The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, November 07, 1898, Image 2

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fjtSiltk f ytrf Monday at ThiiMaT
f Tut rt.UKMAl-KR rVRUoniNd CO.
k. . triAiro
.tt A. RfPPLR,
Anoclntt Editor
B)aaarlallM Rule.
Taar U W
, (lKHii TS
YaaMlfaatai K
KTF.WMR 7. im.
Piipl anything ml Hi truth is the
rat la roa a riwppsr. capital .lonrn
Aaa ta ,Tral asar doing it
(kit way.
( ara and attorn? '
fKktag in th hifliett trrniaf rise
flat anility ol .Indue Hamilton end
?rMfeutiP Attorney Geo. M. Brown in
lb ratal cf Lane county court. Pong
)a Moaty' public men are all genile
Ma at iBtellect and character, w sard
Imi ( party or po'iiic.
It f laheeable that the paper and in
ditUSal wba war meat Apposed to the
aafaiaaiaM ( tha National Guard and
rttaflisR army in time of peace, are the
try bm who are now raising the larg
at howl about the hardships our sol-
tfiera are sufTerir-s at present. The
troth af the matter is that the aonenng
war largely due to the nnprf pared stale
f ear military, and that our volunteers
are not act natomtd to the hardships of
war. It is vtry doiibiful if onr glorious
Say Had keen made op of Toluuteers
ar the epeninj af the war and they
basinet heen equipjedand trained as
tkey were, that our arms on the sea
wobU have woa tha yictaries tbey did
witheat hardship.
The ew law enacted in a bill iiitro
intii by Senator KnykendaU, of Lane,
Riis a raaial chans the qualifica-
ef ir at scheal 'election,
traaftar a ana can Tote at any school
luaa in any diatriet who was not
astetsta with 23 worth of property on
tat last canair areetfmsnt roll. There
is ne xota or cauis for such a law to
V saetti. Wby a poor man has not
a math judgement in regard to the
dssatiaa of his children aa one a little
Hrs fartnnsts ia the possession ot this
werleVf goods, no man eau or would
yea try to giro a reason. The mere
result of the law will not be so oad as
the principle. It is class legislation.
There is nothing more distasteful to a
trne Araeiieau than the idea of it.
1e Washington correspondent of the
tatt!a Feat Intelligencer says:
A striking contrast between the
Visas of tha republics!, representative
from tks first Oregon district, Hon.
lata H. Tongue and the pjpulist, W. S.
Tanisrbnrg, who contested his seat in
the present congress is found in the
ages f the deficiency appropriation
at. which has now become a law. In
eases of election contests before the
hetfBS at representatives the contesting
taHdidate and the sitting members are
tela allowed fall com pension for a Ilex
peases iaearred in carrying oa the con
test, provided it does not exceed 2000.
Mr. Yaaderburg, however, contented
fciJBMlf with a claim for 11259.05, wbile
1ft. Tengue claimed the suoa of $100,
1lkik alt who know anything about
Mstested elections there, realize is
tether under than over the probable
est ef defending bia right.
President McKinley retains sufficient
pf the savsgs to constrain him to urge
pea kis eouatrymen the task of giving
fhaajn for the recent success at arms.
K asset he a poor and ignorant god
WB waala eater op such worship to the
ere(Ct ef aa individual or a nation. If
Are el veer children should quarrel and
ffgat sad the one abould be slain, what
jpeela yea think of the other it he
Sefild approach yon to render thanks
r this rietery ? Medford Monitor
Maax, JfrfffBr fkipps asust indeed be Lard
ap for a paint ef attack on our preei
d'taf. Tfbe is not thankful that we
Wlte vietarions? Perhaps the Medford
editer eoght te have been slain in the
war, ef aew be doing time as a Spanish
priieaer. Oar causa was just, while
thtra was Bathing of ric.Lt or humanity
bucket Spain's. The Vuaisvualisl is
tbaskfal beyond expreeeion that our
srtstry has been successful in this war.
It weald, iadeed, be a "poor and igrjo
rial (ted," to ns, who could give Spain
tks baUeee ef justice in the late clash of
State News.
Wore tbaa 4000 pounds of Christmas
aajBeeati left Portland Tuesday night fur
(! beys at Manila.
