0 II HI H For Bargains Call at Caro Bros Boss Store. THE PLA1NDEALER NtlVKMHKlt 17. 18t)H. Iiank Fisher. (( Moniimiilli, in a guest nt the McOlallen. .loliu M, .l.n Uioii, ut Catiyouvllln, is in toft ii tliln week. .1. A. I'ihIki mimmI, nl I ijklHiul, na in tliu city thin k. U 1. Smith, "I Maraliltold it it guest at Hotel M.CUlK-n. UjImuI Powell, of Wilbur, leglstered a' I ho .MiCiallen titlrduy. Nee llm CUik light lap orchard culti vator ul Churchill V Wooltoy Tin' county i-oiiil ban lluitl.ed ilalahnre fur N vi ml'cr nrd bee iidjoiirncd. T. Willuma mul Vm. i:iiviit. ol lxku! I'l.i'B were in town yestorday. .1, I'. Mann sella llio bent Hour lu town mil priced ini ml iu'iI, quality cousid ered. I'.ll.vj "Ciy (or t'.mloiU" but tlioir hb:jn 1 1 r lor Oliver I'luwn thrv 111 lint llKVil lllt'lll. duo llion. lulu; ini their palious that limy hp' in intetpt ugaiii vl Clark's Spool t'oll-.'ii. Siiiiiu oM ptii'i'. Mih. K. I) Viuiili, woo Iihk Im'cii viittlK in UiuiiIa I'll'", lelurnrd to Host-bur, Monday lulit . 1'. I'. To'lcn. t( GVndal, made the Pi tlMil.AII.il H pleasant call wliila lo town yet'erdiy on lnm iiit-an. Mmi.ic'j license I1.11 been lesiied f tlm I'ouiily clerk linn week (or Carl F. I'yiiu mil AIuia C. K'onocker. Mrs. T. I'. Tompkin. and sou, who luiya I a on veiling 'I''1 Gillette for ov- ti rl weeks It'll (or lV'ti. Ilnton tbii morn ing. I'. I ii .". M. I., uitunU'r I'.ouril ol Pension F.iamint-rs, Ollico, Marelers building residing turner Main and Cass reel. Success comes lo those who persevere. K yon lake Hood Snrtaparllla faith ully and pjrnritontly, yo 1 will 11 jly Im benefitted. Mrs. S. TIi'-iiioh, ol Oakland, Or,, has returned lo her homo a(tr visit at tlio homo ol Mrs. -I. A. Chadwlck. Salmii Journal. Moro than 10,0iHI illivor Flows Hold ovmy year. Churchill Ac Woollay aie moro than selling thuir share of these celebrated plow in DoiiglaH. Mim I'aillu'ii.t I'. I'orior who luia for event! yi'nra l.'cun n popular milliner ill KoHob'im, wi'iit to I'urtuinil WudtieiiUy wlioru bho will mitor u privato Bthool. F. it. ('oIliiKiii, physiclitn ami inrgooo Olllco in Taylor A Wllnon block, reel duueo, Mi'Clallvu llouto. rrnfttoalonal culls lu town or country promptly ao Bwcrcnl nlulit or tiny. Mra. W. T. l.tilhcr who purcbaiicil the Kandy KlUhfii of O. F. Moce in tbia city, la now propriotor ot the l.utlier Ilouto ul 1'iii lllc tirove, t 'ul., a noted winter ifboit ol Ibut Ml.ito. Friday, Nov. lsib, tlio ladioi ol the V. C. T. I', will b'v h ".lapiDvaa tea pnrly." A ebort iroKrin and rofreih inuiita will bo eurved in tlio parlor of tbo M. K. Church. All ui cordially in- Vitod. A'llllilfliioll 10 ClIlltM. Thuro comi's rml roar from aoiue of (liu patrons of tlio public school on ac count of tho eugpunsiou of pupils from school (or h day or so us a punishment (or breaking rules. Mutter try u club noil time and keep tlio children in school. That's what school taxes are paid (or. Mis. l'kicuio Mviuguioi), who has beou vlbitinit relatives and friends here will no to Duimuiuii', to join her hus band, next Kiiturdsy, who is au engineer runnintt euuth from thoro now. fciue will bo ttccoiiipauled as far hs Asblaud by Mrs. W. II. I'reniion ami tlaughti r, who mo go Int; thuro to reside for about three months. Hamlin's Wizard Oil Company, strougcr and bettor thau ever, will open week's engagement In the Opera Home next Monday night, Nov, l!lst. They cany 11 people and give a llrst clans show in every respect. They give a bright, clean program, introducing umnv novelties, unyouo of which is w 01 Hi moro thau tho prii'o of udmisslou charged. Mont all of their company are new to Kosoburg, and some of our citi zens who have seen thorn In l'ortland and other towns up tho valley, say it is a belter show thun most ot tho dollar attractions coming this way. Don't fail to nee them on Monday night and you will attend nil wcok. Admlnnlon in con In. CLOSING OUT SACRIFICE