The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, October 31, 1898, Image 1

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Vol. XXIX.
No. 66.
M'lly Munllug.
UP. 11 K 1, ll'ihKIH ltd l.iMig,'i, .,
Iml I Hi' 11 h Millar ciniiiniitili linn, al Ilia
i, l 11, r. Imll 1111 wi' iinl nii'l liimtli I IitirwlMV
1 1 1' li mhiiiIi. All iiiiiiilii'iii ri-pii.tiil In (
"iii f.'niii'ii 1 v, kiii mi lining nruiiu'ra uur
1 1 illy I lit lli'il (11 illlrml.
1111 I.. 11, ic. 11
lit V II. ItllUU.K, H"i r.'ll(,
H ill 11. ' Si. II., Ml i jt. (), II. A. M.,
.!. 'nil' 1 ' I I n r evening lit S
I I." III lllH IM I .IHIIIIIIIII llltll. VIMtlllg
mil i' i. Kin t. it'll. ill) luvltcl In allium.
I'. II, ( KK'I,
,!. V. I'Killl I , lllllllllllf.
Itiii.'iinllllit ,1. 1 r.'tai ) ,
r .U'l'.KI. l.oi'MK, V V. . A M , K Kill' I. AH
' in. vim ; llm ; l mill nil Mwliicalajs In
4r'l lilili' h.
r III.K JullN i.S. W. M.
N . T. I : n trt , s wjr.
I ill 11 !'. I A III A N l.o. i'il Ml. a. I. O U. V.
IHI t-U .ullill'lilV I'Vi llltlll III eaillt WlH'k Kl
Hi. ir imll in dil l Klliin i niilu al KimkiIiu'x.
At. : . t - r. ill liu imli'i Iii ifiMMl dIhiiiIIhk an 1 11 v 1 i
,. in mi t.-ift J. . hi IIAMiK, N. i.
M. I. JaWl.t 1. !') .
: M'. IU i;i. l.nlM.K. Ml. l. A. O. I1. W
111,', la III.' ttltillll all.) lout ill SlilUilaja ll
11 mm. Hi ai 1. m p. ni. Kt ciui rmiutta nan
,'li'iiil.i'ra ul liu iikI.'I In 'hkI alaililltig art) In
11 I in ml. "i l
li I.Sil l-n-r, no. .V. H. A. It., MKicrn 111!
hi t itml 1 1 I Inn. lata tl m b ni' iiil',
' I' hi.
ll'.yIU lilllit 1 IIKI'H Nil. in. MKKtn
I.' ml mi l llilnl K 1 1 ' t jr HI a Ii linilllll
II U.1I.IUI0. 1 II I' 1 1'. It, NO. H. II. K. H.. M Kit IH
x iiiv iu. 1 mm Hul l Ilium!"), ul each
Mill I. II. HIIAMIIItouK, V. M
lit '.IN A i; .i-, Kc jr.
iiii.h., 1.11 iMu ion ,vi .!', 11. vr UK.
in. 1 n i n 1 1 . 1 . nil mi l luiiiili niuiiUy.
I I'll I 'Hi'. I S" IV, K, K I', Mt.KI
V ,,,.1 In. ...I.' V inl'llia l ll'lii Pvlluwa
1.. u.u.'ii k , . 1 .. i in i,ip ' standing i
I:-'. ; l:i'. !'.i .1 :.l al'.v'Il l.
i-iol.'ntluilisl t'Ml tln.
.r in. 1 i.i.ih.n man. i .uMTt.riN
Altoi ncys at-Uuw,
-:ii. ,' ntil h
.V W l!-m llliii t.
.tlini-.'y ami ('mniMjlor ut Law,
V.ill .f. 'i.i. In all il.i ...tifWuf tb Btl. HI
1. v in '! 11 .t t 1 liinMin :. Iinai;lu eutinljr, Ur.
