The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, November 21, 1898, Image 1

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    Vol. XXIX.
Modaly Mealluga.
II P.O. kl.Krf, llOMMIHMtl UHMIK. HO. Bin
lmll ihrlr regular Miiiiitiuiilnailoiii al Ilia
i.ii.ii, r. nmi mi M'lKincj mii imirin luurauai
If Mt ii miMilh, All ini'inln're rtHjiiraUMl lo at
ii'Mt romitnily, and nit vlslllng briillivra our
Mally Invited li n. 11.1
1.111. i.. iiAUi.r.r, Ei K
I II A II IliDIU.K, .cniery,
I vK .l.4H i'iI'Hi H No. .1 J II, O. II. A. M.,
' in.'.u i-n.ix uln M)f evening at I
iiiiiuii'in ni rurmiiiiy niviiuii it, mii'ini,
I!. II. SNHilH,
us i, w, I'miiiy. (miiir-ilur,
lU'i nl'llHM H'l n lUI J .
r AUIIKI. I.OIHlR. A. F. A A. M . liKUUhAI
iiikhumh tlio M ami 4th Wwluondara In
'mr.H mniiiu.
t II KK Jull.NHON, W. M.
U. I. Jkmr, '.
nllll.hlAUAN U).UK. NO. 8. I. O. O. f,
iiivi'U MaluriUy evening of eavh link al
Unit lill lii K l'l K'lluw Imuiila Hi Ituaaburg.
MiiiiIhus til ha order III good standing araluvll-
ti ui miuiMi. 4, iv, ni NAril'&i r. u.
N. I. Jsvtai I, tfim'y.
huh u tlio second aud luurlU Honda) s ol
im ii niiMiin at p. in. at una ruiiowe ntu,
Members l Hie older lu good standing are tit
lied lo Sllolld.
I UNO POHT. NO, 0. A. H.. MKCTM Till
' Dial unit tliinl Tliursilar ol each mouth,
m -' i. in.
niKi mm iiiira rnuajs lu ecn aiouia.
ROHK1IIM1U ill An KR, NO. I. M. K. II., MBIT!
lliu i. mi mid ililfl Thursday ol each
K K 1 1 N A It AM, (wo jr.
On Kill' III I MVIHION NO 47, B. Of L. B
t un.cU cvcij second mid tuurtu Muuday.
A l.l'HA UHMIK, NO. 47, K.
or P.. alKITS
evt VWlicUr evening ill Odd Fallows
1111. W.UIIJrf mi m ii l 111 l uuiu w
Daily luviiod u mmtl.
I'nMt'MluunI l'Nrl.
.li'lRuB M. bRilWH.
riu. riva mrrm
LiMitns 7 mid H
In A WlUoa Hlut'k.
Attorney and Cuuniwilor at Law,
Will i r.Mr in H ilia cioiU of th BUU. W-
lu Mibn llalldliu, Umiflu uvatf.Or.
s; M. HAMDY,
ll. v i. vi Hiilldln :,
1r;t iiniii' Nil I. UO.KIIt'liU, OKKUON
Attorney at Law,
UvhirA Wll.nn lllk. IIOHBBUIUI, OKKUOH
liu-illlh 1 lllhl '1
llivleiv lltnllliii!
KO-Elll'K'., OHEUoN
m. cnAwionD,
Attorney at Law,
Uojuin I .V S, Mmtlcrt 11U1., KOHIHUKO, DBs.
M cylluidiicu U luro ilia I'.U. Lud OfQc mid
luliiiiiil cmi'i ik upt'dally.
l.ulo liixotvi t U. 8. iud 0ce.
Northern Pacific Railroad Company.
Aio milium lickota to nil points Kat at
liul( ttio rt'Ktilur rulci.
1). 8. K. Blick.
l.iKiil Acuut No. MarHlers buildiDK.
OKK10K, M) Jm k.oli Hlrci'l, t ri'
lili.iico ol Mra. J. lllrivr.
Surgeon and Homooopathio
Hotaburi, Urgo, .
MBrUhmnl lUiwrn (poUUy.
1". J, ItonJ, practical
gffJV-Sf wiilcuuittKer. ruop io
Fl'aiw hi I i"1-1 ex press alike, next to
i hit AUrkH tiuiUlina, UoBuburn, OreRon.
WatoluiH, clocks niul jewelry rupalred
in a HkilKtil inauuer at reaaonablo prices.