II. I.. Murphy, o( Wintlon, Is In the city today. Wool llanncla lit wholesale prh'fM nt tho Novelty Ktorn, Wamtkm Wo'Xl on piibwription at this olllco. Key West, ImportuJ and domreliu cigars at the Koeelitaf. A finely bred Jersey umle calf for sale. Addrma I', O Hex, J(U Tho ltoa Htoin I milling out ol sacri ficing pi ices. Call and be convinced. Ladii'M rubbers at L'o ccuU and first ijuality at 10 cents er pair. Novelty Htore. I Hack brocade drest skills and moreen uudersktit. New line altbo Novelty Hlore. The Olirer plow bsn a world-wid rimutstioii. Chiinliill 'V. Woolh'V m-ll tbniti. Facts Dot fakea-in what our adver tiding coliiinus tci'N'i'ciit. 'Ilia Homi Sloto. Kuioks tlm "Arllt," the bent oc cigar of tho yrar. Krusu Sbambrook, 10I0 agentf. K. A. IHi.ior, nt At irIiiii n wart house, bnvs hav. 1:1 4I11 and all kimln of farm piotlucls. New ntock n( ladies uud iiiUdum' line shoes, nil the latent styles, juet received at Panoll Dion. ll our giiods am imw and of the latett style. No Kbopworn goods on baud at tho Boss Htore. The Wizard Oil Company will soon yisit Kosoburg, to amusfl and entertain the public for a week. A largo and tine assortment of chil dren's shoes lust received at I'm rot t 1'oos. Call and so them. W ANiku Youug girl lo take care of children and assist in houseao-ik. No washing. Apply at this olllco. Money to loan on city aud country property. V. H. K. Ui n;:, Mansters' lluilJiiig, Kosoburg, Or. If you are uot satistied with the treat ment you receivo at the rarmor's l-eca Kheda it will not cost you anything o l Fine handkerchief lawns, also nicely embroidered haudkorchiefs at tho Novel ty Store at prices that you can uot af ford to let (hem pass. Trimming silks uud ellUs (or fancy work, aluo braid and jet trimmings, prices and assortment you can not dupli cate. Novelty Moro l'iroadcloth ops goods ol inches wide in black, tau aud navy blue, which formerly sold at fl.00 per yard, now for 76 cents ut the Novelty Store. Tho W. C. T: U. will hold its regular meetings on the second and fourth Monday of every month at 7:30 p.m. in the Kpwortb League room of the M. E. church. See K ice & luce, llouee Furnishers, for every thiug lu the furniture lino, largest stock and lowest prices, just re ceived a cur 1 oiid of Kutern and coas furniture. Seo us for bargains. Lost, A warehouse receipt dated Sept. i, for bH2 17-00 bu. of wheat. I will uot be responsible for name and auy one pun baaing it is hereby warnod. ull Hknhy Conn. KuiU of clothes, all wool, heavy weights, (0.60 ; regular price $'J. lioye clothes from 6 to 13 years for $1.50 nud $2. Hats all styles nud colors for 85 regular price 1.50. All these goods are only to be found at the lloss Store. Darwlu l'uttorsou, of this city, has re ceived the glad tidings that hU eon, F. E. I'ttttersou, a graduate of West l'oint, has beeu elected to the Washington, leg islature by a handsome uinj irity. Con gratulations are lu order. Everybody that is a friend to exercise, pleasure aud healthful pastime is invit ed to visit or lake part iu the ganien ut Main street bowling alley, now under the oianagouiout of 1). M. Armituge. Hours, U a. ui, to 11 p. m. Sundays positively excepted. The Dayton prairie school has u circu lating library of 60 volumes, which la proving a source of lotereet to pupils, books are furnished by pupils and friends of the school, This library con- slsUof history, biography, fiction and stones lor the young pupils. Ex. Hoseburg hss long bud a circulating library la her public schools. Great care is taken by the pupils to keep it a secret from the teachers howevor, the pupils carrying the afore said library, which consists principally of trashy llvo cent novels, In their inside pockets, and road Inn them aurreptitloiiHly during Bcliool hours, ; Settle Up. All it'rmiiH hi lult'vJ t't the undersign ed are hereby nolllled and rc.j m-ntol lo come for vfrvr I and ttaku prom pi K'tllo Olttllt. All IIO'lW UllJ IM'C'JtllltS not paid Immediately will tin placed in Dm h:inilt of an attorney for collection. This means like It rewlc Wo aio going out of business, an J must hav ii jctllcini-nt Caiki I5.