The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, October 24, 1898, Image 2

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Publiahcd every Monday and Tburtday
K, 1). bl RA1 FORI ...
U. Y. BKKJAMl.V..."-.
unlctr -
til Month!
Tkre Monthi
.... K
County Cleik (iailey culled nl lle
Flimmli:r oM'ico Ut week, (luring the
Absence ol Ilia alitor, n) we. me iu
Ijrinevl com) iinel ol our reference In
thii rwper lo the Matemeul ullc-ue.! to
have been made by him during the cam
paign, Hint if elected" Jie would" tun the
county clerk's ollice with the awialauce
of bul one deputy. Mr. l.aly, wc tin
tlerataml, now iteuica that he ever made
eucli a alaleuient or that lie ever in any
manner found fault with or criticized the
manner in which the cilice was man
at;ed liy his republican predeceeeort.
Wo have du iliapuRiliuu to do Mr.
ley au injury or lo in any manner mis
uote him. Wo have I een informed by
a large number of preon in difTereut
parts of the couuly that ho did mako
the atatenieuts, and it aim ply become a
iiuoation of veracity between Mr. Gar.
ley and numerous citizens ol Douglas
conntr. We were led to believe ILat
the stalenieut was true, from the fact
that the party to which Mr. tigley bo
longs, claims to be the only genuine,
si-non pure reform paity on earth.
They claim that their party was born
because of the extravagance and cor
ruption of the republican and democrat
pirties, and that its mission on eaitb
was to reduce expenses and lift the
burthens of taxation from a people
groaning under the oppression of the
plutocrats. This has been their dole
ful song, suog wherever the populist
party bad an existence. True, as seen
as they get Into office tbey sing another
soug, just as they are now doing in this
county. Before tha election they told
the people that the railroad assessment
was outrageously low and promised that
if placed in power they would do treat
things in the way of raising the assets
msnt. After the election they thiolv tl e
assessment made by the republicans
was about right, tnd make a great re
rade of virtue because their board of
equalization has not lowered the assess
ment still lower. When you say that
their reform sheriff is payirg an ex
orbitant price for publishing sheriffs
sale notices, they reply that it is nomoie
than was paid by republicans. When
Mr. Gazley is reminded that as a re
former he promised to cut down ex
penses, bis answer is: "1 ani doiug at
the republicans did before me, and I
never promised to do any better." We
are glad, however, that Mr. Gaz'.ey Las
lbs good seuBe t3 throw off the mask of
liypacriey and admit that be is no better
than others. As we have said before,
we Lave the highest regard for Mr. Gaz
ley as a man and citizen. It is only as a
fake reformer that he makes himself
The members of the recent legislature,
are now charged with looting the halls
of spittoons. The populist brethren
thought they were inkwells, and the
clerkship "reforms" were enough to
make any man spit.
Mr. S-itnou, who was lately elected
United states senator from Oregon, is
the fourth Jew upon whom that huiur
has been bestowed, the other three be'
ing David Yulee, .Florida; JuJah I",
Benjamin and B. 1. Jonas, Louisiana.
Jewish Times and Observer, s. F.
We are sorry that nothing an dune
at the late special session of the lcgisit'
tura by cither our republican senator, or
the so-called reform members of the
lower house in the way of the eucct
uient of R law reduriug the salaries of
county ollicera. Nothing was to be ex
pected from the fusion members, but the
people had confidence that Senator Heed
would at leatt make an ilibrt
to carry out the will of the j people as ex
pressed by the convention that nomin
ated him. -Senator Reed, however, ex
plains bis failure to tkke any action in
the matter by saying that he did not
think there would be time at the special
teuton to get a bill through, but that he
will surely attend to the matter at the
regular session. The people of Douglas
county are in earnest about this matter
and will not lightly pass over the lailure
of their representatives to carry out
their express wishes in the matter.
The failure of the legislature to do any
bubiness two years ago, has continued
this heavy load on the taxpayers for two
years longer than it should have been,
and the people are impatient for relief,
Perhaps the best way to reach the
clerk's office would be to repeat that
part of the law which provides for the
payment of deputies by the county.
With the 2o00, allowed the clerk by
the present law, he could employ such
help as is necessary to run the office aud
yet have left for himself a fair salary for
the work performed. Then equalize the
work aud pay of the two offices, between
the sheriff and treasurer, by making the
treasurer the tax collector, and the re
maining offices could be let alone as
their compensation Is little enough.
The legislature at the special session
just closed did much to redeem the
promisee made to the people during the
two preceding campaigns. If the legis
lature had done nothing more than to
Abolish the board of railroad commis
ioners and the board of equalization, it
would have earned the gratitude of the
people. Hut much more remaius to be
Jon at the regular session. One de
plorable feature of the special session
was the RhamolehN abutw of ilm piivi-
lege of apiHiiitting cltrka fur committees
In this respect the apodal session was
but little, if any better than its worst
predecessor. Scores of tletks were em
ployed and paid front M to $10 per day,
who did net do a full day's work during
the session. We happened to l tilths
Hour of I ho house one day during the
session when tesolulioiis wcro pasecd
providing for a largo uu tutor of clerks.
One after another o( the chairmen of
Committees offered a resolution provid
ing tor the appointment of cletks, and
such resolutions passed without mil
lion or objection. At cue time when
the chairman of a committee atked for a
second clerk, a member of the same
committee offered a fccblo olijevliuii uu
the ground that tlio committee already
had one clerk and that but one bill had
so far been relet red to tlio committee,
but his pro'est went unheeded. Kepuli
licans, democrats and populists alike,
looked on and failed to dcuounco the
abuse. In fact the ouly populist chair
man iu the house was one of the first to
take advautago of the oppoilunity lo ap
point a member of bis i wn family to a
clerkship, aud that notwithstanding t Il
iad that nepotism lis Itch dououueed
by populists as out; il the imwt gisvious
of Bine. The only nay that the evil will
ever be eradicate J will to for caih party
to hold its o n uietntora pvieoually re
spotisitde for the continuation of the
Oakland New.
(riom Ihe Ha;cltc.)
Judge and Mrs. A. i. stiMina weie
in Itoevburg Monday.
Mr. aud Mrs. ti. W. Mephene weie
iu Kosebuig Monday.
I'uclo l'cn i-utlicrlin shipit'd a car
Wd of sheep to l'ortlaud Tuesday.
K. it. Young A Co. shipped a car
load of wheat to tyrants 1'ass Tuesday.
Mr, Frank Tike, of Koeehurg, came
over TuesJay, and h no out Ht his
Mr. James Ceuuon, the popular
machine man of Hoseburg, was in Oak
land Tuesdav.
Johnny Beckley was over Tuesday
rustling beef for their Kotetuirg mar
ket. Miss Martha ;
hanilirook spent
Uk!ud friin'e
oral days with
Hon. A. F. Brown
l'resbyteriau .Synod at
We regret to anuoumc that Miss
Mary Medley is quite ill at t'ie home of
.. L. Dimmick.
Mrs. J. It. Medley and family will
leave for Grants 1'ass iil.out the -Dili.
D. J. liers'.iue will occupy the Medley
Misj Julia Uaymond, after a pro
'onged visit at various pjiuU iu the
Willamette, returned t i her Oakland
home last Thuuday.
Mrs. George T. l;u?!l has
reached New Hampshire, where
enjoying excellent heallh aud
tlic is
With long ago friends.
J. (?. Germoud aud I'. A. Stevens
havs purchased the Kice Hill saw mill.
The mill will be put in thorough repair
preparatory to a big winter's cut.
W.II. Joy left Saturday ni-ht for
Sau Francisco with a car load of green
apples. He will attend the Cabli
Bayers Association, now iu session in
that city.
David l'aiker opeue I the Camas
Valley .school last M mday m jriiing.
Mr. 1'arkcr is a progressive yjuug
teacher, aud the school has been for
tunate iu securing his services.
The ali of Steam - BrotherV hopj to
Win. Brown, oi S.V u, Uiepjets of the
hop crop of t!:j Fmpiua Vall.'v. The
puces were private, yet it in known
that they rauged from 11" to 1 ccntrf,
according to giaJc.