After all the Indian excitement in
Quiat eennty it turne out that only one
fadlaa was killed and one wounded.
Ia the practice game ol foot bull at
Cervallls Batorday between Albany col
lege and O. A. 0. teams, the latter won
fa a score of 20 to 6.
Captain F. J. Cassey, of Company F,
Second Oregon Volunteers. Las been de
late, ed to inspecct tha sanitary system of
Cavire and to report on its condition, to
gether with the recommendations for
repair i or an entire new system.
Louis Anderson, the man who was
lajored by a falling limb near Florence
last week, died on the evening of the ac
cident without regaining consciousness.
A subscription for the relief of his family
has been started.
Frsd Pape, half-bro'.Ler of Charles
JWfcl, died Filday luuiblug, aged 20
years. lie was boru iu Jacksonville,
andlvarised the printer's trade there.
Later he utudind euiveying with bis
brother-in-law, A. O. Kckleeon, And
pent several summers ia Kaalera Oio
gen. He was a member cf Iho Jackson
ftlle ii aVupany, under whopo flus-aic-s
the fuaerul took place Saturday.
We are having copious rains at present
tva Vinson has been visiieg friends
in Koeehurg this week.
Y. F. Uillaiu w as doing busiuoes ia
ltoieburg one day this week.
Chsrlet Bilker, of 0V Creek, was
visiting friends here, Saturday and tun
Walter Wright, we are aorry to say, Is
iudisposod this week. We wish him a
speedy recovery.
C. M. Minter, of KelUKg, waa iu our
town last week. He waaon his way to
the county seat.
Wisley Turpin waa doing business in
Uose'jurg last Saturday, lie says there
is some attraction in the city.
Impairing on the large K. It. bridge i
prorcSitiiig rapidly, and the peers that
are being put in will stand many years.
W. Bohart, ot Glide, passed through
our burg yesterday on his way to Klkton.
Hevxpecta to make that Lis borne in
the future. .
Fishing is the order of the day and
our local fishermen have much sport
catching the beautiful trout from the
waters of the Uiupqua.
The spelling uintih last Friday even
log was a success, aud every oue that
participated proved to be adopts ia
spelling. We hope to have a targe at
tendance next Friday evening.
We are all waning patiently for
Thanksgiving day to arrive, aa a jovial
time is expected. That we will feast
and cat turkey to the fullest extent of
our appetites is the general expression
of ail.
J. ?. McKay, the geuial set lion fore
man on IheS. r. R. R., is weediug the
track on bis section. The rules require
the track to be weeded 9 fett from the
center each way, making about 14 acres
for Mr. McKay and crew to clean off.
Coos County News.
(Oiuille City Bullc'ln 1
Mi$s Belle Kich left lait Tuesday t r
Ashland to enter the state normal school.
I. J. Noah and son Robert, of Camas
Valley, came to this place Monday eve
ning. Ou Tuesday Mr. Noah went to
Caodon, where he had business interests
to attend to.
J. T. Nosier returued Tuesday evening
from Roseburg, where he went to take
Mrs. 1'auD, sister of W. C. I'axson, who
was returning to her home in Memphis,
Mo., and Fred Noeler, who spent a few
days in iKsuglas ia the interest of a book
The pluck of the Americau woman was
demonstrated a few dajs ago ia this
city. Mrs. Lora Harringtoa hanged her
Pit canary bird and cage out in the sun
when she was horrified to eve a large
hawk alight on the cage and make stren
uous efforts to reach the canary with its
deadly talons. Quick as thought Mrs.
Harrington reached forth her hsnd tak
ing a death grip on the hawk's neck and
did not relax same until the attending
physician pronounced the bird dead.
The Arago Creamery treasurer came
near being robbed Tuesday evening of
$1500. W. H. Schroeder keeps the funds
in his store and the robber made his ap
pearance at about 9 o'clock, just as Mr.
Schroeder was retiring, bis residence be
ing a part of the store building. 1'eter
Crow, who makes his homes with Mr.
Schroeder, about the same time waa en
route to his room overhead the main
store. When he came to the front door
of the store, te opened fame with the
intention of stepping out for a moment.
As he ewnng the door open, he was at
tacked by the robber, who evidently was
ou the point of entrance, and dealt three
heavy blows with a bill v. Mr. Crow
was felled, but not sufficiently stunned
as to keep him from raising an alarm.