A Mimo o( tlio publio patronage so
U. KOIlLIIAdnN, Proprietor,
resh and Salted Meats,
y -r---
MM. l. U. efcCLALLEN, Prop.
f 01 TSA7XUI79 UVJ,
lanm. Vina HmhU biwum
ft 'Bui to ftud From Tral p. tCDZBTfit,
Great Bargains
At Denn's Variety Store...
Sec our Special Bargains
in Glassware. Lemonade
Sets, Afternoon Tea Sets,
I' ancy Glasses, and tout
TINWARB. Hcll iihMW uo biKkalu, idi,
blrxkatn, breadboxt. VIA.
WOOD an WILLOW WARS, ( hopplns
powia, uniirr muiiian na imm, Bruwo
la lunch bukeli, leloer, tticlitU,
U1 HHim
STATIONERY. Hedurr.1 tticra ou all na
llouiry, ixoctii, pviia, tok, muelUss ate
CHINA. Breour rcll tirlcca ou alt C'bloa
llavllaoa Cblua dinnar aud Ina uti,
r ml porrvlalo and irooalooa clnua din
ner ana ia mi, tmporidd enlua llr
nuou ta mu, rupa and aaucera, jelly
uiinci, uuiivr oiiiv, viv
NOTIONS. Hair pint, ldo cvmb, ucvdlci
pin, tollei tuap, etc.
We do just as ws advertise. Al
tbete tilings art) to be bad at the
lowest cash prices at
Denn's Variety Store,
Roscburg, Oregon.
ran spigs
Oonnlae Coanty, Urcsjou.
Tba walcrt of thoa Hnrlnn contain : lodlna.
Bmnilna , I 7-1 , I t
and Llmo aud t'blurldci ol Calcium, Masnoalnui
and Sodium.
Otia flnrlni contain! ClJ and tho other OTcr
WO iralni of mild mailer lo toe gallon.
Located ou (ho Southern VaclUo Railroad,
'Hhatta rout" from Han Frauuluio u Portland.
In Douglaa County, Orccou.
Asitraratod caata of Naial Ca-
tarrli, Catarrh of tba Htoraach. Uynpapila, Dla
bvtrn, Neuralila, Malarial Polaonlna-, Kid nay
Troublo, Conatlpallou, Dlaraatt of the Hkln,
Liver aud Uowela, and Vanerval dlKaac hay
beu curad by Uio uao of thvaa water.
Naw bath room MnnniM with tha main
bulldltiK. PiHtofflceaud Kipretaou lh prim
lava. Dally mall, uorla aud toutli.
Term a ltd ner woak. IJ tw-r rtw Inrlmtlna
The Hotiil Ii under tha Immadlata nnrla.
ni7ta7 Maoarar.
Want Your
Crockery and
Lament aud Fluent Auortiueut
eve ibrounut to ttuiuburg
Alio a coinilete lluuol choice
All kinds of Country Produce
mns. N. BOYD
New Store 1
Staple and Fancy
Country Produce Bought and Sold
Low Prices! Free Delivery
Fall and
Winter Goods
Just Received
mm and More
Call and Examine our Mammoth stock.
The People's Store
I. ABRAHAM, Prop'r.
A complete line of
Dry Goods. Clothing, Boots & Shoes,
Furnishing Goods, Hats, Caps, Capes, Jackets,
and a tine line of Millinery Qoods.
Everything New, purchased
manufacturers, especially for the Eall Trade.
Call aud cxaimine Goods and Prices.
Health is
Pure Fresh Drugs
Filled Accurately
And With Dispatch.
A Full Line of Patent fledicines and
Toilet Preparations
Special Sale
Great.R.S,f Furniture
$75 Bed Room
5 44 44
44 44
A Fiue Line of Chairs, formerly $1.50, now $1.00.
Now is the time to get Big Values.
Call, examine and be convinced.
Alexander & Stroag.
New Qoods! J
i r
for Cash direct from Eastern
Wealth !
Suit for $35
44 4 2T.50
44 44 2 5
Moralizes on the Result
of the lections
The People of the SUte are
Generally Employed and Not En
gaged In Complaint.
La Gsahds, Not. 10. 3oreroor-EIect
T. T. Goer, who visited frlemU bere res
terdey, was much interested iu ibe new
development of Ibis corirjly, now list be
ginning. In discussing the recent elec
lions witb ao Otegonlan representative
be said:
"While la recent rears it bs lcoine
somewhat onasusl fur a president to be
attained Ly tbe popular elections dur
ing Ibe first balf of bis term, I was not
surprised by tbe expression of tbe
American people lavt Toesday. Neither
tbe free-giver man nor the popu
Hat ever prom ol gated bis peculiar ideas
on tbe money question, txcept as a
remedy fcr hard time. He discovered
ao ailment and proposed an alleged
remedy but before be bad an opportunity
to apply bis remedy lb ailment bad dis
appeared, and this year le found bituielf
io ibe role of a j tack dvjetor preaching
to a community enjoying health that is
giatilyioKly robust.