Kiv. C. A. ffyatte, of Arkiusv, has
been assigned tho pastorale uf the
Oakland M. K. Church, rfjj'.b. There
will be services on tliu first Sabbath of
each month, bj'.h tujiniu and evening,
iu the l'reeby ttnuu church.
Measles have kept a large nuiubarof
pupils ou: of school during th ) pa'l
week, and will doubtless continue to do
so for several weeks more. This will
interrupt the school and mako extra
work for the teachers as many will be
behind in their classee.
Lecture to Ladies.
lucre will ba give.i at tha Baptitt
church two illustrated hciltU talks,
Tuesday and Wednesday nfteruoou, Oct.
20 and 20, at 2:3-3 p. m., by Mrs. Lucy
E. Hitchcock, of l'ortlaud, one of the
Oregon state managers for the Viavi
subject Tucslay,"llealtlj if Iw3t How
to liegaiu It." Wednesday,'" Womiu's
UsspjusiMli'.y " All ladiea iutsreated
mueallli are roruullv mvitcl to attend
No nJujiBsion charged.
Mki. J. II. fsiicri.,
Local Keprce.intativr.
iVudy Carnjii of MyitU Crjek has
been in the t i'y several daysou bueiucm
hub. j. j.. fcimiu fi .vxarauueli is
visiting her brother, V. ti. West, in this
Mis. J. E. Day, formerly cf this city,
now oi iiarve, .Montana, is i:i:nig m
the city.
Late letters from Mauila fctato that all
the Koeoburg boys aro w ell except Geo
Star mer who has been discharged and
o rdered home.
BargalnsI Bargains!! Bargains!!!
Iu pianos, orgacs and mimical goods.
Bicycles new and tecond hand at the
lowest prices possible. I have also Kot
about thirty thousand feet of lumber
which I have taken in trade for goods,
and will sell cheap, as I am not in the
lumber busiueEs.
T. K. KlCllAliUHON,
Itooeburg, Or,
Manila Will Soort See the Last of the
.Nkw York, Oct. it). A dispatch lo
tho llciald from Mauila says: The iu-
surgeut general, Fio Filar, has agreed to
evacuate Faco l'acc, the last auburn ct
Manila held by tho Filipinos, October
2o. This completes the Aiiinicau cou
quest of the city. Tne last rebel has left
Cavitc. -Tho Americans now holdCa-
vito and Manila, the rest of Him island
ot I. U(on beiug In the hauda of the in
surrrctiouist faction.
How little power Aguina ldo HSFeisrs
is shown by Jiis refusal to graut paeeva
to visit tho interior, ou the gioti ml that
the uorlhern provinces are held by lieu
eral Makahoulc, who is iu revolt agaiust
the Malo Los govern men t.
Agulualdo has ordered the release ot
Spanish civihau prisouere taken at lloilo
Steamers u.ider tho American flag are
forbidden to load by the native author
ities, unless they pay a tax of A pir cont
ad valorem ou the cost, aud 20 per cent
on (heir freight to the local governor.
A largo dock ot tobacco was seiaed at
Cagaau from Ihu Couipauit) Goucialo
and from tho lactone. Aguiualdo le
futeJ to rottiiii tho ii.'-, as be reiju ies
Ag'iiiinKb) is piepanng for a -ciblo
return ol the ishuuta toSpauisli rule aud
will entertain no proposals from Spain.
Kvery native is sworn t join his ranks
in socti an eveut. Ol ttie southern is
land Mindanao would not couibiuo
agaiuEl Spain.
Ihcio art) two cases ol smallpox this
week, although the health ot the troop
shorts a slight iiuprovcmout, thcro le
ing few cases ot typhoid fever aud dy
seiuery. iiuic la sua ueei lor mere
womou uurjee. Kad Cross workers,
after some &lighl hiuhc;, are s:artiug an
ably managed auxiliary hospital for
serious cases, likewise a hospital for
tho California troops. They conttiu-
plate opeLii'g still anolher home f r the
Drugs, fjod and supplies in ih- Ked
Cross Society's hands have been given
t3 ailing b.Miim wiUuiii: e'int, at the
necessities of the situation demaod.
Tiere is great ue?d now for nutiey to
aid iu the extension ot t'm work, and
the fact cannot i- too e i jiigly impressed
upon the people.
The British Mrj!iiMy I'o verful and
Kattler have been ordered tj Hong
Kong, it i.s said, on account of llu num
ber of cases of maUiiat fever aboard.
There have been t ire? ilea' lis on the
An.irchy In Visayas
JIA.MLX, Oct. ll. 1 tlO I Ulted Mrt Cb
cruiser jt-tou mid the collier Nuto,
w hich October ." were ordered to pro
ceed to Hong Kong in connection with
the recent disturbances at aud near Pe
king, havs Ci rived at Amov, in the
province cf Fo Kieu, tho former short of
coat and the latter with her caigo utire
Weil, authenticated report? liave
reached hero of a terrible state ot anar
chy iu the southern Philippines. The
Spaniards there are cojped up iu the
principal towns.
The Americans ci.iitiuuo capturing the
rebel vessels as they arrive at Civile
T o have been captured this wevk.
Evacuation of Cuba.
-tu "UK, Oct. 21. A dispii'.ch to
tho lleia'd from II.ian.i says: An
agreement between tiie two commis-
hioLS ;i3 to the date of evacuation ngaiu
scams pi obablc. The Auierionu ultima
tuui tixoj iiou January 1, aitd tliis dalo
will bo finally accepted by lhe Spau
the cjmmissioii has sei ved u-Mico cu
iuteudiug purchases of brass aud brou.o
cannon fi jiii the Spaniards that Iho sale
ia illegal. One Now Yorker wa about
to deposit f 10),0o0 to guaranties Ills pur
Dr. liruiiucr Bjnt to Washingt a ro-
port ou hoilth conditions in Havana
since January. His report bhrais the
total mini her of deaths fiom Jew to
October 1J, to hava been t'.j2. S'uice
January 201 havo lied aj ad ueit re
sult of starvation.
Those who have heurJ that Havana's
climate is good for tuberculosis w ill be
interested in learning that 224'! died
from that diseaso this year. Tuo ii"j:lu
ber of deaths, mi, in Ojtjbir, iiiua"Jy a
fairly healthy mouth, shows an uicr fcise
of all diseases.
vv asiiiNMos, - 'ct. it is uow cer
tain that the complete evacuatrju of 'u-
ba wiii be delayed beyond tile period
originally fixed by the admin.istratson
This will fj'Iow cath'dly without refer
ence to anything that has oce urre.1 in
Paris before the peace commissJiu. 2'Ikj
war departueut has about eXisfi'jJ it.
self thit the task i.upased iiuu tfio
cpamsu auiuorities, uaaieiy, tno ro
uioval au 1 trausporUtiou t3 ;fc great dis
tance by H.a of about 120,(M soldiers
wit'i accoutrements was bey on 1 tho
ab'.lity of tho Spaniards. It il hardly
doeui?J prudeat to undertal.e bo anguine
charge of tho municipal ivll'aira ofJfa
vaua 8 3 long as ilia city ccut.uns a
a strong ganisou of Spanish trujps, ruid
it is felt that law and order could be bet
ter maintained in such center by al
lo iug them lo iema:u uuuVr Spanish
j "die lion until they aro evaluated by
..o troops aud reoccupied by the L'nited
S ates troops.
It is not to bo understood irom lliis
that the Aiuerieau military cQiBmUeiuu
ia ia any tonsa abating tho pressure it
has brought to bear upon the Spanish
military couiujiBeioners lo secure the
evacuation of the Island aud the relin-
tjUishuiunt of such sovereignty. On tho
contrary, they have redoublel the r ef
forts to eecu'o tho object, but aro not
disposed to irisitt upou the performance
of au iinpciSiiblo task, utid tlieir duinand
would largely depond up'iu the knowl.
edgo thai tho Spauiardii are acting iu
good faith in carrying out the terms of
tho protocol.
(Icorgo Starmtr.