Thus frustrated in Lis plans the thief
made a quick exit tur quarters unknown
at preeenl .
Steve JoLnson, of Ten Mile, was in
MaisLfield Tuesday.
Charles Carlson, the well-to-do Ten
Mile farmer, bad business in MarshGeld
last week.
Mrs. Sherman Uray, of Gardiner, was
visiting in town last week, the guest of
Mrs. G. W. I'erkins.
Mrs. F. P. Norton aud Miss Addie
Snyder left on the Areata Sunday, for
San Francisco on a pleasure trip.
Y. II. Short returned to the bay last
week from Nevada City, where he has
been lecated for two years past.
E. Murphy, of Gardiner, Las been on
the bay for the past few days ou a visit
to his daughter, Mrs. James Cowan.
(Myrtle Point Enterprise)-
Max Dixon went to Drain Thursday
to attend the state Normal school at that
Married, at the Lome of the groom
at Norway Thursday evening, Nov. 3,
1608, Mr. John D. Uarklow and Miss
Sarah Noah of Camas Valley, Elder
Thomas Earklow, ofiiciatiug. The
groom is a eon of the late Eld. B, 8.
Harklow, and was raised in this valley.
He is a youug insn possessing many
sterling qualities and is highly ei teem
ed. The bride Is a charming and pop
ular young lady, who also has a wide
circle of admiring friends.
List of Letters
Remaining uncalled for in the l'ose
burg postoiice :
Barker, L S. Hyott, R.
Bowman, Van V. Ingalls, Chaa. A.
Clarke, A. L. Miller, M. R.
Davis, Jack Simmonds, D.
I'enuey. J. 1 Wright, Lee
Iiitnny, Mrs. Mary J. Watson, U.J,
Persons calling for these letters will
please state Die date on which they were
advertised, November 7th. The letter
will be charged for at the rate of one
cent c.u h.
Wm. A. FiuiLii, l'. M.
Ballots Will be Cast In torty
tvvo States.
Many Parties In 5ome of the States
Will Probably be Republican
Ualna In the Grand Total.
There will be elections in 2 elates
Tuesday in Alabama, Arkansas, Cali
fornia, Colorado, Connecticut, iVUwaie,
Florida, Georgia, Idaho, lllinol, Indi
ana, Kansas, Kentucky, Ixiniaiana,
Maryland, Massachusetts, Micbiau,
Minnesota, Mississippi, Miaeomi, Mon
tana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Hamp
shire, New Jeeeey, New Yotk, North
Carolina, North lUkota, Ohio, Pennsyl
vania, Rhode Island, South Carolina,
South Dakota, Tennessee, Tcxns, Utah,
Virginia, Washington, . West Virginia,
Wisconsin and Wyoming.
Ia 10 of them Alabama, Ai kaneas,
Georgia, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mary
land. Mississippi, Rhode Island and
Virginia ooly congressmen will be
voted for, in two North Carolina and
West Virginia congressmen aud a leg
islature, la addition to Wes! Virginia,
'22 other states California, Connecticut,
Delaware, Florida, Indiana, Mississippi,
Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Mon
tana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Jersey,
New York, North Dakota. Pennsylvania,
Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Washington,
Wyoming and Wisconsin elect n legis
lature which will choose a United
States senator.
Ia 31 states governor aud a full or
partial set of state ollicers are at stake.
The following electa governor: Cali
fornia, Colorado, Connecticut, Idaho,
Indiana, Kausas, Michigan, Minnesota,
Nebraska, New Jersey, New Voik, Ne
vada, New IUniHlurc, Massachusetts,
North Dakota, Pennsylvania, South
Carolina, South Dakota, Teunessce,
Texas, Wisconsin and Wyoming. Iu
Illinji, Iowa, Florida, Delaware, Mis
souri, Montana, Ohio, Ctah and Wash
ington, oue or more miuor stuto ottU'ers,
treasurer, auditor or justice of (ho su
preme court, etc.. will be elected.
Ia New Yoik there are tivo shite tick
ets which are as follows: Republic
an, democratic, citizens' union, socialist
labor and prohibition. The democrats
claim that the republicans must conin to
the city with a plurality of Uti.OOO if (l ey
expect to elect Colonel Roosevelt.