''The decided stand Uken ly ibe Wei-t-
ern states sod especially by California and
Wasbiogton In following tbe example set
by Oregon last June, in iavor of a oon-
fiuctosting currency, is an advanced
step in support of tbe beat interests of
every citlxen ol the United fttaiea. This
is trne not only aa to tbe money ques
tion, but tbe emphatic expression of the
people of the great Middle Went and of
the Pacific states in favor of maintaining
American supremacy over territory se
cured through tbe loss of Americas
Llood and treasure, means tbe 1 ztecsion
of American trade, the upbuilding of do
mestic industries, and an improved con
dition of oar people generally... .. ,
"Ye, I have been around tbe state a
good deal lately, and the people general
ly are busily employed, and not eogaged
In that meaaars of complaint that char
acterized them a few years sgo, I do not
find sny idle men anywhere.
"In the business activity that perme
ates the state at present, I think no
county is ahead of Union, aud her nat
ural resources, coupled witb that enter
prise si ber citizens that baa started ber
magnificent sugar factory, will keep ber
well in tbe front rank among the coun
ties of this, tbe best sUie in tbe Union."
A riyrtle Creek Man Has Some Good
To tub Koirou: In tbe I'laixdaleb
ol Nov.l4b, I saw an item suggesting
tbst Oregon pruues properly grown and
properly dried might come to tbe front,
but if poorly grown aud badly dried tbey
would come into disrepute. There facts
I have noticed tor several years.
Firstly, the trees, especially in the old
orchards, are too close together to give
proper sunshine and nutriment to pro
duce a good-sised prune, and especially
when tbe tree is allowed to get too much
top. Secondly, my experience for the
last forty years in constructing arches
for generating steam, kiln for drying
lumber, etc., shows a defect in tba mode
of heating the dryers. Also my experi
ence in constructing Hues to cause a cur
rent of air to take powder and smoke cat
of deep mining shafts shows me tbsl the
beat wasted from tbe pipes running up
outside of tbe dryer, is sufficient, it tboss
pipes were run up inside ol a tall hot air
escape flue, to create a draft that woul 1
take tbe air and steam from (he fruit
chamber so rapidly that tbe fruit would
not even feel moUt. Whereas, lu tbe
common box dryer the air and steam
hangs like a fog, stands on Ibe fruit,
mixes with tbe sugar cr eaturine matte'
tod drips on to tbe crown sheet, w asting
tbe heft, burning and smoking Ibe fruit
and it cornea out black, smoked and
sticky, to go aa second, third or fourth
rate, 01 rejected entirely io the market.
Instead of tbe air going op through the
dense mass of prunes from one tray to
another to steam and black the fruit, the
current of air should go lengtbwite of
tbe kiln betweeu tbe tray, and tbe warm
or hot atr cannot 110 to rapidly to take
away lbs moisture ss fast aa it comes
eot, Isaviog tbe fruit cleau and bright.
All of the old drjere and nearly all tbe
new ones have been const ructed without
a knowledge of the two piinclples, name
ly, generating aud applying heat to tbe
best advautage, and creating a current
of air, tbe two essential principles iu
drying anything.
Wood cannot be bnrut to advautaite
without grates. A set of four foot grates
with an ash pit or air rooms below, aud
a bridge wall rising from the grates for
two feet, to within teu inches of the
crown sheet, thou contiuuo a gradual
rise to tbe opposite end ol the dryer to
wilhln four Indies ol the crown aheot,
bugs the heat up wheie It nhotiM be and
boms most or all of tbe smoke. From
thence rrtaroing in pi pel to tbe linide
front of the dryer ti be pad npward
through a sheet iron floor that separates
tbe hot air chamber from the frnit
chamber, and loti the hot air escape
floe that tbe air and steam from the
Slid of tuw fruit uiinjhr opens into.
Thus, instesd of the moiet air from the
fruit having to push its way op through
cold air, tbe pipes heat thnair in the
eirape flue, cauaing a draft that creates a
swift enrrent of air constantly passing
through tbe frnit chamber to take away
the moisture ae fast as it exodee from
the frnit so tbst it will not drip or hel
tnoiat. Witb ao rapid a enrrent tbe air
Is changed ao fast that there 1 very
little danger of burniog the frnit.