1 L srilATL'OntJ,
AUonu-y at Iiw,
;. M 1 mi I
I )( .1 -w n.l-.'ii li: .. lUMt.HL'Kn, OH
I l). j;i)DV,
K'l-I.lll'ltii, OltKijON.
1,. . 1 . i 1. 1. -in -.
I . .. .i. it.- N.i I KO. Hil liu, OKI'.ouN.
J 11A 11. UIUDLU,
AltoiiK-y Jit Law,
U, ; nil ,ii HIL. U') lilirKU. OHKtiO.N.
W. UllN.iON,
I. I. I M.l'l .'
K ii-v li ul liu -
tti 1, Mil U'., OKKtiO.M
M. CltAWFOltD,
Aitonii'y at Law,
It 11 I A .:. Mitm HIiIk . KOSK1IUUU, OH.
(W M ni in h I"' fin " lli l". rt. I nii'l Odli'i' Hint
IIUIllli rtlxi'1 M hll't'llilt) .
l.uti. Iti'i i'lviT V. rt. l.iiml UiBto,
NiirllK-ni I'.Kirit UnllroaJ Company.
An Hulling li' Ii'Ih In nil mintrt KaBt Kt
I1.1K (liu ri'miliir rati'H.
I'. S. K. Ill UK,
l.'.i .il A'Ul No, 'J, MiiiainrH litiililini;-
Oh KI' K, ") l Jill klilll btlctl, Ml K
I l. ii. f ul Mm. J. Hiucr.
KO.'l'.IU'Ki., UK.
l. M1LL13U. M. I).,
SuroDii anil Honuuopathio
K.Mii'iiiri, rou.
lutfPwhr.inl.i illntMt m MiiH.lltV
J7 iyf-
L. KUlU.IIAdliN, Proprietor,
in..ti.i:it in
Presh and Salted Meats,
i;:i'n :x, no: rni'itu, on.
Hcvrm 1
MltN. I), V. Mtt;t.AU.KN, I'Mp.
l.atilr. Klnu Mmnnlu Itiiniiii.
rtij Uu. lumi'l KniiuTrmuii. S9CEB7&9.
Great Bargains
At Demi's Variety Store...
Sec our Special Hargains
iu Glassware, Lemonaile
Sets, Afternoon Tea Sets,
Fancy Glasses, and 1'ruit
IINWAWI!. ev 11 pi lr mi bu. m tc, I'Hii,
l.ll'K:i, l.lrj.ilHi vi., etc.
WOOII niJ WII.I.OW WAHI. ( li..'.lnit
Ihihi., I'Utli'r iniiiilili n. Iml lit, limn li
It lutii'li Itiuikvtii, IcK-m:oH", .ntrlirU,
mi. l.."kcl.
5TA1IOM HV. I...11H.-I tni. on ml !
ll'iiKT). itililli., K li, Ink, liiiii ilnij.' vli'
CHINA. Sec nur nwltl irlc' mi all l lnua
HjmUikI I'htiia Oiiiiirr null Ic .' t'.
m iiil'Hini lalii mi l Inni.tmu' rliiu illu
lit r aud lea auU, IiukcUJ thlim allrr
ntkiti tra n-U, rni ami tautiii., Jill)'
illilu'i, liiitlrl t'liln, ti'.
NO I ION.. Hair plui, IJ' toiiiln, ii. iill.n
l'lll, Illllfl .'!. c.c.
Wutiojiixl! e advi'ili-i'. All
IIil'ms lliioKt ro t j lio ha.I ul t ho
lowed i hpIi 'i ices at
Demi's Variety Store,
Roscburn, Oregon.
UouuIiim 1'uuiily. (Iii'xuui
1 In- aliTi ol Itii'ta .I'rlni;. cuutulu . IikIIiiv,
aii'l l.lini' ami t 'lilumWa ol CaUlum, MhkiicsIuiii
anil boillutu.
iih....i.... i'..,... . -.1 ..1 1
Olio Hurllil cniilitliia 115 all. I tin' iitlur iimi
.'uxi gianin of anliil tuiillrr to tin' gallnu.
