The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, October 31, 1898, Image 2

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rnbllthrd vvrf Momlnj' mid ThunuUj
or Thi ri.AiNDKAi.tK rrni.iMHiso eo.
K, It. Hi RAlr'ORP
C. Y. BKNMMIN,.....
,Avcclic Editor
Mnliitcrlpllon HitlrHi
Ou Vtnt. -
t I s Month
fhn- Month
..II M
croi;i;n si, is:ks.
Judj,e E. 1). Stratford, telilor of tli
1'laimikaUlH, left on thii ruriiiu'i lo
cal for AUk, whcte lie goes (o do
otue ecil government work for lite
interior department. Ho will et
one member of liiwml for the naljnpt
merit of rcrUin elaima growing out ot
lnl grants uiado by tlio Kuwiati gov
crnmeut prior lo tbe purchase of thai
territory by the VniteJ Statof. He govs
Brat lo Mtka and from there t J various
towns and villages along the roast. It
is uncertain how long he will reruniu
away, but the probability is that the
work will be completed in from lour lo
ix months.
Mr. Stratford's cunuvction with the
I LAINPEALKR lias Pol tcrttuiiftliM or
changed and tho readers of the paper
may confidently expect some interesting
communications from him during the
winter. Paring the temporary absence
of Mr. Stratford the paper will be under
the immediate charge of Manager IV 11
jaiuio, who will tie assisted by C. A.
The Roseburg Review has of late been
giving considerable attention to the mat
ter of "flopping." It reprints a half col
umn article from the Capital Journal ex
tolling the unchanging faithfulness of
liofer, who has since his visit to Bryan
t the opening of the last presidential
campaign been as faithful a howler
at the most fanatic silver adherent could
dojiro. Previous! that time his paper
was republican, liofer is too well
known t'j need much evidence to make
one suspicious of bis political integrity.
We will now turn to the Review edi
tor and inspect his record for faithful
ness on the money queetion. The Re
view has always honestly advocated free
trade, because the editor conscientiously
believes it is the Iwst, and his opinions
arc to be respected. Rut on the money
question it is different. Who ol ns do
not remember its sound arguments for
the gold standard previous to tLe fctate
convention of lSiHj, and if our memory
does not fail us, Chas. II. Fisher was
chairman of Ihe minority committee in
that convention, and every effott iu his
power was made to induce the conven
tion to adopt the gold plank in tbe state
platform. This manly action was com
mendable in face of the odds against it
for it was bis honest convictions, and the
Review eJitor'a good busiuess BODse
could oot accept silver argutneat.
'ow there was another prcpo
tit ion before the Review. Could
it, for the sake of conscience, desert its
business interests and advocate the gold
standard when its party had avowed for
silver? Again with good judgment,
tbe management determined ij stay
with the party, despite the honest con
victions of the editor. That was right
from a business standpoint, but not from
a moral view of the situation.
The editor did not Hop. He had not
tbe moral courage to do that. A "uiau''
cannot Hop. It is only his tongue that
flops. When a w&u changes his opiuiou
after increased knowledge) and under
standing on a subjoct, he ciuiiot be said
to Hop, He simply slid. Like a tur
tle on a log, he slippl iu the
slime into the water atil a feur
bubbles told the lalo. No ono seeuicJ
to notice it, or care, and for some time
the subject rested. Theu it was that the
financial editorials of the Review begun
to be clippings from sympathetic ex
changes, and from that day to this, the
editor ol tbe Review has never pre
tended to give reasons of Lis ou for the
free coinage of silver. He has clipped
many but never written ono.
Ages ago, on tb banks of the i iver
'ile, in the regiou of what is now the
contended Fashoda, stood a monstrous
stone statue some seventy feet iu height.
