11 Vol. XXIX. ROSKHURG OREGON, THURSDAY. NOV KM BUR io, 1898. No. 69. i!iir .'itin. H I'. It, KI.KM. ItOHKHtlHO I.OIX1K. NO. II J. Iiuhl llivlr ii'milar aimiiiuiilialliiiit at Ilia i. u. o, r, hu mi wo inn mm fourth 'iimraila If carli miiiith. All n i ! r rtuitn-aliwl In at- kiiI rvifiilarlr. kii-1 mi v In Ulna brothers uir ilitur invito! in ain'tm. 1.111 I. II UH.KV, K. II lit V H. UIHDI.K, auiirvlary. DUI"(.4 I'.tUNUl., Nil, 21 JH. 0. U. A. M., iiiiwU in(( WflinwUy vvt'lillii at I ueimie in llm wi.i Max i nln Hall. Vlallllig rtiiuurs are mimaiir iiiVHmi to auumi. I). H. 4KNIIH, tiao. W. I'aaur, Doiiuoilor, Uauui'lliiK Hurrulery, f At'KKI. UHi'lK, A. f. A A. M., KKOULAI iiiikiIIii. Hit J.l and 41b Woduoedavs lu aun mourn, HtKK JuUNmoN, W. M. N, T. Jxwxrr, B'kijt. MIIII.KI AlllAN UitrttK, NO. , I. O. O. f. nwu Htlur.litr eveulm ol ea.li week a lliulr hall lu Oil'l fellow Tumpla al Koanburg. Mm (Mua ill he utilt'r III good lamlliif arollivll- ! MialUiml. J. W. HlllANi.K, N.tl, N. T. JB1T, Huu'jr. fwwiiiiiiii liiiuiir kii ia i n II w uiim la tli s-i oiiil an. I Iniiilb Moudata ol n woiim aw.i p. in. ai ihui roiiona nan Moutbura of lliu order III loud standing am In vllod to attend. OKNOI OHI', NO. , (i. A. K , UKI1U TUB mat nun iiuiti lutirsnaia ol rain uiiiiiu a I V . in. vv UMKN'rt kKI.Ur t.'OhTri NO. in, MKK'ln mat ami ililnl rildaya in earn mount RUHKIIUMil l II A I-I K K, NO. I. O. K. H..UKIC IX Ilia III. I ami llilid luuiadaya ul each mtnih. Hill. I. IK MHAMDHUOK, W. M. KKlil.N A HAhI. hWy. OMlllUKil DIVlHKiN NO T6, H. UK UK. luariacvvriu'uoiiii au lourtu nnunajr. Ai.iha Minim, no. 'i " m Wwliiiwlay avmilm at Odd rwlluwt .. ... t it itttr-,. Hall. Vuittua KiiikhU lu ooI alauilina ui Jlatljr lu wul li alii'iKl. ruU'MMloiiMl C tarda. .... n. uajN. man. rua rearm n1 tllOWN A TUSTIN, Attorney s-at-Iaw, KiKiiua 7 anil a fa A Wllami HI- a. KOHKHl K'i. 'K VV r n. wiLMa. ttornoy ami Counolor at Law, Will txarltita in all tba omrU o( lh HUU. In) Itf la MaraUn HallitltiK. Uunflaa sua at r, Or. I B. EDDY, Attorncy-at-Law, Ko.-IKIIOHO, OHKi.oN. M. 1IAMUY, k DENTIST, Kt'Urll lllll! JlUK, 1'clf iliiiliu Nu. i. H0SE1HHU, OKtUUN. J RA D. RIDDLE, Attorney at Law, Taylor A WlT." ii lllk. KO.SKBC RO. ORKOON. p W. UHN30N, Atturncy-at-Law. IUv.im I all'l .' lU-viaw lliiil.lliik- KOEIIl'UU.ORKOON M. CRAWFORD, (Li Attornoy at Law, Kooma I .t t. Mantura HUU.. KOHKUUIUI, Oil. JVilu.lneai bvtora tba V. H. I.anil OlUce ami niluliig oaaea a aH-ulalty. Lata Ikeeulvur V. H. UuJ Otflcc. Northern Pacific RallroaJ Company. A10 sollittic tickets to all (Hiin'a Kaat at half the regulur rulos. 1). K. K. Ulick, lx)ial Autiut No. 'J, Marnlera liuililiuK. M YRA BROWN, M. D. OKr'ICK, hov Jack.011 Hlieet, al n bleucool Mra. J. Ulriur. UOriKIlUKO, OR. L. MILLER. M. D., Surgeon and Homooopathio Pliyician, Hotitbury, Ortyon. fi!hr.iala Alaaaaaa a ipaaUUr. law 'iiii 1 V'M ei press olUue, next to tlit Marks' liuildini, Itusubiirii, Oreiton. Watobes, clocks aud jowulry ropairud in a skillful tnauuor atreasonablo prices, A abate of tho public (tatrotiaKO so lluitod. ECONOHY HARKET L. KOIIUIAOriN, Proprietor, I. ,I.KH IN resh and Salted Meats, JAHvBON hi'., ItOMKIIHIUI, )lt. STRICTLY FIRST-CLA5S.' .McCLALLEN. MHH. U, C. UuCLMXKH, I'rup. niADQUARTEES !"0B TBAVILHTB KEN. MATl'.M UltAMMMAIII.IC. Uri', Pin Haraiilu Kuuiiia. FrtM. 