Ia Indiana tbero are five stato tickets
printed on the ballots democratic, re
publican, populitt, prohibition and
socialist. The democrats declare for
free silver and thu Chicago platfoim.
The republicans appealed to tbo voters
to sustain the administration ou the war
and other issues, aud did not make the
financial question quite so prominent as
the democrats did.
"Ia Idaho there are three tickets in the
field, republican, populist, and fusion
between democrats and silver republic
ans. Both parties are con rideut of suc
cess, but it is admitted by all parties
that the republicans have made great
gains over two years ago.
The woman vote i3 a new element in
the campaign, and the politicians are at
a loss to know Low to estimate tlio ef
fect of its appearance.
In Kansas there are four tickets in the
field, namely, the populist, led by (Gov
ernor Leedy; republican, by W. K. Stan
ley; prohibition by ex-Senator l'effer;
socialist-labor ticket by Caleb Lipscomb.
During the campaign the populists
have made a strong feature of the rec
ord of their state officers. Tbo repub
licans, wbile answering this, Lave fea
tured the record of McKinley aud es
pecially his war policy. Doth fciJra are
making confident claims of victory.
Utah will Tuesday next elect oca hu-
preme judge, one congressman, ten slate
senators aud forty-five representatives.
The candidates are : Republican ('. S
Zane for judge, Alma Eldredgo for con'
gress. Democratic R. N. Uaekin for
judge, B. II. Roberts for congress. I
ulist J. M. Bowman for judge. Warren
Foster for congress. All parties favor
free coinage of silver .
The Michigan campaign waa iiuietuad
apathetic. It has been conceded that
Govenor Pingree aud the republican
state ticket will be easily elected.
Unofficially It is claimed at democratic
headquarters In Missouri, that they will
carry 79 out of 115 counties in tha state.
Sixteen counties they put in thu doubt
ful column. There are six stuto party
tickets in the field. The democrats
claim every congressmau except Richard
Bsrlholdt. The republicans claim that
the congressional delegation f r tu the
state will number the same as at present
l'i democrats and three republicans.
There are six tickets iu tlio field in
Wisconsin. The chairmen of tbo demo
cratic and republican state central com
mittees claim to be sure of victory, tbo
latter by from 30,000 to50,00J plurality.
In this election the democrats, to win,
must overcome a plurality of nearly 1U0,
00 votes of two years ago.
i 'uur gubernatorial candidates in Ton
coseee are in the field McMillin, dem
ocrat; Fowler, republican; Richardson,
populist, and Turnlcy, democrat. The
majority of tLo populists will vote the
democratic ticket. EigLt of the ten
congressmen will be democrats.
In Missippi there will bo no comett
except la the sixth district, fibre i-i a
peculiar situation growing out f tlio
death of Representative Love, who had
no opposition. The time was too short
before the election to permit u party
nomination, and this Las Lad thu ellcct
of producing two democratic candidates
F. A, Mcl.ain and M. M. FvanH, n
populist, N. U. Ilallioru, mid u republi
can, II, ''C. lurlev. U la commouly
thought rhal the lormsr will be elacll.
" In Pennsylvania It Is generally conced
ed that republican candidates will be
The deuiovratea claim that tbey will
eluct eight out of the 10 congressmen,
and possibly all, in Virginia.
In New Hampshire the republican
state chairman predion 10,000 plural
ity ff Collins, republican candidate for
governor, and an overwhelming majority
in the legislature-.
Notwithstanding a surprise which waa
spuiugatiho I ltd hour looking to a fu
sion ol populists and republicans In the
ninth district, it is believed Georgia will
return to congress a solid democratic
The close of Iho campaign in Texas is
without Inleicst. There is a certainty ot
11 democrats in congress out cf a total of
Iu Massachusetts the republicans pie
diet thai the 1'.' republican congressmen
will h returued. That I be democrats
iii the uiuth district will nturn Cou-
greseiiiaii Fitzjvrald, la conceded.
Rhode Irliinl democrats are linpeloM
of any success whatever.
Couueciicut will bsyond all doubt give
republican msjoritic.