It was the figure of a man sitting
in chair. Ry the fury of the ele
ments a large chunk o! stone had been
displaced from the crown of the head
leaving a hollow therein. At night
when the heavy dews fell a small quan
tity of watsr would collejt in this hol
low. When the rays of the tropic eun
struck it on the morn, a hissing eouad
came forth, and the superstitious peo
ple beariug it said: "Hist! it is a god,"
aud they worshipped it. I'inuliy the
broken part was replaced and the hies
iDg ceased.
Thus it is with the Kuview. Kvtry
day we hear a Listing sound of the dew
that falls from exchanges at night.
Tbe silverites say : "Hist ! it it a god ."
It it but tbe perspiration, cause J by the
labor of the editor's brain, iu the effort to
produce a wholesome thought, passing otf
in vapor that they hear. Let the
broken piece the bpueat convictions of
the editor of "America's Greatest" be
replaced aud no longer will they say it
it a god. There tie Hoppers and slid
ers. We cannot distinguish between
" 'From Maine to Oregon!' id a back
number," says uu exchange "It is
now 'From Maine to Maui!!' " What's
tbe matter with I'orto Rico?
If proposed improvements iu the I'. S.
navy are carried out we will have the
most powerful fleet t in the world. Re
marks a writer in llio St. LouiH Hobo
Democrat: "No other place in the pro
cession will ever Iki Batinfactnry to 11 na
tion with ru Oregon uud a Dewey."
Spanisli diloiiRcy does not seem to
bare accomplished much la Par In, re
garding Cuban affaita, and tie outKiok
dot s not appear very brilliant for pain
on the Philippine question. I'mie Sam
Deeds thoso ilauds in hit business, lit
has them and might jut nt well keep
The Cottage tlrevo MeMenger thinks
it is time (or that to n to l a county
seat. It says;
Tht time is near at band when South mill North IVuglas counties should
c organired into a now county, As it
now stands, Kugctie "hogs ' evcrj thing
in sight. While Uohcmia mining
trii t tiring in two counties makea an end
leu chain of ililliculty for the miner and
protnector. Having' the resouices and
population we should demand the forma
lion of a now county.
A Correction.
The following appe.-ued iu tho I'liv
icai..r of Oct. 'JtHb, IS'.K, " I he n-lnim
idea apeais tj bo 'get a plenty while
you can.' Uazley has two deputies when
he promised t l. with one." In reply
to the above, I most emphatically deny
ever making a statement that 1 would
do with one or auy other uumber of dep
Utios. And further, I deny making ;
statement before, election (hut if elected
I would run theclcik's otbco for any
statevi sum oi money, nm i elta ray,
and do yot, that the otlice tsliouM be run
for less money. And further, I piopoe.)
to tut u baik into the treasury tht sum
of fiOO.OO, during this, my term of of
fice. J. F. If ALKV,
County Clerk.
tirass and volunteer giaiu were never
better at this time in the season,
l'rofeesor Moon clueed a term of school
at this place, having pi veil entiro satis
Miss Zelia Byron is gradually gaining
L-ealih since her recent Feme illness.
We hope sho may soon entirely recover.
The postoffioe at this place is ulhiu to
be made a money order dike, which
will be very much appreciated by the
patrons of the oflie.
The O'alU Mining Co. have every
ming in reaoinees tor tlie coming winter.
They intend making a very extensive
run this season. They will rnu two
giants night and day.
Miss Aldrich's schojl at the upper
school house w ill closo soon, then the
will take her departure for her luine iu
Minnesota, Miss Aldric'.i id uu excel
lent teacher and wo regret hfr depart
Parties who have U'cn iu tht) h.ibil uf
chasing deer with hound iu this iieigh-
boi'uojd of late, had boiler look a little
out for the main land owners have tiven
orders forbidding the tamo npjn their
JJajjr Walsh tuado his at
this place last week, mid iuadt arrange
ments to sink a shall throiuli the con
glomerate to tha cedrock. No duubt
good pay will bo found ou tho criminal
bed rock.
