian Isnds, estimated at $.',IH 0,000. Lilltiokalaui maintain- that despiie the annexation uf the lis wanau it-lthds to the I'nited States, Ibe crown lauds v her ahsol.itci piiva'e propcity, and lhat Ibis country ha no more right to assume ownership of lbs lands than it bus lo tako tho piopoity ol any private citizen. The contention ol President Dole, the cabinet aud the lUwaiuu commission that the crown lands became p.iit of the I'nited State upon tho annexation of tho islands, she takus exception to, and la hopeful lhat her trip to Washington will result Dually iu the crown lauds again becoming her private possessions. Farmcr'sl nstitutc. CoiuAi.t in, Nov, 21. The agricultural college authorities have be couviucod that farmers' institutes are most effeit- ive ageocice in introducing improved farming methods aud promoting a spirit of investigation among Ihe agriculturists of Oregon. Au unusually extended schedule of iustitutea, to lie held in vari ous parts of the stale, is now Iwiog pre pared. So far na arranged it is as fol lows in Southern Oretcon: Ashland December li aud 7. lirauts Pass IVice-mber ! and 10. Kiddle lkneiuln'r 12 ami I.!. Ujseburg letvmler I'i and 10. Apron Strings.' flow's This? We offer One Hundred Dollars Ueward for any case of Catarrh that eanuol be cured bv Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. J. CHENEY A CO., Proiw. Toledo.!). We the uudersignnd tiave known F. J. Cheney (or tho last 1 5 vears, and lielieve him perfectly honorable iu all business transactions and financially able to car ry out any obligations made by their tlrui. West A Truax, Wholesale I'riigginls, Toledo. O. Walding, Kinuau Marvin, Whole salo Druggists, Toledo, Ohio. Hall's Catarrh Cure, is taken lutnriml ly, acting directly upou tho I) I 'Hid and mucous surface of the system. Price 7oc per bottle. Sold by all druggists. Test nionial i free. Bargains! Hargalnsll Bargains!!! In pianos, organs aud musical goods. Bicycles new and second hand at the lowest prices possible. I have also k'ot about thirty thousand feet of lumber which 1 have taken iu trade for goods, and will soil cheap, as I am not iu the lumber business, T. K. UlUMHIihON, Koseburg, Or. Notice. Positively no hunting, fishing or other wise trespassing on the fair grounds. S. C. B.uina-!. Oil, How Thankful Pain Was Maddening nnd Hopo Had Boon Abandoned - Wondor fui Result3 of Purifying tho Blood. "A very severe pain cainu In my left knee, w liiih jrrew worse and worse, and Anally a soro l:rokc out above the knee. It discharged a great deal and the pain from my thigh down wan maddcnlnir. Largo, hard, purple spots appeared on my leg. I suffered In this way for years, and gavo up all nope of ever being cured. My wife was reading of a cuho llko iiiluo cured by Hood's HarHaparllla, and slio advised mo to try it. I began taking it and when J had ucd a tew bottleH I found relief from my suffering. Oh, how thankful I am for this relief ! I am utronger than I have ever been Iu my life. I ara in tho best of health, havo a good ippetite and am a new man altorfothtr ' P. Moors, Lisbon Falls, Maine. Hood's spaS io best- In fa''t the (Jim Truo Plmul I'liriiVr. HOOd'S Pills miiu nil liver UN.,:,, Notice for Publication. I'.niiu Ktitsi Land Ofhck, Koxvljurg, Oregon, Nov. II, lh'jh. Notice U hereby Riven thu! tho following nuncil Dottier lias lilcl notice of bin luteutlim to insko lluul proof in nupixirt of h clalnj, ami Hint Mid proof will be nin4u Ix lore lint lU ulnlur A Kc.ce.lvcr, U. H. I.iiiul Ullicc. at Itoncburir Uru- Ijon, on January In, iwjx.viz: jir.isnr a, ivum.ii. On II. K. No. VMU for tho HK'i HWji. W'i bk'l , H W ' N K ! ii Hec. Tp. iS. M K, li Wwt. flu riHiiiea the follow Inn wltui'Mea In prove, hi con- unuoiin rusnienco uimu nan ciiiiIvhIIoii uf unlit lauu, VI; K'IKr Walker, 11. K. A'liiini J. M OIIJHM anu w. IV Walker, all of Dlllanl, Ore Kl'll. 1. T. IIItllM.tH,' lli'KMvr. liJlt., " . . . ..... ... . ...I HI w ii. I s ri' i p mi in" a lady with u View lo mailing - Pli'as a, l,,.s Sam Mini, No. ;ilt:l Kasl Wseblngom. m Port land. Oivgon. KeititMiilKir llial lr. Slrango Im n let- maiient resident of Koseburg, and is not here liiuinorsiilv. that lie fully warrants all Ida woiksind ia here at all liim a to make good his guarautiis