Tht? close cf the political campaign in
IVtewarw finds both pariiea claiming the
etata -Ttitre
is little doubt of general deuio
criitic success in Florida.
In South Carolina there is contest for
et.itu Vtticers against the nominees of
tbo recent democratic primary. 'I be
only feature of the eloctiou is the prep
aratiou ot the republican tu make con1
tests before the next house for reals of
congressional representatives.
In Nebiatka tbero are five (tale tickets
in Ih held. The light has been waged
largely on state issues, though the
fo.ion1;ls have made free silver a lead-
iug tiieme, aud the republican the sue
cossful conduct of the war. Campaign
uiaoagers of leadiug parties claim conti
deiuiv the fusions! being most out
The cougreit-ioual contests ia lows are
close in only two districts the sixth
and eighth, i'ouight Republican Chair
man U.un-oiW claims the State by 60,000
majority, an', eajs all republican con
grrssional candidates will be elected.
The democratic campaign manager
claim that AUbauia will be represented
by a solid delegation iu the next con
Kress. Only two districts, the fourth
and seventh, were ever in doubt.
Ttu republicans are fighting against
fusion of populist, democrats and free
silver republicans in South Dakota
Tbo republican etate committee predict
vict Jty for the state ticket, and say two
republicans will Ik elected to succeed
two populists in congress.
In New Jersey hutli aides claim to be
confident of tuccees. The republican
stato committee claims that Vorhees
will be elected governor by from 7,000 to
10,000 plurality, aud that the republi
cans will have a majority in the next
Iu North Dakota the Republican etate
co:nmitt-ee claims majorities raogiog
from 3500 to 7000 on the state ticket, as
well as the election of congressmen.
The republican state committee of
Minnesota predicts the election of the
entire republican state ticket, congres
sional delegation and a safe majority in
the Lislature.
Ono of the most onesided ccngreesion
al campaigns ever witnessed in Arkansas
has come to a close. In five of tbe six
districts thore are no candidates in op
position to the democratic ticket. The
reptiMicaus have a candidate in the
field, but the result in that district is
hardly considered in doubt.
In North Carolina there is a universal
belief umonu democrats that their judic
ial ticket, at least eight of the nine coo
gresmeu and a majority of the etate
ecnatord will be elected.
Tlio democratic leaders claim confi
dently that they will elect all four con
gresauiuu, and believe that the legisla
ture will havo a working majority in
West Virginia. The republican man
aers hoe bu'jccbs iu the first and
third dibtrfcts. Ihey also claim the leg
TLo Maryl aud republican state cen
tral committee claims that the rspubli
can candidates in the second, third,
fourth, fifth and sixth districts, will
surely be elected, while Jackson, in the
first , has a good running chance. The
democrats also claim the state.
The best information obtainable indi
cat :8 thu election of the silver ticket in
Nevada, with the exception of governor,
superintendent of public instruction,
and Btuto controller.
Demucrats in Kentucky are enthusi
astic. They expect to have an increased
democratic majority iu the congressional
dul'itliun. Republicans are confident
of carrying four distracts.
Iu Colarado there are practically only
four tii -kefs In the field although 10
partieg are named on the ballot. The
ijiii-Blion of free coinage of silver has
btcu thu principal issue.
Tbo political campaign in California
bats been most vigorously fought all
along die line, omiiornia elects a
full Hut of ntate officers, seven congress
men and a legislature that will elect a
United States senator to succeed Staph
M. White. This year the democrats,
silver republicans and populists have
fused aud uominated a ticket opposed to
which are the republican and prohibi
tion ticket. Republicans are confident
of electing Gage for governor, over Mc-
McKinley received a fraction over one
fiflli cf thu votes of Montana two year
uo. Al tbo election next Tuesday tbe
republican vote will be much larger,
but i hero in no reason to believe the re
publican Ntute ticket will come noar Lb
ing t K'Cted. Tlio democrats will doubt
li uh elect all their candidates.
Tbo republicans will doubtless carry
ll.e ttaiu of Ohio. The only national
iatu agitated bra waa 00 luttalnlnf
tha national admlutetratton with a re
publican majority In congreaa. Neither
tide dlacnased tha tariff, the currency or
other (jueatlona. There ar five state
ticket republican, demociallo, prohi
bition, toclallst and reform.
