The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, October 24, 1898, Image 1

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    The Pluhidcnfcr
-mki. nr. w s,
ir.f. iir.M'f .
Executed Ncailr n! i I.ivina ithtif .
Hie IMitiiKloaior
I' ii t . 1 1 1 1 l M'V Motiility Mtxl lliiii'Miliiy
ink iiu.l M n III hlrutit,
Ii t II K
Vol. XXIX.
No. 64.
. , . I, . .. M I 111 If 1 I.HlI'lK, f.'i .:!.
1. ,, 1 I,. 1 11 , Mini . ill, i, HI, I, allilll. III III)
, n h 1' 1,1, I mi l hiurtli lli'U'l
, , , 1, II HI HI M I i"Ul'lll t'l Bl
,1 ,.....,.,( ni vl'HIiii: lii'iUifin i'if
' , ,n . 1 1 1 . 1 1 11 11I
i ll v I I.. II IM.I.V, K 11
1 1; 11 iiihiii ! . f iiy.
, v it ,,l, i 1 ' h Ii., Ml it Jit. . 1'. A. M .
I' .ni) M "lll"lax I'll'UlllM II t
, ,-i 1. u 111 in - " I M K'nii': Hull. VlMllnil
wlli.-i. Hi" 1 "I'll.iH) limli.l I'i mil lid.
0. II, I HMHlIN,
1 1 V , I'm' 11 if . I iiiiniilliir.
II. .' i,.li HH '"ii'Uil.
1 Al'ltll. 1 mull. Y. A. M , hKllHI.AU
ni.'. u . . tin .' I nn. I llli Wu-lni-kdays III
.mil 111 "It Ii. ,m
I III-. I'. JullS 11:., W . M.
N.I. lkMi,-ll).
Mllll. I I Wilts l.'li"il M- . I "
I 1,1. '. Lilnl'lnl rtl IlllltJ III inch Wil k Hi
1 in i! 1, .ill :n u.l.l li ii.iw l. iucli- ni Uim Iiuik.
Mi i'i I I'll ! Ill K"l Hkll.lllH l IllVll-
,. 1 . ...I, h i. J. Vv. r I H .M.K. N. 11.
.1. I . Ji r 1 1. v is'y.
.,ii.lii:u l.tiii'.K. M !. A. O V, W.
Is ,.,.,i , m, m i mul lii'iilli MmiiUi "I
.vn ii.iiiiin nO i i. hi al "Id II""" hall
',, i.ih. i ..I u,. "il. 1 In K'' kian.llnu, are III
1 tin I (i Hiu.11 I
i,l MHO, I, NO l. A. W.. M Kg I'M Tim
IS .. 11,11 I I ln.m.lm. ul ia.ll UliUltll,
ii-.i .11 s 11 III I il l- i lll.l'f Nil. Ill, MKK10
W lif t 'i. 1 tl. ti l rTllujk III ! Ii iiioiiIIi.
1, u .LIU K', ' il M l I- II. N' U. K. H .MkaVrh
S. in,, m i mi. I 1 Mi l I Unrili "I each
u,c"''' Mul, I, Ii: MIAMUltt'tik, W.M.
Ul. .IS I HAM', mi)'.
I,i. ' Hi' ..1. III.I"N N" '-. i
Is ,. i o. mmI mi.l l.iiiuli mui.lajr.
. , , n 1 I S.i I.. . K I' i MKKT
A' ;',V. l I, :..,., i.iil.iil V O.l.l follow.
,., . , . i..n,;iu. Ill klall.lllis
Ha.., in, iU'I ui ntun I.
i i,lili'l C
. ,a.. X in.,S. ' r TvtTll.
AtU'i -ucys-iit-Luw,
I- , ; mi.l 1
.1. Ii:'" k.
IlKi Klll'IHI. Oil
Attunu v .uj'l litMiiiMclor Jit Law,
-,M, ' ... .1 "-:' tli.HUf '
.,. 1 . t . 1 1 . ii 1 . 1 ; 1 . l"" iii '"
i) aruATtouD,
Att-'MH-y al I. aw,
liii I hl li'i, OKKlillS.
". I 'vV'i l.ii-l lil K's UKKl.l'N
Altoiney ut Law,
1 ; ,v hi; ! 1.;.. KD.-Kiifitu, uiihiioN.