-.ih. For a coihI fi-cent ifcar call 011 Mrs.N. Bjyii. Nouilhtukewilll.il Hindu by having your dnutal work iloiie by Dr. Strange. On cliildren and luiHS'ft hho" we can save you from ID lo " per rent, at the Novelty Store. I'.l.tl k brol-Hilll dli'tH tkiitp, w hich loriuerly Hold at ll.'.'O to fXXl, now for $1.15 to 'J.75 nl tho Novelty Storo. ChuIi puid for grain, and all kinds ol f.tnu product, nt Ahrabuiu'e warehouse. It. A. Do.IKH Ucautiful linn of fasciuatuie lint you cannot buy at any retail i t jm lor the money wo ok for tin in ut the Novelty Store. lor prices u ml pi,t'ity call ut t!m old original htainl, I'ii sIi und dried Ii uiis, candv mid imti', . i.irs an. I lohucco ot prices to suit ull. Mint. If. lvAroN. in joiy will prompt you to buy children 'tf c!olhiig if ui. Smio fioiu I to I I nt 1(1 -"' and upward in price, umoy muikxd Im . v. i.m'. Noviliy More. Kcinciiilier that Dr. Strange i u or uianciit ri-niiliMit of KoHobiirt;, and it) not here tiuiiporarily, that im billy warrants all bin woik mid i lo I Ht all liincrt lo make g''d bil gu irjut Ul of all dentil try. I'p lo ilutti lint ry by Dr. Stiaiij;o which ini'a:i tlm bent uud hiliv-t kinds of work hki'fnlly carefully an 1 propoily Udcrted with no ufter lroutii, 1'iit per fCv't sati-f.ic.ioti. Try Dr. Stranyo's soaiiilt'OH crowns, tho l.crtt, lateet end mot erfect made. A few do.'.-ii of Ihono Kunlucky made pauu, e.ilistautul ami well luaoe, no shoddy. Aluo a few dozen women , men's, l-oja' and cl.ihlr.-n'n nhocf, regu lar weaiero. Hats (or eunuhinc tied shade, uudii'wear lor but and cold wouther, and varioun oliicr articles ut living prices, ut II. C. Stanton's. A few dya hj Hand's Cigar Storo wai burUrized and itbout &00 cigars taken. V Chinaman wa eufp.icted and shsdowvl and "hen ho oH'ered to fell Wm. Van Hurt 11 of the Senate ealoon o00 uuHtaiiipc I cigais it wus thought lo bo a clear cane, uud the Chinaman was arrested. Tho cigars were fc uud where the Chi nauiau miiltlu y were, hut they could not bo ideutiil'.Kl, uul Justice Miller, before whom (he case w as tried, decided thai the cviJcncu wan insu lli cient to buld tho defendant and ho was discharged, oulv to bj nrresteJ 011 the charge c( evading tbo revenue law. His case will coma up for hearing to morrow afternoon before Comuiistioner J. D. Hamilton. Threw I'p Their Job. San Ji'am im lVuro Kick, Nov. 10. The city council of IVnce w as originally appointed by the military authorities. Its members havo persistently endeav ored to obtain the powers which it was proposed tograut uuder tho aulouomist regime, Such bodies huvo always been very active iu I'otto Kico, and huvo nt tenitcd to control municipal affairs. When iieueral Brooke appointed a mayor at l'oiicc, iguoiing the choice of the city council, (several members of the council resigued, declarihg his act uu couulilutioual, despite tho fuel that the law eaye until geueral elections have beeu held, may ore and couuciluion are to bo appointed by the ruling authority, who in this caso islieuerul Brooke. The I'ouco couucilmon raised the ijuej- tion at heudiuarteis, ausertiug their ul logod prerogative and declaring that they had been given lo understand by (ion oral Henry and Wilson that these privi leges of cjiietiluliuunl autonomy would be afforded aud guaranteed. When (en erul Brooke met their claim with a neg ative, they declared Ibut benor Muucz, prcaideut of the council of secretaries uuder the autonomous regime, hud be trayed autonomy uud had iutluouccd General Brooke lo decide ugainut tho pot tition. The beet element in the population consider that (ienorul Brooke has acted wisoly, as it would ho a serious mistake to grant excessive autonomist power to the city