Inak-.l on tliii HmitliiTU I'ai l (lu Kaltmail,
Hliaila rmitu" Irom Kun Kraiii lM'o lo 1'oillmi.l.
Ill Diiuulni l inlllly, Ort'Kon.
Ak'L'cnvato'l t'amia of Itlieuiiiatlniii. Nanal I'a-
larrli, I'atarrli il tlm sunuai'li, l)yi-K.'psla lla
I. - V'.....ul..( U.l-l-l I,.. I L-I.l..-.
I'l-tv. .i.iii.iii.i n.iRii.i tiiwiiiiiK ni'Hn)
1 run', r.ii.U' liiacaJK ol tlio hklu,
1. 1 rr aii'l Hiiivi in, nml riii'n'al llM'aaua liarr
Imami t' u re J l.y tlm uau ol tlusu watvia.
Si'W Imlli rtHiitm inuiiroli'il with Hid main
btilliliiiK. I'ilIi'IUco ami K n.rvit!i mi the irnii-liH-a.
Haily mall, uorlli and aoulli.
T it an. tIJ nvr nk. IJ lu'r ilar. Ini'luilltii
The Until la uu lcr tlio lull.u.lUlu tuinrtla-
lou ol
l Ai'T, iu:n. ii. hohwi:i.i.i
Ui7la7 Mauaxer.
Want Your
Crockery and
Glassware !
l.aiKi'i't and Kitioal AKniiiliiii ut
tto ll.i.'Ualil to Unkiiliiiitl
Alan it i)oiiiU'lo 11 lie of t'liulio
All kinds ol Country Produce
t New Store I
Staple and Fancy
Country Produce Nought and Sold
Low Prices!
The C. !
lll.AI I
Jackson Street,
Opp. Review UuiMiuj
Fall and
Winter Goods
Just Received
and More
Call and Examine our Mammoth stock.
The People's Store
I. ABRAHAM, Prop'r.
A complete Hue of
Dry Goods, Clothing, Boots & Shoes,
Furnishing Goods, Hats, Caps, Capes, Jackets,
and a line line of Millinery Goods.
Everything New, purchased
manufacturers, especially for the Fall Trade.
Call and exaimine Goods and Prices.
Health is Wealth!
Pure Fresh Drugs
Filled Accurately
And With Dispatch.
A Full Line of Patent fledicines and
Toilet Preparations
New Goods!
j rocery
Free Delivery ?
IN .
Dry Goods,
Ladies' and Gents'
Furnishing Goods
Men's and
Children's Hats.
for Cash direct from Kasteru
Information About
Am OIHilal Report of Their
Climate, Products, and Con
Wakiiinotow, Oct. -0. Tlm pudlka
lion of the war dejmrtoient mllHit "Mili
tary 'o(ee ou the i'bilippinisa." in not tf
much value Iroui a military a'aoJiKjiiif,
but coutaios a Kreal dal of iriformation
coucorning the geographic. I, cliroaiic
anil general condition- ol llm Man. In, t-r
Uiocc who may m ecckint; investtnuiit
there, or who may wih li know nomr
Ihinu ol the new poem'.i ,n, lor ru tin y
hare come to be rvKartlcil liv Uhjm .i,
ihitik they know what Viv prini.i;nt ainl
the American peace uotnmiKaiii'era will
contend (or in the nct'lemtul with Spain.
' In many repe tg," say this ollii ial
iublicalion, "three ihlamlH urn hiiain'n
beat poMeasions, due to the abundant
and variety of products, numerous gooil
porta, character of inhabitant), and n
account of the vicinity of certain coun
tries of Ka6t-rn Ai-ia, which aru now en
lenng upon a etage of civilizatmn umI
com mr ice. '
If they are Spain's bet pjsoBi;ion',
why iliould they not be our twst podsci'-
tiona? If they have eoi ports, and the
kind of population that will make tl,e:n
valuable, why should vt (jive theai up?