J,' w h:;m.iON,
Atti'i iK v-at-Law.
1;.'; iL'.V.'n., : i,o'.,okki,in
Attorney at Law,
ll.,;ii- I A M..i ur.i lllilK., UOSEIIUKU, Oil
jj-lliii,'s Ih Ii.ii' Hid V, H. Lund OIIU'O Uil
i.iuii:; 11 f.i-i'iMlijf.
!.'.. Itn-. iv.r IT, H. Und OlllCO.
Nuithcrii J'aciric UuilroaJ Company.
An- ni'llin : lii'k-u t. nil poiutti i:nl at
li.ilf tin! r.i!rn.
I). S. K. IUuk,
Lji .iI ut N.. -', MarBiura tmililiug.
(II ril'K, ., J .I.H kn.lll Hlltl'l, l H'-
I. Inn, '1: 1. 1 Mi. J. Illm-r.
uo.-Kuriui, 011.
J - I,. M. 1)..
Surgeon and Ilomooopathio
Itui-lturu, ttrryvn.
tkPolll HllO illMil" klHK'lltf .
'it? -!
ucoNonv riARKiri
I. KOJIUIAdliN, Proprietor,
I.KAI.I'.lt IN
Frcsli and Salted Meats,
;A('K.rN nr., IIUKIII'liC, OK.
nnTi-1 L
UHH. I). (', MiiCI.AI.LKN, I'rnp.
uati:h hi'.anonaiii.i:.
Iiki', K I In- Itooinn.
Kn-v llui Ui ami frmn TmIih.
M A N l'KAI.1 V lil.ll JIAII V
Great Bargains
At Denn's Variety Store...
Sco our Special Hargains
in (ilasswavc, Lemonade
Set s, A fteriioon Tea Set s,
l'aney Glasses, ami l-'niit
1 1SWAPII. l- ri.l l'll,. 1111 Llli ki t.
I'.AIIr ,
I'lpl. kftt-ft, i.itm.iiH.xt-k, tic.
Lunlr, Imll. lili,iiTK klld la.lU., IW.. nu
ll) liitirti lnuki't., tcli'Wt" '. itl( Ill-Ik.
uu.l Inkkkein.
3TATI0M:HV. I:,. Iii. ."I Ti. v. 011 nil i-u
ll.iiii'l). I'VU. Ii", Hlm, Ink, iiniiilug. ctr
CHINA. Mr ,.111 kvprll .lci' 1,11 ill I lllllk
llkiilkli'l ( lull ilinticr Mil l Ira M ir.,
.'iiil .iri lulu mi' I Inninti.tu' rluii ilia
n. r iul U wlk, IihhiiIl'4 rlilii kin r
ii, mil Ick n U, i ii pi mi, I mucvin, Ji lly
illbf;. liultvi rlii., etc.
N01I0N5. ltktr lii, kldo Koiiibkr'mtdliV
.n, tolli't ,,!. i lc.
Wo Ju jnl m i H.lvi.rlinB. Ail
llii'ie UiiuKS are Ij bo lia.l at (lie
luutt rash pi iced at
Demi's Variety Store,
Koscburg, Oregon .
luut;liiK County. Ori'K"'-
I lio ali r ul llii'Mi Siilnm i ill lul ll : I.kIiih',
llr.iii.ln.'. rulKkkiMin. tliu I ktlHiiikirq ul Iruii
mi.l l.lino mi.l I. Iil.irlili n ul I'klcliiiii, MkiiiIuiii
mul nuilliiin.
Una VirtUK cmilKiiik I.; mi.l llio uUn r uMI
UOkiuiiis ul kolld uiklkr lo tbu giiUuii.
IxHklr.l on lliu Kiulliriu l'i llln liklluml,
"tllimu nulla'' (mill umi Kiui1m.'u lo ruillmnl,
111 Uouglni on ul) , On ou,
.k-i:r.ivMiiil ck. of Klii'iiiiintiMii, Nal '
Uirli, l kikirli o( lliu i-l.iiiim li, Dynpvpla. In
ln.U'k, Niiiniliik, MkUrlkl 1' kl.lnc)'
Trim I. I uiikllnlliiii, HiMUJii'k ul lliu bklu,
l.lvi r kii'l lluwi'U, iiud iii n l iIImumji tiavo
Utii cure I hf lliu tin. ul llii'ko WBklii.