From the l est lufoi niatioii obtalnablo
we are more thau ever couTincsd that
George Stunner Is alive aud that he w ill
arm ivi hemr, erliap on the next
transport lo arrive from Manila. Wi
have 1sh doubted the iH)ita uf hit
death and so stated when the reott was
(list received. A private letter from
Frank Godfrey, dated September llth,
expUius the inniiiier in which hltreioil-
vd death was circulated, lit save:
"Night botoio lait tieo. W, Starnisr, was
not expected to live during tho night,
and yesterday e received notice that
he was dead and for the captaiu to make
arrangements (or tho funeral.
Sam was told of hit liotbei'a death
aiidacolliu was bought. The hearts,
(luce carriages aud horset tor the filing
party weie engaged and w hen the cap
tain reported at the hospital there was
no one there that was dead, and after
looking over lbs books, they f iuud out
that he was alive and piite a bit belter,
Meanwhile his uauie had been checked
oil from the list of thosd that are lo be
returned home by the next ship at
dead." Another letter duttd Septeiti'
l-vr 20ih savs. "George got hit die
charge from the aiuiy aud trauspoitaton
home lo tSau i-raccisco tnd ItJO.Oo
mileage." The fact that b was repoit
cd dead aud his iiaiiih checked oil the
list t i comtt home, explains why he
probably mitsed th Kio Janeiro which
art i ved at San F'ncieo last Saturday.
Wo hope to hear ol his arihal at home
at an rarly dats.
Ex U. S. Senator Stark Dead.
Feijaiuiu Staik, al one time W S.
seuauir for Oregon, died at bis home at
New Haven, Conn., on the Fi'h at the
ageof 7t. Ttie ex-Senator come lo Ore
gon in tsr, and look up a donation
claim where is now the most densely
populated part ot Portland. First I
merchant, he afterward became a law
yer ami politician of tho most pronounced
democratic typ. When Senator F. D.
Bukci was killed at the battle of Ball's
Bind" Oct. 21, ISM, leaviug a vcam y lo
tho I". S. "nat , Governor Whtteaker
ap)ointd Mr. tat'k to the vacauoy and
he held that office until December, l?r.2
Sjoii after he moved to Connecticut.
Those Dreadful Sores
They Continued to Spread In Spit
of Treatment but Now They ro
denied A Wonderful Work.
"For many yearn T linve been a great
sufferer with arict-l win on one of my
liiuln. My (K't miit limli iKi-am- ilrrl
fuliv svvullfil. Wh.'il I kUkiiI up Iiould
feel Hie linil rushinr ilow n Iho veins of
this limb. One day i accidentally hit my
foot aiu:l aonit otct and a fore brolaj
out which continued lo spread and was
exceedingly painful. I concluded
needed a tdood purifier nud I Ix-gan taking
Hood's Snrsai nrilla. In a short I into
those dreadful aorc vlilch had eause!
me so much suffering, tx-gan to lual.
kept ou faithfully wish Hood's SareaM-
rillfl. and in a short time my limn wait
completely healed and the aores cave mo
no more pain. I cannot be too thankful
for the wonderful work Hood's Sara pa
rilta, has done for me." Mh?. A. U
CilLMJN, Hartlaiul, Veroiout.
3 Sarsa-
O parilla
hilivli.l hi (.it I 111-. friie lliixl t'
Hoorl'3 Pills '"
liver ill- :'i t-enlt.
Notice I:or Publication.
I ' MTI.1' .-MTr- t.M ! f li I .
IIum biirc. orriran. lnirii.l II. I-
Niiii'ci" In n In kiw o Uml 111 romiilianee
illi Hie iiruwilonn of l Ho afl ol (.'ouirreH of
Juno 3 eiilillcd "A" I l"r llu-. alr ol
limi't r laii'i- in the Man not ( alifnriua, uri"D
Nn in nii'l WaNlilntoii Trrritort . "
Jit"K J. bvnn
of I ii m . oiiutrol lane, Htal of Onfii, Ita
UilU'lm lll'.d in Uu oHiee hi xiTorn a'an ineut
No. , for ttie purehanc ol Uie MV. , ol Crcltou
No. -- in Towiianlii No. - H.. HanKe No. J W.,
hii I will .iiler TO"( lioiv thai tin- lan'l aounht
i.i noire valuable lor lis llinln r or nloiir iliau lor
i''ni:i inn i.uiikj-h.'?. aul to maijlinn inn elaltn
lohii'l lan'l l-clon: the Kciflnter ami K c irer of
tliu nlhi i- al liuwhnrs, "Ic' Knli, on vv e.lliei"IAT
Hi.. 'i,l h iIhv uf Oetober. !".
He iiiinicH as witlioaan: Levi K. Jtrwr'' "I
Cllrilu, ur.i JOV-pn i,npw ui r.nH-iir, T ,
Clmrli .-! arun nf Oaklan-l, Or., Jolin Flomr of
fialilHii'l tr. A lie and all nerMaii e lannlDff ad
er lv the aixivc ilenerlrx-'l laniU are r'pielel
to Me'thcir claim ill Una odieu on or before
nii'l Ji tli due of Octolier, IS'.".
J. T. BBflKtKH,
nl ltti) KrfUter.
Notice For Publication.
I Mran sr.vrKx I..vkd Oime,
Konebiira. lreuoii.Siteiul rii, Id'..
Noti e ii licreby Riven Ibat in compliance
Willi i he Dim iiioiii of the act of (,'ouKrtu of
June ;;, l-'.n, entitled "An act for the alc of
tlmlxT liunlx in Uie BtalcH of California, OrcKon,
Ni.ii, n n l vvaoliint;ton lerniory,
(.'atiii:ui.n E. MoaToN
ot .iii,imM, County of l ane, blute of Oregon,
Iihh this lar lilcl in UiUoIlica ber mroru mute-riK-ul
No. i.To, for Ihu pun lune of the Houth
Kavl 'juarti-r (ri. K.l ,) of faction Xo.lO.iu Town
liiili No.j i Houth Hainrc-No. :i U'eat, and will
,.;). r t k.i In .lioir tliat the land mniKhl ia more
valuable lor ita timber or itonu tliuu foraiirl
cultural iniriioneii, aud loculubliiih liercUiui to
-nut Imxi before Ibe lteiriUjr aud Heeelvcr of
tlii-oihee at llowbur?, Uregoil,ou Saturday the
l'li tfay ol November, ISO.
-lie nainea a Mlluensee: I vl Itevero cf
.-iiingl.el.l, iauu County, Or., John J. Harr of
Kii.'eiie, l.niiu i ouuty, Or., Marlon C. DavlH,
.vtoritttu llolroiiib of HnrliiKtlcld, J .11 nu 1 ouuly,
Orison. Any au all tiernoiia claiming ad
v r-el t!ie uixive deserilM.-! are reuealed
to die tlieir eUiiim in thin orlluv 011 or before.
Mild l.'lli duv (, Novviuler, IWH.
J, T. BRii;ei.
w-il'j Kcirlntur.
Notice Por Publication.
CMTUD bTlTIS L.mjOi ritK.
Koncbiin,', Ore., l-eit. I.'. '..
Niiliee 14 Web? Kiveu lliat tho following
iiumed M iller baa bled notice of lna lntenliou
to iiinke llinil proof In aupport of hla claim, and
tlml 'hI4 0.1 inadu before the, JUglnier
'A'l Kci eivir (.'. H. I.aii'l Oflicu at Koncburg,
Oni'uii, oil October V, 1W8,
.1.(11 N JMC'.HIHTV
111 1 1 0 1 ' -1 n . I Kutrr, No, 77D.I, for tba K'.j, . W.
1 , H':. J 1, 1. u., B. i IVnl, llu nanica Ihu fol
lowing ivitiiehkca to irvc bli eoutinuoiia rcal
ikneu iijmii mid vultlvatioii of anld land le.,
W il J mm II. Hilea, of Slyrtln Creek, Ore., John
Miln, oi Mvrtle Cri'ek, Ore., W. ii. Ifearu. ol
Myrile Creek, Ore., 1. H . Crcekpaum, of Wyrtlc
Creek, Ore.