Mrs. W. R. Wtlls has rolurn-.'d roui
Roseburg, having bten (hero for two
weeks nuder the treatment of 1'. Myra
Brown. Mrs. Wells has faith in the
doctor's treatment, and has no djubt of
being benefitted by Ler.
J. W. McFarland is putting iu a bridge
near the ford on the o'a'la pest uilice.
This bridge has beeu needed for many
yeais, being at a place wheie the creek
often gets past furdiui: during the winter.
It is on the road b-adiiig from nln'ilii to
upper Oinll.i.
.". Reception.
On last Saturday evening about 20
members of the Mckinley Republican
Club, of which Judge L. D. Slrutford, is
president, gave him au informed recep
tion at the olli'X'3 of Hon. A. M. Craw
ford on the eve of bis departure for
Alaska. An hour was spent in coach
ing ilia president ou Lis duties in bis
new litld of labor. Advica was poured
out oa him like a river aodjjb lots of
couneel both wise and otherwise was of
gered him freely and w ithout price. Af
ter the president had been properly im
pressed with the enormity of the dangers
wbich he would encounter in the Und ol
floods aud avalanches, where tha mos
quitoes have bills as long as the Review's
bills for printing sheriffs sale notices,
and whose appetite is as voracious for
human gore at that of a populist office
holder for fees and falary, tables were
brought iu and a lunch wai served
to which all did ample jutltcc. Tho
evening was pleasantly spent aud tbe
commilteo again demonetrated their
ability as entertainers.
At the resideuio of M. Rice on 1'iue
street, lafet Saturday afternoon at 2
o'clock, A. C. Castor and Miss Laurie L.
Hico were married, Rev. ('. R. Arnold
performing tho cerouiouy. (July a few
frieuds aud relatives were present hut
the occasion was a very br.ppy one. Tlie
couple were the recipients of several very
beautiful gifts. Miss Rico has for sever
al years resided at Rico Hill in this
county, aud is a cousin of M. Rice, tlio
furnituro dealer. The bride and groom
will make their home at Jclferson.
School Report.
Following iu a report of tho school in
District No. 47, for the. month commenc
ing Oct. 3rd and ending Oct. L'Stb.
No. days taught, 20; No. days attend
ance, l'JC; No. days absence, 'J; average
daily attendance, 10; No. visitors, 10.
Those that were neither ahecnt or
tardy during tho mouth were: Maggie
Burnett, Jebtio Rouiids, Jouio Roundt),
Harry Price, (iretha Jurgens, Oliver
If!rtiiis. Anna limit r,
Myrtle Creek, Or. Teacher,
Caro Rros. arc llu bos uu rt hnutr.
Ooto tho RofcIcrI for the lft cb;ri.
For a motl .Vcetit cigar cull in Mrs.N.
County claims nndwnriantis Ivtight by
l. t. West.
Rugs in infinite variety at Alexander
A Strong's.
Macaroui in one pound c.ittootui tt
Zigler'e gnnery.
C. W. Aiiuild.uf l.mkin Irti'H. I pent
Sat unlay in the city.
.1. R. Dixon, ol North 1'ii'iipia, w:
in Rosebuig Satimlsy.
T. .1. Williams, of Ten Mtb was iu
Kuseburg rn biiFiness Saturday.
lo you smoke'.' If e get tbe Artie
cigar nt KruseA Sl.aml rooks, role
I.. I.. Mathews, cue of Dcci creek's
profpcroin farmer, w ai in low n Satur
day. IO,tW men wauled Ml the I'-s Store
to selevt treat ktrgani before tt h to.
The ou!y K"t stovi' is I io liride c
Iteech superior line. Churchill & W ool
ley sell them.
W. P. Re'ed ac.d wile. o,
iKiit 't.iH ccuutv, are guestu at tbe IVik
ins. t 'regoniat".
Among those from MulK Ciock who
were ic the city SaturdA.v, were Mif
May P.trtlo aril Mrs. Dyer and mm.