In Wvomlrjg there are thie stale and
congressional ticket in the field, the of
fice to be tilled being governor, secre
tary ot state, auditor, treaiurer, super
intendent ot public Instruction and Jus
lice ot tha supreme court. Republican
people and a fusion of (he democrat
and allvsr-repvibllcaoB have eendldatee
tor coutree, aa follow: Republican,
Freak W. Moudell; fusion, Constant ine
P. Arnold; people, William Brown
Indication are that tha republicans
will carry the entire state ticket.
Only lw minor atate ollleei ar to be
voted (or in Illinois next Tuesday
Twenty-two congressmen and a legisla
lure are, however, to be chosen. The
republican claim 10 of the district, giv
ing 10 to the democrats. The latter, on
tha other hand, ay they will elect 17
senator and tha republican four, calling
among other the Chicago district
doubtful. The present congressional
delegation consist of 17 republican,
four democrat and nue fusioniet. Tbe
republican assert that thy will gain
oue or two seat. The democrats, on the
contrary, are confident t-l carryiug
Chicago, and it they do, their expeeta.
tion ol several new congressmen way I
1 he Crime ot Fiends
Portland, Nor. 5. Within the city
limit ol Portland one of the most fiend
ish crimes imaginable was discovered
about noon today. The victim wa
Angelo Serlcko, an Italian bootblack IS
year old upon whom first a nameless as
tault wae committed, and who waa then
dragged to hi death by hi assailants
Young Sericko' body, scratched aud
bruised from being dragged, and with
tbe marks of a rope still around his
neck, wa found in an orchard near hi
pareul'a home. There is, so far, no clue
to the murderers.
Mr. Jss. Laird, of Brewster, is in our
Thos. Djncan Is farmiug on a large
scale this wioter.
Horn To 'the wife ol Hou. Geo
Mathews another Dewey.
Mis Mil Hardnian i vititiug ber
mother Mr. K. Hardman of this place.
F.ugene and Thomas Ollivaut.of Look
tug Glass, passed through ou city Thurs
day. Mis Roweua Gurney, one ef Beaton's
popular young ladies, entered our school
Monday last.
The removal of the Post ollice to the
Mt. House greatly inconveniences most
ot our citizens.
Mr. Howard Carter is now driving
stage from Hoseburg to tbe Mountain
House. Mr. Laird having retired.
Grandman Gurney is very feeble this
fall. Her niece Miia Kate Kooke ol
Coo county is visiting ber this winter.
Mies Josie Smith and Miae Fffie Grout,
of our city, attended tbe- Grand Ball at
Looking Glass and report an excellent
Mr. Joseph Laird, of Breswter Val'ey
is visiting friends in this city and w ill
soon depart for Roseburg w here he will
remain indefinitely.
Mr. A. W. Jolinion, Reston's most
prosperous farmer, returued Friday
from Coos where he has been looking
after his business interests.
Chss. Wheeler has returned from
Roseburg where he Las been on a short
yacation. We are glad to see his smll
log face in our midst once more,
Miss KfTie Grout will soon leave for
Roseburg where she will visit ber many
friends and attend the teachers' exami
nation. IVe all wish her a pleasant visit
and success.
Moor Any Tuimi
Goats for Sale.
I have about 10 or 1- goats for sale
Csll on or address, L. A. M.vbmuk,
Cleveland, Or,
To the Public.
On aud after this dale. I wish it under
stood that my terms for all undertaker's
goods are cash with the order. 1 find it
impossible to do business on a credit
basis, and belive that I can do better by
my patrons and myself by selling strictly
lor caati. r. uknicdick, umiertaaer.
Roseburg, Ore., April 12, 18U6.
Will Again Visit Roseburg.
A part of the staff of tha English and
German Uxpert Specialist and Dr.
Meyers & Co., will be at tbe McCIallen
hotel in this city Friday, November 11th,
on their regular monthly visit. These
successful doctors arc becoming more
popular eyery year, cure catarrh In all
ita forms, consumption in the first and
second stages, alt female complaints,
diseases and weaknesses of men, de
formities and chronic diseases generally.
Consultation and advice free.
is the time to save money by buying
your good at tbe Roseburg Novelty
Cush Store. In buying three pairs of
shoes you can save enough to buy anoth
er pair. On clothing we can save you
from 2 to (4 on a suit. Fall millinery,
cloaks and capes, all sold at closing out
prices. Absolutely closing out. Call
aud be convinced.