Me can make aa l-oo.I use of all tin--
advantage as Spain, and the 'aland will
lie much tftter lor a government by t:i
1'iiited Ktatci!. It ia said that there ure
about 200 islands in the croup, many ni
them tuiali, but others are important !
account of llieir fi.?, reaotvees and p ip i
lat'on. The whole surface of the I'liiiipiiinc
ia rrrniiliaily moiuitaino'ia, the unit
pUit a tH-iaa l lie aliuvul dietncts at tin-
river mutithn, ami auctions between tlf
ni'iuut on ranges. mhu ol the nuiii
tains are DO0O feet hiiiti : there are ex
tinct and attractive v jlcanoes, and car h-
iuke are frequent and violent.
The dipoeition ol the mouuiaiu rat t: -
in paralell chains affords space for ill-
development of streams both iu Lu. "ti
and Mindanao. The larger ialauds con
tain inland seas, into which pour couu'-let-s
small el reams from the inland b'Us
Many of them open out into br. ad ei'i-
auee, ud In numerous instances coast
ing vessels of li ht drill can sail to thf
very foot ol the mountaits. Kivets au I
inland lakes ewsrm with varieties ol
tiah and abellfiati. By rtason of Hpanih
restrictions but little can be said ap t
the character f.f the stream banks and
beds. Four tf the river are navigable.
and by the statements of these who have
spent some little time on the islands.
most are fordablu. Drinkinic water id ob
tained by many of the towns from the
rivers at point's just above tide limits
and the water is said to be good.
the ltnmeuro coast line of the islands
contaius a great number of good harbors,
but as a consequence of the exclusive
policy of the Spanish government in
elcioi tticiu to foreign commerce, very
little is know n except to coastwise nav
ialors. the bay ol .Maui'a, cuo of the tin est in
the world, ia about 1.0 miles in circum
ference, with very few dangers to naviga
tion. There are two Iocs piers runiinir out
ftoin the mouth of the 1'aeig river, one
tciuiinattnis in a lubthouEu and tlie
other in a Btnall fort. In stormy weather
safe anchorage ia id found eff Cavi'e
to me eight miles to the southwest by
water. At that point is found the naval
estaliebment, including a marine railway
capable ol taking frciu ibe water veso!s
of L'000 tons dieplacemcut, and a dock
for small vesseld.
Of the interior roads little can be raid,
and of those runuing along the coast
positive information is not available.
Koadbeds are generally fair nod easy
during the drv season, and average about
:'o feet in width, iotne are ditched nml
graded, but very little metal has Imeu
placed upon them, and in the wet Reason
road transportation is almost impoiblj
During the latter soasou transportation
by roads is carried ou bv means of tudx
sledges drawn by boft'aloE a eort nf
sleighing onmud
1 tie extreme length of tho rmiip.nn
group being from north to souih, tli-ir
uorihern extremity reaching to I lie
northern limit of the UoiucjI iciie.
causes a considerable vat.etv of climat".
Hoevi-r, the general characterise:) Hie
In the region of .Manila the hottei-t sea
son ia from March to June, the glvateM
heat i cing fell iu May before the rain h
set in, when the maximum h'iniit-r.
ture ranges f rom 80 dt-grei s to 100 de
grees in the shade. Tno cojltut weath
er occurs iu December and Jut.iur,
wbrn the tomperature falls at night t
00 or 05 degrees, an. I seldom rise in tli
dav above 75 degre.s. From November
tolVbruary the t-ky ia tuulil, tlm
tit' sphere cool ar it dry, ami tlio w i a lno
In tvery way delightful.