J. T. Hridgea,
i-l JUi HcKiatcr.
1 lie
In All Styles to
Suit the l'coI
' ..... ai iMMnNG
1'KiTan riir I.vno Omea,
Kvool'HVlJ, Ot, Kevl SI. tNtl.
.Nolloe l heroi RlM'n thai Ilia tiillnwlnS'
Hum ml x-lller h flleil notlooof IO liitenlleii
M ihp tinai piwi in nnim, "
HmtNul't rMf will I mailo ltoro Tho HrU
leraml ltTehif at Konetmnt, iv., on Novem
ber. I'.w I':
on llmeea'l bniry I'i'l. tr lln t .
1 .01 I. reo .... lv ' ,4' ' ,',"' "r
naiiica the litlilns wlliit'' to wv ul
eemuuioin renlileiieo un ant eulllvatlon ol
alii IkiiiI, M' .laiiien uraoeir, el iwmiih
Ui. Ore , i'hiule llntnllne, iMloeWIPu vlla,
lrf ., W. ,N. 'ri-. l I Wliig HlM, On'., 1, T.
v.oihIiiimii, ot t.ltna llln, ('n SKii
j, i . hki intr.K.
KeatiU r.
IS 1IIK I till l II Hl'imr Till. MAIL
l virviion. Inr iHuialaa etinl.
M. l araiu, auuunuiiaior ei
lltti Kilale ( I'avitl II n mil
(Uveanil, I'lnliillll.
( HiKln'V, T. Hiiiii I
mi, I. II. lUiiilllon. ,l Ut
l, krllev, Horace N. cram. I
I'. 1. linili'T, eiiiliii llle , ' nun in i n'ui?
S Van lliuiii'ii, J, O Ithlnii.
. lo
ban. l-a.liir Cam ami Milium I Mi
1'aro. lxiliii'tK iloliiH lnialiie
miller, I lie lit la llama ol cam
llrolhera H M Pay and K
II. Ilemlerion, carl uera doing
hiitliifv miller the llriu 1
liamrnl Day and llcihleraon, 1
lalelidut. J
Totlmime lliialiev. Joseph ). Keller and llor
aer N. CrMiii. atMie name deienitaiila .
In the name ol the Mate ol niegotr ou are
bar liT MHUle'l to'iar mid aurr taceom
llaiiv llh-'l av-am-t " In the kU.yc enllH'il
anil nil or Imloii' Hie tlrl ilm il Hie lu xl nHU
lar lerm l Uie almv e rntltlcd 1 onrl, t.i nlt, on
or tfloiu Mouday, lH-einl'r 1M and U oil
tail lo aiU'ear or nni'l ruainun a cnivaiuv
aaatuM j"U an afon'aabl III1I11 aald tlm. lei
waul Ihereol flalnlln will ady lo Ibe eoinl
for th'" r liel demanded In hla oiiiflalnl 1 I'd-
lona: Knr Hie loitvlnaiiio ol a certain itioalKiesir
eitvulrd by anl.l deli ii.laiil Oroiv" Uukey IU
lav or ol la uivtnuioi, now ucccm-i, on uie 101 11
lar ol Jul v. l.M. In .euro Hie l.viuelt ol
i-rrtain piomUaory note lor Ibe aiim ol l iM lU
Wltn lliterrai increon ai ine taie 01 ivti iw n-iii
wr aiiiitim from ald dale iiih.ii whk h IHer I
now due the atim ol IITW il Willi lnterel Imia
ih, 'lr.l iliv nl July Imw aald niorlaaa eon
tayina unto aald lav Id i.rvnol lor thai 1'
the follmvlua te.i real inHrly lowll
Iho undivided , Inten-al .In I lie following
pP'tniaea, iowii: inai ari im inr ihiii ,
IVrrv Isolation I Jill. 1 1 lallll No. I I' '.'f P . at
& W , iTiiiKeH.tol the Military Koad iixllna
north uom Itoaebmn, di airlKd a loiioiva, le-
nil: II. Iiiiima al a iHlni on the uorlh houn
,l.rv luu. nf anld i-Utlu 11. IkI ehalua rant Uf Ihr
mi linn line hrtmi'ii n-1'tloiia 17 and la, roiiiiina
I lie tiro s. m ileniwa il " . M VI elialna. Irunra
anulh i;l elialni lo the rvuter ol lher Cni k
Ihenev iiorlhweaterlr oy tlie nieandera d IW
Creek lo tho eaal Iwuudarv ol Mild Military
Road, theiiee uortlierl) along llirraal imamlarr
of aald road lo the not In went eorner at aald
William T. I'i rry lieiiauiui iJind Claim, Ihi'tiee
eaat along I lie uorlh Kniuilary Una ol aald
claim to II. ' laev of Ix-Hiunlng. rvcev.llng
tlii refroiii '.the follow lna ulreeo ol laud herrio-
lor aold by la Id Uualiey audwiln. Tr: Ibat
iiortlou aold V. H tt lllla, the d.Ttl lor which l
n'imli .l tu V ol. 11 of dewl. Kaae 11. alao Ian 1' T. Sherldnu. deed recordi-d Vol. o
lemla. iinuo liiS alao land aold il I aliaf llU r,
diKt rei-onliM in Vol 7 of deed, Xn, anil
land ailil J. U. A.lam.L. d.dtol u LI. t. Uie
Cimifd III Vol. l.Sot ilrrda, vage Irj, the laud
hmdiT rantevrd eontalulua l,.Saert-a.
Alao eiiinmeneliii al the '. mile "lake be
iwi-en . 17 and 1 in T n. It : , oi w II
Meridian, llieuee cat '.M pjia , llii nee uortb J
elia.. tbeitcecat 1 1 l'el.. .ttietier nilli 'icorhi
llieuee el XI.W eb, Itieinv uortli in.alelia. to
(he ulace nl.' N'tfliinliis. eouialnliig t aerea.
AIo the fh 1 . ol ! . ;.llie S ol the HVV 1 , of
S.V. h. Hie fraetloual NKl. ami lota .1 and il o
Ve. I. ami Iho ' ,l iVNW 1 , ot Hee I?,
ColllalllllO! '-l.M aen ; alao the NK 1.0IN11
,1,1 th NVV l.,,f I lie NVV.. and lot it of tare
j. eiinlamlnu '.u.,-1 arm. nit U lliii In ln iiahll
.'7 S, K j W Will, meridian and eontalnlng 111
the aKgn -ate 10. 1 ia. aerea. inon- or !, aave
andeieenl thendrom are the follow Ini fan el
ti.wlt rlegliiiitng nl a noliit II fa-.- t) degree,
K uf Hie N V ruiiirr ol blm k I ol Hunhrv a Ad
dllloii to the eltv ol ltixebnrr. Oregon, rvinuing
Hi. nee s 0 degn ea, cul 1"! lect. Hirneo h J di
grcea. W :V ni t to Peer creek. Hu m e fa.-.!
alouit Hie in-rth luk of nld Peer creek
h-e l. theme N r?', degrca, h nlong thennrili
bank of aablrreek XCi feel, Ihi-nen in-rth .mo
feet In the auulli bank of Hie Knit A. ( rll.-aer
mill lare, Ihenee weaterly, following the mr
andcrof all mill rare lo tin- iilaee ol Drgin
mng. eoumliiing .laeira al e, rxecpici 1019
and ' In hl.-ek 1 ami lots I and In block 1
aald Ituahey a a-lditloii to the cltv of lloacbun;.
1 ireC'iii.
Aiot--ra Iti'lgmeiil ngiilnl Hie defendant
(eorgo Bulier, fur Hie amount due upon an I
nnuiiiai-orr lode, lor I lie re-nay nn-ii I ol Hie nm
of fll'.i.77 which 1-laililllT hna ik-i-ii comeleU to
iav a. laica a-caei agiiui'l aani m.Tiga.en
)irenil" a, for such attorney," lce a.thriouil
ahall adjudge r-ai,,nnlile. fur lilalouil a i--ala
and ill-turn no lit" herein, anrl for uidi other
rcliol aa la i-rayed Inr Hi aald eomialui aud at
tl.e euurl limy adju'ige meri ann eiiuiani.