councils. Uargo on the Rocks. WAiKurowN, N. V., Nov. Id. The burgo II. B., owuod by the Ogdoiiburg Coal & Towing Company, Is on the rocks uuar Sackolt's harbor, Daka On tario, The captain, his family, and a crew of six are still 011 the voiael. The life-saving crew baa been ordered out. County claims l. . West, nml wiirrnnlft liou'ht by OUTLINE Of THE I'OLICV To lie Adopted In Governing Our New Posesslons. STRONG MILITARY GOVLRNMLNT Unless Congress Should Decide Oth erwise at the Coming Session. Ciin aiio, Nov. b A tHM'ifll lo the TlinH-llflrnlil front Washington say: ('resident Mi Kinley hsa deyi lopd Ms lllcy lowar l 1'orto Itlco and tho I'hilii- plum. Thero has been much specula lion km to the form of government to bo iclvnn these islands, and the president hr.e been itudying the problem with great earneslness. He has decided (o savo tho coanlry from the blunders of hasty action, and will delay the final d cluion f ir u year. This statement is on the authority of one of the president's uioHt intimate advisers, who gives the follow ing outline of his progriftnme : rirst ihere will be no extra session of congress uoxt spring, barring grave etncrgoucioi. Second The conijuorod island will be ContKiiied under a strong military gov eromeut. . Third All fiduciary positions will be a lrnh.i-'cred by army oflicors. Kourtli the llao(l.i will lie kept out of politic a inttch as oxsible, until the Aim.ri"i.u people have had an oportun- ity i o 3:11 )y them and the oulionul Ninti men: can ciystallize aa to tho relation bey hhoiild tiold to the United States. Fifih The island will probably re tain their present currency systems bat tho may bo bolstered by decrees w hich will Insure stability. Sixth Beii'g in effect militsry colonic the romp red idand will have tariffs of '.lo .r owo, which will be levied ou im- Kirls from tho Coiled States as well as thoeu from o:hcr countries. Sevenfi The United Htateit will col- ect dutii-s on iiuportit from the it-Uuds the same aa though tbey fetiil l elongeil o u foreurn soyereig'ity. The 1 rccidcnl'a proraiiiiim in said to o IumxI on I he ground tisul the Aoieri- 1111 pt'.'plu are not euflicicniiy informed alxjut l'orto Kico and llm I'hilii pines to decide cfl-hmnl whet bur they should be a' e l us U-rr.l nics or as colonies Borne- wlmt after the British tytem. Many Atuericaus believe the natives of the complied itilnnds are not suited lo be ikeu into (till membership iu Uucle Saiu'd (a'liily. The president has held Hint pnsiiiun ul least toward the Filipinos ml hie reluctance to take all the l'hilip- piucs wm lia-mil 011 the various singes of civilization of their inhabitants. 1 rho pereidont himtelf is at a la to ay what form of government should be provided for the newly acquired islands. The babiln of centuries of foimation are not t be uji ooled by a mere act of con gress, and civilization dors not neccssaii- ly follow from (he una ot Iho ballot box. The goviruiueutof tho islands presents a tremeudous problem and the president w ishes to attack itstolu'.ion intelligently. He wantj lime for himself and he wants time for the Auicricau people. Tho president's program is bused on tho theory Ibut the coming session of cngrcta will be loo short and busy to permit legislation for a comprehensive system of government for the couriered island. Tho appropriation bills and other important, measures will absorb uioHt of tho time of tho outgoing congress aud the constructive work for tho Dew poscbaious will go over to the uext con gress. Thero is a movement to have the present congress appoint commissions like that which hss visited Hawaii. Their mission would be to vieit l'oito Kico and the l'hilippines, study the people and their needs, familiarize thcmcelves with the special conditions that must be considered, and t-n their return recommend to congress forms of government for those islands. The pres ident wants more light and commissions