Niw l.klh nMiini runni-i'tol Willi tlic main
IiuIIiIIiik. I'liklulUc. and Kxpri'M uu ttiu I'liiil
Ikta. Dully mail, nurlli and mulli.
Ti.rins - fit) vr m'i'k, i per day, luclu.llng
l lio lluti l U iiii'lt-r Hie linniudiato kupinU
lou ol
C.ll'T. lllvN. I. UUSWIX1.I
iuTta7 Manager.
Want Your
Crockery and
Glassware !
l.aiKtxt H it-1 I'lni'kt Akkinlmout
tvo jbrtmiHil lo Uimi'burK
.Mho a I'timpUtu llui'ol clioko
All kinds of Country Produce
Seimtor Simon Talk.
' I'm nut tf.i im .i i-'iiii.ui. in) i,iiiiiiii
ul I'lililii' .ii. tw,,i.k, j.iki l,ii'4Ui-. I've
Iron n'rrlul ai in I i,".iii.I . 'lui'i r i
iii'iii, Uulili'ily 1 1 ii ri i.i.f who
'inlil an t willi l.i n. ' I ,,,ii't
tli ink IIiito ii nun Ii il'iulit ai to my f
nit Iiii wiili nrfi'iiHini t ill.n ln;i irtant
mattura Imfnrrt lliu imifii ry,"
lie W4R NHiirii., h'jacvir, lln'ilie
I ii'j'iiiij Ijj'I n ki'i-n inii'i M' i i i.h wi' a a
Una Mm, mi l i viu'i I l,n VU,
to liay.i a (r im t'nl iv. n i.f uu oi l
story, hliu'D ill.- .v. .i;i.iii.ii' i ihi) pi-1
liv ilayn lul l kImvu rju'ri il aiiiilic.itii:,,
to liia iittiirani i a Hi coti-iPiileil lo lalk
Irouly aii l wlihont ov.-mi'iu
"(1 cjniHti'" mi. I Im, "i!i.i II i n i ul
iiitial.iii ai lirmilit iiil.i u gruat roiu
lniii'o in llrc'iu in I), in i niiinii(ii, tiu-
canaa lliu p ilitn a ul I'm hUIo Ii ivi Iceii
) cml'i'ifly in i it-it in Dial i:i,uiljnt
Iiimiix, I luvu ii!ivj'4 liuliuvuil, itimu
tint tu'.j t Imi I. oil i ,i;i-u i ii n iilic
tloiHioii, iI.h! llio only 'Niiiiui inoiiey
tyatiMii' .,( 1 1 io (ini. I Nlaii'l.inl.
Tlia fiK'it in iIhh ciair liuvin I 'uu ii i;li-
iii the rinil.ii'.i'i 1 1 1 r r , ai null rh l,n
wejii Urn iriiklr. ii'Ii'iIjIii.'jiid mi.lllii?
a llikruiili ul all ktii;,i i)l tond wiCilly
a lit inijiic)' l.ii'.l.n, mul thn htmilil
ii i!il alan.lunl n imliln u i i Ii ivi iik llnally
Wjii cucli a iiMiiilii'i-iiL victory, it wn
but mitiukl tli at pniiniiKTiro t-lioul.l le
giiun l luit 'jiu-Mii n tliroiiliout Die i'aiii-
paiuu llikt li;u j.ini i-u lu'l Willi my dec
ti'jn. lint it Mt'iiii:! 1 j id, i ..uril.l
tainliir.l (aitli i loininx to Iiavu a m-w
i(uillcUIIIT. 1 111 (ill t .111 I u it io as u
(Kiliiy of our rnlrrii.ilio.-i.t'. ,vu,iiinoiil(
It bus rc'.'ijnlly lalini i-ni:ir!uiir
by rt-aaoii nl lliu tiTiit.jrial t xpaiiBion of
tho I iiili il Sut-rt uu.l tl.u ' iiiiiiiun ial
roiaiiniiH limn lir,iiij;lit to our roiiHitlurii
lion. M.iiH-y, (ul. li.t'l i.r in l:!ltir.-nt.