Uonajuerat'le aiteutlou U given la 'lie
publication to the storms, gales ai d ty
phoons lite population is exitmaie l ul M.uu i,-
000. a ud HieMaUsiil 'liu i"l.unl are
poken of as a etiperl r r i. e in cthsr
Asiatios. There are savuH t'Uu" in re
mote parts of the ialandii. 1 it tli 'tij'ii
there are 15,000 or L'O.IKU Sjiiini.i U In
the island.
Althoughlthe soil ia fertile 'agriculture
is almost undeveloped. The it-lands u'v
rich in woods.
There are deer in the thickets and buf
falo, ihn latter uoed for heads of Imnli n
tiol l ia found ou l he three largest ialandi
and coal is ai umlaut.
The present trade and comtneri 'f
the islands is nut veiv great, hh Spain
haa enileavnred in rv'vtiiet i', mid tln
lack of ion has int'.l a
barrier to building up u coattio tiade.
In view of the troubles that no cxit.
regarding tho alleged p"ieciitinu at tho
friais and SpaniHli prients, the follow inn
concerning the religion ol th) inl.uula i
interesting ;
The lioniHu t'allu.lie lathe I'-t-iMiblii'.l
t hiirch in tho I', w hich con
tains onn archiepiecopal ace and I In en
hinlinprira. Motit nf the cci'tastlfi tl
ainh'irily la In the hands nf the variou
religions orders Dominicans, A ngnatiria.
Franciscan, etc. who ai the il rol
ers of the rmiutry, as their power among
tho Dad vr. far exceeds that nf the var
ious civil and military authorities. This
power causes a great deal nf jealousy, as
! evidenced by (he long record In the
history of the Inland of biiter controver
sies between the chuich ami civil auth
orities. The rehgioos affairs on the
Islands are far liehind the age, and it
would be of great benefit t'j the op!e,
who arn naturally devout, if they wer
iofuHed whli more modern ideas and
The Span ir h priesta, friars of strict or
ders, comes to the island to stay, and,
with scarcely an exception, to their du
ties faithfully and devotedly. Many of
these Spanish cures have dona much
good work in the way nf making road
and bridges and the building of chnrche
acting frequently as their own engineers
and architects with far lets unsightly re
mits than ono might expect (rom per
sons who aru supposed to be mora con
veraant with breviary and rorary than
with rale and compass.
Kilucation is much reglrcted, and both
the institutions Lr higher and primary
instruction ara antiquated in their meth
ods and far behind the timet. Although
in nearly every ether town and village
that is ninler control of th government
a school may be fonnd, neither the qual
ity nor qua nlily of the Instruction givco
la satisfactory.
In nemoriarn.
Written on the death of Clara Drollin
ger Ford.
While yet in girlhoods'a sunny morn.
Thou darling Clara pa' d away,
And we that aro left behind must mourn
Liecaase you could not star.
And yet for yon how blest it's been,
So young, to leave this world of in.
Yes. dearest Clara, thou bast gone,
Life's burdens were too hard for thee,
mt though our life ia sad and lone
We know that tbon ait free.
Yes, gone from sorrow, care and strife
To sweetly rest in spiiit life.
While yet the sun sbone bright (ur thee,
While yet your life seemed scarce '
The father set your spirit free,
Your work on earth was dot-e.
Ami now with loved ones gone before,
Hest, sweetly rest, your trials are o' r
Yea, dearest sieter, rest in peace,
For you wr re but a fragile flower,
Yoor joys and hopes, your cares ami
Wt re but a passing hour
B'lt atnfei'a banda have crowns.) your
From life's dull cares you're rPHt.nK
Mbs. Fob ii.
State News.
It ia estimated that over 500,000 buib
els of grain were threshed in Jackson
county this season.
A rare bud was killed by A. Y. AValk
er, of Cct age tirove. It is a cross be
tween the Golden and China pheasants.
The bird plainly shows the marks of
both types of the phcisaut family and ia
beautiful iu plumage,
Governor Lord, Thursday, appointed
11. D. Mctiuire, the present incumbent,
hell comuiis'iocer. This id the first ap
pointment made under iha i.ew law.