Tbe plan for conetroetiog a fruit drysr
that I have in this article set forth is
not haeed on untried theories, but on
principles well known to those w bo are
versed in caloricaa. It is at wood er
that fruit men have rat and tried and
worked in tbe dark all this time for
want of knowledge of tbe right princi
ple to work on. When we think ol tbe
old school pbjsiciane that went on hun
dred of years killing fever patients by
keeping water from them, and only
within a few years found out their error
and adopted enree baaed on correct
Any person intending to build a new
dryer or wishing to alter over their old
one can see a draft or plan by calling on
John R. Dicks three miles east of Myr
tle Creek Tillage, who will lake pleas
ure in explaining one that I left witb
him. Or if aayone wishes a draft plan
and explanation can have one by ad
dressing me at Myrtle Creek, for just
what time Is worth to do the work in
pencil, drswn to a scale.
Wilson Hildketh,
Myrtle Creek, Or.
Oakland News.
(from tbe Gazette.)
Judge Lyons wss iu Oakland Tbars-
Frank Raymond returned from Glen-
dale Thursday.
Mrs. Mary Smith ia reported quite
sick at ber borne on Maple street.
Mrs. V. L. Bcuard and Miss L-xs'e
Cooper arrived from California Thurs
day morning. -
, There will be , TbanksgiFUtg eeivkea
st St. Clemeot'e church 00 that morn
ing, conducted by tbe Rev. John Daw
Mrs. Lillian Brown and children left
Wednesday morning for San Francisco,
where Mr. Browo will engage in busi
ne. We are pleased to nolo that Judge
Russell's health has so far improved
asto permit bim to spend a few hours
each day in bis office.
Judge L. R. Stearns, of Portland, is
in Oakland. Tbe Judge has greatly
improved in bealth, which will be grat
ifying news to his many fsieods through
out the state.
I W. Reidle, of Portland, arrived
Thursday morning. Mr. Reidle aays
the Oakland cement ia all right and that
tbe industry will be etat ted as soon as
all arrangements are complete.
Drain News.
(From Tbe Watchman )
Toe ladiee of Drain and vicinity take
great pride in the culture of choice
J. C. McCallister aud Miss Mae Zum
wait went to Roseburg Sunday for a
biief visit, returning Tuesday.
Miss Lura Hefty finished a successful
three months school at Comstock Fri
day and has returned to her home in
tuU city.
Senator A. W. Reed of Gsrdiuer, came
over on Tuesday's stage and left Wed
nesday morning for Portland and San
An tld-fasbioned wool picking wss
gieally enjoyed by a large cumber of
the friends of Mrs. Jennie Applegate, at
her borne Friday evening.
The Mystery Social to be given by tbe
Epworib League, baa been postponed
until Thanksgiving evening, and will be
held at the Boarding Hall. A general
invitation ia extended.
There will be Thanksgiving services
at the Methodist church next Thursday
at 11 o'clock. A "Tbauksgiviuit Offer
ing" will be taken for tbe widows and
orphans of worn-o it ministers.
Miss Mae Zumwali, of Siuslaw, of the
class of '07, spent a day at the Normal.
She has just completed a term of school
al Scottaburg and is available for another
W. M. Moore and bia sister, Mrs. KUa
Biker went to Eugene Sunday for a few
days visit. Mrs. Baker baa been a
guest of ber pareuta and many friends
bere for several weeka and will return
to her home in La Grande at the expire
tiou ol ber visit in Eugene.
Friday evening, Mian Dora Myera waa
pleasaotly surprised by a few of ber
friends, in honor of ber birthday. The
evening waa spent In a pleasant manner
and at a seasonable hour a dainty lunch
waa served and tbe guests departed.
having bad a most eujoyable lime and
wishing their friend "many happy re
turns of the day."
Not 72.
State Press Comment.
Albany Ilemiirraf : hpaiu has formal
ly demanded more money for th Philip Well, let her itet It. II she
thinks she I in a big enough navy, it ia
for her to ppi'li in ami la thrui away
from u. i'urweasion is blue points, and
we hare possession.
Ashland Tidings: Tim Nicaragua
ctnal proposition is a decided gainer by
the elections of I ant week. Turpie, ol
Indiana, who has been a violent and
incesssnt opponent of the canal, will be
succeeded by a republican, who will lie
in favor of this most neceasary measure
of federsl legislation. t '
Portlsnd Telegram: General Miles,
before tbe recent war, waa regarded aa a
superannuated popinjay, who had oat
lived bis usefoloess. lit was nnderesti
mated, for oDce a I ravp. eallant soldier.
alwaya one, until taps sounds for bim.