such sb that which visited Hawaii will give au intelligent basis for legislation for Tot to Kico, and especially for the Philippines. I'retidout McKiuley has already estab lished military government in l'orto Kico uud putts of Cuba and the l'hili piiies, by virtue of his authority as commander-in-chief of the army and navy. It is by that authority that ho will con tinue in coutrol uulil cougiose takes the responsibilities til governmeut from bis bauds. II cougress fails to take the ueccssary action at the coming abort ses sion, the president cau continue bis military management until December of next year. A military government baa the advantage of being flexible aud tiuickly adaptable to special needs. If a change is needed in the laws of l'orto Kico, iu Iho opinion of tho Ameri can ollicers ou the ground the president cau order It ou a moment's notice. With army otlicore scattered over the inland all earnestly studying the ueeds of the situation aud reporting to the prebident, ho cau make such adapta tion from day to day as may teem de sirable, uud when congress takes up the problem u year hence, it will Hod the groundwork for a goyeruiueut well laid. The l'orto Kicans will be giveu a civil governmeut uuder the geueral super vision of the military ower, aud it will be the aiu of the president gradually to shade that governmeut to the system of the United States. Some bOtH) acres of Eastern Oregon lands will be euwu to flax this season, as it is tho opinion of experts that the hnni hgi.isH piaiiica of Morrow, (iilliatn, and Sherman counting will grow Ihe plums to perfection, County Court Notes. The ai-coitbt of Atftfsoor Brill wa ex amined, showing polh ndlaetod si d accounted lor Claim cf Dr. V. V. IImjwi f.r . n o( a horse through h tlefnchv-i luldg' r ("oking (flats wsa rocofiM.leie.l, Al lowed IS. D is ordered that H. I., hteidmna sheriff, make the levy non pro,eity for dollminent Uxea of 18!7. omlrr warrant- on and after Deeember 1st. It was decided to auk for hid (or the leano of tbo county poor farm, boarding Ptuprri and rnnning frc feny. Koch bldi to beofeued Dec. 12, 1H:i. The Ralph In Trouble. The steamer Kalph I again lied op on tin UmiHiu. This makes the third time. The first oil account of natigat log without Iho prescribed trew,aod the owners were fined 100; the second for carrying mure than the allowed number of passengers and a floe of $1,0G was im posed. After psyinz the fines the own ers suppoeed they were at liberty to ran again, but the boat bad not been officially released and she was again tied up and now the final outcome is prob- leraatical. Tho Halph has hod no end ol trouble 00 her Linppia luu and it will tike considerable ro.hI trade to re gain the money she baa already eunk for fines, etc. Bandon Recorder. Japanese Tea Party. Tj bo given by tho V. C. T. U. in the parlors of tho M. E. Clm.cli, oa Friday evening, Nov. iHth., at 7:.'W p. in. Fol lowing is the program : Vo;I duet, Kuhh, (J or Ion, Georgia Jacobs. IteciUtion, A 111 at a flinith. Vocal Duct, Mesdioies Flint and Walker. rer, maimers and customs of the Japanese pcoplo, Helen Smith. Vocal 80I0, Mies Kearney. KefreshmeulH, tire nerved in bowl with chopsticki, sadnw ich-f, cako sod lea. Admission 10 cent". All are cordi ally invited. A Special Program rtieru will be special Temperance ex ercises ot the Christian Church, op next Sunday evening Nov. 0, 18!)H, loginning 7:'M p. m. Following in the program arrungeil by the Teuierauce committee of the Y. I. S. C. E.. end the W. C. T. V: Sot g. o.nnregaiion. Ktciiation, Clyde Faulkner. Keciution, Mrs. Ixioli. Sol j, Mrs. Miokler. i'aper, Mr. KicbanU. Kecitatioti, Virgil Shupe. Anthem, choir. Taper, Helen Ferguson. Song, children. Address, J. A. Buchanan. Hecitation, Mrs. Armitage. Song, congregation. Hecitation, Alice Mahn, All are earnestly requested l? wttend. Enjoying a Boom. Hoeeburg Lodge No. 10, A. O. U. after