Harry Hell, of RoM'burg, nirproti oi iT
C. Wallace ot this city, vioited Ashlaud
relatives tl.'is week, returning Friday
Ashland Record.
The Kuiergeucy Corps gave a tea at
tho residence of Mrs. O. F, (iodfrey
Friday, and besides being a pleasMi.t
social occasion added over eleven dollars
to the Corps' treasury fund.
Monii' Poultry Cure. Thii infallible
remedy clialieugea tho worid lo proiliice
its etpial as an egg proilucer. Prevent
ive and care for all diseases o fowls
luiarautetd aul for !.i!i bv II. M. Mar
in, Roseburg, Or.
The Faimer's Fee 1 Siio.l is now ready
for busiuesf. When you come to loan
bring your feed and stop wiiii u. it
wi'.l vo'i ten Crist' per day for
teams an I live crc.ts f r saddle hordes.
Teams willb.- ai d v-.l:ie!e. under
shelter. J;ve in a tri.i!. t;4
Dr. W. S. Ilamilion ii tbe Secret n y ol
the Roard of I" . S. Kxaiuiunu Sili ceous
for Pensions at Roseburg, aud all com
munications should be addrc.?cd to him.
W. S. Hamilton. Secrctjiy,
K. I.. Mi i. IKK, President,
I!. IU i v.-. Treasurer.
l'.y tlr.1 I'.ourd.
Ti.cre w an old ('cr.iju iiiuue I II in
nati, wh (, H on a piec? of l.aeauu.
With a tlip an 1 a slide mo.v tiari sh
espied than are bevu iu tbe Star Spatigle-J
Raucer. A geiillo:ueu llw to a.ti-t her,
he picked up hi l milt: au l her wb:?tei.
"Did you fall, ma'am''' he cried; ,,1I
you think," i-ho npued, "I duwn
for the fuu of it, mister V
It seerua tj be tbe gauc:! verdict
aaioug the attorneys that .1 iidtj Hamil
ton is not to bu tri.'!.;d with. Ho don't
think it is necessary that the co'i.'t
shoti! 1 suspend its operations iu cr.Iir
that a bailitl can :: cs,
a:.d louiol up the
i!ltele'..ted i:i the
. Iv.lgclio K k' i s -
attorneys that may bo
ciic next to t e cailcil
W. M. and K. R. Heircy were in
Rosobui y from Myrt'e Cieek a:urday.
The latter haa j iKl returned frei.t Mt.
RcuU'U aad 0.1 that there w a-i i'it a
ijuai ter ef a Uiilc ot lb .' 1 1 w r yet ta
be built, and that i'. wi'.! prubi' !y lie
cutupicted by thii cud i f tills u..k.
Work a the iiiit.e for n jino tinio '.'.ill !
the elect ion of a a iw n.iii a::.l tho t- n -strik-liou
..( b-.r.l lini.
RcV. J. A. C'riitelitii-1 1 eaai-.' r.i lioni
Ciraiits Pars on his wine! Ijh". Saturday,
his especial tni-siou hete beinK lli-s
holdini; of services i:i tho II. Chu:eh,
South, for Rev. L. C. 'ilaa.'ii, who
went to (arantd I'afS to inuel hi-) family.
Rev. Ct utelilicl.l has accepted .1 pantor-
ate in t!;o North lesas coitferciicj m.
will leave for that Hlate v, ithtu a c j
of weeks. His family wi.l remain at
tiran'.K l'aa this v. inter. Me. Hop I Mail.
Advice for Halloween.
( Wbic'.i ia touiLt.
You'd better take tha fi jrit l u;
l ick it in tbe eiied,
Aa' turu tbe doir tirunniu' loo".'
keep biai underfed,
An' jiit tocDi: auction 011 ihn i.,jrcli an'
ballast on the r.jof,
An' f-triua Ijarb-wiro 'i(ji) the fuisee t'J
make it jour.gtci jiroof ;
Ferbjjso" every Hart a:i' kiud ki.i i;it
a 1 1 ti red mean.