'1 lna "iiniinuiia ia nuhllahe! Iiv order of Hon
W . Hamilton, )udgonl ald court, n hleh "aid
order ia dated f-vlcinber
out; Attorney tor riaiullfl
IN III K ( llii til' I Ol III H I II K -IAII
id Oreciiri, euiinlv of Poiutla".
II. I.. Mar-lcm, l lniulin 1
m. I Km I In I 1 11 1 y
Frederie VV. 1 arii uter lor lorn lo. me
and Ague.- 1 iri-enter. ! nf Morlgie;.
Ileli ii.laiil-
lo I re.lerle v cnriM ulrr an-l Amu a ' aipen
tcr, den inlHii"
In the ii.uiir uf llu-Male ui innn you are
hereby n uuir.-d lo ni-i-enr an-l au-ncr Hi- com
iiIhiiiI tiled iiciiiii-l ou III lh' nhoie cnlltU
iilt l Hie lin-l day uf the m il lerin of the
alxive eulilled 1 ourl Inilowing the eigiratmu
ol Hie t ine 1. reai nu d 111 Hie order mr imnii
Hun of ihi uiiimoii", hit It nr.i day will l-o
Ilia .ilh dnr ol December A. I1. l-' and if y..u
(ail to au iinin-ar and ausner. for nnnl theieo
ilsintill will ai-i-lv lo anl euuit tor the relief
demanded in hi" iiiiiilaiiit
The relial demanded l the furci lu-urc uf
ecrtalu iiiurluiiir d evcculed au-l dolln-p-d bv
ou toJ. A. i!li on oralxuit the :Ht dav ol
Nlnn h. A. U. I '-. lo mi ore the i-aymrnt of
CcrUiln iiroui'morv note of yoiiraefi ea lor IIJ.OJ
iiayable H-iidemlx r .'i;rd. 1H7, wllh luicicat at
the rate of eiiiht er cent per aim. 1 in, and which
aald nioitgage cotiiryeii unui iani .1 A. vv una
lor that iiuri-oc the foUonlus de ribed real
protierlv situated in tne County of liouglK
Hlale u( nret-oii : lt No. three ( I) in Mock No
twof.'l in North Park Addition to Ho--burg
And a further decn-v barring nnd forCeloiing
you. "aid rreneric arp ntr ami
Aglle arKinter ol and from (any aud all
ri-ni, inn- nr nnereM 111 or 01 aaei n;ai i-rnp
crtv nnd eerv oar thercur.
Tbla aiiniiiiuna ia i-uhliahv-1 bi order of Ifon
J. W. Hamilton, liidxo of I lie above enlllhd
court, made heidemlier '."Mil, A I) IK.
OUT Attorney lor Plaintiff.
Notice uf Final Settlement.
Notice l hereby gl en that the undesigned
ndininlntrator of tho ealate of arah M. VVenlll
crly, dm eaaed, baa bled bli final nei ount iu the
i-ouiny court 01 jiohkibi couniy, niaio 01 urc
inn, aa audi ndmliualralor. and that anld Conn
ty Coii't baa livril Tucidny, the th day ol
Nov cm ber, IK.', at ldo clock a. m. of anld day,
aa the tliu'- for hcariuir ohicetlona. II any there
lie lo aald final account am the aetlleineut of
aald eirtnte.
Ualcd IhU.lOlli day ol (September IV
Administrator of the lafnto of bnrah ,f
W talherly, deceawd. O U
x of Oreifou lor Uouglaa couuly,
laabcllc Nelmll. 1
v a. J fur 11
illium .Selaon,
Deleiiilnut. j
To William Nelaon, nboi e uiiuieil Jicfciidunt
In the iiaino of the Male ol Oreaon. run lire
hereby reuu red to aniiearand nnawer Iho cum
plaint tiled aifiilunt you in tho above entitled
anil on or before, the llralday of tho next regit
lar term of tlio above entitled Court, lo wll;
Monday. December 5th. 1WH. nud If von lull lo
nniK-aror anawcr kaid coiiinlnirit within eiild
tuoo lor ani tnereui, j iuinini win aniuy 10
the Court for the relief demanded in her com
nliilul ai follown: or a decree of dleoreu dlk-
aoliinv the butida of matilinony eilnllng be
tween i'liiiiitiii ami Deiuuduut, aim lor ancn
other reliel at to tho Court may aidiear meet
and proper.
I hla umiiioiia ia iuib Ihhed bv order of Hon
W. Haiiiiltou, iuugu of "aid I oui t. w hleh mihl
ooiiT ii uateu r-eii j i.
i-i.r.u i-Atia iuftii, iinu
aSJlT Attorueyn lor I'lalntlll.
First Class
Meals for
Al. H. BENSON, Prop,
NTIIK f tUOl'IT CUt'HT Off 1 1IV: IaTK
nl Oregon tor Douglaa einnilv,
is, lauaut, Adiiiiiuaior 01 uu 1
r.atatn nl David iin-nui, le
evaaeil. I'lnlnllft.
Itoao Itiadtev (formerly Kie
tluaheyb It. I Urndley. her
huaband, K II. nauilHoii,
Hlninn I aro and laador 4 rn
Varlnera doing buliiea un
der Iho brin name nl Cam
lirnlhera.Kmllh bally, a. Van
H011UM1, V. M. lalliV,.loaeph
rt. Kelley, lloiaco N, Cialn,
J O. Hhlneharl, K M. Day
and It. lb Heii.leraon
arineni doing tmal.
liea under the lino Ham ol
Day ti llendetaon. Dafelld
Hull III
I F.'iUlt tn
V torrctoaa a
in n. I- Hia-llev. ,ioei,n o Keiiev and Hor
ace N. t rain, atmve tinineil ib-fendanla:
In the iianio ol iiietnaiv 01 orvgon: v 011 aro
her by iUlrl lo aoar and anawer the eom
filalnt llleil agntnal )iiu In Iho above enlliled
nil, on or in-lure Hie Nnl day ol the nvt Kgu
ular Ivruioflbo alnne entitled court, to-MIl,
on or licfurt) Moodav, iK-eemta-r ft, tt m, ami If
)ou tall to am-ar or ananer i-iamiin a cimnaiiii
agamal on a alorvald w libit) aald llaie, lor
want thereof, idallitin will aidy In th eouil
for I In-reliel ilauiamleai in lila ioiiiilalnl aa uu.
Iowa, tor the foieeliwurc of a certain morlgag
rvixiilril by aald dcleudanl Itoao Hradley
(Inrmi-tly lto Huhey)ln fav or f David Hreniil
ihiw ileoeaaeu, on ine Mil uav 01 .hut, imi, n
Meure the varment of a ccrlaln iroinaanry
note for tin mii lit IWM.Wi wllh lnb rvi 1 here
on al the rata of ten u-r eenl tier annum trout
aaiii oaia iiimiu w men ineriMa tuiw una uie mm
ol iKr.iJi"! tilth Interval Irom the '.'.UU day of
J HIT, ml: laid mortgage eouvcying unto aani
Darld Hretiol for that unrmiae the fulluwlng n
air liafl real iironeitv 10 wn: 1 no iiuuiviui-u
tutent In the lollnii Ing lireiultK-a, to wit 1 nac
tarl of the William 1 1'erry Imitation land
Claim No. :M Hi I V. N, K A W , lying eaat ol tho
UlHlary lload leading north from Koaeburg, il
-ril -l at follow a. l,.n It- Beatunltig at a nolnt
011 the north Uiundarr line ol raid elaliti U ;l
1 halna eaat of the aer-thm hna belwiwn aectlo na
W a- II. IJUIiliM Hieme h.K dt-grea ,ti, w
At an ehaln. Ihritea aoitlh IT ri nalna to lhr
router id Iter Cmek, thniuc nnriliwi aterly br
Hit meainlrta ot ih er 1 ma to 1 im ra"l uonint-
an ! aani .11 tan Nona, iiimhv noruitrir
along Hie eaat lioamlary of aald load lo tho corner of aald William r. I'rrry Don.