ol nil dntilia try. They Are Knu t'livii liioft tin. I miix' Hi., nil I0.etunlt"i ENCLISH Iiicoi ,iiiiU-l tiiitlt-r v i.itwit r 'lllt nlit V l.nlnlillolircl l v '! -flv 1- Y-mi. A part of the stall of the KuKlish ami (ietinaii lv'otl Specialists ami Dr. Meyers ec Co., will make their regular numthl' visit to ROSEBURC. Thursday, December isl, itS;8. They nill beat the MeCI.AI.U'X IKH'Si:. iiMMt i.T.eriiiN ais nit i. t in i.. Anions lliv Allmi'iilN I'liftil l lite i:hkIII 'OKI . riniin npvt liilislM r- llir I oIIomIiiki llilKht ln- ' slid nil oili,-, i..hhoI tin M.lio lu-i I Ii:il'l' ' iiio k'llv I tif, ileill. f.ll... II. .Mil", Hi all, Moinni Ii, -)e, lio, "Win tin-1 N.lvi A ' 1 1" I-' ' i lliel IIIinhI. IIIikkI l .il .ii ii. i-rriiiiila ( alnrrh, IuikiIiIH . . i i -i i i . i i-I u . Iii.-i; liiti- -ilniui. ii. . Hi. i llnoiil an. I I 1 1 1 1 Imiitti. Iiiiiioo,".. Iikoiiii.m, v'i ' ' h"l . I . i. .!); Kui't'lre. lij-" ill. rjf, l't- .0. Ni nil,:m. lib. iiiiihIImii, miHiii.I -nnMni 1...1U.. 1 1 in.'. i . in I'lmiil'. Illl'lil'lUu limiUii I r.iil.le . I'lli-. KlliU, (Hh-.iiji KlnK W . 1 . n . I : t I 1 ' " I'l'iinii, 4 in at lie mi. I l.l'iuor llalilt. IUhIiuIh', t i)in !n". nl. I n w 1 '. 1 " . I.lilt Sloiir. Kv'i'liin. I': I. It , llim kte fl. I'mii 1. li . mil lil'.lli' I'.' " " :' I'll MK Xr.lL A l i ruie Si iuni l. I.illljf, b..l Mtiihi.l ..t nil I 1 1 .11. I'i" u U" III..' ioiiibl'I..iI I.I.mmI ih..i.ii. ..inrkli Mint e. rrnnll' llt!v. Hlfl nl r j- 1 1 1 ' ''' - 1 lo KnKl'"U '"! '" ri.noi Ki rl .-m riioiii. met Hr. (Icni'.i r.t jr "i-'i-reliable, but arc ri.nioiinbii', Ifini; bai ki'l by ainplu 1 apila! ami bl 1 una:.'! lll'iaHi Hlilrh hair l.MI. 'I llnnVill ol olio r (! b U"" mil '. iil.Uuiil u'i I onllnar iniUuiiu . liiflli'Mn aii.I ai'l'liniue", an' ijiih kit iiilnhi"! 1111 I nmb n U t'jr l'- iftiil.nctor. 1 lu bM- Ibe larv lnl In l vi 111 pi"-' I iiiflli'iil lii.llnitloii ill Am. in Cll uii IIic lluilum v Itvn llicy t onir All mliint !! l...u:.l .' ib lib ami Kerinaii KiH fl ulali'a A friendly Inlk, ttbu li rnu !. tun l iinlbin.:. I-. renill in a mini .1. a cl A". ili. tin 1 It. utitn nl IIOMi: Ct'MllH W till, tl ! .:tli table ainHleriiia'1 KiT-fli,Ilt bse iii.-l tbiMi.aii'liot '"i.oii lioi.i tin oe o..r -.u II y.1'1 1 aiiiiot m'c tin .to. lom uihii tiir boinr i.ttu'i' lor , it. ill. 'ii ii-i u 1. 111 K ..u l : jour aili.ii'til. loiok lor mi 11 and iii 11 aii l lr em e aii't 0II1. 1 .Ii nlnn; Willi I'tili. nl' or inii'ielu v .tn 11 1 r . . in I. n: .1! Teriaanucl rrlrm Wlllilu THE ENGLISH AND GERMAN EXPERT SPECIALISTS 7JI Market St., 5an I ranilsco. The Uniform quality uf the work manship iu our elothiutf is one of its strong points. Kach K"111-'111 i-s ;ls carefully cut and tailored throughout as though made to order. Sec our new Pall Suits. mi JOSEPHSONS. F. M. Beardc3 309 Jackson Street Has added to his stock of Hardware, a line liiu; of Coffee, Tea, Making Powder aud all kinds uf Spices, Cocoa aud Chocolate, Tobacco aud Cigars; Sugar and Salt. New Goods. New Prices. Hudson Mills & Lumber Co. liavu opened n N. tv l.ilinber Yiml oil the i'ioiiihIh formerly iu!iiii1i-,1 by tli.i Mark Wiin hoiiHe, iu Urn foul ol 0,1k Hind. Wil l, t'A KltY A I I I.I, KIOl K OK FIRST'CLHSS LUMBGR, We me prepareil lonhe you ll. in r l.iiiubi'r uml I on, r i',i,-, limn any liitiiber ilcnli r In Ihe i lly "u tunny mum yon 10 lull HOHOIil'Uti, OU. M i Ol Mill Oil' III H. mi y bv l: - '. i t : I' It'l' HI- I . tl I ' .1. . . - l Ml I ' , ig out Call ,V"i" a "ii ai - "u " 1 '" ' ' "" i f li'l' v I, In I II .;" MV'it.i v j "" "" 1 " llillll I- lo I mm II r III' ,11 II. I elmks and i . , " s"ld at i loi-n prices, Abmiliili'ly ilurina out. aud bo convinced. Mmaronl In mm pound Igler's grocery. iiiitii.iiin at Coming! EXPERT 5 Irom Die M..H. ..I i ..Ii. in Hi. U. ! lit I . 1.1 I.' l.o ; 111. 1 1. 1 ts Ink. 11 01 11. '1 in lili.ll ln'nil" In " If.i.iO. II" l'il''. t... on nny 'll - All I rf r : -! - ll-uvli l All. and &U '5 ivi l: - r .'metP Aft ' 'j.--- ' ill 1 j SllOeS naKe :riCiuls are the only kind we wish to sell. They are the only kind we do sell, and with each pair we sell we make a new friend. They are not only stylish hut good clear through. See our Shoe line. Him hee oiii I iiiiiI.i , IMI, PERKINS d BLEDSOE