several years of masterly inactivity baa just discovered that it is not dead. Since the advent of Deputy Grand Mas ter Matt It. Wilkics, wbo came bere about a month ago to wake up the lodge and its members, eighteen cf our citizens have foiiud protection in its folds and us many more have made application for membership and will be initiated next Saturday evening. At this session the lodge will celebrate its return to life and activity by giving a grand b-iiyjuct to which all members of the order are cordially invited. ninistcrlal Association. I'ursiiunt to an Invitation of Kev. Cot ton, the miuUters of the city met at the parsonage of the M. E. Church South, on Monday lact at 3 p. iu. and organized a Ministerial Association to meet regu larly hereafter, when papers and sub jects relative to church work will be pre sented and discussed. The object is to cultivate a unity of spirit and secure a uuiformity of action in church work. G. K. Arnold was elected president, S. A. Douglas, vice president, J. T. Cotton, treasurer aud W. A. Wood, secretary. It was decided to hold Uniou Thauks giving services ThuisJay, Nov. :Mth, at tbo First Christian Church, Kev. S. A. Douglas to preach the sermon of tbeday. A collection will bo taken the proceeds to be distributed among the churches participating in the services, and by the churches to the ueedy of Iho city. All churches and the public are iuvited to meet in these services, W. A. Wood, Secy. Jar of Money. To the holder of ticket No. 120, please call at Kiclur.la' Cosh Racket store and receivo tho jr of money awarded Satur day eveulug, Oct. SO, 1S0S. Married. GOFF-LONG. At the residence of Rev. E. M. Marstere, near Cleveland, Nov. 12, 1808, Kcscoo O. Golf and Lottie F. liOng, both of Djugla county, Or, Kev. E. M. Marstera olticiatiug, DIED. BA1BT. At the soldier' home uear Kosehurg, Nov. 15, lS'jS. Deceased was a late private 0! Co. "A," 8lh Regiment, U. S. Infantry. He was bora iu the stale of Pennsylvania, and was 81 years old. Enlisted in tho U. 8. service lu New Orleans io 1841, beiug discharged ai Corpus Cruetl, Texas. He came to Ibis state in tbe early Fifties and to the Home from Stay ton, Or., in July, 1807. He was a peu siouer at the rate of per month and left no reliittvea over spoken of. The JUner.il wua held at 10 o'clock, Wednes day at Ihe Home. STANDING BEHIND SPAIN Is to be the Pleasant Occupation ot the Powers WHILE THE f RISKY DONS HANG ON To their Posecalonj In the Phil Ippinc Islands with a Death Orip. Wasiiikoton, Nov. 10. There has been remarkable activity at-ont the war department, for a7ra I dys In tbe way of preparing Ihe troupe for set vice in lands beyond the United Htalee. Ao or der lias been Usued, directing at least 10 regiment of the regular army now stationed in northwestern forts and po!a, to bold themselves In readine for immediate transportation and set y ice In tropical climates. It (a believed that an early movement to Cuba is iotended. Another belief entertained is that the Uni'ed States government desiree to be in readiness to resume hostilities, if Spain refuses to accept tbe decision of tbe American peace com miss ion. In this connection a report baa got about that during tbe delay which baa occurred, Spain baa been able to form some sort of coalition with the European powers to back op tbe preteosiooa she has been making in tbe negotiations Aa interesting feature of tbe matter is the refusal of the authorities to order tbe muster out of the volunteers wbo receot ly returned from l'orto Rico. 1'ahis, Nov. 16. The meetiug today of tho Spanish-American commission be gan at 2:15 aod ended at 3 p. m. Tb Spanish commissioners presented a docu ment in answer to tbe American argu ment which was submitted lost week. By mutual consent tbe memorandum was handed to tbe Americana without being read, and tbe meeting adjourned to Saturday next. The Spanish communication will be translated tbia