'Bn. loan.1 from Train.. &0SES7&9. fRESII OYSTERS ALL STYLES AT THE KHUT KIIC1 PURE CAMDIES M A NI'KAl'l U l;KH DAILY SHELLAH CARROLL. Great Bargains At Demi's Variety Store... Sec our Special Bargains in Glassware, Lemonade Sets, Afternoon Tea Sets, Kaucy Glasses, and Fruit Jars. UNWAUE. HhhUI i.rlix-a on buckvU. faun, Innli -aiirn, brvailltuxra, ale. WUUIt anil WILLOW WAKP. Hiii,uk l.owl, Imllrr miiiilil. and ladle., HruMii, lo Inui'll baaLcIa, li liv) , aattlicla, anil liaakcla. 5tATIOM:V. KikIiiciiI rliva on all ala tluut ry, euclia, pen., Ink, uiucilago vc CHINA. H our rvrial frlwa on all Cblna llavllaml China dinner ami Ira art., m nil Mm lain and Iniinlnno rlilua illu tier ami tea acta, I tu ported thlua altT nixni toa H'la, eupa an4 taiicvra, Jelly ul.hoa, liullei iblpa, Ho. NOTIONS. Hair pin., able comb., uvcillea pin., toilet map. etc. AVe do juntas wo advertise. Al llieao HiioKS aro tj bo buJ at the lnwiwt i'nU )' 1 icon at Demi's Variety Store, Rose burp, Oregon. iioiwi:i.i., IouKlai County, UrCKu. Tin) nuli'in of tlieau Hprlnm eoiilutu : Imllne, HromllH', rntaaalnm. thil CartMiuatea ol Iron auil I.linu ami th Kir hi in ol Calcium, Mamiealuni and Modlum. Ono Sprlnit ronlalna 4 :5 ami the oilier over SW grain, of aolld matte, lo IhO gallou. IKatcil on tho Hutitbero l'aulflo Kallroail, "Hliula inula" from Han t ranelaco to 1'orllauil, lu Uougla.. t'oiiuty, Oregon. ARKravatixl ca.ea of Itliuuinallaiii, Nanal l'a larrli, I'nlarrb ol tho Htiiniaoli, Uyapepsla, Ilia helea, Nenralala, Malarial fotaoutoK, Klilnvy Trouble, ('ouallpalbiii, Hlaeaaea of till) Hklu, Liver ami llowela, and Venen al illaeaaea bave been curoil by tlio u.o of ibeaa water.. Now batli rooma eontieriieil with tba main bullUliiK. PoatoRIra and Exprvaa ou tbo prem laea. Dally mall, unrtb aud aoulb. Teruia 110 per week, i per day, Incltidini batba. The Hotel U under tbo Immediate aupcrvts lou of CAPT. nV.fi. U. IIOHWIiLI., in7U7 Mauager. J. F. BARKER & GO. Want Your EGGS And BUTTER Crockery and Glassware ! LarReat and Flnunt Anortmeut uvv tbtougbt to UoaubuiR AUo a uomplt'to line of cboteo GROCERIES TOllACtHlH AND I KIAKS All kinds of Country Produce MRS. IS. BOYD New Store ! idlers' A I ULI, Staple and Fancy GROCERIES Country Produce Bought and Sold TAVLOK & WILSON BLOCK J Low Prices ! Fall and Winter Goods Just Received and More 4. a Call and Examine our Mammoth stock. SOMETHING NKW ! NICW STORK! a a The People's Store I. ABRAHAM, Prop'r. A complete Hue of Dry Goods, Clothing, Boots & Shoes, Furnishing Goods, Hats, Caps, Capes, Jackets, aud a tine line of Millinery Goods. Kverythiug New, purchased manufacturers, especially for the Fall Trade. Call aud exaimine Goods aud Prices. Health is THEN Pure Fresh Drugs SOLD BY A. C. MARSTERS & CO. Prescriptions Filled Accurately And With Dispatch. A Full Line of Patent Tledicines and Toilet Preparations Special Sale Great .Ss2.03 Furniture $75 Bed Room 5 44 41 -qO 44 14 A Fine Line of Chairs, formerly 1.50, now $1.00. Now is the time to get Big Values. Call, examine aud be convinced. Alexander & Strohg. New Goods! t (jroceiy STOCK OP Free Delivery Coming. WOLLENBERG BROS. NKW GOODS! KVKRYTHING NKW for Cash direct from Kasteru Wealth ! USE Suit for $35 44 4 2T.50 44 44 2 5 AN EXPLOSION Of GAS In the National Capitol Building at Washington. VAllADlt RLCORDS DLSTR0Y1D. IncludlrvK Original Opinion of Jur. lata of the Larly Repub lic. Wauiiimitok, Nov. 7. Tb copltol building was a scene of wrrck and deso latiun today, as a result of an exuloaL-tu of gas and a firowYiii h cronttbt havoc last tiigM. Ao examination iA Die f n preoie courtrooai, however, nboved that the daruaiie