It lln.iill.lllt unly lor tl,u limn I ) il,ii;ll
it In ( i limy li" put. ni..i,f , Ih ihk'
till' Ix hl nioiit y, ,1 ii fiiru (. lii'i'p mm lo
pjMHUH'Ilt tl.l'l'. Il Mill II jt III j I, .j in
llllll'il llllkll'lll (' til Ilk hIiI'IIh I lill! ll.lfO
of n k. ii.ii. k l"i Ni Vinkoi lni.luii,
wbrli li, ..Iii-)' 1 1 ii.lili c l I i i'. .iunii n
t ir in h ul I r .!.. li.itr a .lilinilu
in'idiiiiirf iviiy m In ru. 1 lino i.j ere
tbu 1 1 .11. hIiiii I'l.riluil mI; liuro
pi OltK ll! 1 V ill 1:1' .-xrllilllL't t) ul tilt'
woilil. If I ilo iio.!y tni-i t nil
cvi iita I'i y.n.,1 tliu IVi'iiif, 1' Imh
lli (rtMtukl op.'. i lu i.t v ul i'.s f.trot. r to
tak ii liiu'i pl.ic" in c m in, rru,
'"I il u ivA ipiitu ci'i-lif I with llio'
pri'Hi-iit iMti.iiii ni i I' liiiaiu i'R.
Tbu li.ili.ui in uu n ;.iM baurf, il i titif.
but ita poaiiion itiiylil, in ii. y jiiiluirbt,
bo improvoJ. Out fni(.iK'6 io ail riglit
(or pro.pcruna I i men ; if ml v it ait y eliotilj
come again, wo mixlit b-o (real in o I (or
prolocliiiK llio licastiry as we bavo rtcn
io tliu puht. Tliu rtTiruiiii'iit if llio
triuoury r.utofi, 1 think, wool. I oul jiig
way in lli.t iliruiliun. I'oKsibly that
won) I Ho a illirirn' pii i'airi iii for ti o
pri'itMi'. I il.m'l hi'lii-vo in leaviug
thuHO lliinni uulil '.! I u Ihreu'.orcil
Willi dif.ik'i'f . I.u! in in lliu,- ul (.rte
perily taUu ii'eps to war.l nil K.lvorijity.
S liilo 1 1.) uo'. bcliovts in a jingo
poliry 1 nin ktill iiM'rsi' lo uur willuliaw-
log williiti our national Mi. I uu.l ruins-
iug to take ami liM 1 our proper pl.ioe in
tbo tffaira u( (ho wurlil. Uf llio two, 1
woulil chooiio to ailopt llio policy ol
l'itiglan.l rather than of I'liiu.v. We
cannot kcop aloof fioui '.In wort. I'd (real
activities witliout uuili'iing tho pf ualty.
We miiHt an a nation lako llio rtMpjiiei
bilitit'H ami a lvniit.ii.a conic to im
in the progress of cvuuts. It tuppjiii
tli i.t tho war with Spain h.n bi'O'Uht in
voiy material territorial expamijii, 1
believe wn Bhouhl accept il. In tho t'ou-
stant Mrti(!i;ln with which
civilinatiou is t'vor waiu, wo, ai an
enlighttmeil pouplo, iiiiiitttaae part. The
loaponaibility that ciuii.'B with tou.jiebt
o( Spain's oyei ripo fulmiea ii cioat, and
llio uilvautiuo ih b li i important. It is
hynonicanB u tr.m-
sactioii. In dollars ami cents otir terri
torial expansion may not lu protitahlo
(or Borne time. It id our ull'air, ami we
Bhouhl foltle ii in uiir way ; ami our way,
I believe, is to iusuit uu havii. tbu entire
group u( tho Philippines, mul llio other
pOBUCBrioiia conci'iniiig whicli Ilium is no
ijucHtion. In this mattt r I aeo no reason
why we Hhoulil coiiutiH any ulhcr nation.