When lay in jilani lyr rUn' laib bo-
eausj its Hiillowe-eu. J. J. M.
On tho Neck and C:re;.t Wcatncis
Caused by impure Elooti Wai
Ccnotnt' Crowing VVcrr.e.
" W'hra i.:y .-uu v. f .j t ar 1 old hf v r.'
!.i f. i-r.v j.'t-.r heal- ii &s..l v.u 1 1.. r.r-i
r.olbmi- to ri c h':: '.. t!i" vf V"
yearii lie Ix-j-:; to co:. of lioieue-,-, uu
I" ' '1 t id'.'i ' f !;!M neeii kouii 1 u 1:1 j -.1 ! c
' 1 to jri'.bt-!' on one finl.; mid 'ri.v l:
I the film of aa Wc theii fn-t-srw
rio.-c t: ik ay o:id Ix ,':an to doctor b!.M for
1 '-rcfuia. JJc (.-aduiilly (rciv v. tr: , Iiij
ctr, u;iti! ct thntije ct twelve ,(nra wo
I1-.4 lo:'. ull 1i'j;,; cf 1 ::; rt' overy. Ho
came no weak tic could nit uj but 11 f -.v
iniuut'-.i at, r. I i:.ic. My M ifo i-a iv Hjo.I'h
Hnr .,i.,ui'illu 11 eoiiiinti.doi! tis 11 great bluad
jv.irilior end v.o Kent cud y,nl a boltlr-. V
b'.;;:iii (,'li:i( our I oy tlio incJiciiK. m
cor.iii. lo uirt etioiiH Bud IL whi nut lui.;
be'oie v.o caw lit woi iii'jirovin;:. J..
continued tal.inn it until bu w.i in c y
j;ood In abb. JIo In now Itl ycurx old u.'nJ
in m il. W'e ici'iiiir.iioiid ll'iod':. l-'.r .
rillu f u' lilt troubles by i.; .n. .-;
blood." !4. .'it. H,l, I I!, t .J',, I),' ;'.'l.
II..U.I'.. Kai ;ij..u ill.l i . soid I.) .-ill .li ii yi ,1.
tl; ;U .ir .'. i..-t ..idy llA.
Pditger Notes.
Ray lliil is t, 1 1 : 1 Htcppin;; ,r S. It.
Millet p.
J. It. titngluue nuide u i.".t to Mr-.
Chaa Cbi l;ey'H IhhI Sonda.
S. R. Miller of Caill t a k a I md of
b'.of to tileinhto last Friday.
C. 15 I'.il-ib.l.i IM y Wci!ltl a
P-ilcer once iii abib' -ti It' wav 'o
W,i. p.mfvl u l.u.uxi, .l-e a p'e.i.i'l
call fr.un F. K. tbnln'itie ai.d In 1 1 i-t, i
Pie k Joliii'i mid his t-i l' i I'aiuo undo
a bunine-H trip to Ivoa. 1 1-1
Mit-sen Pell and Ion l'rci.ib,.'i !'i. ..
or, made a pleasant x i i t ut Mr '.t'b . n. "
last weok.
.1. I., nn l Saiii't'.v I ii lii 1
made a t nmin t'M'
nt week.
M. I n t.i b, w In 1 1 .- I v ii
tbe ri;:d In Mt. Ke ibui. !
homo for a i w d. i it
F. 11. i-.n I 1'. II ling!...
been cl oppiiu w. '.1 f-'r M
Ulendale, have i.-lm i'i'd b.'