I and Claim, thence cal along Iho north laiun
darv lino olaaldclalin to I he plaea ol lien 1 11
tiliiii eveeidlng therehMin the lolloxlug Ideoea
of laud iivrvtulors aold by Dat Id Mtiahey ami
wire, Uf. that h.hioii anld w . H. w lllla, inn
dil lor which la rveontcd In V ol. Hot lel"t
liaif I'd alao laud aold I . I . atn-ildaa, dreil rv
nlrxt Md. u o( Deeita, i-aac Ii land aulil
jingriiivrg, nee-i leeonici 111 1 01 111 1 wi.
l-aifr and land told .1. v,. Adamaoti, droit Inr
Hfili 11 i neoriie! ,u tin. inn iitpii, raffa i"',
the laad hcietiy eoatejcl containing l. v ira.
Alao i-oiiimiiuelair a
al Ilie'i mile tlaka heiwrvn
u I . J7 M. li a W. of W ill Mrrl-
if ' mile tlali
iiom 1; a. la Iu I . J7 h, it a W, of w III
dan, tlienee cai A' i-halti. Ihenee Uorlh r-J
chain. Ihani-e oat 1 W elialna, Hn-uco aotillt
i, 1 halna Ihenee treat !kl ffi elialna Iheiuo
north bl .01 bain to the I'laf of beginning. ein
lalulug 1:9 n aere-i.A lu the ul a e V Uie 1 I,
ol the of ace X. the traction! n. and Iota
3 A il of aocioii m and the vr t of the n L of
rv. 17, enulaliiliig o.'l W acrea alao tho '', of
w. gaud Ilm uir ' . ol I lie iiw and lot 11 ol aec.
V containing J. I l aero, all Ik-ing In 1 I.'. . H ft
W, W III Meildan aud evmialiilug III tba aggre
gaia In? I Ho acn a, more or Ira, aare ami eed
tin r.ttom are the lollowlng arvel to nit, He
ginning al a lolnt 11 feet h 0 h' ol tha mr corner
ol illnck I, of llmOieya Addition l
the city ul Itoarbtirg. tiregon, runulnil
lbheue- 8 6 K n feol, ihenee H
?iw w jal r,-.. lo i.-ef Crc. theui eatl ali-tia
Hie north tmak ol aald IHer iar-1 7.'V., l.-rl
Ihenee N. 77' . l-i aloha tba north bauk.of aalil
IU. n.' II...IW. .....II. I..I (.. II. a ...,1.
twuk of the l'ta..t and Crlteale mill raea, ihcm-a
wvatrrly, fullonlug Iho meandcra of aald mill
race tn Hie olacc of bcMitiulug, ruittallilng 9
aerea al la t-icf itci mi ami n III nioeg
and Iota I and 11 tu Block l.'i of ld llnal.ej a
Addiiluu lo the t It r ol Hoaehuig. Orrgon.
for a jiolgmrul aMalti! tho defrmlatil
llratllev for the amitiint due uimiii aald nMinla
aory nolo, lor tlio rvjiaymcnt of tho avttu of
tl'J?7 which rlallitHV baa t-ci-it eoni.lled to
ly aa tave aaeaMcd agamal aaid innitgagcd
l-renil-ea tor auch attorna) fvaa aa the court
ahall aillinU-e raonahlr, for ai till I) coal
and ili"biireiucnia betclii, lor avich other rvllrl
aa I prayed fur III al I complaint and aa the
court may ao;uugr meri anu cuiiiianie.
Ihlr tummona la nubltahe.! by orb r of ll- ll
J. w. Ilaiulltuii, Jtidije of ald court, hleh aald
older ia dait-i "npcmnrr . 1 l"
r W. Prv oM,
O'.r? Attorney hir i lalutlrt
IX 'IHI, I IJtf t i l t Ot ItT OK 1 If K M Al K
ol ongton, for Imugla Count;.
N 'eraili, Adiuinlalratur of)
the K"tnteol Deetd flrroot,
drcenaed, I'Ultilltt. :
1 . ,
K I a 1 I Huah.y. I. la Butlirv 1
hlawHc. I. M Mamlllon. I . I
A. Bcbbrcde, A T lhom.-
anu, J.-M-t.Q 11. allrv, llnr
an- K, Crnlu, I'. M bailey, I null 111 f iUltr
Hnilth Nailer, H. Van llnuten, Vio Korai lnau a
J . Khlnaiiart, laador f aro I Mortgage
ami oiaiou i.irn, parrner 'in
Ing bualnc.a under the firm
name oft ant Brother. R. M
Dav and K. II. llendtrvnn.
l-artnera d'dng bnalntaa uu- )
b-r Ihe Brin name o( liny d
Heg'lerMiti, IK-Irlidauta I
In Edn aid Biiabe) , I ela Buaher, Juaci.h
Kelley, lnrae N. t rain nud t A. !chebrcdr
and anote Iiainct ili-letidaut:
In the Name of Hie hlalr ol iremui- V
are brrebv r.-,.ilird to apar aud amair tha
euini'laini nn-i agnin-i win in Hiealoia til
titled iill, 011 or 1 tote the Mrt dav of the ueil
regular lerm of tne abivc cnllHed t on 1 1. tn-n It.
uu ur llore Monday, DcM-inln r .1, l" and II
Mi.i fall lo i ir or aimrcr plalritlfr com
plaint m:lnil you a aforeaaid wllhln aald
time, fur want lhrrof, plaintiff' will i.l In
tu theeourt tor Ihe lelicf demanded In hi cum
plnint a lollona: Kor the forocloa-ure of a cer
tain inortgnua- aieeu'cd bv anld defcmlanla
Fdward Huaney and lala lluahty In fnvor uf
David llrennt, now dierrd,nn the nth day ul
juiv, ta-i.1, 1.1 aec lire ina paymrni 01 a certain
promta-ory mil for the aum of f.Tnl.uo wllh
lite real uiir.uii at tna re'e or un per 1 enl t
aiinutn fnun nld dateuiwn nhleh Hie re la mm
due Hi-.- aiim of M with lulereit from tho
;jrd day of July, )":: anld morlgngv conirytug
unto anld David t-reo"! f.-r that liutt'uau Ihe
f In r lc-crilied irnl pnij.erir to wit Iho
iiu.iin-li-l imi nai in the foiiuwtng premiar,
lo wlt: that pari of Ihe W llllnui T t't-rry Do
nation l aud C laim No, da tn l. '.'7H.,U. ! IV.
lying cart of Ihe Mllllarv Road leadirlj north
from Koaeburg, de-en lied at follow lowlt: He-
glnnng at a i-oint on the north lioimdarr Uu
of aaid claim H n.1 ebnlti eaat of tba Hon
lino in twecu cetlona 17 A IK running them e
H. if) di grre :j W . MM rhaltia, Hit rice wiulh
47 oachnliia lo Ihcceutcrof Ifc-cr creek, Iheneo
norlhwratt-riy by Ihe meandcra of Deer Creek lo
tnora-il Iniiimiaiy 01 anld Military Koad, Ihenre
northerly along (he boundary of laid road
to tba nortliweat comer ald William I. I'erry
Donation Laud Claim, Uitnre cant along tna
uorlh boundary ltim of runl clntm
oi aani cinirn
llnnlu; exccitlDg
ins iilcee ol
Id BiiKhcy and wife,
In tlio place ul tginiilu;r
lliercirotn Hit- lollnw in
la.l.l lirpvl,,!,,". nul.l ,u llavl.l
............. ..I..... sjuml.j M.U " I IV,
1 1,: That portion aold W, R. W'lllla, tliu deed
for wbn h ia recorded In Vol. 0 nl lajedi, page
on : aisu lann aoio 1 . r. nueruiau, ueeq recortici
vol. it 01 iieeoa, ria;.- 11 aJau land void II,
lAiiurnberw. dee.1 n-runk-l In Vol. 7 ol lieeda
pairc :iil and land anld .1. O Adumaou, deed for
1. Iib-h la rauoidt-it l,i V,l 1.1 uf l,...MH til
Ihe Inrjd hereliy eooveyod cunlnlolnlug l,f
acre, AIo 1 oniinenelng nl tin- t, mile lakc
betwecn teellmi" 17 id H In I . K7 H.,K. j W., of
will .Merinaa, inenee eaat elialna, thonre
north W elialna, Hicneeeaat l.l.ov chain thenee
aoutn vu.uj eniiina, tnencu weal Jii.W 1 halm,
Iheuco north Hl.IiUehaliit In tho place of U glu
nllig, coiitaiiilug IIW. In aeroa, Alan Hie ae'i nl
a e. 7, the w "( the aw ' . of aro g. the frao-
ll'iual ni'4 ami tola ,1 A tl 01 teeth in M and the
w'i of tho mi1, of aecllnn IV, contalulng
61 H9 ai-ni; nlo tne ne1, nf arellon a and the
n:t ul the na1 and lot Uol m-cllou , l ontnlu.