Spain is in no pjdition, fioui tho Blauil
poiut ut either tight or might, effectually
to oppjso our taking tho legitimate fruits
of war, OKpe.'ially of ouch a war. 1 think
I tthoiihl oppose the ratitic.itiou of a
treaty lhatshotill involve' rotoulion of
fcjpanit'h sjveiclguly over any part of tho
riiiluiiiinu.i. We can nial.o them ol
vastly uioio use lo Uij w nll auJ to otii
ulves than lliey mo now, uiul wo shoull
ami, I Di.lieve, will .lo it,
"It is nut tieeetiury for mo (o u.iy thai
1 (aver tho huihtii'g mul contml u( tho
Nicaragua t mini hy llio l'nito.1 States
goveriiuient, l he l'acilio coast is deeply
iuterestuil in thiu enterprioo an I if it
ihouhl ho coaiplotcil within a few years
It is poSiiblu this coast woulJ at lirst i.
peiieiico a moru direct bouetit lluu any
oilier pait of tho nation. lnt tho At
lantic neabojid will need us uhort a cut
as il can get to oiif new pofreBsiona in
tho puciliio and to tho gioaing trade at
our dinpomil In tho .Itip.uii'se and Chinese
eiupiies, and tho canal will bo us much
or moro a ncccB.sily to the commerce of
our KiHtern states us tj tho l'rtoilic
MaltiH. It is not u' bictional enterprise,
but oil in which tho whole I'lutcd States
! Ih interested.
"A cable to connect the I'nited States
with Hawaii lint lonu been needed.
With Hit acquisition ol Hpanlah irlamli
roines Increased necessity for aiubrrarina
cable to blind oUr poaewlons Inti com
munication with each other and with tha
central aeal of government. I buKeve
the government should take tome action
that would result lo tha building of soth
a cable.
"I loo clearly that the military estab
lishment of the t'nifed Htatee tnnst te
more extensive hernafter than It ha been
In fact, the standing army Lai long been
rather small lor safety. It ban not kept
pace with (he growth ol the country, I
have no doubt that tbe army will be
greatly increased (o mft tho n3w (!e
iiiHnitr. Of course, the navy MiouM be
K'lM'ly iricreakfiil. The manriiflrent re
cord of our navy In (he tipaniah aar
leavi-S no d on hi of Hie eltlciency c( that
arm of llio national defense. I have al
ways favored UUkI appropriations for
building ami eipifpftiiifj wur ves;ole. I
arc very good ieastis lor favoring such
ai tioti now, and am glad congress has
alruady shown a willingnesi lo put tha
American navy where it oiijjbt lo bo in
co up. i igon with tho ara power, of other
The uiatu r of coast defense should
Ui ba given more attention, tn short,
w T Id we h ips l j main'.aiu "n;ioea hie
re'.i. i jii 4 with tha world, we should not
bo at the nmcy of any nation at any
Indian War Veterans.
Following is lhe (all text of the senslc
jiim iiii-iiioi isl relative to Indian war
claims, which passed I lie hout-e iait Sst
iliiikj. "Uwnlved, II y tho stiiate, the bouse of
tcp'oeentklivus of lhe legislative urieui
bio i.l Oregon concurring."
' lo tlieOongrets ol the I nil,-.! StuiCB:
Wi-j jour iiieinorialihti, resHMtlu y ie
fcMMit Ihal, during the years I 17 ai d
ISIS, and from ISjU.lo IS.'j7, war ws
uiHile ii(kjii the whiU leltl rs vf lhe ltr
i i tt i it b of Oregon, "Washington, Idaho
and Northern Califiruia, which, thiTijib
kun'Aii us the CayuM) war ul IS 17 in d
IS I -laud the liogue liver tln-turbuiicts cl
I -ill, sy., island Hoi, and the Yaki
it. a and liugne river wars id loj
and l8.Tii, rei-peetively, was iu fact a io!
ti-t ve tll.irt nu lhe part of all the ludun
tiiiM. ul the Ntrih l'acilio eouit lo cxter-
miiiiHe tlie Amu icau eeiilemiiiis. I'm
it g t la-He tlaik days of the li'llo colony
on the enst, HOU men, wuueu and
chihlieii were liutally n.urdered by
these ludians. Tbc tsrritoiial cuthoii-
ties called out a vuluoletr lorce, w ho, in
llio main, furnMnxHAisar owu bore.
guns and ammunition. Tney were pot r
ly clad and often went without food.