Forty meu to cut railroad wood, Call
on or addrsM, l L, Ilrrm,
Oleudale, Or,
Dargalnil Bargain!! Bargain!!!
In matins, orirnni and musical gHU.
Bicycles new and second hand at tha
lowest price possible. I hsve also gut
about thirty thousand feet ol lumber
which I liava takeu In trade tor goon,
aud will sell cheap, s I l"
lumber business.
T. K. KiriiAHiiaoN,
Roaetiurg, Or.
Almost Blind
crotulr Affocte th tyoa-uuio
Boy Troated by mn ociwei witn
out Relief -But Now Mo la Well.
., w i.Mi. mv little bov wns ltir-e months
old hl 1'eeamr vry sore and how i.tmd. I took him
Wlio treated M"l mmil ti, and Ml
l.lni as l 11,0 I"'"1""'"'
Finally llo'd'a Krrill
mended aud I began giving It to hbn.
In Iraa than three wHk he v 'lo
to go Into the " without covert..
hUeyea, and today htcy are prrf tly
well, and Me ear and no, which were
,y aftmtod, are alao wrll. Hood a
ft,rarUla haa certainly done wonder
for my hv." Mm, James II. I'aimtkr.
a ...-..r i VI t f..m la. Mr memlier
I rut- IU'"I
VurlfW. AIMriirK"" ! ' v ,'r' "" ""
I.I. i In- imlv pill l" '
liOOd'S I'll I Hit ll-fa a.ii'-tmta.
his is the
to Buy
Our Hue of Olives, Gherkins, Pick
els, Sauces, etc., is also complete.
Wc carry the largest stock of to
baccos iu Southern Oregon.
C. W. PARKS 5c CO., Grocers.
Real Estate Bought and Sold
Farms, large and small, to Rent,
Stock Raugcs, Timber Lauds and Miuing Properties,
Prune aud Hop Lauds of best quality, in choice lotions,
iu quantities to suit intending purchasers, at reasonable
prices and easy terms. Inquire of
. aat. JB B mm mm Oou am .
It Will Take More Than this Post to Enumerate the
Good Points of the Oliver Plow. The only Genuine
Churchill & Woolley's.
fr-RUK nv.i.ivicuv..
Iu All Styles to
Suit the PeoyJe
To Trade,
A bonao ami lot In Fmttl Grove, In
lad for KoMhnrg pioperly, Inquire of
J. A. Buchanan.
The daylight rldd along the Columbia
ceunot bo but lulurcallng at this lime of
the year, I'amwngt'is taking thu 8h
kaue Flyer, leaving the Union dipotat
3 . ui. daily, get thla vl iw lasting
over live hour, But that I not all.
The O. H, k N. give through lervlce to
rtpokane, and a direct connection with
the train from Hpokane to Kootenai
country. Palace aleepera and modern
coaches operated daily without change.
To Hpokane,
To Rowland,
To Palouae Town",
To Ciamr d'Aleua Town,
To all F.aateru Wnahiiigtou I'olnta.
To all Northern Idaho Points,
Take the O. R. A N. Hpokane Flyer,
And Save Time.
Uava Union IfeM Dally at li ;4S p. ia.
V, C LoMmiH, A a"li t,
Koeehurg, Oiegon.
Notice 1 hereby given to the public
by the underclgucd that I do not allow
dead animal to bo buried on my prem
ise, at Roseburg, Oregon, or gurbage
dumped thereon r sand or gravel taken
therefrom, utiles the party taking rami
or gravel first coni rai t with me for the
right to do so.
Tresspasiter will I mi proaoculed ac
cording In law. A a bun Ron a,
Koebiirg, Oregon, March 17th, lrttt-1.
A full aud complete assortment
of all goods usually kcj-t in a first
class grocery.
Kvcrythiug offered lor sale is fresh;
aud sold at very reasonable prices.
Wc have a very choice " stock of
canucd goods, iucludiug both fruits
aud vegetables, to which wc iuvite
your special attention.
Ono lioor Houtb oi r, u
First Class
Meals for
M. H. BENSON, Prop,