evening, and its contents w ill be discuf ssd by ibe United States commissioners tomorrow at tbe osual d.t.ly session. Tbe Spaniards in tbeir communica tion today reaffirmed the position which thoy assumed against tbe discussion her of Spaiu'e Philippine sovereignty. They insist that tbe words "shall deter mine the control, disposition and gov ernment of tbe Philippines" iu article 3 of tbe peace protocol, do not warrant any reference to Spain's withdrawal from tne Philippines, except on her own terms, and therefore the Spaniards propose aibitration on the construction to be placed on the words "control, disposi tion and government." Hastening; the Evacuation. II.vva.va. Nov. 16. A joiot aession ol tbe evacuation comm lesions was held to day. Captain-General Blanco, in order to complete the evacuation oL tbe prov ince of Puerto Principe by November 22, has ordered Ihe transports Cbandena gar, San Auguetine, Isla do Panay, and Mexico, which are capable jf taking 5000 troop, to leave at ooce for Nen vi tas. News Items. Prince George, of Greece, has gone to Crete as high commissioner of the Pow ers. The Spanish are fortifying the Canary Islands iu ex peetation of an attack from the United States. The work of measuring the actual dis tance around the earth is to be begun by the Amorican Geodetic Sarvey. A revolution hai broken out in Salva dor. Honduras and Nicaragua joined tbeir destinies and formed the United states of Central America. During the present week President Faure of the French Republic will re ceive fi jui the Spanish government tbe Order of the Golden Fleece. Geu. Merritt expects a renewal of hostilities with Spalo. He eaya : "If Spain refuses to accede to our demands it w ill show that ehe has secured sub- sUutul hope of assistance or European intervention. Should Germany take a hold in this matter Eoglaud will follow suit, and theu j look for France t j put her finger iu the pie." How' This? Wo offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for auy case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. J. CHENEY oc CO., Props. Toledo. O. We the undershrned have known K. J. Cheney for the last 15 vears, and believe did perfectly Honorable In all business transactions and financially able to car ry out any obligation made by their Arm. Went A Truas. Wholesale Druaitista. Tuledo, O. Wauling, Kinnan & Marvin, whole- le Druggists, Toledo, Ohio. Hall's Catarrh Cure la taken Internal- ly, acting directly upon tbe blood and mucous suriace ol the system. Price 75c per bottle. Bold by all druggists. Test- nionuu tree. For Over Fifty Veais. AN Old ado Wsu.-1'aiBD Kihiov. Mrs Window's Soothing byiup has been used lor over titty yean by millions ol mothers lor their children while teethiug, with perleel suceesa. it soothe tho child, suIWus lha guuu, allays all puiu, cure wiu) oolio, aud la the beat remedy lor Ularrhu. Is pleaaaut to the taste. Bold bi drugglnts lu every part ol the world. Twenty. Ave ceuts a bottle. Its value Is incalculable. Be sure aud auk (or Mrs. Window's Soothtna Syrup, aud taks no other kiud. Harry Sharp last week shot a peculiar bird, says a McMlnnville paper, which he 1 liiuk is a cross betweeu a Chluese pheasant and the Oregon blue groure. Only one similar bird has been known lo have been killed in this valley. Baking Powder Made from pure cream of tartar. Safeguards the food against alum. Alum feakiftf powders are the greatest mcnacers to leahh of the present day. o-m UMimttomm eo.,t nw, Nicaragua Canal. Nkw Yosk, Nov. 10. E. F. Craglu, of Chicago, wbo engineered tbe purchase ol tbe concession for building the - Nicara gua canal in tbe interest of tbe Grace syndicate, arrived today on the steamer Allegheny from Greytown. He was ac-. ompanied by a corps ol civil engineer belonging to tbe corporation. Cragin says the sydicate which he represent now has loll control ol tbe building ot the interoceanlc canal, and the