V. W. 1 . 1 w !-. i : :
S. R. Mill! i , in i ! a b it
ami children w I . an'
, 't
It in', r,
i kill"
.kit-it ''Il
te I HI I i d
, h i have ,
. ,l:.i".e-i li.'.ll '
.ijl'i: ni'.b'
M hi a ltd
.:t i'.tn.-ti-'
Mil1. I'Imi. i lit'i.i i' i.' Lin'' I wit'.i a
viMt irom hci'f-icp vHiub'i i, Mi. , Ilei.
dcu on and r.tand!iI i Mn l'.!;.i
Clu i cv both i 1 iloui.
.lobn t'.n n y l 'li:'.i;biiii'' I a
ivo a ttand l.tivm ll daiien i est
mi ; t
Sat i.i
div tiUht
l I;,
ut Mi-.
C. Cn.Mioy i
i k t.i R
thin winter.
; t"
I ll.'ll
.1 Cl-l
i !: H.
IS tt'O 1 1 "in" lit '.no
iu 'in y I ! ;
R.l.'O'.l! "
y mi' .i.i ,it tho
Cash Si ne. In b'i i
.vlio'. von can sivo en
ti.iav t..'
U t
or pair, i i i .;b:u;
from JL' to $1 o i a tit
ii v
cloaks nii i capf?, ail ;'.! i
price-. ! ?.''iite'y ! t it
at'.l I c com iti;'-',!.
Books ai
.s I
;ii"to I
w 1 i
I aiti uiiVru!;.;
cunnut' rut
thcr.'.. I w ill (.Kuliir.t
llAYC lie-Tl.'tnti'U !!1 ti!
ittnl am better u
tiic elenuituls t i' i:i
;i part ui t:iy i''Cv 1 1
arc truly elegant.
They At
; 1 ir.lte-ll u inter i'.tf I.iiw
iki a -mm.
-t w 1(-V)'tn IT ."7 i a-s
.iTrV J -'.-V l I . rt
1 ! i;rruL t?.'-:n
i Alt KfVfXv
in'! rftSr-a-o y
I 1 I'll -.'iii'js .iu I .Tur-'iit.-, ic.'.i . 1 Iii.m'; ii .! .1 in.- ij 1 M- !.. .ii'.ji. ..ii. ',.'.
1 I c 11 1 . . 1- it iirii.
j), lit of the staff of the Knglish and I'lennan Ivnik-iI
Specialists ami Dr. Meyers cc Co., will make their
regular munthl)' visit to
R O S E F3 U R C ,
l:riday, November nth, 1898.
They will he at the McCLALU'N IKH.'SK.
I Ii.: '.ml u( liic Kn ;.i' Il uii'l 'i. i. nun I
11. il. 'I lm ea.-il 11 .li; nl'-liin 11I1. 1 In:'
I.' ll Toll In ill;. 11 -ti 1.
I in 1 111;.; 1 lie i.ail iiim l.r of n u.i.iiii y U
il S;.
.1 1...
I.111 be. a jm. 1t.111n.u11l. liiseii i". nlili li lm'..- I.
rtlu'.i'l In ielil In or.liiiiiry iiie-liriii", hi.
nut- lvrn.1 by Hie Kntrlish unit Li rniHii rl ?'
mi linil In liimiiin in Auierli'ii. 'I I11' 1 : 1 1 ; -1 1
I'-nl it nl r.'lidbli.., but lire reKpousiblii, Imli.t: bie
Cl'MI'.H -W liili. It i .ri'l. iiibk'
aii'l eii.ii.iui i;.veTt H i i ul I - Ih Imvc i nr..-. I llmn -
J"OU l h.JC lll.J llol bllH lirill) III.' bl,:il; olli jr
yinr ail;.