Ing .'IU si geri-a, all tHing In lwu.-7 H., R.i W.,
will Men-Inn gnu containing in tho aggregate
11-,1-uii ue.rcv, moro or iea, aavo ami except
Ihrrefroui nru the fiillowlnu narecla In wit: He.
glnuiug at 11 point tl feel H. tj K of the
11 w corner or Mock 1 01 itutliey'a addlliou
lo tho Clly of rtowburu. Orcein, run.
ntng Ounce Hi) degree JC 1 I feet, tht-uco H
Z8 degree W Wo feet to Deer Creek, ihenee eaat
along tho north bank ol taid Deer crock VXi fe.-t,
UV.UV ll""'l uw ii..,VkiiiHJiibiiuailK ll IUI-
Kntl and Crlleaer mill ra'e, thence winterly, fol
lowing Ihe meander of anld mill race tu the
piaccoi ix ginning, coniumiug 3 acr a Alaolaea-
cuiited lola J and S in block 1. and lota I aud a In
nii-tca 10 or mm uuaney a Addition lo the City ol
Iloaebtirg, Oregon. Alan for a Judgment agaliiHl
cy fur the amount duo upon auld proinlaaory
note, for the repayment ol tho auni ol 1119.77
ino aeieuiiuui r.uwaru iiuauav ami ri Hn.h.
wmcu pininiin naa ocen compelled tu pay aa
utxca aihcaacu gain"i lam enurlnagod preinlaea,
for auch' fee aa theeuiirt ahull .A.
Indue rcntonablo, for nlalutlfl g coal and ilia
buracirteula herein, and for auuli ullior rolief aa ia
prayed for In auld complaint and a Ihe court
bmy adjudge meet and cuulluble.
'Milaauiimoutiapubliaficd by order of Hun
J. W. Uamlllnn. In. lire of aald ennri .kii, ... ..i
order la dated Bepteuibi-r 2yth, if.m.
317 Attorucefor Vlalnlin'.
Notice For Publication.
Unithii Ktitek L.vmj Ol net.,
Jluaeburg. Orcgoii, He tit. Zl, lb!W.
Sutlen H hereby ehen tbi.t tl.., full. elm.
liaiued aetller hua tiled iintleu of bl Inienit.,,,
to make final tuotif la auppoit of hla ululm 'and
that anld Wool 11 III be liiiule In lure ll.u li,l.i...
and Rcculvur, I'ulteil hlutea Laud OM110 al
Il0cbiirg, Oregntt oil November 1, leiw, VU
BENJAMIN K. kirivf 1
on Ifomghtead Knlry No, O.'t, for tliu Nl j N W.
tt'v.Kf ',"' s-f. 'I'I'- ' H. 1 Weal, It,, iigme.
uir loiuiiviiig wiiueaaea to prove III cuiiliuuoUa
le.ldcliou ii),i,n and .jliltlvatlnli of tnld laud.
U. Chnrleai:. Rider, l-rinela I. H,w um
W Inliliii'bain and Dmnr a W 1 ,. 1 ,1 .1, .. ..t Uu . ,
Olilllg, iliei'DII. '
J. T. flllIIJi,l.s.
IN 1 1ll CIHCtll' cot III' OK I UK hi Al M
Oregon, lor the Couuly id Duitla.
W. P. t-onl, II. K, hliieald and I'lill)
Melaeban, aa Monid ol t oinnila
aloneia, Inr Iho nle ul HelitHil ami
DulM-ralty I nndai and Im Hie In-I
vealmriit ol Ilm fund' aittliiit '
lug Hicrelttim, I'lalallflV
J11I111 lloaeh ami Ml. John lloaeh, Ida
wile, Delriidnlil
To John lloneli ami Mr. Joint lloi 11, abmo
liainrd Deliimlaitl ,
1.. it.. ........ ..1 11.1, Ulalnuf On-mill. loll aild
ear Ii ol roil am beivl.i n-iiiln-d In aid! and
anawnr 11111 iuuiitaini uii-u agnin.i :
aboieenlllbil aull, uu or beloio Hie III at day nl
the neil regular term in uu eouii. '";
M lay. Ilm Mb day ol Hei i-mwr, biui u
you tail o In anain-r lor want tut rani 10;
iTallillllkwIII .dyl.i the I mill tor the rel e
leniamieil in Hie commaim, a aoia ue . '
me lit ot which I a lollnw llial iiaiuuna
havo liidgiui'iil agalnat tin- Ueli-ndani, Jnbn
Itina-h, for Ilia turn ol fJ., w lib. Inleroal thereon
Irom thorirdday ol June, latai, al Iho tale of a
iM-reeiil r aniinm, iM-abh-a lln lr coal and
iTlahuiM-mcnla lit llila aull and Ihu aiim "I 1 '
ailorury a liea, lor Hie uauni uei ree on-en.-lint
I'lalullll- tnotlgagi- and lor Iho aleolllii
inoilgageil pivuilae Iu IB' inannrr .mii.i' n
Ian, ami the aidhatlon ul tho orocced ol
iieh aalr, lo lb" e vocliac nl aald tale, and Hie
aaltafaetlnil nl Iho almi v Inelillolii-il demand",
and tho balance, II any, In .ay to Hie IM-Ieud-ant,
John Hiaadi, or hi leual riiireaeitlallrei
that Hie IN-lumlanir ami an i-erauoa i iiiiiuia
br, Hirongh or under llu-m, bo lorovcr liairral
aild ioraeloae.1 ol all right, Hlb-or Hiti-rl and.
e-ioltr of rcdrmidlnu of, Iu or lo aald mortgaged
iireuiiae or any )ti inereoi, ine in-inw.
moitgagtd and aoiiglit lo la Hold III Hte.u uo
eeeillnga an- ileai-rllHd aa lullow: lomtiii-n-ilngallhaHK
eoimruf tba Tliomaa rhralir
do:ialiun land claim, In Hcc. :l, Tp H nlll 7 W,
iu iKiugla Couniy, Oieaoil, llieuee liorlli ln a
lxdilt I'M varda Miulhuf wheto Iho lownaliln
line tx-tworii T' ' i"l ' ero"- tnld claim,
Iheneo weal In weal litu-ol aald claim, Ihrnio
anutb along lite Hue id aaiililallu lo ibri lialf
tullo Hun III Ibaeenlet olaald H e :i llirueo
eaal Iu treat Hue ot the David llldenour ibina
lion land 1 latin In tald teetluu, llieuee uoilh
tn SW corner nl bl ilntm Ihrme i ! tu
i.laet ol beRluiiliig. r anting Itnaerc-, iimr"
or ll aa. Till" llliiiiiillia la iubllahrl by order ol
lloti.J.W, llamllliiu, Judge ol Iho alanecn
titled CllOll, ilall'd Allgll-I 1.
A M CM HI Kllllti,
A ."'IT Attorney lor riaiullfl.
t N IIIK t IMl I II ttiflll OF I II K Hi Al I
A ntrrgon tor the enmity ol Dnuglaa.
M. II. Miough, t ,
I'laiuilil ; Mill In K'lttlK
t. J fur a Dltorvc
II. C nhouali, 1
ItiTendanl. I
lo II 1 . Kliuugli. alaoa titmrd Dilendant.