At a banquet iu ew ork, Tuesday
night, the general encku of thi irovum-
menl's duty toward i's new dependents
in Cubs, in a manner reflectimr brillant
politico-economical light, as well aa a
groat philanthropic heart. Miles has
proven himself a t l-ar headnd statesman
ss well ss an admirable American sol
dier. It appears that it onlv renniri
opportunities to exhibit the intellectual
suonmity of our people.
Elkton Notes.
(From The Wall lininu.)
Coas. Coffin and wif moved to Sh llh
River, where Ihey expect to resile in
the future.
The Cooper Mill has been nndercoinir
a rbange recently, some new machinery
oeiog aUdexl in order to im Drove its
working capacity.
Miss Laura Gardiuei'n school, of th
fcuiitb district, has cloeed and she baa
relumed to her home near Drain. Miss
Gardiner baa made many friend here,
who regret her depaiture.
D DuVorj ntiippe. I a carloa l of flue
Oregon apolae (roui here to New York,
Hi 11 week.
W, II. Newman has returned fr.itn
Camas Valley, where ltd hits hem fur
some weeks.
Mra, L. Ii. Uaraters aoui jrhildeti re
turned Monday from a week's visit with
her mother in EugeLe.
On Huoiiugton 11 down with tbe
meaules, aud so unable to attend Drain
Normal for a few djyn.
Meeting-) are Using cotiducted in
Limb's Hall, by Jas. .Moore and A.
Pngb, of the Chriatian thn-ch.
Yoncalla P. O. w moved Wednerday
from II. D. Yell's building to the new
buil ling just erected for lht p trpoae,
by J. G. Gamier.
M'ss iJa Waunley has just received a
beautiful bilk shawl from her l)-othr.
Charley, of the Oregon Volunteers. It
was Bent from Honolulu.
Tne little four yrar ol 1 eon of II.
Mooney fell down tho stairs of their new
houre at Mooney 's mil', last Sundav.
end broke one arm. Dr. Cloaca reduced
the fracture.
Wjrd couiej hit Mm Mitta Apple-
ga'e, who is attea'liii' school at Cor
vallig, ii a-triouMy id wi.U intisies. We
hope eh msy sooo reover and hi able
to go ou with her school work.
A new townsite, lo be named Placer
was surveyed last week on Grave creek'
Two storos are located there already,
and a quartz mili, that runs nijiht and
dav, is close by.
"Sweet Bells Jangled Out of Tune."
How much of woman's life banpineas is
lost for lack of harmony. A hundred sweet
tones ruir
by one little
note of
men who
ought to en
joy the per
fect h a p p i
ne of love.
and wifehood ,
aud mother,
bood are mis
erable from
one year's
end to the
other, be
cause of some weaknesa
or disease of tbe delicate
organism of their sea.
These delicate com
plaints, which make a
lanslinfr dissonance of so'
many lives, are not bv
any means a necessity of womanhood.
They may be overcome and completely
eradicated under judicious treatment
There ia no need of repugnant examina
tions. There is no need of resorting to any
unauthorized medicament compounded by
an unskilled, uneducated person. Doctor
Pierce's Favorite Prescription cures the
troubles of tha feminine organism posi
tively, completely and safely.
For nearly yo years Dr. R. V. Fierce has
been chief consulting physician of the In
valids' Hotel and Surgical Institute, of
Buffalo, N. Y. He is an eminent and expert
specialist in this particular field of practice.
Any woman may write to bim witb perfect
confidence, and will receive, free of charge,
sound, profession.-:! advice and suggestion
tot self-treatment by which 99 out of 100
cases of female complaint, even of the most
obstinate kind, may he completely and per
manently cured. Addreaa bim as above.
" Whit I waa living at Kagla Rock, Hotetourt
Co., Va.," wrllr. Mra. O. A. Connor, of Allrgh.
any (Spring, Montgomery Co., Va., "a lady
friend came to me ami uid: ' My daughter, agca
15 years, haa repeated hemorrhagr. at the uuae,
and she haa never had the necruary iudlsposU
lions of womanhood.1 I ad vine J her to art Dr.
Pierce's Favorite Prescription. The lady pur
chased on bottle and it cured her daughter.
Bbe waa well and happy when 1 left then."
Constipation ia the all .embracing cause
of ill health. Dr. Pierce'a Plcaaaut Pellets
curs it. They never gripe.
Hit n.