waa cpM imJ lo ilifcjlnrrd walls and wiling acd ihf altc l carprte. The lencti occopied by the jutticeawaa ooibjured, and eren thn nrU and pr par lelt by some of tbe justices undf r pair neibts rouiained iiinlisturbid, Tbe main Ires of I'm court U in the marelial's office and in lb Mturi;c rm, abere vuliiabla old ivcords are kp'. Tbe xlcnt of llii Um lean in not yetczacily drtenniiivtl,. but o.urt ulS ciiila t-xppct to makaj a crjlk-dl exauiiiia- tion ilurinu tiit- day. Heri;Pttijt-at-Arai3 lltiht, of the feu- ale, is this tnorniriK lnkiim lprutKrar7 Providian for tbe afram.i of tbo ronrt Bfnalor MM llin'a comn.i ie-rio(n waa hastily prpparrii i'Ii a I enrh and aeats for (he justices, ir.d u d r.en rows of iw-Mla f.,r uttorncvg and i-c!Hti r. The ijuarters a'e r t'lier i ranuied, and the c'lief ju-tict) and oilier justice", will bave to ait on one ti le ol a long oak table. A'sintatit Architect of Capitol Wood a id : ''So heavy S'lflaii i, u archen or pillars bave given aaay, so f-tr as I Hi, 'I. Fcr tbe present ildoes nt huh that re building any part of thecapttol will I e ueceisjrv. The only dainauo that cannot bo maite good was done in the nl room of ibe npreme court in tbe baeetuent, where were sUred all tbe otlicial reorJiiitt.il original copies of opinionfi, from ibe foundation of tbe government. Ctm paratively few of t li e. .papers we re, aluo fntely iJeetroyed," t those- wbtch suf fered ibis. fate were among ihe nioft valuable in the room, They included opinions of Ibe court in the early days of tbe republic, and among Iheru were many manuscripts prepared in tbe handwriting of jurists in the days of Washington, Jeflersou and Ad-tais. Teresa May Be Afloat. CitiCAuo, Nov. 7. A eprcial t J Ibe News from Wathini:ton says: Navy departnieul otliciaU feel a loDg way from certain that the Maria Ten ea is really at the oceau'a bottom. As a matter of fact, Ihe fear that ahe would sink caused tier to be abandoned. It i probaMd that eearcbera will le eent to lsarti the ship's fate, fr it is felt that he may now be a derelict. PROMPT ACTION I IMPERATIVE. America Must Build the Nicaragua Canal Now if Ever. New Youk, Nov. 7. A l i-tpatcli t tbo Herald from Washington says: In l'reeident McKinley'g message to congress will be a vtry utroim and ur gent apieal for immedtat') legiaiative ac tion for tbe coustructiou of the Nicaragua canal under government direction. Tho president will point out that our new connections in the Pucitio and iu the West ludies make it imperative for the United Slutoa to build aud control the great international wa'erway, and that delay beyond Ibe present concret e iu au thorising its coustruciiou will jeopardize the chances for A nerican control iu tbe future. 1'iesident McKinlay fuby appreciaieH tbe dilticulties in tho way if vecuiiug prompt action, but ho aud other caittfl advocatea also appreciate that failure this year may mean permanent fniiiinc Hence preparations are t;oing furward for one of Ihe moat bi'ter UjjIuh evr waged in the interest of Ibe cuuul The actiou of lliu Nicaragua g vem meut in gian'inga new concei-aion br tbe ixiusiruciiou of the canal coi.iliti i al upon ibe forii iiure of l.e coiitratt w.tti tho Maiitiu.e Canal Compuny iu O.