Call on llic Doctors Iit-ii Hit'
Isli ami lii.inniii KxiTt h.ei.'iiili-l'. A fib ii.lo.
l.-ilt in it - nail il. ul il u.i."l, H b U.i i Ij. .iliiiriii i , I, or l.. a.
toNsiir.erioN 1111,1:,
A 'lHll'of HicMiit l.iiiiii.-iii Chi inns itiel : 1 1 1 in tu- v..i
7Ji Alurkcl St., San l iantisco, ;iud 21H S. ISio idv,.iy, l.o1; Au:;elcs,
l;ai;ainsl Raiaiiisll l'..irgalit.sll
lo i.tll'id l'i .:l'
l'.ie i leu t i iiii.l
I.IWCi f Mi. I'(i p.'. i I
about Vriv lb'1"
ii, .1 i i i i .
I- i.. I ban
I.. I b.'
.and he.
il it
) ;.
! In i
, ill,
il i r
which I have lako'i iu tta.b L i iviodw,
and will i (.; . I cl.i'c.p, m 1 mn not bi tho
lunibi r I n in a,
T. K . Km II .. N,
I; i,i.t. ii.-, Hi
Nill A palii Rom bin g.
. t ..I
lb.- i .,11 . I tho III.'.;'! 'i and
'i"t s " i i 'In t i i n I Di.
(,rllli:l!l I.
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., will I 1. 1 ib' !i i'l.iil -ii
ei: v l'i i.l.n . N.'k ! i i 1 1 h,
.ii t'
Mi I I
ii h'cmI
-i'-.I ! t
ni,ii lily i-:l. 'i'ui'fie
;l; b.v i l. i li. lo
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il li iii'iy i
i I ii i:vi, e a" t
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.ll.'H I 1 . III. I N
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l.:.t a
iiie-i, .
in i all
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A l'iiu- Line.- ! L'L.i ii .. ,
In- lime
.if.UU'.' .ill.l I-.-
Alexaider & Strohg.
. .. I 1.. V, . I f A 11 I
General Blacksmi thing'
I KOI l! i M) lU'NNI.Nti I'l.ATI-S A 5li:CIAI.TV.
: !' ' 1. "i A' I. "I ! I IllMU'll V I'llSK.
y .-:i on 1 ,i 111 1 WantitiiKloit Jiml Ivietie- Nla., llwnt'llltfK.
ReaJ instate
Vi t'i 'vti id ' l'i: !.-.-!: -lo.v ijivkn.
'ii.. '11 I. ami:; ami Miniii); 1'iopei tics,
l!..;i I,. .ails ..( li..-:,i .itiajit)', iti ehoico loeatioiis,
s i-i .Tii: iiite'.iiline, jut 1 ehasei s, at reasonable
! itanlitt
li e S .Mill
'1 fi ;. 1 ii j u
litcnt-k.,, i,-ti atiii,'iiiH 'iiiI.v
J yj , L
W$ hi
It Will Take More Than this IW to ICiiumcratc the
Ouui I'oints of the Oliver Plow. The only Ocmtiue
Churchill & WooIIey's.
111 All Styles to
Suit Ihe JVo'y
IN Al.t. M M L'i UK
Ulli. Uinr Holllll nl I', (I.
a i i .'fJ JT-if S U'' 39
A lull arl loiupleU: assi'tttiieul
I all ;;ci ils usually lioj.t in a firsl
class jiiieet)'.
Ivverytliitiij tilVeied (tr sale is ficsh;
ptil ..niii at very leastMiaMo prices.
We !:ave a very choice stock of
cauiu'el j'.uoils, ittchtilin luth fruits
.uu! ej-etalilcs, tn wliii li we invite
in:: siiecial atlcnlioti.
Dttt line i'f Olives, (.heikius, Pick
el.:, -..uices, etc., is also complete.
We cany the largest stock of to
I'.u c" '. in Southern Oregon.
PARKS & CO., Grocers.
' a ; 1 i.nU 4i at t!j.'-aJt-a:MTt
5a fie.
Suit for
fuiuuih m.v ,
ltoV M.IK'.
to 'e t Ilii- Value
eiil IIUcil
Bought and Sold
lance c'isui small, to Rent,
11 e ol
s. k:. buick.
First Class
Meals for
M. BENSON, Prop.