' Forty and 50 years have come and
gone sinco these memorable druggies,
in which over 40J battles were fought
and the very esistcuce of the early set
tlers was threatened. All told, some
4000, of these brave pioneers were ut ote
time 0 auotber eulinted in defense cf
Ibis laud, and most ol theui have gone
to their lung home. Tuu remnant, a
relic of tho past, are aed and infiiir,
and tuauy of them poor and destitut ).
' ll is mott unjust that tbe va'.or and
sscriGces ol these veterans, blionlJ be un
recoguized by the general government,
while these who fought in other Indian
ware, have been paid as well as peneitn-
ed by the I'uited States.
"Therefore iu Ibe name of justice and
humanity, we plead for j tit t iioguilion
ol the services of these worthy veterans,
and we earnestly ak the honorable, the
speaker and memerdo( tbe house of rep-
i emulative of lhe United Stales, to pass
at the nest session of congress tbo bill
which passed the Uuited Slates senate
during tho second session ui the 55th con-
greea granting peuaiuas to lhe veterans
of lhe Indian ware above mentioned,
and of other Indian wars designated iu
said senate bill. Their claim is a just
one, uud appeals to every patriotic cili-
cn of America. This government uevtr
had more byal ciiizeus, truer, or more
heroic and Nobler defeudere than these
pioneers and veterans. Therefore belt
"Kesolved, That the secretary of state
bo instructed lo forward a copy of Ibis
memorial to our senators and represent
atives iu congress, with tho request, that
I hey use every honorable nieaus to se
cure tho passage of said senate bill."
Probably a Month Will Elapse Before
Warrants Are Issued.
ll will probably be a month before any
ol the members of tbe Oregon National
liiiard who were rejected last May uu ac
count of phytical delects, will receive
pay troiu llio statu lor auend.iuoo at
Camp Mckinley.
Tiie hill making an appropriation,
which panned. lhe legislature at the special
session, gives the National OuarJ IH)
days iu which toctr.ily tj HHiues aud
tiuie to tbo Lvcrutary ul stale. This cf-
llciul will draw u separate warrant for
ouch nun. Only those who bad been
muttered into Ibe Oregon Natioual
(.in a id will receive pay, Ibe voluuteers
who wore not uiembera ol o company,
not being toiiiiiiluri'd
Colonel l. ll. I' little, uiljiitunt-general
(or Oregon, will begin making out tho
rolls this week, and will send them
promptly to tho secretary of etatij but It
is altogether likely omt month will "lapse
before tho warrants can tie drawn.
It woul l ha well enough for all former
membere of tho National Guard, who
were rejected at Camp McKloley, lo
aond their poetofBce addresses to Colonel
1). 1). Tattle. Otherwise the secretary
of stale, will not know where lo mail the
How' This?
We offer One Hundred Dollars It ward
for any case of Catarrh that eaonot be
cured by Hall's Catarrh Care.
P. J. CHENEY A CO., Trope. Toledo. O.
We the undersigned have known F. J.
Cheney for tho last 15 vears, and believe
him perfectly honorable in all hns!nes
transactions and financially able to car
ry out any obligations made by their
West &. Traar, Wholesale Druggists,
Toledo, 0.
Walding, Klnnan & Marvin, Whole
sale Drnggiats, Toledo, Olio.
Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internal
ly, acting directly upon the blood and
uiocouB surface ol the system. Trice 75c
Iter liottle. Hold by all druggists. Test
tuoniala free.
Cam Bros, are the boss merchants.
Go bo the om;lea( for the beet cigars.
For a good 5-ccnt cigar call on Mrs.N.
County claims and warrants bought by
I. 8. West.
Hugs In inflnito variety al Alexander
fc Strong's.
Macaroni iu one pound cartoons al
Zigler's grocery.
!o j smoke? If m, gat the Arlie
cigar at Kruse & Sfcumbruoke, eole agents
10,000 men wanted at the IVjss Store
to select great bargains U'tore it is too
Tho only iie stove is the Jlridge .V
Ueech superior line. Churchill tVc Wuul-
ley sell t tie in .
At Oakland, T. L. Graves is authorised
to receive and rsceipt lor eutipcriptions lo
the TLMMlb'Alikll.