-toler uexl has added lie coinplicaii.ius to ihe dilllcultles in the way o' b yiaUtinu. Tbe authorities cunti lcr that it ml Is another element of opposition to p mnt action on tbe pending Morgan bill, which contemplates the uouatrnctkn of the canal under government diieotiou on tbe baeia of Ibe concession graufed lo the Maritime Canal Company. The Morgan bill iu all its essential featmea is muter stood to bave tbe indorsement of lie admiuistratiou. It la suppovod that the new tvuipuuy will be inimical to tbo Maritime Canal Company. It is ansmued if It does not succeed in selling out to tbo conceebion airea, it will emit its inlloi'iicu to pin vent at lion by con (jivfH this winttr in Older that itaconliact may go into effect next October. Unci, It a opioHiiion fnnu this new company, friends uf tho Mui.tu bill will baa the powerful UnDllnglco and Panama canal lutrts arrayed against them. Frieuda of tbo latter party are already In Washington, pre paring for a campaign againet tbo Nica ragua canal. J. L. Morgan is to 1 a factor in tho coming legirl. live war, Itisitated that wbilo in Nicaragua last winter bo made an arrangement with President Zelay to lock after tbe interest of Nicaragua in this country. State Newo. There are abont 4000 Indians in Oregon at present. It i now at.d will be for ten years hence, unlawful to kilt an elk in Oregon. Otis at Manila, report twelve death since tbe last report. Among the names is that of C. P. Oliver, a private In tbe second Oregon. Tbe Webfoot Planter and tbo Pacific Farmer bave bee a consolidated with Frank Lee aa editor, and II. L. Martin as associate editor. Coartland Green, who confessed lo be ing implicated in tbe John Linn Harder, was aentenced to lile imprisonment last Monday, by Judge Hamilton, at Eugene. An unkr.own man killed himself near Pendleton, (Sunday. He bad eaten din ner at the ranch house f Hamilton A Kourke, and remained abviit tbe 1ioum until 3:3, wheo he went cut lieeide the railroad trr.ck, drew a 32-cililter Htnhh A Wesson, pot tbe muzzle io bia mouth and pulled ibe trigger. The ballet cam cut near the right temple. Tbe man fe.l dead instantly. I'tiil.p Brogan 8r., waa murdered at Antelope, last Saturday. Frank For eater, who baa lieen under ihe employ of Brrgin as a packer in a sheep camp, did tbe killing. There waa a dispute be twean them aa to a matter of wages, and meeMng in tbe riilver Tooth ealoon. they resumed the argumeut, AVcrJe led to trouble, when Forester drew a knife aud stabbed Brogan. The latter died within five minutes after Ibe alabhing. Broatt was a wealthy sheep man aud lived in The DaIIcs. He was well aud prom inently knoA-u. Foretter in from Ten nesee, and is believed his capture ia doubtful. . There baa been considerable stir among Corvallis prune-growere tbe past few tiara on account of a micarriage in tbe sale of five carloads of prunes made by tb Corvmtlie & BeutonUoonty Prune Company to Porter Bros. & Co., a Cali fornia firm. Tbe deal waa made before dryiog time at 3i(Ji ceuts per onnd, and a written contract, stating terms and conditions, eigued by both partiee. Three weeks ago Ibe representatives of tbe buyers vieited tbe prune company's storehouee, made a careful examination of the prunes and accepted tbe entire lot, routing ihe five carloads witb Mana ger Stone, of tbe Coivallia & Eastern railroad, for shipment Eaat. Tbe cars were ready for shipment laat Friday, when they were forwarded from Granger station on tbe Coivallis & Eastern, to Albany, where they were beld by tbe sellers, pending receipt of payment for tbe goods. Io tbe interim there bas been a drop in tbe price of dried prunes. and jeBterday tbe buyera notified tbo sellers that the five carloads could not be takeu. Tbe reason assigned for the