The appointment holds for four years at
a salary of tijC'O a year and expenses.
The west bound freight train of the S.
1'. Co. was wrecko I Monday afternoon
three and otic-half miles south of Ga
zelle, Strkiyou county. The engine and
taeUo freight cars were ilt-railed. E.
II. Wallace, of liornbiojk, a brakemau,
was EeriuUfly injured, and Conductor
Darker received somo slight (cratches.
J. J. Flett, ol Corvallis, has for some
time been mentally wrestling with a
farm gate, which he hai finally suc
ceeded in perfecting and haa the model
set op at S. K. corner Third and Madi
son. Il can be opened and shut without
getting out of the vehicle. It worksjon
a trace, huDg in the center on a pivot
which is raised or lowered by a lever
It works like a charm, either as a small
or large gate. Mr. Flett'a mind seein
to run to inventions. Last year be in
vented a perforator for ue in printing
. Two Yamhill uitu who have just ar
rived from the North, were iu 1'urtland
Ftiday ou their way to McAliunville,
and talking to them was refreshing.
They simply told it as it was, and left no
room to iiotibt their story. They were
W. A. Henderson and J. E. Durham,
who went to the Kloudike last March.
They eoou located tome claims and put
iu the summer at woi k, mating Irjm (5
to $7 a day each. The seabou is too
bi.ort, they thought for a man to do any
good up t herd, whoso claim will nut pau
out $7 per day to each man, to (hey sdd
out aud started for homo about 1700
ahead of the game, and experience
enough to last them lor a loug iituo.
Impure German Products To
Excluded From America.
Chicago, Oct. i.'". A sp-jcial tj li d
Titi'titio Irom'011 says: Du:
tug too winter the administration (to
pi sea to take steps to retaliate againai
Germauy for discriminating agaim-t
American poik. l'rofess r Wiley, of the
agricultural department, is now conduct
ing an investigation for the benefit of the
preei lent, and has gone to New Yoik
lor the purpoee of securiug samples of
Gentian wines aud other products which
will nuilerg.) a close actutiny to find
ground for excluding them from tb'S
Americau uiettt prodtictB bavebeeu ha
rassed in so many wava that it haa be
come unprofitable to expoit them to Ger
tuauy. It has been charged that these
products are infected with trichinae and
everything imaginable haa been done to
harass trade and drive it from that mar
ket. Kecent rousular repot U tliow that
cbargis of trichinae, exiating in Americau
pork are unfounded, and upon a scrutin
izing investigation it was joiind 1 1 exUt
iu u-eats a hich came bom other countries
and were marked a coming from Amer
ica. The president already has power to act
mi bis own rceponmh!ity, and the data
are now being collected on which to base
grounds for excluding Get man products
which are found to be impute and adulterated.
The data which rrofeasor Wiley fur.
Dishes will probably Iwatit.uiitted to con
Kress with tha prt aidem's message, and
be will undoubtedly inaks some reference
to It ami rngguat to congress that It lake
action In the matter, which be brlisvs
will be mors fleet ive In bringing Gar
many to hrr senses when peeiflcally di
rected by congreaa wilh the approval of
the president and the people.
Looking Glass.
The rainy season has commenced.
J. M. Dillanl r.l hillanl bikini
alter businrss matters here several days
last week.
A. L. Bnell went lo Rotebnrg Hater
day. Mrs. E. Ollivant and sod, Eugene, wa
doing business in tbe city one day lsit
Henry ai.d U. H. KuslmeU ol Tin
Mile were looking after tbeir interests In
the valley last week.
Dounlai Waite, our county reboot
superintendent, made onr school a
pleasant visit Ut week. We are g'nd In
say (bat he was nineh pleaaml with it.
Mrs. A. IL. Matioon haa returned frnru
Walla Walla, win re ah has been for tbe
last in jDth viait'ng friends and relative.