In th name of the Htala of Oreguti, )oU are
heratiy rt-iulred to appear and awuarr tha com
plaint llird agalual uu III Ih above entitled
ull on ur before I lie Ural day of the tied rrgn.
lar term nt the atnoe entitled t nun, lowll
Mull. lay, Di-iemlx-r .'ith, la'Ja, ud If vou fall lo
apimar or awnaer laid eoniplniat ollliln tab!
lima lor want thereof, I'lniniHl wilt apply to
the Court for the relb-l ih uii..!rd In h r tout
plaint a follow. For a dceree ol itliurte dla
aulv lug the tmnda of ina'tiiiuiuy dialing I
twreu ruitltln aud Deleudnul, fur Ihe eaie
and euatodv of the minor child Arlluii Hhougb,
aud lor aneli other reliel aa In the 1 ourt may
Hein uicci and piuirr.
Tht iituiiton la piibtlalird hy upl-r oflhe
Hon. J. W. Hamilton, Judge of aald Cull 1 1,
which aald order la daied 1 clobrr '.'1. I"'
u.'.ll? All. one) lor l lallilirl.
IMiinoiin. I at-ti or 1 1. a.
rtuaebiirg, Oreguli, OvTulx II. I TO.
Sollee I. beiehy given thai the approi ed pint
ofturveyof Tun nlnp . Ilangr 1 Hnt Im
tn-en ri-celied fn'in the Hiu-.eiur tiem ral lor
On-guii, aud on vv -In- 1 . Vo cnttirr In. la-m
at t o cba-k a. in. Mid nlai will Im-Died Iu tin
oflU-c, aud III-- laud ciubraia-d therein nlll In
auldril to entry uu nud afo r Ibat dale.
J I llltlla.K.s.
I. II lux A II,
Notice of I'inal Settlement.
Noin I. s HtllKHV I.IVEN 1 1 1 A I IIIK
Utlderal 1:11 i d adinluilrloa 11 1 tho 1 at t, id
Ifeury Conn, br., dei . av d, hai e flb--l their Dual
a'-cniiut - Mich tiiiiitt-iiialur lu the tuunl
Court uf lamitlat CotitiK , 1 reguu, au-l thai anld
Court baa m 1 10 .dnt, Nov i-ii,Im r a, a-.i, at th
hour ot 1 mi ha , h. 111. uf -aid da al the tour l
lioll.e III II. I liurg. Ok g"ll. aa Hie lllne ami
plaee ur the 1 oual-lvtnlbill of tnld float neeuun!
aud fur bearing oli)eellont Hierelu nud j-i Hie
0 11 al artllaiiirnl u .aid elate.
Daiidal IIom burg, oirguii, Una Imli u ol
Oi lolnr, I a .
1 W tnSS,
I". M. CONN,
Adinltilatralnra of Ihe Kalnle ul II. tin I nun,
f-r , dreea-cd.
K. W. HhN-ON,
Oloil All.iimj lur Adiniiila'.iniura.
AdminiAtrator'A Notice.
uinleraigiied admliil-lralor i-l Ilm
I alntr ol Kma Chae-iuan. doi ea-e-l, baa tile-1 hi
lllial aeeoiiut na ueh adm Inltt ralor with Hi"
Cuiitily b rk lor Douglaa I uiiiil-, Oregon, and
that the Hon, Juo l.joiia, t miiiiiv JudKe, u .a.
I oiniti ol Dnuglaa, baa t Tuea-lay, Ihe Mil dav
of Nom uilH-r, la w, at Ihe hour ol un, u ,n k in
the the time for hearing ohju tbuia
10 aani uiiai ai ouui, 11 any. ami ,r a. IHIng
AdmluKliaior t-.aian
. U CAHKolT.
Kuin t hei-.iunii, i-
-K.lil.lllil.DI. A I O-IIOU,
ol'H.i Alioiiiei a fur
Notice F:or Publication.
f Mim Hi a in L-.o 01 tier,
Mutcbuig. on gun, Augual 1;, l
Nollee la hereby given that In euiul'llaiun
with Ho' pun laiutia of Iho ai l of i ongn l,. inlttled "An ait lur the aala ol
limber landa m llu mate- nl California Oirgou,
Nr.-.ada and W uiliiiigton Territory." atexlendrW
loanyhc I'libllo Ijiud Mlnlea by act ol Align. t
l.t'l.C It Cut I I".J
ol Oak laud, 1 utility nl Dougl.a, Htale of Dn g-m,
umm .M. .tmj iiivi 111 una omcc ner twoi n "tale
mrnt Nn f. for tha piitehaae of tlmSK1?!.!
rclion No. a, In 'lunuabip No. ; Range No :l
JV, W. M. am wiltoner.ronf lo ahow that Ilm
landanuulit I mure. vlual,le lur 11. 11, ,,1.....
iloim than f.-r ngrlcullural puriHiatu, and l. ea
. . imm 1., -mi iuii uciuru trie Hacia
trr and Kei elver uf Hil ofDee at llim l.ur.
ron, on lurialay, llie .'.iih dar of K tube". In
"he nami-aaa ultnra.Ma r". VV. MadanU, T . II.
H nth, 1. R. Ifunard, Reuheu a. hiiitn,,(, Oak
land. Or.g.,11. Any and all pcraon 1 laitnlug
adteraely the ahoi c draerili.! I,u,, nlv nJ
luritcd lo tile their cluimalu thlai.nii o ou or
iK-fure aaul 'idli day of Ocluln-r, ih-m.
J. t. ititiiM.r.
alMIO lte.l.llr
Notice I or Publication
I'KITKIi Sl TKa l.iVU III tn t,
, i'ottburg, Oregon. Oeiobcr II. lv.
Nulieil Ih her.. I.v bI, (I...I
.... 7 lOHOWIIIg
named aeltli r lint Hied ludlee ol hi intention
ui inaae mini prool In ttpiKrl of hi claim, and
that aald pnnil will lie lunde In-lore the Iteclaler
ml Iteeelv-... I' m I. ..I Ul.i... 1....U1111.... - . t.
r at note.
burg, Ortgou, Non-uiln r'.'J, Iw, v 1:
fill llatiiC"lead Kntry. No. Ol'd, fur Die fit 1 ,,(; Weal. Ho1 1 namu Ihel,
lowing vtllneaact to prove hi cottu,,,,,,,"" -'. .
dencennon and eiilllvatluii oHal I land i il -Mlitou
Olllih.llt. W i-....' ,,',' u""..,.!
llauia, Willi,,! Irrllig ol Teu MUe, Ore,!"
. 1. llltllll.lK.
. ftiglaler.
.I. meiaeuaii, a inn Board I
of I niitiiilwiiiucra for iho i..
of hchool ami (Jul vet ail v-'
i.aii'ia ami ror Ihe lineal,
mcnl ol lh f unila arlaing
.,.vi,u,ii, iiainiina.
William un, .1,.. It I,. 1 ,
. 7.., ,,-. . i-vieinini' r. 1
hereliv r. i.iiln.l 1.. " ' Oregon, you aru
' '' -, , gtifHijajl jt.ii, Ul IMl rMtf tit
per caul per annum, beside Ilm "0.", ami all
:'.,h" ',1" "W il K"1 al I iiriie y ,.( "
for the iittial decroo lureeloaing pialut II a
norliragu, and for taluof Ihu luortuiigeii ,,,, 'L
an i .7 . 1, "1.:.".'. . "cnianda.
and force luted of all rluht Hit.. ii,,....J. f
c-mltvof red, ,,!,,, 'o, a ml to ' I nurt
cagcf preiulae. ',,nd overy ,',"" 1 1 teof wb 1 11,
nremhtoa aro aaVillowa, i wit 1 hi
Ve.lf"' "'''J- 'oWllahip I'l.H of II V,J
K . f'.nd,ai,i'ir",!l,"Ul '" V"""1 '" ' V. 0
C....V? it . ' ' 'hither n llnl u, thtt
l:ttvvkuh"y, ,"tm "au
AHoinoy lui riuiulln,