re fusal to accept was that tbe prunes were to j wet, but experts who have seen tuetn declare that they are the finest prunes ever reeo in tbe state, half of them averaging 30j 1 1 40i. Scottaburg. O. Maltoou is agaiu driviug stage. Mrs. Rose Smith was in towu last week. Turkey 1 Thanksgiving ia near at hand. Mr. Harlan, of Drain, was iu town not lone sinco. W. G. Giubhe was down to Gardiner a few days ago, L. St. OrriQiksomo line 'a'. Ciltle o it on Saturday. James Butler ainl 0 Franklin went lo Gardiner last week. Mr. Brownell, one of Gardiner's busi- ue8 men, came down on I he stage Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Geo Benedict were down a few dnya ago niiii.' to Gardiner. Mrs. B. bd some tine specimens of crayon work of her own elaboration. Queen Esther, Nov. nth. Bradbury's beautiful cantata will be presented to the public, nett Friday evening. .Nov. 11th The choral choir of tba Presbyterian Church bas spared no palm t secure tbe best local singers to present this cantata. A chorus of 25 voices bas been in con stant rehearsal for three weeks, and Ibt public may expect to see a very credit able preforniance. L. L. Ware, of Chicago, will have charge of tbe customing and staging of tbe cantata, and will alio sing Mordecai, the leading tenor. Seals ou sale Wednesday morning, Nov. 9. Admission 3" ceuts, reserved seats 60 cents. Wool Manuals nt wholesale pi ices the Novelty Store. State Press Comment. Oregonlan: Toe qinsilonla, Art wo going to play our part In the treat theater of nations, or are we flug to flunk? That wcrd ''flunk" is slang, or till la cla'ced as rlang, but nnfi-ttnnale-ly It bs r.o alternate or snbsiltote. Astoria Budget: Instead of sending battle-ships to the "railed of Dewty," It might be better to send Dewsy to relievo tbo commissioners id Paris and Havana. Ho would mighty soou discover tbal the red tape cable waa not lu workiog order, and wonld settle tbo pace terms Id short jrder. Tbo Dalles Chronicle: Tbe "bog" seems to have changed bis place of to Idenco from Salem to Portland, and li now endeavoring to gobble everything lu igbt, and "out of Myht" too, for that matter. Not only ia be swallowing tbo different schools which belong in other cities, but is making a desperate effort to capture tbe state fair, which baa belonged to Salem almost since time immemorial. His next move will t e to transfer bis "pen," from tbe capital lo Portland, or be will be inaane ennnh to think bo needs the asylum. The Dalles better be on tbe alert or he will capture her wool en mills. If he does he'll strike some thing he can't digest. Albany Herald : A disreputable news paper correspondent named Oscar King Davis ia the fellow who wrote a mali cious article to the New Ycrk Sun de faming tbe Oregon regiment at Manila. It bas since been shown that Davis was caught trying to loot a residence Tn Ma nila after its capture by onr troops, and representing himself to be an American officer undertook to run out the family. Col. Summers as prevoet martial pnt him out of the bouse, which was the caise of hi malicious, false aud scura lous article, which be imposed tion the Suo. Davit should Ixs thrown out of Manila and out cf the United .States. Banishment to Spain would be loo good a punishment for him. THAT "HONEST" flAN. (Juucl ou City Tlmra.) Mr. 0!e, of Clackamas county, is ihe one honest and coscieniiona man of the legislature elected in lSOli Having lieeu tendered his unleaue and per diem io full for 40 days, refuses