old grant has been canceled. Cragin said ; "We went down Ihere for the purpose of ascertaining ii tho grant beld by the Maritime (Miller) Company, was work able, and soon discovered it was not. luo conceadon for yean had practically been canceled by the violation of sev eral article of the; agreement. Al though the government held that the conceaeicn ran antil October, 1899, tbete wse no disToeitlon on the part of tbe official to grant a renewal of the work which bad ceased nine years ago. Then we arranged for a new and inde pendent concession, work on which will be pushed vigorously.'' Protect the Cubans. Nkw York, Nov. 16. Speaking at the cbamber of commerce banquet last night. General Milea said : "Twelve millions ol people who a year ago were Buffering under Ibe oppression of tyranny and cruelty are tod sy aoder our protection. "Gentlemen, what are you going lo do ith tbem? Are you going to turn tbem back again 7 (Cries cf "No. No.") No. It would be Ihe crime ol tbe lOtb century to tlo it. If you cannot give- tbem liberty in tbeir own country. If yon cannot entaMieh government for tbem, you can at leant protect Ijirm antil such time as they shall he prepared lor self government, ami if 1 bey do not rare 10 come and be a part of this country, 50a can aee to it that they have a liberal and Iree government such aa you enjoy your self. I am not talking about annexa tion or about any political question. I am simply staling what tbo army and navy bare achieved. They bs,ve rgiyeu. freedom to tbe twelve millions et people, and I am very tare that eight tarilifoiis ot Americans will not desert them. "Another result that I rejoice In' im this: That outside o( any treaty, out side of any greet work that diplomats and statesmen and commissioners may accompli-h, there ia a bond of friend ship, there is a sympathy and respect between the people ot Great Britain and the United State. (Applause.) It may not require a treaty lo bind im mnr strongly together than wo are now, but there ia a cordial frieiidnhip and a tro- fouod respect between the people ul the United States and Great Britain that I trust will grow stronger and stronger and stronger aud will not be only bouetii ial to the people of Great Britain and tbo Uuited States, but it will he benellcial lo ihe people of the whole wurld." Transport .Sails Friday. San Francisco, Nov. l.The trans port St. Paul will sail to Friday for Ma nila with about 2000 tons of supplies, of which 200 tojia are Christmas presents for the soldiers in the Philippines. The vessel will carry as passenger 25 women. 21 of whom are wives of officers, now at at Manila, and lour trained nursea Irom Portland, 41 enlisted men and five of ficers and two clerks for the quarter master' department. Captaiu Nie baum, of the Alaska Commercial Com pany, ia sending a redwood tree to the California boys for a Chiistmaa tree. For the Army, W.vhuixoTON, Nov. 13. Secretary Alger, after contereo. today with Adjutant-General Corbin aud Major Shaler, of the ordinance bureau, decided that the United States armories have pro greased with tbe manufacture of Krag- Jorgenseo rifles to a point where I e could undertake to arm tne entir- inuv with this weapon. As fast a ti e guus can le packed anil aont forward, tba Springttelds in Ihe bands o( the soldiers will be retired and turned into th t ar. senala. ; Spaniards May Suffer. Wamiinuton, Nov. 10. Reports of a somewhat disquieting nature have been received from Otiq at Manila. He says the province ot lloilo, ou the Island of Panay, which it technically occupied by tbe Spaniards, is ruriouuded lv Insur gents, snd fears are entertained that tho bpamsn population ana garrison will be massacred. Thero are no American troops on tbe island of Panay, and un der the terms of the protoeal it 1 not advisable for tbe Americans to Interfere. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought 8ljmuui of (fyF&totiK