She also vtaited the Exi osiiiou at Port
land. Hugh Goodman baa returned from
Eastern Oregon, where ho has been (or
the last six months.
A. O. Strickland ban returned from
Coos county. lit brought home with
him a tine herd of cattle.
E. Morgan and family went l.i Ten
Mile Saturday on a virit.
Bud Williams and Ornat Andre
have returned from the mountains,
where they have been on a hunting
T. M. Ollivant and wife of Ten Mile
were visiting frienda and relatives here
Mrs. M. Cochran of KoSeburg has
moved out to Looking Giaas to live w uli
her son, Koliett
Frar.k Newlaud was attending t buai
ness matters in the valley levrral days
last week.
D. Cuell and bU daughter of Coos
county came np on a visit last Tuesday.
Bud Willi nn look his departure (or
Portland Tue-dav, where he intends lo
spend the winter.
Myrtle Creek
Warm days and cold nights.
Excellent roads and excellent
Mrs. 1. Dyer contemplates moving to
Myrtle Creek soon.
The smiling faca of Bennie ttvau was
seen in our midst tome days previous.
The farmers are quite busy haulina
grain to market, before the lain begins.
Miss Ethel McDonald has gone to
Roaeburg to stay for an indefinite time.
Mies Carrie Free nan is assiating Miss
Jennie Po ts in cooking for the mill
Miss Emma Strode has returned home
from Koeehnrg, after an absence of rotue
S.-hool U prj.'reRning nicely in the up
per district, under the etlicient manage
ment of Mi8 l4d
Mr. Cochran and family are moving tj
Nhrtle Cretk. Thev will be roiesed by
liieoiU in tUit viciui'y.
This aeem be a buay lime for Charley
Pot la, as ttiere haa bieu several loads of
boxD- going dowu the r.Md this full.
Uncle Jimmy ami Aunt Sallie McDin
a'd made a pleasant call on .Mr. and
Mrs. Win. StepheiiH, nue day last week.
The Union Sunday School ia proros
ing in a harmouiO'.iA matiuer, under the
skillful management of Mr. McDonald.
The prune pickers have relumed from
the prune yards, ami are wearing t
broad smile because their ptiraen aeem
heavier than before).
Out into the Darkness.
Wbat mother would turn her yonnf
i ii . .j.'jTiH.ii.aij daughter out
1 alone unpro
ii t -"'
tected into the
stormy night?
Yet many loving
mothers allow
their daughters,
who are juat com
ing into the time
of womanhood,
to proceed with
out proper care
and advice all un
protected and
alone into the
perils of this crit
ical period.
Young women
at this time often
suffer from irrec-
U ularity aud weak
ness wuicti may
afterwards d e
velop into dan
gerous diaease
and fill their
whole lives with
It is a mother's
duty not to pass over such matters in
atlence, but to promote her daughter's
womanly health and regularity by every
reasonable means.
These delicate ailments are easily over
come in their early stages by judicious self
treatment without any need of the obnox
ious examinations which doctors uniformly
Insist upon. Dr. Pierce'a Favorite Prescrip
tion is a positive specific for all diseases of
the feminine organism.
It restores perfect health and regularity
to the special functions, and vital vigor to
the nerve-centres. It ia the only medicine
of its kind devised for this one purpose by
an educated, experienced physician.
During nearly v yeara as chief consult
ing pbyaician of the Invalids' Hotel and
Surgical Institute, of Buffalo, N. Y., Dr.
Pierce has acquired an enviable reputation.
His medicines are everywhere recognized
as standard remedies. Ilii "Golden Med
ical Discovery" alternated with the "Fa
vorite Prescription " constitutes a thorough
and scientific course of treatment for weak
and impoverished conditions of the blood.
A headache ia a symptom of constipation.
Dr. Pierce'a I'leasaut Pellet cur eiui.itipa
tioii, promptly and piriuaneiilly. Tuey de
not gjtl"iaj. Ijiiigg'ati sail Hunt.
t ai. I . -V.'