alt hut mile age and five day's pay, which be correct- .y says is all that is due him uuder tbe constitution. Thus be sacrifices about (80, but be retains a good many times $30 worth of honesty and self'approba lioo. Mr. Ogla i ranked as a populist, rnt whatever bis politics he i tbe kind of a man the people shool l delight to honor. Tbe a'tove item is going tbe round ol the fusion press and a ranker piece of rot ia seldom found. Mr. .Ogle went into a republican comt iue, and on tbe authority of Mr. U'Ren, for a consideration. He refused lo take the oath of office and after 'pending a sea sion of riot ions living and open defi ance of law and constitutional provis ions, be now, after being condemned by bis party, hi friends and neighbors, holds up bis bands in boly horror at tbe ey thought of violating tbe cot stitutiii . He is a pretty specimen of humanity to prate about. This pa triot is losing sleep now trying to evolve ome plan by which be can get hold of that money without the knowledge of tie people. "People should delight lo honor." He is a trai or to bis party, bis people and bia etate. Notice. Gentleman wihl.es to correspond with a lady wi'b a view to marriage. Please address Ham Smxtu, No. 303 East Washington, Station A, Portland, Oregon. Young Lochia var who, accord ing to tbe . story, ran . away with his If 1.1 , KriH. ritrl nn V j . love her one panicie more devotedly than a thou aand honest husbands of the present day love their wivea. No novelist could invent story of truer manly devotion than the "humble romance " revealed by the following letter from Mr. Harry Chant, of ait Haskell Avenue, Dallas, Texas. " About fourteen or fifteen moutha am I waa working with a gang of men and happened to aay to one of them, ' I hope it will not rain aa I have a bia washinir to do for the children.' The man aald, ' What la tht matter with your wlfeP"' " For years my wire had beeu Buffering from what the doctor called prolapaua of uterua. Aha waa aenroua, had cold hauiia and feel, palpita tion, headache, backache, conatipation, a diaa ITccable drain, with bcariug down paina; ao ap- ntite. She got ao weak ahe could not gel around, im only a laborer ao waa alwaya ia debt with the doctors, and all for no good, aa none did her any good. We began to think that aha waa never going to get well." . " 1 told this man what the doctora aald waa tht matter with her," and he aaid " ' did you ever hear of Dr. Pierce'a Favorite Pre acription )'" "I told him no, but I had tried ao many patent medicines that I waa tired of them all, and beaidea I did nut have enough mouey to pay the doctor and the drug store, lie aaid If I would gel two or three bottles aud try them, and If it did not do my wile any good that he would pay for the med icine. I went to the drug store (Mr. Clawber'a n Kim aireetl, and bought a bottle. The Aral and second did not acem lo have much effect but the third seemed to work like a charm, ahe haa taken in all about thirteen bottlea and ahe la to day aa stout and healthy as any woman in tba United Slates. This ia not the only case. When aver 1 hear tell of any woman who ia aick ia the neighborhood I just seud the book and paper that ia wrapped arouud every bottle and thai does the biisiueas. I am no longer bothered about doing my own wanhiutf aad cooking, lor my wile can do it all in oue day a oil never serins tired or out of spirits now." I Ir. Pierce'a Pleanuut 1'elleN cure tonfttl pali. n piuiiiplly and pt imsiic inly. S3. WSW,