.1. ll. Mann at lis the best Hour in town
aud prices are, nil right, juaiity consid
A few iloien of ihoso Kentucky uiado
pants, substantial aud well made, no
shoddy. Also a few iIcmjii women'f,
men's, boys' and children's ehues, regu
lar wearers. llatn for sunshine and
shade, uudeiwear fur hot and cold
weather, and various other articles at
living prices, at U.C. Stanton's.
lr. V. S. Hamilton is the Secretary of
the Board of U . St Examining burgeons
for Tensions at Koecburg, and all com
munications should bo addressed to him.
W. S. Hamilton-. Secretary,
K. L. Mu.lkh, Tresident,
K. Dv Gas, Treasurer.
Uy tbe Board.
Tbe daylight ride along tbe Columbia
cannot be but interesting at this time of
the year. Passengers taking the Spo
kane Flyer, leaving the Union depot at
:45 p. ni. daily, get this vi.'w lasting
over five hours. But that is not all.
The O. Ii, & N. give through service to
Spokane, aud a diiect connection with
tbe train from Spokane to Kootenai
country. Talace sleepers and modern
coaches operated daily w ithout change.
To Spokane,
To Koeslaud,
To Talouee Town,
To Coeur d'Alene Towns,
To all Eastern Washington Tuints.
To all Northern Idaho Points,
Take the O. It. A N. Spokaue Flyer.
And Save Time.
Leave Union Depot Daily at - :4o p. in
V. C. London, Ageul,
Uoseburg, Oiegcn.
When an innocent
man is jailed by
mistake he prefers
to come out the
name way he went in.
H e niav break iail and h
raiiRht and put back agaiu.
He'd rather have tbe door un
locked and walk out and
Slav out.
A sick man ia u prisoner in
the jail of disease; be has gone
in by some door of carelessness
or neglect or irregular living;,
and he must unlock this same
door by careful, sensible habits
if he wants to be a free, well man again.
If dyspepsia ami biliousness or constipa
tion is the way lie got into disease, he has
got to overcome just those troubles before
be can gel out.
The majority of diseases begin with soma
double of the digestive organs or of the
liver, which prevents the supply of proper
nourishment to the system. The best
remedy for these tiouhles is Hr. Pierce's
Golden Medical Discovery, because it givea
the digestive and blood-making nigaus
power to assimilate food and tiansforui it
into pure, nourishing blood, vitalized with
an abundance of red corpuscles.
It acts directly upon the liver and gives
it capacity to filter all bilious iuipuiitirs
out of the circulation. It builds up solid,
muscular flesh and healthy nerve-force.
In obstinate constipation the "Discov
ery" should be used in conjunction with
Dr. Tierce's Pleasant Pellets, the most nat
ural and thoroughly scientific la native ever
devised. The " l'ellets " regulate and in
vigorate tho stomach, liver aud bowels.
One is a gentle laxative ; two act as a mild
' My w ile had suffered for seven yeurs w ith dys
pepsia, sick headache and coktiveuesti," writes
Mr. A loiuol). Jameson, ol 'Dutitmrton, Merrimat k
Co., N. II., "e tried tuiiiiy tloctuia aud many
kinds uf iiifdicine, but all were of no avail. We
iiurcliused six hollies of your ' Uoldeu Medial
liiscoverv,' whtrli together with the f leataut
I'ellels' has euliiclv icslored my wife's health,
and we canuul ky enough la thanks to you for
the. valuable, uediciucs."
l JT
t New Store !
Staple and Fancy
Country Produce Bought and Sold
Low Prices!
The C. I.
Jackson Street,
Opp. Review Building.
Fall and
Just Received
and More
Call and Examine our Mammoth stock.
The People's Store
I. ABRAHAM, Prop'r.
A complete line of
Dry Goods, Clothing, Boots Si Shoes,
Furnishing Goods, Hats, Caps, Capes, Jackets,
and a tine line of Millinery Goods.
Everything New, purchased for Cash direct from Eastern
manufacturers, especially for the Fall
Call and exaimiue Goods and Prices.
Health is Wealth !
Pure Fresh
Filled Accurately
And With Dispatch.
A Full Line of Patent Tledicines and
Toilet Preparations.
New Goods! t
Free Delivery J
K. Store,
Dry Goods,
Ladies' and Gents'
Furnishing Goods
Men's and
Children's Hats.
Coming s